r/maliciouscompliance | I Quit my Job and it SAVED my Life!

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hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is Stephen and this is the storytime Channel we've got some malicious compliance story so let's jump right into them starting with our first story by for none how an active malicious compliance saved my life a year and a half ago I was working a restaurant job that was slowly killing me there's a lot to setup so bear with me I am skipping over a lot I realize now we should have gotten OSHA involved but I was an idiot and let this all go on for too long this is not as soft as the last one and has no moment of victory setup since the previous story about this restaurant a lot had changed not long after that story I was promoted to management but never fully trained I had gotten Lucy fired for theft and my wife was the one who replaced her transfer from another store this broke a lot of company policies and also probably the law but the company was short on managers a new GM came in and lazy Daisy got the demotion she deserved and would be forced to resign before she left she attempted to get revenge on us blaming us for what happened but it failed another manager who is so insignificant I forgot his name quit and was replaced by an old friend who my wife and I trusted and treated almost like family at first things started to finally be looking up in that terrible restaurant then we quickly realized that the new general manager was a full-scale level 10 karen general manager karen had made me and wife priority targets in her wrath she quickly became aggressive vindictive and malicious at every opportunity she fired half the staff trapping some of them to do so insulting people until they snapped and fired them she fired one cook after telling me to skip cleaning and get off the clock and the known need freak night cook threw a fit rightfully so at the dirty line she fired him then forced me to work the night off the clock for not cleaning it was supposed to be my night off we are at this point critically understaffed wife and I schedules are pushing 80 hours every week the marriage was in free fall from our stress and the incessant berating from GM Karen every moment we had together was usually interrupted by a phone call the Manning one of us come in I had gone from mainly managing to going back to line cook and dish with my only real managing time being having to come in at 8:00 a.m. to do soft opens unlock the door for the staff do paperwork counts safe and helped throw truck some days I was pushed to as many as 18 hour shifts 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. the next day few days I got breaks no food during the day besides what I could sneak averaging four hours of sleep if I managed to steal a meal on my way out the door and not have to cook if I was lucky I got a short day or two days off the same week my body began to fail but I was that idiot too dumb to quit and willing to do almost anything that was expected of me my wife and I have a keishon finally came and during it I suffered some kind of respiratory failure the doctors there brought me back with a bill as large as all of our spending money for the trip citing asthma as the likely cause without investigating I had found it weird that my activity based asthma had been triggered while lying in bed and had suddenly resurfaced after years of dormancy but I paid it no mind I should have but this did severely anger me and I started to finally figure I needed to get out of there over the following weeks my lungs would dramatically drop an ability but I chalked it up all to just simply asthma after all that's what the doctor said on to the story after weeks of grief for my wife and I've a keishon which included even more insane hours and odd jobs GM Karen suddenly decided to go on a vacation of her own lasting a full week it was the last day of the pay period and my clock-out was in the upper 80s the previous week and or 90s that week I was hollow-eyed and barely able to breathe I still thought it was just my asthma and lack of sleep on her way out the door she would several cooks into a tizzy and attempted to get them all fired and then handed me a massive list of chores to do while she was gone while all of this stuff should have long been done years of neglect and the months of severe understaffing made all these duties simply impossible to accomplish every new hire had been chased off by her and making up for it with ever-increasing overtime a lot of progress had been made but there was still months more to do to fixing the neglect from the reign of lazy Daisy I told her flatly that this list was impossible to do in a week maybe not even in a month then she uttered the words I had not known I was waiting for she angrily screamed if this isn't done you and your wife don't even bother ever coming back on the day I get back do it or else before I could even say anything she rushed out the door to go on her vacation and I looked down in defeat the whole of the staff knew I was at a breaking point and the faces they had been making told me I was not going to survive doing this I would spend a lot of the week trying and trying my best but my body was giving up one day I slept in the office as it was too late to bother driving home by the last day of pushing ourselves and the staff to the breaking point we had accomplished about one fifth of her list and blew our Labor far beyond what corporate allowed everyone has significant overtime as the last day came to a close and I finished the floors around the dish pit me and my wife looked at the clock 3:00 a.m. the meeting and the moment she returned 6 a.m. we were both scheduled doubles the next day 6 a.m. to close thanks to the meeting Karen's words were stewing in my head and if it was not for that sentence I probably would have slept in the office that night or kept working to finish the list we decided you know what screw this place Karen said we shouldn't come back of the list wasn't completed and well it wasn't so we complied we left our keys stole an industrial-sized box of chicken nuggets and walked out the door we never came back just like she said we should the time clock read about 105 hours the fall out the rest of the story is told to us by second hand mainly the family friend and some co-workers at first but after they quit we got updates from a relative of the new manager that I happen to be working with small world according to them after we had left staff morale had plummeted the last dishwasher I was the second to last after the other two were fired would be brought to his mental breaking point and stormed at the door a few days later people began to quit left and right the staff apparently looked up to me and wife since we had stuck through everything with them shoulder to shoulder and in the trenches unlike other managers like lazy Daisy and Karen the state of the store decayed as the downward spiral continued in store revenue went through the floor we were the straw that broke the camel's back last I heard Karen had an empty store few employees and nobody to shout at and that was before 20/20 began to dawn I'm sure that store hasn't survived this long my health was still declining but had dramatically slowed some days it even felt like it had improved I thought this was just where my body was going to be and that asthma was what was keeping me down two months after quitting I collapsed at my new job my lungs were not working it was an asthma attack on a level I had not felt since the vacation I was brought to the hospital by ambulance and discharged in short order as I recovered another massive bill and still lost as to why a week later I had fallen ill and took the day off I went to my doctor to get a doctor's note when suddenly they wheeled me into intensive care the nurse said I was as white as a sheet my blood oxygen level was so low I should have passed out on the drive they discovered I had a minor nasal infection that had spread through my entire respiratory system and beyond heavily entrenched in the lungs the doctor estimated that this level of infection of that strain would require a number of months he estimated seven to eight of progression and a severely we commune system when informed of my previous job he said that the lack of sleep and constant work was stressing my body to the point where my immune system could not fight off the infection despite being out of that environment the war on the infection was preventing the body from healing he said I shouldn't have made it and if I had not quit he has little doubt I would not have made it to this day a year and a half later my lungs are still weak but the infection is gone they may never heal but I am still around I have due to recent circumstances finally quit restaurants entirely but that was how some malicious compliance and a walk out the door probably saved my life if you were in the situation would you have quit a lot earlier than Opie did let me know in the comments down below because I feel like who was me I definitely would have unless I literally could not survive without this job which Opie might have really desperately needed that job I probably would have still quit earlier than killing myself and being treated so ungratefully I would absolutely not be sticking around for that our next story is by sentient slime colony airplane switcheroo one of these reminded me of one I had not too long ago I was going on a long international flight I typically pick window seats as I can rest against the wall and look out the window I had managed to secure one for both legs of this flight and was feeling particularly pleased when I got to my aisle however there was a guy in my seat no problem people get confused all the time I told them hey man I think you're in my seat and showed him my ticket he looked at his ticket then gestures at the aisle seat oh I guess I'm not one doesn't matter right and goes back to listening to music or whatever I'm pretty steamed because while I know I'm right I'd also have to make two to three people get up and shuffle around and I had to feel like a bit of a dick even though I know he's the one here so I just plopped down in a seat and pout for a bit until someone comes down the aisle and taps me hey man I think you're in my seat my mood does an instant 180 as I get up and tell them actually I'm not this guy is and point to the window thief I'll just move to my original seat and you can sort it out between the two of you the guy looks confused but window thief now begrudgingly gets up and they start comparing tickets while I move to my comfortable window seat I guess there was some kind of print error because window thief and the innocent bystandard actually did have the same ticket so the flight attendants ended up moving window thief a bunch of rows back which was just the icing on the cake to me if I paid for a window seat I'm going to complain until I get the window seat you went and got yourself a middle or an aisle seat sorry you got a deal with that you can't take my seat that I specifically sought out our next story is by scratch avatar I haven't seen him a decade ago I worked at a warehouse big warehouse served the northern half of Alberta several dozen shipments a day each one several pallets average 5 feet high to meet this demand there were 20 to 30 guys in my position alone in just our section of the warehouse and we worked with at least 100 other people new hires got to enjoy a special interview every week for 3 months in which a supervisor would politely tell us that we weren't cutting the must and would not last through our probation if we didn't speed up significantly it was great for morale for six weeks I would hear the same supervisor call out a mispronunciation of my name over the PA every time I would walk into the supervisors office for my interview and correct him think major pronounced major versus majore the sixth time he did it I was sick of correcting him I walked into the office and calmly said my name is major I've told you this six times now the next time you call me majore I won't answer what's wrong with majore he asked seriously it's someone else's name the next week when my turn came up again and his voice blares out his standard call over the PA majora the shipping office looking for John majore to the shipping office I went about my job five minutes later he calls again again I ignore him 20 minutes past several more calls another supervisor comes out searching for me John Allen's been calling for you a while now you need to get going no he hasn't he's been calling for John majore I've told them that's not my name six times now but if I see John majore I'll tell em Ella's looking oh it is looking for you so let's go you tell Alan if he wants to see me all he needs to do is call my name what's your name he knows the supervisor walked away and I just kept on working drawn major to the shipping office I worked there for years he never needed correcting again there's nothing really wrong with getting a name wrong it happens it's a human thing to do that being said six mistakes in six Corrections you should be able to catch on to it by then plus it would be great for morale if you could show that you can learn from your mistakes and correct that issue but no you just kept piling it on and making it worse and then tried to defend yourself by saying what's wrong with a mispronunciation of your name are you kidding me that's pretty disrespectful and our final story of the day is by military brat 2020 you want a dirty room okay for starters I'm 18 and just graduated my family is military so I won't get a job until our last move which is thankfully this next one my brother is 17 and can be a real jerk he's super picky about everything from food his french fries cannot touch his burger to his room coming in a bit we thought he was on the spectrum and got him tested but he wasn't even close which is strange right anyways in order to earn my keep at home as an adult with no job I clean the house sometimes make dinner etc my brother however has always told me not to touch his things when I first vacuumed the floor I had to move so many things just to see it he got upset and went to our mom who told me not to touch his things if he doesn't want me to kill malicious compliance it's his choice to have a dirty floor right and he doesn't want me to touch everything that covers it fine this whole quarantine I haven't cleaned his room once just yesterday my mom asked me to clean it because I followed the rules I told her I couldn't he doesn't want me to touch his things fine clean it yourself so I actually find this kind of odd that even though you do do chores you have to clean your brother's room I don't know if it's maybe a cultural thing or just a me thing but I would imagine if you have a room your brother has a room it's your responsibility and your responsibility only to keep that room clean and a cleaning chore would be everywhere else like a public room like a family room a living room a dining room that kind of thing but that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know in the comments down below which one and why and if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't yet subscribe and turn notifications on all of those things up the channel so immensely so thank you no matter what you did whether it was just watching the video liking subscribing whatever you do thank you so much for supporting me right here on the storytime channel I hope you're all having a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time right here
Channel: Storytime
Views: 48,585
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Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: gUFW9SvkewM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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