r/IDontWorkHereLady - Co-Worker wants me to WORK on my BREAK...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach in today's subreddit i don't work your lady this story's called i thought what happened to me was an anomaly but this sub proves how commonplace this kind of stuff is when i found this sub i was amazed at how many people had similar experiences to what i had happen i just thought it was a rare alignment of the planets that caused it but now i see how certain people are ridiculous and entitled when it comes to retail workers and where they see them fit in the social hierarchy anyways here's my contribution about 10 years ago i worked as a delivery driver for autozone worked my morning shift did my deliveries and other bs and headed home realized i was out of toilet paper so i stopped by target on the way to pick some up found the toilet paper aisle and headed to get my brand i'm picky i was deciding between the biggest pack they had or just the four roll doing the math and figuring out how much i had to spend that week i noticed another customer had entered the aisle and was heading towards me so i stepped forward assuming she'd pass behind me and i went back to the big decision i had ahead of me my concentration was broken a moment later by the distinct clearing of a throat in that way that it's only made to get someone's attention and not in a very polite way i never considered that she thought i was an employee and just thought i was in her way i looked at the gal and smiled and said excuse me stepped even closer to make room assuming she thought i was in her way and went back to what i was doing well are you gonna help me or what i was completely caught off guard i was like what in the heck is she asking me for help for and i kinda looked around in that way you do just to make sure that you aren't misreading the situation that's when i saw the target employee in their red shirts in khaki pants past the end of the aisle when it hit me i'm wearing my red shirt with the name tag i can understand the confusion now i turn back to her and try to laugh it off to save what i thought would be her embarrassment for mistaking me for a target employee and tell her sorry if my shirt confused you but i don't work here thinking she'd be like oh silly me you have a good day and i'd be able to respond no worries at all you take care out there but heck no that couldn't be how it went down she then proceeds to respond with yes you do you just don't want to help me with a noticeable edge in her voice and narrowing her eyes at me at this point i'm freaking gobsmacked asking myself if this is really happening because it just seems so absurd considering this was pre-reddit for me and i'd never heard about something like this occurring to anyone else i tell her irritated but still not really urinated just non-plussed sorry but i work at autozone she just kinda loses her temper now and says something to the effect of i'm freaking lazy and she wants to know the name of my manager so she can let them know why their employee is lying to customers refusing to help them then i uttered the line that made me laugh when i found the sub because of how true it was and said with as much indignation and righteous fury i had screen warning i don't work your lady you she got ready to start in on me again and i cut her off look i've got black pants they've got tan i unclip my name tag and hold it out shaking it at her c freaking autozone not target now go away she starts winding up again to defend her idiocy and by that point i'm freaking done so i grabbed the toilet paper can't remember if i got the four pack or the big one sorry and i gave her a final fu and walk away as she's squawking on behind me seems like she was trying to figure out which autozone i worked at i could only assume so she could come by and spread some of her unique dookie headery around there as well and probably ask to speak to some type of manager or call corporate or any of the other unfortunate normal bs we've all become accustomed to on here so yeah that's my story with the reality of how weird people are in retail i'd have called her karen here but i know a couple of really great cairns so i kinda avoid the term but i can see why it has become so prevalent i no longer work retail and if the universe is kind i never will again but to all you retail workers getting ready for the nightmare of black friday and the ensuing holiday season i wish you well and i hope people genuinely treat you like people and appreciate you being there i know i do my man let me tell you something if you think that something that happened to you was just a one-off thing that just happened to you and is really rare i can tell you right now if it's dependent on someone being really really really really stupid then it definitely happens all the time because people are always stupid this story is called small shop on an industrial block would often be mistaken for something else i used to work at a small machine shop on an industrial block the addresses were all jumbled up and the block was poorly planned but the majority of the businesses there didn't really deal with the general public so it didn't really matter every now and then we'd have someone knock on our door looking for a different business no big deal the block was really confusing two buildings behind us was one of those asian massage parlors one day while it was just me and my boss the shop we got a knock on the door he went to get it while i kept working they exchanged a few words then my boss turned from the door and shouted out hey op we giving out palm careers today we both laughed our asses off while watching this red-faced little man jog away from our building on the security cameras we had a couple other seedy looking folk come to our door but most of them would scurry off without saying anything once they saw we had only machinery and dudes inside you see that's a funny story because this dude got caught trying to solicit prostitution and then he ran away it's funny okay this story is called can of robot kick ass i've never been on reddit but when i heard about this subreddit i knew i had a story to tell a bit of background last year i took about two months of mma courses i had never gotten in a fight but i have been itching for one ever since i took the course fast forward a couple of months i'm at a local aldi's i am and was in college at the time so i barely get any sleep and i can be very monotone that particular day i had stayed up all night studying for a test and was in no mood for anyone's crap i see a little boy probably four or five years old jumping for a cereal box there was an older gentleman in a wheelchair next to him he calls me over despite my crappy mood i can't say no to children or the elderly i treat my elders with respect and little kids are so full of wonder and excitement that i take any chance i get to leave a positive impact the man in the wheelchair asked me to help his grandson get his favorite cereal i tell the men sure and ask the little boy which cereal do you want def whoops he said so with my immense height i was five foot six by the way i grab a box of froot loops for the child the man thanks me and hands me a five but i put my hand in between us and say my pleasure sir and go back to my shopping i'm trying to decide which cereal to get when i notice a middle-aged man staring at me we will call him male karen my best friend works at an aldi's and tells me this happens a lot when a customer wants attention i hate having people stare at me it makes me extremely uncomfortable i shrug it off and set my eyes on a cereal blueberry frosted mini wheats i didn't have a cart i was only there for a couple of things they only had one box and it was pretty crumbled my friend tells me that product is easily damaged as the items on stores arriving pallets are thrown together pretty mismatched i pick up the box and stared it for a second half admiring my choice and half inspecting the damage as i stare at it i feel a rough tap on my shoulder i'm easily startled and i hate unknown physical contact so i flinch and let out a shaky god as i run towards my aggressor it was male karen are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come help me it took me a second to process as i was running on negative 12 hours of sleep my happy demeanor from helping the elderly man and his grandson was gone i stared him for a few seconds blank-faced and respond in my monotone voice what i said you need to help me now where are the damn canned foods this was my first time in aldi's but i decided to go because i only needed a couple of things i responded to male karen keeping my monotone because i had already had enough of his crap i told him i don't know dude i see milk karen getting red this man had a short temper you work here that means you have that training on the store layout now i'll ask you again where are the damned canned foods male karen was now in my face yelling this at me it probably would have been very intimidating but my mma classes made me either fearless or reckless i didn't move an inch what makes you think i work here i say my calm robot voice you're in uniform and i just saw you help that [ __ ] out i could see a vain bulge in mail karen's head as he said this like i said my friend works at neldi so i know the uniform they wear a navy blue polo that has an ld logo on the left breast with a gray collar gray shoulders and gray sides with blue jeans and safety boots i was wearing a red v-neck black jeans a hats important for later and my safety boots because they're the only shoes i have with souls i tell mel karen still in my hal 9000 voice look dude i don't work here and you're starting to peek me off so please step off probably not the best thing to say to an angry person but he was making me sick i decide i wasn't in the mood to shop that day so i turn away from mail karen put my cereal back then as i put my arms to my side hannibal do your thing the mother trucker sucker punch me in the jaw now i could have gotten the manager and i could have pressed charges but none of that was going through my mind at the moment even if it had i was itching for a reason to test my newly learned mma skills remember i thought back to my first day at mma my coach taught me something he called the tornado joke a command was input into my body and i executed male karen was bigger than me but barely in the blink of an eye i pull his right shoulder while pushing his left as he was turning away from me i slide my right hand under his neck prepping him for a rear naked with my wagona against male karen's throat i pull him onto my knee while contemplating the rear naked male karen tries to talk or yell but my choke was too tight nothing came out he tried to struggle away this only sped the process up after about five seconds male karen goes limp i didn't want to wake him prematurely so i wait another two seconds and slowly set him on the floor my choke was so fast and so flawless that nobody in the store noticed i wanted to go home and i didn't want to go to the cops so i confidently sped walked out of there i parked in a couple of parking spots over because it was a nice day and i wanted an enjoyable walk lucky for me because this meant the security cameras never got my license plate me wearing a hat also meant the cameras never caught my face the next day my friend told me about how a man got choked out at his work and was found by an employee he told me they called the cops but decided not to pursue because male karen threw the first punch and suffered no damage my friend couldn't believe it was me at first but judging the man's hat clothes and height in the video he was pretty easy to convince we still talk about this story in disbelief to this day it was probably the highlight of my life this story is called i do work here but not right now this happened in may 2013. where i work you are allowed to clock in and out up to nine minutes early and this particular day i was doing that one of my co-workers and i both did this regularly and we both ended our shifts at the same time that day at 4 51 pm if memory serves me correctly i will also add that where i work company policy prohibits people from working off the clock requesting or requiring others to work off the clock and ignoring it when others are working off the clock is also prohibited signs are posted in the lounge and also near the time clock to remind us of this policy this is important for later after clocking out my co-worker and i walked to the entrance together looking forward to the restful evening ahead of us as we passed the final department before reaching the checkouts an older co-worker i believe 75 years old at the time approached us i had no idea this woman had any degree of entitlement but i learned in these few seconds how wrong i had been let's meet the cast there's me your host for this journey nice co-worker entitled coworker other co-worker entitled co-worker was from another country so her english was not perfect she approached me with an empty shopping cart and asked me you clock out yes entitled co-worker replied that is the best way i can write that sound people sometimes utter when they mean no entitled co-worker then grabbed my arm and proceeded to pull me toward the empty cart which she was expecting me to take to the front despite my telling her that i had already clocked out for the day nice co-worker perhaps sensing an escalation took the cart to the front because as i described he is a nice person me addressing entitled co-worker you know i'm off the clock and for that matter so is he but he was going that way i'm bowing up to my full height which was significantly taller than entitled co-worker it is against company policy to request an associate to work off the clock i then walk away from entitled co-worker who called after me you watch what you say other co-worker some days later told me that entitled co-worker had complained to him about the incident telling him that since i could have taken the empty cart to the front i was in the wrong for not doing so and apparently ignoring the fact that she was breaking company policy by asking who she knew was off the clock to perform work not long after that entitled co-workers sadly became ill later that year and had to resign from her job entitled co-worker passed away later that year and i have been told she was still complaining about this incident while she was on her deathbed okay well that's kinda sad but wow how petty do you have to be to take that to your deathbed geez this story's called a little caring revenge this can probably put under a few other subs but i think it fits here the best background i used to be an hourly manager for walmart worked nights and had all the typical walmart people incidents the company underwent a lot of changes and promotion was looking grim so i left on good terms with the store manager i still live close to my old store and needed to grab a few things before taking my family out to dinner it was father's day so i had khakis and a blue button up on i happened to bump into my former store manager and we caught up for a bit we had been talking close to the registers and as we parted karen came screeching at me i looked at my former boss and he grinned and nodded here's the cast store manager me karen security your cashier has verbally assaulted me and has humiliated me in front of all those customers points out of cashier side notes i know this cashier i hired and trained her she had also babysat for me on several occasions i'm good friends with her family slow down please start from the beginning that little bench told me my money is no good here she wouldn't run my card and called me trash me seeing this as a scam for free stuff well please come with me and security can take a statement i am sure they can pull footage from the register while you fill it out i begin heading towards the security office and she begins to follow but at the mention of register footage she stops cold and begins getting louder and irate i want my items i want them now while she is screaming i recognize the head of security walking our way i understand ma'am please come with me and this will go quicker security stops to talk to store manager and i gesture for karen to follow we make our way to the security office store manager and security in tow security opens the door and lets karen in inside the footage is already on the screen and store manager moves past me into the room man we are gonna have to detain you till the police arrive i will not wait i want my things now who are you i am the store manager and apart from you yelling at this customer he gestures to me i grin at her you have a stolen credit card on you and you will wait for the police store manager shuts the door and turns to me so when are you coming back as much fun as that was i am not i have had my fill of retail my little revenge on karen's i never told her i worked there i acted as a concerned customer turns out the card was stolen and flacked she got upsets over her stolen card getting declined ladies and gentlemen we got him it's always a good day when another karen ends up in jail don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 5,631
Rating: 4.9795399 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: TONsuxmmIyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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