I made this 1940's ICONIC Sandwich and it’s FIRE!

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Oh yea! This one is good! It is juicy, cheesy and absolutely delicious. Just editing this video I'm telling you right now makes my mouth water. But most importantly this is history, because this one was created in California in the 1940's. I'm gonna be showing you how to make two versions of this iconic sandwich. One can be done indoors and the other one in the good old outdoors and we are gonna find out today which way is best. And to start off we are gonna do the indoor version and I can't wait to share this recipe with you. So let's do it! The first thing I like to do is to throw in some butter on a non-stick skillet. Make sure you coat the whole thing and add some white sweet onions. The important thing here is to cook them under medium heat. We want to caramelize these onions and not burn them. This brings out the sugars making them taste awesome. As you are cooking them some of the fond will get stuck in the pan, to deglaze it just throw in some water. When you are doing so make sure you mix it well and deglaze that pan. Be sure to cook them nice and slow until you have a nice golden color just like this. That is exactly what you are looking for. Perfectly caramelized onions but at the same time they still have a little bit of crunch. Don't overcook them, that is one of the key ingredients of this awesome sandwich. Using the same exact pan you want to throw in ground beef. In case you are wondering, I like to use 80/20. That means 80 percent lean and 20 percent fat. To cook the ground beef I like to keep the pan under medium high heat that would not only cook the beef but also caramelize some of the pieces. And remember to break everything down to little pieces, you don't want big chunks. Keep cooking your ground beef until it's a hundred percent fully cooked. As the water is evaporating remember that you're also going to be forming some crust, and that is definitely a plus. Once fully cooked you want to season it. Start off with a little bit of salt, followed by freshly ground black pepper, garlic powder, korean chilli flakes and finish it off with onion powder. Remember exact amount and ingredients always on the description down below for you. Now mix it well until everything is fully combined. And as you can see by the end I have some nice crunchy bits. That is caramelization and flavor friends, you definitely want some of that on your sandwich. Now the next ingredient might be a little bit controversial with some of you. But honestly I've tried with swiss which is what the original recipe was made with, but the good old American processed cheese does a much better job. And if you are gonna give this a go I definitely recommend you trying this one first. After adding the cheese mix everything well. You want to make sure everything combines together nicely. And remember to taste it, make sure you got the seasoning just right. Once you are happy with everything throw back in the onions. Now all there's left to do is to mix it well, combine all of the ingredients together once again and your ground beef mix is ready. This one right here tastes amazing and is something easy and simple to throw it together in just a few minutes. But we all know a sandwich is not going to be complete without a sauce and this one is extremely simple to do. Throw in a little bit of mayo, followed by ketchup, of course mustard and finish it off with Worcestershire sauce. Now all there's left to do is to mix it well and your sauce is ready. Now here is the true star of the show and it's white bread. Sure you can replace it with other breads if you like, but to be honest with you this bread works like a charm. And I'm a hundred percent sure you always have it at home. Now if you never tried this method you definitely should. I'm throwing a little bit of mayo so we can get a nice golden brown color. Trust me the first time I heard about this I said, man this is absolutely ridiculous. But don't knock the mayo until you try it. For the assembling the first thing we want to do is to put a nice golden brown color on the bread and that is exactly what you are looking for. There are very few things in life more tasty than white bread toasted just like this. Now we add the good old American cheese, followed by our ground beef mix, of course another slice of cheese and crown it with an additional slice of bread. To finish it off we need to accomplish to things; a golden brown crust and for that we apply a little bit of mayo put it back in the skillet and let it cook. As it's doing so make sure to apply a little bit more on the other side. Cover it up so you can retain all that heat, once you know once side is crispy flip it on to the other side. Cook it until you achieve the crispiness you are happy with and your sandwich is done. That my friends is called a patty melt. And I'll tell you one thing. If you have never had one you don't know what you are missing. Which anyone can make it at home, no special equipment needed. And as you can see this one is as cheesy as it gets. But wait until you see the outdoor version. And for that I'm also using the good old 20/80 ground beef. We're gonna do something very similar to smash burgers and if you have not seen that burger that changed my life make sure you check it out on description down below later on, because as far as burgers go nothing beats a smash burger. A huge difference between the patty melt and the smash burger is that I no longer make any balls. I have upgraded from that. This allows me to make unlimited amount of patties without having to weight them and the beautiful thing is that I can keep everything covered just like this and at the same time nice and cool on an additional bowl. And for that I just throw in some ice and water on the bowl underneath. But now that you have seen the indoor version it's now time for me to show you the outdoor one. And that one there's not much to say but there is to show. So now I say it is enough talking and it is time to make some incredible patty melts. So let's do it! Alright everybody here we have our patty melts. What do you think Angel? -Look good! I love me some patty melt. -There is a lot of cheese in there everybody and let me tell you something here in Miami right now is hot. You sweaty boy. -Hot. -It is hot, alright with all that being said we got two versions, version A and version B, yea. We're gonna find out which one is better so that you can do it at home. I think I have an idea already of which one I might like best. You ready for this? -Ok let's go this one first? -Let's go with the right, right first, yea yea. This one is super easy to do it at home everybody anyone can make it. You don't need anything special you just gotta do it. You ready? -Cheers! -Cheers everybody. -Go for it. Mmmm. -C'mon it's a patty melt baby, that was amazing I tell you that right now. -It's like the cheese is like nice and gooey. -Yea. -I guess the meat is like already crumbled. -Yea. -So it's easier to eat, cuz you dont really have to do anything. -Yea. -You just gotta break through the bread and that's it. -Extra cheesy I would say that one. -Very cheesy. - Ufff because you are able to control the ground beef exactly the way you want it the seasoning really, really comes thru everybody its very perfectly seasoned. You know even though you have cheese on the top, cheese on the bottom and also ah actual patty mix together all cheesiness. -Oh it's straight cheese. -Yea, maybe this one here is like 90% and 5% beef. This one is super delicious everybody, easy to make. Definitely a go. -And is quick. -Yea quick and easy. -Quick and easy is always good. -Ready for the second one Angel? -Yea let's go for it. -Oh I have a feeling that the second one here is going to be special. Look at that everybody when you squeeze it that juiciness coming out. It's something absolutely incredible there's no way that that's not gonna be amazing. You are ready for this one Angel? Cheers everybody. -Cheers. -Wow. -It's like a different sandwich. -That's a good one. -Yea. -The crust, you feel that is like almost like charcoal. Eventhough there's no charcoal in there, there is charcoal but there's no charcoal you know what I'm saying right everybody. Because you are cooking on a griddle but. - I like this one more. -Ha, ha. - I like this one more too. -I do like this one more. -It's even crunchy the actual patty -It's like a smash burger. -It's a smashburger on an actual bread bun. That''s what it is. -It's a smash burger? -Yea pretty much. -C'mon. -Elite. -Elite. -Elite -I would say what happens is the crust gets really crunchy because the charcoal puts that griddle extremely hot everybody is hot like there's no tomorrow. So you get that extra caramelization that goes along with it.- But its also not like, is not too crunchy. -No, no, no when I say crunchy what I'm talking about is like a crust, like the way we like our steaks. You know what I mean? - That's right. -You have that nice crust definitely way better than the one that I did inside huh. -Yea this one is, this one is superior. - I would say. -Plus I feel like I got a whole lot more meat. -Yes that's a fact right there. Cuz it's like two patties and this one, well obviously you can put a little more on the first one as well if you like. I would say the first one is kind of like fast food style and this one here is kind of like gourmet. This is like awesome! -Anyway guys these are the results, I hope you guys enjoy this video if you do enjoy make sure to give it a thumbs up. If you are not a subscriber, be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are interested in anything of the equipment that I use everything is always on the description down below. Thank you so much for watching and we will see you guys on the next one. Take care everybody. Bye bye. We out.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 5,084,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burger, patty melt, how to make patty melt, hamburger, cheeseburger, grilled burger, indoor burger, how to make, how to cook, grilling, outdoor cooking, best burger
Id: LkTwd5qmvd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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