r/maliciouscompliance | "Want me to write an IMPORTANT email Boss? Sure!"

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hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel we've got some malicious compliance stories let's jump right into our first story of the day by no fortunate one boss wants me to write an email hi all a little bit of background here i am currently an executive for a large bank my job is to manage the accounts for businesses that have an existing relationship with the bank specifically i manage the credit card processing side aka merchant services about six years ago there was a huge uproar within the organization about a new position opening up the executive position mentioned previously it would be a new team with amazing pay flexible hours and above all actual authority to make business decisions it was a big deal so naturally i applied it would be a huge step up from my then job of managing escalations for the senior directors fast forward a bit and i'm hired i joined the team in october a few months after the team was started so 10 or so people had already started working with their assigned customers i strangely was not given any accounts to manage instead they decided to give me training modules to complete to get me up to speed i'm cool with that i figured it was a difficult job so it made sense at the time well i complete the silly modules in a few days and decide to walk to the manager to ask what he would like me to do this is when i discovered this department was a cluster truck the manager informs me that those modules were all of the work that they could assign to me they had already assigned all of the portfolios of customers for the year and i would not be getting to manage customers until the new portfolios were approved having come from a world where everything is literally a dumpster fire emergency i am confused i assumed that i would be fired or something nope my manager told me that i would be allowed to assist the other executives with their customers should the need arise not a single soul asked me for assistance understandable since they were all trying to make the appearance that they were capable so every day i would sit in my cubicle with my feet on my desk watching movies reading books and browsing reddit it was an unbelievably great way to support my family literally a dream job i feel like i need to add that i did not receive portfolios to manage until march freaking march six months of me entertaining myself on the company dime i'm not going to lie it was wonderful anyway i finally get to do my job which i am extremely excited about my first order of business was to reach out to my customers and the team of merchant services reps that previously assisted the customers to basically let them know that there was a new sheriff in town not a single rep took me seriously they knew nothing about my position or the responsibilities of my job they assumed that i was just a support member that they could dump their problems on it was a mess and our management team did nothing to smooth over our role to the reps or their higher ups a day or two into the job i am added to an enormous email chain with a customer their accountant several directors and a vp of a partner banking channel the long and short of it is that the customer was upset about the rates that we were charging them i reviewed the pricing and offered a very appropriate alternative to their current pricing schedule it was a small change to be sure but it would have saved them in the neighborhood of twenty thousand dollars per year my first mistake was assuming that the directors and vp on the chain understood that it was my call to make my manager immediately gets a call from that vp ranting about my email my manager comes to my desk breathing heavy asking me about the email i explained what i was doing i was 100 in the right and my manager agreed it was a good business decision but the vp felt that they would get to set the pricing like it had always been done in the past he wanted to gut our rate so that we made little to nothing on the customer well i didn't work for his channel and i refused to gut it he wanted to get the pricing on our side because that's not where he made his money he made money on the banking side he was forcibly trying to ruin my take to protect his own my manager is in hot water so he insists that he tell me what to write for the remainder of the chain i do not like to be babysat i've never really experienced working for this guy before so i thought it was a good time to test the waters while the peter measuring contest is going on between the manager vp the customer fires back in an email that she completely agrees to the new terms however she also requires that we refunder the difference of fees for the last three years due to my manager's order i let him dictate what i am going to write this is where the malicious compliance comes in he tells me to write that we can change your rates to the new pricing or we can refund her the difference of fees she cannot have both for those of you in the know this is an extremely bad move for those of you that don't know it is not a good business practice to give your customer an ultimatum if you want to keep them in this situation the customer holds all of the cards i still have the email to show off in the office i'm going to cut out the personal details here is the email i made sure to add the first bit myself my manager's part starts at you are entitled i write exactly what he says keep in mind everyone and their mother is copied on this email thank you for your email customer name i have reviewed your request to my leadership manager name we appreciate the opportunity that you have given us to retain your business you are entitled to the rate change or the refund at this time we are not prepared to grant you both of these things we can get you the numbers on the savings if that would help we feel that your request is unfair to our business it is with a heavy heart we decline vp name manager name said he got your voicemail he said he'll call you back after we're done with this deal sent i have never in my life sent such a disrespectful email like that i was awestruck that someone like this was able to crawl his way up to such a position in the company my first real experience with this guy was a living crap show it sickens me to know that at the bottom of this email was my name to someone on the outside it would look like i was the dumbest person in the world now for the fallout i still don't know the exact details of what happened after the email was sent that day i was not added back to the email chain the very next day i was invited to a conference room with six to seven people the only people i knew there at that time were my manager and the manager of our sister team i was greeted by one of the people she was smiling and very friendly she asked me if i knew who she was i said no she sat on the table and said that she was the senior vp of sales for my bank at the time we rolled up to her she was the head honcho my boss's boss's boss she had flown from our headquarters literally across the country just for this meeting she seemed like a very nice person she was not but it was unnerving how all she would do is ask questions she held up her hand and shushed me anytime i tried to say anything outside of answering her questions i was there for a while and i was nervous so i don't remember all of the questions the big ones were how do you like your job which scared me and why do you feel it was appropriate to email a customer a rude email this one turned the tables in the room i told her that the email was completely inappropriate then why did you send it i told her i was asked to send the email by my manager and then was allowed to explain my side of things it was dead silent in that room even after i finished speaking after some time she asked me to leave the room i sat at my desk for a good two hours working when one of my teammates told me that i was needed back in the conference room this time it was just the manager of my sister team and the senior vp there this time the manager of the sister team did all of the talking he said that the customer that i was emailing is pulling their account not just from us but from our banking partner as well he explained how much money they made the bank through that partnership i don't have access to the other banking systems just the merchant services side i was shocked to learn they had tons of loans business accounts and stuff i have never even heard of it was part of a very large organization that spanned several different sectors the person that i had emailed was the decision maker he didn't give me an exact number but said we had just lost millions of dollars in annual revenue i was certain that i was going to be fired instead he lectured me on the importance of diligence and other corporate mumbo jumbo let's be real here guys if you made a mistake like that would you expect to get fired let me know in the comments down below because facing the reality of whether or not it was you that wrote the email you did send it and it ultimately cost the company millions of dollars in potential annual revenue i'd be pretty sure i was gonna get launched out of there real quick this next story is by hunglow7777 you're fired i was working a full full-time job and a tea shop opened up a new store nearby and i usually frequent this chain i decided freak it let me apply and see what happens i was more or less hired after an on-the-spot interview until the expectations were high and that she expected near perfection pretty high ask considering most people that staff food service places are generally high schoolers at their first job fast forward a couple of months and i was working a closing shift being a more experienced worker considering i was working with a couple high school students i was generally tasked with making sure closing activities were done there is one ingredient which usually needs to be cooked for the next morning and takes about 20 minutes to prepare seeing that it was now 12 30 a.m and my full-time job started at 8am the next morning i decided freakit they can take 20 minutes the next morning to prepare this ingredient and the three of us went home after cleaning the next morning the three of us were fired via group chat text for missing this ingredient considering how the manager just fired about a quarter of her workforce i messaged her saying i was scheduled for the rest of the week and offered to at least work my last scheduled week to give her time to find someone as well i tried taking the blame for missing that ingredient considering my co-workers had nothing to do with the missing ingredient having worked in the food service industry before i knew how stretched out the schedule would be after having so many people fired at once the manager responded by saying there is no need to come in and that maintaining the store was everyone's responsibility so the following week i didn't show up not only that but since the entire closing shift was publicly fired from a group text another two co-workers i was close with were also maliciously compliant in solidarity not showing up for the following week or ever for that matter they had to call people in from different stores to help out the icing on the cake would be the manager sending me a text about a month later saying another manager vouched for me and asked me to come back to work because they were short staffed i politely declined her invitation yeah absolutely not going to go back to work for a person like that who fires you so quickly and over group chat text not only that but you owned up to it and you still had to deal with the fact that they fired multiple people for one thing you didn't do now forget that and our final story of the day is by the dave corp truck driving i used to drive for the fifth largest trucking company in america at the time they had all sorts of problems trucks that always broke down directions that were never right this is before commercial routes could be programmed on gps's i once had to ask a driver from another company for directions to one of my own company's yards now they've got a new ceo now and i hope things have been fixed i always meant to send them a letter but i never did i arrived to pick up a trailer hooked up did my mandatory inspection and found that the trailer had a flat tire the tire was just hanging off the rim but otherwise appeared to have no damage i got on my qualcomm a satellite communication system and i sent in one of the message templates to dispatch message 157 501 pm friday repair is required flat tire at 501 pm i had the weekend dispatcher i sat around for quite some time waiting for a reply when no reply came i repeated the message when i still got no reply i messaged dispatch directly asking if my messages got through and when repairs were coming finally i got a reply 159 dispatch says we need to know the tire size while i'm a professional driver licensed to drive in over 150 countries i'm embarrassed to say i never had the need to buy a tire before and didn't know which of the many things written on the tire contained the information they needed so in message 160 to dispatch i relayed every single thing written on the tire to them 161 dispatch says the fleet uses a universal tire size i say then why did you ask me several hours passed and there were no further messages and no one came to conduct repairs finally i called them on the phone they said someone would be there shortly after several more hours came and went i called again and they said to stop calling because i was tying up the line and bothering them ooh that pissed me off so i disconnected my ken worthless 500 from the trailer parked out of the way and started reading a book i had friday night passed saturday passed sunday passed monday morning at 9 01 a.m when the regular 9-5 weekday dispatcher came back on duty my cell phone began ringing off the hook why haven't you rolled you've been idle for over 60 hours oh i was ready for this well sir if you looked at message 157 you'll see that i called in for a repair i heard the beeping of the computer as he pulled up the message menu and saw the repair request you were supposed to send in the tire size well sir if you look at message 160 and 161 you'll see i did send in the tire size and after i did that i was told the entire fleet only uses one type of tire but but well why didn't you ask them what the hold up was well sir if you look at messages 163 and 164 you'll see i did ask them what the holdup was the guy was stammering and sputtering at this point well why didn't you use the phone and called dispatch directly well sir if you check the call logs you'll see that i did call dispatch twice you did yes and what did they say in my sweetest smart bud voice i said they told me not to call them anymore because i was bothering them do you mean to tell me that you've sat idle for 60 hours because of a stinking tire apologetically i said dispatch told me to wait sir he was out of breath don't move someone will be there in 20 minutes 19 minutes later a guy showed up laughing his butt off when he pulled up because apparently the dispatcher had vented to him the entire trip there the repair guy had a tire and a number of pieces of equipment with him in his pickup truck he looked at the tire informed me that the tire had no damage but had merely lost pressure to the point where i'd come loose from the rim all that was needed to be done was for it to be put back on the rim and repressurized since the tire was hanging there a huge gap between the tire and the rim i asked him how one could possibly reinflate it he took out an old propane tank that had a large pipe welded to it with what looked like the triangular end of a vacuum cleaner on it he shoved the triangular piece into the gap between the rim and the tire and opened this large handle valve that was on the pipe the entire contents of the tank shot into that gap all at once the pressure popped the tire back into place onto the rim he then used an air compressor to finish re-inflating the tire to full pressure had me sign something then went on his way i used the message template to tell dispatch i was hooked up to the trailer and beginning departure i also got direct message to dispatch saying something like thank you for getting the repairs arranged i got a direct message back that simply said oh that weekend dispatcher was immediately fired it's definitely no surprise that that weekend dispatcher was absolutely terrible at their job i don't know what was going on maybe they were just so overcrowded that they're basically failed their job they failed to complete the one thing they had to do for this trucker and it ended up leading to 60 hours of idle time which is not good and a simple repair too what a shame but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comment section down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving the video a like and subscribe if you haven't enter notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you did whether it was just watching the video or commenting subscribing whatever you do thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel any single thing you do helps the channel grow that much more and i appreciate the heck out of it i hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time i'll be right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 45,161
Rating: 4.9243603 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: OVLUtj7lqg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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