Road Trip: Pickwick Reservoir, Savannah Tennessee

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[Music] got rebar sticking up out of the ground here obviously there used to be another bridge here that they have demolished because I'm seeing the rebel there's rebar sticking I fail to see on there's a piece of rebar on there that's a good sign it's a good sign and a bad sign means that can attract flood hits is there a structure out there there's some current breaks out there and it's bad because you can flat out get hung up the river is very Swift but if the bank kind of cuts out this way creating a break in the current right below a bridge looks like a good spot to me I'm 344 miles from the house in Savannah Tennessee which is known as the catfish capital of the world [Music] years ago 94 I first moved to Tennessee they had this old stuff on the television all the time called CMT country music television well I got to noticing when people was watching it that there was these things called sanaya Twain videos that would come on that got me interested in watching it as years went by the Shania Twain videos kind of faded off the air but I still kept watching hoping they would play an old video then Along Came this guy named Darryl Worley he done a song called I believe it was good day to run in that video there driving by a sign that says Savannah Tennessee catfish capital of the world now me being new to Tennessee but having catfishing in my blood from where I used to live that video stuck in my head that sign stuck in my head catfish capital of the world what does that mean he later on did song's called Tennessee River run and I realized that that town Savannah was right on the Tennessee River I always told myself one day I wanted to go fish the catfish capital of the world Here I am today it's September 20 something in the bite and downtown Knoxville sucks Knoxville is the beginning of the Tennessee River it is a reservoir it is highly controlled by the dams but there's a lot of wide water and there's a lot of slack water there's also a lot of deep water in other words there's a lot of places when it gets hot the catfish can't elude the bank fish off the bank anybody that lives or fishes around Fort Loudoun knows summertime late summertime is not the time to be fishing Fort Loudoun I figured fall was coming around I knew I would do good but until then I needed a catfish video because I've got a YouTube channel Roadtrip people 344 miles I could have went the same distance and I could have been in Kentucky I could have been in the Carolinas I could have been in Georgia but I didn't really want across the state lines because I didn't really think I could afford another fishing license two and a half tanks of gas later in my big v8 truck Here I am Tennessee is a long state it's long this way it's short this way and I don't really know what happened but I believe back in the old days when the forefathers first started this country there was only like 48 states and somehow later on in the future they somehow added two more states and I guess trying to fit them two more states in they had to compress Tennessee to get them other two states in but either way Tennessee was probably shaped like Ohio was back in the day but now it's long but not very tall there ain't a place to sit no we're out here without getting a bunch of sand in my butt and I'm too lazy to go up to the truck and get my fold-out chair here fishy fishy fishy I shouldn't have to call them too much they ought to be here after all this is the catfish capital of the world they've got to be here man there's water out there we'll know here in a bit after driving 344 miles one way I'm probably going to stay here for a little bit [Music] must have been a gar I don't need none of those last time I took a long distance trip that's what i got was gar if I get another gar he's bait [Music] so far it's been slow check my paid a couple times didn't have no BAE was hung up I didn't have to break the line but I was locked up in something there's a ridiculous amount of bugs out here I'm having a bit of a problem with what I'm seeing here and one of the reasons I came here this weekend was I was out riding around Fort Loudoun I noticed the water had dropped about a foot I'm like well that's going to probably make a slope bike like I'm just going to go somewhere else I can see the wet on the sand and this water is probably talked about two foot over a period of the last week or so so I don't know if it's the drought that's doing it I don't know but either way we're experiencing water drop and water dropping never good either way there's water out there there's got to be a catfish out there they still got to eat right even if there is too many bugs out here this is a new real mxj 5.8 magic cast Abbott liver drug all right people catfish Dave here I'm at Pickwick landing State Park the lower end of Pickwick lake 344 miles from the house man I'm just gonna start out by saying this has been a lot of driving and so far it's been a rough trip I wanted to fish downtown Savannah wanted to finish the bridge up under there and I got this idea in my head years ago and it finally came to happen but when it happened for me I messaged a guy that fists that bridge and he told me the bites been terrible well I'm already half way here you know well I get down there and I find out why I set up on the bank and you can see where the water has recently dropped a couple feet maybe three feet and I don't never do good on water drop could be some high pressure going on I don't know what happened I set up on that spot and quite a bit of work climbing everything down that steep Bank I stayed out there several hours that night all I got was a gar bite I'm still 344 miles from the house I got me a few hours sleep at the quality end didn't shower didn't even change clothes and Here I am I've still got bait now I don't know what this Lake looks like normally because I don't fish it but what I'm hoping is that the reservoir section is still normal level and hasn't experienced no drop a lot of times that happens where I live at Fort Loudoun drops I can go to watch bar and it hasn't dropped yet you know kind of running from the water drop there's a lot better times a year I could have picked to come here but the reason I came here was there was about a foot of water drop that it took place in Fort Loudoun here over the last couple of days I didn't fish Friday night I went out and seen some boys fishing and they was in a spot they should have been getting at least getting some dink bites they wasn't getting jack squat and I'm like well if the water drop is going on here this might be a good weekend for a road trip 344 miles later I'm still getting the water drop hopefully on the upper end of this reservoir out here this morning after a five and a half hour drive hopefully I can pull a fish out of this reservoir spot on my initial ride into the area I stopped here first I went down to Pickwick dam hoping for some skipjacks there was nobody fishing down there but one person there were no skipjacks to be found at Pickwick dam I scoped this area out here and I checked everything on the Navy Onix I'm at a point here and there's you know some close to 30 foot holes out here in front of me and this one that I've got casted to the right it's kind of a little vieng of the deep water but there was something on Navionics I don't know how to identify it I don't know if it was some kind of underwater pipeline or something for what I don't know what but I've got that habit real chunk towards that look like some kind of flat had opportunity to me I don't know I ain't no expert but there was something down there identified on Navionics I like the way the deep cut had come in into this little cove here so I threw it out there got one frozen skipjack had two pretty fresh gizzard shad heads 344 miles from the crib I have no idea what that was it really took off didn't get a hook set sounded like a small striper I don't know if you all know how critical this is but if I don't pull a catfish out here by the time I get home I'm gonna have 700 miles in a trip for no catfish now this looks more to me like a fall and winter spot here lower into the res more like this the way it's set up probably a great place November December but it was close to the main road I don't really have time to experiment all the way up Pickwick Lake today so I really need to catfish here I should have got out here earlier but I was lazy yeah [Music] now I'm pretty sure that's cat works [Music] a short fete Pickwick lake blue cat catfish day coming at you from the catfish capital of the world [Music] fresh gizzard shad got him I've had one decent meal since I got here and it was at a place called the chicory pit in downtown Savannah about half a mile from the Savannah bridge I got a large barbecue sandwich and loaded potato it was loaded with cheese and bacon it was actually quite a good place a very small place few women in there running it I was quite satisfied with the meal and the price wasn't too bad for what I got from Savannah Tennessee Pickwick damn this is catfish day with another one signing out [Music]
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 46,688
Rating: 4.8623147 out of 5
Keywords: Catfish, Bank Fishing, Skipjack, Gizzard Shad, Pickwick Da, Savannah Tennessee, Tennessee River, Catfish capitol of the world, Shania Twain, Darryl Worley, BBQ
Id: 7-XSQNErbaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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