The Perfect Classic Turkey Club Sandwich

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what's up as a serious sandwich Enthusiast I am particularly in love with the turkey club it's basically a double decker turkey BLT but the thing is though that this sandwich is tall it's complicated and it's often made poorly so today I'm going to show you all the details that you need to know to make a perfect classic turkey club sandwich at home to get started I'll need some turkey I've got a five to six pound skin on turkey breast here the skin acts as a protective layer during the roast and helps keep this giant piece of meat from drying out now to prep it for this sandwich I'm going to wet brine it for that I'll combine 4 000 grams of water or 4 liters then 400 grams of salt and 40 grams of sugar I'll give that a vigorous whisk to dissolve it and if you're wondering hey Bry why aren't there herbs or any other flavorings in this brine well this sandwich is going to have a lot of different flavors going on and I think a bunch of sage or thyme or garlic or whatever would add complexity and lengthen the shopping list without bringing a ton of payoff now once this breast is fully submerged I'll move it over to my fridge and brine it for as little as 12 but preferably 48 hours two days later I'll pull this brined turkey out of my fridge and then immediately preheat my oven to 275 F next I'll scoop this breast out of the Brine and then set it up on a wire rack on a half sheet tray my master plan for juicy tender turkey breast is twofold part one is this wet brine that's gonna help the turkey hold on to most of its liquid while we're cooking it and part two is cooking it very gently this lower heat causes the muscle fibers to contract less violently and keep the turkey juices from being squeezed out now I'll set a timer for two hours and check back then in the meantime I'm gonna make a zesty little condiment that I used to make at Union loafers we called it famous sauce it's based on the popular condiment made by durkies and the thing that gives it its signature flavor is hard-boiled egg yolks to make it I'll drop 12 eggs into a pot of boiling water and cook them for 12 minutes make sure the water is at a full simmer but not a ripping boil that's going to make the eggs bob up and down violently and that will break the shells before the white underneath is fully set 12 minutes later I'll scoot this pot off the stove and then drop it into my sink where I'll promptly cover the eggs with a bunch of ice I'll give those five minutes to cool down then I'll give them all appeal next I'll break the white and pop out the boiled yolk in total 12 eggs should yield me about 150 to 160 grams of cooked yolks what do I do with the whites though well obviously I'll eat that 4 grams of protein per egg and get freaking yoked yum to make this sauce I'll combine 150 grams of cooked yolks with 40 grams of white distilled vinegar 20 grams of sugar 5 grams of salt 10 grams of mustard powder 2 grams of sweet paprika and 150 grams of nice tasting Mayo next in goes my immersion blender and I'll spin this up until the yolks are smooth and everything is well combined of course you could do this in a blender or a food processor but it's not a lot of volume and you'd probably have to stop and scrape down four to five times to get it to properly spin up and there we go a luscious very unique sandwich condiment it's tart Rich eggy and tastes like a picnic I think Lauren said it best actually it's like a really delicious deviled egg feeling back to the turkey it's been roasting for about two hours at this point and it's looking lightly golden brown but I don't want much more color than this because it'll get dried out so I'll pull this out of the oven and stick it with my instant read to determine doneness I'm looking for 147 to 150f this is a large piece of meat so it's going to carry over another five to ten degrees as it rests and oh baby is this gonna be moist for now though I'm going to let it rest completely before I slice it so I'll set it aside and grab another crucial component for this turkey club bacon I'm using a pretty thin sliced bacon because thinner bacon has a much higher potential crunch factor and that's very important for a club sandwich to crisp it up I'll load this into a 375 F oven to bake it while I quickly think he1 for sponsoring this video if you haven't heard of it ag1 is a daily foundational nutrition supplement that supports whole body nutrition I first got turned down to it because some of the science and health podcasts that I listen to endorse it and as somebody who's always trying to optimize for health you know except for when I'm not ag1's become part of my daily routine ag1 includes a comprehensive list of science-driven vitamins probiotics and Whole Food sourced ingredients that replenish daily nutrients with just one scoop I usually drink mine in the morning but if not it's also great for a midday Focus boost for the days I'm just not feeling that good or have been eating kind of crappy 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tomato outside of the summertime season next I'll wash up some green leaf lettuce I like green leaf over the more Trad Iceberg because it's less waterlogged but still has some fresh crunchiness and flavor lastly let's talk about the bread for me the ideal choice is a loaf of my classic panned white bread I developed this recipe for my ultimate BLT a few years ago and now it's a staple item in my recipe book it's soft and tender but not squishy and has much more structure and flavor than standard issue grocery store white the full recipe for this bread will be on my website and a more detailed process is in the BLT video but here's the Cliff's Notes you'll combine the dry and wet ingredients in a stand mixer and mix for 8 to 10 minutes on medium high speed and Once the dough passes the tuck test I'll flip it into a bowl round it off and ferment it for two hours once it's gassed up like this I'll flip it out shape it into a tube and then proof it in a loaf pan for 90 minutes once it's grown by about two and a half times its original size I'll score it with my bread lump or serrated knife and I'll bake it at 400 f for 25 to 30 minutes you guys this is a super straightforward beginner level bread recipe and it hits very hard if you wanted to use store-bought bread though go for one of the heartier white breads that's sliced a little bit thicker and doesn't have the texture of angel food cake now I've sliced my homemade bread into about a half inch thickness that's pretty thin but remember this is a three slice sandwich so it's going to be plenty of bread now that we're all set up it's time to cut this turkey first things first though I'm gonna peel off that skin that was great for keeping the top side of this breast from getting leathery in that long roast now I'm going to cut the breast in half so we can see exactly what we're working with as you can see it's Rosy pink and quite juicy for a fully rested turkey oh and by the way that pink is from the salt brine not from the meat being undercooked now to prep this for the club I'm going to take my sharpest knife in this case a 10 inch slicer and then I'll kind of shave this meat as thin as I can get it don't worry about perfectly thin slices here because there is no way you're going to get deli style slices by hand at home but you don't really need to unlike deli meat this turkey is tender Juicy and Delicious at pretty much any thickness that's thanks to the proper brining and gentle slow roasting so I just let the knife do the work here and shave it as thin as I can get it without really worrying too much about ripping off a thick slice once it's all cut though you can see this stuff looks pretty beautiful it's thin and Lacy and was all cut by hand if you don't want to fuss with trying to shave it you can certainly just cut a thick slab like this this is also a great eating experience it's just not as visually appealing of course a minimally processed store-bought deli turkey that's been sliced thin is also on the table if you don't want to wait two days and then two hours to build a sandwich that stuff's pretty good now to build this club I'm going to drop all three of my bread slices into my toaster and very lightly toast them 45 to 60 seconds is more than enough if you over toast the bread it'll be crusty and glassy and it will punish you by tearing up your soft palate and what this bread is just kissed with a little golden toast it's time for construction the bottom layer gets a full tablespoon of my eggy famous sauce then I'll drop a few leaves of my crispy green leaf lettuce a thin slice of tomato that'll get some salt and pepper right on top of course and then next I'll drop two slices of bacon that I've broken into four halves and shingled then I'll lay about three ounces of my thinly sliced turkey breast and to finish the bottom half of this double decker sandwich I'll Lube up the middle slice of bread with some plain mayonnaise on the bottom side from there I'll drop it on the sandwich and give it a firm press to ensure internal sandwich strength okay for the top half here I'll smear some famous on the bottom then drop some lettuce tomato salt pepper then shingled crispy bacon about three ounces of turkey one more time and then finally I'll generously slather the top piece with plain Mayo to both glue the sandwich roof but also to Loop things up with a bit more creamy fat now after a firm press to make sure everything stays together the last little detail here is to secure the whole sandwich with some frilly sandwich picks if you're looking for the cool guy ones with the colorful tips you can get about a thousand on Amazon for six bucks link below if you want to have enough for the rest of your life then I'll carefully but confidently slice this club sandwich on a bias without some sort of internal scaffolding this sandwich would get torn apart during the slice here so I highly recommend having some picks and oh my Lord I live for a good sandwich cross section you guys and this is one of the prettiest of my life now to serve I'll cozy up some ruffled potato chips alongside my club and of course drop down a crunchy cold little dill pickle you guys sandwiches are harder to get right than they might see to get this many flavors and textures prepared and combined properly takes some real care and attention to detail and when it comes together it is truly special this club sandwich is Rich crunchy juicy Tangy and salty but in a good way and that deviled egg flavored famous sauce is a real treasure and should be on most sandwiches fellow sandwich enthusiasts please let me know what you think about this club sandwich in the comments and please try it soon let's eat this thing [Music] thank you thank you [Music]
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 213,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: turkey club, turkey sandwich, roast turkey, turkey club sandwich, club sandwich, sandwich recipes, turkey club recipe, how to make a turkey club, best turkey club, best turkey sandwich, famous sauce, durkee's, durkee's recipe, Brian Lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, sandwiches, double decker sandwich
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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