r/NuclearRevenge MY FRIEND SOLD MY WHOLE BUSINESS! - Reddit Stories

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I had always thought getting married to the guy of  your dreams would be a very enjoyable experience,   ever since I was little, I had always had the  mind-set that the guy I would eventually get   married to would be a very respectable, loving,  caring and by far, would be my perfect guy. I   guess this is what most ladies usually dream  of when asked of their future partners. But I   can tell you with all honesty there is in the  world, my case was most definitely not it. For   as long as I can remember in my marriage, I have  never experienced a much coy switch up or drastic   change in a man’s character than I did in Tom. My name is Emily, I've been married to my husband,   Tom, for almost 6 years, or 7th anniversary  would be coming up by October. I would not   say I have not been happily married for  the entire 6 years, because there was most   definitely a period where I experienced the  sweetness and pure nature of love from Tom,   which was around the first year of our marriage. My story and Tom’s go way back to when we had met   for the very first time. This was immediately  after graduation from high school. Tom and   I have been mere acquaintances back then in  high school, as back then, he was the kind of   guy that would rarely associate himself with  other people, either in social gatherings or   in general. He was what you would call a strict  introvert. I on the other hand, was overly social,   and thus I knew next to everyone everywhere  I went, and I was basically the most social   person you would ever meet . At the time, I just  knew there would have been no reason for the both   of us to even associate with each other. However,  this would change much sooner than I had thought.   So the school had organised a closed in party  for the members of the school, which involved and   not excluding the academic staffs, non academic  staffs, and obviously the students. During this   period while everyone was being asked out to the  upcoming party, I was surprisingly left out, as I   had received no offer from anyone. It it kind of  hurt at the time, seeing as amongst all my peers   and my friends I was the one most likely to have  a partner to the dance. I just waited patiently   as I began to get less and less interested in the  dance, as at this time, every single person was   literally taken. To the extent that I even went as  far as taking matters into my own hands, by going   around and asking guys myself if they would like  to go to the dance with me, and practically every   single person that I had approached and asked  literally turned me down on the spot, even guys I   had thought that were single at the time and would  not have had a date to the party at the time,   were among those that turned me down at the time.  It got to a point that it became frustrating,   and then later on, annoying. But I just decided  to pay it no mind, as this was no longer something   that interested me again. But seeing as the  school made the attendance to the party mandatory,   I just had to come regardless of whether or  not I had a partner to go to the dance with.  It was the day of the party, a very sad and long  friendly morning, and all my friends were so   excited about the dance seeing as they even left  me out of their conversation and their after party   plans, seeing as I did not have a partner of my  own. It hurt that my friends would do this to me,   but I did not take it to heart. My goal that  evening was just to survive the party night   and forget it had ever happened. The school  dismissed the students quite early that day,   as we were instructed to head back to our homes  and prepare for the party which was slated for the   same evening that very day. We were dismissed  at around a few minutes past 12PM and were to   reconvene back at the school Gym which was  where the party was supposed to take place.   I got there a few minutes past 7PM, as the time of  commencement of the party was 30 minutes after 6,   but I was not willing to comply by this time,  seeing as I was practically the least motivated   person to come for the party at the time. Little  did I know that I was only seconded by one person,   which was none other than Tom. Apparently when  I got to the venue of the party, I had no idea   that Tom was also not present, as you could say  he has a zero rating on his social presence. I   just sat down at the corner of the room, while I  watched as every single one of my friends had the   party of their lives, everyone was paired up and  ready to get the party started, but there I was,   sitting in the corner of the room like some loser.  At the time, I had not the mind nor the intention   to stay in the room any longer, so I just left  the premises as I headed back to the class area,   just to try and get a breather. And as I  approached the class I wanted to cool my   head off in, there he was, Tom was already in  the room I was making plans on making use of,   to pass the time. The moment I saw him in the  class, I tried to apologise and leave immediately,   but he stopped me and said if I wanted to make use  of the class, I was free, seeing as he literally   had not the right, nor the power to stop me  from doing so. I was still being stubborn and   reluctant at the time, but I later gave In and  came into the class. We initially had a really   long moment where neither of us had anything to  say to the other, until I asked what his name was,   what grade he was in, and why he was here in the  class room and not out there in the Gym enjoying   himself. He responded in same and asked why I was  also not in the gym, but rather I was looking for   a place to escape down to. I explained myself to  him, which till this day, I do not know why I did   so to a complete stranger at the time, but he did  the same, as he also told me why he was here in   the classroom and not down there in the gym.  Surprisingly we both had very similar reasons,   as he too was not able to fins someone he could  take to the party, and thus after he had checked   himself into the party, he immediately found a  chance to leave the party and come here just to   enjoy some quality and alone time all by himself.  He seemed like a really nice enough person and I   began to wonder why It was that I had never once  remembered myself engaging in a conversation with   him. The night was a very long one and we both  had lots of things to say to each other all to   pass the time we had. We talked about a lot, who  we both were individually, what we had planned for   ourselves in the nearest future, what our goals  and ambitions were, what we had planned to do once   we got out of High-school, just basic stuffs like  that. And before you know it, it was not too long   before we saw that every person that was attending  the party began exiting the Gym, as it was already   signalled, the end of the party that is, I was  initially surprised, as I thought at first that   the party was ended abruptly, but after checking  my phone for the time, I realised that time was   far spent. And I did not notice this because  Tom and myself were both having one of the most   interesting and intelligent conversations I have  ever had. I even thought to myself back then that,   I had never recalled myself having a conversation  with someone, and the I would begin losing track   of time, as I was a very time conscious person.  Anyways after which we had seen the members of   the school begin exiting the school premises  and conducting searches in the classrooms,   to find out if there was any students that  was still lingering around in the classrooms,   we decided to get up and leave the classroom. The  conversation we were having was so interesting   and captivating, that I just could not help but  request for his number so that we both would be   able to meet on another time. We exchanged numbers  and we both went on our way home. It was after I   had gotten home, gotten myself settled down, and  freshened up, that I realised that at that moment,   I actually was kind of interested In Tom. I Know how crazy I must sound, but that   was genuinely how I felt at the time. Probably it  was because I was already rejected by practically   everyone I knew at the time and for others that  I just had relations with, I was still rejected   by them. So this seemed like it was right from  the get go. I paid little to no attention to what   ever it was that was running through my mind  at the time that was trying to make me lose   interest in Tom. I mean how could I possible  do that, for one he was the perfect gentleman   to me throughout the time we were together,  he is very good looking, the perfect height,   his voice was the perfect level of deep, and  his demeanour was sublime. Everything about him   just caught my attention, I didn’t think there  was anything that could ward me off from him.  Following out resumption back to school the  following week, Tom and I got really close,   in fact, I could say it took us a few days less  than a month for the both of us to become as close   as we did at the time. It was really something.  We were practically inseparable. It came sooner   rather than later, that is Tom asking me out. I  knew this was coming, because I have practically   been hinting it to him in the most subtlest way  possible and I always knew he picked up on the   hints. Anyways following the events that  happened and took place the coming weeks,   he finally asked me to be his girlfriend and this  was the very beginning of our journey, together.  We would occasionally go out on dates during  our free time, and I could ay this helped In   boosting the current state of our relationship.  The realisation that he really was a handsome   enough guy that I had started to notice that  he could and would most definitely be getting   offers from other girls, as he was perfect in any  way physically possible, and to top things off,   he was literally the perfect gentleman. I mean  what else could a lady ask for in a man. I even   jokingly tried to tease him about it one of these  days we were hanging out together, when something   happened. So picture this, we went out on a date  to one of our famous and regular restaurants for   our usual dates, and after which we had already  placed our orders, we decided to take our usual   spot at the corner of the restaurant and hang out,  only foe a lady to walk up to him and complement   him om his beauty and how good looking he was.  He seemed shy bat first but after she had left   our table, he seemed gleeful and really proud of  himself. I was happy my man was really this happy,   and this perfect, but I did not fancy the idea  of another woman complementing him on his beauty,   while I was there and even while I was not. But  he seemed happy about it, and I just tried to   lighten the mood by teasing him about it, and he  almost snapped at me, trying to defend himself,   by saying it was not his fault she came up t meet  him and all, and that what did you want from and   for him to do when ever such a situation should  happen again. I just tried to lighten the mood,   but it had seemed at this time that things  were starting to get heated and serious,   so I just decided to drop the matter, and let us  enjoy the time we had to spend together that day.  This was the first event that had happened  like this, and soon after being together   with him for many years, I could say it  most definitely does not get any better,   as it only gets worse and the more I tried to keep  quiet on the matter but it got to a point I just   could not. Soon after graduating high-school  and college, we both were still together and   strong for almost 4 years back then. So we had  decided to move in together with each other,   because at the time this had seemed like  a not so logical but reasonable enough.   We moved in together, and a few months after we  had moved in together, he decided to propose to   me at the time. And I accepted immediately as I  loved him that much and I was fully willing and   ready to be with him all my life at the time. Even  considering the fact that we still have not found   out a reasonable and effective enough solution to  the problem of ladies approaching him and kill,   which I thought would stop the moment he began  making it general knowledge that he was already   happily married and taken. However the most put  of character and context thing happened one very   day that crumbled the very foundation of our  marriage, and had thus led to both of us having   second doubts about our marriage at the time. So Tom had initially told me he was going to be   away from home for just 2 days pending the time  he was going to be done with a certain work order   he had to take care of at the time. I agreed to  him being away for the time he had requested,   which was a full weekend, and I had expected him  back the very first day of the following week if   everything goes as planned. But apparently unknown  to me, I had no idea about the things that had   been happening in his life when I was not present.  So a little birdie told me, and by little birdie i   mean my best friend, Anna, that she would like to  share a very disturbing image she had just taken   at that very moment we were talking. And I got  confused for a moment, but I asked her to send it,   knowing how hysterical and overly hyper she can  be, I just decided to go along with the flow,   and she sent me a picture of Tom at the club  with another lady, and she asked whether or   not she was seeing correctly as she wanted me to  clarify whether or not it was my husband in the   picture. I couldn’t even respond as I was too  awestruck to even say anything anymore. I just   hung up the phone and I broke down in tears. This  went on for a while, after which I had decided to   compose myself and await his arrival to get his  own perspective of this image I had just received.  He got back the following Monday, as planned  and when I asked how his work order was he   began formulating a story for me om the spot, and  when I could not take it anymore, I brought out   the picture Annie, had sent to me of himself  in the club with some other girls, having the   time of his life apparently. When he saw this  he quickly switched up, as he got mad, asking   why I had someone trail him when he was going  out and why I did not trust him to even leave   the house by himself. Somehow he made himself  the victim in all of these. We couldn’t finish   our conversation that say and even when he got  back I already noticed that he had no intention   of coming clean and letting us resolve this as  adults. I decided to wait it out patiently, for   him to finally come clan and apologise at the very  least. Unfortunately I waited for quite a while,   as my waiting soon progressed quickly from  days, to weeks to months and ultimately years,   5 years to be exact. And at this point, I had  already gotten fed up with his attitude, as this   was not the man I had fallen in love with and  gotten married to, and when I found out that he   was still continuing with his activities, I just  decided I would get back at him in the very same   way, but instead of heading out to the club and  picking a random guy, I decided to invite one of   his buddies over and things got heated between the  both of us, and we got to do the deed, all while   I was anticipating his arrival during the act,  but he soon came back home after the act, while   we were cuddling. He was furious, near mad, as he  began to ask why I would do such thing, and with   his buddy for that matter. I just nonchalantly  excused myself to the restroom to freshen up,   as I looked at him and said straight to him while  looking at his eyes, “we are even now aren’t we?”. One might argue differently, when told that  establishing a business enterprise with a very   close friend, partner or even brother, would be a  terrible if not bad idea but that was not the case   with Jared and I. We both were successful owners  of our joint business, and things were going   really smooth not until we got an offer for a buy  out, and Jared convinced me totally to at least   take what they were offering as this seemed like  a more than good enough deal for our business. At   the time I had no idea about the legalities behind  the deal, but I just decided to go along with   Jared, since he was even more knowledgeable than  I was in matters like this. Unfortunately for me,   I was too complacent and decided to let Jared  handle it, by trusting him completely. To my   greatest surprise, he altered the deal to his  favour, and took the majority of the funds we   were both supposed to receive as a result of  the deal of the buy out of our joint company.  Jared’s story and mine go way back to when we both  were about leaving High-school. We had just been   given the pep talk, about how we were to prepare  our lives for the challenges we were going to face   having left the High-school environment and all,  and seeing as we were still very young adults, we   were advices to get something going for ourselves  so as to get something working for ourselves right   before we get into the college of our choice. Back then, Jared and myself had not met even   following the fact that we were both in the same  school and all. After our High-school, during my   search for a decent enough college that could fit  my criteria of offering the course of my choice,   has a decent enough learning and work environment,  and also not too far from my current environment,   I would most definitely prefer one that was  available in my surrounding state, or within   the surrounding vicinity. And when I finally found  one I fancied and the one that fit what I wanted,   I immediately applied and went over there,  just to go and experience the environment   first hand. I asked my parents to drive me all  the way to the college, because at this time,   I had not gotten my drivers licence, and I  could not drive myself down to the college.  The drive to the college was a 5-hour drive, and  at one point it had seemed like the journey would   not end, because for one I had never gone on a  journey this long in my entire life, and secondly,   I was not the one behind the wheels, and since it  was my dad, he tried as much as possible to take   his time, seeing as he was just as slow a driver  as ever. Anyways we eventually got to the college   at around past 11, as we left home really early  that day. We went straight to the orientation   centre so that we can join the others during  their orientation programme. And as we got there,   I thought it would feel kind of awkward seeing as  I knew next no nobody there, until I saw him. He   looked very familiar, seeing as I rarely forget  a familiar face. I just had this gut feeling to   try and approach him, and ask whether or not  he knew me and all. To my greatest surprise,   when I approached him, he knew me immediately and  said my name right then and there on the spot. It   was surprising because at this time, I still did  not know his name. Anyways he introduced himself   and said he remembered me from our High-school as  we went there together and all. I quickly asked   him if he cane alone and he went to find his Dad,  as he was the only one with him there that day,   I quickly got introduced to his Dad, and when we  were done with the formalities and introduction,   I took him and his dad over to my parents so  that I may introduce him to both my dad and my   mum. While they were done with the introductory  formalities, we both left the adults to get to   know themselves, while we went along with the  orientation guide, to get acclimatised with our   soon to be new environment. Getting to know Jared  was a really fun experience as it was nice to have   net someone you knew in a new environment and all. The orientation programme was a really fun   experience also as we got to go to every single  place that concerned us on the school grounds,   but as fun as the experience may have been, it all  came to an end, a few hours after it had started   and we were supposed to head back to our homes  the next day, but the drive home was a really   long one and both our parents were too tired and  exhausted from waiting and sitting down all day,   so both my parents and Jared’s dad decided  that we should all get a motel around the   vicinity to stay in for the night, and we would  leave the very next morning. So as planned,   they all went ahead to take a quick drive down  to the nearest Motel, which was directly outside   the schools gate. And while they were checking  themselves in, Jared and I decided to take a quick   walk around as we were not satisfied with the  ending of our orientation that day. Soon after, we   found a relaxation centre, we settled down, and we  began getting to know each other. I asked what he   wanted to major in and he told me Accounting and  Business Management. I also told him mine, and we   began talking about what we both had planned for  when we left high school and all. I told him I had   plans to try and set up a small scale business for  myself, as I seriously wanted to have something   going for myself. We found common ground on what  we both wanted to do, while we were in college,   but the first stage was to get accepted into the  school first. We soon went back to our motel room,   as we wanted to get more than enough sleep,  as we had quite a journey ahead of us.  The next morning , we left the motel as quickly  as possible, as we did not bring along a change   of clothes, and Jared and I exchanged contact  with each other, as we both had planned to tell   each other, when either of us got admitted. The  journey seemed shorter than it was when we were   initially coming to the college. I had no idea  why, but the journey still came down to 5 hours,   even though it seemed like we were going really  fast. Anyways, we got home safely and I texted   Jared the moment I got back in. It almost seemed  like this was an experience I had missed out on,   because seeing as how well Jared and I were  getting along, one would think that we were   friends and have been friends for quite a while,  meanwhile we had just formally gotten acquainted   with each other over the span of 72 hours max. It took a little over 5 months before the college   was done with the current session they were in,  and then the time for admissions were finally upon   us, as we had both been very hopeful about getting  admitted together, since it would mean that the   both of us would be very much able to get into  the same Dorm and all. The admission process was   supposed to run for a little bit over a month, and  we were just in the second week and still nothing.   At this point we were not at all too worried,  mainly because we had thought to ourselves,   that there was still plenty of time before  the admission period was over. However we   began panicking, when it was already a week left  for the admission process. At this point I had   already thought to myself that it seemed like  we were not going to be admitted in that set,   and I was even already on the verge of giving  up and trying to apply to another college,   which was the second on the list of colleges  I made some months back, while seeking for   the perfect college I could apply to, then it  happened, Jared’s admission finally came through.   I was so happy for him as he was given the course  of his choice, and this was what we both wanted   for each other. I on the other hand, was still  holding on to the last thread of hope I had,   that my admission would pull through. And the  on the last day, after I had given up totally,   almost om the verge of tears, in my room, a mail  notification popped up on my screen, and when I   checked it, there it was, my letter of admission.  I was beyond glad, as I was also given the course   of my choice. I had no idea why my admission came  this late and at the eleventh hour no less. Still   though, I did not question it one bit. I just went  with the flow, as I had already prepared myself to   break the news to Jared first before even telling  my family. Anyways after I told Jared the good   news, he was as happy for me as I was for him.  Soon after the week for admission had passed,   a notification was sent to every admitted student,  embedded in the mail, were instructions to resume   the following week, and also detailed  instructions on what to do upon arrival,   and how to go about our clearance and settlement  on the schools dorms. We were both so happy.  What I felt at this moment was like I was  celebrating with my childhood friend after   finally accomplishing my goals, ambitions and  dreams, even though this was just the stepping   stone to my future. As instructed, we both  resumed as early as humanly possible to school,   to finalise our admission, get cleared by the  admissions officer, and the finally get settled   down in our dorms. Finally things were all  good everywhere. We resumed classes as usual,   and things were going fine academically. I would  not say I had any problem with my classes, as most   of them were pretty for me to understand, as I was  expecting things to take a boost in the difficulty   level. Seeing as my academics were not affected a  single bit, and seeing as I was doing fairly well   effortlessly, I decided it was finally time for me  to pursue my dream of finally owning a business,   no matter how small I was going to start up. And  before I did this, I consulted Jared on possible   business ideas ad strategies, as we had initially  discussed before, he had some ideas on what kind   of business to start up with, taking into serious  consideration, the environment we were going to   set up our business in, the capital needed to  start up said business and some other factors.   Basically I needed him to give me some guidelines  and the go ahead plan to kick start my business,   and after he had done just that, I  asked my parents for start up funds,   as I presented the business idea to them. My  dad was absolutely impressed as he was most   willing to invest fully into by business venture. Basically we went with something simplistic and   simple. Our conclusion on what to venture into was  a mini coffee stand, which would later develop in   the coming weeks into a breakfast joint, as we  thought there were a lot of students that were   looking for something quick to have before going  for their early morning classes and all. After   discussing it with the schools management, we  were given a slot on the school premises to   conduct our business, and I can proudly tell you,  that within a month of operation, we were well   known all around the school for our perfectly  made coffee and also perfectly made bread,   which I usually got from a local bakery outside of  the schools premises. It was really like a dream   come true, seeing my dream of having a business  owned in and by my name come true but I couldn’t   handle the whole management and finances alone,  and so I incorporated the help of Jared and the   both of us together, managed our small business,  until we were able to afford an actual Shop on   the schools premises. To my greatest surprise, we  were pulling 6 figures by the end of the schools   semester. I was really proud with myself,  as this was really what I had wanted. I felt   fulfilled with myself at this point. All these  and my academics weren’t affected a single bit.  After establishing and running our business for  a little over 7 months, we were approached with   a buy out proposal by some private investors,  who proposed we sell off our business to them,   for 5 times its worth. I had not heard of  this immediately they brought this proposal,   because I was not the one managing our finances at  the time, and Jared only told me that there were   some people looking to invest in our business, and  they were looking to own a particular percentage   in it. And this was what I had thought. So when  Jared brought up the contract they had brought   for us for the sell out, which I had thought  at this time, was the contract for owning about   20% of the business, as Jared had said, I just  signed off on it immediately as I trusted him   and that was that. We closed up early as I felt  really happy with how that day had planned out,   and I took Jared out for dinner, as It was my way  of thanking him for everything he had done for me.  It was not until the following week, that I came  to the shop, to carry out business as usual,   that I saw a couple of guys already at the shop, I  was thinking it was the guys Jared told me about,   that he was looking to hire at the time to help  out in the shop and all, but when I went in,   I thought they would greet me, relative to the  fact that I was their boss and the owner of   the business and all, but they welcomed me in  like a customer which was weird, but I didn’t   pay it any mind at the time, and when I tried  to go into the backroom, where my office was,   I was stopped by the guy that was initially  manning the register. To cut the long story short,   I was basically kicked out of my own restaurant.  I got confused. What was happening right now. What   was the meaning of all these, I was readily about  to throw a literal fit, until a guy came out of my   office and walked me in through the back door. We  got into what qas my office and I already saw that   he had already made the place totally different  from what it was. He sat me down and began   answering my questions. After the entire session  I had with him, I was feeling a while lot of   emotions raging inside me, the dominant emotions  were majorly, Anger, Rage, Disappointment,   Betrayed, amongst others. I immediately called  Hared and his phone was turned off, but it was   later reachable and he immediately told me to  meet up as he wanted to explain things to me in   person. I was seriously looking forward to what he  wanted to say that would justify why he sold off   m business. I met up with Jared back in our dorms  as I was already to mad at him to even listen to   him request we meet anywhere else. While he sat me  down, he began explaining why he did what he did,   and he tried to justify what he did by saying  that he felt like I would not take the offer, as   he though it was a reasonable enough offer for the  business and all, that was why he did what he did.   I was too mad at him for what he did, and when  I tried to make him understand that what he did   was wrong in all manner of speaking, he Lashed out  and retaliated by saying he did it to help me and   that if I felt any different, there was literally  nothing I could do, as he was the one in charge of   the money he collected and if he wanted he could  make it so, that I never get anything from it.  This really flipped something off In me, as I  left the room, I immediately packed my bags and   left for home, as it was relatively not too  far, the usual 5 hour drive. And when I got   home I immediately reported the whole incident  to my dad and all, he was furious as I also   tried to add in some spicy and altered facts  about what happened , but basically my dad was   threatening to sue him for everything him and  his family owned. Those were his exact words.  I don’t really know the details of what really  happened legally or the legal process the went   through for the entirety of the case in the court,  even though I as present for the entire thing, but   one thing I do know, Is that my dad won the case  for me as he got a really competent enough lawyer,   and we sued for 2 tines the amount he got from  the deal which was well over $2million dollars,   I still couldn’t believe it, but this was the  current reality Jared HD to face for crushing   my dream and what he did to me. Betraying the  trust of his only best friend. While we left   the course room after the judges verdict, I looked  him in the eye and asked, “was it really worth it,   doing what you did”. And I could see the look  in his eyes. I was pleased with what I had done.
Channel: Storytime
Views: 15,028
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: WLx6Qw9Ve_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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