r/maliciouscompliance | "Take EVERYTHING out of YOUR Truck before..."

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by rambo robertson's 20 take everything of yours out of the truck before you punch out backstory way back i grew up in a family that when something broke you'd usually need to fix it yourself no reason to spend large amounts of money we didn't have to fix something 50 dollars and a bit of elbow grease could in a few hours so i learned from a young age to fix my car's problems by going to the local junkyard and picking parts off the recently crashed cars main story i work as a ready mix driver concrete mixer driver i started out a few years back for a statewide ready mix company in california i had my a-class license prior but they essentially trained me on how to do the job i fully love my job well a few years back the company decided that they wanted to cut costs by creating a new policy that the mechanics couldn't work on over time anyone that is or knows a mechanic knows that's basically taking 400-500 out of their pockets each week over half the mechanics quit within the next two months when something broke or failed on the trucks peters built 370 short hood we had been told to write a ticket and it would be fixed as quickly as possible after the majority of the better mechanics quit the lazier or apprentices became head mechanics there were no backup trucks allowed so if something broke you'd basically be out of work until it was fixed my last straw was when i brought up issues to our area head mechanic about the hopper not being able to lift and electric lock on the back chute not locking when pouring he said he'd take a look at it and fix anything that needed fixing the next day when i came in and talked to our bachelor slash manager he told me the diagnosis was the hopper wooden lift because it was cement heavy it was brand new and clean and the chute looked fine i could literally swing it back and forth with 200 pounds of concrete on it i complained and my manager told me if i didn't like how it was fixed i could fix it myself so i did not the malicious compliance part yet so i started replacing everything that needed fixing with my own parts picked up from the local truck graveyard you know the one where every freeway accident truck goes to die and be forgotten over the next year i replaced multiple bits and pieces and even a few major ones also on my own time in dime but the majority of the parts were twenty dollars to a hundred dollars at a time and when i have no work until it's fixed it was like it was a requirement somewhere just to make it more of my truck now we get to it i had been joking with a co-worker about quitting for a better company just joking around no seriousness in my voice he eventually mentioned something along the lines of it to my manager my manager told me day one if i'm going to quit just quit because i won't be given any more work next day i worked my shift and went in to ask for a day off in the following week opie says hey boss manager says i heard you're looking to quit op hope he says what i'm not looking to quit seriously confused so-so said you're looking at better offers you're looking to quit i see no reason to give you any more work this company is for workers that actually want to work opi says i'm not quitting i swear we were just joking around i told you day one if you're going to quit quit pack all your stuff from the truck before you punch out and drop the key in the front lock box when you're finished seriously i have no idea why he didn't believe me he signs off my overtime logbook as i was already past my eight hours before he left for the day i was seething i was pissed i lost my job for a stupid joke i didn't even think about what i had intended to do until i had already removed the majority of tools and basic personal items from the truck it was in the moment before i was about to clock out i saw that i was only at 9 hours i was allowed a 14 to 16 hour day with the manager's approval which i had it's time mwah i used all of their tools to do it i first start by removing the multiple hydraulic hoses from the truck with leather gloves because it was still hot after a long day i removed the lug nuts air hoses safety clips caps three and cab switches the seat adjuster the real wooden dashboard founded in a wrecked truck 15 win by this point i was around 11 hours i kept going with my major items new concert class sirius xm radio and bluetooth chrome bumper in the front right headlamp full headlamp one air tank that fed the chute vibrator and water tank and both back tail light panels on the booster tires as a last freak you i even hammered and grinded down the patches i welded onto the drum well only two of them along the thinnest area of the drum with that the truck looked like it belonged in the junkyard itself it was unusable since they never reimbursed me for a single part or even asked me for the receipts they had no claim to any of the parts i added to the truck i was also on their clock for 15 and a quarter hours the manager obviously wasn't happy left me multiple angry calls emails and eventually send lawsuit papers for damages in small claims court i brought my brother who was a lawyer not really his area but he did well enough they laid out their claims and i laid out the receipts and list of every single item removed from the truck that i had purchased with my own coin the judge dismissed the case and we immediately sued for damages and unpaid wages they were holding my last two weeks hostage we won they were ordered to pay court fees and two extra weeks base pay on top of my paychecks my brother only asked for his base rate of 300ish an hour with seven hours of work sometimes i wish i had the mental capacity to be a lawyer i'm still driving but for a much better company one where if i mention something needs to get fixed it's usually fixed by the end of the day well except for the drum i put my fourth patch on it today i don't have the majority of the parts anymore mostly sold them at a truck show swap meet i don't have a picture of the finished truck not that i could show it without the company colors and logo giving it away maybe i can find the receipts list i had be honest guys if your car or your truck or your vehicle broke down would you be able to diagnose it yourself or are you the kind of person just like me that would have to bring it in somewhere to just get to the bottom of what's even wrong with it let me know in the comments down below this next story is by geva zhao so if i finish all work in four hours i should just sit at my desk okay backstory i was the warehouse manager for a company that worked with human gut microbiomes my duties included shipping and receiving orders setting reorder points for everything the lab used cleaning and restocking items ordering and a few other standard things my boss was a new hire and her office was in a state thousands of miles away that went on a three-month vacation before starting so i answered to the facility manager until she was to start when i was brought on the warehouse it was a nightmare the same items were being stocked in multiple locations throughout the warehouse for no logical reason no first in first out systems and the inventory tracking software they used was a mess many items were discontinued or no longer even used it took me about two to three weeks to lock down my area of operations but once i got everything right i noticed i didn't have much work to occupy those eight long hours many days i would be done with everything by ten my start time was between six to six thirty so i started asking higher ups in my facility if i could help out other sections they said sure we would love your help i started assisting customer service by sending pre-formatted messages to help free up the service team i also helped the team that processed samples literally human poop well i am about a month and a half on the job and my new boss pam finally starts as soon as pam starts she decides i am doing too much work in other departments and that i need to stay at my desk all day unless i am performing warehouse related or a manager from another section gets written permission from her to allow me to leave my desk she disseminates this information to the entire facility management through an email now an important note youtube and other video streaming services were allowed to be used during the workday so long as you got your work done while watching i think you know where this is going quick note well as you can tell from my post i am in the states what you are just finding out is that i love rugby playing watching talking about it just absolutely love it well where i am there is not a large rugby community so i take any chance i can to get to watch the matches malicious compliance after being told i was no longer to assist other departments i brought up to pam that i was bored out of my skull and wanted to help out where i could to keep myself occupied and make the day go by i was told oh well you were hired to work the warehouse so work the warehouse okay i would get in between 6 and 6 30 and knock out my work by 10 rugby was the only thing on my monitor and i was kicked back to my chair loving my paid rugby break this went on for weeks with higher ups coming into my office and asking what i was doing i would explain and some would shrug and walk away while others would ask about the match or rugby as a whole i love this even more because now not only was i getting paid to watch the sport i loved but now i was getting paid to talk to people about the sport i love i assumed with higher ups seeing this they would put an end to it but no it just stayed that way even when pam was told what i was doing she said good he is where he needs to be well after two to three months of this youtube ran out of new matches so i quit and moved on to a better job i just love the simple fact that they stuck around as long as they did solely because they could keep watching rugby matches on youtube and they only left when they finally ran out of rugby matches to watch to be fair it doesn't sound like that bad of a gig at all our next story is by kiki btw new hr manager pisses off hard working employees mass malicious compliance years ago i worked for an awesome company that understood workplace culture and fun was a huge part in keeping employees happy and productive in our office people would often cycle to work and therefore needed to shower and get ready at work that meant that sometimes they didn't get to their desk until after 9am however nearly everyone worked back without being asked to deliver on deadlines management didn't care because they knew the work was being done and everyone always went over and above enter new hr manager we never really had one before but we're growing so needed one within her first few weeks she sent out an email saying that everyone needed to be seated and ready to go at 9am and that we needed to stop having social chats and getting ready at work or if we did do it earlier she never acknowledged the fact that everyone put in unpaid overtime q masked malicious compliance everyone would start at 9am as per email and then leave at 5 pm projects started running behind and clients started getting pissed off because their product was not being delivered on time new hr manager was confused as to why work was not being delivered on time anymore people were starting on time she made sure of it needless to say upper management removed the rule and she quit shortly after we all went back to our normal ways and wouldn't you know it projects were back on track don't walk into a new company and try to change something that isn't broken the people will revolt see op wrote they quit shortly after but i don't know if they really quit shortly after if they were on record as quitting maybe it was one of those ask them respectfully amicable split oh i want to spend more time with my family cause i doubt they just quit this next story is by other lieutenant dan must check my work email every single day okay so i was working for a small private ambulance company that ended up getting bought out by a larger corporation the folks that have done this kind of work no it wasn't the company you're thinking of but this new corporation wanted to be just like them so corporate sends out a directive that all employees must check their work email at least once every 24 hours no exceptions now i'm a lowly part-timer so it would occasionally be weeks in between my shifts the fun part is i usually played field supervisor on my shifts i did work so in order to be in compliance with the corporate directive i set my work email to update every day at the same time on my phone i would then log my 15 minutes of email checking on my paycheck so i would also be in compliance with state and federal payroll laws i also made sure to inform as many employees to do the same didn't check your email while you were on shift because you were too busy trying to figure out what made grandma's ambulance ride to the doctor medically necessary that's okay just check it when you get home make sure you put it on your time sheet though it took a couple pay cycles but eventually i get a call on my day off asking why i'm logging 1.75 hours on weeks that i didn't even work i explained that i was just following their corporate directive i was told at that point that i was no longer able to log those hours i told them to give me that in writing as that goes against labor laws needless to say the directive to check email every day got revoked oh but i did put down 30 minutes on my timesheet for the call as it took 22 minutes when you're getting these demands and these orders especially oddly specific ones you definitely want to get it in any form of writing you can handwritten email however you can secure it you never know how much it'll help you later on and our final story of the day is by shaiko g book a meeting at 8 30 we'll start at 8 30. way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and people worked in offices we had a new team leader who had recently learned about the project management methodology known as agile so being a first-time team leader and not really knowing what their team does good old team leader decided to set up a stand-up each morning at 8 30. it should be known that our hours were 8 30 to 17 and a few of us started and finished early so it wasn't the most hardship for us to have a meeting at that time of day the exception of course being dearest team leader who struggled to make it into the office before 8 35 on a good day and before 8 45 on most days those of you who know agile know a daily stand-up is usually only 15 minutes so being the good little minions that we are the four to five of us who were in on time would start our stand-up promptly at 8 30 go around the room and be back at our desks before team leader arrived team leader would swan in at 8 45 ask if we're ready for our stand-up looked surprised when we explained we already had it and sheepishly alternated between asking us one by one throughout the day what we are working on and telling us to do the stand-up again this went on for months with no explanation as to why they simply wouldn't move the meeting to 8 45 or 9 o'clock unfortunately the chaos of 2020 brought a stop to the fun and the entire team was made redundant with the exception of the team leader everyone who got let go did eventually find bigger and better things to do with their lives you would just think as a team leader you would put in the effort to make sure that you're the first person there i would feel embarrassment not being able to be the first person to the building as team leader you want to be that person that everybody else looks up to or respects because although you're on the top you're still out hustling everybody unlike this guy but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you do whether it's just viewing the video liking subscribing turning notifications on i appreciate the heck out of it every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more and i can't thank you enough for it so until next time i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll be right here next time on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 73,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: ufqzsOMq3fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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