r/maliciouscompliance | Man REFUSES to Cut Bill by 50%, ends up in DEBT!

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hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first congratulations to the winner of last week's giveaway tyler weller and with all of the excitement and success that i've seen out of these giveaways i'm once again going ahead and running it again this week so if you're interested and you don't know how to enter stay tuned until later in the video and i'll tell you exactly how to do that that said let's get right into our malicious compliance stories our first story of the day is by king of head butts man refuses offer to cut a bill 50 ends up in debt and wrecks credit score so i work in a call center for a uk mobile phone company got a call one day of a guy absolutely furious about the cost of his bill i can see this is only his first actual bill and it's close to 800 pounds when the guy only has a 60 pound a month tariff check the bill and see right away the guy has made hours of phone calls to pakistan advise him of this and he freaks out even more saying he bought the unlimited plan so he can call as much as he wants now the company does not even hide this in the small print in big bold letters on any purchase on the website it will say unlimited standard uk minutes and then directly beneath it clarifies that premium rate and international numbers are not included i emailed him a screenshot of the exact deal he picked with all his info displayed but he tried to claim it didn't say that when he accepted it bull of course we go around in circles for about 30 minutes until i eventually get sick of him and semi cave and go ask my manager can we get a reduction on the bill she's more generous than i thought and agrees to let me cut the bill in half but if he rejects this then we will deadlock the account this basically means that any offer we make is taken off the table and the dispute goes to an independent ombudsman who makes the call as to who is in the wrong so i go back to the guy tell him we will cut the bill in half he flatly rejects this and demands we waive the bill entirely including his normal 60 pound tariff for the distress we caused him i tell him this won't be happening and if he won't accept 50 then the account has to go to deadlock and the ombudsman will make a decision he gets practically giddy when i mention this like he somehow now has us debaying to rights and then demands yes send this case to the ombudsman i say fine and i send off the case i'm now the caseworker for this dispute so anytime he calls back he will get put through to me fun times now what the guy clearly didn't know is that in deadlock situations the ombudsman comes down on the side of the phone network 95 of the time not because of any corruption or bias simply because if a customer has genuinely been wronged the company will go out of its way to compensate them before it gets that far so they can avoid bad publicity it tends to be the insane customers who end up deadlocked i guess the guy had done some research after he got off the call to me and realized this so we called in again the next day he still kind of stand off [ __ ] first and asked if he could take the offer now advise them as per the terms of the deadlock the earlier offer was withdrawn and the decision was entirely with the ombudsman now he gets mad again but realizes this gets him nowhere so he switches to being super nice again this makes no difference even if i wanted to the account is deadlocked so nothing can be done he hangs up in a rage few weeks later as expected the ombudsman finds in the company's favor and the customer is now liable to pay every penny of that bill he calls back to me yet again he is very arrogant and basically tells me that he won't pay us a penny and we can take him to full court if we want now we get thousands of people every year that stop paying their bill we don't bother prosecuting them as it's not worth the effort instead what will happen is your account will get cancelled the phone will be blacklisted so it is useless and the entire cost you would have paid over two years gets charged to you at once and sent to a debt collector this will royally freak up your credit score for years to come i explained all this but the customer was still being a cocky tick and he said he didn't care and hung up thank freak i thought won't have to listen to this ball bag ever again at least that was until around two months later he calls back again he's surprisingly nice right out of the gate and i soon find out why after he refused to pay the initial bill his contract was cancelled and between the remainder of his contract cost and the 800 pounds he refused to pay initially he was now around 2 grand in debt turns out when we blacklisted the phone he got from us he tried just about every other uk network to get a new contract but got rejected on the credit checks he had also the day before the call tried to get finance for a new car and was turned down because of what he owed us he was stupid enough to think paying the initial 800 now would be enough for us to reconnect his line and clean his credit file i advised him there was no chance of this and he still owed the full 2 grand if he paid the full 2 grand it would help improve his credit but the fact that he went into debt with us in the first place would remain on his credit file have you guys ever missed the fine print to made a big mistake like this if so let me know in the comments down below but really there's just a basic lesson to learn here you gotta be careful about what you do and if you're doing something that does have fine print of any kind it's probably good to actually read it i know 99 of us don't because who's got the time to read all that but sometimes it can really bite you in the butt i think sometimes you got to realize that you screwed up you didn't know the rules and their offering half off that's not a bad deal bare minimum the guy could have probably said something along the lines of like thank you so much for that i'm going to think over my finances or something like that where you're able to keep the offer open and hopefully get off the line and basically review the rules make sure yeah you really did mess up you don't have an actual case here and then you know get over yourself and unfortunately pay the big bill if you can our next story is by jinky beans small-minded bureaucrat wants me to know the law when i first graduated from college i moved to a nearby state for a new job i'm in the u.s because i'm a civic-minded person and because a presidential election was coming up i wanted to register to vote in my new state in those days before internet you had to go to the city hall of the town or city in which you resided and fill out the paperwork at the office of the registrar of voters i only needed my driver's license and or social security card to do so the election came and went and i voted so all was fine or so i thought about two weeks after the national presidential election i received a phone call it was the registrar of voters from the city in which i lived she had apparently finally gotten around to actually reading my voter registration and now had decided that she needed more information she informed me that i was not eligible to vote as i had been born in another country i explained to her that while i was indeed born in another country i was born to two american parents and thus by birth was an american citizen she paused then told me i had to bring in my naturalization papers to show her i explained to her that i have no naturalization papers because i have never been naturalized i'm an american citizen at birth remember that the registrar of voters is supposedly a person whose job it is to know the rules about voter eligibility she insisted that i needed naturalization papers i reminded her that children born to an american parent only one is actually needed to be a citizen are automatically american citizens moreover while some countries of one's birth might provide dual citizenship the country of my birth switzerland does not so we went back and forth for a while she doubled down and kept insisting i needed naturalization papers while i tried to explain u.s citizenship laws i also pointed out to her that if she believed voter fraud had occurred it was too late anyway as i had already voted finally she said i had to bring in those papers or my birth certificate within two weeks or i'd be expunged from the voter rolls here's where the malicious compliance comes in when an american baby is born abroad his or her parents are supposed to report the birth at the nearest u.s embassy or consulate so that a consular report of birth abroad crba can be issued as an official record of the child's claim to u.s citizenship or nationality i have one of those it's written in english but the registrar of voters didn't ask for my crba nope she demanded my birth certificate so that's what i brought into her the beautiful birth certificate written entirely in french which i was pretty sure she could not read i gave it to her just as she had asked as i did i asked her if she knew french and no surprise she did not and then i watched her try to read it she studied that piece of paper for about two minutes and knowing that i had complied with her ridiculous request finally just stammered out and uh okay this is fine it's not much but i enjoyed her reaction she had no way of knowing what it was that i presented to her but i gave her exactly what she demanded in retrospect who knows what i could have shown to her but that's what happens when bureaucrats get a little taste of power more than their small-minded brains can handle to be honest i actually didn't know the actual rules about being a us citizen when you're born abroad as far as i've always heard you had to be on some kind of american soil i think i had a history teacher once that told me if you were abroad and you were going to have a baby you might as well get to an embassy and try to have it there because it's technically american soil but i guess you just need at least one parent who's already an american citizen and had lived there for some kind of amount of time before having had the baby abroad our next story is written by hooked on phone activities in-kind donations of garbage i volunteered for a political campaign when i was in college it's a terrible unpaid job with long hours and nothing but miserable people i did it because it was a graduation requirement i worked in the compliance department which consisted primarily of checking in campaign donations and ensuring that the donor was legally permitted to donate on occasion we would receive an envelope returned to us by some enraged individual expressing his or her disapproval of our candidate usually these letters just consisted of torn up donor forms typically covered with badly scrawled or terribly misspelled threats and expletives but every now and then someone would weigh down the prepaid return envelope so that it would cost the campaign more money to receive their return usually it meant that the respondents stuffed the envelopes with paperclips or similar low-value metallic items these tactics usually added somewhere in the neighborhood of .0002 cents so not exactly effective but it was still mildly annoying by law all donations in kind or otherwise must be logged and reported this means that we have to report your donation even if you donated something non-monetized this of course includes donations of office supplies so i being the upstanding citizen i am complied with reporting standards if i received an envelope way done with some variety of low value item in example paperclips i'd estimate the number of paper clips received look up their value on staples or other office supply websites and then checking the customers in-kind donation our campaign fastidiously sent thank-you letters to all donors and reported all donations to the supervisor of elections instead of costing the campaign money as intended these individuals instead received a thank you note for their donations and their kindness was memorialized in public records it's actually pretty funny when all of these people were trying to shut down a political campaign fundraiser and ends up getting credited for supporting the campaign obviously that's far from what they wanted but it's kind of funny to think about the exact people who absolutely hated the campaign are the kind of people that will be promptly featured in the public records as supporting the campaign the next story was written by tiny alien be careful what you wish for here's some background notes i usually work out or practice soccer in a sports bra and shorts it's usually when i'm in my house or backyard and sometimes when i go on runs i'm not super well endowed up top 32c but there's still a decent amount but i am well endowed in the bottom i live in pennsylvania i'm a very shy intimate person so my dialogue did not come out as smoothly as it looks but i find writing how i sounded annoying anyway for some reason lots of my neighbors are moving to one of the carolinas north or south and just so happens my next door neighbor is as well now this man has always rubbed me the wrong way he's old and he used to watch me and my friends swim in my pool from his balcony anyway i was in my usual workout attire practicing soccer in my backyard with my headphones in he had approximately 5 people over helping him move including one older woman who will lovingly call susan i've never met this woman before and it took me a few minutes to notice her standing at the fence in between our yards waving me down i stop my music and walk over to her susan says you need to change i say what she says you can't wear a bra outside that's indecent but i'm in my own backyard minding my own business i'm not doing anything my bra covers everything and isn't sheer or lace susan says that's not appropriate go change everything's hanging out now i've always hated the notion that somehow sports bras are different from bikinis and i was beyond excited to finally get a chance to dish out some compliance i say sorry of course i'll change i go inside and get a bathing suit from my room now this suit is a red two piece the top only has two triangles of cloth that do cover me and the rest is the usual string used to keep it on and the bottom are a really cheeky pair i wore this to the beach when new jersey was open and got no flack for it and even saw people wearing less so i knew it was no big deal i put my cleats on and headed back outside and started practicing she walked back over about to blow a fuse she said what are you wearing i said a bathing suit it's not inappropriate i wore it to the beach and i didn't get yelled at actually people wore less susan ended up giving up and letting me and i changed back into my sports bra and shorts and finished my workout one day i'll give you guys a more exciting one when it happens so not only are you completely covered but you're doing this in the privacy of your own backyard now i don't know all the specifics of the backyard obviously a fence was mentioned so i'm assuming it was at least some kind of level of privacy fencing i think you're completely justified to be able to play soccer in a sports bra and shorts in your own backyard i don't care who says that's inappropriate that's not bad so quickly now i just want to give you info on the giveaway so if you want to be in with a chance to win 30 dollars in amazon gift cards all you have to do is leave a comment pertaining to something you saw in the video on any video we upload this week and i will pick a winner from a random video on sunday night after the last video has gone out and announce it on next monday's video so feel free to comment on every video from the week to better your chances of winning again i do want to stress that the comment has to be related to the video so you can't just leave a random comment and expect to win and whilst you're at it why not like the video because it helps more than you know that said the last story of the day is by ixi things thanks for the free food lady i lost my job due to pretty annoying circumstances we are all aware of and i've been struggling since it started eating less and less every day to make food last i happened to find my old bike and decided that i could maybe start working doing delivery services business was slow at first but my contact managed to land on some nice people that thought they could help me out and i don't get charged a lot just the exact amount of money i need to buy whatever they want plus the delivery fee which is basically nothing in my country normally i charge the delivery fee after i've delivered the food today a new lady called me asking if i could buy her groceries like two weeks worth of groceries for a family of four this is a lot of money at first she refused to pay me the amount for the groceries but after i explained to her that my only income was going to be the delivery fee and her calling me an untrustable witch a few times she finally figured out how my system works and how i will not be able to steal from her she agreed in other circumstances i wouldn't have argued and just let her go the moment she became rude but i need the money so off i went to buy the things my bike doesn't have a place for me to put a basket or something so i have to carry all of my deliveries in a backpack it normally isn't a problem but today i had to carry around maybe 50 kilograms maybe more not sure it was heavy af where the food in my backpack and in the bikes handles for two hours while biking around the city when i finally make it to this lady's house which was not in an easy route i took some minutes to lay down on the sidewalk in front of the building and texted the lady when she came down she expected me to carry her stuff up to her apartment too i said sorry i was too tired and it was too much weight also unless they really need me to help i do not carry this stuff up to their apartments it makes me uncomfortable especially if they have a family that can help but i was unable to answer her fully cause i was still trying to catch my breath if you can't deal with it then don't work as a delivery worker uh whatever i'll call my husband is it going to be five she said i need to sort that out with you i normally charge five but due to this delivery being particularly hard for me is 7 ok for you this was a 2 hour trip biking with around 50 kilograms no i am not paying you that you charged my friends 5 yes i charged them 5 because they asked for less stuff and the trip was shorter it was easier in reality i should have charged double for this but i think 7 is a good come and as i was talking i sneezed oh no i'm an allergic person i am supposedly allergic to dust but honestly my allergies trigger with everything today was a cold morning so i already had a runny nose so the mask wasn't helping a lot with keeping stuff out of my nose what you have the v i should have known since you go around with that bike now you've contaminated my food and want to overcharge me oh no you little witch i'm calling the cops on you give me my money back no no no wait i'm just allergic too i'm probably infected too now you should have told me and now you are going to bring it into my home what have you done she was also wearing a mask and had a bottle of hand sanitizer which she was now rubbing frantically in her hands while still rambling about how i was a horrible person and a witch and a scammer and a thief and a threat to her and her children the insults were growing more and more she even demanded for me to go to my house disinfect her food and then deliver it back cause it's the least i could do my house is an hour away ma'am i can't do that i assure you it's fine i've been isolated the full four months i've only been working on this for around two weeks and then is enough time to get it you are going to leave my children without a mother oh god i tried to argue for some more minutes but it got extremely ridiculous i couldn't give her back the money of her groceries i couldn't disinfect them either too broke to buy my own hand sanitizer she wouldn't take the food nor pay me the delivery fee and i wasn't going to leave without giving her the food and without being paid but she wasn't even arguing or finding a solution she just wanted me to take this v away from her in her house darn she screamed so much other neighbors started to come down and she wouldn't even let me explain and accused me of coming to infect them all her husband even came down and ended up threatening me with the police too i asked them if they wanted the food or not at this point being fed up with the whole situation and they said they didn't want anything from me and to just leave so now i'm home with a backpack full of two weeks worth of food for four people it's too much for me but i'll probably gift half of it to my boyfriend who also needs it i am sad all of this happened and i feel like i stole from that people but in the moment it was just so ridiculous i tried to give them the food many times heck at one point i just didn't care about being paid even though i needed it but they were just so rude to me i wish i could tell you all of the insults they threw at me but i am unable to translate them i still got more food than what i could have bought with a delivery fee so i guess it was worth it times are tough i understand it's a very contentious point in human history at least in our lifetime but this was a classic overreaction i understand being on edge if somebody delivers your food and they sneeze one time i can totally understand in this moment being upset about it being on edge about it obviously they said they didn't have it they've been only working for two weeks if i was on the other side and saw that from my delivery driver i'd definitely be pretty on edge too not gonna lie but i would probably still accept it and let it either kind of quarantine itself in some room or cupboard or something and just you know dealt with it properly but that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know in the comments down below which one and why and if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't yet subscribe and turn notifications on all of those things helped the channel so immensely so thank you no matter what you did whether it was just watching the video liking subscribing whatever you do thank you so much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you're all having a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
Channel: Storytime
Views: 89,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: AxzR-KUNrxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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