I FINALLY Beat the ROGUE AI Champion 💪🏻

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it's once again time to curl for the girls storm wrestle simulator I haven't played for a couple of weeks we have some new stuff that I don't care about so let's go to the gym I believe this is where I am so I still have not defeated the Rogue AI wait did I beat the Ripper I can't remember let's turn on my auto clicker because it just makes oh it's not that I don't have it on it's okay it was still really easy to win okay here's my auto clicker let's set this to uh yeah two milliseconds sounds good and now let's fight the Rogue AI so come on auto clicker yeah I'm clicking okay you know I'm actually pretty strong but not strong enough to beat him so we'll come back says I need 834 billion to beat him I only have 53.2 and I almost won so let's claim my free gift look at that 100 uh strength that's trash and then we also have Quest what's this stay in game for 45 minutes or win 15 battles what's op Quest oh win 30 battles and then I get a huge wyvern I'll have to complete both quests that's a scam I'm just kidding it's not a scam but anyway I need to get my strength up what about rebirthing yeah that's not gonna happen for a while so let's equip the strongest dumbbell oh yeah this thing is massive I'm totally gonna get girls now but look we have a free Spin so let's do this and hope we get um the the mythical please or else it's a scam and that's a scam wait where are my pets bro none of them are equipped no wonder there we go oh yeah okay now I'm getting 19.5 5 million every single click still taking a while to get my strength up so that's why we have to uh oh yeah we have Auto Train actually so we'll just do that so what you do in this game is you literally just AFK for hours and hours and hours if you saw night Fox's new video I believe you AFK for like three days straight wait what's what's this is this magic enchant oh I can enchant a pet you get more wins or luck I don't really care about that but then you have to pay Robux to refresh it interesting enchantments cost rebirths that's just crazy getting 19.5 million every single rep let's go try um whatever this is this huge barbell how much do I get here 22.3 million yeah that's not worth it it's kind of kind of trash actually let's grab this thing here I don't know what this is like a little grip strengthener 24.5 million then we have the knuckle strength where I can uh punch this back here right yeah this gives me 11.1 million but you get it way quicker which is auditoring this yeah go go go okay we have another gift let's claim three wins thank you wait what's this black potion I have no idea what that is what do I do we have crates so how do I get arms I have no idea I also don't have any keys and then we have a league there's so much going on defeat a champion to unlock leaks wait can I just go back to the first area and beat this guy okay let's just beat this guy really quickly yeah you lose his arm isn't even in the frame okay so now I have a league yeah I unlock leagues so let's find a Target wait what oh sus okay let's fight him that should be way better than him right oh yeah you're getting absolutely destroyed kid I'm just so much better fight over you won what did I win I'm not sure but I moved up to 22nd Place in the whole entire world just kidding it's like a wooden I'm in oh I'm in the stone League yeah I don't know wait what's this a limited egg wait what the what did I just do I I like opened eight of them I don't even know what I opened and a Super Angel a pink flaming something let's see here a pink flamingo it's times 34 that's trash because my best pet is a times 800. there's also an evil overseer I think I got one of those which is right here it's a 105. that's actually pretty good if I make it gold it'll definitely be pretty strong or even big I also got this purple dragon here let's make these big big purple dragon 85.5 hey you know what these are actually kind of good they only cost one win to open okay might as well open a bunch of what if I got these like like the Super Angel one oh maybe there's none left so maybe it doesn't work yeah I don't really know I'm just gonna make these big because why not and then I'll delete everything else here that I'm not equipping all right let's open this up again give me the Super Angel please that's not it none of them are super let's do it again and oh I got an evil overseer but I'm not getting any of this like evil out I think this stuff you can no longer get that's my guess that says like one out of or maybe that's just the Rarity I have no idea but I have 79 million wins so I could technically open this forever and my season pass just leveled up what does that even mean let's check oh okay I'll I'll take all this thank you oh no I have to pay money for that trash all right come on give me uh the Super Angel that's not it but another evil overseer is pretty good and I can make two big evil overs here so I'm just gonna keep opening this egg until I can get a big golden evil overseer oh look at something good deleting that tiger immediately all right come on let's open this egg give me the super angel please and lag come on stop like the game's actually broken now it's just not showing the eggs anymore really cool so I'm gonna rejoin okay I'm back let's try this again dude these are some huge pets this uh person has bro I can't see stupid okay let's just try this okay good it's working again and um trash I can now make a huge big pink flamingos so let's do that I'm going to make a bunch of them and then we're gonna go make them gold so I'm pretty much Gonna Be At This egg for a very long time I can see why night Fox was playing for like five days straight look at this huge evil over series at times 210 so he's definitely one of my best pets now oh yeah look how massive he is just like my arms look at these things oh yeah girls just love huge muscles all right let's open some more eggs here and all that's trash I'm Gonna Stop opening the pink flamigo I don't want that anymore I want the Super Angel here it is and that's not it come on Super Angel bro at least give me an evil owl at some point no it's not doing it I mean it does say it's one out of uh ten thousand oh I got two evil overseers that's good and I'm out of storage already alright it's time to make some gold we're gonna do the huge purple dragon so let's craft it wow and now we're gonna do the pink flamingo so how good are they well the purple dragon's pretty good but the golden pink flamingo is not so I'm going to delete it wait maybe I'll save it because I think there's yeah this purple this void maybe I can make it void I think I have to get to the next area first come on stupid uh Rogue AI I really need to beat him and get out of here bro I'm getting closer oh yes I'm actually gonna be strong enough it's just uh it's just taking a really long time come on clicker hurry up and beat this stupid robot come on you can do it you yeah 7.5 million wins I can finally leave this area all right Let's Escape the gym and now we're at what is this yeah so I think I'm at the beach all right so we have yeah look this looks like a void machine to me so let's check it out we have the pink flamingo it's gonna take five hours oh my gosh I guess I'll do the ninja parrot why not let's put them in there but can I craft all of them oh I can craft more than one at once okay so might as well do the ones that aren't equipped but what if the pets here are already way better than what I have all right let's try give me this Crimson this looks really good we'll open one and it didn't even do the opening animation guess we're just not doing that anymore okay come on give me a crimson please ooh pinky epic okay this is actually weird oh poison that's the seven percenter but I want the Crimson please I kind of like there's no animations I could just keep doing this ooh sour legendary all right come on I'm gonna open all eight I don't carry more I'm uh wait I spent all my wins and I didn't get to see what I opened scammy game it'll get more arms oh this is silly okay let's check my pets how is this poison is a 108. so it's actually not even good enough to be equipped on my team it is the worst egg so it's okay I can open one more that's a scam oh wait I made the poison big it's now on my team with a 162x so it's actually pretty good so let's go battle the cocoa nut since I need 2.4 trillion well okay I don't think I'm even close to that yeah I got absolutely obliterated so it's time to train I can already equip the best dumbbell I don't know I guess that's interesting I'm now getting 127 million what about hand strength is it the same way yeah I can equip the best one 134.7 million and then what about this that's 50 million every single punch that's pretty good all right what I'm gonna do is Auto Train hands because it's the lowest out of all of them and this is really slow bro can you train faster please maybe I just run my auto clicker it's better wait can I go to this Atlantis World leaves in three weeks oh my gosh I can go here there's a Poseidon and we have like a pull-up machine and what the heck can I go on here I'm I'm not strong enough what about this one no about this one oh oh this is a whole new world I got zero on everything okay that's interesting what about biceps all right so my biceps are going up it's not saying how much I'm getting every single rep is this where I get arms oh my gosh are these arms what is this oh no these are eggs wait how do I get diamonds oh my gosh this whole area is just crazy it's only here for three weeks and then we have rocks we punch these this gets our knuckle strength up what about this we'll hit this one yet yeah hit this one uh yeah we're leveling up so quickly I can already hit this one but I need 400 million to hit the the final one that's easy because I just hit it now I can uh knock this mine out oh my gosh I should be doing this event the frost egg every time you defeat the Ripper dock you get an egg all right Atlantis it's been fun but um yeah I want some Frost eggs because even this Frost tiger is a 165 and that's really strong so I'm just gonna AFK and fight this Ripper dog and then we'll open a bunch of these eggs when I come back all right so I've been fighting this guy for uh quite some time and I have oh 338 Frost eggs okay well uh let's claim it's not doing the animation but I got a frost dog that's the five percenter did I buy this uh times eight open I think I did yeah I did but I still can't see the animation so we're just gonna have to open a bunch of them doing it this way and then once my inventory is full we'll see what I got all right we're done opening them please give me this Frost Dominus if you don't you're a scam so let's check and oh we got a frost jellyfish 1200 that's really good definitely my strongest pet by far now it's an Omega how big is it where is I don't even see it there's too many oh my gosh this is right here it's so pretty and then we got a bunch of these Frost Tigers which are really strong so we definitely want to make these into a big here I can make three of them now I got three of them equipped dude my team's actually really good now and then look at all these Frost elephants oh my goodness and then all these Frost dogs okay well it's time to make these big I only have 209 of them oh my gosh I finally crafted all of them took forever but now I have to make them into a huge so I'm gonna do that now and now with all my huge Frost dogs I gotta go make them golden so here we go five at a time I should get three or four of them I now have five huge golden Frost dogs are they strong enough to be in my team well three of them are but now I gotta do the Frost elephants it's gonna take a while so I did the same thing with the frost elephants and now I have three of them equipped so this is now my team but if I spend more bow Buck I can equip two more so let's do that every video I'll add two more pets to my team I don't want to spend a lot of boba because it's kind of cringe and now with that I can add two more Frost dogs to my team now I'm getting 33.4 million every single rep that's a big upgrade because I was at 20 million before I opened any of these eggs we got the 0.5 percent that's actually really good all right let's get out of this stupid gym can I be anyone here that is the real test what is this the coconut am I good enough for him yet come on auto clicker go go dude I'm still not strong enough the stupid broken game that wants me to AFK for hours like night Fox but I'm not gonna do that instead I'm going to craft all of these goldens that I just got so it's been a few days and I see a buff Edge hey man those are some amazing looking abs and you have 4.7 trillion strength that's kind of cringe just kidding he's really good of the game and let's head over to the avoid machine it's time to pick up my void pets oh yeah look at this let's claim them all it was definitely a good idea to put all my good pets in there while I was gone so to quit the best oh yeah these Frost elephants have a 340 power that's crazy so now I'm just way stronger I was at like 300 million per rep now I'm at 524 and I have a free Spin so let's do it give me the point one percent pet or are you a scam bro stupid scam it's a scam okay hey can I uh beat this Coco loser before I do let's just claim all this thank you I don't care what's this trash that's not it all right coconut it's time to turn on my auto clicker go oh yeah way stronger oh I got a rest key oh yeah finally wait wait I have eight gold keys nine Silver Keys 52 wait what why do I have 52 rust keys and I have five rust uh crates okay well let's just do it I don't know what just happened there's no animation nothing do I have arms now okay so now I have arms I have this five percent arm and then I got this this rare rainbow arm okay let's equip it now I have a rainbow arm okay so how do I actually get crates that is the new question especially a gold crate but let's beat the coconut guy one more time and see what happens Here We Go Go Auto clicker tap tap tap eating with the rainbow arm now let's check this again okay so that gave me I don't know what it gave me like I said it's been a few days since I've played let's head into the Atlantis world it's gonna be leaving soon uh let's go see how strong the scuba diver is oh wait I'm gonna lose because it uses the power that you have from here yeah there's just no chance even with auto clicking that's okay let's get my hand strength okay am I strong enough for the next one already I'm at 338 million um no but I can equip this one dude I I don't understand these numbers up here just just don't make a lot of sense that's okay we're just going to keep going and equipping I'm already at 11 billion answering dude it's just going up super fast I don't understand this is just a new world I have a rainbow arm I need 58 million diamonds to open this crate and I have zero oh it's just so much craziness I quit the best one yet no not yet let's do this one a better question can I beat the scuba diver Here We Go Auto clicker no not quite says I need 169 billion to uh fight him I'm only at 50 billion I'm gonna max out on all of the equipment my at the last okay almost at the last one my strength is going up by 1 billion every single rep it's quasey but look at all this season stuff can I claim this season 2 egg oh I can and all that oh I got a guardian legendary summer dude is that a good pet let's see I can't find him oh here he is he's a 350. yeah he's definitely strong enough to be on my team look at that can I finally use this last dude come on really I need 125 billion I'm at 100 billion right now and now I'm at 132 billion okay I can finally equip the best hand strengthener there we go well I'm also at 178 billion so I can definitely be um this guy now so let's find him time for you to die sir oh yeah give me some diamonds now please I want them really badly my rainbow arm deserves it I only get plus four I need 58 million to open I need 15 000 just to open the first hey oh my gosh that's crazy okay you know what let's equip the strongest dumbbell here we go how much do I need for the stone guardian that this is important it says one trillion I'm only at 195 billion so there's just no chance my rainbow arm gets destroyed so I'm gonna lift this dumbbell for a while I'm only at 200 billion come on man it's time to get lifting I need 112 billion just to get the strongest dumbbell I'm only at 19 billion so this is going to take a little bit but my rainbow arm will get there it's I only lift with my right arm by the way I don't care about my left arm I just gonna hide it from the girls I can equip the second to last dumbbell so getting closer I'm so close and 112 billion all right can now equip the best dumbbell uh yeah this thing is just massive just like my brain all right let's see if I can defeat this stupid rock oh wait no I forgot he's got one trillion there's just no way oh ow my rainbow arm ow so this world's kind of cool but uh yeah we'll come back later I need a better pet so we're gonna go back to the beach and what we're gonna do is we're gonna spend 125 million wins on the treasure egg we really want um actually anything here is probably gonna be my strongest pet so I just gotta kelp legendary that's this one let's buy another one oh yeah okay that's garbage and I cannot buy any more so how good is the cow oh here's the kelp it's 110x it's actually garbage then we have the coins on it dude you know what so that's a total waste I just did equip best and you can see that they're nowhere to be found oh my gosh I can't believe how bad that pet is you know what it doesn't make any sense I think I have some fighting to do can I even uh beat this fat pirate or am I actually weak since I need 1.6 trillion I am definitely not strong enough hey Mr coconut I need some wins please come on uh yeah 18.7 million wins and I get a rust key but what about the crates how do I get these someone tell me in the comments because I really don't know all right folks well I got a lot of work to do as you can see I can't even beat the fat pirate but in the next video I want to at least beat the Kraken boss or maybe I go to Atlantis and beat Poseidon but I got three weeks to do that I got plenty of time let me know how to get more of these crates because I need like a gold crate where do I get that oh buff don't I just don't know anything do you like my rainbow arm buff though this isn't like so cool foreign
Channel: VitaminDelicious2
Views: 117,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: broX6bPM45Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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