r/maliciouscompliance | Allergies are NOT important to The Home Depot.

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hey everyone my name is Jacob today we are gonna be looking at some malicious compliance stories so sit back relax and enjoy don't act like you're doing us any favors you got it buddy the preface I'm a contractor and I replace various dispensers in different types of buildings no matter what the job is I do not discard the old equipment that I take out without a one dollar per unit charge because I have to take them to the dump separate the materials break down the cardboard etc so with every job I ask the site lead if they want me to discard it at that cost or if they want to take care of it themselves if they do not pay that equipment has nothing to do with me as soon as it's off the wall my only responsibility is to remove it and it's their property to dispose of now the care home I'm working in refused to pay the fee but still asked me to separate and break down the cardboard I am nice so I was doing that I also organized some of the old equipment onto a parlay and shrink-wrapped it to be easier for them to dispose of so today my truck is parked in the back where they specifically told me to park it the pallet of old equipment is in the garbage disposal area where they specifically told me to put air and the rest of the equipment is in a pile behind the pallet where they specifically told me to put it someone in maintenance comes and asks me to move my truck because they need to access a certain dumpster from that side ok I stopped working come outside move to the other side of the alley area I find the maintenance lead and ask if it's ok to park there for about 20 minutes as I'm headed to lunch soon anyway she says that's perfect cool I'm headed back inside when a man in maintenance who heard that conversation stops me and says the Pala is in the way of a garbage can they need I say I'm sorry but that's nothing to do with me it's not my equipment and I just have to put it where I'm told he keeps insisting it needs to be moved I'm a 110 pound woman with no super-strength skills to my knowledge or pallet jack so I'm not sure how he expects me to move a 600-pound pallet and I tell him as much and again remind him that it's not my equipment and it's just being placed where I was instructed to place it after going out of my way to organize it for them he says don't act like you're doing us any favors which sounds good to me no more favors you got it bro so I go back in to finish my last bit of work then come out to grab lunch around 15 minutes later and the pallet has been moved directly behind my truck blocking me in everyone involved knew that that was my truck and knew I was headed to lunch soon if they think I'm going to come ask them to move it they're under estimating my ability to match their pettiness especially after I was told not to do any more favors I got into my truck and backed into the parlor until it tipped over into the mountain of discarded equipment but I hadn't palletized and went to lunch came back from lunch with a newfound freedom for caring whether the old equipment was the least bit organized before I was neatly stacking them to the best of my ability now I don't freaking care bro I'm tossing stuff wherever is easiest for me cuz apparently is just as inconvenient for them when I organize it I bet the person that put them behind the truck was like oh we're gonna get her good and then was quickly told otherwise my mum maliciously respects her subcontractors we're this is a fresh story stolen from my mom of course it's fresh for me because I just heard it but for her it has been slowly brewing for long long months for the backstory my mom works as a construction specialist for a rather tiny construction such real estate development company it consists of less than ten people and that's including the owner the cleaning lady the owner's assistant and an accountant the amount of work they do constructionwise is astounding but they don't hire any crew they only get subcontracted until the project is finished she creates detailed cost estimates files tender offers for the public projects hires subcontractors participates in beds the list goes on she has made everything work smoothly since my dad and her ex-husband Hecht off decades ago she never had anyone to help around the house she often offered some small side jobs to her subcontractors broken window the door needs fixing faulty plumbing no need for any pesky bad husband one of the hired crew guys will be happy to help after work for a fair regular customer rate plus some home-cooked dinner coffee and work-related gossip since construction isn't a very stable business around here and the project's ended sooner or later there was a considerable rotation of these guys at our home over the years the episode leading to malicious compliance started about two years ago one of the regular guys who run a small construction business let's call him Ben was at the time contracted with my mum's company to install doors and windows around that time my mum's front door pretty much broke apart after circuit 20 years of faithful service my mother grabbed her oan called ban and asked him if any of these guys got a few hours for a side job a new door door frame and installation he agreed to help and sent two blokes over they finished the job took the payment drank some coffee chatted with my mum a bit and left everything seemed fine at first but a few days after the installation my mom noticed her new front door doesn't fully closed and the log tends to jam she called been explained what the issue was and asked him to send someone around and that she will pay for their time he abruptly said I'm busy we've got a ton of projects don't bother me with stupid stuff and disconnected okay then I won't she thought she never brought the issue up again she fully understood how incredibly busy must this man be so many projects so little time the next construction project started for her company she remembered the poor overworked busy Ben so she had a different company for the installation of doors and windows and for the next project and another one and the following one and the one after that - about a month ago she got a call from a familiar number while at work hello this is company Hannah malicious speaking oh hello good afternoon mrs. Hannah how are you doing I know it sounds a bit weird but we use a mr. or mrs. title and the first name when someone is familiar in a professional setting like a co-worker but not exactly someone personally close I kept it so that Eastern European aesthetic doesn't fully die in translation I'm sorry Who am I speaking to it's been mrs. Hannah how are you doing oh good afternoon mr. ban I'm fine thank you for asking how are you well not that good I just noticed that we haven't got any construction contract offers from you is everything okay everything's fine we've just handed in two construction sites and we have a new one fully prepared for this spring why do you ask we submitted offers for our services for the past few months but we've never heard anything back right do you remember our last conversation sir um not really no you guys messed up my door installation I asked you for some help mr. ban I was willing to pay you extra despite the fact that I shouldn't even pay you for fixing your staffs mistake but I respected our long cooperation do you remember what you said sir Oh sir you said you're busy and don't have time for stupid stuff now I really do respect people's time and I certainly don't want to bother them with stupid stuff especially when they're busy oh no I'm sorry mrs. Hana this must be a misunderstanding I'll send you someone to fix your door right away it's been fixed by someone else two years ago good bye mr. Ben oh I just spoke with my mum over Skype I noticed that there is a huge fancy flower bouquet behind her Oh flowers are they from a guy please tell me you're finally dating someone she smiled a bit nastily this thing they're from mr. Ben and then she told me this whole story which unbeknownst to me had been slowly cooking over the last two years mum does it mean you're going to hire his company again nah he's busy I don't want to bother him with stupid stuff did he really after two years offer to fix the door like she hadn't had it fixed straightaway oh no I've been using a broken door for the past years thanks allergies are not important the Home Depot this happened about five years ago and I haven't been to the Home Depot in question in a long time names have been changed for privacy in high school I was working at the local Home Depot as a head cashier I kept track of all the active registers and made sure things run smoothly I held this position for quite some time one or two years and enjoyed it pretty well customers were nice and my co-workers were mostly craftsmen and gardeners all with interesting stories to share before we go further let me explain something I am allergic to nearly every form of pollen I mean every form I take allergy medication but even then if I am in close proximity to flowers for too long like more than thirty minutes I will begin to break out in hives and throw up most of the time so after about three months working in the winter the spring season was upon us the worst season for my allergies one day about three of our garden section cashiers called off sick they are pretty reliable people so I had no problem finding people to cover for them as I come to my manager to inform them of the position changes my manager looks at me and says you can handle the garden section on your own can't you hi inform my manager that I could cover it for it the most fifteen minutes before my allergies flare up and I'll have to leave he states we don't have any documents on file that state you are not fit to work in the garden section so unless you come up with a doctor's note stating your allergies I couldn't care I don't know who crapped in his Cheerios that morning but I complied saying I want to be sure of what you're asking you want me to work in a section which is hazardous to my health instead of placing equally capable employees in that section did I stutter he said okay sure I said I make my way down to the garden section and immediately my eyes are stinging I decide that I am going to stick it out for my boss's sake no matter how crappy my service becomes the first 10 minutes are pretty uneventful but then a customer asks me about the rash on my arms the Home Depot does not care about allergies I say as I do not have official paperwork this customer looks extremely concerned asking for my manager's name at this point I was feeling nauseous and it hit me I throw up in the trash can at the register turned back to smile as well as I could and say I work under Bob blank the customer reassures me that I will be ok and tells me I should head home turns out this guy Nick blank was a higher-up at the Home Depot's regional management and was my boss's boss so naturally I comply with the chain of command and head to the locker room to pack up as I am packing Bob blank comes in fuming and cursing telling me I have no right to leave yet and that my shift is not over for another five hours I simply say Nick blank told me to go home Bob's face gets redder as he threatens to fire me saying I was lying and tells me to go back out I comply knowing that I will see Nick on my way out I pass Nick still in the orange apron and he asks me where I'm going I say that Bob told me to go back to work Nick's expression goes from concerned to furious as he takes my apron from me and tells me I'll be paid for the full shift and to go home I come into work the next day to see that Bob's nameplate has been removed from the office I asked our HR rep what happened and apparently after I had left NICs stormed Bob's office and proceeded to perform an order on all of his past employee complaints this guy had been throwing out complaints for the past five years needless to say there was an opening for the store management position and I was given a week's vacation for my troubles my satisfaction was huge that was so lucky that Bob's boss Nick actually found this person that is amazing Wow guys look on screen right now you see those two videos right there they're pretty good I think you should click at least one of them and watch another one
Channel: Storytime
Views: 74,487
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Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, Storytime 2, FakeJake, Storytime2, life stories
Id: OGIm9JnsOX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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