r/Mildlyinfuriating • melted keyboard

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my co-workers and i ordered four different sizes got the same amount of ice regardless of size and that is an optical illusion what's going on guys and welcome back to deely your only source for reddit memes your only source there are no other reddit channels don't don't even try and fight that in the comments i will not read those i will only read the comments that say daily is the only reddit channel for that as a fact and today we're going through r slash mildly infuriating really amazon it's it's two things they could have sent that well you don't have any long bags they have those little amazon bags without having long ones make a long one stuff the yardstick into it followed by the little bit of tape but now you have a cool box to make a ford out of so i mean is it really are you really losing here oh oh oh no that made me cringe is that is that a vinyl is that a diploma so they even bent the mailbox trying to stuff it in there oh my god throw it in the ditch what are they gonna do they parked their bicycle that you lock to a to a metal bike thing that you chained to a bike holder they parked that in the parking spot for the real for the real transportation to go run it over no one's looking i won't tell two packages of silverware shipped in a box big enough for ten again now you have a wicked sick box that's foundation for your future box fort i don't see why you're complaining oh that's that's an architectural mishap how'd they do that you have two windows perfectly aligned did you hire was that a new guy was he new on the job was he drunk was he's hired what happened why is that slanted to the side this cabinet in my apartment is ultra thin and is reserved only for my balsamic vinegar nothing else can fit oh no well that's that is begging for a hand to go right into that cake frosting free i am so tempted to just stick my hand in that cake ooh this is like one of those photos that depict what it's like to have a stroke and you don't know what's going on i don't like anything about this image oh you cracked an egg inside the carton you numb nuts now that carton's ruined cut it in half cut the carton in half and you'll be fine you're you're preserved by the eggshell divots who bring me who did this what goddamn monster did this bring me them their hands and their right to post on reddit i want all of them gone and back to back how your sister cuts pizza who is she feeding a bunch of ants when my mom was trying to control how much cake i would eat as a kid because like when we go to birthday parties i would want a big slice of cake because i'm a kid i love cake i still do i need i would eat a whole cake if i wasn't on keto you don't eat a whole goddamn cake one sitting no fork just hands anyway she would cut like thin like she would take like a protractor and like angle like the thinnest possible slice while still giving me proper cheese to pepperoni ratio and i would call it the mom slice because it was like a thin it was like less than a 45 degree angle of cake or pizza i realized since i was looking at pizza my brain just took over pizza anyway don't do this that's what i'm trying to say your dad cuts avocados with the pit inside of it i mean i guess he must either that knife is impressively sharp or your dad is freakishly strong because there is no other way for that avocado to be cut with the pit intact ordered 27 books from amazon on a single order got 27 boxes one book each delivered you guys know what i'm about to say i've said that the last two times boxes appeared on my on my monitor these are nothing more than super good cool and awesome foundations for your box fort so how about you stop complaining like a like a bastard and start building a box for it we have to defend the castle it is amazing how many people don't know the difference between your and your especially when they're doing it to scare you smile you're on camera okay ah yes finally we have advanced enough to i saw a tweet that was like we are finally advanced enough to see what's behind a clear glass pane i do kind of like this for when you're just coming in you want to see what's in you know because sometimes it's all fogged up on the glass like in the beer cave and stuff this is nice i like this for some convenience but otherwise there's no reason oh tried to backspace and now my essay is gone please save often i'm so sorry oh man that like that made my stomach sink that was that was heartbreaking to see poor guy is he gonna be is he gonna make it is he gonna finish his essay i wanna know what happened the eyes why you're worried about the eyes i'm worried about the the 12 pack of abs he has running down his chest he's got like two ruffles chips for for a stomach maximum of five three customer at a time please so which is it ah yes this is the flag of ireland don't try and disagree with me because you'll be wrong it says it right there and it's official on colonialflag.com so really am i uh are you gonna who are you gonna believe colonialflag.com or someone in the comment section saying that's not the flag okay the holes on my school provided line paper do not fit in a normal ring folder i'm more concerned about why you have a two-prong ring aren't binders three-prong this is such a weird looking like folder for me maybe i'm just tripping but this makes me severely uncomfortable someone messed up at the fork factory now i don't know what to call this a fork with an extra appendage like an angler fish when when they're mating and the little one sucks onto the big one is that what this is got a packet of air to get my fries into guys i'm feeling pretty cool what is wrong with my friend he cuts into the side of the bag and eats it out he eats the bag like that well he went wrong when he started eating off-brand sun chips i think that was the first first mistake this is what my mom does with her gum when she drinks coffee and i hate it why does she eat gum before drinking coffee isn't coffee a morning beverage she wake up pop a piece of gum in her mouth take a shower stick it onto her mug and then drink the coffee my one a day gummy vitamins of which i have to take two a day have an odd number left that's when you take three a day the last day and you're super strong that entire day took me a few years what's going on here you just well you gotta lock it in place man dude this happens to me consistently and it makes me so mad i hate it when this happens thank you for someone showing this i hate so oh my god i never i've never related to a post so hard i i i hate it so i ripped my belt loop on one of these damn doors okay this this means a lot to me the cable guy installed the cable through our hula hoop that we left out well maybe you should move the hula hoop two-step authentication hummus we gotta be sure you really want to eat this hummus select a number just press skip there's no fire hydrants you're good man press skip white black asian gay straight the person who originally made this format and didn't capitalize the eyes come on now what were you thinking this is how my wife opens jars of peanut butter she just cuts right into the middle with a knife and digs it out with her fingers it's disgusting but i married her and i love her these pockets are not pockets they are zippers with lies and mischievous intentions they are aesthetic only a 1499 piece jigsaw a piece of the sky is missing just like in real life k-pop oh that's not k-pop the biggest letdown i've had in a while 150 markers uh uh that's not nearly as many as i thought it was going to be it may be 150 but there's a big cavity in the middle that i thought was going to be filled with marker my wife never fully screws the lids back onto anything and she wonders why things go sour and i say well honey you didn't screw the the the lid on now our chocolate milk's bad our chalky milk what am i gonna drink now when i make a good funny poster memes when i get when i get on the front page of our slash fortnite br what am i gonna do now on google earth there is a split moment that shows the driver littering google tried to censor it but it just raised more attention you're never going to be able to censor that that is forever cemented printed logo that doesn't align with the embossing grab it's a drop shadow don't worry about it what are my employees calendars is this grounds for termination oh yes march 32nd to 34th the real the real hidden days of the year you know not only is this a terrifying tattoo but it's the fact that he got this on the wrong arm and now mario has two right hands that really seals the deal for me my tv is a max volume oh that that's mildly infuriating that's spelling bolo of 63 because come on you could have made it six more please 401 days ago a message to dad failed to sin and we thought we'd tell you now a year and then some later just in case you wondered if it sent all that all those days ago wow that's a really bad solder you missed the [ __ ] line bud my german teacher left her mouse on autoplay the whole video it's the boomer logic conversation 30db music comes on 500db can you hear me apparently sprinkles are too much to expect on a sprinkled donut guess i'll go i guess i'll go eat my pink donut now i just wanted a i just wanted a i just wanted a smosh brand pink frosted sprinkled donut but i guess i won't get that the two green triangles are the same color and don't make sense with the other color palettes and this is the opal card logo australia wide ah good old i can't see anything because the entire team will kill me this there's nothing wrong with this let's go australia go ahead it's two pursed lips give it a kiss it'll open up sorry but we need you to spend two cents more we don't accept any orders under 11.99 usd due to payment processing fees and order fulfillment costs so better find something worth two cents pal hey what's oxidation all right google's got me it is the process a result of oxidizing or being oxidized huh and what are those terms meaning oxidizing to oxidate all right what about oxidized to have been oxidated plants make people happy and we're just gonna crush that box all the way in crack who painted this line was it someone just like was he speed running this is such a sloppy job asking parents for permission it's it's child volleyball let's play volley ask your mom ask your dad ask your mom ask your dad do you like this game we'll do it forever my man parked across two parking spots in a bomb ass car tow it pop three tires that way his insurance won't cover it sorry what's on the plate here upside down peas understood delicious please use uploaded logo that's a weird brand hyping myself up for a phone call come on man you got this they don't pick up they don't pick up oh do it uh oh yeah no i hate this button i'm not even gonna try and read this this is confusing from start to finish uh yes the radiator has those pipes going right into the wall making a perfect corner to place any bad child into if you've misbehaved under my watchful eye you're getting put in the radiator corner right behind right by the hot pipes and that's why that's why when i was a big brother to my little brother he has burn marks on his hands because i put him in the radiator corner engineer did a good job at installing the master socket screws are way too short that they stuck to the wall and now it's pulled the plaster off with it thanks my grandfather refuses to take the plastic off of this controller he wants to keep it pristine and nice i bet you it's goddamn perfect under that plastic i just want a bigger pocket please is that too much to ask for it's crazy that we have pocket disparity i'm gonna secretly sew pockets into the pants of my of of brianna's clothes and she's gonna lose her mind my airpods fell out of my pocket and once again they find my app fails me can't find it no location found might be because your airpod is dead buddy a 3 000 piece puzzle incorrectly cut oh just barely two people shoving shopping carts into bike racks that's just humans too at least they brought it back up to the front of the store you know shopping carts are the ultimate power of whether you're good or evil like if you put it back into the cart cat cart catting you're good you're a law-abiding person if you don't you are you are a criminal you probably are a super villain of some sort um maybe like a henchman of some kind maybe you're not super high up the ladder i don't know either way you're part of the crime syndicate uh one pink little festival thing inside all of the green it's like the needle in the haystack i was staring at this all flight wait staring at what what are you staring at i don't get it oh the the the right on the left ear is that what's going on the reunion of the cast from robocop 1987 but they're not standing in the same places as the previous photo because they don't need to oh i hate this i kind of love and hate this room actually like it's super cool looking and i feel like i have a lot of arts and crafts in this room but at the same time it is just horribly designed i finally get to see the banksy in my town only for someone to have ruined it damn damn damn damn oh you know what to do dinner be busting the barcode sticker on the inside of my new saucepan now i gotta find a way to get the adhesive off thanks it's right there conspiracy yc spiricy netflix back pain meds on the bottom shelf if you want relief you gotta work for it good morning just from the light burning in the retina a cargo ship drew a giant dick pic in the ocean that got stuck in the seuss canal put the boat back i'll say it again i want it back in the canal when you order shoes and they come like this is that an anti-theft device locked onto the shoes [Laughter] just throw them in there oh that's a gross sink ah this is just uncomfortable this is uncomfortable feeling oh look at that angry cat sitting on top of the pizza it's because there's pineapple on that pizza the cat's not a fan of hawaiian this power adapter on an over under wall socket i don't know oh oh oh i see i see i think i see i don't know what i'm supposed to be looking at here the disabled parking in chicago is a challenge if you make it though you get free food dear user your phone is getting too many spam texts eradicate them now here thanks spam text are you sure that's top quality stainless steel because if i'm looking at the blade it looks like it's rusting in stainless steel top quality nonetheless i don't think it's gonna do that buddy so stop stop telling me a fib and give me my top quality stainless steel it was an amazing experience and the staff gave us excellent service the day was a blessing thanks one star companies put these bloody stickers all over their products i wanted the avengers box set now i gotta carefully remove this sticker where the bus stopped right down the hill this just to turn off the lights it's fun this cat mug with two tails one to the head one from the behind oh whoa i hate all these i hate all these faucets because this two are fine the third one we're we're gonna have a talk oh and i gotta throw the whole can out buddy that's a that's a that's a dud you know we could have used a white towel for easier sorting but instead we've done this and now i'm confused choose a delivery option for 4.99 shipping you can get the same exact shipping dates as the 9.16 shipping just one gets us a little more money i am uh 18 years old uh sorry just stop you right there but you need to enter a value between 20 and 130 here okay we don't believe in any number below 20 and any number above 130. imagine walking out the door all right i'm going to work goodbye opens the door ah someone took the damn stairs how do you bend a brick with force and pressure the window corner on a bus i like the design but i don't like that the corner is empty the wire on my it's not centered why would they do it like that wait that makes no sense there's gonna be a tug i hate that but that's gonna do it for r slash mildly infuriating and i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did be sure to leave a like down below and subscribe for more videos daily until next time my name is damian you've been watching daily and i'll see you next time
Channel: DeeLee
Views: 399,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% true stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, ez pz, reddit funny, Mildlyinfuriating
Id: Jm8DwwajcDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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