r/maliciouscompliance | "You won't stop Calling until I have a meeting? Okay then..."

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first i do a giveaway every single week so if you're interested i'll tell you how to enter later on in this video that said we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by ninep you won't stop cold calling a printing company to sell us printing unless i agree to set up a meeting with one of your reps okay then in the mid-2000s i worked for a small printing company our commercial work was on large lithographic machines but we still had office printers and a number of staff who knew a lot about them i don't think a single one of our office printers had been purchased new or even working the owner just bought lots of broken office printers for not a lot of money and then frankenstein them into working ones we didn't often buy printer paper because we just cut leftovers from the factory to suitable sizes for the office overall our office printing costs were extremely low despite the fact that we printed tens of thousands of pages a year i was a general office dog's body among my duties was fielding calls for the director he would never take calls from cold callers and i was allowed to describe myself as whatever job title they wanted to hear to deal with them an office printing management service had got our number they were offering a completely managed service where they loaned the machines supplied the consumables took care of everything and you just paid per print great for some companies expensive and unnecessary for us when they first started ringing i kept telling them sorry we aren't interested please remove us from your list or we're a printing company we don't need managed printing services please take us off your list this must have gone on for months and i was getting annoyed that they wouldn't take us off the call list and started spending more time trying to explain to them why it was pointless and a waste of both our time to keep ringing i explained the information above but the caller was convinced he could save us money regardless of all that i guaranteed him he couldn't as i doubted we paid more than a penny a page naturally he didn't believe me as far as he was concerned if i was answering the phone i was the office junior no one important answers the phone who had no idea how much printing actually cost and was just too stubborn and or stupid to put him through to someone that mattered and if he persisted eventually he'd get through to the right person who would reward him with a juicy contract this same conversation was had at least once a week for the next month or two he's desperate to let me set up a meeting besides he says he can take us off the list once he set up a meeting with a decision maker right fine sure you can book a meeting for your reps but i guarantee it will be a complete waste of their time i scheduled them a meeting with the office manager me on a friday afternoon when i'm the only one in the office so i won't be too busy and it'll be a diversion the reps arrive i show them into the office they are clearly thinking we spend a lot on printing because we have so many darn printers and i give a rough idea of how much we get through in the office they give me their enthusiastic spiel about all the advantages focusing on the costs they want to sit down with the figures and see what they can save us do i know what we spend at the moment paraphrased conversation i say not completely sure think it's around 100 to 200 pounds a year no it'll be a lot more than that with the amount of printing you do is that just the paper no that's just ink and toner rep looks skeptical well there's the paper too to be honest we mostly cut down leftover paper from the factory or sometimes suppliers give us a few cases for free okay right so what about the initial costs of the machines if you average it out over the lifetime of prints rather than considering it just as capital expenditure it can make up a significant portion of your printing costs this photocopier for example it's a few years old now and you're looking at about 12 000 pounds to replace it with a similar spec machine so with our service you can avoid that capital expense the owner buys them broken and repairs them most of the printers only cost a few quid except the photocopier which i think cost us 700 pounds as even broken they are expensive and it took three broken ones to make that working one right so when you need to replace it i hazard to guess he'll do exactly the same again and the ongoing maintenance costs me blank stare then there's the costs and lost productivity of down time to consider he is trailing at this point it's clearly part of his rehearsed spiel but he can also see downtime isn't an issue when we bizarrely have more printers than computers there's absolutely no point us being here is there no i'm afraid not that it was repeatedly explained to the guy who set up the meeting but he said your company won't stop cold calling until we agreed to a meeting so here you are the reps agree it is a complete waste of time have a bit of a frustrated laugh about the call center and say it's not the first time they've been sent to completely pointless meetings because the call center folks get their commission based on the quantity not equality of the meetings they set up they don't bother giving me their quote i never heard from the company again well i think this is more a fault of the call center and the way they operate than anything else when their commission is predicated on having a quantity of meetings they're just gonna try and send you to any old place if you worked at this printing place and they were unrelentless would you give in and let them schedule the meeting or would you continue to try and find a way to just block them let me know in the comments down below our next story is by fire and bone okay i'll do what you say because you are the manager but in my early twenties i worked at a burger king in a college town this place did well but it was in an old crappy building that couldn't be altered due to local government issues as a result we had a lot of managers who would be there for a bit and then promoted to better places i was good at my job to the point where i was unofficially in charge of shifts and training new people note that i was still the bottom of the ladder officially which will be important later being a college town people are poor and didn't buy expensive things on top of that you had commuters who would snag a quick bite on their way home so a smart person knows that the corporate guidelines for what to have on hand are useless and only get you in trouble we get a new manager mike mike is a bit of a control freak and is overcompensating for his height he was short it's his first evening shift and i am trying to explain the corporate guidelines are a bad idea he doesn't like this and being a young man i am getting a little bit angry finally he pulls the manager card and tells me to follow the guidelines i pause look him in the eye and say okay i'll do what you say because you're the manager but you're not going to have the food you need wait time is going to go nuts and it's going to be miserable after we do that for a bit i'm going to do it my way and pull you out of the fire dead silence in the kitchen a few of the more experienced people ask me if that is really what we are going to do i confirm and more than a few people are nervous but also amused cut to a couple of hours later our parking lot is filled with people waiting as is our lobby on top of that our drive-through time is at almost 10 minutes i think our district manager might have even called in because he watched his places like a hawk true to my word i told people we were done and to do it the right way we get everything under control and end the night fairly well mike and i discuss what happened which boils down to he should trust our judgment and he was with us for 6 months still pulled rank but at least he respected the people who did the job i definitely think a quality leader is somebody that can listen to the people underneath them sometimes it's great that the leader can take affirmative action and take a direction that they think is absolutely right but i think it's invaluable to be able to listen to the people that work underneath you and really weigh their concerns it just makes the group stronger as a whole this next story is by chunky monkey sorting the garbage was not in my job description a few years ago i took a job as a night cleaner for a business after hours it deals with sensitive information so i will be vague on the actual business sorry when i took the job i was instructed how to handle the garbage from around the building paper only was to be put in the trash cans at the desks i was instructed to save the papers from those trash cans for one week before throwing them out food items were to be placed in specific garbage cans around the building and those were thrown out nightly about a year into the job the rules started to go out the window for the workers more and more often i started finding half drink cups of coffee mixed into the papers i was to save i salvaged the pages i could and threw out the rest what else could i do i commented to my boss a few times about this but it just turned into a few days of the no drinks then backed drinks in the wrong trash cans then it got worse entire leftovers from a person's lunch ended up in their desk trash cans to the point there was no salvaging most or any of the papers inside them after a month of this i said to myself fine they want me to save the trash in those cans i will save the trash in those cans and that's exactly what i did half a container of chinese food with the paper into the save bag most of a now melted milkshake and a receipt into the save bag trash from the actual lunchroom i thought i saw paper in there so for good measure let's save that too the first week wasn't too horrible the smell hadn't left the storage room just yet then we got a heat wave by end of week 2 it was ripe start of week 3 there was no escaping the smell wednesday of week 3 i got told by one of the managers go ahead and throw out all the trash from the garbage cans we are not throwing out any papers in them anymore you got it thursday i showed up with two full cans of air freshener and emptied them both my job is much easier and quicker now that i don't have to worry about saving the trash smells a lot better too you know if it's a job that's centered around sensitive information and for that reason they probably wanted you to save the paperwork but then they were like you know what screw it let's just throw all the trash out and throw everything together really kind of hurts your confidence in whatever the job was right our next story is by gestastophilis no testing no problem this was a few years ago back then i was a senior lead on a software development team i was working on a contract for a horrible client commercial mortgage-backed securities even though i regularly stayed until 10 pm to keep up with stuff they made a big stink about being 10 or 15 minutes late in the morning so fine i started coming in exactly at 9am and leaving exactly at 6pm i would literally hang up in the middle of a call at 5 59 pm anyway the contract was ending and i knew they didn't have support to keep running the application after we were gone but i was tired of their bs the last major scope of work we had they were pressuring us to finish by some arbitrary deadline i wouldn't budget on my estimate so they talked to my boss into just skipping testing their logic was that we always produced good quality code so we could probably skip the testing just do it right the first time they said against all my arguments my boss forced me to release the code without any formal testing we did unit testing to see if there were any errors but did not do any testing to see if any of the results were actually correct we released the code and everything is fine for a few weeks when they run end of the month reports they noticed all the numbers were way off they call us in and we take a look at it yep simple problem there was a missing where clause on a single sql statement what that meant was that when the system was running complicated financial calculations it was running the calculation on all loans not just the loan the user was looking at so it looked correct as they were working but every time someone saved it scrambled all the numbers for every other record that had already been saved an entire month of an entire department's work was lost all i could say was this is why we do testing you ain't got nobody to blame but yourself in that situation they give you a budget it's a firm budget and you're like you know what let's grab the most important part of it because we're sure everything will go fine well i think whoever made that call they're on the line for this failure so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that said our final story is by mfj electrical engineering 101 i was reminiscing with some old university and lifelong friends the other day about our first year together 50 years ago now amongst other things we remembered the malicious compliance that the whole class managed to exploit as the year went by we were studying physics in our first year we were obliged to take an add-on class on another subject presumably because it would be good for us it only carried a minimal credit towards our degree so nobody took it particularly seriously but we still had to do it and attendance or otherwise was noted the majority of us picked electrical engineering because rumors from past students were that at least the lab work was fun and you got to play with things that went bang very loudly most of them weren't supposed to of course but it's amazing how much pleasure can be had from miswiring a 440 volt three-phase supply or mixing up the prefixes milli and mega each week this course included a four-hour afternoon lab session involving a load of different experiments as the year went by everybody rotated through the full set of experiments one per week as a minor incentive to at least try one rule was that as soon as you would completed your experiment and got the model answer you were free to leave and take the rest of the afternoon off we were left largely unsupervised unless the flames got too high so as long as we turned in a paper with the right answer nobody much cared how we got there one of the experiments was a literal black box experiment you were given a brick sized wooden box painted black with three electrical connections on the top the instructions were using any equipment in the lab determine the contents of the box and draw its circuit diagram well we had access to every shape of meter and every flavor of power source and detectors for all sorts of rays and fields and a screwdriver the malicious compliance everybody when their turn came round used the screwdriver to open the box then drew the contents and screwed the lid back on the fallout for that experiment everybody got full marks and 3 hours 55 minutes free time this one's a simple work smarter not harder type deal they didn't say you couldn't use the screwdriver they said you could use any tool you want sorry instructor but people are just gonna unscrew it and look at it if they can i mean that four hours of free time is a big deal but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so which of these stories was your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing and turn notifications on if you haven't so you'll never miss an upcoming video any little thing that you do helps the channel grow so much more whether it's commenting subscribing or just watching the video thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 26,336
Rating: 4.9315705 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: 81T22RCdo7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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