the TRUTH about GRIMACE SHAKE (do NOT drink)

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it's 3am I am craving a Grimace shake so I'm gonna go get one ah yes why is there so many videos about the Grimace Shake no I kind of want one now get a Grimace Shake that's exactly what I'm gonna do did you know that I look like this apparently so let's just grab my tickets here it's it's three in the morning you know how it is you're laying in bed you really want to shake oh hey mother should I wake my mom up now let's just leave her there should I donate no I'm already gonna be spending all my allowance on the Grimace Shake how do I get out oh okay here we go wait no this is my closet give me my Jordans yeah I'm gonna need some Jordans if I want to get a straight oh my it's can I grab it can I go in the vent and be sus okay so I'm gonna go in the vent and be sus let's go in first person mode you know it's really difficult to find a Grimace shake they are sold out everywhere that's why wait what is this Among Us what imposter is this the Imposter from Among Us yes Paul okay let's not lose this time I will get my Grimace shake so let's grab my tickets once again and let's go out the door all right here we go so uh let's see if we can find a Grimace shake at my neighbor's house oh it's locked I shouldn't be banging on their door at three in the morning that is really rude oh a homeless person hello sir how are you hey kid what are you doing out this late it's way past your bedtime go away oh you silly homeless can I donate money to him he's poor anyway hello neighbor do you know how I can get a Grimace Shake there's a ladder in your backyard where does this go to perhaps I will find a Grimace shake at the top oh no I fell stop stupid oh if I hold shift I actually climb faster how high does this ladder go I can't even see the bottom anymore if there isn't a Grimace shake up here I'm gonna be uh really upset and oh is this a Heavenly being hello Abraham wait what died of first what what is that died of having no water this is not going well give me my money here you know I am going to wake up Mom Mother what what oh I'm sorry Mom what mom doesn't like being woken up well I mean who would at three in the morning I never thought getting a Grimace Shake would be this difficult mom please don't yell at me this time I'm going back outside wait no this isn't out let's make sure I didn't miss anything in here okay there's nothing else wait I can't I can't go back through the door I'm trapped Mom I'm trapped in the closet oh my gosh I'm stuck in the closet am I ever gonna get out okay well I have to reset all right do not go in the closet let's go this way the bum is not gonna help me I'm gonna go check this house here hello neighbor do you know where I can get a Grimace Shake it's three in the morning it's really hard okay this one's also locked and we have a red button on this building here so it's red I have to press it maybe it will dispense a Grimace shake for me how am I gonna get a group of shake hi friends I'm back in my bedroom let's grab the money and let's go outside again let's try not to summon Grimace he doesn't seem very friendly oh would you like to make a wish at the fountain no but I'd like to pee in it okay what would you like to wish for a Grimace shake or Godzilla Godzilla does sound fun so let's wish that was so loud oh my goodness what's he gonna do he's not doing anything he's just kind of standing here hello do I die if I touch him let's see oh yes Godzilla great choice okay well what was that five endings I will finally get the Grimace Shake I'm going to use this Fountain and wish for it what would you like to wish for a Grimace shake your wish has been granted did they did they finally get happy is it busting did I finally get the Grimace Shake Wait I want to see myself drinking it hello that is not satisfying enough for me so this time I am not gonna wish for anything at the well would you like to wish no okay so I'm safe let's go check my other neighbors see if any of these houses have something for me to do so this one's locked and what about this one no that neighbor is also being stingy hello neighbor can I come in oh I can go into the blue house it's a Grimace Shake wait before we touch it let's check these other rooms oh I can't go into any of these other rooms all right let's uh get the shake oh oh he's got a gun he's got a gun he's gonna I can't move I can't move I can't move oh no Swiper no swiping stealing is wrong like you have a Grimace Shake in the middle of your house what do you expect me to do these shakes are more valuable than gold let's go into this house it's also locked oh yeah I forgot I can Sprint let's go up here oh there's a green button let's step on it wow am I building am I playing Tycoon wait what hello why can I not move oh that's a nice house dude what what just happened stupid Tycoon I know what I'm doing this time I'm gonna run back to oh it's a big wait what why is Godzilla just invisible standing there stupid do not go on the right side of the wishing well got it but I'm gonna go into the McDonald's so let's go see what's in here is it busting hello oh do you have Grimace shakes for me why is he not wearing a McDonald's visor that's kind of suss uh before I order from him I'm just gonna look around I have a feeling that uh something sus is gonna happen something a moga suss all right there's nothing in here let's check hello what would you like nothing okay that didn't do anything so let's try again I would like a Grimace Shake only three dollars please I have ten dollars because I keep dying so let's buy one that's really big he says enjoy wait can I get more than one wait let's buy another one okay so I think I just bought two here give me wait what hello I dude can I just kick you in the head I can't get my Grimace Shake oh my gosh they're scamming McDonald's is a scam let's buy another one a stupid game okay let's get out of here there's a dumpster behind McDonald's let's go check what's going on back here we got some trash on the ground can I go into the dumpster can I investigate anything in here oh look at this there's a plink here here let's uh jump up then let's go this way oh we got something got something oh oh my gosh what's going on down there there's a Grimace Shake surrounded by a bunch of grimaces and the pentagram which is really evil never mess with uh these types of things children hello no come on hello bro what what were they doing oh I don't know I could hear my alarm going off it's time to wake up yes wait it's 10 p.m oh turn off I need to get my Grimace Shake I'm stuck in first person mode let me put on some clothes or wait what go go to the garage okay is this the garage no this is where I take a crap I think this must be oh okay look at that guy wait can I just go back to bed yeah I'm already tired I've been up for way too long good night oh I died in my sleep why do I keep dying I also have my mouse stuck on my uh window now it's really annoying me but anyway what is going on here let's interact with the painting hello oh it seems the character in the picture got banned on Roblox that's unfortunate yet nobody knows who that is freaking nerd anyway how do I get into the refrigerator no what about here is will I find a Grimace shaking here I don't need to open the door okay all right well here's the garage uh how do I open the garage door there we go oh man I forgot the car key way that was really loud like what's this medicine take some bro shut up with the garage sound oh my gosh okay get me into this stupid car how do I get in this is a European car I have to drive on the right side that's so stupid I have to find a car key all right where the heck did I put this thing is it up here in the closet no in the microwave maybe without in the oven no is it in this room dude the heck did I put that stupid car key I hate it when I lose my keys what about in the plant I did not put it in the plant is it in my closet no about my water I can't drink it here let's go back in here and oh so Dil I loved it here when I was taking a crap I could be so stupid sometimes all right let's get into this uh Stupid Car oh that's so loud dude okay where am I going do I do am I controlling this thing no I'm not controlling but you can see my credit card right on my dashboard who doesn't drive with their credit card on their dashboard oh welcome to McDonald's can I take your order sure I'd like to order Grimace Shake please what size uh I would like a large yeah see thank you give me a large please total comes to 469 that's actually cheap would you like anything else no thanks I don't want anything else just give me my uh Grimace Shake uh drive up to the payment to complete your order thank you this is the loudest car ever what is this I have to mute it oh my gosh hey here there we go that guy looks like he works at McDonald's how will you pay well I have this credit card right here so come on can I grab it hello wait what's happening please answer your card okay where do I put it hand your credit card to the staff okay hi here take the credit card please payment process here's your receipt anything else uh no just give me my Grimace Shake I've been up all night drive to the next window to receive your item enjoy your Grimace shake and have a great day I will now give me my grandma Shake the sun is already up for me trying all night and dying here's your grandma Shake enjoy wait where is it hello I don't see it where is it Dude where's my shake hello oh that come I can't wait to drink this drink the Grimace Shake okay I can't move I can only look around so I have no choice but to take it happy birthday Grimace oh yeah tastes so good oh man oh I got the normal ending nothing happened I'm not retrying oh finally I'm not sucking first person but I can go to McDonald's and actually see so let's head on through the the door and let's talk to the McDonald's worker here hello sir can I get a Grimace Shake Bob welcome to McDonald's how may I help you I want a Grimace Shake where is that I don't see it I don't know man are you sure you want that all right here it comes he says don't say I didn't warn you did I ask for your opinion just give me the stupid Shake trying to get one all night where do I get it do I have to go in the bathroom hello oh someone didn't flush the toilet that's gross oh I have the shake I have it yay I got the Grimace Shake final okay time to eat it wait I was lagging there for a second all right let's drink it uh yeah that's just yummy oh oh no hello anybody oh huh get up get up wake up they put something in the shake I was I was drugged get up quick get up you stupid clumsy idiot okay find them up wait hello Grimace is that you Grimace what's all this Blood on the floor what's it what what what grimace Grandma's place oh another kid just entered into the Grimace Dimension get up get up quick we gotta get away it's grimace oh my God he can hop through the forest he's a hopper okay okay here's skin oh my gosh the car it's burning a human alive wow those fire Graphics are actually really good I'm impressed bro where do we go how do we get away from Grimace we can Sprint with shift okay that's very good no Grimace please don't go back to me Grimace oh no oh grimace oh what are you doing little girl oh she died if you die in this game you die in real life trust me folks that's the fact come on Gotta Get Away gonna get across the bridge oh my goodness it's so scary can't believe the Grimace Shake I drank it ended up in this weird Dimension oh look a house can I uh go in the house and explore looks like a somewhere where a homeless person sleeps I mean technically they're not homeless if they stay here right yeah I don't know oh a lizard oh just kidding it's a skeleton probably the leftovers of a Grimace victim so what happens when you drink the shake what do I do here let's go find Grimace I've had it with this crazy world hey Grimace you don't scare me Grimace I think you can just kill me I don't think so look at this eyebrows actually really cool what are you gonna do Grimace oh wait why is this card uh move around like like hello this is like really weird I'm kind of confused so if I just touch you do I get to experience okay well don't touch him I lasted for three minutes apparently so I can actually be Grimace each part of the suit costs Robux and then you look like this this is what you look like when you spend real money awesome yeah let me take over please give me your stupid cap listen I'm just trying to have a Grimace Shake why is this difficult oh hello oh what was that tyler1 oh is this Grandma's Shake Heaven I have one out of eight Grimace shakes let's drink it fine like do I get to drink this shake without dying oh my gosh finally okay let me in here I go really fast oh someone just exploded how does that work we can't just keep drinking the shake oh I go slow Nitric I should probably be careful oh another Shake yeah oh what the heck is that oh my gosh please don't murder me go okay it's coming for me oh I'm lagging oh someone he just killed somebody he's a murderer he's actually a murderer that is very evil oh here we go wait what can you come in here okay he can't come in here so I'm safe in here oh he just despawned okay perfect let's go I'm going so slow okay so this makes you go fast for like 30 seconds and then when you're fast you can outrun the uh the Grimace my mission is to collect eight Grimace shakes that's cool I can take some home to my family and some friends if I had any all right come on where are some more shakes I only have two oh there's another one good so we got three out of eight and oh what's this a broken ladder I can climb it okay this is an Obby and I'm going like extra fast so I gotta be careful let's put the shake away even though it gives me light oh it's a key so get it oh my gosh I was at the end uh I got tricked by the stupid ledge or whatever let's try to get back there I have no idea how I'm gonna get back there oh a door okay that door is locked and you get the key from that hobby that I just died in let me rephrase what I just said I didn't die because of player skill I died because of a lag glitch hack it's very common in Roblox this means oh no please do not come in here oh no no no no no no no no please Grimace no Grimace I'm a friendly and jump Dodge him oh oh I'm a gamer actually professional gamer run oh my gosh okay which way where do I go where do I go he's still coming okay go go dude stop stop going stop taking so long to drink this stupid Shake just get out of here before The Vape good okay about to die though please I'll have to use some magical jump skills again show off my skill oh yes so pro at video games actually paid to play was it through here no it's locked because I need 50 keys to play the game please just let me get a oh Grandma Shake good number five I have found three locked doors so I won't be surprised if the shakes are in those doors oh look a blue key okay so there's gonna be three keys to find at least the Grimace Shake doesn't actually kill me in this game finally a game that allows you to enjoy it so here's the latter okay so here's the Obby we don't want to die okay that kid just died okay we don't want to die oh that kid just died why are obvious so hard for children under 12. it's one of the greatest mysteries of mankind it's not at the top and kick it we got the key and let's head back down oh maybe we should head up because I hear Grimace go away Grimace oh he just killed someone I wish I could have seen it it's funny don't come in here please just keep going yeah go chase that kid over there okay bye yeah kill add admin and he's dead that's awesome where the heck are these rooms I've been running around for like five minutes haven't found one yet okay which one is this is Blue Room yes he has six out of eight awesome and you know you guys cannot come in oh oh sorry yeah kill kill kill him please Grimes get these sassy kids away from me yes one of them's Dead uh oh this is a dead end oh no yeah get him okay oh no go away don't chase me I'm way too fast no Grimace please go away yeah go turn around and just kill those uh those children over there thank you okay one just died very good why do I keep ending up at the same dead end this is really annoying I feel like I've been trapped in the same spot for like 10 minutes I wish these games would give you a map would make my life a lot easier another stupid dead end this game is trash but at least I got to finally drink the Grimace Shake itty bitty puff shrooms shrooms
Channel: VitaminDelicious2
Views: 753,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimace shake
Id: SE5m9Z3CmgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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