r/prorevenge | Branch Manager FIRED and 4 Employee's PROMOTED!

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hello everyone my name is Steven and welcome to story time today we're gonna be reading some Perrault revenge stories hearing how people have gotten some of the sweetest and most effective forms of revenge on people that had it coming and let me just say if you're not already subscribed to story time please consider doing so but with that being said let's sit back relax and listen to some captivating reddit stories no air conditioning enjoy the fines back in 1993 I had just graduated from college since there wasn't any jobs anywhere near my hometown I moved to the Dallas area I had a small bit of money left from college but I knew it wouldn't last I found and rented the cheapest apartment that I could find a bit of background on this apartment complex it used to be a nice complex and it used to be in a nice area that was no longer the case the area was completely run done with most people either being unemployed like me or doing some sort of menial job the actual apartment was not really an apartment the original design for the complex had mainly 3-bedroom 2bath apartments at some point they took the master bedroom one of the bathrooms and one of the closets and made that into a separate apartment they called it inefficiency I'm sure some of you are reading that in trying to figure out where the kitchen was located short answer it wasn't the kitchen was the closet it had been a small walk-in closet they put an apartment-sized refrigerator in it with a microwave on top of it that was the kitchen I didn't particularly like it but I was broke what could I do I was looking for jobs for a few months in having no luck I spent much of my time in that little apartment the trouble came in March it started getting really hot by mid April it felt like I was cooking during the day my apartment had air conditioning but it was blowing nothing but hot air I went to the manager to complain I was thought that they didn't turn on the compressor until June no way would I be able to make it until June I had to do something I found a way to keep cool one of the few places with working air conditioning they didn't mind meal ordering was the Public Library we were actually close to a huge branch I could grab a book and just sit there for hours but it was still stifling when I went home since I was at the library anyway I started doing research and apartment regulations it wasn't too difficult heck I had essentially done the same thing for years as a full-time student it was just research the housing codes were located in a row of large books back before the internet I had nothing better to do so I started going through them after a few days I found some things that I thought might help and called the housing authority they came right over to my apartment the next day actually infraction one if the temperature with the apartment was above a certain level air conditioning had to be available I think it was 80 degrees and it was 83 degrees in my apartment when they showed up infraction to all the apartments regardless of size had to have a working stove remember I only had a microwave which was not considered a stove infraction 3 all apartments regardless of size had to have a working sink in the kitchen again remember I didn't have a sink in the kitchen I had to wash what few dishes I had in the bathtub the Housing Authority people said they take care of it and left within another week I got a notice from the apartment that they were going to put in a stove in sink and best of all the AC started getting cool it doesn't end there though I was there when the workers were putting in the stove and sink I was playing some video game one of the workers saw it and started up a conversation since he liked video games I found out some interesting things first the wiring wouldn't handle the stove so they had to do something to get it to work they put one hole in my apartment and I heard them putting some more holes in the apartment next door don't forget those two apartments used to be the same apartment the fuse box was in the other apartment second the flooring in the closet was carpeting that was deemed unsafe to put a stove on so they had to tear it out just the closet and put down some type of tile third the closet did not have any place to attach the sink so they had to go through the wall again to get to the bathroom to connect to the plumbing in there I'm not sure how that works since directly on the other side of the wall was the bathtub there was no exposed plumbing there all told these changes cost about ten thousand dollars including parts and labor I'm going by what I was told I have no direct knowledge and the guy giving me this information was one of the regular workers and not any sort of management but I did find out one other thing it wasn't just my apartment it was all of the efficiency apartments all 20 of them if the numbers that I was given can be believed that would be approximately two hundred thousand dollars all because it was hot that's just one of the worst examples I've ever heard of these cost-cutting procedures your kitchen is the small walk-in closet now this is such an unfortunate thing that Opie had to experience so I'm glad that they actually took the time to read up these rules and stumble into a way that made their life better God my branch manager fired and got four guys promotions I worked as a security guard for a standard security company but we were contracted with a petrochemical company to do security at their world HQ the company is a fortune 500 company making billions a year therefore the account we had meant that we did security for all of their locations inside the u.s. while other companies handled sites outside the US this account was worth around thirty million dollars USD a year I joined the company in March and things seemed great my shift was very workable 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday I spent most of my day doing paperwork and signing in other contractors and delivery drivers honestly it felt like a pretty decent job it didn't pay very well but she can't complain when he said on your butt all day however soon we began to have a staffing problem people were leaving and getting fired way too quickly we were supposed to have about 15 guards but we got as low as nine this does not clued the three veteran guards employed by the client company as they were separate from us this is very important later this caused horrible schedules in a twenty six hour period I worked 20 hours which I later found out is illegal in our state and we would easily put in 60 hour weeks every single guard was working overtime it caused havoc with our personal lives my girlfriend even told me she was thinking about leaving me because out of the entire week I would see her maybe an hour a day before I fell asleep and we lived together so obviously some compensation was required overtime was decent pay yes but we wanted an overall raise we got paid way too little to be working 70 hour weeks 12 to 16 hour shifts etc each facility has a supervisor through the contractor company and each set of facilities has a branch manager who supervises specific accounts for the regional manager while the branch manager was supposed to visit each facility once a month there are three facilities in his area on the account I saw him twice in my one-year period with the company apparently the client company had a lot of fall in the state so the security company was basically their lapdog and they tried to keep their distance as much as legally allowed the issue started when one of the guards will call him Roy started talking about how his friend who worked at the sister site and all of his fellow guards all got raises because they were short-staffed and the company wanted to thank them for pulling extra hours this got a lot of the guards serious we were much worse off with our staff and we worked at the world HQ and none of us had even been suggesting raises this led to the guards being particularly unmotivated and led to people refusing to pick up shifts so one of the senior guards decided to call the branch manager and complain asking why the sister site would get raises and why we would not apparently it was more of a rant than an actual conversation but at the end of it the branch manager promised he would look at getting our raises and that he would speak with the regional manager to get the raises going when word of this reached the facility it was one of the only things everyone could talk about we would talk about how excited everyone was to get raises and the branch manager had also promised that we would be getting new guards to help out so no more 60-plus our work weeks everything was happy in our world for about 48 hours when I get to work early morning on Thursday I see an email address to all the security guards and our branch manager is cc'd in it he never gets copied in emails the email said this hello as you all are aware of all of the rumors that have been brought to my attention have been addressed I would like to take this time and remind everyone not to engage in this activity again moving forward bring all concerns to the attention of your immediate supervisor so they may be addressed spreading rumors and causing panic will be looked at as creating an uncomfortable or hostile work environment disciplinary action will be taken please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the matter also make sure that your attention while on-site is on our purpose we should all be focused on the objective of providing the client with outstanding service we were ticked basically we were told that we weren't getting raises in the branch manager claimed that the sister site getting raises was nothing but a rumor Roy was berated for supposedly causing a panic Anson's senior guard was the one that went over the supervisor and straight to the branch manager he was being told his job was potentially on the line everyone was absolutely appalled and one of the older guards quit on the spot the company had basically flat-out lied and made promises they had no intention of keeping and we legally couldn't prove anything and thus the revenge starts we had the phone numbers to the sister site in the directory but didn't know who the supervisor was over there I asked Roy who his friend that had worked there was and if I could get into contact with him unfortunately he had quit and joined the airforce just days prior at this point I felt stuck but I didn't want anyone to be screwed over by a company just because we were the little people so I stuck my neck out and using the phone of my office I called the client of the sister site the operator picks up and I explained that I'm a guard at the HQ and needed to speak with the supervisor of their site the operator gladly puts me through Frank answers the phone and I explain Who I am and why I'm calling I don't be as with him and just flat out ask the big question did their site get raises they did and then some turns out not only did all their guards get raises including himself but they also received bonus checks for their hard work I could barely speak I couldn't tell if I was furious at how we had been treated or how thankful I was that Roy in the senior guard weren't lying I asked Frank very calmly can I get that in writing the next morning I asked for a meeting with the branch manager the site supervisor the client and the three guards that were willing to show up myself Roy senior guard and a random guard who was willing to be present he was in the loop most of the time the branch manager is annoyed by this meeting and demands to know what is going on senior garden I explained how we are here to address how employees were lied to and how we were being threatened because we wanted compensation just as much as the sister site and on top of that how all four of us would leave if this issue was not addressed the client asks what are they talking about the branch manager says we have made it clear that the rumors have been addressed and that no such promises were made this meeting is over I say not so fast sir there was one other person that would like to speak with you and in walks the knight in shining armor Frank we watch an amusement as all the colored drains from branch managers face he stands there completely still not making a sound Frank smiles in an almost predatory fashion as he knows the slaughter he is about to partake in the client asks who is this Frank says I am the site supervisor for your other site I have here documentation that not only did branch manager lie about my guards getting raises but also a recorded phone call being all calls from company phones are monitored that has branch manager on record stating that he is going to pursue seeking a raise for the site's guards at this point even I am speechless I didn't know how he got a copy of the phone call between senior guard and branch manager but he did and was holding the transcript the client goes from confused to angry glaring at the branch manager the branch manager is still standing there why does a ghost and now our site supervisor is staring at him in what looks like pure rage mostly because he took the flak for the branch managers lies the branch manager says how did you the client says you're right branch manager this meeting is over for you get out of my office the branch manager glances at myself and senior guard in what looks like pure defeat and mopes out of the office the client says Frank let me see what you have Frank hands over all the evidence and the client looks through it for about five minutes he finished going over it and closes the booklet and looks over at the site supervisor did you know about this the site supervisor explains how he was simply doing what he was told and not to ask questions he was an ex-military so that mindset was believable after this the client instructed all of us to go home and we would be given money for the shifts we were supposed to work but instructed us to come back at 7 a.m. sharp the next morning in to meet in the conference room we all show up the next day and we are greeted by the client and another younger lady who he explains to us is the financial manager of the whole company the branch manager is also sitting there but on the other side of the conference table we sit down and she starts off by apologizing for the behavior of the branch manager and explained how they did not like this sort of thing however since he was a contractor they could not legally hold him accountable the branch manager seems somewhat relieved by this and my heart emitted lis sink she said we could file reports against him and they would confirm them but they could not partake in any form beyond that then the financial manager gives the big but she says her offer is that we can work for the client personally as in-house security and not contractors they said they would hire all four of us on the spot and we could start working tomorrow this included full benefits a huge increase in pay over $20 an hour and six weeks of vacation time a year however the offer only stood while we were in the room the branch manager is fuming as he has just lost four guards of course we all accept she makes it clear however that we aren't hired until the meeting is over then the financial managers attention turns to the branch manager she explains that since four guards had just quit that he was now in severe violation of the contract due to lack of staff and that they were using the break clause to terminate the account effective immediately the branch manager tried to argue saying that stealing contractors was the intent of using a break clause in a contract is illegal which it is her response is something like this you are correct which is why these men are not currently employed by us they left on their own accord and are unemployed since this is a severe violation of the contract we will be dealing with this here and now the branch manager is speechless at the perfectly deceptive and well played loophole that the client company had just exploited and was also told that they did decide to pursue a lawsuit they would be allowed to legally bring the evidence of the contractor company's deception and blatant lies to its employees the client and the financial manager spend the next four hours taking phone calls and we can't leave the room after they hang up the phone for the last time the client turns to the branch manager and explains calmly but firmly please step outside with me for a moment he also just stirs for myself and senior guard to stand up and follow them we walk outside and the client smiles bopi senior guard would you please as my security officers escort branch manager off-site his company is no longer associated with us we gladly escort him to his car three years after this happened and all four of us still work there we heard from another guard that the branch manager was fired basically as soon as he got back to his company's HQ and Frank was offered the branch manager's position he apparently responded by handing them his resignation letter he want to move on to another security company overseas as last I knew he had been in France for almost a year our site supervisor was moved to another facility but still works for the company and last I checked we loved working for the client and all four of us became good friends we all worked similar shifts so every Friday after work we all go to the bar and have a good time we also became fairly close to the client so he invites us over to his house for special occasions and yes the security director for a petrochemical company has it big thanks to my job however I was able to save my relationship take great vacations buy a brand new at the time Chevy Silverado and buy an actual house so to sum things up don't freak with the security guard what terrible backstabbing management and it ended up being so easily trackable why go and lie to their faces when somebody could go around their back ask somebody at the sister site and get it shown that they all got raises so easily thankfully branch manager got everything they had coming to them and opie got a wealth of a reward in return for dealing with this absolute nonsense but that's all the time we have for today thank you all for listening and watching the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing to the storytime channel and leave any feedback on this video in the comments below as I continue to develop this craft of sharing these stories to you lovely people thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 60,729
Rating: 4.8869257 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: QqTXftMKrX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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