You Cant stop me/ I'm Catfish Dave

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[Music] all right people catfish Dave here it's a Sunday October something 2020 something I don't know anyhow got pretty cold last night it's gonna get even colder tonight I'm on experiment with the back waters a little bit because I haven't done a lot of that yet typically I don't fish back waters until it number one they're either going on the nest in the spring or I do it again in the fall in the winter so most of the time your big fish will be out in the channel out the deep water and stuff but there are certain times a year you can get them in these back waters basically I'm in a new spot I've never fished and the reason I'm doing this is because my fall spots pretty much been taken you know I found out that if I make videos I don't get to fish at these places so I'm going to start making videos at places where people don't know where they're at and that's what this is I've seen some skipjacks busted in here which is a good thing now they're not super easy to catch yet but skipjacks are just now starting to work into the bat creeks I caught a few over a Melton Hill Lake today and I caught one in here before I ever got my rods out one thing if there are no blues moved in here yet of any size is now that we're getting the colder nights flat heads may be starting to feed the bait I have is quite fresh I usually get on a pretty good flathead bite uncut bait in the fall and early winter as long as there are flat heads in the neighborhood this looks to me like could be some flat heads in here so I do have a shot at a flat head while I'm here as well it's mainly a test to see if the Blues have moved into these shallow coves yet so I won't be staying out real late it's a work night but I will be staying probably a little bit after dark just to see what happens let's get her done skipjack seem to be hitting earlier in the day they were hurt hitting early over at Milton hill you know when I first got there like at noon they were immediately hitting my lures were flashing at him and then later it got the less they got well I was seeing some break and I ain't seeing none right now so might be right for dark will get another little batch of a skipjack bite I'm gonna keep my Foley spoon out just in case they do they're working out they're just a little bit now they busted just right there I wish they'd stay around here for a second they're not hitting us a lure real good [Applause] then skipjacks are out there they're just not hardly hitting the Lord right now I've had this problem everywhere I go catching just a few a day and I'm catching them earlier in the day so I did have one following my spoon all the way up to the bank and then turn around but yeah these old skipjacks have just flat-out quit ain't nothing moving nowhere I caught six today I'm gonna take the three biggest ones and I'm gonna freeze them because I took three frozen bait out of the freezer this weekend because I had a hard time getting skipjack so that'll get me back to where I was just got old channel cat bite on that one on the left that ain't a good sign of course I knew they're in here I'm hoping the big fish would be coming in here or that's what I'm trying to see it's probably still a week or so early and it's also still daylight man usually your big fish are going to hit at night this time of year I got a lot of bluegill in there I oughta put one on a float straight out and maybe one on the bottom to the ride over here in this shallow water modest well I mean I'm here you never know until you throw I've got that float set about eight foot deep so what I've done is I've never fished here before I don't know where the deep and shallow me I captured it way out and I pulled it back until it hit that drop-off going from the show to the deep so the the bluegill and the waste just kind of resting up against the drop you know I've been out here a couple hours so I'm gonna go ahead and check my cut baits I got some gizzard shad in there too I may put a cut bait over here on the shallow part to the right just in case there's a wandering nighttime flathead that'll hit a cut bait you never know that thing didn't hit a bit two foot of water I mean it didn't drop at all I'm Way off from the bank I mean it didn't drop at all I mean I know a flat head will cruise shallow the only thing bothering me is there was a great big snapping turtle head that popped up over here and fishing over there and to footer water I'm asking for trouble with him now even though I'm not going to say we're on that I will say this lake is not known for a catfish lake that arquette fish in this lake the fact that it is not fished heavily for catfish and all three species in here it's one of those lakes where you probably don't catch a lot of fish but you got a real good chance of catching a big fish I'm gonna hit it some just because I need different places to fish it's one of those adventure type deals just to see what happens new territory for me that little gizzard shad had got hit already the bonus rod over in two foot of water gizzard shad two pieces of skipjack and a lot of bluegill if that ain't got a spot covered I don't know what does deep shallow right on the ledge I'd say we got it covered it's dropping down to freezing tonight I say it's about 40 now this is one of them places with the cutoff Bank that I should probably have my net but I don't because I'm lazy I figure if I do get a good fish I'll step off in the water that's not that deep right there good grief that's a big fish good grief that's a big fish good grief that's a big fish right when I didn't bring my net you got to be kidding me this is a huge fish oh my goodness why didn't I bring my net I'm gonna need it oh my goodness this fish ain't over 40 I will kiss your butt oh this is a big fish big fish big fish looks like I'm getting in the water he's getting up into that shell of water oh yeah that's a big fish that's a big fish good lord this this fish has got a lot of stride to it Lana stride he's a big fish this could be my biggest fish of the year right here big fish I don't know if there's a drop off he can cut me off on or what he's fixing to get into my float that's not good come on don't cut me off on nothing don't cut me off on nothing big fish big fish he ain't tired out easy big fish I think I'm gonna need a bigger boat oh man yep oh shoot I'm gonna need a bigger boat man I wish I'd brought my net oh lord have mercy he's running me over that drop don't cut me off baby this fish ain't tiring out he hung out at all he's in my float good I'm gonna need a bigger boat people all right he's close he's close I want him good and tuckered out but I try to grab because I ain't got my net if this ain't my biggest one of the year he's a feisty fish I see him and I don't think he's my biggest fish of the year he was just a strong fish it's hard to tell when they're in the water I think it's a 40 to 50 I should have brought my net well he might be my biggest huh I don't know if he's my biggest of the year he said he should put up a fight though whoo oh good look at that baby doll whoo should have brought my net I don't know that fish he might be bigger than that 45 pounder just a little bit I'm gonna get a weight on him man I should have brought my net that fish was strong and he he fought a lot harder than any other forty pound class fish I caught this year so I'm gonna get my net I'm away this fish that's a nice fish oh come on what I'm gonna do is instead of trying to pick all that up in the net with my thumbs I'm gonna tie that scale to the handle of my net to make it easier to lift them up that fish has got to be fifty pounds [Music] ouch ouch yeah [Music] whoo he's 51 6 in the net so that's fish is right at 50 that's my biggest fish to the air that one actually hit 50 pound fifty pounds people 50 pounds gotta love it I'm gonna just let him sit in that water circuit usually a 40 pound fish just takes off thrashing hard I get him in fairly quick that fish there he pulled hard and kept pulling and would not tire out he's pulled out about 20 feet out in front of me not that part about ten foot and he's in about two foot of water but he's just laying on the bottom he's breathing he's upright so he'll sit there and catch his breath long as he's holding himself perfectly right he's good like I say I've had a lot of issues with people trying to steal my spots I had what banked on this fall spot all year long looked forward to it and I wasn't gonna move out of that spot we all therefore people learned about it night be able to fish it since so when my camera was soaked and I couldn't use it that one weekend I went to scouting I went scouting different lakes lakes way away from these Knoxville boys that are trolling me you know no offense to anybody but if y'all anyone offer to let me fish my spot no one unit every night this video is to show you I don't need that spot I'm kept fish Dave all going to a new Lake I'll go into new waters I've never been and I'm still going to pull out good fish you know that's what I do I've been doing this for too long I've never been to this spot but I can take one look at it and say this is where I need to be here now this time of year what the weather is doing what it's doing with the thread pins moving in with the skipjack moving in this ain't my first rodeo so y'all could have my spot I'm gonna hit spot you ain't never seen and I'm still gonna pull out fish I'm catfish Dave [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 73,713
Rating: 4.9410567 out of 5
Keywords: Catfish, Catfishing, Fishing, Blue Catfish, Big Catfish, Big fish, Skipjack
Id: Ysc6hLhWPBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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