Robert Kiyosaki: How the Rich Choose Friends

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one of the challenges that I think a lot of entrepreneurs face especially young entrepreneurs and especially nomads capitalist entrepreneurs who are living as global citizens is how to choose the right friends the friends that we have dictate the growth the success the mindset that we have we are who we're surrounded with and so when I found an article recently by Robert Kiyosaki and how to choose friends to be successful I loved it and I wanted to share with you some of the key points as well as some of my own experiences will do that in this video [Music] hey guys I'm Andrew Henderson from Nomad capitalist calm and it's true I've been running my own businesses doing things on my own for about 16 years now ever since that was nineteen years old and there are times that can be lonely there are times when you're not sure who to have as your friend and you know what's was interesting is the more success we become the harder it gets and I've had the privilege to to work with folks who have you know ultra-high net worths in the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars even occasionally in the billions of dollars and as they say it's lonely the top what I want to share with you in this video are some insights from Robert Kiyosaki of course here at the book Rich Dad Poor Dad and many others and he's really one of the people who I think popularized and really introduced this concept that there are you know the people who are who come from wealth and who surround themselves with wealth they think differently they act differently the people who are from the middle class or from the lower class this is not designed to to pick on anyone but there is a truth that when you have the right mindset and you have the right environment that is gonna go a long way in promoting you and so that's one of the reasons why I asked Robert Kiyosaki to speak at our upcoming conference Nomad capitals live he'll be there speaking to you and sharing some of these principles and answering some questions about this stuff but let's talk about this the the words that mister Kiyosaki use is birds of a feather you've heard that phrase birds of a feather flock together you've also heard the phrase your network is your net worth birds of a feather okay the point is if you associate with people who are not successful and really in this day and age it is easier than ever to be successful you know we have folks who we help who are from from Morocco from Egypt from from all over the world really we mostly work with folks from the Western world but we get folks who are from all over the place and some of these guys they've built multi-million dollar businesses from a laptop you know it's easier than ever be successful success is a choice in birds of a feather flock together if you choose to associate the people who are not successful you're gonna have a very hard time being successful and certainly being more successful and so what's interesting is you know they're people that I am have acquaintance ships with who all talk to her once in a while you know how's life and it's always interesting hearing the different perspective from people who have not invested in themselves who don't invest in mentoring don't invest in coaching don't invest in in growing their self-awareness don't learn new things there does that they're trying to you know sell stuff and they'll say yeah yeah man you know it's so hard to to keep you know clients for $500 a month or hey man you know like wow like a thousand dollars like that's a lot now I'm eternally criticized anyone at any any point in their journey because you know we've all had to go through a point where you know $1,000 was a lot of money I can tell you a long you know early on of my business career I was very cautious about spending $1,000 that said it's also part of what helped me back because I was too cautious for too long and so what's interesting is when I started hanging around people who were you know joining mentorship societies for $70,000 at a you know a year a lot of people including myself many years ago would say oh that's what suckers do paying seventy thousand dollars to learn some stuff well when I started hanging around those people and I started seeing how it was working I eventually you know started doing it myself and eventually started you know investing sometimes in a lot of money into mentorship and learning new stuff and I became far more successful that time I got to the next level and so shifting people that you associate with is very important what Robert Kiyosaki also talks about is you want to learn how to do things for yourself you want to invest in knowledge and one story that he tells is says he has several friends who multi billion dollar net worths and so you can imagine I mean they have people coming to them all the time pitching them stuff asking them for stuff and he says you know you know they tell me he says almost no one ever comes to them and says hey tell me how you did it they come and say hey can I have a loan or can you just give me some money or can I have a job now you know getting started is the most important thing and so you may not have you know thirty five thousand dollars that I once invested in in mentorship to get to the next level that from matically helped me but you know what you can do we also had a very young gentleman who reached that when we had our first conference our first ever conference he emailed me we didn't really have much of a team back then I think I had like one part-time assistant because it wasn't really a business at that point and he said hey you know I'm really young guy I'm like in my my late teens he was like eighteen years old he said like you tell me what you want me to do like I'll run your website like I'll get you people to sell tickets like I'll go like whatever you know and I said okay you know I'm a guy who knocked on doors from eight years old I respect the hustle and I said all right you know come on up to our first conference as always in Las Vegas I said come on up and we'll put you to work and he learned by being around people who were a far higher level then he would have associated with just you know hanging out in his hometown you get to hang with the attendees we had Peter Schiff at that first conference we had a lot of other really successful speakers we had myself we had a good friend of mine who's was an expert you know marketing and messaging person and he got to be around these people absorb their knowledge by volunteering to help and so if you're not already successful you know if you're not already having some income and you're just starting out that's one way to do it how many people reach out to to Robert Kiyosaki's billionaire friends or even reach out to Nomad capitalists and say hey you know can you do something for me right you know how do you make how do you make it worthwhile to the other person how do you add value to get in and and to add knowledge if it's not you know investing in a high level it could be giving in a high level and getting in and surrounding yourself of people and making friends in those environments and so the number-one rule of what Robert Kiyosaki talked about let me get to a few points here the number one thing he talked about was to friends based on what you can learn okay just cuz someone has a lot of money doesn't necessarily mean anything choose friends based on what you can learn you want to be constantly learning you want to be constantly growing you know it's the old saying if you are the smartest person in the room you're in the wrong room I've seen and I used to be this way and I see sometimes people now doing it where there's an ego around like wanted to be smart wanting to get your opinion out there you know wanting to be intelligent obviously you know when I'm hosting a group of folks and we're talking about real estate in some far-flung country maybe I'm in the wrong room because I'm I'm teaching people but generally you know when it's not me teaching people I wouldn't be going out and learning things from people and so you want to have friends based on what you can learn from them it's not a one-way street obviously you know you should be sharing things as well but you want to be expanding your knowledge you want to be expanding your experiences and you want to be expanding your mindset okay instead it's exactly what he said you know go to people and say you know how did you do it what did you do that I can apply myself that's rule number one rule number two is don't associate with friends who live in fear one particular story he told that I kind of chuckle that was he talked about how he told a friend of his that he's making sixteen percent interest but what I when I thought was since he lives in Arizona where were state taxes he said that the government pays me sixteen percent interest he says it's worth been working for me for years and meanwhile his friend is going investing and stuff it's much more conservative out of fear now you know I don't think there's anything wrong with investing in something conservative you know putting your money to term deposit for example now probably not a great value in putting your money into term deposit in the United States where you are in half a percent you know I might choose to go to an emerging market that I feel comfortable with and make four or five or six percent I don't think there's anything wrong with having some of your money and stuff like that and then some of it in things that are a bit higher earning but the point that he was making was if people around you are fearful you're going to a problem this is one thing I see consistently when people come to us for help and especially when I'm meeting people that we're working with in person they'll come and they'll meet me in a certain place and I'll you know how is the flight in blah blah and it'll say hey you know do you tell everybody that you're that you're here you tell your friends and family and what if increasingly heard is no I didn't bother nobody even knows where I am right now because they don't get it because you know what happens is people get into this stuff they get into the Nomad capitalist stuff of banking and investing and living overseas and they they get excited right whenever you learn something new you want to go tell everybody you know we've all done that and they'll go tell their friends too like you're moving to where you're going to Malaysia you're gonna killed and they've learned is they've just said you know I just I just stopped talking about it because my friends and family live in fear right even here people watch our stuff and they'll say you invested in Cambodia you're an idiot okay I'll put my results up against anyone right but if you surround yourself of people who live in fear then you're gonna be dragged down into fear one of the things that I've dealt with in in past years is self-doubt and it's it's a big issue I think for a lot of entrepreneurs and a lot of people who are successful is if you allow yourself to be surrounded by people who are perhaps jealous of you or who want something or whatever the case may be or they're just they're just not clear on their own path they might say things that will cause you to doubt yourself and if you're not totally solid and where you're going that's gonna drag you down okay you have to know where you're going if to be confident yourself you have to be confident that you're doing the right thing that's especially true when it comes to this nomadic capitalist stuff because very few people around you perhaps even none of your friends are gonna understand why you'd want to live in Malaysia they're not gonna understand why you want to travel the world they're not going to understand why you want a second passport after all you only live and were born in the best country that God ever shined upon why would you ever want to leave Tennessee right why would you never want to leave Australia so people aren't gonna get it and you know what the reason is deep down they're afraid beneath the anger beneath the rational quote/unquote arguments is a fear a fear that if they leave something's gonna happen to them there lose a lot of money whatever even though haven't seen you haven't seen any news articles but everyone in Singapore losing all of their money because they put in the bank you know but if your friends live in fear they're eventually gonna drag you down with them it's one that I've dealt with and people who live in fear and people who instilled self-doubt and it hampered me from being at my full potential at times point number 3 from mr. Kiyosaki's article was don't be friends the people who want to change you you know certainly we can have honest disagreements with friends and I've had friends for 10 and in one case 15 years they live in the United States they don't plan to leave the United States they don't entirely get it but they've seen me doing what I'm doing and by the way the longer that I've been out of the United States I'm saying gave up my citizenship and I'm pretty intensely doing something different than what they're doing but the more they've seen me doing it the more they respect it because they are the rare good friends who we can have honest disagreements on certain things and we can make different lifestyle decisions but if people are trying to change you if people are trying to shame you if people are trying to bring that self-doubt into perspective and and they want you to be like them in order to be your friend that's a problem point number four is if you have friends who want you to be more like them in this sense of only spending money on experiences only spending your money on stuff okay people who can't delay gratification if you're surrounded by those folks there's gonna be a peer pressure on you to keep up this is the keeping up with the Joneses and I've told this story so many times that you know the guy in in Denmark who says has friends who make 300 thousand euros a year and they save zero because they drive the nice car to go in the nice vacations they live in a nice house in the right neighborhood now let me be clear you know talking to 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs particularly when you keep more of your own money and you go offshore and you you know you're not paying 50 percent tax anymore yeah it's okay to go and invest in something that you like for lifestyle reasons go out and rent us it's car for a day a driver on the racetrack go buy a pair of Gucci sneakers go take a nice trip okay but you know in my case I'm saving the vast majority of my income investing that into various channels I spend very little even though I spend more than most people so I don't want the 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs to think you know you have to constantly delay gratification those of us who grew up in what I call the Protestant work ethic homes where it's you know keep work and keep working keep working sometimes you need to go out and you need some gratification you need to enjoy what you're doing and that just squirrel it all away you can eat avocado toast even if it costs more than 22 cents it's okay I mean you're doing all right for yourself but what you don't want to do is be surrounded by folks who want you to spend your last dollar or even worse go into debt to go on a cruise with them okay it's me a hard time telling those folks no and so more importantly even than the fact that you're going to debt you're not saving anything is that you're building the wrong habits you're building the wrong mindset being Iran those people okay because you are not teaching yourself how to delay gratification what I love about the Nomad capitalist lifestyle is that not only when you dramatically reduce the taxes on your business and you keep more of your money do you get more motivated to go ahead and work harder because no longer are you giving 52 cents in every dollar to the government that wastes it and you can put it back into your own business and create opportunities okay so you'll make more by going offshore but not only that once you are personally offshore and you're not in my my Denmark example you're not in that kind of situation you no longer have to live in the right neighborhood do you know where I live wherever I go wherever I want and I don't care what the local people are saying oh this is the trendy neighborhood right looking at properties in Belgrade Serbia right now you know the wealthiest people live in a neighborhood called daddy Nia I don't want to live in 2d Nia I don't wanna have a car I want to walk where I'm going I don't want to live in this neighborhood and because I'm not you know immersed in the local culture I'd have to worry about it I just do what I want if I don't want a car I don't buy a car now you could buy a car if you wanted to I choose not to right I don't have to send my kids to the right school I don't have to go vacation to the right Resort in the right place that's not what I want to do in the cost more than I want to spend because John and Kathy and Tim and Jenna here going there and I have to keep up with them and so the cool thing about the Nomad capitalist lifestyle is this keeping up with the Joneses this peer pressure gets reduced because you don't live in an environment like that anymore you're living with people who are much more intentional and so that would be what I would add to Robert Kiyosaki's tips for finding friends find people who are living intentionally okay you don't want to be around people for whom you know oh god it's Monday thank God it's Friday you don't want to be around people who are just you know they always you know they have these these these ideas in their mind that you know you always have a mortgage you always have a car payment the little guy can't get ahead you know our people you know can't become successful you know it's Dave Ramsey says wealth is weird it's uncommon it's unique being successful it's not a common trait and so the key is having friends in your life who are intentional so those are Robert Kiyosaki's tips you can read his article you can see him at Nomad capitalist live what tips on finding good friends do you have leave a comment below tell us your tips I want to hear from you how can nomad capitalist help you four ways number one subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of nomad - capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomadic capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and I you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference Nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a burning issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or build the Nomad capitalist lifestyle of your dreams go to Nomad capless calm and click on become a client
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 39,811
Rating: 4.8757491 out of 5
Keywords: how to get second passport, conference for nomads, how to move to a tax haven, second citizenship by investment, second passport, citizenship by descent, tax expert, robert kiyosaki lecture, robert kiyosaki, robert kiyosaki rich dad poor dad, robert kiyosaki interview, robert kiyosaki lessons, robert kiyosaki how to pay less tax, robert kiyosaki how to become a millionaire, robert kiyosaki how to make money, robert kiyosaki advice on investment, robert kiyosaki live
Id: 1kxHQKvgQ6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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