r/EntitledPeople Karen Demands the Public Pool!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today karen goes to a public pool and gets angry that other people are swimming after that my girlfriend's entitled mother wants to stock her location and her bank account and after that karen is allergic to chocolate and complains after ordering a brownie now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen does not get to go to the pool but i want to swim so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day karen goes to a public pool and gets angry that other people are swimming hello dear readers i'm back with another entitled parents story for you starring the biggest mega karen i know my mother this happened when i was 11 in 2001 we had moved to a small town in a new state two years prior to this and my mother was still getting her foothold in a new place and by this i mean my mother and her entitledness let me explain my mother she's about five foot tall broad shouldered tubby but strong from doing farm work for most of her life and a resting bee face that would make dolores umbridge want to run the other way in fear and discomfort needless to say she did not look good in a swimsuit much to my embarrassment the first day she came with me to the public swimming pool when we arrived at the pool mom went to the change room while i jumped straight in i was already in my talks and board shorts when we left from home a few minutes later along came mother dearest and her two sizes too small one piece with her chub out for the world to see i'm all for body positivity and loving who you are but seeing my mother in her too tight onesie waddling towards the pool was a sight that made eleven-year-old me wish i couldn't swim and let's just say that she was in no way elegant when entering the pool instead of sitting on the edge and sliding in she went with a full-on jump into the deep end throwing other swimmers off course in their attempts to get out of the way and then came her entitlement as she proceeded to act as if her five dollar entry fee gave her full control over the pool and everyone in it my mother is not a strong swimmer so her preferred stroke of choice was doggy paddle or awkward brush stroke this resulted in her kicking or hitting the occasional swimmer in her laps around the pool and getting angry at them for being in her way she started yelling at the other swimmers who were mostly kids that they shouldn't be here and demanding they get out of the pool or get out of her way by this point i'd escaped to the other end of the pool not wanting to be seen with her not long after mother dearest had gotten into the pool she was asked to behave herself or get out of the pool mom not understanding how she was the one in the wrong what but i have done nothing wrong maybe you should teach those stupid kids to swim properly of course this fell on deaf ears and she was told to leave as we were leaving with me wanting to die from embarrassment mum muttered something about never coming here again and even though this thread was something she rarely followed through on thankfully for me this time she actually meant it every time after this she would drop me off or i would walk there on my own it boggles my mind how she can be so rude and entitled to think she owns a space just by being there but out of all the entitled experiences i've had with her throughout my life this was one of the more milder encounters speaking of pools do you like to swim or not please let us know the best part about the pool is you don't have to get out to go to the bathroom my girlfriend's entitled mother wants to stalk her location and her bank account first i'd like to say yesterday was our one year and i'm leaving for basic training november 24th so i wouldn't be there for her 18th birthday in december my girlfriend is 17 and i'm 18. my girlfriend's mom loves to stalk all of my girlfriend's transactions and will question every one of the transactions she makes she also loves to look at where she's at 24 7 and she's the kid that actually listens in the family today i found out her mom despises me due to me going into the military and being poor today my girlfriend texted me this my mom told him not to tell me this but keegan brother of my girlfriend is nice so basically when she was at her friend's senor nickname for the brother said they were talking bad about me the whole time my mom said that she doesn't understand why i'm basing my whole life around you and that i do good in school so she doesn't think i should do online college she's wanting to do graphic arts when we move into military housing and he said that she was complaining saying i never want to drive anywhere like to the store to grab like one thing for them like um i'm sorry but one you like never ask me to do that and two i actually will go drive and you just want me to because you are too lazy to do it yourself i'd like to start off with i live in the poor class and my girlfriend lives in the wealthy class today i also found out my girlfriend's mom wanted to know what i bought her for our anniversary i know it might not sound bad but she believes that i should have evened the money out since she spent almost one thousand dollars on me for our anniversary i didn't want her to the only reason why she did this is because recently she found out i have gone in debt three times to make her happy during hard times by bringing her to nice dinner places going on expensive dates and buying her things she's always dreamed of so she bought me a diffuser i've always wanted a light alarm and making me a custom xbox controller i asked my girlfriend if she wanted anything for the anniversary and she said only a stuffed penguin which was twenty dollars nothing else her mom believes that i'm not right for her has made my girlfriend cry millions of times because of our relationship and many many things it's to the point where my girlfriend wants to move out and never have communication with her side of the family ever a little while ago i broke down thinking very badly about myself but it did make me question i've never been abusive and i haven't and will never cheat on her sorry i had to rant i'm so mad and furious karen is allergic to chocolate and complains after ordering a brownie hi there i used to lurk this sub a few years back but never posted out of fear of any repercussions in my personal life i worked in the food industry for eight years the last four of which i owned a small cafe that specialized in espresso and a range of cakes however i sold my business at the end of 2019 and have no intention of returning to the hospitality industry so i have many a good customer service story up my sleeve today a tale i will never forget warning it's long in my cafe i tried to cater to a few different dietary needs i supported local micro bakers and ordered several fresh batches of cakes throughout the week including vegan options the vegan options were a big seller for us and we became well known in the local vegan community clicking onto this i occasionally did limited time specials and one of my first ever attempts was making a vegan salted caramel brownie monster shake the vegan salted caramel brownies we sold had been a staple in our store we got multiple batches a week from a lovely local vegan baker and they always sold out so inspired by them i made a big old salted caramel milkshake with vegan dairy caramel sauce syrup chocolate fudge sauce and it was topped with a whole brownie and a mountain of vegan whipped cream when i advertised them on our social media i had very clear and professional photos of the said shakes and even the brownies by themselves surrounding the milkshake glass as props they were brownies made of chocolate thus they were brown and very clearly chocolatey in fact you couldn't make out the salted caramel sauce that the baker drizzled on top of them unless you got close anyway the shakes were a huge hit and a lot of people posted about them end of the day and about 4 p.m we shut up shop like usual this was early days when we had no staff just myself and my partner working all day we used to get up at 2 45 am and get there at 4am and work all the way through we were tired i had turned off all the lights cleaned the whole cafe and had dragged the outdoor tables and chairs inside the cakes that were able to last more than one day had been packed away in containers and sealed my partner went to empty the bins and left the door just to crack open so that he could come back in without also taking out the keys there was a very clear sign on the door saying closed with our hours below it our hours were also very clearly listed on all of our social media platforms and on google i was busy cleaning when i heard someone clear their throat i remember jumping from shock there was a middle-aged scruffy-looking couple standing in the doorway glaring daggers at me there were tables stacked in front of them that were blocking the fridge and the guy in a passive aggressive tone says i can't see the products how do you expect people to see the products i was overtired in shock and had my customer service hat still on so i apologized and asked if you'd like to make a last minute purchase the woman then cut in and said i want the milkshake i keep seeing the salted caramel brownie one i was dumbfounded not only was the milkshake maker entirely cleaned and off these milkshakes had a lot of components and took a long time to make and were messy to boot i started to say it was too late and she cut me off saying we drove an hour to be here i could tell these jerks were the type to trash businesses online so i relented and agreed but said it had to be takeaway due to the cleanup they complained again and i relented again i started to make the milkshake and the man starts to snap at me that i haven't asked him what he's having and he'd like to sit down my partner has returned at this point is confused and inwardly upset and says he'll take the man's order the guy then moans that he still can't see the cakes at this point i snapped that of course we put the cakes away when we're closed to keep them good he then stares at me shocked and repeats closed this guy genuinely tried to claim that despite the lights being out the shop being dark the tables and chairs literally stacked in front of him the food packed away and the clothes sign on the door that he somehow hadn't noticed we were closed i went back to making the milkshake flabbergasted i did my best and made a darn beautiful milkshake despite how awful these people were my partner dragged out an outdoor table and chair set for them because they also demanded to sit outside instead of inside the stuffy shop when i finally finish my culinary art i carry out her milkshake and his cake i place it in front of her with a smile and say tada as i'm used to people's faces lighting up and wow so when they see this sugar-filled monstrosity her face immediately messes up and she snaps what is this me the salted caramel brownie milkshake you ordered her no what is that she gestured specifically at the brownie on top me that's the salted caramel brownie her it's clearly chocolate me yes it is a brownie they are made of chocolate i am allergic to chocolate this is ridiculous me annoyed at this point then why did you order a brownie milkshake her you said it was salted caramel brownie me it is it's a brownie with a salted caramel drizzle i thought you saw the pitcher i did and i saw the title which clearly said salted caramel brownie me yes it did i started to walk away i was done then i hear her husband say this is ridiculous false advertising she pitches in and i know i can't even have this i stopped and turned back about to try and calm them down and the man looks me dead in the eye and says go away we're talking i went back inside into the back office area and i cried my partner asked what happened and i explained he was as annoyed as i was and kindly cleaned up the whole milkshake area and ingredients for me while i sat in the back and tried to breathe it out to this day this memory grates on me speaking of salted caramel brownie milkshake oh man that sounds so good you're going to make me one after this mr reddit oh i'm going to speak to your manager sick kid at the self checkout cast we've got me we've got the good mom we've got the sick kid and the rich man about 14 years ago now i was working at my local walmart put in charge of watching the self checkout on a slow day i will admit that back then i was inexperienced with people and lazy but my few months there had taught me a lot about how nasty folks can get good mom comes rushing to the self checkout with sick kid in her card he does not look well and i hear him saying as they come up i don't feel good mom i want to go home good mom clearly understands that her kid has become sicker since they came in and is trying to rush to get him home now she's trying to soothe him while simultaneously fumbling her groceries and bare essentials like soup and boxes of tissues i know sweetie i'm sorry mommy is going as fast as she can well along comes rich man he has on what has to be the most expensive jacket i have ever seen full business gold watch tie pricey shoes perfect haircut fit carrying a lot of coffee everything about him makes me glad this is self checkout because my track record with rich folk treating me bad here is almost 100 percent he begins checking out directly across from good mom and sick kid his back facing them suddenly sick kid starts to squirm and look around wildly mom mom i need the restroom good mom looks up from the checkout and sees sickkid is not going to make it through her checkout she practically flies around the card picks him up and he projectile vomits across the self checkout all over rich man's expensive jacket my jaw drops it can't be real as i begin to react i'm also watching rich man hey drops his coffee and is stunned for a moment when something i was not ready for happens he turns around quickly removing the jacket dumps it on the floor and walks quickly over to good mom and sick kid kneeling because they are now on the ground good mom comforting her crying kid with her eyes practically begging for mercy at this point rich man is he okay i walk up with towels already on the radio for clean up and hand him one he uses it to help clean up good mom good mom he might have the stomach flu i just needed to pick up some things to take care of him i'm so sorry rich man it's okay let's get him cleaned up good mom seems to finally really see the man and how he's dressed for the first time and what happened to him oh my god do you work here rich man wiping vomit off her back while i start on the floor no ma'am just a dad myself hate to see a kid not feeling well good mom was so embarrassed that she didn't really speak again other than a meager thank you as we finished cleaning up and rich man helped her finish checking out personally i helped him put his certainly ruined jacket in a garbage bag to take home and he checked out as well i asked him if there was anything else i could do for him and rich man politely declined and left the store i will never forget how that man reacted that day for all his obvious wealth he was his last priority at that moment even as a victim himself he didn't complain about the mess or that he might get the kid's flu or his ruined jacket nothing and he certainly did more to help than me the actual employee i took this lesson to heart for all future interactions with people and it has made a tremendous difference as i became a father myself thanks for reading edit i posted this in the morning after i started seeing these stories mostly about terrible folks of course on youtube thinking that not all of these are a negative thing and the world is in a tough enough place as it is right now i remember this story very well and decided to share since i posted from my phone i came back to correct any mistakes i had made like typos and grammar i'm so extremely happy to see this has made a positive impact on so many people i could not have imagined so many upvotes and views more than anything seeing comments about those who have had an emotional reaction to this brings tears to my eyes in the best way possible it has sincerely made me feel better in these tough times for my kid's future thank you all oh karen what's wrong that story is so sweet am i the jerk for immediately walking out of the restaurant when i saw my husband's family present for our wedding anniversary this happened last week and i'm getting scolded for what i did by everyone last week was mine 26 female and my dear husband 29 male wedding anniversary his mommy started calling asking about our plans for this year's anniversary we've been married for three years by the way my husband told her that we were gonna go out and celebrate and have dinner together she asked if she could host the anniversary at her house instead and invite family members it was an instant no for me my husband seemed to be wanting it but i already made other plans she had us celebrate with her while we were together on a vacation for two weeks that was horrific and the worst experience so far i knew my husband was still talking to her about it but i just let them two days before the anniversary he asked if we could have a family celebration but still go to the restaurant and have a good time i felt uncomfortable all i wanted was for some time together alone plus i had other plans after dinner and to have the family come is not logical at this point i was working that day till 3 pm he didn't go to work he was busy all morning and didn't want to say with what so i figured he's getting me a present or something he picked me up at 3 p.m i remember his mom constantly calling while we were in the car i got home took a shower made sure he checked with a restaurant about reservations for the night and we left at 7 pm again his mom was talking to him on the phone in the car i asked him why she was calling all day and he changed the subject we arrived at the restaurant he walked in before me i followed him and after i walked through the door i saw his mom dad sister and cousin and her kids i froze for a second my heart dropped i felt so much rage as he tried to get me to keep walking his family saw me when i turned around and walked out and back to the car he followed me and started saying sorry but i should just go inside with him since it was already done i yelled at him literally just losing it and telling him that he ruined the night i was waiting for and how he turned it into a family dinner to which i said no from the beginning he begged me to go inside but i refused we argued till his mom came trying to convince me to go in i went home in a taxi after i told him to go back and celebrate he came home not liking that i left and refused to talk about it his mom texted me about my behavior and how i ruined it for her son and the whole family and that i should respect her family and stop whining and overreacting like that edit to answer some questions we're in europe slash this is our third anniversary the past anniversary was celebrated with his family slash this isn't the first time i've experienced the same thing on other occasions mother-in-law gets more aggressive on christmas she keeps stomping on boundaries and dear husband has no problem with that number one answer so much to unpack here one he's allowing his mother to be the second spouse in his life it's not normal for a couple to spend their wedding anniversaries with extended family i'm from the u.s so i recognize that this may be cultural frankly it's weird that his mom wants to push so hard to spend your anniversary with you like freudian level weird 2. your husband knew you were adamantly against this whole thing and he not only didn't tell his mom no he arranged for her and the rest of the family to have dinner that you did not want to have that's so beyond disrespectful and dismissive of your feelings 3. your husband needs to get it through his head that when he married you you became his primary family you and any kids you have if you so choose are his number one his mommy is in second place she's clawing to maintain that top spot and he is letting her he gave his mother priority on your wedding anniversary i mean that's just beyond the pale all in all not the jerk set those boundaries and every single time he or his mother crosses them leave ignore her texts block her number whatever you need to tell your husband that you will be handling all future couple related things in-house and his mother is no longer a factor in the plans you two make well who do you agree with op or her husband please let us know i dare you to choose your mummy over me mr reddit entitled mom tries to turn in invalid coupons and tries to steal my box of girl scout cookies backstory i went to the store that was walking distance to get some basics for breakfast that morning eggs and milk and so on however i also had some extra money for a box or two of girl scout cookies as it was this season so after i got the basics you know i went and got myself a good old box of thin mints enter entitled kid and entitled mom entitled kid was a skinny lad of about average 7 years old height entitled kid mommy i want cookies entitled mom then proceeds to sigh and assures the little jerk that they will get them after they shop the cashier proceeds to ring me up as soon as entitled mom and her kid get in line the mom is clearly annoyed that it's taking so long once i'm done i foolishly stick around because i have a feeling crap's gonna go down she proceeds to almost heat her items at the poor guy while on the phone and the kid is having a seizure and every other minute screaming cookies cashier that'll be entitled mom i have coupons literally anyone in the vicinity turned and looked at her with an annoyed look cashier oh okay that'll be something close to a hundred dollars entitled mom pulls out a lot of cash and a small stack of coupons she shoves the coupons in the guy's face and pulls out one or two bills from the wad of cash cashier then sorted out all the coupons but then this is where crab hits the fan cashier um ma'am some of these aren't valid no no no i checked all of these they're all good so just hurry up no no some of these are almost a year overdue oh my god stop lying and wasting my time and get on with it cashier then shows her the dates and she gets all flustered before she can rant cashier says either you pay for it all pay for what you can or get out entitled mom huffs and puffs but then pulls out a 40 bottle of wine and some small items she starts a mini rant about selfishness and single mothers and whatnot i didn't stick around in fear of being roped in i had what i wanted my groceries a reddit story and about to get some cookies i try to get out as fast as i can grab my cookies and heat on out of there i buy my box but they have caught up entitled kid i want green boxes entitled mom well hurry up then girl scout and girl scout's mom were both startled by the rude behavior and the little one was starting to tear up the mother was about to slap the karen but kept her composure girl scout's mom please leave my daughter alone and be patient please she's only about seven entitled mom scoffs whatever hurry up girl scout's mom master of self-control okay that'll be this much entitled mom spluttering what that's so expensive two things one karen where do money wad at and two it was like ten dollars plus tax girl scouts mom well that's the price so please leave if you cannot pay entitled mom sniffs come on son we're going home without your treat because these two jerks can't give a bit of charity to a single mother upon hearing that he was being denied his cookies entitled kids started throwing a category 5 tantrum on the ground causing girl scout to cry as any reasonable kid would do when being screamed at girl scout's mom hugged her daughter as the little entitled kid continued to cry and wail entitled mom did nothing rather letting her kid cry while giving a dirty look to the girl scout and her mother i decided that it was my time to vamoose before i nope too late and title mom spots me looking and then sees my boxes hey you me internally oh no externally who me entitled mom obviously can you possibly spare some cookies for my precious angel entitled kid immediately stops wailing and runs up to me with a big old smile filled with cavity crowns i mean what could i say to that poor struggling single mother and her sweet kid so as any reasonable person would do i simply reply no sorry and turn to leave entitled kid resumes his tantrum and entitled mom then grabs me on the shoulder what the heck did you say to me you little jerk how dare you say no to me i am a single mother and an elder so you have to do what i say me ma'am three things one i don't have to listen to you two i don't owe you anything and three you have about 10 seconds to let me go oh what or that nice security guard will be forced to restrain you and possibly call the police for harassment well who do you think they're gonna believe some bratty kid and a rental cop me well what about this fine mother and her daughter we then see girl scout's mother recording the incident and girl scout behind her entitled mom starts to realize what deep trouble she's in and attempts to backtrack when security guard walks in security guard ma'am is there a problem entitled mom yes this little jerk stole my cookies and security guard ma'am this rent-a-cop already heard everything so i suggest you leave now entitled mom then splutters and tries to defend herself but security guard wasn't having any of that and escorted her off the property informing her that she was now banned from the store before i left girl scout mom stopped me girl scouts mom hey thanks for dealing with that well you know me no problem i'm sorry you guys had to deal with that girl scouts mom here why don't you take another box on the house girl scout thank you speaking of girl scout cookies what's your favorite flavor girl scout cookies of all time please let us know you'll never make me choose just one am i the jerk for refusing to take the blame for my roommate losing her job i 21 female have been friends with my roommate 22 female since kindergarten our whole lives she's been bad at borrowing things not giving a borrowed item back for weeks or months and sometimes forever but she's an incredible person otherwise and i love her this event may change things though her laptop charger stopped working on saturday and she asked if she could borrow mine i said yes as long as she won didn't take it out of the house two gave it back to me on tuesday as i had a very important meeting at 9am and would need to plug my laptop in for as it would be hours long 3. gave it back to me on sunday the 18th as i will be going home to my mom's house for the week she said no problem she planned on going to buy a new one on monday anyway and wouldn't need it that long and she began using my charger i texted her yesterday morning to remind her i needed my charger for my 9am the next day today and because i'd be home from work around 1am i asked her if she'd leave it on the kitchen table or in my bedroom i got home around 1 30am and the charger wasn't anywhere in the house i checked my laptop to see if i could do the meeting without the charger but it was at 20 percent so i went into her room unplugged her laptop and took my charger back today around 1pm i heard her wake up she started freaking out apparently she had lost her phone and was using her laptop as her alarm she was supposed to open at her job at 6 30 am she asked if she could borrow my phone and call her boss and she left for work she arrived back home at 3 basically weeping she'd been written up three times before this and because of this she lost her job she started going off on me about how messed up it was that i took the charger she thinks i should have reminded her in the evening to leave my charger out or woken her up before taking my charger back to ask if i could have it so she could set up a different alarm or asked me to wake her up she asked me to call her boss and explain that it was my fault she was late i refused i said it was her fault she lost her phone her fault she didn't charge her computer that day when i texted her in the morning to remind her i needed my charger back her fault she had already been written up three times she refuses to speak to me now and our mutual friends say one of three things i should have known better to let her borrow something because i know how she can be i should have woken her up and asked for it back or at least called her boss to explain but i just cannot agree with any of them that this is my fault is it my fault she lost her job am i the jerk update 1. my refusal to call her boss was out of frustration with her and my friends i was feeling attacked so i was refusing to help because i felt like they weren't seeing my side why should i lie for her it was also extremely out of character i love lying to authority to make things better haha who doesn't 2. she is not lazy people who are so ready to judge are a huge bummer this was her ninth day of working in a row the majority of those shifts were nine plus hours something i didn't mention but didn't feel like it was necessary if someone sleeps for 12 hours it's usually because they need it usually people who work shift work have a messed up circadian rhythm i work until 1am sometimes and have to be in for 11am the same morning then i'll be off for three days then i'll work different shifts it changes constantly same with her we don't have a sleep schedule we sleep when we can and both work the rest of the time three she's apologized for blaming me and knows she should have bought a charger yesterday and should have told me she lost her phone but was too embarrassed and thought she'd solve the problem she didn't think i'd take the charger when i got home but can understand why i did being afraid she wouldn't give it back in time as she never really does but she does still think i should have woken her up when i took it maybe she's right i don't know she knows if i call her boss and say the truth that her boss will just say well she should have told you she lost her phone and she should have replaced the charger 5. she's been at this job for seven years she's been in the wedding of a co-worker and we both babysat for her boss when we were in high school which is why this blew up so much and why she and all my friends were so quick to blame me her job is super important to her which is why we've decided this no i'm not her mother but we've been best friends for almost 16 years so it's a little more than just a crappy roommate situation when i said she's a lovely person otherwise i meant that thanks for the input it helped with such a quick turnaround come watch this video next you will love it and join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out on our next video and to have us make any kind of video you would like us to just come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 69,091
Rating: 4.9262605 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: gYDgSAi63lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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