r/maliciouscompliance | This TEST is a part of our Grade? I'll get a PERFECT score...

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel just a quick reminder that i do giveaways every single week so if you're interested in entering and don't know how to enter just stay tuned until later in the video and i'll tell you exactly how to that said we've got some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by long ride biker no i'm not working overtime since i already told my last day was today it was 1994 and i was just laid off from my last job as the general labor at a machine shop was seriously pounding the pavement when my middle brother calls me up and tells me about a job in a local machine shop i've done a bit of machining while in the last shop but nothing where i would actually be doing setups and measurements etc i was really just the help but what the heck nothing to lose owner basically hires me on the spot at about two dollars more than minimum wage at the time for me i was just glad to have a job so i was doing fairly well considering i was only out of work for basically three weeks over the next four years i worked there but basically found out what verbal abuse from a boss really was if you screwed up even in the most minor way he would scream at you for a solid 10 minutes if he and his wife had an argument he would take it out on the few employees he had by screaming at whoever was in his sights that day finally it's the end of 1998 and my brother and i are out looking for new jobs while still working at the shop my brother happens to find a job and announces that he is giving his two weeks notice for the boss this was very sudden and did not understand but when my brother tells him that he's leaving for more money and benefits he actually coughed and said what i pay every one of you what you're worth so we are all clear our current rate was eight dollars an hour which literally meant that my best raise each year was 35 cents at this point he tried like heck to figure out what the other employer was offering my brother but i was not about to tell him and neither were the other two employees at this point we were all tired of his crap two weeks go by and my brother is finally gone and now the crap really hits the fan now he has to get on the machines and do work he hasn't needed to do in years he couldn't ask anyone else and no one else had answered his ads for a machinist working for the meager amount he was offering at this point i was working a complete center of cnc machines which included multi-axis mills and a multi-axis lathe for a large group of select parts i could do a complete teardown and reset of all setups on the machines write all the code for programming the machines g m code for those who know what i'm talking about and also make just about any part you can dream of on the main haas mill about six weeks go by and another employee quits for other reasons but really is just more of his abuse he goes on a thai raid for about a week and it's at this point i know i need to step things up chris misses on friday and it's the monday before and he comes into my shop center and hands me an envelope i ask what's up and he just says it's your christmas bonus i thought i almost died right there been there almost four years and this never happened ever after taxes it was nearly two weeks pay so i was elated time to do christmas shopping for the parents later that night i sat down and realized it was really a bribe to hold me there as long as he could so he could hold me there fast forward to right after new year's and i get a call from what would become my next employer we talked back and forth for about two weeks and then i waited third week into january and it's tuesday morning and just like clockwork he is riled about something insignificant but decides to take it out on me after he is done with his tirade he stomps off and i head back to the back of the shop to make a phone call speak to the employer and the shop foreman tells me i'm hired and asks when i can start i say that i would like to offer my two weeks and he says absolutely see you in two weeks from the monday coming up i hang up the phone and walk up front and wait till he turns around and i simply say you have my two weeks and then turn around and walk out of his office about a minute later i see him stomping off to his house shop was in a very large garage on his property lunch came and went and still no boss until about 2pm and suddenly he shows up and starts saying that i'm very ungrateful for not just teaching you everything he knows but also for giving us a bonus that i didn't deserve at this point we had been on overtime since earlier last spring but he didn't want to pay anyone what they requested so he was forced to have us all work overtime for almost the full year so far with my brother gone it made things even more crazy but it was expected on to his tantrum i listened to his idiotic ramblings and finally just said i'm done his final retort was that he should have never hired me in the first place at that point the only way i can describe it was the break of a pencil in my head that sudden crackle then clear break of the wood that is crisp and thorough i simply coughed to shut him up and said with that same clear tone that i heard in my head today is my last day no need to extend this two weeks he simply said fine and stomped off this is actually where i thought i was feeling the best i had felt in a long time i was wrong two hours later i was finishing up packing away all my tools and i had finally shut down my machines for the last time and he walked back into the shop he was livid what the heck are you doing you still have work to do before you leave today my response was i'm not working additional overtime since i already told you it was my last day with that last comment i picked up my last set of tool cases and left the shop never to look back again hope you enjoyed my experiences and sorry for the long-winded malicious compliance for those who want to know the employer i moved to paid me three times my old rate and yes they gave really good christmas bonuses every year has anybody in the comments worked a job where they were underpaid or they hated the job but they did it because they needed some kind of income let me know in the comments down below because it seems like a common occurrence unfortunately and i'm curious how frequent it actually is our next story is by eclipse shadow tell us to take this seriously and that it's part of our grade allow me to blow the class average out of the water hello malicious compliance eclipse here and boy do i have a good tale of compliance for you one that happened back in school so details are a bit fuzzy but i still remember the general actions taken now does anyone remember the accelerated reader program that read book take tests get points and at the end of the year the class with the first place student gets a pizza party while you get random trinkets pens eraser heads for the number of points you had this has to do with how my school decided to as a bit of an experiment have part of your english and language arts grade be affected by your accelerated reader score compared to the average the setup our story begins at the start of a new school year the teacher is going over this new policy when she singles me out due to my low accelerated reader score from the last year telling me something along the lines of eclipse your single-digit accelerated reader score would drop your grade by a letter or two under this new policy i remember getting a bit pissed about being called out like that and the accompanied laughter about how low my score was the teacher ended her explanation about the new policy with i expect the class average to be close to 100 ar points so please take this seriously and i swear it seemed like that last bit was aimed towards me now back then i was more of a socially awkward nerd not wanting to get into arguments or fights the stereotypical skinny nerd complete with glasses and a reputation as a teacher's pet but this this is where i believe i grew a spine in a way well that first night after school i did what i do best math i wanted to push the class average far away from 100 points get back at those who laughed so it came to a simple idea double the average so i need to get around 2 000 points i can't do that alone but i know who can help my two best friends and neighbors mike and al not their real names my plan use their competitive nature to my advantage in getting that total 2 000 point boost after all we're just friends trying to one-up each other and be the responsible one for getting that party right compliance the next day we get sent off to the various computers to do some of our class work our school before budget and funding got tighter used to have a computer-based language arts and math program which was like going through some flash cards like four plus three equals question mark or run is like walk as stand is to for a nerd like me this was easy leaving me with plenty of time before needing to come back for our lessons so i took my free time in the library to check the ar list and wouldn't you know it almost all the dr seuss books were there worth one point each but i could still recite one fish two fish redfish bluefish verbatim from hard for the first week i took the test on all of them during my spare time getting around 30 or so points then i noticed the harry potter books were not only listed but worth some big points this is a while after the fourth book being out and being that my mom loved those books and read them with me before i took and passed those tests the following week after a quick recap so by now i already had the necessary 100 points but she said take this seriously if i stop now i wouldn't be taking reading seriously it'd just be me doing the bare minimum but what books to read next while searching the list i noticed a familiar name r.l stein oh yeah mom has a massive collection of those books and whoa 100 plus books worth 3 points each well this is where the fun begins with this bit of knowledge while my mom babysat mike and al at our place i told them about how the goosebumps stories were worth three ar points each and revealed i had already got my 100 points playfully teasing with something like careful guys you may be dethroned as the kings of reading in school well it had the needed effect after homework we to play a bit then get to reading by mid to late october we cleared the goosebumps bookshelf mom had all of us above 400 ar points around this time we started looking in different directions mike going with some detective stories out with more fantasy stuff and me well i scoured the school library and found the zoo books quick easy to clear through but very informative i bullets through them by thanksgiving break i cleared them all and moved on to some other small easy to clear books just spending my free time post-computer work in the library grabbing a book clearing through it then acing the test on it christmas break time mike al and i discuss how well we're doing about 5-10 points away from each other around 650 points each this is when mike asks me if i'm doing this because of the rewards the school is giving out this year what rewards turns out the school wasn't going to be cheap with rewards for first second and third they'd be getting pokemon crystal gold and silver respectively minimum of 750 points to qualify for it if i remember correctly after learning this fact i now had renewed purpose in taking home the crystal unfortunately for christmas i got a gamecube in smash bros melee and it took up a good bit of my time throughout january after realizing just how far i fell behind i went full-on reading monster mode finding some of the very high point books and tearing through them turns out mom's big bookshelves were chock full of high point books by mid-march i had not only caught up to the guys now passed 800 points but had a nice safe 30-point buffer and i haven't even finished what those shelves had so i told the guys about them and together we began clearing through those books one by one faster than me alone fast forward to may the teacher is going over the class average instead of the 100 she had estimated me and the boys pushed the average to around 250 to 260. so she's going over the individual scores from the lowest of a 74 all the way up then comes us mike 1076 al 1082 and me 1085. we were the reason the class average was so high later that month before the party the announcements came on and listed us off as the top scoring students in the school the fallout in order to not cause everyone else in the class to drop a letter grade or two the teacher had changed it to be a you'll get bonus points based on your score compared to the average she set 100. me and the boys won the pizza party set records in the school and i got pokemon crystal still have that cartridge and my level 100 typeflosion on it i got the petty satisfaction of being able to nuke the class average and the school ultimately dropped the make your ar score part of your grade thing just going for a simple suggested point value per grade as for what brought this back over lunch with mike and al mike returned one of the goosebumps books he borrowed saying that he had found it while doing some cleaning around his childhood home that led us to remember what we did that year accelerated reader is a memory and a half my school definitely didn't take it as seriously as this school did being that i didn't have nearly the amount of tests it sounds like they had but i remember going from 4th grade to 5th grade and then they added all the rl stein books and i had read a whole bunch of them the previous year so i just jumped right up to like 70ish points which was good for third in the school for my grade so obviously these guys were getting thousands of points a lot different scale than what my school had expected i think i got like a pizza hut or a gamestop or something gift card something like that this next story is by native lady one take the week off and make it seem like the job won't be there okay sincerely the only employee my husband once worked for a pool table moving and repair company it was small and it was just the owner and him the owner had a hard time finding people to work for him long term which was a difficult situation for him because it took a lot of time and effort to train someone so my husband was a good worker always showed up on time always worked hard and learned the trade easily he never took time off but did get pto my husband hurt his back on a pool table move he asked for a day off and the owner got very upset about it he had no backup person so if my husband didn't work he couldn't make money well the owner got mad and said take the whole week off and then maybe i'll call you next week the owner could be childish and i think it was his way of trying to exert control and put to my husband that he was disposable after a bit of a back and forth my husband asked to use all his pto since this move would basically screw us money wise the owner did end up giving it to him after he cooled down well my husband said f this and started his own company with that week off he had already been doing side jobs but decided to go full force since the owner made it seem like his job could possibly be done for after this week off after the week and a weekend the owner reached out to start work again my husband then told him no way he was already doing his own thing this made the owner super pissed he asked for my husband's work shirts back who wants to wear some guy's old work shirts that he's super sweat in and my husband said okay when i get around to collecting and washing them i'll let you know the owner freaked out and threatened to call the police if he didn't give them to him that morning so my husband was pissed and put them all outside and said pick them up then fast forward to yesterday more than a year later when my husband ran into him at the park during our kids b-day party ends up his whole business went down after my husband left he tried to have his son work with him but he couldn't do what was needed then had some health issues happen so he couldn't train a new person he didn't even apologize for threatening to call the police over used work shirts just told my husband he had no hard feelings my husband now makes in a day what took him a week plus at the pool table job my husband can be loyal and he was only sticking around for this guy he was able to really grow into his own after leaving that job i am so thankful that the owner was an a-hole and pretty much pushed my husband to be his own boss that husband was a really good guy he was loyal and willing to stick it out for this boss even though it was clearly underpaid and overworked the boss was a hothead and he wasn't able to realize how good he had it and well pushed the guy to take over that business and become way more of a success than he had ever been so i guess thanks for being an a-hole like op said so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that said our final story of the day is by scragger no overtime unless explicitly approved okay at my previous place of work there used to be a policy that overtime required to get done was approved implicitly by the need for a deadline if you needed extra hours to get it done just submit a list of your hours to your boss and it would be sorted out for the next p cycle then one of the upper managers got replaced with a hardliner who looked for every chance to save money at first it was less hours for the cleaners no more free drinks and eventually no more overtime unless explicitly approved since you needed to ask every time to do overtime and the boss wasn't always available it meant projects started to slip management started to get annoyed and asked without the overtime when we could have the project finished in live since the project required an out of hours deployment i replied pointing out it wasn't reasonably possible to complete the project without overtime the hardliner manager responsible for the no overtime policy was very unhappy at that and demanded we make it work without overtime that week so we schedule the deployment from nine am to 11 am on the thursday effectively shutting down a fairly large part of the business for two hours when the ceo saw eighty percent of the business taking a one and a half hour break after only just getting in he was needlessly outraged and demanded to know what was going on and we explained that the work couldn't be done while people were using the system and the manager had refused to allow us overtime to do it out of the normal working hours and insisted we just get the work done he had a word with the manager later that day we got an email from the ceo overtime was back and if something similar happened again we should just go to the ceo and explain half an hour of his time was still worth less than taking the majority of the business offline it just goes to show you that over-complicating cost-cutting procedures can very well undermine the integrity of the business as a whole or lead to greater losses in income in general you have to be very careful about what cost cutting procedures you implement but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't and turn on notifications so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the story time channel every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more so no matter what you did thank you for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here you
Channel: Storytime
Views: 37,126
Rating: 4.9224305 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: qS1HG8cuNdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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