r/maliciouscompliance | "Your Dad is the CEO? I don't like HIS New Policy..." (Giveaway)

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hello everybody my name is Stephen and this is the storytime Channel we're gonna dive right into the malicious compliance stories in just a second but let me just say that we have a giveaway so stick around until later on in the video to see how you can enter that that being said our first story is by cuboid homonym Karen wants guac this happen to me about two years ago but a former coworker just reminded me about it and I'm pretty sure it counts as malicious compliance I'll try and keep it short but it is a little long I used to be a service manager at one of the biggest locations of a popular Mexican Grill I won't say which but guac was a dollar 95 extra and we were required to ask everyone if they were ok paying that price one Sunday morning our second busiest shift of the week two of my line people called out so we were struggling to get all of our prep done before opening at 11:00 we are just wrapping up when in comes Karen 10 minutes before opening through the side door marked employees only with 15 preteen girls in tow my cook recognizes her as she regularly comes in during the dinner shift and is extremely abusive and cruel to all the Latino workers Karen tells me they can order whatever they want throws her credit card at me and goes to sit down at a table and diddle on her phone now I can't ring up her order without her standing there because of the company rules and I am 30 weeks pregnant and just want to take my break I prego waddled over to Karen's table to try an informer of that when she literally flicks her hand at me to dismiss me not only if I been at the store since 7:00 and done two different people's jobs on top of my own I have my son's head grinding against my pelvic bones and kicking me like crazy I am in no mood when I try to tell her again she looks at me with what I can only describe as seething contempt and says what part of they can get whatever they want did you not understand I don't care what you charge me as long as I get a receipt don't interrupt me again or I'll get your fat butt fired no I never cry but that almost got me motherhood is awesome but pregnancy sucks I finally managed to pick my jaw off the ground and stammered alright ma'am I'll ring up whatever they want and bring you a receipt the girls were really nice and most of them ordered double meat and they all got a bottled water and chips and guac every last one my cashier and I are just vibrating with glee as we ring them up and watch the bill climb to like $250 I brought the bill to Karen and was pretty excited when she didn't immediately check it I made my own food and told the cook to come get me when the show starts I'm halfway done eating when I see him waving to the camera howling with laughter so I head up karen is foaming at the mouth screaming for the manager and when she sees that the manager is me she literally grinds her teeth and slaps her receipt on the table she manages to choke out the word wreath on the girls have all pretty much finished their food so I inform her that I won't be doing that because I would lose my job for giving away that much critical inventory meat guac cheese for free then I gently remind her that she told me twice that they could get anything as long as she got a receipt she just keeps demanding a refund and calling me stupid and fat again pregnant at this point her screaming is holding up the very long line and customers are shouting at her to just leave that's when she pushed me freaking hard my cashier caught me so I didn't fall down but two of our regulars who are police see it and immediately cover in this state any use of physical force against a pregnant woman is classified as aggravated battery or something like that I felt bad for the kids and I was fine so I kept telling him I didn't want to press charges but they said at that point it didn't matter because the woman had done it in front of on-duty officers so she was getting arrested they had to call the kid's parents to come get them because she was their church's youth leader and get statements my general manager came in and let me go home with a full day's pay she tried to take the case to trial but they had video and like 20 witness statements so she ended up taking a couple years probation or something all because I did exactly what she told me to honestly if a Karen came in and they were all snotty like this and dismissive and calling you fat and whatnot I'd probably go back to those 15 preteen girls and I'd start lobbying all kinds of desserts and extra things that you could get extra charges for don't stop at 250 see how high you can tally it anybody with me on that let me know in the comment section down below our next story is by sgy 0:03 don't like my new policy take it up to my dad the CEO okay let's dance not my story but something that happened with my uncle during the early 2000s in South Korea so my uncle was in an upper-division head position for the company he was working for he practically did most of the heavy lifting so he was considered a valuable asset to the company everyone loved him he had a wife and a thenn grade school son aka my cousin and was paid well what everyone loved about him the most was that he tried to get along with everyone in the building and I mean everyone to the interns who just started to the ladies at the front desk and even all the way to the janitorial ladies he always made sure to greet and chat with them and always made them feel like they belonged trust me this is important later in game Miche in a 25 years old woman who was the new staff to join the company right off the bat she was placed a few ranks above my uncle he was rather annoyed that a younger person was giving him orders but he had a family to take care of so he decided to play along at first me gen wasn't all that bad she finished with masters in business and had plenty of internship experience in the u.s. so her skills and tactics helped the company quite a lot my uncle began to like her until she dropped the bombshell of a policy apparently she didn't like the fact that the office workers were sharing the lunch cafeteria with the janitorial staff so she made a new policy that janitors aren't allowed lunch she didn't mean they couldn't use the cafeteria she was literally taking away their lunch break she ordered my uncle to be the one to break the news my uncle did not like this so he contested every time she was bringing this up it finally got to the point where she revealed how she had the audacity to make such a policy she revealed herself to be the daughter of the CEO of the company and she said as my uncle quoted if you don't like my new policy then take it out to my dad the CEO I can ruin your life in an instant this is just a taste of what's to come once I inherit the company and become the new CEO this is when he had enough and began to meticulously plan her downfall he first told the new policy to janitor staff and they were pissed he assured them that he will set the straight and told them all they had to do was make their voices heard and gave them a few ideas for the next few days they went on a strike letting everyone know how they are underpaid and starved while working there my uncle admitted that the strike released all the built-up frustration and the things that came out of the janitor crew were a bit more than he asked for some he wasn't even aware of and was shocked to hear about mistreatment that was going on behind his back office folks leaving too much of a mess everywhere under pay physical pains long hours etc granted few of them my uncle was aware of but not to the extent the janitor team described as the CEO got involved and put a lot of effort into negotiating and calming them down before the Korean version of the Department of Labor got involved with a lawsuit he promised that they would be treated better and paid better when the dust settled he demanded to know who was the one that implemented the policy in the first place me tried to coerce my uncle to take the fall but he complied with what she had said and took it to the CEO he showed the new policy documents signed by her which even included the part about terminating anyone who spoke against the policy now the CEO was pissed and was originally planning to fire his daughter apparently he knew about her entitled nature for a very long time but never expected to impact so many people Miche and beg to stay and the CEO allowed her to do so at the cost of demotion from her current role which role was she moved to you may ask she was moved to the trainee position of the janitorial team and the CEO even said to them oh please don't go easy on her be strict on her first day she quit a mere week of her new role oh how the turntables Meighan I'm just glad this case of nepotism where the daughter was working in a place that the father owned didn't end up being some situation where the father turns a blind eye to her terrible management and lack of respect for anybody working for the company although I don't know how much of a choice the CEO had considering the Korean Department of Labor was pretty close to shutting the whole thing down I just kind of wished that the daughter had to be a janitor a little bit longer than just a mere week and our next story is by Fred's read customer accused me of overcharging her she paid full price this happened many years ago when I worked at Target I was 17 whenever the store would get in new stock a lot of the times some of the older stock would be put on clearance to make room for new stock on the shelves this was one such occasion a new brand of women's clothing had just been introduced so some of the stock was discounted down about 10 to 15 dollars I was working on the register that day and had discounted a few items by this point most of the time the discounted price wouldn't scan so I would have to change the price on the computer my first customers after my lunch break was a Karen oh goody she had mostly clothing and a few of them worthy discounted ones I knew which ones are the old stock the first item scanned at the discounted price but the second one didn't the discount sticker had been half peeled off so I cancelled the transaction changed the pricing and then scanned it again to make it scan at the discounted price no big deal wrong um excuse me weren't you scanning that twice I'm only buying one you're overcharging me no ma'am you're only paying for the one it didn't scan to the discounted rate so I I was cut off Karen not listening to me no you will cancel that and give it to me at the price it said on the tag was she stupid or just in an argumentative mood are you sure ma'am yes just do your job yes ma'am instead of paying $15 for the item she paid 30 I knew I wouldn't get in trouble because accidents happen but I was just doing my job yeah I think this is a definite care and quality bubbling to the surface here I guess sometimes they see things happening they get this narrative in their head of you're trying to screw me over somehow and then they go full bowl seeing red I can't focus on anything else besides how you're trying to dis justice me right now is this justice even a word probably not but I'm an angry Karen so of course it is a word give me the price on the tag how dare you try to get a discounted rate angry Karen time over on to our next story by alpha-alpha floozy lady demands to speak to an American never says what language she wants some background I'm an American that was born and raised in the south it's an obvious dialect also English is a second language for most people here language barriers are not uncommon all of this comes into the revenge years ago I worked in a call center it was a large company with English and Spanish departments I worked in the English department but sat next to our Spanish Department I handled billing no one calls billing in a good mood but in general they're angry with the company not the rep you calm them down you fix the issue and you're off to the next call few customers are memorable but this one I will never forget and I still laugh this call happened on a busy day with long wait times this just made the revenge sweeter the Coleman like this thank you for calling blah blah blah I want an American on the phone what I said I want an American on the phone ma'am I'm an American I want an American on the phone at this point I can only assume I'm not speaking the right language oh no momento por favor I put her on hold transfer her over to the Spanish line and just giggled to myself but it didn't end there the lines were starting to calm down and I was chatting with one of the Spanish reps when his desk mate pops up and says she's got a psycho on the phone it was the woman I had transferred she was going ballistic the Spanish rep had her on mute while talking to us I apologized and told her what happened she started laughing then looks right at me and said I'm gonna put her back in the Spanish queue the Spanish Department had a blast laughing at this crazy witch as they kept putting her back in the queue I don't know if she ever got her issue fixed then again we never found out what the issue was either she was too busy yelling at everyone moral of the story be nice to phone reps to piggyback on the moral of the story at the end of the story by Opie a lot of call center workers are underpaid they work hours that can be frustrating they deal with a lot of angry people for no good reason and in most situations they're not the reason you have an issue so at least personally I try to be as decent of a human as I could be with phone call centres plus I think if you're respectful if that call center person has any kind of privileges to give any kind of special deals to any limited amount of people you're probably very likely to get it because it's almost disheartening to think about how many people aren't just respectful or at least be respectful during these calls our next story is written by sexy rabbits the forklift will be here in a few minutes but fine go ahead around ten years ago I was a supply specialist in the National Guard I was pretty organized and detail-oriented so the supply sergeant usually put me in charge of loading up for big movements the sergeant and I got along great but he knew I was on the lazy side and would avoid doing unnecessary manual labor on one of these days I was almost done with packing up everything the unit needed for annual training the last thing to do was to get one of these pallets that was full of heavy cots into a shipping container even though it only had to be lifted about six inches and moved a couple feet I just didn't think we could safely do it on our own without unloading the cots first so I called another unit in our battalion that had a forklift and asked them to stop by and help out while the forklift is on the way the supply sergeant stops by and notices were almost done but myself and two co-workers are just sitting around chit-chatting I told them we couldn't move the pallet and the forklift was on the way anyway the sergeant decides that I'm just being too lazy or anti-social and goes and grabs a bunch of other soldiers to help lift the pallet again I pipe up that the forklift should be here any minute but the sergeant has five to six other buff dudes now to help and tells me to step aside and watch how it's done to their credit they did manage to lift the pallet but then immediately dropped it again because the sergeant tore a muscle in his right arm the forklift arrived a few minutes later work smarter not harder right bill gates once said that he would hire a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to solve the problem a forklift is coming to lift this heavy thing don't strain yourself and tear a muscle just work smart so now it's time for info on the giveaway so if you want to be in with a chance to win a $30 Amazon gift card all you have to do is comment on any video this week we will pick a winner from a random video on Sunday night after the last video goes out and announced on Mondays video and also feel free to comment on every video from the week to better your chances of winning and while you're at it why not like the videos too cuz it helps more than you know gift card info out of the way on to our final story of the day by Ren Lobo you want it all on the truck you got it this is a short one one day I was working at a box store as an order polar my shift was almost over my boss tells me to go load all these special order heavy gauge steel studs that came in onto the delivery truck I go over to the side of the building and see a massive order of studs they won't even come close to fitting on our delivery truck I go back and try to tell him it's too much and we'll need to be at least three separate deliveries he tells me that I don't know what I'm talking about and to just go load it so I start to load it by the time I was done it was stacked 15 feet above the cab of the truck and the suspension was all the way down I went inside and punched out for the day as I walked past the pro desk I said good luck getting the straps over the truck and left the next morning the manager asked me what I was thinking I explained what happened and he went and yelled at my boss then as per usual he stormed off like a child and didn't come back for two days edit the steel studs are the kind they used to make walls and commercial buildings they are light but there was a huge amount of them in a job like this where an employee handles inventory especially loading and unloading if they have a concern they probably have a legitimate issue I guess what I'm saying is I think it's just a tad ignorant to just kind of brush that off and tell them now it'll fit just go ahead and do it i think opee's more than justified to build a wall out of heavy gauge steel studs that the boss has to go deal with afterwards because their shift is over do you agree with that let me know but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today if you want to let me know which of these stories I read today was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comment section down below if you enjoy the content here please consider giving the video a like if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and no matter what you did whether it was liking just watching the video or subscribing thank you all so much for supporting the storytime channel it means a lot to me and I hope all of you have a wonderful day
Channel: Storytime
Views: 58,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: FI7n_Eun7zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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