BBQ Chicken Pizza...IS SICK!

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hey what's up in my 20s I was kind of a food snob Chef boy and would say things like that's not real pizza or other annoying things and because of that I feel like I kind of missed out on barbecue chicken pizza the thing is though that barbecue chicken pizza tastes amazing whether it's pizza or not so today I'm going to show you how to make a really delicious version of one at home but first I thought it'd be appropriate to go to the alleged birthplace of the barbecue chicken pizza the California Pizza Kitchen to see what the original is all about overall this is way less sweet than I expected you see the sauce on there and you kind of expect it to be syrupy but it's pretty balanced there's some smokiness from some gouda on there too The Red Onion comes through this is like a banger of a pizza if you made this exact pizza for yourself at home you would be stoked this is delicious I do think there's some room for improvement like we can make the sauce a little bit more flavorful and do something with the chicken that's a little bit more actually barbecue inspired but overall this was surprisingly excellent so to get started on the improved homemade version I'll make my current favorite dough for hand tossed home oven pizza for that I'll grab my stand mixer and into the bowl that combine 400 grams of warm water 6 grams of instant yeast 20 grams of sugar 20 grams of olive oil 680 grams of strong all-purpose flour or bread flour would also work then 16 grams of salt next the dough hook goes on and I'll mix this on medium speed for about three minutes or until the doughs come together into a cohesive Mass like this this is a pretty decent volume of dough and it tends to overwork my mix your motor if I turn it up to high so I'll finish it by hand for that I'll flip it out onto my cutting board and then knead it for about four to five minutes the move here is really simple I'm basically just pushing my palm through the dough with alternating hands and once I don't feel strong and isn't sticky anymore I'll give it a quick tug test to see how the gluten holds up and it's not tearing or shearing so I'll call it good to go next I'll give this dough a quick rounding to create a little bit of additional tension and strength and then I'll move it over to a medium bowl and cover it with a lid and check back in one hour one hour later you can see that this dough has risen by about 30 to 50 percent so I'll flip it onto my cutting board and then cut it into four equal sized pieces that are about 275 grams a piece from there I'll shape these dough pieces into pizza balls first Alta gas the dough pretty aggressively large gas bubbles in a pizza ball make them susceptible to tearing when we go to stretch them out and then next I'll pull out two sides fold them into the middle turn that 90 degrees pull out two more sides and then fold again from there I'll flip the dough onto those folds and then use my hands to round the dough into a ball shape with a medium to light amount of tension I'll pop any large bubbles that are on the outside here and then make sure to pinch that little butthole thingy closed there we go next I'll move these shaped doughs over to a lightly oiled sheet tray or four glass Pyrex containers would also be a good move and then I'll wrap the whole thing with plastic wrap and throw it into the fridge to ferment overnight or preferably longer I'm gonna go visit my sister in Chicago this weekend so I'll check back in three days time three days later we've got some really nicely fermented pizza dough not only has all that time in the fridge built a ton of deep yeasty flavor but it's also given us a crust that can achieve more Dynamic texture meaning it's chewy tender and crispy all at the same time now these doughs need to come up to room temperature so that they can be stretched out properly so I'll set them aside and then do some light prep for the pizza first up is the chicken the chicken on the CPK pizza was honestly the weakest part it was a little bit dry and really didn't have any flavor that I would consider to be barbecue so let's make something nicer I'll start with two eight ounce chicken breast fillets fillets meaning no tender attached and to prep them I'll drop them into a freezer bag and pound thin with a heavy bottom pot to make them into more of a cutlet shape to bring some more barbecue flavor here I'm going to be grilling this chicken over high heat and pounding the chicken into something with a more uniform thickness means it Cooks more evenly and won't dry out next I'll marinate or dry brine these chicken cutlets with 10 grams of salt 2 grams of black pepper 3 grams of garlic powder 10 grams of olive oil 10 grams of brown sugar and finally 3 grams of liquid smoke normally I hate using Liquid Smoke because it's overpowering and makes things taste like wet fake smoke that but for a quick marinade on chicken that's destined for the grill I think this makes total sense that overly intense artificial smokiness will Sizzle off in the high heat and will be left with a more subtle Char grilled smoke flavor that's really Pleasant now I'll rub up this chicken in the bag to get it coated with the marinade and then throw it in the fridge to sit for 30 to 40 minutes next I'll make the barbecue sauce for this pizza but first let me quickly thank curiosity stream for sponsoring this video curiosity stream is the best place to find and watch documentaries about Science History technology nature travel and most of the other things that I'm interested in at this stage in my life curiosity stream has exclusive award-winning films and shows that you can't watch anywhere else plus the deepest collection of documentaries from around the world I just watched first to the Moon which is one of the best and most detailed documentaries about the Apollo 8 mission that I've ever seen Jim Lovell what's up American hero I also just watched the logistics of D-Day which was also great I mean interesting D-Day wasn't like great but you know if you're an adult mail I'm pretty sure that you like World War II stuff like I do so I would also recommend it so to start watching go to brianlagerstrom or scan this QR code for unlimited access to the world's top documentaries and non-fiction series curiosity stream adds new shows every week and is one of the best deals in streaming viewers of this video can use promo code Brian lagerstrom to save 25 off now to make this barbecue sauce I'll combine 400 grams of the barbecue mother sauce ketchup with 75 grams of Watch 60 grams of cider vinegar 40 grams of hot sauce 5 grams of garlic powder 5 grams of onion powder 2 grams of black pepper 5 grams of chili powder or smoked paprika would also be sick then 150 grams of molasses 150 grams of brown sugar and 200 grams of pineapple juice by the way pineapple juice is kind of like a top secret barbecue sauce ingredient that totally rips I think they use it in sweet baby race next I'll drop this pot on the stove and bring it up to a hard simmer and then I'll lower the heat to medium low and Reduce by about half I'm looking to concentrate the flavors here and bring this to a thicker more soft glossy consistency that'll take about 20 minutes or so so in the meantime I'll grab my marinated chicken and cook it to do that I'll drop both breasts onto a very well heated Grill and cook them hard on one side to get as much Grill flavor on them as I can that'll take about four to five minutes or so and after four ish minutes of not touching these I'll check back to see how we're looking as you can see I've got some really nice grill marks here and some nice Browning overall so I'll flip over both of these breasts and kiss them on the back side for about 30 more seconds this one-sided cooking method is going to give me the most grilled flavor with the lowest chance of overcooking the meat after just a quick kiss on the back side here I'll lift these off the grill and bring them inside to rest already you guys you can smell how nice and Smoky these are this is a great grilled chicken recipe not just for pizza but also for like summer fun now the internal temperature here should be about 150 F that's lower than the conventional 165 but since food safety is a combination of time and temperature if your meat hits 150 for three minutes which it certainly will it will will be as food safe as 165f but of course it'll be much juicier and more tender look how juicy this is back at the stove my sauce has reduced by about half and is looking dark sticky and thick trust me when I say that the flavor density of this sauce is super high and smokes anything that you can buy at the store also I would say reduce this sauce a little bit more than you think because if it's too thin it's going to make the pizza soggy and won't have the grip that we need to hold on to the cheese speaking of cheese today I'm using two of them the first of which is a smoked gruyere CPK uses smoked gouda which is also totally fine but gruyere is a little bit nuttier and tends to be a little bit more flavorful so that's what I went for and as always when it comes to Pizza I opted to grate the cheese myself pre-shredded cheeses in general are kind of stale tasting and usually melt weird the second cheese that I'm using here is full fat aged mozzarella part skin would also work fine here if you can't get full fat mozzarella because there's a lot of other rich flavors going on that don't require all that added fat the last little bit of prep for this pizza is something that the original CPK version doesn't have but I think it chefs up the room a little bit of course I'm talking about rendered bacon to prep it I'll lay out 10 to 12 slices of thick cut bacon on a wire rack on a sheet tray and then load it into a 350f oven to render it for about 20 to 30 minutes cooking the bacon in the oven is my preferred move for pizza because it very evenly and gently renders out the fat without putting too much color on it stovetop rendering is great but tends to Brown the bacon quite a lot and when you combine that with a 550 bake on the pizza it gets tough and dry and after about 25 minutes of bake time here you can see that this bacon is well rendered not flabby and is taken on some but not a lot of Browning next I'll just pile up these slices and cut them into large Square pieces for pizza I think meteor pieces are more fun the smaller bacon bitty stuff tends to take over the whole pizza and ends up in every single bite there's no contrast that way okay prep done so let's build this thing as you can see my pizza dough has gas up a little bit and has come up to room temperature so I'll flip one of these does onto a well floured surface hit it with some flour on top and then using the flat of my hand I'll flatten this dough without degassing it this helps pop any large bubble voids that might become tears next using the pads of my fingers I'll push the dough outwards and flatten it in the middle while making sure to leave about a half inch or so around the edge for a nice puffy bready crust and once I've got this pushed into a round that's about six inches wide I'll switch over to a stretch and rotate maneuver for this I'll pin the dough to the board just inside the crust with my right hand then I'll stretch pull and rotate the dough with my left and once I've got this pizza stretched out to about 10 inches across like this it's time to dress it so to do that I'll lift up the dough then grab my loading peel and then I'll dust that with a bunch of semolina to keep the dough from sticking once it's dressed first thing down is going to be a big squiggle of my barbecue sauce I've got mine locked and loaded into a little medium squeezer here so that I can top the pizza later on but of course a spoon would be totally fine now next I'll drop a big handful of my full fat mozzarella and spread that out then down goes an equal amount of my smoked gouda about a cup and a half to two cups of cheese all day next I'll drop down some sliced red onion about a dozen per Pizza is what I like then I'll lay down 12 to 20 pieces of rendered bacon more is probably more here then I'll lay down 12 to 20 pieces of my grilled chicken I'll mention that I diced this chicken because that's how I think it fits best onto a pizza CPK slices their chicken and I think that leads to a clumsy chunkiness that's a lot harder to eat lastly I'll grab the underside of the pizza and stretch it carefully at the bottom middle and top to make it 12 inches across stretching it to full size now is easier since there's stuff to weigh it down and since the dough had two to three minutes to relax now a quick shimmy to make sure this pizza isn't stuck then I'll load it into my 550f oven onto a pizza steel or stone to bake for five to seven minutes cut to the time lapse that's always cool looking and after three to four minutes I'll come back to check on the pizza to make sure the bottom isn't burning and to give the old girl a rotate the front of my oven is significantly cooler than the back two to three more minutes from here and after five to seven minutes at 550f it's time to pull this pizza as you can see the colors on this crust look amazing that's thanks to the slow long fermentation now to finish look at the top of this pizza eight to ten ziggies of my barbecue sauce and then a generous couple pinches of chopped cilantro and there we go it's Saucy Smoky cheesy and crispy but is it pizza I don't care it doesn't matter it tastes good and I'm having a lot of fun eating it the crust is tender chewy and crispy which is actually pretty hard to do and the topping combination of bacon Smoky grilled chicken and Smoky Greer cheese is really exciting and not too in your face I really hope you guys try this one soon it is a blast let's eat this thing if you like non-traditional pizza please feel free to go ahead and watch this video for everything bagel pizza there's salmon on it see you over there foreign
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 279,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq chicken pizza, cpk, barbecue chicken pizza, california pizza kitchen, california pizza, how to make bbq chicken pizza, bbq chicken pizza recipe, best bbq chicken pizza
Id: Qsn7jfCWl98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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