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do you ever wake up in the morning and ask yourself I wish I could crap in a crazy toilet well that happens to me every day and today I get to crap in the scary toilet so let's get it oh wait it costs bow bucket I just started and already wants me to spend money to take a crap I'm going outside this looks like a fun toilet to crap in hey what's your name oh you also cost bobuck yeah that's a scam what's going on with this toilet here hello can I oh oh okay am I not allowed to take a crap oh whatever let's go somewhere else look we got like a golden toilet here oh did I just fail the easiest jump in the game and now I can't get it oh no the fence is open here all right so let's run inside and eat oh okay so I got my first toilet is it gonna be in this list somewhere oh look one oh okay so I'm like this uh super toilet let's do the jump scare okay what was that well I think we got like 50 toilets to find there's another golden toilet over here oh it's it's a cameraman oh we have to find the golden toys I'm starting to get it okay we just found this guy and oh is this okay so I guess there's monsters in this game well I kind of want them to kill me just to see the the jump scare here come here idiot poop on me wait are you not uh I don't think he's able to kill me I'm just jumping on him okay well let's go grab this a little space man toilet and then oh there we go I died what's this a camera drone 500 bow Buck I don't think so what the heck is coming out of this toilet wait stop moving is this a person I think this is a player hello that's disgusting I'm going over for this uh golden toilet here let's grab it looks like we got the SWAT toilet and then we have another one over here so let's grab it and Giga chat toilet is that what that is oh look we have a door oh let me in please grab that toilet that three-headed devil toilet yeah this must be a player hello oh he's jumping up there here let's go follow let's open wait what the heck hello oh I have to be far away from the button for it to work there we go um any toilet oh there's a toilet hiding back what the what what even was that oh look we got the uh detective toilet I'm kind of a detective is that a bad guy I think that's a bad guy so let's grab some toilets before I die long neck toilet idiot and then mentally ill toilet we have another toilet back here behind the barrel thank you wait come on hello why am I not able there we go sad toilet or whatever I need nothing back here um what's this tool I need a power source okay well let's grab that toilet go away stop leave me alone I'm gonna say oh is this the power source oh we got one power source let's attachers oh my gosh I'm such a gamer now I got an Obby or I just climb it all right unlock the purple suit toilet yeah I know nothing about skippity toilet or whatever it's called I've never watched any and there's a toilet hiding back here so let's get that yeah I refuse to ever watch them okay just don't ever ask me to do it and can I ride this get what am I getting the toilet family I don't want that they can die for all I care I just got another long neck toilet and then we have a toilet here dude I am owning here give me another one yeah look at that big brain toilet let's check the morphs so we have unlocked all of these here which really isn't a lot when you look at the list okay I have so many more to do can I jump up the sand no but I can go up here and grab the toilet very good and oh we got toilet hiding here who is that guy yeah again I've never watched any of this crap so I don't know what this meme's about I refuse oh I can go in the sewer okay we got toilets on both sides so here's one and we got like a spider toilet coming for me so I'm gonna run and I'm gonna grab this toilet wow nerd toilet awesome and then there's another toilet hiding over here looks like the ninja toilet and we have to run back towards the spider and it can't go in here I can um okay we just opened that let's grab this toilet a big uh teeth idiot in this toilet oh that's that guy we have a toilet on the ceiling okay I don't know what the heck I just unlock oh spider loser go yeah you kill him please he's stalking me oh no this might be tough ah jump yes okay see ya Let's go through here uh that's nothing it's just a stupid dead end what about here okay this looks good open oh hey vitamins Teddy what's up man I haven't seen you for a while all right we're going here there's a toilet the Amo gas toilet okay that's actually the best toil I've ever seen wait what did I just unlock hello I don't know I feel like I'm trapped down here let me out this guy's got a pickaxe I want that I think I'm stuck in here so let's try to teleport out let's go to the factory I guess oh here we are hello I'm sitting I think this is where we kind of started right yeah let's go to the camera Corp so let's open and I go Oh I thought that was gonna be like a shining radioactive toilet but it's not wait is this guy okay it was just like he's working on the servers does he kill me if I touch him no okay well toilet robots pack no I'm gonna grab the toilet in the corner we'll unlock the airplane toilet away oh I see one back here hold on we got the policeman toilet but oh there was a toilet in this Locker that's that's a good guess anyway let's check out the airplane toilet here this one oh can I actually fly or no I don't think so about the jump scare let's see hold on ready whoa okay anyway we're set we have a couple more toilets in this room how do I get over onto this thing well let's grab this toilet first thank you and then jump yay and we got oh it's it's that drastic what what did I just do did I just die I think I just died oh look at this toilet no stop trying to make me spend money oh this one oh well that one was just sitting here the whole time and I just I missed it all right back into this really cringe world uh we're gonna go up here and what's in here open thank you hello oh this is literally where you start we're gonna head over here and I'm gonna grab this toilet that gives us these scary granny toilet and then how about this one oh an alien toilet that's that's interesting all right let's jump down oh look at this this guy's just chilling in the in the water what's that a pizza man toilet I don't know maybe we have a bunch of Fallen rocks we jump over them we grab this toilet here and then we have another toilet oh is this a person or is this a bad guy who are you are you gonna kill me okay yeah I think that's just a person anyway let's continue over to toilet scrap here so let's grab this toilet got the Army toilet I don't know it looks like like a zombie of some sorts um yeah here we go toilet scrap let's grab this one who oh wait what a medieval doctor that's what said I don't know what that is but that looks like a camouflage toilet oh it says this Rambo well that's silly is this Grandpa yeah it literally says Grandpa toilet well I'm pretty good at guessing things oh I just got a pickaxe whoa look at this what do I use this for I don't know but let's grab the toilet what the heck is that a bum toilet oh it says homeless toilet yeah dude let me out stupid door oh he's trying to trap me never let me go anywhere oh toilet Dracula toilet what do I use the pickaxe for oh look there's a toilet up here how do I get you jump up here and then jump there we go gas mask toilet oh no it's a toilet pyro oh Pyro from uh Team Fortress 2. Yeah I know my video games anyway I really want to use this pickaxe oh fireman toilet yeah are these like Breaking Bad toilets I don't know but let's go in here thank you this looks like a really buff toilet yeah toilet buffed thank you who are you you have a really pretty uh bow tie on can I go in the elevator hello please no wait what's this disasters button destroy the city spawn big Dracula toilets which will turn the city into mush okay that sounds see this is what I should be spending bow Buck on it's only one dollar so let's do it and see what happens oh no I'm destroying the city uh oh what's gonna happen go away stupid pickaxe which where are they gonna come from um hello oh here they come oh no they're coming to destroy the city the giant Dracula toilets oh my gosh that kid's just running to his death he just wants to die he's not dying why vitamin I must this is my duty I want everybody to suffer oh good someone just died well I'm not gonna die because I'm a gamer I'm gonna run over here is this Rambo alive I think Rambo's alive I'm gonna grab this toilet and then I'm gonna grab this toilet uh oh they actually just joined the city wait is this gonna make it easier to get toilets because everything's just gonna be removed that might be the case okay let's go around them wait hello I can't go hello hello let me in thank you stupid invisible walls always ruining my gaming experience here we go look everything's destroyed so I can just walk in and grab all these toilets this is uh what Roblox should be spending hello invisible wall cringe let me have that toilet please oh my gosh it's not really destroying the city it's like fake destruction because I can't actually go through any of these gaps look at this this is just a scam why are the crosses upside down that's a sacrilegious that's demonic we don't like demons on this channel they're evil and bad we're going to the church here grab a one golden toilet it's got lots of guns there and then I'll pray the toilet no do not pray to toilets let's go to heaven okay we're here at heaven and I'm gonna enter into the Pearly Gates hello are you here to destroy me please don't I'm here to grab whatever this is cameraman holy was that the only thing here I want to make sure before I leave what happens if I touch you do I nothing I can just jump under him okay I'll see you later idiot your toilet Heaven is trash by the way I'm jumping off and I am falling forever and dead okay the city is no longer destroyed it's back to normal there's a toilet on top of this building that I really need to get but first let's get this toilet unlocked toilets culture all right how do I oh toilet dude that's an ugly one toilet big head yeah it said that's pretty big all right so it's time to climb up this thing and the toilet is right here I believe thank you let's jump down and there's the spider loser we gotta get up on top of this like this highway above me wait I see toilet thank you they're just making toilets up now all right let's run around this way I still need to get on top of that highway I don't know how but I see a toilet in this burned out car or Rusty whatever oh that's a fish fish toilet this guy's huge dude go away he's big and fast please don't touch me don't touch me let me get this toilet thank you the green hero toilet I have no idea what that means oh look there's a toilet up here so I gotta go find a ladder or or something to climb up there are you friendly uh I think so a lock toilet bacon excellent oh look here's the ladder all right so it'll start climbing up we're gonna grab this toilet first residential toilet he was really old just like our current president old and dumb all right let's climb up here and jump we see a toilet up on the top here grab that oh look at these two well there's the helicopter toilet but these two toilets we got to get on top of the factory I can see a little opening there so we'll go do that eventually but for now we want to uh jump up here and then over and grab the toilet oh it's the rock toilet wait no just said elbow guy dude why can I not climb this hello thank you finally and what's this one the toilet sniper oh wait we can keep going up so let's do that one more toilet bam the toilet ninja is a toy on the roof over here dude stop giving get me off that oh wait that was actually good I fell because now I found the toilet that is the toilet wizard I am kind of a toilet wizard after all oh there come on you stupid loser jump up there you go gosh stop being unathletic it's really cringe considering that I'm extremely athletic in real life I see a toilet down here so I'm gonna jump into this little alley and grab it was that the toilet skeleton and another one hiding here the toilet glitched that's interesting I see a toilet by the bus stop here this is the toilet funny face kinda like my face just kidding my face is beautiful what's this it's a new toilet nobody loves him that's not true I love noobs toilet.exe what what is that oh hello are you okay it's a spider toilet he's like stuck on the wall that's kind of crazy actually all right we gotta go up the ladder over here wait what where was I wasn't over here let me open this and then yeah right here okay so let's climb on up and then we got these toilets on top of these like pipe wait how do I claim this one this one has a ladder but the other one doesn't it's like got like the toilet Santa how do I get this one wait let's get this toilet first what is this oh it's a camera camera another cameraman toilet that's a pretty cool reward don't you think kids oh wait how do I okay so I actually don't understand how to get this toilet it's like a special way to jump up you know I'm not really sure I don't get it but I'm gonna run over here because I see a toilet on the roof it's upside down that'd be really weird to take a crap upside down have you ever done that before no you haven't that's weird you should try it sometime let's go get this toilet over here it's just over here by itself oh no that's a camera we've got another toilet camera all right so toilets only in in the toilet kindergarten hello toilet teacher this is a sad kid why why are you over here being sad don't be sad be happy wait there's a cameraman oh baby cameraman or something that's cool how do I go in here oh it just opens okay oh we've been here what about down here do I just die yeah that's that's called death oh I see a cameraman up on the building that you start oh and there's a toilet up there wait how do I get there I think I'm supposed to get there from uh this skyscraper so I'm gonna climb back up on top of this building and now from here let's try to make this jump okay I made it good and then jump over excellent grab the toilet and then grab the camera here there is a helicopter does Costco Buck is this the only way I can get the toilet on top of the factory over there I don't know if it is that would be a really cringe because that's totally pay to win should be illegal oh look there's a toilet by the club actually I don't think we've been in the club the way I go in the club there's is toilets only that's good they're not uh discriminating it's just hey if you're a toilet you can go to the club that's awesome and in the club we have a pla what what that's a plast line I don't know what that means and then we have another one back here is this like a bartender no that's just oh beautiful toy that's beautiful wait I see another E what's this what what did I just open I don't know but this is the smallest Club I've ever seen it's really cringe I'm leaving I think I just activated something in the factory okay what's this do I want to go down here yeah why not because it's just a sewer again yeah I'm stupid I just came back to the store oh yeah I still have a mining pick can you kill me please let's see what happens oh well that's not death here take me out come on thank you oh I still have my money pick even though I died let's go find out where to use it oh look at this the toilet shop can I get like this toilet here yes the toilet figure what about this golden toilet okay oh this spot I I want to actually morph into that right here we go oh yeah let's oh come here stupid kids yeah I'm a big golden spider toilet yeah die duh wait can I actually kill them that'd be so cool all right let's check out the jump scare ready oh my yeah that's okay elegant toilet tablet can I actually get these I really like this beer toilet looks so realistic wait imagine me with that beard you guys think would that be pretty Alpha I think so it'd be like very Giga chat Alpha the opposite of Creek craft where do I use this pickaxe you know what we haven't been I think we've been oh we forgot this toilet up here or this camera come here grab it grab it there finally another cameraman elevator all right we're going in the elevator whoa we're on top of the building or top floor a policeman toilet another toilet back here but now I see this ledge can I yes the window's broken drop down and look at that a nerd toilet because only nerds program anyway we have another toilet in the corner cargo guy exe I don't know what that means can I break windows with my pickaxe I don't think so well I'm gonna jump off bam okay so below me are these two uh massive toys oh look there's a toilet right here okay or a camera we gotta be really careful ready jump no get it I got it oh my gosh I was so lucky I thought I was gonna die but anyway let's try this sneak through here excuse me just kidding okay well we gotta go back up that building with that giant elevator I think that's the only way we can get behind them unless I can climb these boxes here and go around let's try this oh yeah okay so I think this is another way it absolutely is hey see you later idiots that's such a gamer all right grab that be it toilet injured oh no it's coming the bald-headed losers watch out everybody wait where do I oh I gotta go up on this building again I just saw that camera there and grab it oh there's a toilet in the toilet look it's jumping oh no it's another camera oh my gosh a camera woman that's crazy why why are women becoming camera I don't know and I still have no idea how to get this toilet on uh like the steam stack or whatever it is now where do I use the pickaxe that is the question and how many toilets do I have left I found a lot look at that I still have about 10 10 or 12 more I can just cheat and unlock it by spending money but I don't want to do that is that a pop cat okay I gotta find that scale into camera core open sesame thank you oh wait I've been here and I died there's a toilet on top of this building we gotta go climb up and get it there's also a porta potty let's go oh oh no party toilets we party all day there's two toilets and Nails grab them all right how do I leave Duff to teleport okay let's teleports go to the war zone see if I missed anything here we have the church oh look there's a toilet Up on the Roof oh toilet Angel happy awesome all right well we're getting closer and closer to finding every single toilet oh wait we still gotta go get the one on top of the building so come on start climbing and it's it's right over here it's literally right above my head how do we do this okay there we go look at that see a toilet across the way on the roof how do we get that I think we just got to climb this but I don't know how to get on top of that ledge oh wait we can jump onto the highway finally up here oh you just jump up that kid made it really easy he must be uh hacking because no one is better than me at Arby's but whatever anyway we grab that toilet that is the toilet weird man so now the toilets that are left are gonna be the not so obvious ones and where do I use the stupid pickaxe right here do I click the the ground no what about the wall no about this stuff do I mine are these like emeralds no oh my goodness I don't know where to mine maybe I'm supposed to smash a toilet in the face that'd be kind of cool oh headed losers please don't kill me okay well those guys are cringe oh I just found the toilet here how did I miss that one okay we got the toilet robot I have seven toilets left to find we know one of them's on top of the Smoke Stack did I ever go in here yesterday this is where I got the pickaxe do I use the pickaxe somewhere in here I cannot find it oh I just broke my pickaxe what was that oh toilet Emerald okay so I guess that's where you use the pickaxe I got away from all those kids stalking me ah they're so cringe imagine following a YouTuber for 20 minutes can you please go to bed anyway we have six left no idea where five of them are and there's no hints so what other disasters do we have we have the helicopter disaster all right so let's destroy everything and then maybe we'll see where the toilets are uh oh vitamins to the Horn of helicopters yes my pretties destroy the city I don't think they're doing a lot of damage they're not moving oh yes they are they're just moving really slowly dude knock over that smokestack place I can get that toilet see these in actions oh yeah bro knock over the Smoke Stack please I want to get that toilet oh there's a toilet over there okay so we see that uh we gotta get that one on the roof please destroy the children it's not actually destroyed as you can see I'm just walking on the club we got two toilets in this room so that's important any toilets over here that I missed I don't think so what about over here on the road that got destroyed somehow oh it must be uh this toilet here it's just diving into the ground what is your gold toilet and this torment that I'm putting myself through no that they can't destroy me but this big idiot's gonna destroy me so I should probably run look there's an underground base oh wait that's the sewer I've been there all right well the toilets are done destroying the world let's head into this building over here that I guess I missed somehow so it's open oh yeah look there's like four toilets here so let's grab this one the cameraman Soldier then we have the uh toilet TV and then another camera a camera mechanic let's open this that's just that we don't care we gotta get on the roof here so let's jump here then on to the light okay stop showing off kids you're not better than they stop showing off dude stop using hacks to lock my jump oh my gosh these these freaking kids they're they're always hacking and not letting me get up bro oh they're blocking dude okay finally they stop blocking give me well there's the pop cat oh no that's Beluga whatever how many do I have left too we got the spider and then whatever this is like the one-eyed uh the picture does not match whatever this thing is so if you buy that you're getting scammed we know one of them is on top of the the Smoke Stack over there you know what I got an idea come with me duck I need to jump on your head come on Doc gotta climb up the ladder I need to jump on you Mr duck just uh stand stand around here yeah good stand there okay good guys boost me up please guys stop hacking I think creecraft always in the way boost me up come on you guys need to be jumping please this isn't working come on boys yes I got it so now we have a one more the spider where the heck do we get the spider let's head back into the sewer maybe I missed one down here we have this room over here did I get everything here I don't know what that's just opened I found it yes it was in here oh my gosh the spider toy that we found all the skippity toilets oh gosh does this mean that skimpy toilets will finally leave Roblox forever it really helps up Mr duck you're really cute by the way get back here you fake lclc he's going into the club what are you doing Faker that is so fake you're not the real lclc uh but that's okay I'm not the real vitamin the real vitamin quit I stole his channel foreign [Music]
Channel: VitaminDeliciousTV
Views: 277,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tJyEJliq4bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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