r/maliciouscompliance | "Fire ME? Enjoy Dealing With The SNOW!"

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hey Ron and welcome to story time my name is Jake and before this video starts I just want to say something really quick basically I've started a second channel because of something YouTube was implemented so I've posted a community post about it but if you haven't seen it I'll comment it down below and pin it basically everything is gonna stay the same apart from it's gonna be one video a day on each channel instead of two on one so I think the current plan is to have the malicious compliance on this channel and then the other board on the other channel and then to adjust over time to see what you guys like the best so please go and subscribe to the other channel so you don't miss out on any other videos it's just gonna be called story time too and I'll leave it at the top of the description thanks and let's get right into the video can't work more than 20 hours okay then you take my place or get fired this happened about seven months ago I used to work as a front desk assistant at one of my university student housing how would you tea was to check the ID of every student that enters the building to make sure they actually live there yeah the door was equipped with an RFID system and they all had RFID enabled card which they had to swipe before opening the door make Tim card for those who locked themselves out and called the appropriate authorities in case someone passes out or fire alarm rings and stuff we had to work under a graduate community assistant or gcd who used to schedule laws and approve our timesheets the university policy regarding student employment with students were not allowed to work for more than 20 hours under certain conditions the students could make it up to 25 hours but the supervisor had to approve the timesheet gcd used to change every few years as they graduate new graduate students would replace them during my junior year a new gcd was appointed in our building we'll call her Ellen she always used to try and boss over student employees everybody hated her let's fast forward a few months I got a co-op offer on one of the reputed companies on my field for the next term and summer so I emailed her the same day I got my offer letter saying I won't be able to work next term the next day I met her at work she came over to my desk and asked whether it was paid co-op or unpaid it was paid co-op and the pay was eight dollars more than her hourly pay I subtly disclosed that as she always used to be bossy over us boy oh boy she really did make the rest of term hell for me remember I worked in that building for the last two and a half years and knew all the residents on the first-name basis so I never had to check their ID card but she made me check the card of every individual passing through the gate now comes the best part the girl max we're supposed to work after me and always used to come late so I had to stay on the desk until she came if she was late for more than 15 minutes I would put that half-hour under my name I was getting paid for that so I didn't make a big deal because of situations like these we were only allowed to schedule for 20 hours max but we can work for 25 hours max at one time she didn't show up for her shift at all so I stayed throughout her shift this caused my total hours to reach above 20 on the date of approving the timesheet Ellen called me to her office and asked me why my hours exceeded 20 I explained what happened then she started saying I wasn't allowed to work more than 20 and she can't approve my two hours about 20 apparently I had to email her a day prior to working someone else's shift and it had to be approved queue malicious compliance remember front desk assistant with the first emergency responders so it was emphasized in our training that the desk should never be left vacant which is why I continued to work even after someone didn't show up after that day if max became more than five minutes late I would call Ellen to look after the desk she really wasn't happy about it but that was the rule she also couldn't fire max as hiring another student worker and training them in the middle of a term would be troublesome after a few times ellen stopped picking up my calls I would wait until I made enough hours to make 20 that week and I would leave if max wasn't there by that time one day after I left or fortunately someone burned their popcorn in the microwave and it triggered the fire alarm the residents noticed that there was no one at the front desk and they themselves called nine one one and two evacuate the building after a few moments a few cop cars and two fire trucks reached the building all this was happening and Ellen had no idea about air the area coordinator reached the scene and managed everything firemen found the sauce and everything was cleared the next day I got an email from our area coordinator to meet him as I was the last person on the desk as I reached there along with the area coordinator there was Ellen and another guy who seemed important they started by saying how irresponsibly I acted I got fired and the disciplinary charges that might follow then I began to explain everything to them I started from that unapproved two hours and went along with how Ellen said to me I wasn't allowed to work for more than 20 hours I even told them I called both max and Ellen but no one picked up the phone I stayed 45 minutes after my shift ended as I wasn't allowed to work more than that I just left the room went silent and Ellen turned red they dismissed me and told me I will get an email regarding their decision later that day the area coordinator apologized for the misunderstanding over email and told me I can have my job back but I declined I was getting a co-op with a good pay a few months later so I decided to take my time off later I heard from my friends who were still working there that both Ellen and Max were fired and no one is scheduled for 28 hours and the area coordinator had to cover that I genuinely feel bad for the guy right at the end the person said oh I feel bad for the guy but surely you shouldn't feel bad for him because he's just awful management he should have done this job better to start with won't let me hang up fine I'll enjoy the five-hour call this happened years ago I've spent a large portion of my work life working in call centers or in positions adjacent to call centers early on I was at one of the more classically toxic call centers lots of micromanagement no real channels to pass feedback up to decision-makers nothing really mattered except for the surveys and KPIs and which KPI was the priority changed from week to week there were issues with spotty agents hanging up really early in a call and claiming it was a disconnect and similar avoidance so management first with our phone systems and made it literally impossible for any of us to actually hang up a call if we got an abusive caller or a similar problem we were supposed to let our team leads no but the team leads really never did anything about the yellows or perverts because I turned up on time and didn't cause problems I got promoted into our second tier pretty quickly you know the people who you actually talk to when you demand a supervisor my actual access didn't change just broaden the scope of work I had to do a bit which includes calling other businesses and customers from time to time while sorting out the problem I quickly discovered that one of our vendors who I had to call regularly had the same lockdown that we had I can't disconnect they can't disconnect being you know someone with work ethic and initiative I just used my task manager to force a disconnect so we could get back to work but apparently that shows up in their trucking and I got yelled at because I'm not supposed to ever ever hang up on a customer next time I had to call that vendor I told them that I wasn't allowed to force a hang-up anymore told my actual supervisor this call would probably go on long because neither of us were allowed to hang up he said he'd look into it and proceeded to do nothing so after wrapping up the problem I chatted with the other agent for a bear and proceeded to work on homework for the rest of my shift a hair over five hours at the end of my shift I transferred the call to the duty manager so I could clock out and go home only had to do that three or four more times before they adjusted this system to let tier two folk hang up I had an amazing ready time ratio those weeks though my handle times were crap got a lot of reading done to edit sorry I forgot that KPI is even an acronym it stands for key performance indicator it's basically the set of information that managers use to judge performance it might be handle times sales numbers where the people are logged in on time or other staff I could just imagine they finally fix the problem and they're like so what do we do now director pulls the contract on the truck driver and quickly regrets it at my old workplace we had a truck driver we'll call him Jim for no particular reason our director had decided to cut down on the amount of manpower in the production unit to try and squeeze some more money out of it one of the people laid off was a storage worker and the director then wanted Jim to take over on storage and make the big truck more a whoever needs it uses it kind of thing as opposed to having one man who mans it for the majority of the time though driving the truck only took about half of Jim's day and the rest of the time he did all kinds of other things around the company that needed doing maintenance cleaning the yard cutting the grass etc now my boss had made a fair fuss about this during the meetings where this was decided since Jim being on that truck was a very good thing for the company but alas director didn't want to listen they had a meeting where Jim and the three people who were the likely candidates for using the truck were informed of this change the storage worker had been fired the same day now nobody was really happy about this one of the practical problems is when you have multiple people using a tool whether it be a hammer a power drill or a truck it becomes a master coordinate who needs it when who handles what in regards to maintenance and so on and so on but none were more unhappy than Jim and he quite openly said that storage worker wasn't his job to which the director meet one of many big mistakes in this whole streamlining process he was doing to the production unit he pulled out the contract that had a highlighted work in the production bit so what kind of malicious compliance does an angry former truck driver get up to well glad you asked very simply he stopped doing anything that wasn't related to production examples of minor things Jim stopped doing buying basic groceries for the production office milk sugar etc he stopped bringing breakfast to the production workers Jim drove to a local sandwich maker and picked up breakfast and lunch for most in the production meaning that now everybody went on their own creating massive amounts of delay in every department maintaining order in the yard so everything stored out there was easy to find and traffic could go through easily but the very best thing he stopped was clearing away snow you see one of the many things Jim did was if there was a forecast for snow he'd set an alarm at 4:00 a.m. only to look out the window and if he needed to click no he just go to work and make sure the snow was cleared and the road salted for when everybody else arrived and that he also stopped and this particular year winter hit was pretty suddenly so there was quite a bit of snow and ice all over the place including the main office buildings parking lot now Jim being the absolute champ that he was it made sure that the production unit had been cleared but left the main office building on the other side of the road to fend for itself and since we in the production meeting earlier than the office people dead we could stand there and watch as they started arriving and half their parking spots had so much snow in them that they were unusable and how their cars just skipped around on the ice under the snow it was glorious three cars were lightly damaged and one took a pretty hefty hit as he clipped the corner of the concrete building and no less than nine people fell on the ice including the director himself which resulted in about forty five production workers standing inside our machine Hall almost winged themselves laughing oh and Eddie I forgot to mention a little fun thing later that day an email was sent out across the whole company asking if anyone knew why the external contractor we had hired to clear snow had stopped apparently the office notes had no clue that it was Jim who cleared the snow for them every morning during the winter I would have loved to see the face of that director when he realized that Jim was actually the one who cleared all the snow I would have been absolutely beautiful hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories think you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Storytime
Views: 184,964
Rating: 4.8495922 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, rslash, malicious, compliance, maliciouscompliance, r/malicious, r/compliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance
Id: hnwXXIU30A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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