r/maliciouscompliance | My Boss asked me to report 100% of Vehicle Damage

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first i do a giveaway every single week so if you're interested in entering i'll tell you later on in the video how to enter but today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by lebanon the great boss asks me to report 100 of vehicle damage i used to work as a supervisor of a security team at a large industrial facility i had a good relationship with the manager we will call him dave until he appointed his friend as a middle manager we will call him steve between the supervisors and himself i did not have a good relationship with steve at all and suddenly dave started rejecting ideas suggestions and requests out of hand the friendly guy that i used to go to and have sit-down chats with regularly became standoffish and outwardly hostile at times the staff all noticed this as well and would frequently comment that they didn't know what i'd done to dave and steve but it was clear that i was being bullied all of a sudden it's entirely fair to say that i couldn't do right for doing wrong all the time and every little thing i did or did not do resulted in a lengthy email conversation with dave and steve there is a lot i could add to this but for the sake of brevity i'm going to move on to the point of my story the site we had to patrol was about five square miles so vehicles were provided so that we could patrol effectively and carry equipment and personnel to required locations part of my duties at the start of the shift were ensuring that the vehicles had not been damaged on the previous shift and that all vehicles had the required levels of equipment in them the first patrol went out the moment our shift started and as this was a regulatory requirement could not be delayed or skipped this was the start of a night shift and so it was dark very dark we had maglite torches but after six years of use and abuse they weren't exactly brilliant i didn't find any new damage and so recorded that the vehicles were okay and recorded their mileage on our check sheets the next night when i came in i had a very angry intone email from dave demanding to know why my team had damaged one of the vehicles on the previous night apparently the vehicle looked as if it had been reversed into a wall i immediately went to check the vehicle and found two extremely small divots in the rear bumper i found them not by looking but by feeling the bumper i simply could not see them at all using the light available to me at the time i then went and asked all my team and all of them insisted that they had not even used the vehicle i went and checked the vehicle check sheets and found true to my team's word that the mileage on the day shift's sheet was identical to the night shift sheet the vehicle had not been moved i sent an email back to dave informing him that the vehicle hadn't been used by us and apologized for missing the damage however lighting had made that extremely difficult this was my last shift before my scheduled days off so i was certain that steve would be pushing dave to punish me for something by the time i got back sure enough on my first day back in i was summoned to dave's office for what we british politely referred to as a bollocking dave insisted that he could see the damage in the dark and could actually spot it from about 10 meters away for context all of my guys had been shown the damage and all of them without fail had said where when i pointed it out at close range not only that but there was now additional damage that i hadn't spotted and my team was also now responsible for luckily my boss had included a photograph of the damage i had missed see the light scratch no i didn't either for dave and steve however this was good enough to be punitive towards me and my team and told me that unless a culprit was found and named i would be held personally responsible and would have to pay the insurance excess to get it fixed dave also insisted that the lighting was more than sufficient to spot the damage on the vehicles i told dave that this was ridiculous and he couldn't enforce financial penalties on a vehicle that had again not been used by my team dave was insistent though it was my job to report 100 of the damage on the vehicles or i would be held responsible and at that point something clicked in my mind and luckily dave decided to back up his instruction with an email that steve was cc'ed into the next shift i refused to allow my team to use the vehicles until they had been fully checked inside outside underneath mechanically and equipment levels each vehicle took about two hours i photographed every single small bit of damage that i found no matter how insignificant or whether it had been reported previously remember the instruction was to report 100 percent of the damage not 100 percent of unreported damage and sent it all in an email to dave with a text description of the nature and location of the damage for each photograph there were 162 photographs in total the first patrol could not be skipped and so i had to send out one of my officers on foot to patrol the site this meant that the side patrol took nearly 3 hours and he was not available to fulfill other duties afterwards it's worth noting at this point that my team were also seeing this as a direct attack on them rather than just me so they were fully supportive of the measures i was taking this resulted in the sight shift manager demanding answers to which i was able to tell the shift manager of dave's instructions and why i was having to send officers out on foot i had and still do have a great relationship with all of the site shift managers and so while he was frustrated he understood the predicament i had been put in especially when the instructions were shown to him in black and white this resulted in a financial penalty for my company dave was off the next day so i did the exact same thing again with the exact same amount of photographs but all taken on a fresh inspection the night shift after i came to work to find dave waiting in the office for me i was allowed to finish my handover with the off-going supervisor before dave shut the door and refused to let me leave before he had discussed why he received multiple emails over 800 megabytes in total i didn't compress or reduce the size of the photos and how the company had received a financial penalty and the regulatory body were coming to speak to him i reminded him that he had demanded that i report 100 percent of the damage on the vehicles and that this had taken time i couldn't allow any member of the team to use any vehicle until they had been checked as there could be financial penalties involved dave frustratedly pointed out that many of the picks were too dark to see anything anyway and so most of the photographs were pointless i apologized for the lighting but pointed out that the said lighting was more than sufficient to spot any damage and so he should be able to easily see the damage i had reported dave insisted that i had deliberately misinterpreted his instructions and he would be taking it to a disciplinary i informed him that this was no problem if he could just let me know the time and date i would inform my union rep who had been fully appraised of the situation and was 100 behind my suggestion that i report every single tiny bit of damage on the vehicles dave was ultimately left with no choice but to drop any attempts to discipline me and left steve to deal with me from that point on steve then took up the role of disciplinarian for the next three months until i left the job however every time he tried i was able to shut it all down due to briefings with my union rep i left the job in february of 2019 and still to this day received complaints from members of staff who remained there about how terrible the job has gotten due to dave and steve unions they're good for you whatever job you do if you had the opportunity to join a union for it would you let me know in the comments down below or if you're already in a union let me know about that too our next story is by bailey the nerd what is and is not a black belt several years ago i worked for the best mediocre company to buy electronics from i am a simple man and i care very little for how i dress the only thing i ask is that i'm allowed at least a tiny bit of personal expression background i worked in the mobile cellular department for three years i had already had a couple years experience at a certain shack full of radios and was the local cellular guru i had trained everybody in my department and was the regular go-to man for a certain squad of geeks when it came to anything that touched a cellular network managers came and went assistant managers came and went until emily emily was about my age young and came in with a mindset that she was a go-getter and knew all about everything cellular on several occasions co-workers came to me instead of her for questions i had to fix a few of her mistakes and she'd argue with me on processes that i tweaked because they didn't work otherwise it was at this point that she a die-hard rules girl had decided that she hated me so she began nitpicking my wardrobe first it was my boots i like work boots they have ankle support and she had taken away our ability to sit during the day so i needed comfy shoes they were not dress code as they were not black okay well that's fine i switched to black shoes occasionally forgetting whenever she had a day off then she committed a grievous sin she attacked my belt belts were required by the dress code and they were required to be black belts my belt was a black belt with deadpool logos all around it because i'm a die-hard marvel fan emily said i'm giving you a warning about that belt dress code says that you need to wear a black belt to work i say it is a black belt it's just got a logo around it well it needs to be all black nowhere in the dress code does it say that it technically says it's up to the gm's decision besides what about co-workers one through five who all wear patterned belts this is my decision and i say you need a black belt so of course i go ask every other manager in the store not a single one of them cares especially because we live in an extremely liberal city where personal expression tends to be taken to extremes i finally ask the gm he's shocked that he has to answer such an asinine and pointless question and indicates that he doesn't care i helpfully mention this to emily to which she responds well i spoke to gm and while he doesn't care personally he said he'd leave the decision up to me unless you want to go to corporate about it well she knows that corporate is a sluggish and useless entity so she leaves me there smugly glowing over my perceived defeat i do believe you've all waited long enough for my malicious compliance so while corporate is a slow and useless entity parts of it are actually surprisingly useful as it just so happened our store had been selected as the model store for the upcoming black friday holiday weeks of planning and reorganizing and laying out all got crammed into one stress-filled week as corporate was going to visit now i cannot even begin imagining giving a crap who the vice president of whatever giant company i'm working for is there are so many layers between me and them that there isn't any situation in which i could imagine myself caring about this person who gets paid to sit on their butt while plebs like me do all the work unless you're someone who believes that their entire future lays in that company unless you're someone with that weird obsessive ambition to move into management in retail as a life goal unless you are someone like emily the fateful day comes and everything is going just as scheduled i'm wearing my deadpool belt that i've already been written up for three times watching as the supposedly very important person rolls into the building immediately he's swarmed by every worker with an even mildly brown nose now before this i had been getting death glares from emily like crazy she knows i'm up to something and has already promised to write me up again once the vice president has left midway through their lap dance around the storm they're right in front of my section that's when i take emily's advice to heart i walk up to the crowd of managers elbow my way through to the vice president and ask hey mr vp do you mind if i ask you a brief question now keep in mind this man is looking at me as if a rat or other such vermin pleb has attempted to communicate with him this is not someone who can really remember the last time he's been addressed by a commoner such as myself go ahead so lately i've had some disagreements with emily i pointed her about the dress code with the belt dress code says to wear black belts but doesn't specify entirely black belts being as my belt is primarily black and adds a little personality to my uniform i believe it to be fine for me to wear but despite agreement from all other managers here emily insists on writing me up for wearing it what's your opinion on the matter the vp glares at me and emily i don't care seems fine to me thank you i leave the group emily's face is red enough that my color blind bud can see it and the other manager sigh and forge on with the tour yes i got a talking to by the gm but at that point he couldn't afford to lose anyone pre-black friday and the issue got forgotten after the insanity of the holiday from that point on i was allowed to wear my belt honestly i would think that wearing a black belt that's enhanced by a deadpool logo is kind of like a plus for a best buy employee i think it would make him look more personable and kind of somebody that just seems naturally in the right element for a best buy type store i don't know is that weird so quickly now i just want to explain how to enter the giveaway the way it works is i take every video that was uploaded in a given week find one random comment that was relevant to the stories in that video and i give them an amazon gift card it's that simple so all you want to do to have the best chances to win is to leave a comment relevant to the video in some form on every video this week that's all you have to do and best of luck and also if you could like the videos too that would help more than you could possibly imagine and our final story of the day is by fresh out of patience my boss wanted me to dress for him this was years ago but it still makes me giggle when i was 19 i got my first real office job we weren't customer facing so everyone dressed really casually jeans tennis shoes t-shirts one day my boss called me in to talk about dress code he said that he'd like his assistant to wear business attire like they do at the corporate office i ask what that is and he said like little dresses with jackets i felt icky but i didn't fully understand why for years that night my boyfriend now my husband took me to the store and i bought five outfits that exactly matched my boss's attire old man jeans cotton button-up shirts and loafers that's what i wore until i left the company he couldn't say a darn thing and he never talked to me about dress code again i now realize that it ruined his little fantasy and it makes me proud of my young self as unfortunate as it is it kind of is something that you should have been at least somewhat aware of i'm sure in reality the weirdness of that request not the specific reasoning why was what influenced buying the old man jeans and cotton button-up shirts and loafers and stuff but definitely in a workspace you always have to be at least somewhat careful about what other people are saying or what other people are trying to make you do and you know really analyzing their reasoning behind it because as unfortunate as it is there's a lot of bad people out there good on op for completely shutting down this nasty boss's fantasy thing pretty disgusting but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so which of these stories was your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing and turn notifications on if you haven't so you'll never miss an upcoming video any little thing that you do helps the channel grow so much more whether it's commenting subscribing or just watching the video thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 19,090
Rating: 4.9233871 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: fpC5KDeT2zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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