r/MaliciousCompliance A BURGER KING REVENGE! - Reddit Stories

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today we've got a great fast food malicious  compliance story we'll get into that in a bit but   first the cop said I had to so I did exactly that  for context I used to work as an impound driver in   my city we were the bad guys and always got angry  folks getting their vehicles back but this one was   personally my favorite release I did one of my  co-workers towed an old Ford minivan from the   late 99s that was parked in a strip malls parking  lot for being a non-customer so we brought it to   our nearest impound lot around a week later  I was assigned to release the car back to the   owner at a scheduled time we give people a grace  period of 30 minutes after their appointment to   compensate for traffic and arranging themselves  transportation to the impound yards that being   said him and his girlfriend were late and missed  the appointment well after the grace period turns   out he was out of town for the week to visit  friends I decided to be nice and release the   car to them since they had trouble getting here  boy were're the couple not nice at all screaming   at me and throwing insults left and right anyway  I asked for their information he refused to hand   it over because he said that I would steal his  info and sell it I don't know how he came up   with that but whatever I told him that we don't  do that and that it's for paperwork in order to   release the car he made threats to me and said  that he would ram my work truck out of the way   with his van I drove a Ford F450 with a wrecker  on the back there's no way he would be able to   we went back and forth for a good 10 minutes  saying I couldn't release his car without it   and he would have to leave and reschedule for a  later time he said then I'll just stay here then   until you give me my crap and proceeded to call  the police they arrive after some time and it's   well past my shift and I wanted to go home the  officer gets both of our sides of the story and   ended up saying just release the car dude tired  and wanting to go home I said fine but it goes   against policy and he would be charged for the  time he wasted which was about an hour at this   point the officer was satisfied with that answer  and told the angry owner still angry he yelled   out to me and I want want the exact price of what  I owe not a penny more now here's the malicious   compliance I agree to his terms and start doing  the math for the bill little did he know we charge   people $22 every minute past appointment if they  have not paid it's predatory but it was listed   on our price list in the glass countertop the  toe was originally going to be around $450 tow   fee appointment fee and storage fee every day it  ended up being almost 2,300 $100 he was livid at   the price the officer's eyebrows raised and was  slack jawed and I was internally smug I broke   down the costs and charges bit by bit he threw  a tantrum as the officer told him you did say   you wanted the exact price sir after he angrily  paid for his bill a late night cooworker showed   up and I filled him in on what happened he told  me to just head home and he'll take care of the   rest I start to drive home and I get a call from  that coworker and I can hear screaming in the   background from the van owner he told me what  happened immediately after I left turns out the   gentleman who left his van at the strip mall had  his catalytic converter stolen and fuel siphoned   so he couldn't drive it home and needed another  tow to get it home I bursted out laughing as hard   as I could it was a very well-paid day it was both  a malicious compliance story and a Karma Story   edit if he rescheduled it would have been $520 not  2,300 I want to enjoy this malicious compliance   story but that pricing is so predatory $22 every  minute and chances are a lot of these people who   end up having their vehicles towed are probably  going to be mostly people that aren't well off so   just imagine you show up 10 minutes late and you  have to pay another $200 I mean as much as I'm   going to be like oh heck yeah they got this guy  I'm just left like God what a scummy place also   hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy awesome  stories of malicious compliance why don't hit   those like And subscribe buttons down below that  said our next story is cash only you say tow truck   story reminded me of my own tow truck malicious  compliance a few years ago I was living in an   apartment with a small lot and during the winter  if there was a storm we were supposed to move our   car to the street for the plow usually we would  get an email Andor text with the time to be out   by usually so one night overnight we get about an  inch and a half of snow this is a place that gets   a decent amount of snow so no big deal I wake up  at a normal time no text or anything it's going to   be like 40° in Sunny so it's going to melt anyway  I figure I don't need to bother moving the car so   I sit down to play some video games before I go  to work around 10:00 a.m. or so I hear the plow   outside and say ah okay get my boots and coat on  and get ready to go I get outside plow is gone   and people are starting to move back into the lot  so rather than move my car for the sake of moving   it I clear off the snow grab my shovel and clean  out around the car where it got plowed in honestly   our plow drivers suck so it was the cleanest spot  in the lot go back inside for an hour or so walk   outside to go to work and car is gone hm what's  that about I didn't get any call or notification   or anything nobody knocked on my door I'm 99.9%  sure it got towed but I'm fuming so I called the   police non-emergency line to report it stolen  police super helpful I explain the situation   and that it's probably towed but I'm confused as  to why it was towed they say it's a civil matter   so they aren't going to charge anyone with theft  but they are at least able to locate where the   car is tow shop across town $115 cab fee whoopee  call the shop to confirm my car is there and see   what the damage is $180 cash only this is like  2019 in the United States so cash only is kind   of weird but I was working at a winery making tips  so I had a lot of cash saved for rainy day luckily   a quirk of that is that being a small place often  times the tips are in small bills and we usually   don't have enough big bills to exchange them so on  a day I make $100 plus in tips I leave with a lot   of ones and fives first I tackle my change jar and  count out $18 of loose change then I get the rest   of the cash as many ones as I can then two fives  get me to $180 even perfect honestly this was   only half malicious and half wanting to take the  opportunity to unload the absurd amount of cash I   had laying around but off I go get to the shop ask  if there's anything they can do because I really   don't think they had a real reason to tell me nope  nothing we can do just following orders the person   behind the counter says with a very smug grin  her grin turned to horror when I pulled out the   change bag I spend the next 15 minutes watching  her meticulously count out pennies nickels dimes   quarters ones fives $180 even I'm $10 short I  misheard her on the phone it was $190 I pull a   $20 bill out of my wallet and ask for the 25s back  oh man she was ticked was this Petty and did the   tow truck desk lady do nothing wrong absolutely  but if you're going to tow people's cars and make   them pay nearly $200 in cash don't be surprised  when they bring cash so whatever the issue is I   think op was always going to be screwed here  because apparently everybody else had already   moved their cars so I don't know what happened  with OP but everybody else got the notification   our next story is Rake The Yard my son was always  big for his age he weighed 10 lb when he was born   he weighed 50 lb when he was 2 years old and was  the size of a normal 5-year-old so when he was 6   years old he was still really big he was not fat  at all just big anyway we lived on the farm with   my dad one spring day I had to go somewhere and  left my six-year-old son with my dad the they were   going to do some yard work instead my Dad decided  that it would be a better idea to have my son rake   the front yard by himself and he could take a nap  in his chair my son didn't argue he just waited   for my dad to fall asleep so my dad is sleeping in  his chair and he hears the sound of a tractor and   doesn't really pay attention because we live on a  farm out in the country but the tractor is getting   closer then he looks out the window and there's  my son on the tractor right next to the house my   son is waving at him and smiling ear to ear my  dad jumped out of his chair and went outside to   see my son on the tractor with the hay rake raking  the front yard my dad just stood there dumbfounded   watching then my son drove back to the pole barn  and put the tractor back he came up to my dad and   said I'm done raking now dad my dad picked up the  hand rake and asked why he didn't use it and my   son said you said rake the yard I rake the yard  you didn't how my dad couldn't argue with that   logic my son has been driving the tractor since he  was 2 years old it's a small tractor that's been   in my family since 1976 I mean hey he already had  4 years experience at that point on operating that   tractor if it makes it easier for him I say have  at it but I mean obviously they should have some   kind of supervision so next time hopefully Dadu  will cautiously watch our next story is sleazy   jet gets more than it expects for overweight  luggage payments this is just a short one but   it makes me smile a lot when I first started to  travel to London for work around 2006 I would   get a low Airline I will call sleazy jet their  London airports were let's say euphemistically   described as being in London but in fact from them  you could see London using a telescope on a clear   day if you knew which way to look this made travel  a daunting Prospect as multiple trains and tubes   were required anyway on this occasion I was flying  from London to stanstead I had just finished up an   employment and was glad to be moving on I had  with me all my worldly work rated possessions   in one massive bag from my 3-month stint because  it was everything it was very heavy and I knew it   would attract an additional expense to go in the  hold but was resigned to paying it I got to the   airport early and since there were a slots arcade  I went and played starting with 100 British pounds   and in 2 hours I ended with 800 lb mostly in one  PB coins this was before payout machines issuing   paper money I was now even more weighed down  I then went to check my bag and got the good   news that it was going to cost me £ 330 extra  you could see their satisfaction with catching   another overweight hold bag they were shocked when  I agreed to pay and gave them 330 lb in 1B coins   everyone was compliant to this day the shock on  their faces still gives me a warm glow not only   did that place end up losing money on the slots  there wasn't even really technically a net gain as   long as they're the ones that own and operate the  slots I mean after everything the airport was just   out what 400 lb I love that op walked in there  played the slots had to pay a 330 lb bag fee and   still came out with around a 400 lb profit this  next story is you told me I didn't know so I now   don't know so one of the bosses came up to me one  day and made the comment that all of my vendors   that I've been dealing with for over a year now  have to go through my boss because I might not   know what's going on my boss has only been here  for barely a month and all my vendors haven't met   my boss and still only go through me but okay  I'll let all my vendors know they have to talk   only to him now no more texting me about stuff  fast forward a couple weeks other boss wants to   know why something is empty that's a vendor item  he asks me I tell them I don't know all my vendors   go through someone else now so he asks me to text  them oh sorry I no longer have their numbers gave   them all to my boss not my job anymore shrug my  bad I mean realistically it makes your job easier   to do this too right so hey I don't know you  have to go talk to the boss I know nothing our   next story is get to the WAPP I ordered lunch for  myself from Burger King a US fast food chain using   the company website they have a corporate deal  with door dash for delivery so a Dasher brought me   food there was a problem with my order a missing  drink click clickey I reported the missing drink   to the website and enjoyed my lunch but not as  much as I would have enjoyed it with a delicious   drink ding get a mail from Jay at BK hi I'm Jay  sorry about your food I'd like to give you a $15   food credit would that make it up to you did you  see that right there that was it I thought about   it for six possibly as many as seven Pico seconds  and replied heck yes Jay send me the coupon for   free food freed me baby and shortly afterwards  a coupon appeared in the your offers part of the   website I'm a fairly frequent flyer at BK so so I  was happy until I realized that one lunch for one   person cost $10 to $15 Spas without the service  charges and delivery fees two the $15 coupon is   applied to the base amount three there is a small  order charge that is applied after the coupon like   we took $15 off but we're adding $2.50 back on  because freak you four there is a minimum base   charge for delivery of $5 beneath which they  won't deliver at all so Jay got me offered me   $15 for a missing drink I've seen five for the  same issue before so I thought I was # winning I   took it and realized too late that I couldn't use  it to order a meal and save money well played Jay   well played I mean you're definitely going to  get played if you want to try to save any kind   of money and also do door Dash delivery the real  play here is you save it for the one time you're   actually in a position where like maybe you're  on the way home and you can swing in and pick the   order up yourself and you just pop in the pickup  Mobile order that way you don't have all these   little fees and delivery expenses and whatnot  but yeah if you just stick to that delivery   fee they're definitely going to screw you over  on that but definitely the most scummy thing is   them having a small order charge I don't know if  that's because of BK or because of door Dash but   charging you an extra $2 to $3 because your order  wasn't big enough that gives me ideas of giving   them certain kind of hand gestures definitely  doesn't make me want to get to the Whopper but   with that being said that's all the time we have  for today now if you want to hear another awesome   malicious compliance story check out that video  on the left or if you missed my latest video check   out that video on the right that's said I'll  see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 5,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Storytime, r/, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: O6LdOCo0nxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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