r/NuclearRevenge - I DESTROYED My Own FATHER...

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what's up my dastardly dudes welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your dosed dapped and zak and today's subreddit is our slash nuclear revenge with a story also from our slash petty revenge so we're going both ends of the spectrum but apparently this isn't one and it's close to the end because you know there's the whole supernova revenge no there's blackhole revenge and then supernova revenge or is it vice versa I don't know I don't know the orders of the revenge's anymore but you're catching my drift Tokyo Drift skidded not turned don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode anyhoo dee doo dee doo dee this story is called the time I ruined the life of an online troll ah please excuse the interruption but that is insanely funny to me because I am doing a little watch through of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and that show is amazing I love that I'm reaching it anyways I just watched that facade where Charley put on that play for the waitress called night man and Danny DeVito played the troll frankly the troll and he sings this song he's like you gotta pay the troll toll to get the boys home what he's saying is boys soul but he's but it sounds like he's saying voice oh and it's so funny anyways on to the story so I found this guy a while back in heaven sharing my story ever since I see a comment on my article saying that this would be a good place to post I'm not entirely proud of what I did to this man's life but I do think it was justified I do think that sometimes you have to fight fire what fire the full article is below removed link this is the story of the time I ruined the life of an online troll now this may sound extreme however I believe it was justified given the circumstance in nature of my encounter to understand how I found this individual I need to take you back to 2015 it was in 2015 that I would spend my days googling pointless topics one day I decided to look up opinions the meaning of life I scrolled through various pages of search engine results until I came across the concept of nihilism what is nihilism nihilism interested me because it was unlike any other belief I found on my search for the meaning of life so put it simply nihilism is the belief that the world is meaningless it is a pessimistic approach to life which suggests that there is no point in life because nothing holds real relevance nihilism can make people believe existence does not matter therefore their actions do not either many people view nihilism as a realistic belief that opposes our human nature to seek significance I wanted to speak to a real-life nihilist and hear their opinions on life what I found shocked me nihilism explain nihilism on social media upon discovering nihilism I joined several Facebook groups surrounding the topic these groups were full of dark humor and memes that made fun of life in death comments such as existences misery was common to see in these groups I came across a few genuine nihilist the community was predominantly made up of people who were depressed or people who would see the humor in depression the nihilist approach meant that depression was not important because nothing is relevant this was why suicide jokes are a hits and nihilism groups I found that the constant sharing of suicide memes meant that people became desensitized to death people would believe that their existence is meaningless which is not a good thought to have if you are dealing with genuine depression I spoke to one individual who said they did not want to live anymore they told me the world is not real but my sadness is the world is not real but my sadness is this made me realize that nihilism and depression are a bad combination I reassured this person and told them they were important a few months later I went to get in touch to see how they were getting on but I discovered that their Facebook accounts had vanished nihilist me encountering the troll fast forward to mid sixteen and I get a facebook notification from one of the nine list groups it was someone seeking genuine advice to kill themselves they said they wanted their death to be peaceful but they were scared upon checking the comments of the post I noticed one person advising them to run into an oncoming train as this would be painless and fast the person giving the advice was the troll whose life I went on to ruin for the remainder of this article I will refer to the troll as Nigel to protect identity at the time I thought that Nigel was being edgy for the sake of it but this was not the case I thought back to the time when I spoke to the person who told me their sadness was real but the world was not the fact that they had disappeared off social media gave me goosebumps I assumed that the worst had happened that this could become a reoccurring story in this group I decided to look at post in comments made by Nigel in the group all the comments turned out to be methods for depressed people to kill themselves Nigel would give people reassurance that death was the only way out he would pretend he was doing the people a favor a distraught man posted that he was ashamed that he kept failing to kill himself Nigel told him not to beat himself up about it in that if he works hard one day he will be able to do it using Facebook as a weapon I realized that Nigel was not your ordinary troll and that I had to do something to stop him I created a fake profile to contact Nigel at this time I had no intention to ruin his life I just wanted to stop him ruining the lives of others on my fake profile I told him that I had seen his comments and that they could have a devastating effect he replied to me that he did not care Facebook troll the first warning for my understanding Nigel had the belief that depression was a weakness to humanity it appeared he was on a mission to weed out the weak members of society it was almost like he got a buzz from it some weird kick that motivated to do it that I could not understand I warned Nigel that if he continued there would be repercussions he told me that he did not care and then blocked my fake profile I logged into my genuine profile and checked for new posts by Nigel a day later I saw that he was back to his old tricks he was yet again giving suicide advice to other mentally tortured souls the second warning Nigel had made a crucial mistake by not setting his facebook profile to private I was able to see every post that he had ever made as well as the friends that he had Nigel was a family man and made it clear on Facebook how much his wife meant to him I decided that I would give Nigel his second orny this time I would make it more personal this time I wanted to put the fear into him within 10 minutes I was able to find Nigel's home address I decided that I would write a letter to his address this letter was handwritten to add a personal touch on the envelope I addressed the letter to his wife's name so that he would not be able to simply brush it under the carpet the letter read the following your husband continues to encourage suicide online he provides methods of suicide for depressed people and he must be stopped could you please let him know that this is his final warning I will be watching the letter was sent with the intention to make Nigel stop doing what he dies I thought this would be the only way that I could get through to him the more I thought about it the more I felt guilty that his wife may be living in fear this was something I did not take into consideration initially my mission to stop Nigel clouded my thought however I knew this was necessary for the greater good the final blow it had been a month since I wrote the letter and I had not seen a single post from Nigel I thought maybe I had finally gotten through to him but I was wrong another month had passed and Nigel was back at it again I was disappointed however I was not prepared to give up I reached out to the depressed victims to let them know they had my support Nigel had to pay for his action but how I decided to take a deeper look into Nigel's personal life his use of the internet meant that his life was essentially an open book I was stunned when I discovered that he worked at a care home he was not someone I could trust in society to care for others I knew I had to deliver the final blow Nigel's LinkedIn profile revealed that he was a senior member at a care home this care home was reputable and risk their reputation by hiring him I dug deep to pull out a barrage of screenshots I had of Nigel's activity online after some contemplation I decided that I would get in touch with the care home via their Facebook page I logged into the fake profile via a proxy and sent the screenshots I did not believe that he was fit to be trusted with human life a member of staff replied to say that the case had been handed over to the CEO the aftermath a week later Nigel was no longer on the company website and had also removed the care home from his LinkedIn page it was clear that his actions had caused him to lose his job Nigel's relationship status on facebook had changed from in a relationship to it's complicated in almost an instant he had lost his job and damaged his relationship with his family Nigel had completely stopped posting on Facebook and eventually shut his Facebook account this guy's life was turned upside down and it all stemmed from his actions online I have comfort in knowing that he will never encourage suicide again everybody has their right to an opinion but nobody has the right to prey on the vulnerable do I feel guilty of course but then I remember all of those people that he sought to destroy this man was in a position of care what if my actions had saved the life of someone it is these thoughts that make my guilt fade away okay first off let me say uh yeah I feel like this guy's actions were justified however when he was justifying though the wife the potential for the wife to be living in fear and they said my mission to stop Nigel clouded my thought however I knew this was necessary for the greater good that's eerily similar to a justification that Nigel might have had you know it sounds like Thanos hardest choices require the strongest wills obviously he's saying that the burden of choice didn't actually happen because he didn't consider how the wife would feel he didn't consider any possible downsides to his first part of revenge and obviously this is the nature of nuclear revenge it's not a hundred percent morally in the clear it's more gray area in terms of morality and also let's talk about nihilism really quick because to believe in nihilism is also to disagree in the value of currency because in case you don't know our currency at least like the US dollar is not backed by anything other than that the agreement between you know the people of the world that it has value like it used to be backed by gold like $1 note could get you could net you a certain amount of gold and then we moved on to silver and you know that's where the greenback came from a greenback would be a promise that you would get this value in silver and then eventually I'm not sure when we just completely remove that silver backing and now it's just currency we agree that it has value so think of the value of the universe as sort of like currency the value of currency we all agree that the universe is valuable and has meaning to us because we are living in it it is our entire existence and to say existence has no meaning that's just ridiculous because it is you that is your entire world that is literally you the one thing we know for sure is the thing that is real to us is what we see is what we perceive is our reality even if you believe that we live in a simulation like like the matrix or something we still have our reality that is still our reality that is what we know is what is real and how do you know it doesn't have meaning if you don't see it through to its end you could take that one of two ways but I'm saying you know instead of saying quick game you're finishing it and you can add something of value to what you saw as your reality like in life you Kru a lot of currency and you can consider that success anyways so yeah existence does have value like currency all right now we're looking at some petty revenge okay Frank stir workmates doesn't like it when the joke is on him years ago when I was a youngster just starting to make my way in the adult world I took a job at a machine stop since I was the new guy and a lot younger than the rest of the crew I had to put up with a lot of practical jokes as a type of initiation hazing it was all in good fun mostly so I went along with the jokes knowing that the guys would give it up after a while I was right and after a few weeks when the others realized that I was a decent sort and they could rely on me to hold up my end of the work they eased up on the teasing all of them that is except for one guy he was the shop Dukie sphincter in the resident troublemaker and while most people got along with him no one really liked him this fellow was bald as an egg without a single hair on his head and because we were an intellectual group he was given the nickname Baldy when the rest of the fellows quit their teasing of me Baldy doubled his efforts and his pranks took on a mean-spirited quality tools I needed would go missing or he would accidentally bump the emergency stop on the machines I operated causing me to have to reset and reload the job it got to the point that his harassment was degrading the quality of my work and every time I called him on it he just told me to do something about it trying to provoke a confrontation so I did something about it I figured the best way to deal with this guy was to turn the tables on him give him a taste of his own medicine and make him look foolish in front of the other employees this was an industrial setting so everyone wore the usual protective gear hard hats gloves safety glasses the works at break times Baldy was in the habit of putting his gear in his toolbox topping the pile with his upside down hard hat when we broke for lunch I filed out to the break room with the rest of the crew then doubled back into the shop through another door I went straight to baldies workstation and filled the bottom of his white hardhat with at least an inch of similarly colored half-and-half coffee creamer I double-check that a casual glance at the Hat wouldn't raise suspicion then re joins my fellows and had a very nice lunch break time over we all went back to the shop I head around a corner giggling as Baldy geared up to start work he picked up his hard hat and plopped it on his head as he did so all that half-and-half ran down over his safety glasses and over his face in thick sticky streams of goo they were trying to stay monetized here making him look like the guest of honor at a book he had the same idea he stood there sputtering and cursing at the top of his lungs while the rest of the crew gathered around him laughing and shouting encouragement Baldy always hated me after that but never messed with me again and no one called him Baldy anymore either he had always hated that nickname but I think he would have readily gone back to it if he could because his new nickname among the crew was money shot I appreciate the story I really do and I love just the word choice here it's like when he says when the others realized that I was a decent sort it's like this guy who grew up around like barbershop quartets talking and I love it this story's called the one-year vendetta against my stepfather in early 2018 I was working as a failed real estate agent and had a savings account that I wanted to use for paying a preparatory course that would help me pass the exams for college admission well my stepfather had a grudge against me because I had a drug problem and convinced my mother to not let me use the savings account to afford the course it was in her name I decided that if they wouldn't help me I would do it myself quit real estate business and applied for a test that gives discounts in the course for whoever had the highest grades and got a 70% discount grandfather agreed to help me pay for this course but my stepfather wanted me to drop studies and keep working he called me and threatened to call a corrupt police officer that was a friend of his to plant drugs in my room and arrest me and my b-word mother was on his side I secretly recorded the call and prints of his text and filled a rapport and when I told him he started from this month onwards to avoid me at all cost for the next few months I behaved like the perfect son my mom started to warm up to me again and gave me a notebook that belonged to him found out that he was cheating on my mother and that his degree in IT was no longer valid I gathered the information just in case and anonymously sent an email to his company my mother has in apartments on the beach stepfather poured lots of cash to make the apartment wonderful bought Smart TVs expensive whiskey's new furniture etc with the intention of moving there with my mom he got fired from his high-paying IT job because of the emails has no idea I had anything to do with now and now he is an uber driver without selling anyone I applied for the universities in the city where the apartment is located and passed the exams they are the second and fourth best universities in my country mother is super proud and to save rent costs she decides to let me live in the refurnished apartment stepfather is pissed that he won't be able to enjoy what he bots but can't do anything about it because the apartments isn't his in three days I'll be living in a huge beach apartment with ten thousand plus dollars of luxurious furniture sipping whiskey paid by the person that hates me the most I took crap from both of them for a one year and it's finally paying off he lost his job and when the time is right I'll ruin his marriage too yes freaking rat on his butt but yes wait until it's the most effective time to do it because as that one dude from The Witcher 3 says in the beginning well no he tells Siri and Siri says it back Adam don't use an advantage until it's the most envied advantageous time to use such advanced I don't know I'm paraphrasing really bad actually know that that's your mom's marriage you you gotta let her know don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 65,361
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, r/NuclearRevenge
Id: TB9tuz1Ka1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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