r/maliciouscompliance | "My Financial Officer DESTROYS Awful Boss!"

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are gonna be looking at the subreddit our such malicious compliance where people conformed to the letter but not the spirit of a request if you new around here please do hit subscribe down below so that you never miss out on another video but for now let's sit back relax and enjoy some malicious compliance clients keep saying I'm telling the wrong appointment times so I'm going to make sure they hear correctly so I recently started working at a new vet hospital as a receptionist and every day part of my job is to make appointment reminder calls for the appointments the next day occasionally people actually pick up but most of the time I end up having to leave a voicemail I basically have a transcript memorized because I say it the same way every time hi this is blank from blank I'm calling you to remind you your pet has an appointment at this time tomorrow please don't feed any food before an appointment if you plan to have blood work done call us back at this number if you have any questions otherwise we'll see you tomorrow at the appointment time when people don't answer the phone I leave a note left message on machine and then my initials well for the past few weeks people have been missing their appointment times pretty frequently it's the first week of school here and people who thought they'd have time don't and how his schedules are changing like crazy with cancellations and calls but instead of telling the truth or just admitting that they didn't know what time the appointment was and didn't listen to the voicemail they tell the check-in desk that I must have told them the wrong time so when I come into work today I get chewed out apparently a guy who had an appointment at 10:20 showed up at 20 past 11:00 telling them that I told him the wrong time I made a note on the appointment that said I left him a message which I would only do if I left a message I know it's revolutionary thinking here and he tried to say I spoke to him over the phone and told him a time which is obviously be ass so my boss suggests that I state the appointment time twice in the messages which I pointed out I already do then she says well maybe you should slow down okay fine so today when I did my calls I made sure to record myself on every single call considering the state I live in is a single party concerned meaning only one person being recorded needs to have consent to record that person being made stating the exact message I typed and about half speed but this time I make sure to state the appointment time twice each time I had originally set the appointment time so now my voicemails are about two minutes long instead of the original thirty second message the few people I've spoken with seemed irritated that they were on the phone for so long but they know they got done appointment time now or else they better or I'd be happy to show my boss the recordings the next time someone tries to blame me for giving the wrong appointment time I can just imagine on the phone going yes you have an appointment at 10:20 a.m. and then repeating that like three times boss refuses to let me work my hours in contract and tells me to leave if I don't like it alrighty I work slush worked for a company priding itself to be the leader in its field in my country with very famous name thus why I am vague in which field how I got the job I have no idea but I improved my skills a lot people at the company took a liking to me and I now know it wasn't my golden ticket for the future I hoped for anyway when I signed the contract with them as a salaried employee I was given specific hours in it let's say for example 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. no on call availability no 24/7 no flexible working time no overtime without extra pay nothing outside those hours which I happily agreed to I was also notified and forced to read and agree with our internal rules rules like you can come anytime between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. and leave anytime between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. as long as your hours at the end of the month were what was in the contract no earlier no later no exceptions no problem for a couple of years I worked hours my colleagues in my boss needed without a single complaint outside of my contract need me to work 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. sure need to visit a doctor and can't be at work so you need a substitute I'll help sudden surge of work came during my vacation ok I'll come back and reschedule you get the gist I always ended up with quite a lot of unpaid overtime hours I know it was dumb of me but I didn't complain because I thought when I needed something they would help me out after some time travelling to and from work by public transport I bought a car to be faster in and out one of the reasons was travel time which was cut down by 60% now with it came a couple of problems parking if I came late home I wouldn't be able to park near my home and personal / family stuff which required me to be home early and leave home late which considering my parking problems was perfect for me so I went to my department boss and explained my issues he acted like he understood and will do something about that satisfied I went back to my work and waited after a month nothing changed so I went again and he again reassured me okay maybe he was busy so I'll wait until the next year the next month was the end of the year and we were getting bonus checks for great performance and most profitable year since 2008 I look at mine and it said 50 euros my good friend in the same department working as long as I was there by accident revealed sheikah over a grand obviously this made me mad so I went to ask my boss why I only got measly pocket change compared to the others he said because you are not a team player and are causing time issues for everyone I was shocked not only I've never seen him so arrogant and condescending but he said it like I was the problem because I only asked to consider my needs despite me being there whenever they needed me strike number one after that I decided to cut down my overtime I mean I don't work for free and my contract says it would be paid and it wasn't after several weeks of me saying sorry I can't or I already worked X hours today or I have plans for tonight my department boss was furious luckily colleagues understood why I did this and when there were serious issues I would still help like before he called me into his office and threatened me with my salary cut in half more work and tried to psychologically make me feel insignificant and worthless classic case of bossing wish I knew that back then I left pretty angry and wanted to punch someone strike number 2 after that several months went by and I was still fuming colleagues were luckily understanding and they helped me out more often when I needed to leave or arrived later and we try to hide it as best we could so we would all have our boss off our backs however more than half of the work we were doing was assigned to me in those months Department had ten plus people at the time with tight schedules and it showed up on my health feeling without energy and stressed out and every Monday I would actually hate to wake up and go to work but not in the usual haha Monday is terrible way I visited my GP and got some tests done obviously constant stress made it dent on my health and they came with less than perfect results this was strike three and out for me so I went to my boss and still trusting fool told him about my health issues and asked him to reconsider the amount of work he assigns me every day to this day I don't understand how I didn't punch him in the face because his response made my brain stall Oh little baby can't handle the stress boohoo if you don't like it leave and I'll be talking with the financial department about your salary I kid you not I stood there for over a minute frozen like a statue with my mouth opened while he snickered at his joke when my brain rebooted I said ok and went full malicious compliance on him I returned 5 minutes later with my resignation letter with 2 months notice yeah law his state's minimum two months slapped it on his desk and told him here is my resignation and feel free to find another fool and left his office after that I went back to my work feeling a lot better but this isn't where the story ends that would be too easy after a week the chief financial officer with my boss calls me into the meeting to discuss my salary they tried to cut it down by a law almost down to minimum wage when I mentioned to the chief financial officer I am in my two-month period he asks me when I gave it to my boss after I told him he looks at me down on the paper at my boss and to my bosses horror tears the paper apart when my boss demands an explanation I am told a nice gem I didn't know you are in protection period after the notice where salary can't change without your consent and later I found out from my lawyer of the parts of the contract - I was in heaven and my boss was in hell strike number 1 for my boss later I had planned my two weeks vacation approved by boss three months ago so he couldn't do anything with there suddenly he wanted me to work from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. the whole week before I refused stating my contract had specific hours which I was abiding by since the whole chief financial officer Fiasco I heard nothing from him about that until I returned back from my vacation then I found a nice email stating my new hours are 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every other day and failure to follow this will result in a write-up and internal rules allows me to change your working hours so suck at this gem made me sleepless the whole night I was angry sad depressed and unsure what to do luckily thanks to this insomnia I had a great epiphany when the chief financial officer said my salary can't change without my consent does it work for other parts of my contract see the foreshadowing so I went to my family's lawyer when I told him everything he said one sentence with every imaginable insult held at my boss then he took a look at my contract and grinned like a Grinch told me as long as I show up on time and leave on time he can do nothing to me and any attempt to change my contract would result in a fine from the labor office for breaking the law a possible lawsuit and he would have helped me with glee with law sue strike number 2 for my boss he also helped me write a nice reply to that great email from Dept boss which was sent not only to my boss but to the chief financial officer the CEO and the company lawyer the reply was ingenious not only it said screw you in lawyer speech without saying it directly but it also made suggestions per her threats of a possible lawsuit if things continued like this without using the word lawsuit or litigation and a cherry on top I sent it late in the evening because I knew they would all read it before bedtime I won't be the only one with sleepless nights naturally I was a static the very next day in the morning the CEO called me into his office scared like a headless chicken maybe not that scared but it felt like it and asked me what that was about when I explained myself and assured him it's in everyone's best interest to not get lawyers involved and all I want is calm and peaceful time at work where I'm ending he agreed and said he'd do everything he can to ensure that strike three and boss is out since that morning boss was avoiding me like a plague and hasn't said a word to me unless necessary all my work was moved to the others and all I had to do was arrive on time in the last two weeks I was watching videos and browsing red air because I literally had nothing to do now I mama's going to miss the work and some good parts at the end number one because that was kind of bored at work I can watch videos and read it at home and to save on gas and time in traffic jams I asked my boss if I could just have two extra weeks vacation even though I don't have any days left you know because I wasn't doing anything and I don't want to lower the morale of the team with me not doing any work he gave me papers within an hour but in true douche boss fashion his first draft said I would end the day I signed the deal and received no more money and had to go for unemployment no no no I want to finish the month and get paid for a full month after some bickering with him in HR I suddenly got a deal and now I'm at the start of my other two-week vacation as of writing this post number two two of my great colleagues and also most skilled in our department also couldn't handle him various reasons I'm not going to disclose their motives and gave notice so his department is down by three people before fall / winter surge of work and it's really hard to find people now because of low unemployment numbers number three because three people are leaving basically at the same time internal audit is scheduled with the CEO from another country overseeing it to know what went wrong wonder what results will be there since there were some skeletons in the closet I would rather not reveal hair and surely more than I know of so now I am here sitting at home drinking my iced tea and looking for a new job but I'll tell you one thing all those health issues and stress it's gone and I haven't felt that good in a long time future might be uncertain but it's definitely better than what I had I kind of wanted to see a lawsuit go through but it's probably best that they don't because there'll be a lot of stress hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories I think you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon you
Channel: Storytime
Views: 161,261
Rating: 4.8279157 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, Storytime 2, FakeJake, Storytime2, Imagine if, malicious, compliance, maliciouscompliance, r/malicious, r/compliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance
Id: F48vi9AIHLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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