Building HUGE MUSCLES to Get Girls in Roblox

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oh I'm a skinny sus if I want a girlfriend I need to get oh what's happening anyway if I want a girlfriend this holiday season I better build some muscles all right I got this dumbbell I'm just uh rapidly clicking I think I have enough strength for the barbell if I keep pressing two I can do this and this is what the ladies like to see imagine not wanting to be hey excuse me Matthew I'm trying to lift weights here now let's get back to building muscles this is how we get the girls a brawl is starting okay the bigger they are the harder they fall now here's another skinny sus who wants a piece of this hey come here I might be slow but I'm strong ow what a bully guess I gotta build these muscles get on the bench press here ah yeah when it gets tough just think about the girls that's the only reason why guys go to the gym oh what are you doing I'm trying to lift here I really need some steroids where do I get those tiny Island zero to 1000 string okay let's go here it looks like this is a safe Zone this gives me agility I don't even know what that does come on you wimp you're always he's sweating I really gotta build up that stamina girls like stamina tiny Rock what can I do with this can I punch it yeah building up the durability in my Knuckles and I just swim to these islands over here please no but I can just walk off the sand and die and look at this Loser come here I'm punching the balls yeah take that oh yeah I just kill them let's see if I can kill this loser too yeah yeah you know what I heard I think it could run away huh oh well I now have one KO and one evil karma don't mess with me where do I get pets that one's really sus hey don't oh why this guy's just going around Bowling everyone wow oh this guy is so big oh I don't even know what's happening I really need to get my strength up hey this guy's trying to fight me yeah come here you think you can fight me oh let's get on this bench press before they kill me no no it's coming back for me quick I think I'm hiding in his foot guys I just want to bench press leave me alone let me bench I need to get bigger or else the girls won't like me don't oh the barbells hit me in the head lifting Aura Unleashed no idea what that means but maybe girls will like it oh yeah look at me now you need 10 000 strength to rebirth he had a long way to go don't even think about a kid get things gonna fight me I'm stronger I get on kid anyway let's go uh to the squat rack here ah yeah I love floating while squatting oh this kid's coming back excuse me that son of a how do I get a big pet like that I'm Gonna Knock Out this skinny sus here yep okay that didn't work out well and I I don't know what just happened I spawned and I'm going to space Oh well this guy's foot's really big oh awesome so I can open the blue crystal with 1 000 diamonds I have three spins let's go give me a protein shake yeah I got it awesome okay can I drink it oh my gosh I got a thousand strength oh and I could do push-ups let's spin the wheel again give me the legendary I got an energy shake this time all right let's drink it now my last free Spin give me the ultra Shake please oh but I'll take the protein shake that's one thousand strength now look how big I am how do I grow my head I think I need steroids for that back on the treadmill I wish this would say what the different stats do I can't even hit this rock because I'm too big this guy's just knocking everybody out ah there oh yeah that's not a deadlift but okay oh I'm trying to deadlift dude I'm going to the legend Beach please just leave me alone oh and that little sus just one shot me I'm going to the boxing ring if I win I get 500 diamonds let's just do push-ups while I wait get some strength why are girls still rejecting me I got first place somehow I don't even know what I did that's awesome back to uh this fake deadlift here and that little skinny suss just one shot at me ah yeah this is making me really strong ooh 26 strength guys just let me bench press in peace please do not step on me this guy's so big I can only see his boot uh excuse me sir I really don't even know what's on my screen right now just gonna keep bench pressing oh I don't even know where that guy went got this green aura I don't know what that means but if it gets me a girlfriend then it's fine with me it's time to brawl again I really want to get 1 000 diamonds then this sussy buff boy will get a pet that I've been chosen to fight come here okay I just got destroyed well that was awkward I'm Gonna Keep brawling until I get a thousand gems it's my turn come here yeah get him how did I lose that oh I got first place somehow must be a sassy bug just gonna move my really slow body oh guys please I just I just want to open the egg oh I don't have to be so slow I'm never gonna make it to the egg this guy's just gonna keep smashing everyone see if I can sneak up on him and kill him hey don't be punching me kid yeah he's dead okay let's sneak up on this big boy here here we go speed him down yeah yeah come here big boy no don't do it don't do it no please walk faster okay open one what do I get wow really I get plus 25 damage let's rename him steroided freak now it filter steroid oh well cat I got more strength let's beat up this big boy come here one more should do it yeah I got him why do I move so slow just want to get to the legend Beach here oh the golden chest two thousand gems you jerk this person's just running around one shotting everyone I bet he's pay to win cringe I spawn next to the blue crystal open Quick no I died please still give me a good one blue bunny okay have enough for one more Crystal I made it open Quick give me the good one oh another stupid bunny guys please don't kill me I just want to hang out in this really fun beach okay here we go yeah yeah oh yeah look at me this is definitely gonna make me really strong girls love to see guys throw really big boulders oh I just got a new move the sit up gotta do some of these you need that six pack if you want a girlfriend don't kill me don't do it why you skinny sassy Loser come here oh hey the wind is so cringe just do some deadlifts before that skinny idiot kills me oh this idiot's gonna punch me isn't he why I really need to get 10 000 strength wait you think you're gonna punch me kid I will own you loser I hate how slow I am maybe the treadmill will make me faster My Pet's leveled up don't do it ow guys carrying a giant Russian flag hey stop let me run in peace yes stupid kid I really need to get 10 000 strength time to do some pull-ups don't do it why guys come on let me build my thick booty this skinny sus keeps coming for me I need to get to the legend Beach but everyone keeps killing me oh all these pay to win cringe are being so sassy don't even think about it kid oh all right I finally made it to the legend Beach hopefully all these idiots will leave me alone just let me squat in peace oh my God that guy is huge and a little bit of Boulder throwing I'm only halfway to 10 000 string that's the goal so I can rebirth I keep dying every five seconds so it's impossible I'm getting a lot of strength from the bench pressing these ones cost 3 000 gems I don't have enough all of this trouble just to get a girlfriend oh I've got the green aura again I have no idea what it does I just got a new move oh yeah look at that dude just just let me bench and pee only 3 000 more strength and then I can rebirth and when I rebirth I can enter this Blue Portal skip back to the bench press I'm getting pretty swole now it's only a matter of time until I uh get a girlfriend and this skinny idiot just killed me anyone comes close to me I'll hit you with the barbell I think I have enough strength for the next Boulder here yes I do oh man look how big that is still doesn't give me as much strength as the bench press though this guy's pet is unbelievably big just like my week's got the bench press to 10 000 strength and I'll make it into the next gym I just got a ground slam let's try the body slam this kid I don't think it oh okay now I killed him I'm almost at 10 000 strengths let a man lift in peace don't do it you freak don't do it those are my balls don't do it don't all I want is a girlfriend and all these jealous guys keep knocking me out finally made it back to my bench press I only need a thousand more strength and I can rebirth into a better man then I'll definitely get a girlfriend I did it ten thousand strength and I unlocked stomp come here yeah oh yeah kiddo now I can rebirth yeah yes again just gotta keep lifting some weights and I'll get some girls but ow who's that kid think he is I know I'm a skinny sus that's so I gotta lift some weights on this freaking music let's just turn it off uh yes and I'll be strong enough to get a girlfriend oh yeah I have access to this gym I forgot so let's go oh yeah baby time to get strong hey what's up Deez Nuts just need to use this bench please ah no come here you skinny kid oh I guess he's stronger than me oh whatever I'll stick to this one I can't wait to build a big chest I now have 150 strength I can move up to the next bench press let's go see if we can beat this guy up hey push-ups are for losers kid come here oh get out of here I'm way too strong for him let's get back onto the bench press uh yeah getting real strong now are there any girls watching me I want them to see me building muscle oh the lifting R is Unleashed I have no idea what that means maybe it's like pheromones and girls will come around oh yeah look how much bigger I'm getting that's gonna be no problem getting a girlfriend soon come here kid he's a little fast but I can catch up stop jumping come here oh there we go yeah how's that feel knocked out group rewards ready to collect uh yeah I'm not part of the group and I won't be joining what is this guy doing I actually have no idea what's good oh he's doing sit-ups I need a thousand strength in order to do pull-ups oh that's so annoying oh and I can't squat either how am I supposed to build my booty let's go back into the Frost gym hello Deez Nuts I'm back I get off my bench kid oh let's stick to this bench press for a while oh look I have three spins let's see what I can get yeah it can be the Epic protein shake oh basic bar I have two spins left let's do it again give me the protein shake yeah epic oh awesome and let's do it one more time give me the legendary please oh I'll take the rare that's okay I'm gonna go ahead and uh wait what hey why'd you do that kid anyway let's take the protein shake wow I'm just gonna use all my boots oh look I'm getting big now I have 1.7 000 string that means I can use the bench press in the frost gin let's just avoid these nuts he's gonna smack me and then that [Music] oh my God look at this huge cat that just joined oh it's a muscle Legend I'm just gonna avoid him let's try the frost gym one more time hopefully these nuts will avoid me no don't please I'm sorry oh it's huge wait let me let me collect this first freaky oh no it doesn't mean any harm don't do it please he's coming for me no so the goal is to get 15 000 strengths so I can rebirth again uh go away please happy dude oh wait now I can take him out knocked out what a loser oh can I deadlift yet uh yeah this isn't a deadlift at all but hey whatever as long as it gets me strong that's what I care about and don't even think about it happy dude come here oh one shot at me how do I get that strong oh I can do pull-ups uh yeah this is good what oh travel to frost gym okay wow my corpse went there okay this is bad everyone's just killing everybody no go away fine I'll fight you stupid okay that didn't go well I need to get faster I'm way too slow whatever workout equipment I spawn near that's what I'm going to use oh lifting our Unleashed well I finally get girls ow the biggest guy in the world just spawned on some oh he's gonna stop is it oh oh okay but I'm just gonna sit here and do push-ups until someone beats me up oh and there we go spawn next to the bench press let's get on it and he's probably gonna punch me oh he didn't oh wait yes he did this game is just people punching people here he comes to punch me in the wiener oh he chose not to he's letting me build muscles to get girls oh just kidding well since I spawn next to the deadlift let's go ahead and just kidding get it dead lift oh yeah I can squat please let me squat in peace I got that guy's huge that's gonna be the biggest player I've ever seen he's just stopping in that area oh he killed that guy over there please don't do it I'm just trying to do push-ups in peace what is going on there's so many big people I can't see anything there's two huge players just battling it out oh I just I can't see anything and I'm dead let me escape to the frost gym please hopefully these nuts is gone so let's get on the frost press please don't hurt me I was trying to get a girlfriend that's all I want just gonna stay on here until a sussy kid knocks me out my lifting ARA has been Unleashed my muscles are gonna start growing oh yeah I'm a beast ladies where are you let's go see what else this island has we got another Frost press here this must be for the bigger boys like me oh we got an egg here it's 5K to open one okay give me an epic oh I got a rare orange Pegasus that's cool it gives me three durability and two agility let's get back to bench pressing wait how do I even get more diamonds I forgot oh I think I have to go to the brawl am I strong enough to deadlift no I need 5 000 strength April starting let's go let's uh do some dead lifting while we wait all right here we go come here skinny he's so small I can't hit him oh okay tired of being so slow I need more agility maybe push-ups are better because I also get durability but I don't have any idea what it does dude why'd you do that just trying to do some push-ups this area is way too dangerous I gotta get to the frost gym bye oh another brawl so let's go I'm gonna keep doing the brawls because I get gems and if no one shows up I think I just get 750 by default so let's hope nobody comes oh no it's Deez Nuts okay come here yeah I'm not gonna win skip back on the frost press what does Deez Nuts think he's doing sir please I'm just trying to get a girlfriend I don't want to fight anymore oh no oh I got a new move now I get to build my abs girls love ABS these build both strength and Agility hey wait a minute is that Dodge oh and I have a thousand gems to collect from the gold chest thank you hey Dodge what are you doing with the rock I'll get on the boulder next to you Dad yeah look at us go wow dudes we're so strong yeah come on don't just stay here before the skinny sussies kill us oh you wanna do sit-ups okay we need a strong core Doge this is how we're gonna get a girlfriend hey go away don't do it no oh I was working out with Doge come on Doge come to the frost gym sometimes it's safer unless these nuts is here oh I have enough gems for another egg all right give me another good one and oh another orange Pegasus wow they look so cool all right back to bench pressing and I'm almost at 5 000 strength so let's quickly get some push-ups in oh is that you dodge yeah I'm just doing push-ups here though why are you such a skinny us now ah yeah look at me now girls who wouldn't want to be my girlfriend hello skinny sauce you're massive yeah I know eventually I'll be so strong all the girls will want me oh we're all starting let's go oh Doge looks like me and you will be fighting till then Doge you better get strong where are you Doge come here hey what happened I got evil karma I guess I won oh my gosh this guy's bench pressing it's so big his weights are hitting me in the head oh yeah I just learned a new move oh it's time to brawl time to meet your doom come here I'm gonna win this thing yeah yeah 20 gym easy who's next oh is it you don't oh look how skinny you are Knock You Out kid yeah come here come on don't stop moving I can't hit him oh oh first place yeah awesome and I now get this new move with the 6000 string hey ladies have you ever seen this before only someone really strong can do this move I even made it onto the billboard that's because I'm the best oh another brawl look at who we have here well Mr Doge seems we meet again and we've got a lot of contestants today oh I should probably stop lifting okay let's fight and it's over don't do it kid I'm having a peaceful workout oh there's so many bullies in this game ow guys please leave me alone let a man squat in peace now look those just won a brawl good job dudes what are you doing that's silly let's head back to the frost gym We'll see if I can use this treadmill over here no I need 2 000 agility that's cringe but I could use this uh bench press here oh a new move I've unlocked the ground slams it's time to give it a try oh well well what do we have going on down here oh no I I was just standing there I I wasn't gonna do anything those stupid kids let's go ground slam Doge hi Doge come to master hey where are you going come back here Doge I'm gonna ground slam you you can't get away from me here I go oh I got evil karma I don't care now I'm gonna work on some agility it's time to brawl let's hit him with this go oh I'm dead before I could even move well it's back to the treadmill and I'm dead but at least I'm a monster hey stop come here kid a ground slam you yeah get out loser so I'm back at the frost gym just doing some bench pressing I am a monster now so there should be some girls that like me no don't do it don't do it sir oh we're working out together I hope to be as big as you someday yes ladies and gentlemen I will soon have a girlfriend oh
Channel: VitaminDelicious2
Views: 291,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 73bGHOqDL0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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