r/maliciouscompliance | Train YOUR replacement in 2 HOURS...

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel just a quick reminder that i do giveaways every single week so if you're interested in entering and don't know how to just stay tuned until later in the video and i'll tell you exactly how that said we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by lagos you refuse to call in sick you're breaking the law after reading all these great stories here which gave me a lot of enjoyment i wanted to share my story as well i want to emphasize that i did not want this to end the way it did but i also had no say in it around 10 years ago i was working as a contractor for a large asian multinational who has its roots in the tech industry a small note i am working for a company who specializes in contracting specialists in a certain field to other companies my actual employer has not much to do with this story i worked for company x who contracted me out to the multinational who contracted me out to a large aviation company in western europe it's a weird but common setup in europe i have worked there for a good six years on the on-site support department it was my job to support just shy of 10 000 employees with computer issues new software hardware swaps etc etc i personally am specialized in vip support which is a separate role due to that the higher up management are mainly older men who have a bit of a manual you need to talk to them in a specific way or they don't understand it and get very defensive at a certain point in this position i noticed that i was getting random pain streaks in my groin area i had been walking with this pain for almost two months in my mind i already knew how the tests would turn out but i was in denial for a long time i did not want to believe that i could possibly be sick as i never had any medical issues in my life at a certain morning the pain got terrible and i felt that one of my testes felt like it was made of stone and when i touched it my body wouldn't feel slash register it due to experience with family members and neighbors and friends i knew instantly what it was dusty's cancer i needed no test for that i called my manager immediately telling him that i needed to call in sick to see a doctor as soon as possible he responded by telling me that i could not call in sick due to the workload that i had on me and a few important requests that i needed to complete that only i could do this was with vip employees i explained to him that this was very important while i did not give him any details as i'm not required to disclose but i need sick leave for he flat out denied my sick leave let me explain in my country you are by law entitled to sickly for multiple years while the employer cannot punish you nor can they do anything against it given that you actively work with an independent company doctor to improve the situation answer to requests from them and checking up every now and then my manager declining me to see a doctor meant he was breaking the constitution now here is the malicious compliance i decided that i did not want to fight this battle and i did come in that day after sending him an email which stated that i cancelled my doctor visit that day on requests in demand of my manager and that i would be excused the next day to see my doctor when the next day came two things happened one my biggest fear came out which i dreaded for months i was indeed diagnosed with testes cancer and according to the doctor i needed to have my surgery immediately the time from diagnosis at my local doctor to laying on the table in a city 30 minutes away was less than 1.5 hours after the surgery they explained to me that i was just in time because else it would have been way worse than it was now and that i had metastasized to three different lymph glands two the day after my surgery i had a big smile on my face thanks to my morphine and the expectation of my next action i could now call my manager to tell him that i would not be coming into work for a while due to cancer the response is something that i will never forget he was quiet for close to a minute as he realized that he refused me to go to the doctor while i had cancer and responded that he understood and that if i needed something i could give him a call when i came home from the hospital two days later the aviation company the customer of my manager sent me a very large fruit basket and a card signed by all my colleagues to wish me well after three months of radiation therapy chemo movies and boredom i called the cio of the aviation company directly because i could not reach my manager with the request if i was allowed to work from home while i continued my recovery he of course flat out declined that immediately and told me that i should take all the time i need and not even think about work he also reminded me that i am being paid my full salary despite me working or not and that i should try to enjoy that luxury i told him that i understood and that once i got back that we needed to have a discussion the day that i got back nine months later i was welcomed by all my colleagues i explained to all of them at once what happened exactly as my employer was not allowed to share any details of my sick leave after this everybody individually welcomed me personally and that was it i went back to work without any special attention i am not the type of person who wants to be treated differently because of something that can happen to anyone the same day the cio of the aviation company walked by and asked me to have a one-on-one meeting with him where i explained how everything went and that i'm glad to be back he reminded me what i told him nine months before that i wanted to discuss something with him i was surprised he remembered that as i wasn't even thinking about bringing it up i explained everything in regards to my manager that he denied my sick leave on the grounds that i had worked to do and that he could not give to other employees i also showed him the email in which they did everything kids always keep a paper trail i did not think anything about it and expected him to have a talk with my manager that it is not correct how he handled this boy was i wrong the very next day my manager took me aside and profusely apologized for what happened just before he mentioned that he had to leave for a meeting to attend at the headquarters of his employer the next day i learned that the cio contacted the manager of his employer with a demand that he would be replaced he also trusted them to take necessary actions against him and that they should be happy that i did not intend to take any legal action against them or the aviation company after another meeting between me and management from both companies the manager was fired on the spot i worked there for two more years after which i left for a job offer i could not refuse i gladly have beaten cancer and have been healthy for over half a decade now so personally i feel like if you have such symptoms and you realize that this is something very serious regardless of whether or not that manager is trying to force you to come in you know you're entitled to that sick leave and you know that there's something very wrong i would have absolutely have blown the job off and if the manager kept enforcing it and realized you had cancer and they were still trying to drag you away from that it would have resolved the whole situation very quickly altogether at kind of the beginning of it what do you guys think should opie have just blown the job off and gone to the doctor or do you think what op did was right in making sure that their job security was all right and then handling the situation let me know in the comments down below our next stories by unkempt27 take breaks only within the breaks policy okay this happened a few years ago when working for a well-known uk retailer not just any retailer if you know what i mean i was working on the store operations team at the time meaning i was responsible for opening or closing the store dealing with contractors taking deliveries supporting the shop floor staff by picking orders to fill the shelves etc when on the early shift three or four of us would open the store at 5am we'd do our safety checks and start taking the clothing and food deliveries we'd also segregate the deliveries put all produce together all desserts together etc ready for the shop floor staff starting at seven so they could fill the shelves easier we'd then be sending stock up to the shop floor one or two of us would be on the shop floor cleaning empty trays tidying up packaging bringing up or sending down stock etc with another one or two downstairs sorting the stock that came back putting it in the cold room sorting the dates etc busy mornings we were told we couldn't go for a break whilst this was going on as it was all hands on deck and we also couldn't all go for our breaks together afterwards as someone had to be available for anything that came up fine but it would be sometimes maybe half 10 or 11 by the time we got our break five to six hours after starting the shift add into this that we'd been working in a cold room a walk-in fridge it really would have been nice to have a sit down with a hot drink company policy was to give a break at least every four hours which we obviously weren't getting however we didn't mind this too much we understood that we needed to be more flexible but some mornings if a delivery was running late or if we got the first one clothing done early say by 5 45 and the next one food wasn't due till 6 we'd pop to the canteen for a quick coffee or chill out on the loading bay chatting and waiting for the next delivery one morning we all got called up to the manager's office someone had complained that we were taking unauthorized breaks i explained i was on a staff panel at the time kind of like an internal union about how we were being flexible when not getting a break for five to six hours when everyone else in the shop got one every three to four hours but it fell on deaf ears we were given a written warning and told that we must not take unauthorized breaks and if we did have some downtime we had to fill it by starting the stock shelves ourselves so we decided to make sure none of us went over the four hour threshold for breaks that meant us taking our breaks from around 8 am right in the middle of when we were needed most staff complained that they couldn't get their stock quick enough or that the shop floor was a mess that we shouldn't be taking breaks so early but it was starting at 5am and taking a break at 8 different from them starting at 7 and getting their break at 10 suffice to say after a few days of this we went back to normal and no one complained about us grabbing a quick coffee again even though it's not explicitly outlined i think it's more than fair for the morning crew to get a little bit of extra treatment here when they work for five to six hours straight and you're supposed to get breaks every three to four and everybody else does get those breaks letting them take the 15 minutes off when there is down time i think is more than fair this next story is by balduesti train my replacement in a matter of hours i don't think that's gonna work out well for you i was a dispatcher for a plumbing hvac basement waterproofing company but i was more of a coordinator i handled customer bookings scheduling some parts of ordering dispatching etc as i used to say i have more hats than a hat rack now my techs had their own tools and i did my work on the computer i kept bugging the boss for a better computer and he never got me one so i built a system at my own expense and brought it into the office my text had personal tools so this was mine as a matter of fact 10 years later it's the system i'm typing on now it has a four core processor and a graphics card capable of supporting four monitors to give you a better idea of how long ago this was i paid 350 dollars for a 60 gigabyte ssd i used one monitor for the dispatch software one monitor for google maps with traffic overlay one monitor for outlook and one monitor for quickbooks to issue invoices and purchase orders when i gave notice my boss the owner and i agreed on three weeks notice as an exit strategy unknown to me the owner was convinced i was bluffing and was just hunting for a raise he refused to hire a replacement my boss was more of a field supervisor the owner handled the office in admin finally the day before my last day at 2pm i was introduced to the new hire seriously you intend to have me train a guy for a complicated pivotal role in a few hours i was on a 44 hour schedule 10 hours monday to thursday and friday i was off at 11am i said my goodbyes and at 11am began dismantling my computer first thing i did was format the hard drive as i told them i was going to do fortunately for them the data was all backed up on the server except for what had transpired that morning despite my repeated warnings to trigger a backup into the server at 11 am the owner came out in a bit of a panic when he saw me taking apart the computer as he had forgotten that it was me that owned it and now his dispatch station had no computer he asked if i could leave the computer behind and i declined he set my replacement up on an unused antique computer in a cubicle it had a freaking crt monitor was slow as molasses the job was hard enough with four screens i can't imagine doing it with one this guy wasn't a dummy but there's no way i could have trained him in a few hours he had the bare bones of the processes and that's it by noon i was out of the door my boss spent the remainder of the day and most of the next week in the field leaving the owner to deal with the fallout and it was legendary nobody could handle it the replacement quit just never showed up on tuesday and nobody else in the office could do what i was doing he dumped pio generation into accounting which pissed them off with the extra workload he tried to handle scheduling and dispatching himself and pissed off a lot of attacks he stuck one of the csrs into training for the role and she wasn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier the best part i used to handle after hours on call and since there was nobody with enough experience the owner had to answer his phone at all hours of the night seven days a week that's when the exodus started over the next few weeks many of the good techs bailed jobs were screwed up i heard that he had two basement waterproofing jobs each worth five figures double booked the company hit the wall hard how do i know about three years ago i reached out to my boss on linkedin and he had moved on to another employer he offered me a job and i took it we get along famously and he has told me all kinds of stories about the crap that hit the fan when i left and all they had to do was buy a new computer and give me enough time to get the new guy in the groove this is just perfect documentation on what not to do when you manage a company i feel like if somebody gives you a notice you gotta take them at their word even if they are bluffing and you wanna call them out on that bluff i feel like the best way to follow through on that bluff is to actually just go through with it if that makes them reconsider then perfect but otherwise you're able to get a new guy in get him trained get everything set up the way you need it and your company won't completely explode before your very eyes but in hindsight i'm sure it's a shoulda coulda woulda type deal so quickly now i wanna explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that said our final story of the day is by cc cub bb how about we take this outside i worked in a weatherspoons super cheap uk pub that was really close to the train station in my city it happened to be the cheapest place to get drunk before moving on to the clubs and was close enough to loads of other bars so we would be stacked to the rafters from about 7 pm to 11 pm full of absolutely sawzall fanny heads this one particular evening was super busy and i was collecting empty glasses i was under a lot of pressure for my boss to get rid of the empties because they were stacking up on every table so i was swooping around grabbing up jars deathly dancing around the drunkards like a poorly paid ninja i get to this one table and there was a drink on the side that has like a dribble left in it and i mean a dribble so i thought to myself sodded it's going this logger is tepid it'd probably been abandoned no bother job's a gooden but before i could turn around i was accosted by what i can only describe as a big hairy man because that's what he was very drunk very angry he loomed over me and said you're gonna get me another one then you threw away my point to which i replied no and attempted to move on with my life this guy grabbed me stopped me from leaving and i started to see his crew gather around him all equally pissed and all very goonish clearly i had disturbed the alpha buffoon do you want to take this outside he leered in closely yeah go on then let's take this outside i replied curtly from out of my skinny face i'm not a fighter if you saw my body you would know i was built to run away i put down the glasses in my hand and casually beckoned him and the rest of his crew outside flexing my neck muscles and pumping my twiggy arms i walked out of the door and watched as the whole gaggle of idiots float out onto the street outside fight expectant beying for blood when the last flatulent steroid had passed the threshold i turned casually to the bouncers and said don't let these boys back in they just threatened to attack me and i sauntered back to work leaving the group of shafted slime molds stuck outside looking very upset i caught a last glimpse of one particular alpha ball bag a look of wallpaper paste across his meaty face still confused trying to work out what had just happened to him sure is nice to have bouncers to rely on in a situation like that makes it a little easier to be a little bit more confident than you normally would being able to try and rely on them not totally decking you before you can get them all out onto the street past the bouncers it was a smart but also very risky move but it paid off well for op but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't and turn on notifications so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the story time channel every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more so no matter what you did thank you for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here you
Channel: Storytime
Views: 44,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: eiqUMJDKfrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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