r/Mildlyinfuriating · where choccy :(

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so here you have the parmesan goldfish and here you have the flavor blasted goldfish and one is definitely not the same as the other and you know they're kind of the same size you know if you if you squint hard enough so much that you close your eyes they're the same size or at least you can imagine they're the same size how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy i'm your host david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look on into r slash merlin for in wait no sorry mildly furry aching mild you know it's it's mildly infuriating okay it's so hard to say that title no but really things are about to get a lot more stressful i hope you're ready to dive on into this video and without further ado let's go kids who play with their ds like this are all in prison now yep every last one of them they know what they did oh yeah you know great you know everybody wants to sit on a toilet that looks wet i bet you got a lot of people wanting to use this bathroom ah yes a good old-fashioned chocolate chip granola bar what you wanted more chocolate chips it's a chocolate chip granola bar as in chocolate chip singular you get what you pay for man i don't know what to tell you oh no one of these things is not like the other one of these things just isn't the same welp the classic roof messing up the rest of the building yep looks like it's time to move every time this happens i get so annoyed anyone else agree oh come on what are you talking about now the paper towels have a cool dragon tail what you don't like the dragon tail what are you some kind of weirdo these notifications that i can't get rid of okay yeah i know some people are like this with notifications but this is my phone so i'm just going to keep quiet i would like to share with you all the time i was politely dissed by rl stein i was in the fourth grade and mailed my book to him to autograph dear r.l stein please sign right here and rl stein's like no no i don't think i will take that you stupid kid political efficacy is described as what now you see you said your vote counts now i'm sorry the answer is you are vote counts you see your mistake there yeah you failed f minus for you send them to detention coffee shops that add this much ice to your drink oh yeah you know like ninety percent water five percent drink and the other five percent is just disappointment t-shirt hymns that fold with no mercy ah come on you're just trying to rock your short sleeve look and the sleeves are like no i don't care i'm gonna fold and what year was your spouse born uh 1999. your answer cannot have more than two repeating characters i love how this bot's just like no your spouse can't be born in 1999 impossible at an airport lounge apparently men don't help change their baby's diapers here you see the men are allowed to go to the bathroom and shower the women can do the same but they also take care of the baby if you're a single father or you're just taking care of your baby yeah yeah screw you you don't get an option oh man this airport just doesn't care two people on the highway drove next to each other at 55 miles an hour for several miles causing a huge line of cars to build up behind them ah don't you just love to see it why not allow people to drive at their own speed no no no just cause traffic it's fine you're totally not ticking off everyone no but seriously everybody knows the rule if you're gonna drive slow you gotta make sure that you give people space to drive fast all right how am i gonna speed if you're in my way that's not fair introducing amrit natural brown sugar a warning natural is only a brand name it does not represent its true nature oh goodness what a disclaimer i mean this is just proof you can just put the word natural on it without it having to be true cause most people are gonna believe it's natural and not even read the little disclaimer it's so misleading it's so evil it's so capitalist i i just i love it i do love it as an american it makes me proud this completely flat spoon i was given to eat my soup with oh what your spoon has to have a scoop in it what you can't eat with a flat spoon what are you some kind of weirdo ah yes beautiful nathier brought to you by all the trees the mountains in the birds formed to make a beautiful oh jeff oh come on jeff it was so beautiful and you ruined it me and my girlfriend were struggling with this maze when we got to watching the pikachu movie we checked the solution in the back and they draw through the wall oh you see you're having trouble with the maze no no it's really easy all you have to do is phase through the wall what you can't face through the wall in a maze hey i mean they made the maze so technically they make the rules if they say you can just travel through walls then just draw a diagonal line to the finish i mean easy win thought i was lucky turned out they were empty boxes for show oh man you guys have the rtx 3080 no but we have the rtx 3080 box so uh can i buy one no we're out of stock oh this turkey burger and onion rings appetizer from hooters yeah yeah yeah nah that looks disgusting and it's like a double whammy too because not only did you get a disgusting meal but you also labeled yourself as somebody who goes to hooters that's tough man that's tough [Laughter] if you design a quest where you need to follow an npc and they move slower than your running speed but faster than your walking speed you are banned from making video games for one year ah seriously that is like the most annoying thing ever i agree with this guy just take a year break all right you probably need it my d key fell off my keyboard so i ordered a new one and a five key came instead look the company was like hey man you get what you get alright yep now it's time to pull out the sharpie and just make it work oh i can just imagine every like partner of this person is like so annoyed they're like harold use the coaster he never uses the coaster i don't know what's wrong with him no but really harold use your coaster come on don't be rude it's right there this decal is upside down right no no no no you see the truck is in like america or just some other state but those wolf eyes yeah no those are in australia all right let's do this one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen and fifteen is just they messed up the stripes for fifteen and uh see now you gotta order another 15 ball and what's worse is when you do they're probably going to send you the letter d on it it's just you can't win in this world man hey uh hey everyone yeah uh get out of my house birthday cancelled no but seriously whoever cut this cake doesn't deserve to have a happy birthday they deserve to have a silent sad miserable birthday okay maybe that's a little too harsh but you know what they should get as a present a class on cutting a cake properly yeah happy birthday andy do better the location of the full stop button when searching for something on google i always hit it by accident and searches always turn into this hey man i don't know what to tell you you just have big thumbs huh well uh you know i think it's funny that a lot of other places in the world don't really have a lot of guns like available because as an american citizen i can look at this and say hey you know that's not a revolver what were they thinking and i imagine the designers just really didn't know they were like hey man a gun's a gun but uh yeah no no that ain't right in case you haven't heard people are losing their minds in the south right now oh yes the gas shortage how could we forget something so beautiful and by beautiful i mean absolutely annoying you know i live in the southeast part of the united states uh north carolina what's up and uh yeah you know people were just using all of the gas i mean we were in a gas shortage and people went crazy they took all the gas that was left and for like a week i had no gas which means i couldn't do all the cool stuff i do like you know go to parties or or meet up with friends or uh yeah i couldn't do any of that stuff because i didn't have gas you know not not because i don't have friends and i don't go to parties but like yeah it was because of the gas this just in life found on mars no life has not been found on mars yet but imagine waking up to that headline wow this is just sad journalism at its lowest can you imagine having no news to report that you have to like make an article to imagine what life would be like if there was something eventful that's gotta be such a boring job try to lift the bunch yep and now they're all exposed to oxygen hope you're hungry for bananas now eat up what a worthless purchase oh i imagine that little crow or like raven was supposed to scare away the pigeons but the pigeons just like hey man nice seat thanks for this yeah you failed you played yourself nice try try again doordash driver apparently couldn't find my house and decided to throw my order on the ground i'm sorry for laughing but the worker must have been so frustrated they're like gosh darn it i can't find the house they just smash the food start having a food fight with themselves and the cars passing by now this is a real question do you order it again or do you just like give up do you just say hey i'm not eating for today all right i tried i'm gonna try again tomorrow what do you do in this situation ever wonder what the top of everest looks like it looks like a bunch of garbage yep people are really that awful that they can't even carry their trash down a mountain no no just throw it on the floor it's worse than the movie theater like how awful is this i use sticky tack to avoid damaging my wall this is the result oh boy here we go you go out of your way to preserve the wall and and yeah you just get punished in return my brother rearranged my keyboard hey you know your brother's just trying to help you you know and uh and you know it's not that bad it's in alphabetical order that that's better right yeah no you need to get a new brother to the adoption agency me accidentally clicks on play the last samurai but stops after four seconds netflix for the next 18 months hey do you want to continue watching the last samurai because you watched the last samurai for super fans of the last samurai samurai movie starring tom cruise ah come on stop it i don't want to watch the show wax warmer fell off the shelf in my living room smells better than it looks yeah no i imagine trying to explain that to a date hey welcome to my home and yeah i know the spot in the corner it looks bad but in my defense it smells better than it looks wait where are you going come back god it's so bad you know tears aside the window i how like more than just being upset i am just disappointed i feel like one of those strict parents that's just like straight up looking at the architect just like look i see what you did here and i'm not mad i'm just disappointed the sheer number of these in a pack of socks what you don't like plastic tags in your sock you know the worst part about these is when you rip them out sometimes the other side gets stuck in the sock or like you just don't notice it's in there so you're just walking and then eventually you step on one of those plastic pieces and you have to dig out your shoe and take off your sock and pull the plastic out it's just annoying all around there's got to be a better way to like keep the socks together this just in lunch lady fired after giving food to kids who couldn't pay ah this monster they deserve to lose their job how dare they feed children who could not feed themselves what next you're telling me you have to take care of a child and raise them and teach them oh and i imagine you're supposed to give them an education too gosh lock her up what an awful awful worker you see there's lazy and then there's this oh come on it's not even that far away the trash can is right there personally i don't even like it when people like leave their carts by their car instead of just putting it in the little rack but this right here the idea that somebody would put a cup so close to the trash can but not in it is just excessively infuriating the amount of unnecessary plastic that this toy package has introducing hot wheels monster truck yes it actually works brought to you by the world's smallest toys okay there are so many problems with this not just the fact that it has so much plastic around such a tiny toy but also the fact that it's a tiny toy like this is what kids choke on plus i guarantee you it's the size of a lego but it's gonna be worth like five dollars all in all this is just an awful toy oh but speaking of too much plastic around packaging introducing this why does it have so much plastic nobody knows what i found after pulling plastic body pieces off my new car the guy ghosted me ah can you imagine hello hey man what the heck did you do to my car oh uh you took the plastic off yeah dude what the heck is this you like totally ruined my car absolutely i gotta go hello hello oh come on man woke up and saw my door removed by my parents i asked them why and they replied privacy isn't necessary oh yes a1 parenting there you know what you should do change nothing if you like to walk around naked in your room continue doing it just let them see you if they got a problem just be like hey man privacy isn't necessary yeah that'll show them you see here i was thinking that pineapples on pizza was excessive i say people who agree with pineapples on pizza and people who don't join together to just beat up whoever took this picture seriously this has to be like breaking the geneva convention laws right like it's definitely a war crime for sure at least throw the cups away oh yeah this this is actually almost worse than mount everest i don't know how people are so comfortable just being a slob and then leaving it up to other people to clean up their mess it's completely disrespectful someone stole the 2022 graduating class tree they planted in 2018 okay it was definitely somebody who wasn't allowed to graduate all right let's be honest they probably didn't have the best grades they probably just kind of made a couple of mistakes and just got angry that they weren't graduating with the rest of their class they're sitting there like if i don't get to graduate then you don't get to have a tree the tree did nothing to you it didn't deserve to be hitchcocked you took a graduation celebration and you turned into a murder mystery like come on not cool this whole building can eat my ass ah no no come on you can't do this wait you know what i know exactly what to do hold on and just grab this little marker make it uh what color is that now we're just going to take this pick a color and just kind of just [Music] yeah and boom i fixed your photo the guy in red claimed the table we tried to sit at by pouring a glass of water and then sitting down with his friends at another table hey you just got slided i've never heard of anybody doing this but he basically said look i'm not gonna sit here but i just don't want you to sit here so uh yeah go away no taco shells no problem use tortillas oh wow you know what how unique of a tip no ice just freeze some water yeah no that's just uh come on ups loves to test me i swear you see your label was created it was shipped now it's out for delivery and now it's delivered and now it's on its way wait what it's not delivered how was it delivered and on its way to be delivered at the same time darn ups ah don't you just love it when this happens to your skin and there's no real winning to this scenario either i mean you could risk pulling it off but that just might leave you a cut that you feel for the next three days honestly there's nothing really you can do about this it just sucks this shop puts the capital of each country except italy you see there's london paris tokyo and uh and italy ah yes the famous italy italy what do you mean rome's the capital of italy what are you talking about no italy's the capital of italy well no i didn't graduate high school that's why i cut the tree down i mean that's why somebody else cut the tree down so this one's waste and this one's recycling and then you flip over to the other side of that trash can and that one's recycling and that one's waste oh yes saving the planet one mistake at a time my grandma ate a full box of jello last night and put the scraps in the fridge yeah uh thanks grandma um hello elderly care nursing home uh yes i'd like to add a patient to your list shut up grandma this is what you get for eating all the jell-o the fact that you can dislike a youtube comment but it doesn't say how many dislikes there are hey uh yeah youtube what's up with that i can imagine all of my comments just have thousands of dislikes but i i have no clue and nobody else does either very strange just very very strange give the name of any of russia's neighboring countries okay finland ah you see finland is a correct answer we just don't like you so yeah you're gonna fail i was wondering why it took almost a day to charge these little crappy speakers until i found out that the red light means fully charged ah yes you see red light means good wait what what do you mean that's not good oh that explains the traffic tickets i attempted to take 60 out of the atm it got stuck and i couldn't get it out then it sucked it back in and it still took 60 out of my account oh no that's awful you see in most cases people try to rob atms but in this case this atm robbed you i'm sorry that's actually really awful and with that everyone that's gonna conclude this episode of r slash mildly infuriating if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and hit the notification bell to be notified of all of our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i can't wait to see you in the next video so till then peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 77,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Mildlyinfuriating
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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