r/Me_irl | yes I am

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at what size does a stick become a log it's less about the size and as more about the vibes it gives off if you think about it [Music] big stick energy if you will you know what i do will i i will good morning people welcome to crisscross i am xva and i have not slept enough but that doesn't matter because i'm here for your entertainment no matter how many hours of sleep i got anyway me in real life let's go let's go in memory of roger bucklesby who hated this park and everyone in it is it is that from parks and recreation that that sounds like it's from parks and recreation either way a great plaque this couple had three sets of twins and a little girl later in life if her boyfriend cheats on her he's going to catch some confusing ass meeting it's like ah don't worry i can take you oh god there's two of them oh god there's four three oh god help help help i'm sorry no one kickballs that have been stuck in the middle school gym ceiling since 2011. lonely i am so lonely stuck on the ceiling i am a ball man i hate cursive how to summon a lemon same though i always because of some stupid change in my education system i had i was forced to learn nothing but cursive in school and guess how my handwriting looks now it's dreadful there was a joke among my elementary school teachers that said oh if you teach him and you correct his works then you can become an archaeologist without training because you already know how to read hieroglyphics you can rewrite dna on the fly and you're using it to turn people into dinosaurs but with tech like that you could cure cancer but i don't want to cure cancer i want to turn people into dinosaurs yeah you're next here we go when you forget to take your pants off before you crap ah i'm so stupid oh pants go poopy again i'll never learn when you want to choose career options based on your skills and experience ah feeling uh daring today i think today i'll have some nothing uh with a side of not available to me ah oh there's a nice one ah retail brilliant it's the man the legend gus johnson today i woke up and opened reddit then i opened twitter and then i forgot i had just looked at reddit so i opened reddit again then i watched youtube and then i opened read it but realized i had seen it all so i closed read it then open read it again and now the day is over oh that one hit me hard that oh god i hate i absolutely hate the feeling when i'm like i have so many games to play so many games yet i end up doing nothing for three hours watching youtube videos and checking social media instead i could have been actually achieving something in one of the games i need to play but i'm so dumb stop complaining about your life there are literally people living in america to all of my uh american homies out there i'm so sorry i'm just so sorry to prove that people will argue over anything here is a stick 101 comments um that's a branch i wonder if he's thinking about me it is wednesday my dudes are so relatable oh crap it's actually wednesday except it's not and it's monday when i record this but who cares do you all ever get pretty annoyed like you already know someone is about to piss you off every every day of my life every single day 21 years old i have no friends the way youtube recommends this to me feels like a personal attack on dvd sorry just i like that what role do you play at family gatherings too young for the adults too old to be chilling with the kids i just sit damn you don't have any relationships with like the people in your family so you can lead a conversation with them regardless of the age gap i get along with my like little cousin perfectly so do i with my grandma jesus get some social skills buddy if we die we're taking you with us please don't leave mr b we need you drug called grey death can kill with just one dose is this a warning or an advertisement because uh i've had about enough of this planet uh i'm gonna become a dog in my next life so give me give me that just give me the whole back gray death yeah i thought i'll take it just here give me i would literally die if a boy did this to me yeah that is accurate i've noticed you'll say something sad and then you laugh my therapist yeah you're the therapist uh you should know what a defense mechanism is my body when i'm by myself my body when i'm in public holy crap bro you're nuts itch holy crap your [ __ ] is in a bad position bro fix that now history class in france in china in egypt in the us i mean nothing against uh captain america but uh yeah politicians hate him old man discovers one weird trick to stopping coronavirus oh that's how we get the boomers to to wear face masks ah the answer was so obvious you fight alternative facts and click bait with click bait and what looks like alternative facts ah you must battle everyone you've had sex with all at once how screwed are you nearly everyone on this subreddit vs this master hand yeah i'm sorry that you guys don't have a fulfilling sex life uh do you ever see a pic of yourself and you almost can't believe how effing ugly you actually are does it make me narcissistic if i say no no if 2020 was an alcoholic drink what would it be vodka in a water bottle when you're expecting water that doesn't sound like a bad thing unless you're driving a car or operating a vehicle that would be a welcome surprise the whole squad walking away while you tie your shoes that one bro waiting for you you deserve a medal man melon plus broccoli melon quality the saddest vegetable in existence here t take take the upvote that's a that's a good pun i don't vaccinate my kids because i don't want them blank ouiji says exclamation point because i don't want them that's yeah that's a that's a pretty apt description for anti-vaxxers i just don't want my kids if they leave if they disappear who cares i can just make more and then have those die man these anti-vaxx jokes never get old tesla solar panels are 149 per watt [Music] by jj watt how much are they for everyone else i do like this kind of huber when people just join in with the name that's good that's good you props to you man september 9th 2018 versus september 9th 2019. oh that is a that is a look at those arms damn i like how he's happy and both you know that that facial expression is going to be a very different one once 2020 has rolled around relish the smile world you can boys now hold on there champ you've been thinking about health care in the u.s haven't you that'll be 20 000 for mentally visiting a hospital it's painful because it's true i don't have to worry about that though cause i don't live in a crap country with the health care that is actually run by the state cnn said the world is 217 trillion dollars in debt who the frick we owe thanos no no no no you misunderstand we owe it to ourselves because we're all garbage and someone's gotta hold us accountable nature sure as hell won't when you're both typing so you erase your message to let them speak first but they do the same thing uh when someone is crying and you don't know what to do you want the you want the water you want i can give water no just give them a hug lay your hand around their shoulder or something don't offer them water this teacher helped save her students life by donating her kidney my teacher marks me absent when i'm in class well then you shouldn't lay on the desk and sleep then you might be seen smart ass americans dumps 50 boxes of tea into the boston harbor crabs at the bottom oh right alright alright give a shtick of the puddin this branston pickles the bollocks in it you know what we need to do we need to get the f out of here that's what we need to do agreed if an alien did visit us they would be so disturbed they just have to take a look at the internet and they just go nope nope nope nope nope what part of i need to save money do i not freaking understand you know you can ask your bank to uh to make a bank account that you can only uh draw a certain amount of money out of that that's a thing you can do you can in fact restrict yourself skills s [Music] s kill s i get it that took me a moment the rest of the justice league batman batman doesn't care for those frilly colors batman is the knight batman drink his coffee black universe will i ever be considered a great artist yes when you learn how to draw hands oh god wait peace is not an option never was i knew it was the god damn duck all along sadistic piece of crap who's a character you'd want in smash solely because of the music they'd bring with them liquid snake i want some twin snakes music for a second i thought seth everman replied to my tweet you meanie [Music] sorry about that no it's fine no worries wait a freaking second my brain whenever i meet a new person run away overshare i want to freak you freak you where's option 5 which is stammer awkwardly and now for my next trick i will if disappear pear you taste like crab what do you got against pears pears are pears are tasty as long as you're not david tennant but pears are nice fireman waterman man oh quick water man we have too much water don't worry i got you it's so cool how they made an instrument to check if the rich are made of cake ah that's what that was for oh we should bring those back that was a great invention hey france get to it cartoon network and nickelodeon had better cartoons than disney changed my mind no i i don't even want to change your mind disney may have had the better movies but goodness heavens no they did not have the better cartoons i'm an extroverted introvert that that means i'll either talk your ear off like i've done four lines of coke taken 30 milligrams of adderall and drank seven cups of coffee or i'll be buddhist monk vow of silence mute there is no in between i can do both at the same time it's called schrodinger's conversation german versus japanese history books we were bad but now we're good we were good we were only good and if you question that we will make sure you think the same at the end german otter i let my brother take my son johnny for a walk and he came back with this mofo who is this because this is not my son yeah a baba will do that to you computer games don't affect kids i mean if pac-man affected us as kids we'd all be running around in darkened rooms munching magic pills and listening to repetitive music yeah wouldn't that just be weird if someone did that two garys locked in an eternal struggle pursuing each other across the globe forever dark gary the pragmatic one bender of wills and light gary the beacon of hope in an endless struggle spanning entire continents one of them can be victorious but only one i am not an early bird or a night owl i am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon same same same so i meant to say oh crap i left my phone in my car but what i almost said was oh no i left my cone in my far and damn wouldn't that have been embarrassing but i caught myself and what i actually said was ah [Laughter] my fart cone ah that one got me well played and that's a cut that was all the me irl content we have for you today hope you enjoyed the video hope you liked your stay here and i hope you have a great rest of your day iphone xva for your listening pleasure as always like favorite subscribe comment share etc all that good stuff follow us on twitter and snapchat to keep up to date i will probably record another one of these now and then i have to go to work but don't let don't let that discourage you i will see you in the next video one way or the other bye bye
Channel: Chris Cross
Views: 4,117
Rating: 4.9549551 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% true stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, emkay, r/me_irl, r/me_irl top posts, r/me_irl best posts, me_irl, me irl reddit, r/meirl, funny reddit, r/me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes, wholesome memes, r/memes, me_irl emkay, me_irl chris cross, r/me_irl chris cross, chris cross
Id: WDp4xRF4i00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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