r/prorevenge | Police Officer gets a taste of his own Medicine! (A Pro Revenge Story)

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welcome friends to another r slash pro revenge video our story of the day is by viking tactical officer gets a taste of his own medicine and then some bit of backstory my wife inherited a house and land and begged me to move there it was somewhere i knew wouldn't have anything in either of my fields for employment physical security specialist and force on force analytics and planning but she got a job offer in her field wildlife management at a salary that matched what we were currently making combined along with an employment contract rare in the us control of her own team and insanely good benefits since we have no children and i'm the adaptable type and i could see this meant a lot to her i agreed we put our house up for sale and we moved there sight unseen while i'm used to and even fond of it now this place was the land that time forgot literally horse and buggy country and it quickly became clear that for a while she would have to be the sole income while i brought our new property into the modern era the house literally had no plumbing there was an outhouse and a manual well pump outside we decided to buy a used house trailer place it on the southernmost part of the property and live in it while i worked on the house i'm not from this area and the culture shock was intense my wife had family from there and would spend a few summers as a child with relatives so she understood the people better than me and being the same height and skin tone she was quickly accepted meanwhile standing eight inches minimum above everyone else and being so wide i show up from outer space i had a bit of a harder time but managed to make some friends eventually after some time getting everything updated we came in way under budget since i had decided to learn the skills and do all the work myself it quickly became clear that while our immediate area was lovely with good people and trusting neighbors the surrounding counties had developed a meth slash pill problem and with all the industries being strict on drug testing once heroin came onto the scene people were starting to make their way into our area for break-ins carjackings and even a few cases of kidnapping for ransom a couple senior citizens just outside of town were broken into and beaten then shot to death just for maybe three hundred dollars worth of jewelry a couple old guns and their pain meds seeing a need in my community i used the leftover money we had and i bought land in bfe deemed unfit for development at a steel soil lead levels were too high for housing farming and too remote for commercial and after getting permits and certifications and almost a year of doing all the building and earth works myself while working at a part-time hospital security job a county over i started a security self home defense and firearms training company i created local jobs in the nearby counties by training armed guards beyond state standards helped people develop a neighborhood watch program offered neighborhood security patrols at cost made sure local shops got cameras and had plans and training in place in case of a robbery and worked with individual households to develop their own home defense strategies along with offering concealed carry training advanced firearm training oc spray drama and first aid and other things somehow without meaning to i managed to wedge myself into a unique position where i not only trained everyday people but i got certified to be the guy that all the police agencies in the region send their officers to for state recertification and further training turns out before i came along they had to send their officers almost six hours north to a state facility which meant that they also had to pay for a hotel room for anyone that went up there as well as two meals and mileage if they didn't drive a squad car not to mention that the tactics taught didn't always translate well to our area i offered to do it for a bit less and given my location no hotels or anything else were needed for the first time in my life i feel like my work really matters that i'm making a positive difference for real people and i look forward to going into my job in my line of work i have ended up knowing a lot of the police in the area pretty well and can say that i even consider a few of them to be friends the departments i work with get quite a few officers who are new or transfers from other areas as this region of my state has a pretty median average pay grade and a lot of officers use it as a stepping stone to get to the bigger paying areas or to get their first bit of experience and head to another state now the ones who have made a life here and decided to stay learned a long time ago that the locals here don't take crap that isn't fair lightly the people here demand justice come heck or high water in the past corrupt officers have been hung or beaten to death when the courts failed the citizens and didn't punish officers for doing something heinous even one former judge who got a slap on the wrist after being convicted of assaulting three children went missing and was later found bound to a tree so the officers tend to do a really good job of weeding out the bad apples and reminding newcomers that they are there to help and protect people not harm or bully them which in my experience is not the case with all or even most offices and places i have lived before now on to the story i was doing an armed guard gig during a night shift filling in for one of my employees who had a family emergency mid-shift when a police car spotted me on a perimeter check and pulled me into the lot to see who i was i wasn't wearing a uniform and the place i was guarding receives a lot of raw metals that they then melt into various alloys to be shipped off for use it's a crackhead's dream looting spot with the way scrap pieces can be for some of the materials there after figuring out it was me they decided to sit in bs for a bit while talking with these officers i listened to them share about a new hire who transferred from a larger city and they just know is going to cause trouble with the locals they mentioned how he has that i know better than you attitude and thinks that the piece of metal on his chest means that he is the law apparently he had already raised a bit of a stink because he writes citations for things that no other officer in the department has driving with one hand burnt out fog light plastic being taped over a broken back window in a car headlights not on in the middle of the day and it's raining he even tried to give a guy a dui even though he was sitting in the car on blocks in his driveway and it had no rear axle apparently he speaks aggressively to anyone who dare interact with him if they aren't a police officer and overall just acts like a power tripping douche nozzle the other officers have noticed that the locals have changed their demeanor towards them and seem more distrusting since this guy started and they were genuinely worried that he would turn everyone against them in the words of one of these officers with everything in the news these days and the whole nation already being distrusting of us i hope we can find something to set the jerk straight before he ruins the rep we work so hard to keep here i like that people here will just come up and talk to me it's the main reason i stayed here we brainstormed for a while about how to get through to officer douche and make him change his ways or career but eventually came up with nothing legal and had to go back to doing our respective jobs like adults two weeks or so after having this chat and hearing similar things from other officers i know i get my first interaction with officer d i don't advertise my business on my work vehicle and it's completely unremarkable but all the officers i know can spot it somehow so i've gotten in the habit of waving anytime i pass a squad car on my way to speak with a prospective client about a consultation for their home defense plan this butt hat pulled me over for waving at him when we passed each other on a two-lane highway he slammed his brakes on whips around in the middle of the road and came flying up behind me so close i can't see his headlights with flashing lights on and siren blaring after enduring his frankly insulting lines of questioning with his hand on his pistol grip about why i felt the need to carry a gun in my state it's required by law that anyone with a concealed weapon or license has to inform the officer and him sharing his doubts that 99 of people probably wouldn't even know how or be able to use it the goblin wrote me a citation for reckless operation of a vehicle stating that he was justified in doing so because he saw me remove my hand from the wheel trying to be diplomatic i said i just figured that you would appreciate a friendly gesture from someone today i know i like when someone gives me a friendly wave this absolute insult to humanity blows his freaking gasket gets in my face yelling at me and threatening to haul my smart butt downtown and see how friendly i am when i'm hooked up in the back of his car says that if he felt like it he could cost me more in impound fees and lost wages then i would make in a month he has no clue what i do or where i work then asked what i thought about that at this point i have an internal battle with myself wanting to slam him to the ground and beat his skull open on the asphalt to see exactly how empty it was inside but saner thoughts prevail and i simply handed him my lawyer's business card and stated that any further interactions we had would have to go through her he looked at my card called me a wussy and told me to get out of his sight once i got moving in my car i realized exactly how angry he had made me i have spent years learning to keep my emotions to a minimum since it could cost someone dearly in my line of work and this runt was able to boil my blood in just a few minutes he wasn't a big guy even for the area and he didn't carry himself like someone who was confident of their skills being that aggressive and having his hand on us pistol grip for most of our interaction spoke volumes as to what kind of person this whiz stain was what would happen if he pulled over someone who didn't have my level of control and acted like that or worse i decided that the officers i had talked to were definitely not exaggerating and this tick was going to end up getting himself or someone else killed or hurt and something needed to be done about it first i went to court and showed my dash cam video which got my citation dismissed i took the rest of the audio and video to the sheriff of the county he works for and showed it to him then we had a long conversation he agreed with my assessment of this guy but said that he couldn't really do much but reprimand him for it and admitted that he would love to just toss him out on his butt however he knew that the union would fight to prevent that and at best he would only be gone a few days to get some training that would most likely go entirely ignored he even cautioned me against filing against him because he figured the guy was the type to take it personal and he didn't want to see anything happen to me he promised he would do what he could to get rid of the runt but in most ways his hands were tied i could tell he hoped that the guy would just move on and become someone else's problem when his two years were up i couldn't help thinking that if he's causing this kind of trouble already it is only a matter of time before someone around here loses it on this d and swings at him then even though the runt deserves to eat his own teeth at least some poor guy will end up with his life ruined or worse all because officer d has a badge and likes to wag his debuter feeling as though there was nothing more i could do i went about my business as usual the next couple days then guess who came through my door to schedule with me for their recertification he didn't know me from adam and just swaggered about like he owned the place and complained about this being a waste of his time and a bunch of bureaucratic bs i had a real kodak moment when i reminded him of our last interaction he tried to excuse it as just being by the book and claimed that his hands were tied when it came to the citation and he only acted that way because i had a firearm and he was nervous about that gun so he needed to assert his authority over the situation by now i had had a large portion of the people that live in my area come through for training and most of them carried daily freak stick just confirmed my fears for me and i was going to do what only i could to lay those fears to rest q pro revenge mode already forming a plan i told him that i understood completely and that i operate that way as well not even processing how that could affect him the dip seemed glad to hear that and we sat down to get his paperwork started the whole time we're doing this he's bragging and talking about how good of a shot he is and that he looks forward to the day someone wants to mess around and find out with him hearing the way he thinks made me both sick and angry yes i carry a gun for self-defense but i hope that i never have to use it i spent years learning other techniques to lessen the chance after having to draw it once and built a career teaching others what i've learned after getting all the paperwork sorted and scheduling a time and date he asked if he could use my range to get some practice shots in i even waved my range feed just to see this piece of crap shoot after going over the range rules i ran him out at target at 10 yards and signaled the lane hot he fired all 17 rounds out of his mag at a rapid pace and only managed to hit five on the target only one of which was center mass he repeated this four more times at varying distances and his best score ended up being at 5 yards out with only 10 shots on target of which four were center mass i suggested he slow up his cadence a bit and asked if he wanted my advice he told me he's forgot more than i ever knew when to shut my mouth so i did then he proceeded to run it out to 10 yards and shoot one at a time at a slow pace i usually only see from first timers and didn't get a single hit center mass after seeing the 13 year old girl a few lanes down from him load up and absolutely drill headshots at 15 yards with my range master instructing her he made some excuse about needing his sights adjusted then packed up and the brainless runt nugget left thinking we were all buddy buddy a few minutes later the state certifications are a bit simple so when i started doing this i met with local union lawyers training officers and some reps for our area and we came up with a standard that surpasses the minimum state requirements which they in turn use to negotiate better benefits so everyone wins the standards we decided on not only to test for accuracy but also introduces a bit of real world problems that the officers have to contend with the first is done in full duty gear with both hands on the gun at 10 yards after running 25 yards within 2 minutes you have to be able to draw your gun from crouched cover fire 10 rounds reload a magazine loaded by me with a false round randomly placed in it to cause a malfunction clear that malfunction and get 10 more rounds on target from standing cover the second is the same drill in reverse but done with only one hand on the gun and in under 3 minutes in both of these drills 15 of the 20 shots must be within the number 8 ring of the target and all rounds must hit the target and the third is a dot torture drill that must be cleared at 90 percent within 10 minutes and you have three attempts at it it doesn't sound too tough if you're an avid shooter but trust me under pressure with your job in the balance it can be rough see the policy around here is that the county pays for your first test and if an officer fails to recertify then they either choose two weeks unpaid leave or sit at the office and do paperwork at reduced pay for two weeks then they have to pay out of pocket to try again of course it's encouraged that they come to me for help but being that i'm not a charity some choose to practice on their own which is fine if they fail a second time the sheriff can cut them loose without any issues from the union and the officer has to wait one year to even be considered for rehire or relocate to a different area that doesn't have these standards or the sheriff orders them to come to my training and i work with them until we know they will pass after that second failure the officer's job lies entirely in the hands of their boss being that these tests are a bit tasking for most shooters and even though i log way more range time than any other officer i know helps when you own the range and can still occasionally fail the dot torture drill i will show mercy for most of them if they seem like a decent person who's just out of practice or nervous and not be a butt about it when it comes to scoring if they're close to a failing score counting line breaks as hits when i don't have to forgetting to hit the stopwatch button if their cadence is just a second or too slow i decided the moment he signed the papers that there would be no such mercy for this d nozzle i fully expected him to burn through ammo practicing at home after his last performance and while i doubted anything was actually wrong with his sights i wasn't willing to risk being wrong there when i had such a golden opportunity to do some true community service i even bought a new set of digital calipers deciding that if he was so much as one tenth of an inch off on any shot placements at the line i would mark them as a miss and prove i was just going by the book my mind was made up that since i couldn't get this guy off the force completely i would go buy the book and at least get him off of any that were close to the people around me and he would have to perform like an absolute pro to avoid it the day finally comes where he's the test and he shows up wearing shorts and a tap out t-shirt with only his gun and duty belt emptied of everything else no vest no range bag no radio no eye or ear protection no cuffs oc spray or taser not a darn thing that he knew he was supposed to have after pointing these issues out he huffs and says i brought everything that's important let's just get this crap over with mind you i could have failed him right then and there for non-compliance i had a copy of a signature on the paperwork stating he owned all the required gear and would bring it with him for the test and that he would be dressed to listed standards on testing day but that just wouldn't have been satisfying enough for me i wanted to make absolutely sure that anyone who looked into it would see that he himself was the failure that this loudmouth bolstering peace stain wasn't fit to the standards of his peers and his mother should have swallowed him 25 years ago and done society a favor now that he failed due to circumstantial or bureaucratic bs beyond his control and let the clothing slide and loaned him some rental safety gear which he complained about wearing but eventually put on after getting it all sorted and noting all of this in his chart i let him take his test and darn it am i glad that i did if he hadn't made me see him for the feted piece of crap he is i would have felt sad for him as it stands i worried i may develop muscle issues from holding back my grin he failed the first test immediately due to sheer ineptitude when the buzzer sounded first he tripped over his own feet and ate the ground phase first full scorpion then after getting up and continuing while drawing from crouch he somehow managed to catch his front sight or barrel on his holster opening and sent his gun tumbling through the dirt then fell over when he tried to lean over to get it losing control of a firearm is an instant test stop so i sounded the buzzer holding back laughter and putting on my plate carrier instead of just a level 3 vest in case the fool fired a random round my way i give him a second chance even though i already had what i needed mostly because i wanted to have irrefutable proof he failed on his skills and not on accidental circumstances while he managed to keep a hold of it this time he struggled to clear the misfire costing him too much time for a slow cadence earlier and only two shots were in the number eight and four completely missed the target for the first time ever for me someone had failed the first test on all three metrics i have had people come to me for the first time they held a gun or with a legitimate fear of guns who could outperform this arrogant waffle after listening to him try to make excuses complain demand and then beg for me to give him another chance i told him that i couldn't and he failed then my report was getting sent in and he would have to talk to his training officer and we could go from there he exploded in anger and started calling me anything he could think of claiming i was only doing this because of the ticket he gave me part of why i wanted so much proof and cursing me in some honestly creative ways while slamming his fist in my wall like a petulant tween and telling me that he was going to make sure you all regret this while pointing at me and my staff in the other room by now a couple of my regulars my range master and the local brass goblin have all made it over to watch through the window and listen to the exchange knowing i have him on camera with audio punching a hole in my wall and i have witnesses a new thought came to me when i heard him say this and i decided to steer him just the way i wanted him to go all i had to do was ask if what he said was a threat and the dip responded with you bet your freaking butt it is and to my surprise reached out to give me a shove i sidestepped him and he stumbled past which pissed him off even further i told him then and there to get the freak off my property and that he wasn't welcome back i looked this sack of crap straight in the eye and informed him that he just sealed his fate since now he would have to beg to be sent to another facility and i would make certain my report recommended he never work as an officer again and should they ignore my advice i would be raising my prices to better reflect the training they get here he then decides to spit at me and swing a punch this time not want to miss an opportunity and easily outweighing him by 50 to 60 pounds i raised my guard and the moment his arm made contact with mine i used his momentum and my muscle to send him over my shoulder and directly into the ground with all i could muster i channeled my ancestors and the ancient gods of their homeland into that throw fully intending to leave a wily coyote-esque crater in my floor rolling him to his back and sitting atop him in full mount position i watched a wannabe bad butt try to remember how to breathe after meeting the ground that hard and immediately cry like a witch begging for his life when he looked past me to see my range master 310 pound six foot six tatted up retired marine turned bodybuilder with our less lethal training shotgun the gun is bright green kinda unmistakable as less lethal in one hand leveled to officer witch maid's head and his phone in the other already talking to the runts boss apparently my range master had been watching everything from his office on the security feed and when officer d started punching the walls my boy immediately picked up the phone and called the sheriff grabbing the shotgun on his way out the door to us when all was said and done i got to watch him hauled off my property by his boss in cuffs and read his rights since yes i will be pressing charges he assaulted me threatened me and my employees and damaged my property and i had all the evidence i need to prove it later when i asked my range master why he had brought the gun into play since the guy wasn't really a threat he reluctantly told me he had brought it for me apparently in all the time we had known each other he had never seen me actually come unglued like that he said boss you are the kindest and quietest man i know and in my experience when a man like you gets that angry even the devil himself would piss his pants to get away he admitted that his plan was to nail me with a beanbag or two if he needed to try to turn my attention to him not going to lie i wasn't happy to know i had made my friend feel that way but it did feel good in an odd way to have a certified bed but feel like he needed that tool to stand against me i gave the man a raise for his honesty and willingness to protect others no matter the cost to himself after all that's a rare quality anymore and it should be rewarded and to this day i refuse to spar with him because i never want him to 100 know he could take me without it despite all the evidence and testimony against him officer d ended up getting a pretty good plea deal but he will never be able to be a police officer or legally own a firearm again so i consider it a win his wife filed for divorce for domestic violence while he was awaiting his court date and thankfully they had no children together so it was granted without issue and he has no rights to see her son he moved away immediately after his hearing and last i had heard he makes minimum wage working at a gas station somewhere up north i definitely have to take my hat off in this situation especially in the climate we're in today cops with tempers like this and skills like this shouldn't be cops just like op got pulled over if you got pulled over and a cop was treating you the way this cop treated op do you think you'd be able to keep your cool or do you think you might go the opposite route and maybe talk back or flip out a little bit let me know in the comments down below but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you do whether it's just viewing the video liking subscribing turning notifications on i appreciate the heck out of it every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more and i can't thank you enough for it so until next time i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll be right here next time on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 156,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: 9ln2lEZEB4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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