r/maliciouscompliance | My Boss tried to ORDER me around, it Backfired...

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hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel without wasting any time let's dive right into the stories of the day starting with a story written by endless ghost boss took every chance to order me around and it backfired hard a little bit of context i moved to barcelona spain when i was 18 and got a job after a terrible internship teaching efl english as a foreign language the degree that sent me out there in a private school just outside the city my boss was an elderly woman we'll call her rosie whose only purpose in life was to show her control over every student teacher and staff in this school it was a very small school only four or five teachers including me a receptionist and rosie whenever she deemed the school worth her time whenever she visited however she would make our lives heck and for some reason she did not like me i was the youngest out of every member of staff there but because i was a six foot heavyset woman i really did not look my age and acted with a level of professionalism that my age didn't matter anyway firstly she demanded that i not tell any of my students my age and told me to lie because i was too young even after presenting my passport an id at my interview she only found out i was 18 after she hired me fine fair enough i taught a lot of age groups including two full classes of teenagers who probably wouldn't respect me if they found out i was only a few years their senior the trouble began when the weather started getting hotter even though we would teach in the evenings spanish weather grew increasingly hot and because rosie didn't allow me to show my tattoos i was forced to wear jeans or full length trousers to hide them she didn't have any problem with another teacher's two sleeve tats only a small inscription i had on my ankle and a medium-sized dragon on my shoulder the classrooms were fitted with ac units which we naturally assumed we could control as the remotes were kept on our desks being a uk citizen who needed to get used to the heat i normally had the ac running throughout my lessons which sometimes took three hours with little to no breaks so the rooms would get stuffy and overbearing if the ac wasn't on rosie found this out and at random points during my lessons would walk in and grab the remote turning the ac either off or to 25 degrees celsius she wouldn't acknowledge me or my students and because my classroom had a huge glass sliding door would stand behind it and watch me it got annoying i was also never allowed to speak spanish in my classes only english i was learning spanish but was also the only monolingual teacher there and rosie shoved many beginner levels at me but that problem ceased after a while when i began to understand more and more of what they were saying rosie then decided that my teaching method which students would account was friendly and chilled out but would get the job done wasn't following the syllabus it was i just found more creative ways to teach other than reading from a powerpoint like the other teachers did and demanded i simply read from the book fine whatever so that's what i did my teenagers who at this point i had grown a really close and amazing relationship with knew exactly what was going on i told them what was about to happen for the next couple of weeks and they agreed wholeheartedly so i began my students would arrive early or on time and immediately went about opening their books to the next chapter needed to be taught the books were set out where you can read the information and have quiz questions on the next page to see how much you've learned my students whizzed through these in record time even the slower students only taking about half an hour to complete the full chapter which would have been taught over the space of one week when everyone was done and the questions were filled out correctly i would then begin my normal teaching incorporating games quizzes videos and even songs into my lesson so the students could fully understand the material along with having fun at the same time needless to say rosie was pissed she asked me into her office and told me i wasn't listening to her and that i needed to use the book she said she would be watching my next class to make sure the book was being used and i agreed leaving her slightly confused next class the students came in completed their mandatory book work and i continued my lesson making sure the students knew everything that was being taught i even as a petty revenge got them to sit a test i had written about the last month's worth of material and went through the answers in class rosie was gobsmacked when almost every student got 90 percent and up rosie always tried to undermine my teaching methods even after that but when the report cards came in and she saw my class had gone from an intermediate english level to advanced in a matter of months they had been intermediate for the last two years studying at the school she never questioned my methods again i left after a year there to move back home for family reasons and i heard from a few of the teachers that carried on working that all of my students either left when i did or dropped levels in english because they were put into her class my last petty revenge before i left was to let every single one of my students know i was only 19 leaving my teenagers shocked and amazed i had kept it a secret for so long they immediately added me on instagram and keep checking in to see how i am even four years down the line this just goes to show you that teaching is such a flexible thing there's no one proven method and there's not one box you have to stay within in order to effectively learn or teach anything have you ever had a teacher like this that really stood out to you if you did let me know why they made that impact on you in the comments down below our next story is by pam underscore ale woman vs mechanic a couple years ago my car trunk was badly dented after someone hit me from behind he was texting and didn't realize i stopped at an intersection obviously his insurance agreed to cover all damages brought my car which was merely four months old back to the original dealership for repairs important for later the repair center is right next to a big lot where they stored the cars not on display fast forward a few weeks later repairs were done and they called me to pick up the car during inspection to make sure everything was fixed i discovered that the trunk log latch was not working properly i mentioned this to the mechanic that was inspecting my car with me and i will never forget what he said to me quoting his exact words he said ma'am with your four doors shut and all your windows up it creates a pressure which makes it difficult to open your trunk door i was speechless for a few seconds then told him i may be clueless about cars but that's not how my trunk door functioned prior to the accident he kept trying to convince me that i was wrong and that nothing was wrong about the latch and i kept insisting there was something wrong the supervisor saw us arguing and came over to ask what's wrong the mechanic explained to him that i refused to accept that nothing is wrong with the door latch the supervisor then told me i can walk around the storage lot and open some of the trunks of the same model car as mine to feel that mine works the same he then asked the mechanic to walk with me and added as a matter of fact she can pop open every trunk malicious compliance ensues took a while but i opened every trunk and with each car the mechanic would say see sam is yours and i would reply with no needless to say after our little adventure the mechanic was getting quite impatient with me we walked back to the supervisor and the mechanic annoyingly explained that i was still not convinced the supervisor then suggests that the mechanic take apart the lock and show me the working mechanism to prove that everything is fine from the surprised look on his face when i said yes i believe he was expecting me to back down and just agree everything was fine well with the locking mechanism exposed the mechanic pressed the open button once and the latch moves like normal he looks at me with a smug face he tried it again to prove me wrong a second time and behold the latch jams he tried again a third time and no movement he had to jimmy it a bit in order to get it to function again all of a sudden he just walks off of course i asked him where he's going he turns and tells me he's going to order me a new lock being disgusting i replied with but why do that one with my four doors shut and before i can finish he told me to please stop he's already doing what needs to be done i smugly smiled and kept my mouth shut i feel like this one should have been pretty obvious any vehicle is designed to work where you can open the trunk anytime no matter what door is open or what windows are open how can a mechanic sit there and try to explain to you that because your car doors aren't open or your car doors are closed and the windows and whatnot that's why you can't open the trunk that makes no sense at all to me our next story is by thorn pudding don't want to spell correctly my name okay i'll stop paying taxes so this one dates back from years ago when you would fill your income statement manually like with a pen on a form in those days in my country we didn't have a withholding tax system but you would pay in year say 2007 the taxes on your income of year 2006. of course the form would come by mail pre-filled with name and details and also quite accurate amounts because the state knows already pretty well how much you make my family name is a bit complex being multi-part and with unusual letter clusters in the middle mistakes are understandable but you would expect the revenue service to be exact on that matter unfortunately they weren't they kept misspelling it every year on the form and on all of these subsequent forms tax statement tax returns etc they would email me despite my correcting it manually every year on my income statement in black then in red then the following year with neon red sharpies then one year later adding a sticky note then adding a whole letter then adding a letter and copies of my id as proof etc but they weren't budging it was quite irritating because the tax statement has to be shown on several occasions when you interact with the state administration or justice everybody would notice the discrepancy everyone was understanding that it was obviously a mistake from the revenue service but it was still annoying on so many levels the most basic of which being a matter of respect for my identity after 10 or 12 years of them not taking notice of my notes and corrections upon receiving a payment notice still misspelled i went in person to my local revenue service office and asked to speak with someone about that issue i made it very clear to the clerk that they were wrong he was adamant that they were correct like i wouldn't know my own name and added for good measure that he couldn't change my name in their systems because he didn't have access to that blah blah blah i was having none of it so cue malicious compliance so you said you were positively absolutely right about my name spelling clerk says nothing i shall therefore stop paying my taxes i am not the person on your forms and there's no way you can come to me asking for that tax money since the person on your forms doesn't live at that address and in fact does not exist clerk's mouth is gaping eyes are so wide they're going to pop out but in case you need that tax money you know how to write my actual name and i left with a smirk i actually did not pay that tax installment in those days you paid your taxes in three installments over the year two weeks later i got a reminder letter without the 10 penalty normally owed for late payment and with my name correctly spelled shouldn't have wasted so many sharpies over the years i'm totally with op here it's completely understandable for them to get it wrong it happens it's a complicated name but every time every single time op tried to attach some kind of correction or note or a letter over the course of like 10 years to get his name corrected they never did it and finally op stood up for themselves and made them realize that they are in the wrong and in fact charging technically the wrong person for the taxes and happily the story ends with them finally correcting it the next story is written by wisco 1856 double billing i have a close friend who is an executive director for a small state trade association there is a national trade association for the same industry but the two associations are independent of each other the national trade suggests that the two associations partner on an event in her state and split the profits executive director agrees they spend months planning the event together about a month after the event she receives a bill in the mail from the national trade it seems they kept track of every phone call during the planning they itemized all the planning sessions in 15 minute increments apparently that is their minimum charge executive director was incredulous she called the national trade demanding an explanation their response was that she should bill them for her time as well executive director replicates their bill in its entirety including the hourly billing rate on the state trades letterhead executive director includes a letter suggesting that since their bills cancel each other out it might be best for both of them to void the bills the national trade never responded back an executive director never paid their bill she now refuses to partner with them on events to me it sounds like they suggested they build their time as well because it sounds like they assumed the bill that op's friend's company would send would be less than the one they sent initially which of course they would never do it's just totally unreasonable and our final story of the day is written by pumpkin thighs can't have hair past my shoulders okay this isn't my story but my dad's growing up my grandma had this one rule for hair for her boys you can't have it touching your shoulders so what did my dad do he grew it to his shoulders then started putting it up into a mohawk his mom didn't complain and neither did he because the girls at his school would love to touch his hair and braid it he had to shave it off as he wasn't swim and some district championship was coming up but he always credits it to being the best week of his high school career honestly i don't know if it's a thing of the modern times but i'm surprised that the school let him wear a mohawk there were kids that went to my school with a similar length of hair that put it up into a mohawk and they got into trouble for it so i don't know if it's just a more modern thing or if maybe my school was just unreasonably strict or their school was just noticeably lacks on this but i'm actually surprised they got away with wearing a mohawk but that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know in the comments down below which one and why and if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't yet subscribe and turn notifications on all of those things help the channel so immensely so thank you no matter what you did whether it was just watching the video liking subscribing whatever you do thank you so much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you're all having a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here you
Channel: Storytime
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Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: 96HkjNTacgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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