r/idontworkherelady | I found the same Karen 2x

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have some i don't work here ladies stories and our first story of the day is by ghostwolf223 not this again i'm back from training and got lobed back into another blind karen again i need someone to just tell me is it my face or is it just my luck story gone to another store to buy some snacks and literally was back from the field the store was relatively empty with a few employees around i just started to choose the snacks i want to get when i heard the dreaded ahem i need to find some item i have no idea about keep in mind i'm in normal clothing but you really couldn't see that as i have a bloody blade carrier with fully loaded rifle magazines and a bloody patrol rifle slung on my chest sorry for the caps i'm still ticked about this oh the plate carrier literally says police front and back in huge white text with a blue background i stood up and looked karen in the eyes and asked ma'am you do understand i don't work here yes karen with a snarky tone not along with that attitude remembering i was sent to court for the last karen i turned my back on her and started to walk out her still following me and yelling on the top of her lungs i will get you fired for this eventually she walked out behind me and the alarm went off now the security held her back because she was now considered stealing and just my luck they needed a cop to judge the situation just my freaking luck i stayed around and the store wanted to press charges for attempted theft cuffed her and i went back in to buy the snacks now with a cussing and kicking karen in the back seat pissed off i drove back to the station like a man on a mission and shoved her in the holding cell and dropped off the documents and got the heck out i was done with the last one and training got my mind off of it for a good chunk of three months got back literally a day ago and now this let me ask you guys does it surprise you that a kieran is so willingly ignorant that they're going to assume that someone with literal guns on them works at a store let me know your thoughts in the comments down below our next story is by sad salads why would i be working with my toddler and why would a store employee kidnap a child on the clock this happened a few months ago mid-october when the weather was still nice where i live i went to our local kroger to grab a few things i needed for dinner this is important because i wasn't using a cart just a basket my oldest son who is three and a half loves to go to the store and do anything that involves getting out of the house so i decided to let him tag along and leave his other brother at home with dad grocery trips for us are kind of like our little mom and son dates i usually let him pick out a toy or a treat of some kind since outings aren't as often since the pandemic i try to keep things normal and exciting for him this is where the story comes into play for note i was wearing a light blue polo but the store dress code is a dark blue polo with the store logo and khakis i was wearing jean shorts that in no way was too short but definitely wouldn't be allowed for any employee of a grocery store so about 20 minutes into our trip i had grabbed the few vegetables i needed it was just shopping around the canned goods aisle to grab some things i might need in the future i was putting a can of something back in exchange for a larger version i didn't see it first when i hear ma'am i need your assistance right this instant not working there i figured someone was just being a jerk to a nearby worker and carried on until about 30 seconds later while looking at different canned good items when rude karen grabs my arm and pulls me around excuse me can i help you i know you heard me now help me find the molasses now i don't work here clearly so how about no and don't touch me again as a matter of fact we're in a pandemic and you're not even wearing a mask get away from me i have copd i can't wear one where is your manager that's a violation for you to even ask about my medical condition now go find this child's parents instead of dilly dallying around like you're supposed to or else i'll tell the manager you weren't gonna give this child back me completely stunned and pissed at this point for one i didn't ask about your medical condition i said get away from me since you were above health codes how dare you accuse me of stealing a child again i don't work your lady and this stolen child happens to be my son are you okay yes you did you did ask me you little witch i know you're a little rotten liar who doesn't want to get in trouble now take me to the manager now you're no older than 16 who are you keeping this child from i am 25 years old he came from my body and is my son i do not work here get the heck away from me before i get a manager myself you are scaring my son toddler son is visibly scared and on the verge of tears at this point he'll look scared because you stole him so now i'm no longer finding his parents but stole him on the clock see you just admitted it you do work here at this point my son is crying and so i just grab his hand and walk to find a manager as fast as i can with rude karen screaming behind me that she's getting a manager and that i am kidnapping a child so people are starting to look i finally find the manager it doesn't take much to explain the situation as rude karen was trailing behind me screaming as i was talking to him he very quickly confirmed i did not work there and then told her to leave for making such accusations and not adhering to local health department guidelines she of course refused started causing an even bigger scene on how we were human trafficking in this store and the police ended up getting called by her yes she was the one who called 9-1-1 to report a kidnapping and she is arrested in front of a good 150 people basically just had to tell the cops my situation and how she was following me throughout the store accusing me of stealing my own son and that was that and went home and on with the rest of my day so rude karen i sincerely hope a jar of molasses was worth a trip to jail and you received the mental health care you clearly need opie's last sentence really kind of hit the nail on the head i definitely get the sense that there's some kind of assistance that this karen needs so wherever they end up whatever happens to them i'm hoping that they get some kind of assistance some kind of reform there was just way too much that was very argumentative and extremely illogical this next story is by skull shurdical tcg i sold a guy an arcade machine at a store i didn't work at so my wife's christmas present was a gift card to a well-known sporting goods store to get herself new shoes we went in today and at the front of the store were a few of those arcade 1up machines that have become popular lately i asked my wife if she'd be okay with me playing some pac-man instead of helping her find shoes she agreed and don't worry i used hand sanitizer before and after playing while in the middle of my game i'm approached by another guy i'm in my late 20s he's older than me but i don't think he could have been older than 45 he casually walks up to me and says having a good game yeah actually i'm not doing too bad i bet it plays terrible compared to the real thing actually no you'd be surprised it's pretty darn close really yeah the code is the same and the picture's pretty clear so the only thing to worry about is input lag and that's really low wow i didn't realize these were so good too bad they only play one game actually this one has about 10 games installed really i lose intentionally so i can give him the grand tour of the machine yeah see when you boot it up you can pick between all these games and if you want more these things are really easy to modify to add more him very interested by now you can modify these yeah in fact these arcade 1up machines are popular choices for arcade enthusiasts who want to play maim but don't want to build their own cabinet because these are affordable and leave a small footprint in your house so this price is fair i certainly think so i mean speaking for myself i built my own cabinet i pull out my phone and show him the pictures but in all it costs a bit more than this does so if you don't want to build one and you're okay with the limitations this gives you i think it's worth it him after a pause you know what i want one that was pretty cool to hear but it crossed my mind that he might have thought i was an employee trying to pass a sale on him that's great sir but i should warn you i don't actually work here see my wife needs shoes and i'm just playing games to pass the time he didn't seem to mind i'll go find someone to help me buy this then he turns and leaves and calls behind his shoulder have a good game that was about 10 minutes ago as i'm writing this he and an employee are busy loading the box into his truck if you've got the space for it and you're kind of into the old arcadey style things those kind of cheapo easily modifiable ones that they do sell are pretty cool i think this is a really awesome and just refreshing exchange to hear about no contentious moments no unnecessary drama just two people interested in arcade cabinets having a great conversation in a way it kind of takes me back to going to places like walmart where it had the little game display with the controller out and you broke your neck looking up at it and you might talk to another kid that was standing there about the games and to be fair i kind of want an arcade cabinet now too opie is a good salesman and our final story of the day is by mt bike chick same karen twice in two weeks i have watched videos and heard the stories on youtube about kieran's and they usually make me giggle and put a smile on my face but from time to time i usually have to put up with a karen every now and then with my work but nothing ever worth talking about or posting being the year of pandemic and when things were sort of getting back to normal at the beginning of the summer with retail stores and just to let everyone know i'm a female 36 and in really great shape and a cyclist i was out mountain biking with some friends on a wonderful late afternoon good workout also started to head home and stopped at a walmart to pick up a few things to make dinner for my daughter and me then i happened to see best friend with best friend's child we greeted and i've always been like an aunt to her child he was turning four years old and she was buying him a bicycle for his birthday this is right up my alley and i said great let auntie kay help you out with it both were happy with it we found him a good 16 16-inch wheel starter bike looked at helmets and i even fitted the helmet to him best friend and i were chatting a bit best friend's child was looking at other toys and this is where i get the ahem i turned i saw the karen in all of her glory and yes every bit of the kieran look with her child i said i'm sorry if i'm in your way of the shelves then in not so nice of a tone crazy karen says now that you're done with her you can help me with my child and bike for him sorry ma'am i don't work here and i was just helping my friend with her son yes you do you are wearing cycling clothes i just got finished with a ride about an hour ago and here to pick things up and saw my friend just helping her i'm sure one of the employees would be glad to help you and i really don't work here best friend says she doesn't work here lady you need a butt out and shut up i wasn't talking to you i say oh my god let's go and get away from this crazy lady what how dare you call me that i will have you fired me trying to stay calm and i repeated i don't work here my friend always say that i am really scary when i'm mad being a tall woman 5 foot 10 and fit i'm not a small woman we tried to walk away and crazy karen grabs my arm i pull out of her grip and tell her if you touch me again i will have you arrested i try to walk away again and she grabs my cycling jersey you are going to help me and i'm going to report you to the manager also let go of my jersey you freaking wingnut then a walmart manager comes around the corner and crazy karen screams at him you need to fire your employee for not helping me the walmart manager says ma'am she doesn't work here and you need to let her go before i have you escorted out the door how dare you treat paying customers this way i pull my jersey from her grip and she tries to slap me i grab her wrist in mid-flight and said you have now done it lady and twisted her arm behind her crazy karen is now yelling assault and screaming about how bad i'm hurting her arm as i pull up behind her back i do have a lot of fighting training judo and some mma my best friend is recording it all on her phone and trying to keep best friend's child calm at the same time me to the walmart manager call the sheriff department right now i'm having her arrested let me go i will sue you all you're all going to jail i don't think so i wrenched her arm up harder her kid crying and escorted her up to the front of the store as we waited for someone from the sheriff's department two deputy sheriffs walk in and i knew them both from having to use the sheriff's department a lot in my line of work i let go when crazy karen screams arrest her now for assaulting me deputy sheriff one says ma'am you need to calm down right now no she assaulted me me best friend and walmart manager just stood there and waited for the deputy sheriffs to handle everything and answer anything that was asked to us deputy sheriff 2 says k what is going on here you know this witch arrest her deputy sure sheriff one says you need to be quiet or i'm going to arrest you i was feeling really bad for a child he was crying as another walmart employee tried to keep him calm crazy karen kept screaming and then they cuffed her as i walmart manager and best friend talked to deputy sheriff too about what happened i didn't want to press charges because i didn't want to spend time in court with it all i spend enough time in court with my line of work she was banned from that walmart walmart manager apologized for everything and gave my best friend and me 50 gift cards i handed mine to best friend which paid for the bike and helmet i never got my items to make dinner as i called my daughter and told her we were ordering out i thought that would be the end of this and would never see that woman again i was wrong two weeks go by and i'm in my office at work and i told everyone in the office about what happened at this walmart by the way i own a home rental business family owned i spent my whole life in this business and took over when my parents retired nice-sized business with 40 employees from office to maintenance this one fine day one of my office employees come back to the office with this couple i was in my office with the door shut but my employee introduced them to my office manager ceo and they were going to file and sign final paperwork on a home rental my ceo buzzes me and asked if i could come out to meet the new renters and introduce myself to them as i walked up front the look of shock hit my face and couldn't believe it it was crazy karen crazy karen sees me you don't tell me you work here yes i do work here i said calmly who is your manager i'm going to have you fired i see her husband this poor chuck without the h now turning red from embarrassment and then saying and pointing to my office manager she is the manager talk to her you should fire this worthless witch the office manager says i can't fire her only the owner of the company can fire her i want to speak to the owner office manager points at me and says she is the owner i say yes you are in my place of business i'm not going to rent a house to you and i'm asking you to leave right now never to come back before i call the sheriff department on you she leaves in a big hurry with her chuck of a husband in tow my sales employee was laughing about it and then joked i guess i don't get my rental bonus on my next check i laughed and said i will pay you the bonus after having to deal with her he was happy about that that must have been incredibly satisfying both times not only did they manage to get this karen arrested but then they were able to show them up and say yes i own this business now get the heck out of here before i get you arrested again but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you do whether it's just viewing the video liking subscribing turning notifications on i appreciate the heck out of it every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more and i can't thank you enough for it so until next time i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll be right here next time on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 22,478
Rating: 4.9271464 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/idontworkherelady, r/i dont work here lady, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, reddit i dont work here lady, Storytime i dont work here lady, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady reddit, top posts reddit, i dont work here lady stories, i dont work here lady video, r/ idontworkherelady, r/ idontworkherelady Storytime, Storytime r/idontworkherelady, funny reddit stories, idontworkherelady posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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