r/maliciouscompliance | "I'm NOT trying to steal your money..."

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hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel we've got some very smooth and convenient malicious compliance stories today so let's jump right into our first story of the day by throwaway399.81 you want to talk to wendy i'll get you wendy my first job when i was a teenager in the late 1990s was at a certain fast food restaurant whose mascot is a red-headed girl the bay was horrible even for those times and management was generally belligerent and incompetent but it was a job and gave me lots of stories now given that we were a restaurant named after a person whose founder became the face of the restaurant in television commercials up to his death we frequently had jerks come through who thought it was cute to say things like is wendy here or when they're angry i know dave thomas and i'm going to get you fired it was so annoying because it wasn't cute since it happened dozens of times a day especially late at night on second shift now at the time this takes place a new manager had just completed her training and it was one of her first times managing by herself i was working on drive-through when a couple of guys start going on the speaker is wendy there we want to talk to wendy i try to ignore them since as i said this is a frequent occurrence but these guys just don't know when to stop and just keep saying it all through their order i was having a bad night i hated working drive through more than any other station at the restaurant so their antics which would probably just make me roll my eyes today were beginning to make my blood boil they get to my window and they're these two redneck looking 20-something guys who just keep giggling about how funny and clever they are i really don't think they were high or drunk given their demeanor i just think they thought they were delivering comedy club worthy material i'm trying to hand them their drinks and they just keep asking for wendy where is she one asks we want to talk to wendy the other one says i finally had about enough and that's when i get a plan for malicious compliance i go over and get my manager and tell her that there are two guys at the window who want to talk to wendy she grins knowing exactly what i'm thinking and walks over opens the window and looks at the guys hi i'm wendy the manager here i heard you want to talk with me how can i help you the guys just think this is the most hilarious thing ever and start erupting in laughter when she looks at them dead serious and points at her name tag no really my name is wendy how can i help you tonight they get really quiet and look at each other you can tell this wasn't how they expected this to go and they seem to have no witty retorts in them for if wendy was actually there or can we have some ketchup one of them finally asks wendy smiles puts some ketchup in their bag and hands them their order the two drive off without another word while wendy and i break down in laughter at what we just did in the long run what we did that night didn't stop other amateur comedians from asking for wendy but it sure did feel good nonetheless in a generally sucky job that could be really hostile at times wendy was a pretty cool boss wherever she is today i hope she's living her best life everybody thinks they're a comedian there's a very easy punchline to be had and nobody's going to think oh well nobody else has ever made this joke for sure it reminds me of the joke where people that go to a store and the tag is missing on the clothes go oh must be free then it's just one of those jokes in the long line of jokes that are such easy and terrible jokes to make do you guys know any more examples of these kinds of jokes if so let me know which one in the comments down below our next story is by oh my god it's p1238 don't leave it up to me to come up with a solution i'm a procurement guy in the mining industry my team sits in between the sales team and a couple of hundred suppliers all over the globe specifically we're the emergency fulfillment team who steps in to fill back orders where there are no parts available in the country and it's stopping a machine from working or causing a safety issue obviously a dump truck or an excavator or any machine really being out of action on a mine site can cause a flow-on effect to the running of the mine which leads to a pissed off customer screaming at the sales team who then puts pressure on my team causing us to apply the same pressure to suppliers freight forwarders distribution centers etc etc until the parts get to where they need to be now understanding a supply chain is not a complex thing the process is the same every time the only difference is the previously mentioned pressure being applied the way my team works is that every two hours we run a report and get a new list of parts that we need to source we figure out where we're going to get the parts from raise purchase orders against suppliers calculate an eta based on what the supplier tells us including estimated transit time then enter all of the details and eta information into an excel spreadsheet which is uploaded onto our internal intranet each morning the sales team can then check it and update customers if they have any questions about their backorders here's where i introduced the manager and team leader of the sales team between them they have about 45 years of industry knowledge and seemingly zero knowledge about how a supply chain works with all of their collective time spent in the industry they deem it unacceptable that less than seven percent of the 12 000 parts our team sources per month fail our quoted etas mind you eta means estimated time of arrival suppliers don't ship stuff when they say they will flights get delayed stuff gets lost there's a million things that can go wrong that are totally out of our control but none of that matters it's just not good enough fed up with constantly being told how bad we are as well as how we need to come up with a solution i sat down with the team and came up with a strategy to ensure that they could never whine about missed etas again we changed our team's working priorities priority number one now is to check every line on the spreadsheet 10 days before the eta to make sure it's on track now for the fun part no point checking the etas and updating them but not telling anyone so i went away in my own time and using youtube google and whatever else i could find i taught myself visual basic programming language over the course of a month or two with this knowledge i wrote some scripts that i distributed to my team and with the click of a button we can now email the sales team every time we update an eta that's 700 to 800 extra emails that they have to action each month with no extra manpower higher-ups absolutely love the initiative and expect the sales team to proactively inform the customers of the changes so that they can rework their schedules accordingly how's that for a solution to top it off with the new visual basic skills i've learned i've managed to automate a massive percentage of my team's work conservative analysis is a saving of about 150 man hours per month so we have way more time to stay in front pressure those suppliers or just kick back and relax once finish making heaps more work for the sales team well best of luck to the sales team in this situation because that's a lot of emails to all of a sudden have to take on that's pretty good for a solution i'd say this next story is by pug c clock in and out at the exact time sure so this was a few years ago when i worked on the floor of a logistics facility this job was about an hour's drive from my home and it started at 6 00 am not really a problem for me but i like to plan for unexpected delays in my commute so i tended to be 15 to 20 minutes early each day that was just easier and less stressful for me one of my bosses noticed and gave me key privileges and taught me the morning routine of opening the facility as i was often the first person there cool i like to get started when i'm there anyway so why not i got in the habit of clocking in whenever i pass the clock we used for that then i continued with turning on the lights and other parts of the morning routine this worked like a charm i still had to work a full day but my boss was very flexible whenever i asked to leave early or take a day off we were all happy but then that boss quit new boss wasn't as flexible or practical after a month he called me into a meeting and basically told me off for clocking in early even after i had made it clear that this wasn't a scheme for me to get extra overtime i worked full day from 6am and that it helped the facility start a process each morning i was told not to clock in early why not oh that was simple enough whenever i clocked in early my boss had to make three extra clicks on his mouse when approving the hours to be paid if i only clocked in and out at the correct time each day he wouldn't have to do all this extra work at first i was like okay i get it you have many more employees than me and still did the unlocking and morning routine i just made sure not to clock in before 6am but then my boss started behaving more and more like a butt towards me and my colleagues and my will to help out evaporated the opening and closing routines each took about 15 minutes and we were a group of five people who had done this whenever that was needed and practical in fact new boss hadn't needed to do this much at all as somebody had always done it for him we got together and compared scores nobody was getting any benefits or flexibility out of this bus for doing the extra work and absolutely no overtime pay for any of us it didn't take long to agree to stop doing this for the company without at least getting some favors in return next monday i arrived at 5 40 but decided to sit in my car and listen to music waiting for 6am 6 a.m there were 40 cars and about 60 workers wondering why the building was still locked when i got out to open i merely opened the doors and clocked in went to my workstation and started working this meant that many of the workstations were delayed 5-20 minutes before they could even see how much work was lined up for that day and since there was a rule that you had to change into workwear before you clocked in many people were late that day all day long i was waiting for a response from my boss but he worked 9 to 17. fun note the facility closed at 21 and by then my boss was usually at home so when they were about to clock out one of my colleagues called him and asked who was locking up tonight because he couldn't do it as he too had been told the clock out at the exact time so my boss had to drive for 20 minutes each way to lock up he was furious at having his evening interrupted like that tuesday went much the same way as monday except that boss reluctantly had to approve 15 minutes of overtime for the guy locking up no mention of the morning routine yet turned out boss didn't notice the delayed start and reduced productivity until his boss asked why the first trucks leaving the facility tended to be 20 to 30 minutes late all of a sudden this meant they got stuck in rush hour traffic more often and even more delayed throughout the day resulting in more delay fees and lower customer satisfaction my boss's boss knew that i had opened the facility for a while and he actually asked my boss why i no longer did it when my boss evaded him and didn't give him a clear answer he sought me out and asked me himself i told him straight out that i had been told to not clock in early and since i wasn't on the clock there was no reason for me to work the boss had an effect deprive the company of 15 to 20 minutes of free work each day from me and the rest of the group of five by insisting that we clocked in and out at the exact times not to mention the cost of the delays caused by the late start and all this because he couldn't be bothered to make three extra clicks on his mouse to overrule the clock when approving the pay the very next day we were informed that opening and closing routines were now a part of the job description for the group of five and that we would get paid for the extra time spent next payday the group got together and calculated that we were in effect paid almost a full hour for re-adding the opening and closing routines to our work two weeks later my boss was laid off quit or something next boss just groaned in exasperation when he heard what had happened he was a good guy and even a better boss i was sad to quit the job when he was there but another opportunity came along and it was too good to pass on i think it just goes to show you that a boss can make or break a job good boss oftentimes great experience bad or incompetent or just lazy boss and you'll probably end up having a bad time like this um our next story is by post's flower picks you think i'm trying to steal your money have it your way then some background i'm a commercial and industrial hvac r technician we specialize in large ac and refrigeration systems mostly involving chillers it's first thing on a monday morning when i get a customer's call in about one of their chillers being down cool beans i don't have much on my schedule for today and haven't even left the house yet this sounds like a great place to start off for the week i get there and find all kinds of problems with this chiller we're talking at least a week worth of repairs assuming all the parts come in the next morning for some context this machine is absolutely ancient by this point i'd lost count of how many times we tried to sell them a new one regardless i make some phone calls so i can work up a price on the repairs and see how soon i can get the parts a few minutes in and i find out the manufacturer no longer supports this model no big deal i explained to the customer that we can either replace it or retrofit it in my opinion retrofitting a machine this old is a waste of time and money but we have to give them the option it pays just fine either way after a 30 minute conversation with the customer and several lengthy phone calls the customer decides it's finally time to replace the chiller i tell him he'll get a quote in the next few days and talk to our sales team who sends it their way within minutes of receiving the proposal the customer is blowing my phone up about how the price is too high and we're trying to steal their money i'm driving so i can't talk but have my phone mounted where i can see any calls and or texts i receive after about 15 minutes i pull onto the shoulder and give him a call back he's still pissed and starts yelling about how he added extra stuff to the quote just to take their money here's the thing this new chiller uses a different style compressor than their old one these new compressors are really really loud normally this doesn't matter but this chiller sits less than 100 feet from a large neighborhood and a daycare the unnecessary extras he's complaining about are these sound dampening options for the chiller are they expensive sure at the end of the day though it doesn't really matter they're going to need them i tried multiple times to explain this but he refused to listen and informed me that our conversation was over give me what i want or i'll find a company that will you know what sure thing boss i inform our sales office who had me hand deliver the new proposal along with a document explaining the issues with what he's asking for i had him sign it and left him a copy three months and a few hundred thousand dollars later and guess who can't run their brand new chiller why might you ask it violates the city noise ordinance anytime it starts up they get fined need to fire it up to do maintenance find need to fire it up because the other chillers are down fine control system hiccups and it accidentally starts up fine their brand new chiller is nothing more than a big expensive paperweight even better though is that we're currently installing all the sound dampening equipment we originally quoted however as we're having to change everything out in the field instead of it being installed at the factory it's going to cost almost three times as much as it would have in the first place but hey maybe they'll listen next time well maybe they'll listen next time if they can still hear i think op is completely fine you know they pretty blatantly tried to explain this is going to be way too loud you need these options no just give me what i want or i'll find a company that will they got exactly what they asked for and our final story of the day is by sushi schwinn tennis coach got exactly what she asked for with a few extra bruises when i was in high school i was on the tennis team and our varsity coach was a saint the jv coach however regularly made us wonder if she'd been dropped on her head as a child to boot she barely understood anything about tennis so all the poor junior varsity kids got taught how to grip their rackets wrong and hit wrong and us varsity kids would reteach them when she wasn't looking it was a small town so the whole tennis team was maybe 30 kids on varsity our coach would set up cones around the court for us to try to hit when we were serving so we could improve our aim if you hid one then coach owed you a snow cone from the local stand in town the cones were famous around town and everyone loved them nothing tasted better after a long practice in the heat the jv coach once again making us question her mental capacity told the jv kids that if they hit her then she'd buy them a snow cone i really don't know how hitting her which would be out of bounds was a good way to help them improve their aim anyways she never specified that the offer only applied to junior varsity so soon enough the varsity kids took her up on the offer and started pegging her every time she was on the varsity courts we'd always apologize profusely and pretend it didn't happen on purpose but she was true to her word though and always bought us a snow cone the poor woman probably bought about 10 snow cones a week for the varsity kids until the varsity coach put a stop to it so when they were talking about the coach having a lack of mental capacity i was thinking that they just didn't understand tennis and that they were going to be some kind of mean rude overall just bad jv teacher but she actually seemed to have a few screws loosed where she wanted people to just constantly peg her with tennis balls for some reason and then when varsity the kids she didn't even tell the offer to as far as i know was hitting her with the tennis balls she bought them snow cones anyways you would think that they would at least restrict it to jv or maybe when it keeps happening so often they would shut it down but no this lady just kept up with it but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video today please give the video a like and subscribe if you haven't and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you did whether it was just watching the video subscribing commenting thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
Channel: Storytime
Views: 48,813
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Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: pP3t_NspHHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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