r/maliciouscompliance | ONLY follow Contract hours? Get NOTHING done...

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel we've got some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by daniel cade don't you ever tell me what to wear some years ago the organization i work for brought in a consultant to make us more efficient and reduce waste she was working across a number of teams including the team i worked for for our team most of our work is office based about 75 percent but we often work in retail environments and occasionally in industrial settings the other teams that the consultant was working alongside all seem to be totally office based some of the sites we work at can be quite dirty or smelly butchers are among the worst and so we always advise people what to wear as it's easier and cheaper to clean a pair of jeans rather than a suit i was introduced to the consultant and was told she'd be accompanying me on a job she seemed quite pleasant and was very smartly dressed i talked her through the booking process and explained the work we would be doing i suggested that she may want to wear casual clothing rather than business attire she got extremely angry and said don't you ever tell me what to wear and told me that it was inappropriate to tell a woman what to wear she was unwilling to listen to my justification a few hours later i was pulled into a meeting with my supervisor and our manager the consultant had made a complaint to the higher-ups in our organization whilst my supervisor was supportive as he normally was our manager didn't want to rock the boat with senior staff and so agreed to tell me my behavior was wrong thankfully it was agreed that no formal action would be taken and there would be no record on my file my manager agreed with the consultant that i shouldn't provide fashion advice and wasn't willing to listen to reason thankfully it was agreed that she wouldn't come along on the job about a month later again i was told that the consultant would accompany me on a job this time to an industrial site where i would be testing a piece of equipment the site would draw steel from large coils and turn it into a bar while it's not the dirtiest place we go to it's a long way from being clean i felt this was the perfect opportunity for some malicious compliance i emailed manager and asked if i could advise on appropriate clothing and he emailed back saying that both the consultant and he had made clear i was not to bring it up and to do so could lead to disciplinary action the job i would be doing normally required a second person to record results while i was doing the testing it was agreed that consultant would be hands-on and record the results an important point to note is that all industrial sites we visit will have a ppe requirement with the minimum being protective footwear obviously having been warned i didn't mention this this site was about an hour from our office and i phoned as i was leaving to let them know we were on our way thankfully in separate cars they normally asked for a call so they could stop production just before we arrived to avoid downtime as we arrived we were met by the health and safety coordinator for the site who did his intro i produced my safety passport card which showed i was competent in health and safety matters i introduced the consultant and explained she would be assisting me whilst looking at ways my work could be delivered more efficiently i took my overalls out of my bag and slipped them on over my clothes and swabbed shoes for my steel-capped boots the h s coordinator asked if the consultant wanted privacy to get changed and she explained she wouldn't be he gave me a bit of a look knowing that she didn't have a clue what was going on he then asked where her safety shoes were and she explained she didn't have any he refused to let her down onto the factory floor and she had to spend the job in the reception once away from the consultant i explained that if i had to log the results myself it would slow the process down he offered me one of his staff to do it i then told them the story of what had previously happened he thought it was hilarious what i'd done and wanted to play along he asked for the details of a senior manager and while i was testing the equipment phoned to complain he said it was unfair that he was supplying staff to assist me when he was paying for the job to be done when i finished the job the consultant had already left when i got back to the office i was pulled into a meeting with our director my manager and lots of other higher-ups and was asked to explain myself the director let me fully explain and thought it was ridiculous that i was blamed for the first incident i also explained that i had email confirmation that i wasn't to speak to her regarding clothing he said he was disappointed that i hadn't at least emailed regarding the need for safety shoes or raised it with a manager as a safety concern but he understood why i'd made a point i was excused from the meeting and my manager came out a short while later looking sheepish and never mentioned the topic ever again we gave the company a discount on the work for supplying an assistant so they were happy my supervisor later explained that the consultant had upset a number of people and so her contract was cut short so let me know guys do you think what op did here was the bright thing to do considering how strongly the consultant acted at the mere mention of casual clothing being a better option at these evaluations does it seem more than fair that op stayed absolutely silent the second time around let me know in the comments down below our next story is by nars f weasels he works to the clock it's in his contract our site is huge at any one time several hundred things could be happening at once biological studies chemical experimentation clinical studies on humans and a whole lot of paperwork the tacit understanding is that you work until the job is finished not nine to five it sometimes means you will work 12 hour days more than once a week to finish things that are ongoing and then write up reports etc as such on site we have a resource center where you can get anything from a ballpoint pen up to and not limited to potentially hazardous chemicals the new resource manager jack has decided to change proceedings from how it was run by his predecessor opening times are 9 to 10 am and 1 to 2 pm plus every 20th of the month it's closed all day so he can do inventory makes sense in a way it will help against loss prevention and people will hopefully consider and plan their trips to the resource center with more care however jack is extremely strict about his opening times to the point of turning people out of the resource center when the clock kids dead on the closing time it came to a head two weeks ago when some people had reports to print and courier to their clients we send both digital and hard and we keep both digital and hard copies so we use up a lot of paper we are trying to cut it down but it's still what we do somebody realized that all of the printers on our level were all out of paper so they went down to the center to get some boxes of copy paper except it was the 20th and jack wasn't opening the door for nothing or nobody they got their immediate supervisor to try no dice he then came to me also no dice i then went to the side head who huffly condescended to get jack to open the door reports got printed clients stayed informed departments remained properly updated the supervisor and i get called in and told that on no uncertain terms must this happen again we are all on contracts that state our working hours and jack is no different we should respect that he works strictly to the clock and if we can't manage our time properly we should learn from jack an email was sent to everyone on site with a terse warning that this would not be allowed along with a directive to go look at some articles on time management the entire site took this very seriously to heart we would definitely definitely start working properly to our contract hours and manage our time with due care five o'clock comes and an experiment that has been going on for four hours isn't finished dump it in the tank and restart it tomorrow something due to be ready at 8 30 a.m that needed to be monitored immediately afterwards because the results will be tainted nobody is going to come in at 8 am to monitor the final stages meeting during lunch break our cell phones are all turned off sorry we didn't get a message reports not done clients don't get them until the report can be completed in contracted hours of course the complaints from departments and clients came flooding in along with complaints from other sites who were waiting for us on critical data money it lost when asked staff tell management that we have been told to manage our time more carefully and be more like jack and work strictly to set hours per hour contract about another 20 minutes passes and an email goes out if you need materials resources etc and jack is not in the center here is his cell call him and he will come to help you it's like the children's shape peg metaphor you have the circle the square and the triangle and they took the square pounded it into the circle and then just kept pounding it through trying to force that solution to work when in reality you should just analyze the situation realize hey this cylindrical one should go into the circle and then it'll all work perfectly but all the staff went along with the square being pounded into the circle just kind of sitting off to the side watching management just try and pound the square into the circle why would it just go through until they finally realized that hey this isn't the most efficient thing to do and isn't practical long term our next story is by fish sauce woman dress code hair code but no makeup code my place of work decided to institute a dress code which had all the provisions you might expect no midriff showing no skirt or shorts shorter than your knees no bra straps visible etc and a few that felt to me like it was veering into uniform territory specifically the provision that we wear only neutral slash earth tone colors and the restrictions around the size of earrings there was no rule given regarding makeup choices so one day before my shift i went to mac cosmetics and asked them to do my makeup in the spirit of a tropical bird i tipped forty dollars and then showed up to work in all brown clothes but the wildest eye makeup i have ever worn greens yellows purples blues it was all there my manager was visibly extremely irritated but said nothing i'm trying to think of like what the wildest things you could do besides just makeup i'm imagining taking like a potato sack or something and fashioning that into a t-shirt or having somebody that can do that do that and having some like weird potato sack peasant-y looking outfit and just strolling on in like hey i fit all the requirements of the dress code i just have an outfit made of a potato sack but it's earth toned this next story is by basuma tequila grandma's rules okay you can leave then this happened about six years ago when i worked at my local pub now for context the landlord operated on a grandma's rules in the pub meaning anything you said or done that would offend my grandma or yours then you're out you don't offend grandma simple i used to supervise the bar while my landlord dealt with the office stuff to help balance the workload it was a great job overall decent wage was right on my doorstep and the regulars were class except one we shall call her karen karen was getting married to one of the regulars and was a complete witch she was this horrible morbidly obese woman who would complain about the size of the stools and how it doesn't fit her what's worse is she doesn't acknowledge you she would just huff and puff until she gets a new drink i hated that and so did every member of staff one day i got fed up and ignored her because she snapped at me for saying hello the situation went as follows well aren't you going to serve me why er grandma's rules my grandma would be offended if i sat here with an empty glass for too long i immediately had a light bulb moment and waited my moment to strike i served her as normal and spoke to my landlord about her in the office i explained what i wanted to do and he gave me the go-ahead i went back to the bar where she was spitting fire at the new bar girl i was training i just calmly told the bar girl to ignore her serve the customers i then took her drinks poured them down the sink and asked her to leave what are you doing sorry grandma's rules she thinks you're a witch and wants you to leave spoiler the landlord is actually a landlady and my grandma listen if granny thinks you're a witch you might be a witch you might need to just accept it and leave and our final story of the day is by my cat it's like he's people owner's sister told me to leave so i did this happened ages ago but it's definitely one of the most satisfying ways i've left a job after high school i had a six month gap before starting college the timing just happened to work out that way i got a full-time job at an italian family bakery coffee bar doing typical front of the house stuff making real espressos and cappuccinos ringing up customers taking orders etc there were about six front of house employees but since i was the only one over 18 and out of high school i was given the opening shift usually being the only one in the front for the first few slow hours with just a few bakers in the back my bosses a married couple were not very present the husband would rarely show up and the wife wasn't much better the husband's single childless 60ish year old sister sylvia would roll in around 10 am most days and work but mostly just tell me what needed to be done we got along great at first but everyone knew i was headed off to college in a few months and wouldn't be stuck in the same place for the rest of my life like she was sylvia started getting very snippy and sarcastic with me and would read me the riot act if i didn't do something exactly the way she wanted i couldn't do anything to her satisfaction and she criticized everything i did even though we pretty much had the same job descriptions and she was never specified as my official manager she acted like she was the owner whenever her brother wasn't around the owner's teenage son would put on the same heirs when he sporadically worked there it was mostly when he wanted them to buy him something outrageous and they made him earn it their entitled behavior knew no bounds and stopped just short of pocketing money from directly from the register if you need a frame of reference the last straw was when i was taking an order for a frozen french roll for those of you who don't know french bread is only made with flour water salt and yeast ours came out shaped kind of like footballs and sylvia insisted on calling them football roles even though they weren't called that on our menu i didn't call them that because the first few times i did the customers then asked what kind of bread it was when i called it a french roll they knew what kind of bread they were getting so i took the order and go into the kitchen to give them their copy this is back when we used carbon copies i came back out to the front and silvia proceeded to lecture me on how their football roles and not french roles and how i'll confuse the hispanic workers because they don't know english very well when she finished her rant i told her they've understood the orders perfectly the whole time i've worked here and they're french rolls because they're made of french bread like it says on the menu she continued to berate me for insubordination and ended with an ultimatum either i call them football roles or just leave so i left it seems like a stupid hill to die on but dealing with her attitude was making me miserable and i couldn't resist the out she gave me i called the wife and explained to her what happened and why i wouldn't be back she accepted it with a resigned sorry to see you go you're not the first and he won't be the last one who leads this way attitude i got a job at a barnes and nobles for a few months the employee discounted christmas was serendipity and left for school last i heard they were closed but it sold the bakery name so some random bakery five towns over has the same name i don't even think it's a stupid hill for o.p to die on i think it's a stupid hill for sylvia to die on who insists at a restaurant to call their bread football rolls what is this a restaurant for children football roles would make sense maybe if it was on the kids menu it's actually one of the like dumber sounding things i've heard but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comment section down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving the video a like and subscribe if you haven't enter notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you did whether it was just watching the video or commenting subscribing whatever you do thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel any single thing you do helps the channel grow that much more and i appreciate the heck out of it i hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time i'll be right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 51,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: H9jX8OjMJak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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