Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad Capitalism, Trump, and Freedom

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i understand warfare i fight for freedom you want to be a socialist you want to be a transvestite you want to be gay or guy you want to be you hate this that's fine that's freedom just don't take my freedoms away [Music] from the sold out nomad capitalist live pleasure to be joined by mr robert kiyosaki thank you for being here sir it is my honor and i want to apologize to the camera i'm late i'm never late i'm a u.s marine but i have met more interesting people in a half day than i've met in a year and so nomad capitalist you know it fits my whole ml my whole beingness but to hang out with like-minded people it's been stipulating so i really want to thank but that's why i was late i was sitting down by the pool and i'm talking to all these people and they're the most meaningful conversations because i'm not afraid of saying what i want to say so i apologize for being late i've never laid past down by the pool i'm going holy mackerel what time is it you walk around the hotel it's practically all nomad capitalist people and that is one of the hard things and i think that's i wanted to start with rich dead poor dad because to me uh my wife is reading rich dad poor dad i remember my father it was on his table 25 years ago i think at this point that's about that's when i first came out it first came out and i think for so many i grew up with a certain amount of financial education most people such as my wife did not to me it's the same phenomenon where people can realize there are others who want to create this financial literacy that maybe their families didn't that they don't have in their lives they read the book and it's inspirational what was the beginning though of rich dad poor dad well if i could be so crass okay my next book coming out in a few months is called a capitalist manifesto and the reason i'm concerned is because i know i'm going to get d platformed i know i'm going to get censored i know i'm afraid of saying what i want to say so that's why i wore this t-shirt you know i am a us marine two tours in vietnam i flew i fought communism and then when i got off the plane in 1973 january 10 1973 i get spit on hit by eggs called a killer and it was all of these you know the flower child generation attacking me and all i was doing was fighting for our freedom so that my book capitalist manifesto is coming out and i've got to be very very careful because as you know this is not the same world it was 10 years ago where you live in the united states especially it's becoming pretty aggressive you think this new book is going to cross a line you're going to be kicked off what is it about the book that that makes you think that truth you know is capitalism so far out of favor now correct there's been there's many reasons for it but as i was asking you about your educational background because you look like a genius nerd type you look like a highly educated guy i would hate as a marine and i i went to i went i had two nominations went to naval academy went to birch green academy because i went to school in new york and i studied marx you know capitalism communist manifesto mind comp and mile's little book and so what i've realized and that was i graduated in 1969 so i joined the marine corps i go to flight school go to camp pendleton and go to vietnam for the second time and i come home and america's changed and i see it getting worse and worse and worse and worse and so i'm just publicly saying i don't care if you're a communist i don't care if you're a fascist i don't care if you're a capitalist leave my freedoms alone said rich did poor dad it's not about it's about freedom rich dad poor dad is a story between a capitalist versus a marxist my poor dad was a phd but a marxist but they don't know it you see he didn't read self-unaware marxist huh a self-unaware marxist most school teachers are marxist they don't know it they're not bad people don't get me wrong you know what i mean it's just because if we don't study marx hitler stalin mao so that's that whole thing crept into our educational system so when i get off the plane at norton air force base with 16 of my men my job as a marine lieutenant was to go over with 16 men and come back with 16 men that's what we did i went down three times in vietnam and all this and to get spit on hit by eggs and all this and then those hippies those woodstock generation commies you know they're good people don't mean wrong i'm not saying they're bad people they just don't support capitalism so rich dad poor dad is a story so i wrote came out in 1997 it's a story between a capitalist my poor dad who never went to school and my rich dad was head of education for hawaii phd yeah they're good people go to please i'm not trying to say that good people are bad people philosophically we're miles apart when you look at the state of politics in the u.s though and you look at the elizabeth warren types you you never pay enough do you think those people are good people they i fought for our freedom to choose our socioeconomic beliefs so elizabeth warren is obviously a marxist she claims she's a capitalist she calls herself a capitalist she just wants rules she says i could call myself jesus christ would you believe me so i'm i'm not against marxism communism i just want my freedom the freedom to speak the freedom to think the freedom to say what i want to say that's all i fought for one of the things that i've been thinking as we look at rich dad poor dad is the poor dads are now running running the place there used to be a time when you'd look at the rich dad you'd say oh there he is you should be like him now build a company now now they're the ones with the eggs so i'm gonna i'm gonna say something even more politically incorrect if it's okay with you are you okay you don't care go ahead like i said the reason i'm late i've never met so many interesting people in half a day than at the nomad capitalist show i'm having the best time because i can say what i want to say yeah i'm not afraid of being attacked are you afraid huh do you do you hold back it depends on who i'm talking to today do you hope when you're out in public or you're on youtube do you hold back oh i've been deep platformed so many times you know i had eric trump was a good friend of mine donald's son you know a really good friend so is his brother um don jr we're politically incorrect hunters so we were talking about what it was like for the the trump hotels to be shut down during covet we got d platformed because we mentioned trump in my board game cash flow which i created in 1996 to teach capitalism i got the platform for using the word conservative and also what do they do to they take me off yeah youtube came after me and facebook came after me i used the word conservative not from the point of view politically is that if you're an investor sometimes it's best to be conservative and that was the context i used it in but because i used the word conservative bam you you wrote books with trump you you know the trump family uh what was your thought when he got elected i miss him to step back a little bit he and i wrote two books together he's a very good man my wife loves him she just absolutely loves the guy because he's no bs he tells you straight as it is he talks too much in real life too yeah he says a little bit he's a little bit softer in real life no what you see on tv is donald trump you see in real life so my wife kim and i are sitting in his office and trump is talking about women in front of my wife kim and my wife kim is a real woman she's not a girly girl and she says i love that guy because he's a bad boy and then you know in the world there's three kinds of men bad boys nice guys and wimps okay so when you look at trump on the stage women either love him or hate him because he's a bad boy now when you look at biden he's a wimp is the lowest huh that's the lowest you can go well i hate to say this but this is where i get crucified all the time women are taking over the world which is a good thing but when you look at here's biden he's got kamala and nancy who in my opinion hate men they don't like strong men that's my opinion and so here's this wimp standing between two ball busting women and when you saw trump he'd stand there with pence mike pence was a really a solid guy and nancy pelosi so when i look at the two scenes today i'm gonna get my butt kicked for this one you might get your butt kicked for this one too i see two women who hate men in between a very weak man that's my concern so trump gets in you thought it was good for the for the u.s when he got in well what happened was he called we're supposed to write the third book together he says i'm sorry but i'm gonna run for office now my poor dad the marxist ran as a politician it's a dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty there's no game dirty than politics so all i could do is wish him luck but i knew his agenda you know like you look at what's happening today trump tried to close the border and biden opens it right up now what does that mean to you and me i'm not against hispanics you know i'm saying why are we opening the borders the the poor dad to say that they're they're running the country perhaps is not to put words in your mouth you know i think people looked at trump in the election of trump some people did as an opportunity to to at least temporarily stop that i think that societally ever since you wrote the book 25 years we're going to talk about it's been getting worse and worse the culture is the kind of culture that now wants elizabeth warren they want bernie sanders did but did trump put an end to that for four years well it wasn't just him uh i'm a marine that's why i wear this shirt okay i understand warfare i fight for freedom you want to be a socialist you want to be a transvestite you want to be a gay or guy you want to be you hate this that's fine that's freedom just don't take my freedoms away and so when trump stepped in he was putting into some of that nonsense like with big pharma military industrial complex you know sanctuary cities as he said he says we are a nation of laws we obey the laws and that's why he tried to change the supreme court i'm not saying this i don't agree or disagree but i noticed what he was trying to do so now the democrats are trying to stack the supreme court so they can manipulate the laws the thing that i would say that that we would talk about in the no man capitalist context he did he get one big domestic accomplishment he got the tax cut which raised taxes for our people for the first time ever their their deferral was was eliminated or it was it was dramatically changed uh and and so my thoughts on america first were that means if you're an american you better come home or else we don't want you you're going to be a disadvantage what are your thoughts on on that is that is that his thought process well i don't know about his exact cause because we're real estate guys we don't pay taxes because i don't remember the debate with him hillary right and he paid 500 bucks or something he paid 500 one year something like that 750. 750. so when hillary says a man you don't even pay taxes and trump says that's because i'm smart he's a capitalist sure now if you studied the manifesto it was lennon who said if you want to destroy capitalism print money mark says if you want to destroy capitalism raise taxes i said look what biden's doing he's printing seven trillion this year he's opening the borders and he's raising taxes that's all marx and lennon so i'm not i'm not trying to change anybody's point of view i'm just trying to point out the facts here do you believe i mean you talk about the school system and education what have you uh do you believe that what's happening with public schools and just schools in general you saw the school in new york recently where i don't recall exactly what it was about but a father was i've had enough of what's going on in my private school so it's not just the public schools is that intentional is there some kind of greater plan in your mind that this is what we're going to do to create a population that matches their cultural goals it's intentional if if you look at where the money is going for this covet 19 the money is going to teachers unions and look at the teachers unions they can shut the school system down they don't have to change teach they're on vacation in puerto rico they're collecting extra money and all this but the teachers unions that was my poor dad my poor dad was head of the hsta hallway teachers association so when i was about 15 or 16 i'd he'd have all these henchmen around him henchmen well the union guys they're not concerned about your education are they concerned about the rank and file it's how much money can they get yeah so my poor dad being the head of hsta hawaii teachers associate my rich dad was a man that never went to school he's a hardcore capitalist and when his hotel and restaurant system came under a strike vote to unionize i was 16 years old i had to go down to the hotel to man the front desk because all of us workers went on strike to unionize so it was like three or four days i'm working in this hotel you know sleeping in the back trying to check interest on all this stuff and i got home and my poor dad called me a scab you broke the union lines i said i'm a capitalist i didn't know i was a capitalist but i said how can they shut down a guy's business screw all these tourists i just didn't make sense to me and it's never made sense to me why would you want to destroy the engine of the economy so rich dad poor dad really 1997. i hate to say this today is a book is a book about capitalists versus socialists or marxists i'm not saying they're bad people my my poor dad was a very very good honest man but he wasn't a capitalist he never understood how a guy with no education could become a multi-millionaire what is the right level of education what depends on what you want to become you know if you want to become a doctor medical doctor go to school you want to be an entrepreneur most guys don't finish school do you finish high school if you're in the us oh would would you would you recommend finishing height i don't do that stuff you know i mean it's up to the individual you want to be a doctor you better go to med school sure you want to be a lawyer but i've got one of the things we're going to talk about here this weekend is the uh uh different options for schooling your kids around the world and we've seen that for years i mean our very first uh con conference we had a guy come up 15 year old kid he said i dropped out of school i'm learning everything on my own yeah i'm going to come and learn at your conference i'm going to go over here i'm going to go over there and learn from people and that's why i want to commend you because the people i'm meeting here are all rebels in some ways they just refuse to go under the thumb you know what i mean and they're smart people articulate highly educated we want our freedom back that's all we want you can be a communist if you want you know my one some of the happiest days of my family's life is when president john kennedy said ask not what your country can do for you ask what your country what you can do for your country so my mom and dad joined the peace corps and it was one of the hardest financial times in our lives because there was no money so my mom and dad are training peace corps trainees to go to southeast asia sabah sarah indonesia and the philippines and then when i became of age i said you're going to join the peace corps i said no i'm going to join the marine corps and my dad poor dad is such a good man this is that's your choice and that's what i say to young people is what do you want to be when you grow up you know you want to be a rich man don't go to school because you're not going to learn anything about money anyway go to cambodia and try and find a business to start yeah something like that yeah what's the biggest challenge economically in in the world today that you see unless you want to be politically incorrect it's a good thing is when i was a kid you know it was father knows best and ozzy and harriet and it was tarzan went to work you know ward cleaver and june cleveland sat with a apron on and she oh welcome home you know and she the woman sat in the home and raised the kids that's gone today you know we need two incomes so the good news is women are getting stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger and more independent my wife kim is as independent as they become that's a good thing yeah but when i say i hate to say this you might get trashed for this too when i see kamala and nancy those are angry women you think that that is that the greatest threat women women what is the greatest threat my opinion is this women are teaching boys to be girls let me be a man i don't what does that mean 30 years from now good question you'll have to see you've you've done deals all over the world as i know though where what has been the footprint what has taken you all these places because we both know malaysia very well i talk to entrepreneurs like you i talk the greatest joy of my life today is when 20 sometimes a lot of them here at nomad capitalist they came up my dad gave me your book you see that makes me happy what doesn't make me happy is when the new york times comes after me and when the washington post called me a racist i said you see this face here he's white i'm not you know i mean i said how could i be a racist oh you're a racist i'm going why so racist is their way of putting you down right away and they called and then i did this talk in balls in montana which is not the most liberal state in the world and the paper put me up there as a white supremacist i said i look i i said ah i'm still i'm still not white but they're so into labeling people to cut them down if you know what i mean so during my time it was a mccarthy area i think it's different i mean like when i go to a place like i've been to you go to china many many many years ago this was someone and they made a comment and someone said oh that's racist the person said so i'm not saying that's the solution but certainly if you go to malaysia if you go to a place like that have you found it easier to do deals in those places do you find it preferable these days or do deals in those places because you just do business it depends upon the government and that's my concern is in america and the reason nomad capitalist provides the alternative point of view is as you know people are running today just as they run from california and new york the so-called blue states they're running to you know red states like arizona and texas and florida is arizona still a red state very much so you think so no democratic senators i understand that but as a capitalist i see who's moving in is there still hope because obviously what we talk about is you know if you can move from california to arizona what are the issues what are we talking about here i got to move my kids from school i got to put all the pottery in a in a bit in a box you know you're going you're going through all these hassles you might as well go to puerto rico you might as well come to mexico you might as well just give it all the gas you can i i agree 100 with you yeah but as a capitalist i don't operate by the same rules as employees do i'm an entrepreneur the rules are different for entrepreneurs that's why i wrote the second book was called the cash flow quadrant employee for e s stands for small business or self-employed b stands for big business or brand and i stands for inside investor so the outside investors are in stocks the ease and assets are in stocks bonds mutual funds and etfs and a guy like me i'm an entrepreneur i put my own deals together right i don't need i don't like wall street if you like wall street fine i don't like them because i've taken three companies public in my lifetime it's a mess it's it's so rigged against the poor man i always thought from 10 years old he said why you know wanted to be in business why would you want to run a public company it seems like you're a slave to whomever no see your problem is you're an entrepreneur you see if you can put your own d i can create my own assets that's what i stands inside not investor insider so like today i'm putting a green new deal project together do i like alexandra ocasio-cortez no you know am i environmentalist yes can i package my own deals yes that is one thing by the way i think people look at this you can be an environmentalist and be a capitalist can you not yes you got it but if you got went to school you got a job you're a doctor or a lawyer or a school teacher you don't have the skill set or the mindset or the emotional intelligence to do that but some people on the capitalist side you know i mean especially in the us i think they kind of they trash that you know they trash the environmentalism side that's not what a capitalist would do well they're stupid look i i want to say because you know the reason i'm i'm honored you invited me i have never had so much fun in a half a day than a long time because i'm free to talk yeah but my friend jim records he and i writing the next book together okay we had him before yeah he's fantastic guy nice guy but what he talks about you guys should listen to this if and if they spike interest rates which they might because interest rates controls the economy if you have stock sponsor mutual funds etf your toast so what are the deals are there still good deals in the u.s i i i avoid the of course there are but i try and avoid the us i i i agree 100 with you but as a nomad capitalist i i'm not taking your your term i don't give a i go any country in the world and do a deal yeah but i do it as a capitalist not a school teacher a doctor or a lawyer do you will you do fewer deals in the u.s as you see the the things that you're mentioning seems like it's of concern in the u.s will you be doing fewer deals as a result or are you just going to say hey i'll just go green new deal that's coming along all right i'll go with that that's what you do i don't really care my my premise would be i want to go where there's some kind of respect i don't want to be the guy who invests in the green new deal and then that you know you're just a hanger on we don't want you or let's put some new tax to me the culture in the u.s is so toxic in terms of economically i don't i wouldn't trust them with my money would you no yeah i agree i meant you and i are joined at the hip the difference is we're entrepreneurs and when you're in entrepreneurs you're a capitalist you know you are a nomad capitalist and you can go anywhere in the world a school teacher can only go where they're licensed a real estate agent can only go where they're licensed i can do a deal anywhere because i don't have a license what what's the what are some of the the deals you've done outside the ua can you talk about a deal that stands out that you well i'm just looking at the future so that's right that's why records that i are writing are booked together right so the book is called the ravens and the ravens was the god of prophecy so in mythology so his hero was felix summer summary was called the raven of zurich he could see the future so you saw hitler he saw this and he got people out of the country which you're supposed to do so my teacher was abandoned buckminster fuller hardcore socialist but he taught me how to see the future what is the future the future is what you're fighting against they're taking away our freedoms people say my perspective when people say there's not going to be anywhere to go i imagine you have some people that you here in the united states that are defeatist there'll be nowhere to go if the u.s falls so will everyone else fall no doubt the u.s plays a role in the world economy you know my thesis is we just talked today about uruguay coming out saying you know what we're going to stop wasting so much money we're going to divert that to handle the pandemic we're not going to raise taxes in fact we're going to offer new incentives i think there's always going to be somewhere that's going to want to be competitive because that is the nature of human beings i think that entrepreneurs see that whereas those who are the poor dead mentality say well what are you going to do it's all over what are your thoughts on that well that's why i'm here i've come to learn just as well just as much as anybody else yet the benefit that i had already being a global capitalist or normal capitalist i've inspected some of the places that people are running too like i was down in new zealand and i am a rugby player so i just love the all blacks but would i move to new zealand no why because i don't have to you see if you're really a true capitalist you can go anywhere but i always look for i'm looking for the country that respects my talents more than others and what's happening in america the reason i talk about kamala nancy and this wimp in the middle looks phallic to me do you know what i mean i'm going and if trump who's a hardcore capitalist shut the borders you know do this don't stack you know keep our freedoms and all this we're losing that and that's why i'm here that's why so many people are coming to nomad capitalist but so what i'm going to talk about is what records that i talk about being a marine this is the question i'm going to use tomorrow so all you're watching where can you be in three days where can you be in three days remember that one of the old stories that the the chinese stories was you'd always have some gold bars second set of papers passport what have you with your your fast boat near the harbor is that what you're talking about it's three days three days that's my talk tomorrow where can you be in three days and established a lot of people a lot of people we talked to i'm planning on leaving in six months let's get it going you know let's do the slow track let's do half now half later you're saying three days is the target and that's what records are saying the same thing what's interesting is whenever a lot of times whenever they come up with these new tax laws you know people think oh you know i want to i'm going to move out of the country i want to give up my citizenship whatever i've got to do for some new anti-freedom or some regulation or some new tax law sometimes that's all they give you they propose a bill a week later it's it's law you're screwed three days you've got to be out and and relocated in three days that means you've got to have that second or third it's got to be ready to go yes and that's the hard thing especially now you look at people who are investing in things like cryptocurrency whether it's in their mind such a high opportunity cost i know you're a big you're a big crypto guy right so how do you square that because to me it's perhaps a pragmatist i like to have my insurance policies set up and i'm going to take some cash off the table you know take it out of the game to make sure i have my first second third fourth plans ready i think a lot of entrepreneurs figure hey i'm making so much money doing this that's a waste what do you say to that three days just three days be ready you've got to be relocated you've got to be if there's what records are saying if there's a crash let's say it starts tonight where will you be in three days well if they're let's say there's a crash what do they do what was that what are the steps that they take if there's a crash the the not the person but the the system you've got to be relocated now yeah but the banks there's no atms all set up ready to go yeah no but like in terms of i mean we saw cyprus we saw all these countries where the crash happens you're not getting your cash out of the bank to go correct right so you have to have it ready somewhere else three days yeah uh i mean that doesn't mean like if if it all came down tonight where will you be on saturday relocated in operation business set up still operating that's all the time you got when i was a when i was at military school in new york i met this kid who was a jewish kid and he said i'm you know his parents left germany because they knew what hitler was doing so he says we moved to new york too many people drag it out i'll leave when it gets bad enough and what he said he said he says this to me he says so my family moved to new york and we got rich their friends went to auschwitz i've never forgot that i went he says they always hoped that hitler would see the light that doesn't work in anything if you've got a bad employee it doesn't work if you've got a bet three days and i don't mean just think about it in three days you've got to be in position so that you can be in position fully functional and operational in three days that's records in my i'm not saying it's ever but that's the reason i'm honored to be here because that's the message i'm going to deliver some of you guys are just thinking about it well that's the problem yeah it's not what an entrepreneur would do yeah the uh crypto i think a lot of people look at that as part of the three-day plan what what turned you on to crypto uh well uh it went to twenty thousand right and i'm a pro i'm an i i'm an insider this is 2017. yeah i don't know when i was just watching it it dropped to seven all markets crash and so the questions when it hit seven i said okay where's it going to go from here so i've had gone down further i would have waited but the moment it turned it hit nine i backed up the truck so today it's about fifty thousand i don't pay attention to it so i bought like 65 bitcoin at nine so it'll have to drop from let's say 65 to nine but i'm still in the money so all these guys are arguing about gold server and bitcoin i'm only saying well how much have you got so you bought at nine thousand dollars you bought into bitcoin that was your first entry point after the 2017 crash and i stopped you stopped i'm a professional tr i i i studied trading but i see you saying oh i'm buying more i'm stacking up are you i'm waiting for the next crash you're waiting for the next crash just just like let me say this to most people okay the reason they got broke is they chase something on the way up so they get it's called formal fear of missing out sure and so the adrenaline gets them and they get happy to be an entrepreneur you have to understand what it feels like to be sad so when it so when the real estate market crashed in arizona yeah i got sexually stimulated i said no this is this is the best real estate in the world they're giving it away for free and they kept dropping the interest rates and everybody's going ah this is terrible this is terrible this is terrible but a true entrepreneur or a puritan festival say this is it if i look at doug casey who's coming here also yes he's the best he did deals in in what hong kong after they made the announcement back in the 80s and people said that hong kong's falling apart now they're saying it again to me i mean everyone says buy when there's blood in the streets and then you say okay here's hong kong in the 80s here's turkey here hold on what the hell who what lunatic would buy there as opposed to what you're going to buy in the fifth avenue and when everything's perfect i'm just trying to say it seems like there's so much of people who say here's how to invest and then do the exact opposite right i wait for it i wait for blood so when it's really really bad to me it's really good so when crypto went from 20 to seven and then i looked at the indicators it was it was now going to take another run up so i picked it up at nine i stopped i'm not greedy i want to chase it you know but i'm waiting to if it retraces i'll buy more if or not i don't buy anymore there's the the bitcoin or the crypto versus gold and silver debate people saying ah you know gold is dead what do you say to them gold and silver are god's money they were here on the earth was formed it'll be here long after we're all gone i think what gold is element 74 and silver has 40 i know i flunked chemistry also but they're part of the periodic table you know nine million years from here gold and silver bitcoin will be gone but gold i don't know i don't really i'm not going to be here i've got about 20 more good years you know sure so i i just know gold and silver are god's money crypto is people's money who wins who has got the most you you uh will you continue buying precious metals of course yeah well this is where trump and i are aligning people i know people hate him he is a womanizer what a terrible thing and as if guys aren't womanizers you know and all this stuff but we use debt as money so when the interest rates are going to zero why would you save dollars so when interest rates are dropping and gold and silver went down you know silver went i don't know what it was it used to be at 50 and then it went down back to like 15. 15. yeah i just since i don't need cash i took cash and bought gold silver and now bitcoin but if i buy something i'm gonna use debt now this guy's like dave ramsey was a friend of mine and he says live debt-free that was a question of mine there's certainly a some would argue a lack of stress in a business which maybe you're saying you want the stress there's a lack of stress from not having debt you think you think he's wrong no it's education i i learned i learned financial education my rich dad at nine years old playing monopoly four greenhouses 1031 tax free exchange into our red hotels i own red hotels i own 8 000 rental units i use debt just yesterday i borrowed another 160 million dollars at 3 percent why would i save money they given it away so i used debt to buy apartment i bought 160 units in houston texas which is a red state and it pays cash flow debt is tax free and i pay no taxes because i own real estate if i own stock sponsored mutual funds etfs i have to pay taxes so i stay away from it i'm not saying what does dave ramsey tell you about that what between you and me he agrees he's a real estate guy too but for the average person with no financial education live debt free where where is that where does that switch over get educated yeah well where does it switch over we say okay now you should use debt if someone's starting a business you know what when's that coming up yeah it takes time and education education through doing yeah but i take seminars you know i my poor dad when i came back from vietnam he wanted me to fly for the airlines you know because united was hiring i've been making what 250 000 a year i can make more as an as an entrepreneur she says okay now go back to school this is poor dad go back to school fly for the airlines and get your master's degree and then your phd i looked at them and said do you think i've got holes in my head you're broke phd stands for poor helpless and desperate too many people take advice from people who aren't doing it yeah look i look at our stuff i mean you get advice from someone about moving to wherever and the guy's sitting in palm beach probably not the best guy to listen to not the best guy to listen to who who has debt and has fallen apart or or in your case who you know hasn't made the money you've got to choose your teachers wisely well that's that's probably something that most people aren't doing correctly though now well i don't listen to idiots i mean you wouldn't come to me for brain surgery advice would you but that's what people are doing that they're talking about well what do i do with my money and the guy is broke the reason they're called broker stockbroker real estate broker insurance broker they're broker than you are we got a question from from someone uh in anticipation of this uh interview who said what was the what was the deal that you most regret doing is there one no i mean because i have a different i'm a marine you don't regret no it's not regret is that no pain no gain so some of the worst deals you know like my worst deals from a ceo i hired because he came from harvard mba and all this stuff and he ripped me off the pain was extreme how could i be so stupid to trust a guy exactly who i put down the harvard mba i trusted i mean i didn't trust myself do you think entrepreneurs make that mistake i think that seeing that so i think what you need is probably a good community around you of entrepreneurs because if you don't have that you start to fall for well maybe i'm wrong i should listen to the harvard mba don't you think but that's my message for the nomad capitalist tomorrow people say where do i run too the question is who do you run with who you have is important well let me let me say this one i'm a marine we fight as fire teams so the guy behind me can shoot just as well as i can shoot and so the number one thing was when i looked at new zealand and i looked at singapore and i looked at countries in europe and africa to run to i said i don't know anybody here you need a network you need a network of people need a fire squad behind of you yeah i mean i trusted my little lance corporal who fired my machine gun out of my helicopter more than i trusted my commanding officer i mean we we fight as fire teams so if you're gonna move in three days do you have a fire team in place i do another question that came in you said you don't like stocks someone asked the rise of asia chinese stocks other asian stocks i don't have to you don't do i'm an entrepreneur i can make my own assets i took three companies public one went to china i raised 26 million dollars on the toronto stock exchange to buy a gold mine in dalian province and as soon as we struck gold the chinese took it so i'm not blaming the chinese i'm just saying i was stupid why would i why would i do business in a country where they can confiscate myself you don't trust the chinese i don't trust government in general i don't trust biden i don't trust karma i don't trust warren i trust trump i know him we're real estate guys we're entrepreneurs we put our own deals together i know his sons very well i'd go to war with those guys is he going to make a comeback i don't know i hope not why because the country's divided enough as it is it's it's a very dangerous time and that's why what nomad capitalist is doing he's just opening people's minds up and that's the most important thing you can have today is even you know i want to say to you i hope i get invited back but generally i'm not because i say things that piss everybody off you know because the stock guys don't invite me back because i said why would i buy a stock when i can create my own asset why would i buy an etf when i can create my own assets i'm an entrepreneur do i mean it's just different mindset not good or bad right or wrong it's what's your skill set where would you go if you had to pick somewhere do you have a place in mind i already have three yeah three days i'm in position fire team in place new zealand would not be in the list no it's too far too far singapore is that too far it's it's an island with too many people and no life support you're not a fan no i mean the place my i have a beautiful place i have a place armed guards this is in south carolina in the u.s yeah what about europe what are your thoughts on europe going forward i have a place out of uh switzerland you trust switzerland just extent you can trust anyone i trust the swiss so what what is the next five years what's on your macro horizon for the next five years i hope you invite me back because i'm going to change my mind no but i'm saying a lot more people next year it's the most important thing is this right now can you open this up just like that friend of mine who said my family left berlin to move to new york way got rich their friends went to auschwitz and that's what's going to happen why do you think you know people look at their ancestors who moved i had ancestors lithuanian norway scotland they moved people hold that in high regard they hold your friend in high regard but when it comes time to them doing it they see it as different why went to school is that what it is well think about school they punish you for making mistakes well how do you how do you learn to walk if you don't fall down people are afraid they'll make the wrong they'll go to the wrong place yeah they'll make the mistakes so i'm here i'm i'm sure you made a couple of mistakes i've made many mistakes and i learn from them do you do your focus do you dwell on them or do you look at them as kind of pebbles along the road what's that the mistakes they're my learning experiences yeah you know when i when i hired the mba and he took me for all that money it was the second time i hired somebody i thought was smarter than me right because they could they try and convince you of that the school yeah yeah well that's one thing dave ramsey would say i think that uh don't let people treat the act as if they're smarter than you are you're the one with the money but i let them do that to me yeah so no pain no gains that pain was one it was it was only 20 million bucks but it was painful but i learned more from that pain that's like i got coveted in may and my doctor says he doesn't think it's real but it was his point of view he says just take hydroxychloroquine get some sunlight and vitamin c so if i when i said that i got de-platformed yeah wow last question is uh is is it ever enough i think as an entrepreneur you you strive for the journey but is there a time when you say i've had enough have enough money what are your thoughts on that it depends on who you are you know i mean you ask most let's say pro football players they wish you could play longer because they spent their lives getting that good now the beauty of you and me being entrepreneurs the better we get the bigger challenges we seek right so it's not about enough it's called the game big people don't have small problems what's that small people don't have big problems yeah but it's hard you want you want to have bigger problems yeah it's our game yeah you know that's like most people don't get that i know if i said okay guess what if you fall down 10 times you'll learn to walk you go good well you want to run you better fall down some more then you better get on a bicycle then you learn to drive a car then you like learn to fly a plane and the average person went to school to hope that their 401k will keep them alive is is that your main takeaway from all this that most that there's an entrepreneur you're trying to take it as far as it can go and most people are trying to set up an artificial wall at which point they'll stop is it fun for you i think that i think that wall sure i think that wall for a lot of people is california to arizona yeah that's the wall they can't imagine any further puerto rico is off the table they want security and security is a trap you know what's job security why would you save bunny when biden's going to print 7 trillion and why you know he's going to pump their what happened in 2008 was the market crashed and they gave so they only gave guys like me money so in this last crash last march they gave me even more money because i am a capitalist i can take money and put it to work the average person cannot that's why they stimulus checks take money and buy a tv because they have to find a way you know bernanke called it helicopter money or somebody did they have to find a way to get the money straight into the people's hands because the average person's their credit is so destroyed they can't borrow money if we don't borrow money the economy collapses like this hotel all the hotels all the buildings in new york city are floating on debt right you know in 1971 nixon took the dollar off the gold standard the us dollar became debt you know so i learned to borrow 72 i took classes on how to borrow money and dave ramsey says get out of debt well it's a free country choose what you want to learn and so i chose to be an entrepreneur my poor dad wanted me to fly for the airlines get my phd and teach and so i can make more money as a teacher as an entrepreneur he goes but you don't have a phd i said that but i got cash it's the stomach to stand up and do it someone's got to stand up and do it robert kiyosaki great pleasure good to have you here thank you for looking forward to it thanks for the good work my pleasure thank you how can nomad accomplice help you four ways number one subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of nomad capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this 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Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 41,831
Rating: 4.7590981 out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, interview, robert kiyosaki, robert kiyosaki rich dad poor dad, capitalism vs socialism, capitalism, elizabeth warren, joe biden, donald trump, how achieve goals in life, capital manifesto robert kiyosaki, how to make money, wall street, alexandria ocasio-cortez, us citizenship, living in usa, us government, us property tax, wealth tax, capital gain tax, us marines, secret of success, become rich, marxism explained, trump
Id: z2v5l54oSaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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