REDDIT'S BEST STORIES OF 2023! - Reddit Stories

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hey guys welcome back to another Pro Revenge compilation make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below and let's get into it welcome to the story time Channel my name is Steven and today we have some Pro revenge stories our first story of the day is by waffles are forever cheat on me with my best friend I'll wreck your career and publicly humiliate both of you crabhead and Sarah have been like family to my wife and I for several years practically ever since we moved in across the street from them the four of us were extremely tight our kids are the same age as theirs and are all good friends we were one big family unit we did dinner together a few times a week we went on vacations together I truly saw crap head as a brother and my wife and Sarah were very close too five months ago I was completely blindsided by the discovery of an affair between my wife and crap head my wife had left her email open on our computer and I saw an email from her to her longtime therapist saying that craphead would be joining her at an upcoming session again uh what the freak my mind started racing why in the world would crabhead be going to her therapy sessions without my knowledge I did a search and found some other emails to and from the therapist proving that crabhead had been going to sessions together with her for about six weeks I checked her mobile phone account and discovered that since late summer they had been exchanging hundreds of texts every day peaking at nearly 500 a day by the holidays speaking of the holidays my wife and I hosted both of our families parents siblings etc for both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner and crap head and Sarah joined us either for dinner or after dinner on both holidays text records showed that the entire time that they were at our house celebrating with our families my wife and craphead were texting each other across the room they were doing that pretty much every time the four of us hung out for months and you know all day every day just in general but what bothers me the most is that they were doing it with Sarah and I right there I confronted my wife with the evidence and she admitted that yes she and crap added fallen in love it just happened I don't know how but I love him and I just don't feel anything for you anymore I'm sorry they had gone on a school district trip together something had happened in her hotel room and things had moved quickly from there she explained as I lay face down on the couch unable to look at her that they had already made plans to move out and divorce me and Sarah and while they didn't plan to move in together immediately because of the kids they'd probably do So eventually the meetings with the therapists were supposedly mostly for the purpose of finding a way to break this to me and Sarah as gently as possible because they were so very concerned for our well-being Sarah and I are fairly certain that they weren't planning on telling us about the affair at all and were simply going to discover their feelings for one another several months down the line after they'd come up with some other reason to divorce the two of us my wife moved out two months ago I was and still am utterly destroyed I cry every day I cried writing the first few paragraphs of the story just now I worry Non-Stop about the impact on our kids but I am also not exactly a shrinking violet when I feel that I've been wronged and in this case I was objectively very very wrong so a couple of years ago crap had ran for a board of education seat as a pretty extreme Underdog I helped him with campaign materials and a debate prep and my wife a well-known School District employee this becomes important later got the word out as best as she could much to our surprise he actually won in a squeaker by just a few dozen votes being on the board became the center of craphead's world he joined every committee that he could this turned into the foundation of his affair with my wife as they were constantly going to school events and meetings together on evenings and weekends once I discovered the affair my thoughts turned pretty quickly to revenge and it occurred to me that an extramarital affair between a member of the Board of Education and an employee of the school district was at least bad politics and possibly violated District policy making things far worse for them was that my wife was in the running for an open administrative position and everyone knew that she was more or less guaranteed the job and the major pay raise that came with it she had just finished her master's degree in school administration at the urging of her principal and the superintendent so that she could be promoted to the specific position I had plenty of evidence of the affair texts from both of them admitting to it text records showing that they were texting hundreds of times a day emails to and from the therapist Etc I considered simply emailing all of the evidence to the board and the superintendent but felt like I as The Grieving betrayed spouse might not be seen as a credible source so instead I invented a fictitious Furious friend who was planning on showing up to the next board meeting and publicly aiming the two of them for their Affair I told my wife that I tried to talk this person down but couldn't guarantee that they wouldn't show up and humiliate them publicly as I expected this led craphead to conclude that the only option was for him to preemptively admit the affair to the board the superintendent subsequently recommended that crap had resign which he did Sarah said that he was utterly humiliated and crushed and barely got out of bed for a few days afterward once were to the affair and crap head's resignation started getting around the superintendent a longtime friend of both my wife and crap head contacted my wife and tearfully informed her that it was no longer politically appropriate for her to be promoted to an administrative position within the district the position that had been lined up for her was later filled by an outside candidate this sent waves of confusion and rumor throughout the district as it was pretty pretty well known that my wife was getting the job the day after she was informed that she wasn't getting the promotion my wife and I despite our grumbling marriage took our son out to get breakfast together on his birthday and a parent stopped by our table to congratulate her on her new role she said thanks then excused herself to go cry in the bathroom for a while I let the dust settle for a couple of weeks and then right before my wife moved out let them in on my little secret there was never a furious friend threatening to expose them in the first place just me word of all of this has gotten around our fairly small town which crap had grew up in and my wife has worked in for nearly 20 years my wife refuses to talk to me about how things are at work now but I've heard from some people I know in the district that her formerly spotless reputation has taken a major hit grabhead formerly a gregarious social presence in our neighborhood and at events and pubs in town has completely gone underground and barely emerges to mow his lawn he's moving out soon to a crappy little townhouse which is all he can afford due to all the child support he's going to have to pay his wife my wife and crap head claim that they plan on trying to make things work together despite all the public humiliation I wish them lots of luck with that I'm sure it will be a lot of fun to show their faces together in town oh man so where do you even start with a story like that so I guess if wife and crap head are really going to try and make it work together do you guys think that they should just literally leave town altogether go to a completely maybe even change States go to a completely different place and see if their resumes can hold up in that location maybe they can get a better job somewhere else or do you think that they should realize that it's such a screwed up situation that they should just drop it and realize this never should have happened happened let me know your thoughts in the comments down below either way to me I don't think they would be able to leave because they would be ditching their kids and hopefully they care about their kids still our next story is by Moria tosuki kill the tow company with one simple phone call several years back I went to work for a towing company it's about all I know how to do other than paint cars which is drastically affecting my health the pay was pretty decent but we had to share trucks and the boss felt that he knew where we needed to sit in order to get the best calls this is important for later several months in I realized that I was not making the type of money that I should be making so I took the opportunity while I was sitting in a parking lot one evening to start researching the laws pertaining to employees in similar positions he was kind of an a-hole and the trucks had transponder so that he could see if we had them idling with the air conditioner on and a hot day or idling with the heat on on a cold day he was always calling complaining about something if the wheels were not turning during my research I discovered that if he was requiring us to sit in a certain parking lot Street or any location of his choosing then we were entitled to be paid an hourly wage not just our commission the technical term was engaged to wait however if he allowed us to freely roam about while we waited for calls we were not entitled to hourly wages and we were therefore considered waiting to be engaged I never mentioned this to him but I did start taking note of my time another month or so goes by and he decided to start coming down on me for tiny little BS things that ordinarily wouldn't even matter such as I forgot a pop can in the cup holder he actually had a screaming fit about that at this point I was tired of working there and had already found another job so I decided it was time to put my plan in into motion I called them up told them that we needed to have a conversation about my final wages and that we could meet at his convenience upon entering the office I laid out my argument explained the state law and told them I expected to be paid for the hours that I was on the clock but not fairly allowed a Rome looking for work or able to do things of my choosing he told me in no uncertain terms that I would not be paid for that time as that was agreed to upon my employment I did not bother to argue as I already had my next step planned so I took my final check and I left the following Monday I made a phone call to the State Labor Board where I laid out my case to them needless to say they were very interested in what was going on in the end they came to review his employment records and speak to the driver still working when he got the bill of what he had to pay us all it was too much for him to afford so he sold the trucks his boat and a law God and went out of business I never got the money owed to me in full only a fraction but the satisfaction of knowing the law just a little bit better than he did and watching it all burn was pure Bliss if you're going to cheat and abuse your employees all it takes is one person dedicated enough to finding a way to blow that operation up and your operation will be well blown up this next story is by Meg Solano a satisfying way to get revenge on an old white man telling me I'm anti-feminist I don't want to get into a whole debate about my politics but I'll just say I'm a member of a political party in the UK that allows their members to submit policy ideas I also own my own business selling scrunchies it's important I promise a bit of backstory I 20 year old female suffer really bad mental health brought on by my birth control I didn't know it was my birth control till I did some research I sounded crazy that my doctor never told me and instead put me in therapy rather than trying to change the cause of the problem so I wrote a policy where doctors would check in on the mental health of women on birth control whenever they came in to get more mainly focusing on the pill I got a lot of support except from this one guy male 60 I'll call him Mark he's super sexist Sleazy and hates me for some reason likes everything to stay the same as it was when he was younger I submitted the policy and then received an email from Mark with the entire policy committee which I am a part of cc'd in he rewrote my policy picking out every tiny mistake in red text like some kind of teacher he even told me that I was setting feminism back to the days of Maurice Stokes a woman who worked on contraception access over 100 years ago it was a patronizing email clear designed to belittle and embarrass me when all I wanted to do was help women not go through what I did so I responded telling him I was so sorry for setting feminism back and to make up for it I had named a scrunchie after him of which I would donate profits to the charity named after Marie stopes herself I'm pretty proud of it it's doing quite well in the shop too apparently a lot of people hate Mark and have bought one just to get back at him he's pretty livid it's definitely going to be hard to get back at this Mark guy effectively but if you can keep adding up all these little things that just constantly eat away at their mentality at the back of their mind I'm sure that's a pretty darn good way so now he has this passive thought where every time someone buys one of those Mark scrunchies Marie Stokes charity gets funded a little bit more which is exactly not what he wants to happen and our final story of the day is by Bell mom Petty Revenge while driving I live out in the country so we have a lot of two-lane roads I try to keep to the speed limit but I sometimes realize that I'm going 73 in a 65 speed limit as an example I'm not going to drive slower unless the weather requires it every once in a while I have some jerk riding my bumper when I'm going a little over the speed limit so I will start slowing down gradually if they back off to a reasonable distance I will set my cruise control at the exact speed limit if they don't back off I continue slowing down until we get to a passing Lane where I let them pass me so I can drive in peace most of the time they back off only to do it again about a mile or two down the road the majority figure it out by the second time and just wait until the next chance to pass me it's definitely not a bad strategy but all it takes is to get that one absolute knucklehead who doesn't respect it at all and then very quickly you can end up in some kind of very sketchy situation where somebody might end up getting some kind of accident all I'll really say is definitely be as cautious as possible when you're having to do something like this deny me workers comp paybacks are a blank while reading the many pleasurable stories of pro Revenge I was reminded of an active Pro Revenge from several years ago it was a bad year for me and the economy was not in great shape unemployment was fairly High I had been working at a hardware store but things went bad and the owner sold everything and moved to Florida I finally landed a job at a factory it was crappy work involving putting zinc plating on metal Parts the owner was all about profit and had little regard for worker safety somehow he'd get a heads up on whenever an OSHA inspector was coming we'd bust a butt cleaning installing safety equipment on the Machinery Etc once the inspector left the safety equipment was put back in storage so there would be no wear and tear on it I suffered through it all as did my co-workers because we were young had no skills or experience and jobs were scarce one day the piece of Machinery I used think of something that looks like a concrete mixer broke while I was loading it with the parts the drum fell hitting the bucket I was holding the bucket was full of metal parts and weighed somewhere around 80 pounds when it was full this caused me to lose my balance and ultimately injured my back I tried to tough it out but I was in a lot of pain I go tell the foreman she leaves the floor and finds the owner she comes back about 10 minutes later and tells me to clock out and go home I'm young and naive I know nothing about workers comp I spent a few hundred of my own money going to a chiropractor and finally to a doctor when I go back to work a couple days later I am informed that I have been demoted due to my injury I am relegated to being a custodian and my hour hourly pay had been cut I held on for a few months before quitting and moving on here's the pro Revenge it's a few years later I have graduated college got a good job and am a little older and wiser I come home from work and I'm watching The Evening News the state I live in has an office similar to the EPA the news station did one of those human interest stories and interviewed the man who investigated the illegal environmental stuff the story was about how he had dropped the bomb on a corporation that had been illegally dumping zinc waste my ears perked up you see that company I used to work for used zinc to Plate their little metal Parts watts of zinc my workstation with that drum my job was to fill it with the metal parts and then fill the drum with a zinc water acid slurry once the parts were plated guess what the next part of my job was I dumped the slurry into a trough which led to a hole in the wall of the factory which led to a ditch which led to a creek the factory had been illegally dumping zinc waste into a ditch I immediately got in my car and drove there aha the factory was still in business and they were still dumping the zinc waste into a creek I took pictures I took video and then I turned it all in along with a notarized affidavit to that state inspector the original fine was in excess of a hundred grand they appealed and I don't know what the settlement entailed the business closed shortly after Sweet Revenge let me ask you guys let's say theoretically you were working at a place and you were making solid enough money to live comfortably enough if you caught wind that they were doing illegal dumping activities would you still go against it and report them to the Environmental Services let me know what you would do in that dilemma in the comments down below our next story is by I am weasel93 debt from the grave a story of money my grandma told me this story recently about how her brother got his butt kicked from the grave so this is the scenario my Grandma comes from a family of five four girls one boy my great-grandfather Hank was ecstatic with the boy we will call him jack one more important thing is that my great-grandfather ran a very successful company that made high-end clothing and bathroom silks towels bathrobes he made a fortune with his company and made sure everyone who worked for the company got his fair share he also looked after the family all his children got an education all his children got the chance to get their driver's license it was in the 1960s so it was a big deal back then they were the first in my hometown with a car radio and TV my great-grandfather treated everyone equal that changed when his first and only son was born he had already had four girls and now finally a son the road map was laid out for him he would be the heir to his company so began the upbringing of Jack he was let's say a kid with a mouth this wasn't bad per se the thing was that his father allowed it Jack got kicked from his first school Jack got caught for shoplifting Jack got kicked from his second School Jack got caught joyriding and so on and so on Hank did not sit Jack down and told them the severity of his actions but he would shrug it off and tell his wife great grandmother Anna that it was just childhood quirks Anna tried to make something out of Jack but it was a lost cause Jack became 18 and Hank decided that it was time to introduce him into the company the company did better than ever and the whole family was involved Jack began at the bottom of the ladder and had to work his way up this is where Jack began to shine by shine my grandmother meant that her brother was not a bright light at school but he was a hard worker and had a nose for business not so much for people Jack was B being a jerk as per usual and got married to his first Karen his first wife was a Karen she wanted to start her own company and her father-in-law Hank wanted to retire she pushed Jack to take over quickly and pushed the rest of the family out Jack listened to her and talked to his father about how he was ready and how his sisters and their husbands were tearing the company apart if they would stay in their leadership roles the thing was that only one daughter and son-in-law were involved in the company at this point 1980 my grandmother oversaw the seamstresses and the quality department and my grandfather oversaw the financial and the suppliers Karen Wanted full control and started a little fire in the family she spread a rumor that grandfather stole from the company I do not know what transpired but in the end my great-grandfather bought out all the family and Jack bought out great-grandfather the company was Jack and Karen's company now and things went up pretty quickly seamstresses quit bills were not paid and Jack had to take a loan from great grandfather the family company was barely scraping by and Karen left Jack because he could not provide for them it became apparent that Jack could not make it work and was looking for a way out after a while great-grandfather had seen enough and bought back the remnants of his company and sold it to a bigger company that wanted to expand this made the wealthy amassed even bigger he did set up different banking accounts for his children and said that if someone was in need they could take money from that account he told Jack his cut was smaller as he was the reason he sold the company and that he was let down by the carelessness his son had run his company into the ground with Jack was angry and told his father that he could have made it work if he had more time it remained a sour point between the two of them things went well for a while but Jack married a second time with a woman named Helen Helen like Karen wanted her own business Jack agreed and took money from the account in order to start Helen's company the business was a little barber shop and ran pretty well they were spending their money on luxury and did not save any money after a while my grandmother got a call from her little brother Jack if he could store some Goods in her garage my grandfather did not trust Jack and told him no and grandmother did not agree but they agreed to it a few weeks later Jack got caught for possession of stolen goods and drug smuggling it was not a surprise but nonetheless a letdown for my great-grandfather Hank this time he would not help Jack and told them that he would no longer stand behind him after a few years Jack got out and was a divorced man he married again and divorced another three times and each time he gave these women a business and lived lavishly new cars big houses expensive vacations he drained his money and robbed his emergency bank account dry he loaned a lot of money from great grandfather and so on in 2013 great grandfather fell ill it was clear that he was not gonna make it and took his final days in stride at this time Jack became very buddy buddy and started to help greet grandfather sell some stuff at some point my grandmother sat down with her father and asked him where the money went for this old stuff and great grandfather told her not to worry about it he took care of it in his will after his 95th birthday he passed away quiet and in peace after his funeral they all went to listen to the will of their father I'll accept Jack who had given power of attorney to my grandmother to sign the will in his place all the children get their fair share but at the end the Nota republicly tells them to sign the papers and the inheritance is completely theirs at some point my grandma called my dad she has inherited some collateral papers all sorts of papers that stated that someone owed my great-grandfather money my father said that she has to call a lawyer's office to get the money from these papers a few days after this call to the lawyer's office my grandmother gets a call from her brother why was she taking his money from The Inheritance my grandmother tells him she has inherited some collateral papers and that she wants to get them money from them Jack was Furious and told her that that was illegal Jack was wrong great grandfather had documented every penny his son had loaned from him and constructed his will in such a way that the rest of his children could get that part of their money from their money drain of a brother also great grandfather found out Jack stole from him you see Jack was putting the money he made from this old stuff on his own banking account instead of giving it to his father after this ordeal Jack has not contacted my mother or his sisters he has since then paid everything back and has never seen a penny from his inheritance great grandfather has confided in a letter why he did this he was done with his son all the lying the careless things he had done to his company all the money he had blown and not taking any responsibility he gave his final lesson to his son from the grave it sure sounds like Jack was kind of busy there what is that four plus Mary Bridges and each time he did the absolutely same thing and surprise surprise it was the same outcome Jack should have learned the definition of insanity a little bit quicker and our final story of the day is by isiko how I got revenge on a bully's brother sorry if this story is a bit short it's a pretty good story though so a few years ago in my neighborhood we had two kids one in fifth grade and one in second or third grade I can't remember the fifth grader will be known as jerk and his little brother will be jerk's brother he was not really a jerk my friend will be friend and I will be I jerk really cared about jerk's brother and protected him like he was everything in our neighborhood we had a little island of prairie we live in Iowa and prairies are everywhere that split the road into two and back again in the entrance to our neighborhood it had two trees and a sign with the name of our neighborhood on it we get boiling Summers and freezing Winters and in the winter we got a lot of snow the snow that year was in big pieces a bit bigger than the size of a very old TV after we got off our bus we started walking and talking while we were talking jerk took a chunk of snow ran across the island and dumped it over my head I was pissed but I kept talking with friend then friend got dumped on and I was even more pissed this continued for about two minutes then jerk's brother got in on it and that was when I struck my shoes socks pants and shirt were wet I had no snow pants on and I was done with this jerk's brother ran across the island with a chunk of snow and stopped on the sidewalk walk he froze and dropped his chunk when he saw me making a ball of snow and packing it together with all of my might for the people who are not familiar with snow you might not know this but when you do what I did it creates a heavy ball of hardness and pain if it hits you I am a great hitter but the worst thrower ever to play baseball so when I threw it it missed and hit him Square in the freaking nuts luck had granted me a nutshot everyone's head turned I saw the life drain from his face I still think back to him dropping to his knees and covering his groin and smile I had a new problem now his brother he did what was basically a bull charge from Mike Tyson's punch out great game and now I am not a 45 year old he tackled me and friend had to pull me away from his weak punches he doesn't punch like a bald bull that's for sure I bolted to my driveway and caught my breath with friend in tow we chatted for a second and I walked inside and I celebrated my victory against jerk jerk is no longer a jerk and we get along he moved away sadly and I miss him he was fun when we got along also I feel bad for jerk's brother because he just followed jerk's orders lesson of the story don't make me cold wet and pissed at the same time well I think some people might be into that last description was the joke a little bit too much I don't know it kind of gave me Christmas Story Vibes in a way and although it was a story of a bully and a bully's little brother it was also a success story and in the end you became friends or the bully and seemed like good friends or at least it was fun to be around them so overall it was a pretty satisfying story mock my mother's death I bankrupt you my now ex-wife Kate and I moved to an apartment in 2010. the house as a whole was a renovated townhouse split between two sides with two apartments on the bottom and two apartments upstairs with addresses ending in 126 to 128 accordingly I wasn't the biggest fan of the apartment as it was a much older building than I had ever lived in but I quickly adjusted to the wood creaking throughout the night on the initial walkthrough we noticed that the only problem was that there was a dip in the bathroom ceiling the landlord Jay promised us that he would get it fixed ASAP one year to the day that we moved in there there was a loud crash at 4 00 am the bathroom ceiling had collapsed and there was titling in Wood all over the floor and in the bathtub now Kate was typically the aggressive one while I was more passive and laid back and she kept calling Jay throughout the day when she got in touch with him at around 9pm she explained what happened and insisted that it be fixed immediately Jay rebuffed yelling that his girlfriend was a lawyer and he didn't need to do anything now this is where I got mad I went outside to have a cigarette and to call him myself I feigned a relaxed demeanor and at first he began trying to talk to me as a bro and kept saying dude I'm gonna get someone out there but it's gonna take a few weeks when he couldn't sway me that way he began yelling about his girlfriend and her knowing the law what he was unaware of was that I had read the tenant laws in my state and so as he tried to lie I waited until he was finished and I then recited the law stating that if an apartment was considered uninhabitable then the landlord needed to pay for the tenant to stay in a place until it was resolved meaning he would have to pay for us stay in a hotel of our choosing every night until the ceiling was fixed he tried to say that our upstairs neighbor Phil was the Super but he wasn't sure if he could get him down there that night he placed me on hold then came back a few minutes later and said that Phil and his girlfriend were out of state I rang Phil's doorbell and asked with Jay on speakerphone if he was assigned as the super he laughed and said no dejected Jay said he would have people out there the next day previously he said they were busy for at least three weeks there's more to this incident but it leads to two conclusions one if you're going to lie then there has to be a consistency in your lie and make sure that the people you lie to don't communicate with each other two this is where a feud started between me and my Kate versus him and his mother she was the original landlord and gave the house to him so he could begin to make a side profit fast forward to a year later Jay stopped coming to the house and his mom began doing the pickups around this time my ex and I had been laid off and we were working with Social Security for food health and housing insurance we were approved for all three in April but we would not get the check until May when our typical check wasn't in the landlord's mailbox he immediately gave a summons saying that he was taking us to court for eviction the day we went to court he had no lawyer and going before the judge here's the summation or rather a non-verbatim account of how the case went the judge said does the defense have a means to pay within 90 days of non-payment we say yes your honor hands over paperwork showing that he will be reimbursed for April and May judge says I see no problem they are breaking no laws why are we here Jay says well your honor they have been bullying judge says I don't care unless they are breaking a law then this case is dismissed suffice it to say Jay and his mother were not happy around this time in my life things were tumultuous my mother who had been battling lung cancer for four and a half years succumbed to it in June this happened at roughly the same time his mom came knocking looking for payment I explained that I would leave the check in the mailbox when we got it back from the funeral home and to please just respect my right to mourn she took her fingers and began rubbing them together pretending to play the world's smallest violin I will never forget what she said next oh my mommy just died woe is me she probably had it coming I don't care if your entire family is dead I want my money she smiled smugly proud with what she had just said I saw red and my heart jumped into my throat I went grabbed the check and handed it to her an absolute shock that anyone would say something so freaked up she had finally managed to push a button that very few people I've known throughout my life have gotten close to pressing I went into rage mode but not in the way you would expect the Revenge we were always told that if a health inspector came by to not open the door I waited until August since that was the month before the lease was going to run out and we knew they would not extend a renewal I walked up the block to town hall to ask for a health inspection of our property it was scheduled for several days later now it's important to know several things one I was friends with all of the tenants Phil had moved out with his fiance but the new tenant was a really cool girl around my age named Danny Tom and Hannah on the other side of the downstairs floor had moved out in July and Jay was still looking to fill it the only one who wanted to stay out of this was Rose on the upper right apartment two I had gotten permission and her spare keys so I could let the inspector in Danny's apartment and I knew that I could use the the back staircase on the right to let him in on Toms now vacant apartment and three I also knew that Dany was moving out in September a month after Kate and myself the inspector came and it was glorious he checked the exterior of the house first noting that the wires were exposed there was an old empty dryer along with other odd clutter in the backyard I brought him inside the shared entrance and as I was counting on he noticed that the last inspection dated back to 1994. 18 years this meant that for each year he did not have an inspection there would be appropriate fines for our apartment we had black mold growing in our bathroom and the bubble in the ceiling had begun to regrow to problematic proportions upstairs Danny's apartment was suffering from leaks in the ceiling and it looked like her bathroom ceiling was also on the brink of collapsing we then went to the basement the boiler was on the verge of exploding there were flammable items along with gasoline and a pack of matches sitting right beside it two things that I did not know was one the fire door that separated the two sides did not close all of the way rendering it moot to be honest I had never heard of a fire door until that day two on the right 128 portion basement side there was a toilet a toilet that had blown up it had coated the surrounding walls and the leakage prevented us going up to the floor via the right side the entire time the inspector was photographing and riding constantly we stepped outside and he said that he needed to come back when I asked why he said he had run out of space to write down all of the infractions he had filled the front and had written an entire page on the back portion I kindly and coily asked well how much will it cost right now he scratched his head and said around 20 to 30 grand from what I can see but but it's probably going to be higher as this house was never licensed to be split into Apartments I thanked him and he was going to come back with the County Inspector we were gone when that took place though I did ask him to send me a copy with the list of violations to my new address so we moved out at the end of August but I got updates from Rose because he was the current owner he owed all current fines and no one knew could not move into the empty Apartments until everything was up to code because three out of the four were vacant he was losing 4 500 in potential rent he handed the property back to his mother and had to file for bankruptcy now here's the other thing every time an old tenant left and a new one was coming in an inspection was supposed to be done now that all of the financial burden fell on her they looked into the records and she was fine for each time she had broken that rule 750 per by the end of the year Rose had moved out so the place was hemorrhaging money I sat back proud of what I had done and left it be ah no screw that I wasn't close to done yet I felt like I had destroyed Jay but my real Target had always been his mom I learned that she had eight properties throughout three towns in my County I went to each one spoke to the tenants and said I was a concerned tenant from another property and asked if they had any problems with their Apartments every person I asked described the apartments in very poor to intolerable levels and that the mom was effectively a slumlord she would ignore problems unless someone turned to litigations she was threatened that they would summon the inspector or more often than not the people would move out she'd refuse their deposit and sink those into cosmetic repairs so that the apartment looked nicely furnished people rarely fought back because she knew that the occupants were of upper lower class minorities so being the concerned person I was I went to the inspector of the other two towns and asked for an inspection to be done with at least one tenant if not more would be waiting the inspector when they came turns out that she faced pretty much the same infractions on every apartment she owned it turned out she actually had 12 Apartments but I initially only knew about the ones that fell within my County the remaining properties in the next County over were given a mysterious heads up to perform a surprise inspection from what I can tell Jay's mom had been in the landlord business for about 35 to 40 years that collapsed quickly since we moved literally one block down the road from our old one 54 I got to see Jay Lewis's primary source of income and have to claim bankruptcy but also saw that his mother was also trying desperately to find a buyer for all of the apartments so she could pay off the fines I learned two years later 2014 that she too had to file for bankruptcy Jay and his mother camped out in front of our next apartment two days in October of 2013 before she filed for bankruptcy I'm guessing to scream at me and or Kate so I called the cops and said that there were strange people standing in a No Parking Zone and they kept looking up at the second floor a cruiser swung by and told them to leave I know I should have used the two months I spent monitoring everything to find a new job but this was the one and only time I wanted to a person where they hurt the most their wallets I think I got my point across none of this would have happened if you were just freaking fixed the ceiling before it collapsed Jay so let me know considering that this operation was basically ran for 35 to 40 years for almost four decades at least do you think that they got their Just Desserts or do you think that them I'm having to file for bankruptcy and lose those properties is just a slap on the wrist compared to what they really deserve let me know in the comments down below our next story is by pork and beans19 revenge on the neighbor's kids intrusion on our property so our neighbors kids do not know boundaries and like to play in front of our house and sometimes in our driveway we do not mind doing that but we find it disrespectful when they leave their toys behind our cars at the end of the day countless times we have had to move their stuff out of the way to get our cars out and there have been a few times that we run over their stuff and had some close calls with bigger items like strollers and bikes as my significant other was heading out to put the trash out for pickup this morning he found one of their bikes right where we are supposed to put our Barrel guess what ended up being mistaken for trash today his thought process was they should be more careful where they put their stuff on trash day he chose not to move it for all all the times we had to do it for them whoops as a former dumb kid that was never able to clean up after themselves properly or put things where they were supposed to I actually kind of feel bad for the kids because they did lose out on whatever they did to leave there and you know they're just kids but it will be a really valuable learning experience for the kids and hopefully their parents to really reinforce them to put stuff back properly and at the end of the day it's not their kids it was never your problem to begin with and our final story of the day is by shiplet rpht everyone's got selective hearing in Pharmacy I work at the market version of The Big Box store with the spark in the pharmacy literally just had this conversation with a patient who was now called twice within 10 to 15 minutes first call the patient is asking about if we have filled his oxycodone it's not filled as it's out of stock and we don't receive C2 orders except two days of the week days his script came over the weekend I inform him we won't have it until tomorrow he then gets upset and starts asking when the order will be in time specific when the doc sent it and that tomorrow probably won't work for him told him if he wants to call his doctor and they can send it to another Pharmacy and cancel it with us tells me he'll think about it and may call back now the second call hi I called about 10 minutes ago about my oxycodone not being filled and I would like to have it transferred to another Pharmacy okay so you would have to call your doctor and have them electronically send it to another Pharmacy they already have sent it electronically you're holding it for me yes but this type of medication cannot be transferred by federal law that's nobody told me 10 minutes ago you said that it was no problem and could be transferred no I did not I told you that you would have to have the doctor call it in to another Pharmacy you said it could be transferred me silence since I'm done arguing well you'll need to call your doctor to send it in no no one even called me to let me know that it was on back order it's not on back order it will just be in tomorrow patient silence click decide to look on our resolution cue at his script big smile across my face as I click the send out of stock text message to him so the patient couldn't wrap his head around needing to call the doctor to find a pharmacy themselves that can fill it that day otherwise the pharmacy cannot transfer it themselves it's not really a hard thing to grasp but this patient can't put two and two together I recorded a co-worker loving himself at work for eating my chocolate before you get to that part I need to clarify that yes I have a video but I would never post it or anything because I would get in trouble for it and because it's a ridiculous story it's up to you to believe it or not let's name everyone involved in this John my boyfriend the designer Jenny me I did mostly video Sara another co-worker she was the best photographer there Mario to say that he was useless is an understatement the reason why I'm writing this Donna the director's assistant and Amy the accountant years ago I worked in a government institution where I live it wasn't a good job job it was basically volunteered paid work that was an excuse to not give employees any security a real job would offer but I accepted because I needed the money and I had just finished College I used to work in the communication Department with four other co-workers one of them was my boyfriend still together to this day and the youngest one Mario was a guy who was still in high school and got his girlfriend pregnant his mom worked in other government institutions and she got him that job that's one of the reasons the boss couldn't fire him we had to make designs take pictures do video post on social media check on the Press when they wanted an interview with one of our bosses and many many other things Mario was supposed to know some about photography and design because he told us that's what he was studying at school but we knew later that he didn't attend school often so he was very very bad at almost everything and we tried to show him how to do his work but he was really stubborn and lazy he never learned completely how to do the basic work he always had problems with many people not with us at the beginning because he acted polite that changed later he was disrespectful when taking pictures he was late almost every day and he used to post on social media about government and fight other people who didn't agree with him Sara and John would talk to him about how working in a government institution you couldn't do that it's simply not okay however he never changed and told his mom we were against him Mario went to work around two to four hours a day usually John and Sarah would be the only ones to see him because they worked more hours than the rest of us but he would stay in the office around one or two hours alone or they would send him to take pictures for the same time one day he had to take pictures of some event practice everyone else was off the clock it wasn't a big event and he had been working there around a year by that time so we thought he could go by himself the accountant had to go there and decided to take him with her and won a co-worker of hers and her car he was late again and that's why he couldn't go in one of the work cars the accountant left her purse open in the space that's in the middle of the driver and the co-driver seats when they went back to the office she noticed her wallet disappeared she instantly knew that it had to be Mario who was the one that took it they began to search him and our office and found nothing somebody found the wallet under the vending machine at first we took aside because they admitted that they never found anything and because it wasn't right to search in our office without anybody else there mostly because we had photography equipment that wasn't exactly cheap however when we knew how the wallet was found and when we talked to him we knew it was him more money and stuff disappeared when he was there but nobody could prove he took them the bosses didn't want to create a scandal so they let it happen our office used to be the conference room so it was attached to the kitchen and the director had beverages there for visits we could use the kitchen but not touch those beverages but Mario couldn't even get in there anyway the sodas began to disappear and the director's assistant complained to us we said we didn't take them and she wouldn't believe us one day John noticed that our door to the kitchen was broken and that you could take the lock easily with a pencil we used to find pencils without tips he took it inside the mechanism and then the door opened it took its time but he proved that Mario was getting in the kitchen when nobody else was there however that didn't make a difference and nothing was done not even talking to him one day John and me were on our way to work but I didn't have breakfast so we stopped at a store I bought something to eat and a chocolate I put it inside the fridge and forgot about it the next day I remembered about it and went to check it wasn't there and I got mad John and I checked the trash can it was clean and empty and we just watched and we found just little pieces of that chocolate so we asked for a video camera that someone offered us before it could record for long hours I want to clarify at this point that we didn't take the decision of everything you are about to read just because of a chocolate the chocolate was the last straw for like a year we had to put up with our bosses scolding us because of him he never wanted to learn how to do his job and things were always disappearing including personal things the first day Donna left the money in one of her drawers and left it slightly open so he could see the money we put the camera in the other building that was in front of ours we had big Windows floor to ceiling and you could watch Donna's desk in the hallway also some lady's office our door and the director's office the other building just had empty offices then but had big curtains that's why Mario couldn't see the camera we went home that day and left the camera recording the next day there was the money maybe because we left one Billet equivalent to five dollars and he knew we would know he took it I checked the camera and watched him getting in the lady's office I don't know what she did there and he took some cookies from her office but he looks suspicious again with this we couldn't do much so that night Jon found an old cell phone that could record for two hours the next day Donna left the five dollars again but now she left one dollar bills and the same drawer slightly open we placed the camera in the other building and John disguised his old cell phone with a binder and some sticky tape that day he got a loan for a little less than two hours and left John and me had a car so we were in the mall close there just killing time and then we went back for the cell phone oh my God John watched a little bit of the video before the battery died he said he saw something weird but wasn't sure because the screen was very damaged and we were in the car I was driving when we got in John's house we could watch everything he had done inside our office not the other camera because the building was closed and we didn't have access to it until the next day first we saw him getting in the office watching some YouTube Everything normal then he went out and when he came back we saw him putting something in his pocket but it wasn't clear what then we saw how easily he took a pencil opened the kitchen's door and took something like a yogurt then he closed the door then we could hear that he was watching something like a channel that's very famous in our country but then we heard noises yeah that kind of noises we were supposed to have blocked those kinds of videos and websites I mean those were government offices and the IT team had checked recently everything but somehow he was watching adult content on the computer I used to work and if you are thinking if he did what you are thinking the answer is yes thank God the cell phone didn't record his hands but you could see his shoulder moving and him licking his fingers I know very disgusting well he ended and didn't even wash his hands I was so shocked and disgusted when I saw that I wanted to cry the next day the first thing I did was to call the I.T Department to clean the computer we didn't say why because of obvious reasons John took the camera and we could watch him when he went out of the office and checked carefully if somebody was around then he went to Donna's desk and took one dollar he went inside the woman's office and took something but we couldn't see what then he went into our office we called Donna to our office and she was shocked then Sarah watched the video as soon as she got there then the director arrived and we asked him and Amy to go to our office we showed them the video the director was very young and trusted us a lot so he didn't hold his laughter when the self-love part began Amy was a young and delicate woman so she just turned around and covered her eyes while letting a small scream out we finally got the proof needed to fire him when we got to work they didn't let him in I don't know how the conversations went but I know some of the words exchanged Amy said you stole again and we told you and last time we told you it was your last chance Mario raising his voice I didn't do anything you're always blaming me Amy says we have proof you don't have anything all of you hate me don't make me show you well show me Amy called our office John could you bring the videos John says the first one the video camera one or the second the cell phone one Amy says the second one when he heard that he was defeated and very nervous Jon took his time downloading the video into his computer because it was in mine and went to the office Amy was talking to Mario in John told me he was about to show him the video and then he asked Mario Mario do you really want to watch this video Mario couldn't even watch John in the eyes no I don't want to Amy Says play at least the first video for him Jon says I don't have that one let me go for it I admit that I just wanted to see Mario's face so so I went to that office to give them a USB but he didn't really watch me Amy to John and me says okay thank you that's gonna be all and we left the office we know she said something like after playing the video you always said it was us and even told your mom that we wanted to get you in trouble all the time you even told really bad things about this place you were fired and we don't ever want to hear about you complaining to anybody else in the central or we're going to show these two videos to your mom and he just left then we heard that he actually told lies to his mom like they hated me and told lies to make them fire me but no one ever told his mom not that I know well this story made me realize that someone could be recording me anywhere I go I mean even I did it to someone let me ask you guys despite the outcome being true and catching them actually doing these disgusting things do you think the actions of what op and the co-workers did here are okay in the sense that they set up these props and cameras to try and catch them in the action without it ever being explained to any of the higher ups or any kind of actual process besides just a ragtag collective team thing let me know your thoughts in the comments down below our next story is by Avenged so you're not in a hurry okay then I guess you don't need to overtake right a bit of context right hand drive country ride most Lane on the freeway is the fast slash overtaking Lane and you're to give way to faster Vehicles regardless of how fast they're going even if you're at the speed limit basically you have no right to police anyone's speed as a civilian unfortunately half the drivers here will happily hog the right lane even with the road ahead clear and justify it as being within the speed limit totally ignoring the rule about giving way it's almost a daily occurrence and frankly it's frustrating because these guys just like to be on the fast lane without actually being fast so they choke up everyone else behind it's not uncommon to see a whole line of drivers picking up when that one hogger ahead finally changes Lane not because he realized how selfish she was but simply because it was time for him to exit so anyway there I was driving home today when I see this driver doing exactly that in fact he was easily 10 below the limit not one ahead for a long way some traffic on the left two lanes so it wasn't exactly an empty freeway either I wait for an opening on the left drop two gears and overtake him then I ease off the throttle and cruise even slower than he was doing roadhogger gets annoyed after a while and switches to the middle to overtake but I'm prepared for that having scouted the road in front a little ahead of me are slow vehicles in the middle and left lane a small truck in the Middle Lane and two bikes on the left going parallel to each other all three doing 20 or 30 below the limit side by side perfect I dropped two gears and make sure to keep Pace with the road hogger modulating my throttle input until I'm about rolling up alongside the small truck and then I let off the gas and Pace the two slow vehicles in a very lazy fifth gear roadhogger has absolutely nowhere to go on the three-lane carriageway and we continue chilling way below the limit until it's time for me to get off the freeway drop to Fourth overtake undertake actually and I'm on my way home Petty is freak maybe do it again absolutely yeah this kind of driving is very prevalent at least where I'm from so I don't really blame op for finally having enough of experiencing this and kind of giving a little bit of payback to these kinds of people that just make your whole Driving Experience miserable because it's so inefficient and our final story of the day is by pill Downton Abbey my truck smokes and makes a clicking noise and it's driving me insane I once worked at an auto parts delivery store and a new guy was hired who was sort of a jerk he was always playing really mean pranks once he fixed a broomstick to the stairs to the basement so I'd trip and I did he put dirty grease on my seat of my delivery truck and that made my pants nasty for the rest of the day everyone complained about him but I was the only one close to his age so I guess he just felt more comfortable doing the mean pranks to me one of my older co-workers gave me a couple of things to do to get him back first I started putting automatic transmission fluid in the carburetor of his delivery truck yeah this is back when those were still common the effect this has is massive amounts of billowing white smoke pouring out of the exhaust pipe until it all burns up the other employees and manager also learned I was doing this and they enjoyed the Revenge after a week of this and his daily complaints of a truck that's falling apart I was given my next prank large heavy duty cable ties around the drive shaft put them in a spot where they'll contact the undercarriage so for the next week or so after this that guy keeps complaining about the smoke and the clicking noise caused by the cable ties I stopped putting the automatic transmission fluid in his carburetor and after a couple of weeks the cable ties wore down or broke off but he was fired shortly after he was getting complaints from customers because he was terrible at his job as well as being a jerk when he was at the store I think this really just goes to show you that if you're a jerk or a mean-spirited person people will constantly do things to get back at you and you probably won't even be able to realize it also that most of the time you don't get too far if you're being a jerk I help someone get revenge on their gold digging butt of a significant other I worked as a front desk agent in a large luxury hotel chain for some years one particular Hotel I worked at was was located really close to the downtown area and so we got a large number of young very wealthy business people who loved the party I usually work the second and third shifts which meant I got to see loads of drunken hookups breakups cheating hookers and more this particular one though this is one I will never forget I was working at the desk when a group of young well-dressed men come walking in they've all been clearly drinking but aren't so drunk that they can't walk right and hold a conversation one of them comes up to me and tells me that while he and his friend were at the bar a woman was hitting on him and even though he told her no multiple times she wouldn't stop so he and his friends left and it wasn't until they got in the Uber that he realized he didn't have his room key anymore he thinks she took it and he's concerned that she may come up to his room he asked that I deactivate his keys and if she does come up to the hotel to not let her in when he was telling me all of this it didn't sit right with me he and his friends were all grinning about it and snickering amongst one another then he gave a clear description of her without being asked told me height body shape hair color and style the kind of dress she was wearing all while seeing it in a mocking tone now this could have easily have been because he thought the whole thing was ridiculous or was too drunk to take it seriously but it really didn't sound right to me either way I did as I was trained in that situation I pulled up his reservation deactivated the keys as requested made him a new said when he showed me his ID and even offered to move him to a new room if that would make him feel more comfortable he and his buddies all laughed a little at that and he declined took the keys and they went to their room about an hour or so later the woman he described showed up now by this point my relief for the night had also shown up and was sitting at the front desk while I was in the back office counting down my cash drawer I hadn't had a chance to tell him about the woman just as I'm walking out of the back office with my bag and about to leave I see my co-worker Buzz the doors open and the woman comes rushing in cuts through the lobby and down the hall to the elevators she was barefoot holding her heels in her hands and knew exactly where she was going I rushed up to him and told him what the man from before had told me about her my co-worker looked at me confused he then pointed to the screen that had the reservation pulled up and told me that when the woman arrived she went to use the room keys and they didn't work so he asked her for her room number and last name she gave both and her name is on the reservation I looked at the reservation and down in the notes there was a woman's name listed the man from before was listed as the primary but her name was listed as secondary with his consent to be in the room I was confused I thought maybe she wasn't the same woman he was talking about but to be on the safe side I called the man in his room and told them the situation and that we allowed a woman fitting that description he gave to enter the building because she confirmed her name was on the room he laughed said he forgot her name was on the room and asked that I remove it I was now super confused I asked to make sure sir just to be clear the woman you met at the bar tonight was with you at check-in hours ago and was allowed Keys then but now she is not him laughs to all his friends in the room oh guys I confused the poor girl gets back on the phone with me yes sweetheart she's banned from the room don't worry about the other details just take her name off I see then if she isn't going to be on the room anymore would you like us to call the police and have her removed from the property whoa that's too far there don't worry she'll get the hint soon enough we ended the call there and I got really suspicious of this I told my co-worker to not do anything and that I was going to stick around for a bit to see if anything happened a short time later the woman came off the elevator pouring tears sobbing while on the phone with someone she sat down in our lobby and my co-worker and I tried to look busy while eavesdropping hard on her phone call she was sobbing on the phone to her mom and sister from what she told them she was invited out to spend the week with her boyfriend meeting all of his old college buddies this being their first night they all met for dinner and drinks after a bit she went to the restroom and when she came back she got her boyfriend hitting on another woman his friends all bet that he wouldn't do it when she confronted him pissed off he called her a bunch of names and humiliated her in front of his friends and the entire bar all of his friends joined in on mocking her and he threw in her face that she was nothing without him and dumped her right there he and his friends then took an Uber back and left her stranded at the bar with no money and no way back she then had to use her phone's GPS and walk back to the hotel from the bar Barefoot she had heels and walking two miles and those was not going to cut it she she was asking her mom and sister for help as he would not let her in the room to get her luggage or her wallet my heart broke I felt horrible I helped this guy treat this poor woman like crap and now he and all his friends were up there laughing at her while she's sitting in our lobby sobbing in with nothing I went over to our snacks area in the lobby grabbed her a bottled water and brought it to her I told her that I couldn't help but overhear the conversation and was very sorry for her situation and asked if she would like us to help I informed her that if he was keeping her from getting to her things we could call the police and have them force him to hand over her things so she could leave if she liked or if she wanted to let her mom or sister pay for a room we'd be happy to give her a very low rate in a room far from him she thanked me took the water and tried to calm down and talk to me about what was all happening and what her options were eventually we decided on her staying in the hotel for the night and figuring out the rest in the morning as we make it to the desk she asks me to to try and run her credit card to see if it has enough on it for another room I ask her what she means by another room and she tells me that she's actually paying for the room he's in that his name is on the room because he booked it but it's her card paying for everything this intrigued me I asked why she was paying for the room if it was in his name she told me that she's the one with a job not him that he hasn't been able to find a job in his field since graduating from college and is essentially living off of his parents money but just after they started dating his parents cut him off so he's been living off her money that's why she was so upset and confused by how he had been acting all night he was sweet and doing everything for her back home but since he met up with his friends he did a 180 and hasn't been the same guy the entire time I wanted to tell her that it was obvious he was using her for the money and that he would probably blame his friends for all of this and try to get back with her later on but I doubted she would have listened to me or or cared for a complete stranger to butt in on our personal life like that so instead I offered up a sweet piece of Revenge I informed her that considering she's the one paying for the room if she can confirm that it is her card on file with some sort of photo ID and verify the last four digits of the card number that's honestly all this hotel company required then she could if she wanted to kick him out of the room and keep it all to herself but considering how poorly her night has been if she were indeed able to prove she is the one paying for the room then I'd be more than happy to provide for her the biggest luxury upgrade we offered at our property largest Suite we had full Hotel amenity access I'd even have my co-worker fish out a bottle of champagne and some fresh strawberries for her to have sent to her room all free of charge she was taken aback by the offer and was very sincerely tempted she looked like she was about to say no then I told her that since she would be upgrading her room that would require moving her things from that room and into her new one which meant the room that she is currently listed in would need to be vacated immediately if anyone were to remain in the room after we demanded it be vacated we are required to have them escorted off the property or they pay for the room their choice she then thought about it pulled up her cards banking app and showed me the screen it had a photo of her her full name the card's full number and the hold from our hotel for the room she asked if that worked it was good enough for me I quickly upgraded her moved everything over in the system and before I could say a word to my co-worker he was already grabbing a set of master keys a bell card and was asking her what her luggage looked like since he would be the one retrieving it for her to deliver to her room he didn't want her to have to deal with her ex again she smiled and told them which ones were hers and that she hadn't unpacked yet my co-worker runs down to the elevators and up to fetch her things while I make her a new set of keys and send her off to her new room once she's on the elevator my phone at the desk starts ringing it's the ex-boyfriend and he's very angry about why my co-worker has entered the room and is taking her things I calmly explain that I cannot give out the private information of any of our guests and that if he would like to remain in his room he will need to pay for it as there is no longer a method of payment on his room he blew up he's making a ton of Demands and at the same time yelling at my co-worker to stop what he's doing but it's obvious from the way he's yelling at him that my co-worker isn't listening to him I can even hear the guy's friends telling him to chill out and just pay for the room I then explain that we will give him a courtesy 10 minutes to make a decision at which point if he doesn't have payment ready then he must vacate the building or we will be forced to call the authorities and have him evicted he continues to yell at me he screams swears threatens and yells for a solid minute before taking a breath I then tell him he has nine minutes remaining and asks if he has come to a decision yet he hangs up on me nine minutes later I call the room and he doesn't answer I call again no answer I call a third time he picks up then immediately hangs up I call the police and tell them what's going on and they said they're on their way the officers arrive I tell them what's going on we go up to the room together and the man and his friends are all white as ghosts when they see the cops the cops explained to the ex-boyfriend and his friends that they're being evicted the xbf starts trying to talk to me but the cops stop him and tell him to only talk to them I told them about his attitude on the phone before the friends are all offering to pay for the room at this point and the cops look to me and ask if that would be acceptable I smile very sweetly and say no and the cops nod and started rushing all the of the guys to grab their things and leave the room the ex-boyfriend is the last one out of the door carrying his two bags and complaining that he isn't even given a luggage card and has to carry his own things his friends all look pissed at him I go with the officers to escort all of them out of the building and run into my co-worker in the lobby he waits until they're all outside in the parking lot to tell me that the woman is in her new room loves it and said no to the champagne she just wanted to sleep I didn't get to see her before she left town the next day but the ex-boyfriend did try calling our hotel to complain a number of times and even tried leaving some bad reviews of Us online and lied through all of it I hope she doesn't have to ever deal with him again man so let me ask you guys if you were the employee here and you saw this all go down and you knew that you had the clearance to help her the way op did would you do the same thing for this lady let me know in the comments down below and our final story of the day is by a light TV logging stiff me on my bonus that's going to cost you many many moons ago 1999 I started work as a pub manager for a successful independent Pub decent salary and even better profit related bonus scheme the owner had just bought an old bank with a large car park in an ideal location for a large Gastropub just on the outskirts of the Town Center it was in the direct footpath between the train and bus stations and the main bar area so its footfall would be excellent over the course of the next 12 months I worked excessive hours running the one Pub whilst topping him design and set up the new pub it was fun and rewarding both financially and emotionally the design of the gastro pub was excellent it was Oriental themed with an open plan kitchen so the customers could see the chefs working and as the owner had an oriental girlfriend all the chefs were from her extended family this point is key to the revenge we opened with a bang and the place was a roaring success far busier than we had dared to Hope and the initial new opening Buzz just never died we just kept getting busier and busier and I was working seven days 80 plus hours a week between the two pubs we had to employ a second manager to run the first Pub and ship even more of her extended family over to work in the kitchen by the end of the first year my bonus was close to double my salary in fairness to the owner he worked more than I did and I got on really well with him then he screwed me over he married his girlfriend and she and I had never really got on very well but she left me to do my job whilst she mainly looked after the kitchen side of things the owner brought a brand new top spec Porsche and the wife got a brand new top spec Merck I bought myself a Suzuki motorbike all was going well until it came to my yearly bonus time I was expecting it to be a lot less than the last year what would the additional manager and that we were no longer running so short staffed but it was drastically worse by my calculations it was almost 15 000 British pounds short just check that's about 25 000 pounds nowadays I of course queried this with the owner it turned out that the company had bought the Porsche and Merc as company vehicles and that was above the line for my bonus calculation on the piano they'd also fudge some major capital investment expenses into the repairs line also above the profit line I was not happy to say the least but since we worked so well together I thought he'd be open to sorting it out somehow but his wife stepped in and even went as far as to say if they could have lowered my bonus even more they would have as I wasn't worth it my personal life was in tatters and I'd have been thinking about moving on anyway all the money in the world isn't worth it if you work so much you ruin relationships so I handed in my notice on the spot this suited the wife perfectly she made me hand over my keys and said I'd get my pay in lieu of notice old holiday pay Etc but I wasn't too ever set foot in either of their pubs ever again I I was barred for life cue the Revenge the problem with treating someone who knows the exact ins and outs of your business with such disregard is that they know all the ways you have been breaking the law those chefs who brought over to work but never bothered to get visas for because it's too much trouble and too expensive be a crying shame if someone called immigration to let them know those company vehicles that were never used for company business via crying shame if someone called the tax office to let them know that fudging of the p l to produce the pre-tax profit be a crying shame if someone called the tax office with the details of what to look for those cash and hand staff you employed so you didn't have to pay nics be a crying shame if someone called the tax office to let them know for good measure I also ring the local eho I wasn't sure as I didn't deal with the kitchen but I was pretty sure they were breaking some of the hygiene laws I knew for a fact Co shhh was broken as it was always the cheapest cleaning chemicals she could find so we never had data sheets The Fallout was epic it hit the local press and the pub was closed for almost four months I have no idea how much they got fined but it had to be far more than my bonus would have been if you had an employee who was an absolute wingman for you the entire time and was willing to overlook all of the probably very illegal stuff you were doing including having relatives come over from your wife illegally you probably shouldn't throw them under the bus and I'm sure the owner probably felt bad that his wife was treating op so badly if the boss's wife was just able to deal with op op wouldn't have absolutely blown them up for almost half a year and however much they probably got fined boyfriend cheats on me with my step sibling so I get him kicked out and Destroy his relationship with his parents when I was around 17 I started dating a guy 19. I'll call him Jake for the sake of this post also age of consent where I live is 16 so nothing illegal Happening Here we got unwell spent a lot of time together and cared for each other a lot we even started talking about living together once we both moved out we were a perfect happy couple or so I thought you see after we'd have been dating for a few months something in Jake changed he was getting a lot more distant whenever he was with me he'd be checking his phone constantly we stopped spending as much time together and he started to get really funny about public affection regarding things like hand-holding and stuff he also seemed to start caring less and less about my feelings I used to have a bit of a thing for humiliation in the bedroom nothing too far and we'd spoken about what Jake should and shouldn't say but he started to get more and more degrading he'd tell me how no one would ever love me and would pick on my ins Securities I actually broke down crying a few times when this happened to give him a bit of credit the first few times he did stop everything he was doing and apologize and cuddle with me until I felt better but eventually that stopped too and he just began rolling his eyes and telling me to grow up he was like a completely different person the insult started to seep into our everyday life he'd pick on my appearance a lot bring up my family I was dealing with a lot of family issues at the time bring up the fact that I slept around before we started dating a sort of rebellion caused by the family issues ETC if I got upset by it he'd just leave the room and let me cry by myself I started to feel like it was my fault our relationship was falling apart maybe I just wasn't good enough for him I knew deep down that he was cheating on me and that was confirmed when I got the message from a guy David on Facebook telling me that he'd been sleeping with Jake he apologized profusely and told me that he broke things off with Jake as soon as he found out he had a boyfriend I couldn't be mad at David it wasn't his fault we spoke for hours and I reassured David that it wasn't his fault and that he'd done nothing wrong David also helped me to stop making excuses for Jake's attitude and the way he'd been acting he was a godsend the thing that truly broke me happened not too long after the cheating was discovered we'd have been arguing a heck of a lot more then he decided to do something absolutely unforgivable you see I had a stained relationship with my father for years he cheated on my mother constantly and eventually he settled down and had kids with a girl he'd been seeing behind her back he did try to have some sort of relationship with me till I was about 13 to 14ish and then decided that he didn't love me as much as his other kids and we stopped any and all contact it broke me and it still hurts to think about to this day anyway Jake went out of his way to find one of my step siblings online and slept with them he bragged about it the next day and my step-sibling actually posted online about what had happened and I received a bunch of messages from their friends telling me how I had deserved it this was probably the lowest point in my life and I hated myself partly for allowing it to happen and partly because I had started to believe what they were saying my only Solace during this time was David I didn't want to burden my friends with my problems and David was one of the only people who knew firsthand what Jake was like we spoke for a few weeks and eventually talked her into Revenge I had tried calling things off a couple months prior due to Jake's awful Behavior but he started with the apologies and telling me that he didn't mean it he'd never do it again he even spoke to some of my family members who unknowingly pressured me to get back together with him as we were such a sweet couple I hadn't wanted to tell them the real reason that we'd broken up so I kept the detail feels pretty vague though I'm pretty sure some of them had seen my step siblings post and knew why I didn't want to be with him after weeks of talking and planning I had finally had enough and decided to do something about it my father wasn't exactly a rich man but he worked a pretty well-paying job and earned enough money to live fairly comfortably he had begun spreading rumors around when I was younger during a custody battle with my mother that he had set up a trust fund for me and that there was enough money there to get me set up in my own place when I was 18 plus a bit extra I knew that this was absolute BS he tried to get out of paying child support all the time of course he'd never set up a trust fund for me however Jake didn't we'd never spoken about it a lot but he'd heard the rumors and I'd always just say what I told you folks my father was an appalling parent who grudged paying my mother child support so why the heck would he set up a trust fund but Jake wouldn't listen he even did his own research into the type of job my father worked and came up with an estimate of how much he thought my father was earning though to his credit he did drop the subject whenever I asked him to for a while anyways I decided to use this to my advantage Jake and I were still dating though I avoided him at any chance I got until one night where I sat him down and told them that since I'd be turning 18 in a couple of weeks I'd started thinking about us getting our own place with the trust fund my father had set up for me he immediately cheered up at this and honestly I think that night was the first time in months that he'd said anything nice to me when we weren't in public or with friends and family this very nearly made me want to call the whole thing off but I spoke with David later that night and he reminded me that Jake would go back to his usual degrading attitude in no time we started looking at Flats though Jake was kind enough to let me have the final say and handle the paperwork because how could he possibly go out and cheat on me if he had to sort out the paperwork for a flat I was a little surprised by this to be very honest as I'd always thought that he'd want his name on the paperwork and everything so I couldn't kick him out but by this point he slept with my step sibling degraded me smashed my self-confidence to pieces and cheated on me regularly I think by now he thought that I wouldn't kick him out no matter what he did anyways I started taking up extra shifts at my work to try and save enough money to actually move out not with Jake though oh no I was moving in with my friend Emma we had both been thinking about moving out for a while anyways and thought why not just be roommates we found a cute little one bedroom flat that was close to our college and work and started getting stuff sorted to move in I also didn't want to bring any trouble to my mother's door if Jake started kicking up a fuss Emma had no issues with clawing the face off him if need be and told me not to worry about him coming to our front door then came the next part of the plan I waited till a week or so before Jake and I were supposedly moving into our own flat and stole this phone for a few minutes he'd stopped caring about leaving his phone unattended and would sometimes flat out brag about how lucky he was to be able to sleep with whoever he wanted and come home to a little witch who'd make him dinner so that day when he went for a shower he wasn't all too bothered about taking his phone with him perfect I went onto his phone deleted my number from his contacts and changed the name of his mm's contact as mine pleased I went to the kitchen smashed one of the plates it was my mother's but it was a cheap one from a local shop and I did replace it as soon as possible I left for work once everything was done my mother had left for work a couple hours prior so she was safe I just needed a reason for him to get pissed off and oh boy did he get pissed off his first reaction was to text me calling me all the disgusting names under the sun except it wasn't me he texted it was really his mom I detected her in advance and told her that I hoped she'd forgive me but she had to to see what her son was really like she'd never try to defend him as much as she just hadn't known quite how bad his behavior was she'd actually called him out a couple of times where he'd slipped up and been harsh with me when she was there she went ape crap I never found out exactly how their argument went as she phoned him to scream at him and call him out for his crappy Behavior finally seeing how horrible her son was it didn't help that she'd been sent screenshots of some of the times where he admitted to cheating she was absolutely disgusted by her son's behavior and phoned me to apologize on Jake's behalf it wasn't her fault though he's old enough to know how to act like a darn adult he wound up telling his mom essentially that her opinion didn't matter as he'd be moving in with me anyways needless to say when he called me on Facebook after I deleted my number from his phone I took some satisfaction and telling him that we weren't moving in together that the trust fund wasn't real I'd already told them that in the past he just refused to listen and that I'd moved in with Emma I was called all the salutes and who ours Under the Sun his voice turned into white noise after a while I told them we were over and hung up blocked him on everything he had to run back to his mom and dad his tail between his legs and they took him back for a little while though after a bit the arguments became too much and his parents kicked him out he stayed with a couple of friends for a few months before he managed to get his own place his parents especially his mother have not been the same with him since I still talked to his mom on occasion lastly David and I took the liberty of sending screenshots of Jake's abuse to as many of the people he'd been hooking up with as possible a couple of sleepless nights were spent trying to track people down on Facebook part of it was to get back at Jake but most of it was just to make sure that none of them got roped into a full-on relationship with him and had to deal with all the crap I'd gone through so there it is my little story of pro Revenge I know this is really long so there's a tldr below I wasn't ever planning on posting my story but I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and one of Jake's new accounts popped up on the people you may know section after talking with Emma about it she suggested posting it here I hope it fits in the subreddit bye so let me ask you guys do you think dumping Jake on their own ruining the relationship with their parents and telling all of his hookups how bad of a person he is is enough of a just dessert or do you think Jake deserved a little bit more wrongdoing based off of how he was acting this entire story let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and our final story of the day is by Waldo 06 no free bacon for you then so back in college I worked at an on-campus fast food place and I worked at noon the lunch rush and it was insanely busy I would get there at 11 53 and then just prepping as many cheeseburgers as possible for the hot window since we to go through about 100 by 12 45 or so the problem was Josh Josh worked the early shift and thought he was a grill God no one could touch the grill besides him and in all his wisdom he didn't think having any more than five to ten hamburger patties was appropriate as per the standards so every lunch I run in and immediately load the grill with as many burgers as could fit so we could barely make it through lunch with having a dozen or so customers have to wait for burgers I pleaded with him I pleaded with managers no one cared the standard was five to ten patties ready at any time fine Josh don't be a team player see all of us poor college kids working there had decided a little trick when you were off shift and came to order a burger you'd always order extra lettuce and anyone in the back would see it look out and see you're one of us and you'd get bacon or an extra Patty we all knew each other and what we want normally a ridiculous up charge but we were being screwed with our wages so screw the man right well I started spreading the word and wouldn't you know it everyone else that worked with Josh hated him too so going forward we all intentionally forgot his free bacon when he ordered oh sorry we didn't see you our screen didn't say extra lattice our bad lunches were still hack until we got a new manager that realized Josh was useless at everything but stock but he never got his free bacon again yeah if you got kind of a bro code or a worker code but overall you're just being a jerk and pissing everybody off I don't think it's too surprising that they would take that stuff away from you or just you know not include you in it in places like a restaurant during the lunch rush you really gotta be able to work well together and one person totally throwing off everybody else is going to piss off a lot of people that said this story had way too much hamburger and cheeseburger talk and bacon talk and whatnot and now I'm way too hungry thanks Waldo 06 fired are you sure okay node one this story was told to me by a friend and is about her father I won't be able to answer many follow-up questions it takes place around 2005. I believe the story to be true but can verify it of course Note 2 this happens in Sweden where there's no ad will employment once an employee is past the initial six-month probation period you can't fire them without a cause which also requires an established paper trail Note 3 I am not a native English speaker and professional term may be wrong I'm happy to take any corrections so my friend's father since retired was a mechanical engineer he was around 55 when this happened and very experienced in his field in fact he had some skill sets that were close to Unique to the extent that you might be able to replicate them but at extreme costs we're talking multiple people from multiple companies from multiple countries taking weeks if not months to get up to speed with specific projects to do the same things he was also a no BS kind of guy who did his job fitted well but also pointed out problems and expected others to point out problems to him he was extremely solution oriented and had no time for office politics or keeping a positive attitude at work basically your everyday grumpy older engineer who really knew his thing and was always ready to help you if you asked but not a very forthcoming in team building exercises and so he also ran his own business on the side doing minor projects and so on as was required by his employer he had reported this and was sure to not cause any conflicts of interests so his employer knew and accepted this he was considered a valuable employee and got several awards that he cared little for but anyway during his many years with this employer by all accounts they paid him well respected his knowledge and accommodated his style and he returned the favor by working very hard and making sure to Mentor younger and newly employed Engineers to make them effective co-workers then his firm was acquired by a larger firm and a new management team installed initially everyone was promised that things would remain the same but with the new management came a new office culture the new management pressured for unpaid overtime for a more American corporate culture with cheering and clapping and so on he considered it extremely cringe and refused to participate his status as a long standing and knowledgeable employee kept them safe for some time before the new management realized that resistance to the new culture centered around him and started pressuring him to play along when he did not they turned increasingly hostile realizing that he held a lot of soft power in the company having mentored a large percentage of the engineers and resistance to their leadership centering around him they started ordering him to work overtime he answered that he was on time with his projects and that if they had identified an emergency requiring over time they would have to bring it up with the Union to negotiate the overtime and make sure it was an actual emergency the contract with the Union said no overtime unless in an emergency they tried to force him to participate in the cheering and clapping by making it mandatory for him to attend and yelling at him to participate and he did but so unenthusiastically that the event turned even more cringe and people people started laughing the work day turned more and more hostile and he knew that things would come to a head sooner or later being an experienced engineer and knowing how to document things he already had his ducks in a row then it finally happened they caught him answering an email for his side business on his work laptop brought him in and fired him on the spot for theft of company resources he sat at the conference table and looked the three managers in their eyes one after the other and asked are you sure you want to do this they all said yes are you really sure you want to do this he was escorted to his desk by security to leave his phone his badge and his computer at the desk and then escorted out once out of the building he phoned his union representative who immediately canceled the firing claiming there was no just cause which meant that it would go to the labor board for arbitration you see the company had an I.T policy that it was okay to use the company laptop for personal business including a side business as long as you were on a break and complained with it security protocols and the company was aware of and had approved his side business signed by his former manager and the IT policy available and sent both to the union representative then he called his lawyer and asked him to send the pre-prepared cease and desist on two patents he held patents that were not that significant and nothing he could make any serious money out of since they were mostly for very specific things used by the solutions he designed and used at his employers but still his that he had brought with him into the employment and allowed the employer to use in exchange for a slightly higher pay all duly documented in his contract of course then he went home for some vacation intending his side business he was always a man to prepare and had enough money saved up to last him for a good time to the extent that he considered retiring entirely my friend said he had two job offers from competitors that had looked to snipe him for some time within the week basically as soon as they learned he was available he was gracious but declined but offered them to consult with the side business now that he had the time which they eagerly accepted at twice the hourly rate he had made and his earlier employers his colleague started ringing the day after for advice since the projects He had managed could not go on without him he was perfectly polite but denied any information and help saying he had left everything he had with management and to contact them as he was no longer employed there several clients that phoned his private number were told the same thing since his private number was not on a public registry he suspected that both colleagues and clients spend some time and or money to find it it took two weeks before a manager phoned him and asked things he politely declined to answer got yelled at and replied with some something like I am sorry you must have mistaken me for someone who works for you and hung up this happened a few times in the next week HR phoned him in stated the firing had been a mistake and he was welcomed back to his job he again politely declined saying that he awaited the labor board's decision but until then he was happy to consult for them and six times his hourly pay after taxes and administrative costs of course after a few days of wrangling and trying to negotiate they had to accept and then he sprung the patent issue on them forcing them to pay for those too less than two and a half weeks after being fired he was back at his desk after roughly three months the firing came to the labor board the employer stated that they believed they had handled the issue correctly but were still willing to offer my friend's father his position back in the interest of Goodwill and Reconciliation my friend's father and the union simply stated that he was now employed elsewhere his own company and no longer available the labor board ruled in my friend's fathers and unions favor and he got the normal damages three months paid damage and 24 months pay reverence package including pension and of course the lawyer costs of the Union paid by the employer according to my friend her father continued to work there until he retired working 20 hours or so per week and 10 to 15 hours for other companies making a pretty penny continuing to charge them three times when he charged their competitors as an a-hole tax the managers were not fired but they were moved into their own group apart from the rest of the department when it came to bonus calculations and the costs of her father's consultancy fees and the costs of the labor board arbitration were budgeted there meaning they were constantly over budget and thus ineligible for bonuses for several years which was a decent percentage of the incentives at that company making at least one of them quit my friend also said her father usually met any management complaints with a big poop-eating grin and what are you going to do fire hear me after that so let me ask you guys do you think the friend's father should have let up a bit when they admitted their mistake and offered the position back or do you think the employers already had dug their own grave and friend's father was totally justified and having them just keep shoveling away let me know your thoughts in the comments down below our next story is by what a low credit score roommate wants tea too bad okay A little background I live with four people and having five roommates in one house is tough kovid raises tension of course so I try to let things go in an effort to stay sane I work from home and so did two of my other roommates roommate 4 has a day job she leaves every day for roommate 5 is a cook so he is usually home during the day and at work from a 4 to 11 pm roommate number five is usually a problem with noise he blasts music blares's TV slams the front door coming in and out 10 times in five minutes Etc I'm not the type to do the passive aggressive text thing so anytime he's being loud I try to go downstairs to ask him to stop magically as soon as my feet hit the stairs he's always suddenly quiet which is what I wanted so fine we don't have the conversation where I ask him to be quieter today was a new low the kettle starts whistling now my room is on the third floor and the kitchen is on the first I could hear the screaming Kettle two floors up and through my closed door I was about to leave so I was pulling clothes out of my closet and then changing I ordered Groceries on my phone and then made sure I had a list of all of the things we were out of so I could go pick them up at the corner store I then used the restroom point is I lingered and that kettle just kept screaming finally I went downstairs to take the kettle off of the burner on my way on the second floor I can hear through their bedroom doors that both my work from home roommates are on conference calls when I get to the first floor the front door is wide open and wonderful roommate number five is chilling right outside so when I take the kettle off the burner I decide to get Petty roommate number five doesn't deserve hot water anymore because he's selfish I dumped all the water out if he wants tea he can actually pay attention to the kettle next time I definitely think it's a little petty but there's only so much you really can put up with and if that one little Act of Revenge is what helps you kind of get over it or gives you enough satisfaction to just move on I don't think it really harmed anybody and obviously they weren't caring too much because they let that thing go for way too long this next story is by Thug wifey people won't break down their boxes I live in a large apartment building and every floor has one trash room there are signs everywhere that say to please break down your box and throw it down the trash chute well especially since covet hit with people doing more online shopping the trash room has been overflowing with unbroken boxes there are residents that apparently believe the maintenance workers should break it down for them I find this extremely rude especially during covid times many of those residents don't bother to at least black out or rip off their address which show which apartment it came from so I do them a favor and bring their box back to their apartment with a little friendly reminder note to break down their crap good on op people should be responsible if you buy a whole bunch of stuff from Amazon and you have 12 boxes it's not fun to break it all down especially if you need to kind of rip the boxes and have to make it really fit down the Chute but it's the least you can do as a human being to do your part right and if it's big enough to accommodate any sized box regardless there's really no excuse because all you have to do is break the tape on the bottom side and it can fold flat our next story is by canadark not eating those cookies no problem them we grew up around the corner from a peak friends cookie factory and my dad used to bring bulk bags to the office for the cookie jar everyone used to contribute a dollar a month to keep the cookie jar stocked now these cookies were usually imperfect a touch too dark too much filling or mixed when they were switching over lines this is important one guy refused to contribute saying he never ate the cookies this would have been fine but not only did he eat the cookies he ate more than anyone else and would regularly take some home to boot my dad and his co-workers were fed up and came up with a plan a week after the latest batch of cookies had arrived the guy went up to my dad and said can a dark's dad I know they're from the factory store but you need to complain these Oreos have no filling in them the office gathered around to let him know that everyone who had contributed to the cookie fund had taken the opportunity to sit and lick the filling out of the cookies before are putting them back in the jar the guy gave my dad a 50 Bill and was always first to Pony up for the cookie fund afterwards honestly that guy must have really liked cookies if he experienced all his co-workers equally licking the filling out of the cookies and putting them back so he could eat them yet still sticking around and paying for the cookies and eating them with his co-workers also this story made me think I kind of like those cookies that were a touch too dark am I weird like that let me know and our final story of the day is by Mr Dream Thief my old boss upset me so I'm getting even my boss retired a month ago he was getting on in years and didn't want to work every day in the past six months of his full time he sat around in his office and didn't do anything of import he forwarded all of his work to me after he retired he became a consultant visiting the company every few days to consult about stuff stopped into my labs twice and wasted my time telling me long but stories about crap I don't care about that happened to him in the 70s and stories I've usually already heard I've told him he is not my boss anymore I have more work to do now that he's gone and I don't have the time to sit and chew the fat he doesn't listen he wants to tell his stories today I started my Petty Revenge he said he wants PDFs of the certification I fill out every day emailed to him before I leave work I email them to him from our copier so he receives them upside down on his computer and has to print them off if they're very technologically illiterate it's definitely a good little petty Revenge however in most cases you're able to just press like one button to rotate a PDF so there is a chance that this chance at Revenge could have basically have been next to nothing try to scam me out of rent money have fun paying back six times the amount losing all your friends and getting exposed for your lies on my University Facebook page I found a posting for a sublease offered by a girl named Wendy she was transferring out of the university and needed her room rented out it was an individual lease so I wouldn't have to worry about damages in the shared space I had my own deadbolt and key fob for my door and the shared bathroom was huge so I didn't even care if it stayed messy I met the other roommates we hit it off and within a week I had signed the sublease I learned my lesson from my previous renting situations and made sure to only sign a semester sublease with Wendy I explained to her that I didn't want to be stuck in another lease and waiting for it to expire if my new roommates and I were not compatible I also didn't want to lease during the summer when I didn't have plans to live on campus she was fine with this as no one else was willing to pay her the full amount of monthly rent a semester went by and my roommates were nice so I didn't think twice about extending my sublease until the end of May school would be over by May 5th and I already had a new apartment near my internship lined up for June 1st I told this all to Wendy four months in advance so she would have plenty of time to find someone to move into my room for the summer since I signed my lease extension I had noticed that the quality of living in my complex said tanked to to new lows if you've never lived in a student apartment complex they're pretty much run like dorms though they are marginally cheaper and have more privacy with individual rooms the past few months I noticed that none of the public toilets in the gym or study floors were being cleaned the security guard would let random drunk people use the facilities inside none of the lights on a floor of the parking garage worked there would be alcohol and vomit for days in the hallways and the trash shoots were constantly jammed and overflowing causing my entire floor to reek of garbage we also had frequent plumbing and heating issues management seemed to do the bare minimum at their own pace to fix these problems this would all come back later so in December I paid fifty five hundred dollars plus fees for rent utilities and service for December to May note I paid for the upcoming semester along with my last month's rent before my initial lease expired not smart but I had cleaned out my entire savings to do this so I didn't have to worry about late payments E-Check fees are scrambling to pay rent at the end of each month I worked a minimum wage tip-based job and there were so many stupid fees just for paying rent that were eating up my paychecks and cash was not allowed ultimately I realized it was cheaper to prepay the rent and just live paycheck to paycheck for my food costs since this was a student building the rent portal worked on credits and would just subtract monthly from any prepaid direct deposit we also had a utility cap so I never had to worry about any more payments now for the part where Wendy freaked up may rolls around and I double check with Wendy that I am moving back home right after finals May 4th and the new tenant can move in starting June 1st since I paid until the end of May I told her that if anyone wants to move in earlier than June 1st to contact me because I didn't want to return my keys yet and it would be nice to to get some money back for The Empty Apartment I'm paying for she agreed to this all my things were moved out except for sheets and a single pillow just in case I wanted to visit my friends or work an extra shift in May Wendy calls me the day after I move and cries and cries about how she cannot find anyone to take over the rest of the lease and if I could extend into the summer she has another apartment signed at her new school and cannot afford the rent for both I tell her I'm in the same situation with my new apartment so I can't afford to rent an empty room either at the end of the day her name is on the lease and not mine she does not take this well May 15th I get a one thousand dollar charge on my account from the rental company for June rent and for losing my keys and a noise complaint violation fee I call management right away because no one was supposed to be home and realize it is not the lady who has been working there for the past nine months but someone completely different turns out older management knew they were being replaced since a National rental company bought the building so they completely gave up on any upkeep during the most they were being phased out they hadn't even filed my sublease contract from December for which I paid a hefty contract filing fee because Wendy never bothered to sign it she just ignored the email they sent requesting her electronic signature and management was too lazy to look into it because I had prepaid for the semester and they never had to bother Wendy for any late payments New Management just assumed I was the original leaser or a relative of Wendy's since my account was linked to the unit's rent portal on top of the old Management's free cup Wendy knew about the lack of proper sublease contract and used it to her Advantage she offered a new sublease discounted rent to move in for the full summer Wendy essentially charged two months rent for four months of living but was only able to do so since I had paid for the free month she was offering to her subleaser and my damage deposit covered the last month's rent she was actually gaining an extra 700 out of the deal on top of having her rent fully covered for the last four months of her lease she had a new sublease drafted by the ever clueless new manager and set the start date as May 6th overlapping my contract which ended on May 31st to explain the lack of returned Keys Wendy also called the management and said she had lost her keys during moving and to just charge her portal for the replacement when the sublease moved in she assumed that this charge would be revoked when I returned my keys and the unpaid rent for the last month would be subtracted from my damage deposit so I'd be none the wiser she did not think that I would still be checking my rent portal occasionally after I moved out this meant that from the very next day I moved out someone had been living in my room which I paid for without my knowledge or the knowledge of any of my other roommates who had gone on summer vacation I was livid but I still tried to patch things up between us I offered to schedule an appointment at our local Tenants Union for mediation and I even offered to just have her family talk to mine in case there were other personal issues that prevented Wendy from paying she wrote me back a nasty email from her lawyer saying that she had saved a Snapchat of my roommates her friends since high school smoking pot and drinking during my birthday party in the apartment and she wouldn't hesitate to send it to my boss academic advisor and the building manager pot is legal I was 22 I had just passed a drug test for my internship and I was not even present in the picture she had so I'm not sure what she would have accomplished through this other than ratting out her own friends or incurring is smoking fine on her own lease Plus I'm not aware of any lawyer who would threaten blackmail and send it through their clients personal email address she also said she needed extra money for damages and cleaning stating the pillow I left in the room as evidence of a lack of cleaning well all of the cleaning fees would have been avoided if she told me someone was moving in blackmailing me into giving up a full month's rent to throw away a mere pillow and blanket I left because I was still paying for the room nuclear option it would have to be I contacted the University's free legal services and had them explain the process and required papers and documents I would need to get her into civil court since she was no longer a student I was able to receive help without any conflict of interest under there student tenant issues advisor the legal counselor suggested I try to pursue a court operated mediation for the issue and follow with a civil suit if the mediation didn't work they referred me to a local lawyer who does the sort of work pro bono to prevent companies from taking advantage of inexperienced students who gladly helped me at this point I had received enough rude emails from her brother and boyfriend calling me a junkie and a scammer for trying to extort money from Wendy their pure angel I sent the court mediation paperwork straight to her family's home address just to expose her to everyone who she had told that I was just a crazy drug addict trying to steal her money then I took her nasty email and forwarded it to every person included in the picture that she was trying to hold over me I simply believe they deserve to know that their friend didn't care about any possible Fallout they might experience and was using their post slash image to Blackmail someone finally I spoke to the new management about the missing contract I had paid extra money to file new manager admitted she was too overwhelmed by by the massive pile of garbage the building had become to do her due diligence and did have to concede she made a mistake once she saw my saved copy of the lease extension but she still could not evict the new tenant since it was my sublease extension that was invalid without Wendy's signature I had the new manager send me the new tenants contract and forwarded the overlapping leases and the utility overage receipts since January to the accounting slash fraud department of the management company and new manager's boss who was in charge of making sure the transition between management was smooth I made sure to hammer in the fact that had anything gone wrong since December I could have been evicted for illegal subletting after the company had accepted payment just because Wendy didn't feel like signing a contract and no one bothered up to follow on this within a day I had not only received the 700 refund meant for May but over seven times more the company won wanted to wash its hands of any liability in this mess they inadvertently help orchestrate so they just reverted the direct deposit which included the overlapping month in question but that payment had been made in December so I got back six months of rent utilities deposit and fees I essentially got back a semester's worth of rent plus December as the original lesser to the unit Wendy was now liable for all seven months of payment including the deposit since my living situation there could only be legally classified by the building as an unauthorized verbal contract if Wendy had agreed to mediation at the tenants Union or even just through local Court we would have only disputed seven hundred dollars and likely a significant portion of it would have been eaten up through court fees or paying the mediator I waited for a while after my payout to really make her sweat from the pressure of the Court requesting her presence and the building manager requesting six thousand dollars in unpaid rent I knew the building manager was leaving her and her parents voicemails daily about needing to call her back to fix the situation before it got worse but they were all avoiding calls at this point eventually her family had to hire a real lawyer to get back to me about revisiting an out-of-court mediation finally I sent her a sakuran email explaining that I was willing to cancel the upcoming mediation request that the local courthouse but only because I got back what I wanted and more I told her that if she her family her pretend lawyer or her real lawyer wanted to call me and settle my rent I would be happy to pay for the time I lived there and she could handle the rest on her own like she should have done in the first place I think her family was too embarrassed to even ask for rent from December to May and couldn't deny their daughter had been lying this whole time especially since they had to pay for a lawyer on top of everything else to clean up her mess they never requested that I pay them back at all and I have not heard or seen her since none of her friends from my school are friendly with her anymore and their families are not on cordial terms since the email I forwarded to her friends spread like wildfire I'm not sure about the financial Fallout of this on her end according to the local Rumor Mill her upper middle class parents build their darling princess out of it and the building absorbed the lost on utilities and fees for its own mistakes but I'm sure she won't be trying to scam anyone else for a while so let me ask you guys considering everything here do you think the family was in on this it just seems kind of odd that once everything finally reached a boiling point the family goes complete no show do you think the family felt guilty because they realized their daughter was lying or do you think they were secretly all in on this and trying to support the daughter and trying to get over op's head on this one let me know in the comments down below our next story used by Kate shakes talk to me like rubbish wait extra time for your Mayo chicken throw back a decade I was in sixth form 16 to 18 years for my American friends and working at McDonald's on weekends for extra cash at 10 30 am we changed from breakfast menu to main menu and there was typically a few minutes of blind panic where there was a significantly longer wait for food 10 20 am in comes this meat head who looks still half pissed from the previous night and orders three Mayo chickens I inform him we will only be able to start cooking them at 10 30 as Friars are in use for breakfast items for another 10 minutes he says okay Pages 297 and waits at a table worth saying at this point it's a heaving Saturday morning the first one after payday not even five minutes later he comes up to me and says slash shouts and a thick scouse accent oy what you doing giving him his food before mine I've been waiting getting here way longer I inform him that customer had ordered off the breakfast menu which we had ready to hand out he looks pissed off but nods at me 10 30 on the dot when I told him the chicken would be put down He barges past other customers in the queue and gets up in my face almost shouting now where the freak are my Mayo chickens you're taking the freaking piss now I tell him his food is being cooked to stop swearing at me and that it'll literally be two minutes he continues this isn't freaking good enough no wonder you work at MC freaking Donald's when you can't even cook a chicken burger the sentence in scouse was hilarious I tell them to stop shouting and wait in line or I'll cancel his order and refuse service he just says freak sake and audibly mutters runt under his breath at this point I see three male chickens come sliding down the Chute and I just leave them I left them there for an extra five to six minutes till I knew they'd go a bit more lukewarm while I started serving another customer he tried to kick off but I think he soon realized the more he did so the longer he'd be waiting and that's it my pettiest of petty Revenge the people who work in places like McDonald's aren't paid enough to deal with guys like this I also feel like it's a pretty well-known thing that between that transition from breakfast to lunch you're gonna have to wait a little extra time but of course this guy probably wasn't bright enough to realize that and our final story of the day is by B Barham 99 don't take my cologne back in college one of my roommates was sort of known to borrow things and they somehow never made it back back to the owner me and my roommate are and still are good friends but one day he pushed me too far I would always let him use my cologne before we would go out because who cares it's just cologne but I had one specific cologne that was my favorite and apparently his and his girlfriend's favorite so one day I come home and realize my favorite cologne is gone and I knew there was one culprit I called him to ask if he took it and he was honest with me and said yes he brought it with him while he went to visit his girlfriend's parents about three hours away and promised I would have my cologne back well I had experienced this promise enough to know that if I didn't do anything he would have forgotten the cologne and I would never see or smell it again so what did I do to make sure before I got off the phone with him I said okay but just to make sure I get it back I'm taking some of your valuables out of your room and holding them hot Stitch to which he was not happy but I was shaking with excitement I then proceeded to take just about everything out of his room I took his laptop TV pillows hats shoes Beats headphones Etc and took a picture of everything locked in the trunk of my car so he really got the message that I was serious surprisingly when he got back he tried to play the dude I forgot it but I promise I'll give it back routine not a chance buddy that stuff is staying locked in my car until that cologne is back on my shelf he claimed he left it at the parents house three hours away but somehow within 15 minutes I had my cologne back I knew that would be his trick but you can't fool me that easily and even if it was there well I guess he'd have to hop in the car for six hours unless he wants to sleep without pillows or can't do any homework since I had his laptop not my problem and just to be even more Petty all I did was unlock my car and he had to put all his stuff back just so I know he got the message loud and clear as somebody who's Fallen victim to this kind of thing before in my childhood I lended my friend My Game Boy charger to which oh dude I forgot I'll bring it back next time until eventually summer vacation came by and then they moved and well I didn't have a charger so even though it's cologne I don't blame op the slightest for doing this don't steal and don't lie people out of their own belongings while you should always be nice to potential hires this is a bit of a long story about the value of being professional and nice no matter the position you are in my wife and I moved to our current city back in 2013. the standards for my wife's job here are different to the standard back home she has an associate's degree and most employees wanted a bachelor's degree however nothing could stop her and she kept putting in applications one day one of the employers she had sent applications to called her back however it was not to tell her she had gotten the job instead it was the manager telling her how unprofessional it was of her to put in for positions that were obviously above her in fact I'm going to delete your email from our system please don't apply anymore it's just a waste of our time I'll send you a letter since you just can't seem to follow directions in my emails my wife after she got over her initial shock asked the manager for her name I don't see why it matters but Ivanka tulip my wife said Thank you and continued her job hunt sure enough she got the letter in the mail asked asking her not to apply anymore citing inability to follow Clear Directions my wife held on to this letter I told her to throw it away but she insisted on keeping it eventually my wife landed a job at one of the biggest Employers in the city not only that but this employer was the main supply of business to the employer that was so rude to my wife well my wife is an extremely precocious and hard-working person and eventually got her bachelor's and then became the manager over her crew one of the manager's responsibilities was to decide who to send business to my wife told her boss about the letter and what happened and used that as justification that if this is how a business treats potential hires then they really shouldn't be trusted with their business her boss honestly probably did not care very much and just let my wife do what she does honestly my wife is kind of a boss person and it wouldn't surprise me if her boss just gave her whatever it took to keep her happy wouldn't you know it the rude employers business went way way down in fact my wife would only give them business if they were the last ones who could be called this led to the most awesome meeting my wife has had this year you see to improve the relations the crappy employer set up a meeting with my wife and my wife's boss and the crappy businesses top management they needed this meeting to show how much value they could add the day of the meeting comes and everyone introduces themselves finally Mrs tulip says she is the manager and how nice it was to meet everyone that's when my wife said excuse me I just want to be certain are you Mrs Ivanka tulip Ivanka says yes that's me my wife says oh excellent I am so happy to finally meet you in person thinking she had an in with my wife Mrs tulip was over the moon my wife let them carry on until they're all about how much value they could add to the business and how they could really help out my wife's employer this is when my wife says well thank you you but unfortunately I feel that we can't really give business to an employer who we feel has some ethical issues that need to be addressed the big boss from the bad employer says excuse me we were not made aware of any ethical issues what are you talking about that's when my wife brought out the letter that was signed by Mrs tulip my wife then tells them that if they treat potential hires this way then it was an Ethics issue for my wife and it would be very hard for my wife to give them business since she had concerns about the welfare of the business she couldn't approve any more goes to Bad Business than absolutely necessary Mrs tulip turned white and you could hear a pin drop on the other side of the table my wife thanked them for their time but apologized and went back to her work we don't know if anything ever happened to Mrs tulip but that business has since downsized and has gotten a reputation for being a poor choice to send business throughout my wife's organization I really admire what Opie's wife did here but let's be honest how many of you guys if you got a letter like this would actually save it as a way of motivating yourselves and how many of you would just tear it up and maybe not quit but keep moving forward but not save this really negative letter let me know in the comments down below which of those you would do our next story is by canis animus dad kills obnoxious party with science in the late 80s my neighbors across the street were having a party they were blasting the radio with a station playing offensive music again 80s and from my dad's perspective it was so loud it could be heard all across the lake Community they had a habit of being disruptive and disrespectful neighbors but my dad didn't accost them he didn't threaten or yell at them he decided to fix it with science he went into the garage and cobbled together a mad scientist Contraption consisting of a waveform generator an oscilloscope and an old metal bed frame he tuned into the FM radio frequency they released listening to causing major static disturbances in their music every time they change to another station he found the frequency and Disturbed it again after about 10 to 15 minutes I think we're talking almost 30 years ago they finally shut off the radio and after a few minutes more just began to relax and engage with their company judging by the sounds of their voices the party only got better after the radio got turned off judging by how loud it seems this party was Opie's dad probably saved some people's hearing the fact that it would be so loud over an entire Lake Community those people didn't need to stop partying they needed to stop for their ears sake our next story is by Joshua talk to me any way you please nah have fun losing the entire staff along with the juiciest of Juicy contracts this is a super throwback but it still brings a smile to my face I was a rink rat growing up the only day that wasn't in the skating rink were the adult and gay nights calmed down it was the 90s and that's literally what it was called Friday night Saturday morning and night along with Sunday morning and night I was there heck I didn't even leave between the morning and night sessions I even went Tuesday nights as well I was serious too I dove deep into speed skating and not trying to toot my own horn but I was pretty good and well known anyway I had been going to the specific skating rink for years and knew everyone one day it was right before I started seventh grade the owner came up to me and asked me to go out onto the rink floor and tell some kids to slow down I did and came back and he asked me how would I like to make 750 an hour to which I responded do I also get in for free he laughed and said of course boom first job and I wanted to be there anyway so it was the biggest win-win of all time for me to say I loved it was an understatement and I did every everything besides work the snack bar DJ Skate counters floor guard janitor hype man you name it and I did it it was some of the greatest times of my life so much fun and the owner was super awesome also we were paid under the table so getting an envelope full of cash every week just felt like a bonus for having fun to me it wasn't a job it was pure fun it also helped that all my friends were regulars as well a few years go by and the owner sold to another guy who we will call Tim Tim could be an absolute nightmare to work for he changed the entire Dynamic of the place and everyone felt it now this skating rink was popular and extremely old lots of people all over the city knew of it my mom and aunt skated there when they were kids if that tells you anything some way or another the new owner set up a juicy deal that had the ring starting making a crap load of money on Saturday night from 7 to 11 it was skating per usual but from 11 to 2ish slash three-ish it was a club a local hip-hop station came in there with local label swisha house and turned the place upside down for those few hours every week and the place was popping there must have been over 2 000 people in there on average and at twenty dollars per person it adds up quick plus the snack bar would never stop turning out food and drink we were making stupid money bonus we also found some good stuff when cleaning up as well money knives weed jewelry it was awesome so Tim hasn't made but sometimes he would fly off the handle for little things all of us weren't sure what his deal was but he would explode out of nowhere and start talking all kinds of nonsense I'd started to have enough because we had all worked there for many years without issue one night he went too far I don't like being called outside of my name it's a respect thing my own mother didn't do it and he for sure wasn't for context I was in 10th Grade now one night he was in some kind of mood and for whatever reason was taking it out on everyone I don't remember the exact situation but he started freaking out on me at about 11 30 p.m now Slim Thug and Paul Wall were in the building that night so the place was extra packed way more than usual I'm sure we were breaking all kinds of Fire Marshall rules he went ballistic and called me every name in the book while I just stood there with rage building up in me I'd had enough for years this place ran flawlessly and everyone loved us so we really didn't have a good reason to treat us in the manner he did my plan was formed I immediately gather everyone else that was working and we all decided that enough was enough it was time for a lesson I assembled the entire crew and we all quit on the spot all of us that meant nobody to serve food clean help the Swisher house people or just carry out General things that needed to be done when two to three thousand people were in the building he was stunned his tone changed and he became very sweet we weren't having it as an additional freak you I called the other two people that were off and they showed up to quit as well Tim had already reached out so he assumed they were showing up to work nope we left him with zero workers on the absolute busiest of busy nights and boy did it implode he couldn't find anyone to work so the place went to Absolute crap that night the on-duty officer told him he needed to figure something out or he was going to close it down without workers well he didn't it closed down that night and apparently without staff it got nasty people started having sex smoking trashing the place and all kinds of stuff shortly after the radio station and label took their business elsewhere and not long afterward the place closed down he lost his entire investment this was very Bittersweet for me because I love the place but he ran it into the ground the building is still standing and I would love to bring it back to its former glory but my pockets aren't deep enough yet maybe one day it's actually kind of a shame to see what happened to skating rinks in general when I was a kid the whole thing was a very popular practice and then very quickly fell out of style when I was a kid I loved to go rollerblading and skating around but something changed along the way and a lot of skating rinks and rollerblading and all those kinds of things just kind of fell off a bit at least in a widely popular landscape and our final story of the day is by fidal screw me screw you I want my money about 30 years or so ago I was 17 and was about to head to University an acquaintance through my parents church offered me a job working with him learning to be a pizza chef awesome I'd need money for uni and I'd already had a stack of jobs so working hard was nothing new for me but being a cook certainly was my experience with Italian was limited to Pizza Hut so I accepted that at the start I was a liability not a help I started work and to start with I worked free cool but when it got to the point about three months later that I was opening by myself and taking whole shifts by myself well I should be paid I screwed up all of my 17 year old courage and confronted the owner let's call him Nick because that was his name he huffed and puffed and tried to tell me how terrible I was but I stood my ground and now I'm on minimum wage not bad in my eyes at the time I worked there for another three years through most of my uni degree often putting in 30 hours of contact at Uni 30 hours at the restaurant and 30 hours of study it was hectic but just became the norm towards the end I became a lot more Savvy and started researching labor laws keeping records of my pay packets and none of your tax receipts and realized Nick and other co-owners were screwing me I wasn't on the correct rate they weren't deducting tax correctly and a couple of other accounting oversights by then I was working with my at the time mate let's call him girlfriend creeping tick hat it was Sunday night the place was packed I had tickets all the way down my line and girlfriend creeping tick and I were pumped we had a new boss who just bought into the business who thought he was the king of the world because he was now A restaurant tourer a right jerk but after years of having to stay back to cook pizzas on World Cup nights for the boss's friends or Christmas New Year's Eve Etc I was sort of used to the grandstanding chest puffing Behavior the night in question the new boss would not let me start the second pizza oven think a two-tier oven I was only allowed the top tier on because it cost too much so here I am oven full two Pizza chefs running full speed and were only falling behind because one oven wasn't enough and it was starting to cool down from being so full and open so frequently new boss gets a couple of tables of mates in instead of just asking us to cook some compensation garlic bread or whatever he starts loading up trays himself and putting them in the oven not the worst crime but because he had no idea what he was doing every 30 seconds he'd open the oven to check them cooling the oven down even further potentially ruining the food we had in there and slowing us down measurably I had the head shaft chewing my butt out as his food was ready to go but my food on the same tickets wasn't it was hectic and not fun this garlic bread Bandit crap had to stop I said new boss stop messing with my oven if you want garlic bread just ask I'll get it done immediately for you new boss says what huh you're messing with my oven you're cooling it down and we're too busy for this crap just tell me and I'll make it new boss says okay did he do it nope he kept on cue the same conversation another two times the last time I told them I'd blow my stack if he did it again you see where this is going he did it again now after being consistently ripped off and abused so many cookie stories from that place for three years my time was up there anyway and this was the time to do it I looked at girlfriend creeping tick and said yo we out of here he looked back and simply said Yup we stripped our aprons and in front of the entire restaurant Pizza Kitchen was in full view of the entire restaurant threw them on the bench and told new boss we quit all this all these tickets all the food in the oven you've messed up and your mates crappy garlic bread this is all yours now good luck then we walked out got some coffees from the Baristas sat in front of the pizza area and watched him absolutely flounder he had no idea what he was doing and there was literally no one else there that could help him we could see food coming out from the kitchen but the pizza on the same ticket was taking 20 minutes or more longer to come out tables were hopping mad we could hear the grumblings all around us I'll admit it was pretty jerkish but undeniably satisfying to behold that's not the pro Revenge though the pro Revenge was that I'd been stealing my time sheet every Sunday night photocopying it then replacing it Monday mornings I'd have been doing that for over a year I'd also told girlfriend creeping tick to do it Monday I walked in and Nick was there and was Furious yes at me as I was walking in you could see his chubby face turned bright red as he bellowed across the restaurant floor what the frick do you think you're doing here get the freak out and never come back I said Nick we've gotta talk we can do it here or we can do it in your office but trust me you want to have this conversation privately Nick says fine you come with me then desperately trying to gain the upper hand back and he storms to his crappy little office at the back Nick says BS BS BS about how he's going to withhold pay and a whole heap of other illegal hot air I say you done good here read this I hand him a printout of an Excel spreadsheet a stack of photocopy timesheets a stack of photocopied payslips printed copies of the wage Awards all of which detail the amount he's ripped me off for you owe me six grand I'll take cash or a check now did I mention he and the other bosses had just been simultaneously rated by the tax office and that they and the business were all on thin freaking ice yeah bad timing for Nick to tick Nick sputtering ringing his hands but but I can't afford it look I'll show you my bank accounts as he physically starts scrambling to find his bank statements Nick I literally don't give a crap about you your bank accounts or your situation you owe me six grand today or I take all of this to the tax office and all of the other relevant government departments that will be very interested in this because Nick I have a feeling if you're doing this to me you're doing it to other staff here as well huh as for not having the money well again not my problem but you just bought a new sixty thousand dollar Pajero so if you have to run that down to the car yard and sell it again I don't give a crap but I get six grand today he literally teared up a little I'm not sure why maybe through frustration Rage or just being screwed by someone he thought way beneath him but seeing a grown man who's abused you for many years cried your hands is a pretty beautiful thing to behold as a 20 year old kid I gotta check that day for my whole six grand and yes it cashed but the best was walking out of his office where the girlfriend creeping tick standing there who deadpan just looked him in the eyes and said Nick we need to talk and in they walked in to do the same thing ten thousand dollars he lost that day the best part a few of my old friends at the restaurant caught went to the fact that I had enraged him and asked what it was all about I let them know how they were being screwed how to take copies of all their time sheets and where to find the relevant laws I know of several other people who did the same thing to him and that was how I left the hospitality industry and started working in my field of study never to look back it definitely helps when you've caught wind that your owner already had some kind of audit type thing happen in their own thin ice otherwise it might have been a lot more messy to have this workout in success for op it was pretty ruthless and Cutthroat but Opie got exactly what they were owed don't stick to our agreement you shouldn't have been stepping out here we go strap in for a long one kids this is a story from long ago when a galaxy far far away and by that I mean it happened three years ago at a pizza place I used to work I was a delivery driver for six years at various pizza places picking up and moving on to greener pastures whenever it suited me granted that only happened a couple times because I am unfortunately a very loyal employee to be honest I should have done that before this whole thing ever even happened the story I was at was part of a nationwide franchise and the waters had gotten choppy all of the managers quitted once and they just couldn't seem to get one to stick around it got so bad that the area manager had to come in as acting GM and brought a manager from another store with him these two are the main characters of this story well besides me obviously for the purpose of the story we'll call them Jeff and Kate and I'll just be me Jeff was 40 E5 and had been with the company for a long time before I started worked himself up from the position of driver all the way to being the one to oversee about 20 stores he was actually married to another area manager I got along okay with Jeff for the most part on the other hand Kate and I got on like a house on fire both being ladies of a similar age she often confided things in me that would soon bite her in the butt figuratively I considered myself a decent employee as far as Pizza Slingers go came to work on time did all of the dishes got along with everyone and had the best delivery times because of this I usually landed all the best shifts including opening on Saturdays if you've never worked a tip job you know that shift is the most coveted out there working through both the lunch and dinner rush before going home is well worth having to get up earlier that information is relevant to the story trust me you see there are always two drivers who do that shift one comes in earlier and leaves earlier and I was the one who got to come in just before we flipped on the open sign and went home once dinner rush began to die down this is also relevant the final vital bit of info you need for context is that my brother goes a bit wild at Christmas his favorite thing to do is book an entire movie theater for everyone he knows to see a movie of his choice this particular year was when the Last Jedi came out and he is a Star Wars fanatic so that was what we were going to see unfortunately it would be at six on a Saturday at least two hours before I would get off at this point Jeff and Kate had been with us for three months without managing to find suitable Replacements and I made an arrangement with the other opening driver to switch shifts because his ended right when I would need to leave to make the movie I then cleared it with Jeff and he agreed to let me go at 5 30. I was all set or so I thought you see that Saturday we started busy very busy so busy that at 5 30 when I went to hand Jeff my slips he had already dispatched me out on a double delivery I took them but I reminded him that I needed to leave when I got back I just hope the trailers were long enough that I didn't miss much of the beginning of the movie I got back from my double and by that point it was already six and the theater was 20 minutes away I had to leave once again I went to hand my slips to Jeff but he got in my face you leave when I say you can leave he told me you're not going to let me I asked incredulous that he was reneging on our deal I came early I did my time dang it he looked so very smug no well I made a decision right then and there there are so many Pizza jobs out there that they needed me more than I needed them I took my slipbook you know the kind that you see in restaurants I found they're great for delivery because not only can you store all of your slips in them but they're hard enough for customers to Bear Down on design anyway I slapped that in his hand and said fine then I quit it was his turn to look incredulous after making sure I meant it he checked me out and I left the store fuming I missed the entire opening of my movie but the story doesn't end there oh no you remember how I said Kate would have confide in me she loved to tell me all about how often she and Jeff would meet at a hotel after work she even horrified me by telling me Jeff would turn off the cameras so they could have sex in the back office when the store was empty in a chair I had sat in multiple times Kate was even so obliging to give insignificant details like the date and time this happened so I put in an anonymous call to the franchise's HR and told them what to look for when when it came to checking the tapes I told them everything Katie told me but I still wasn't content with leaving it there so I went to my local pizza place that just happened to be in Jeff's wife's area remember when I said she was also an area manager and I got to gossiping with the workers there while they made my pizza I was well aware it would make it back to her food employees can't keep such juicy gossip to themselves Jeff got demoted to store manager then transferred to the same store in his wife's area I went to so she could keep an eye on him I guess it didn't work out because last I heard Jeff's wife divorced him and he no longer worked for that franchise and none of that would have happened if he had just let me leave on time so let me ask you guys if you're in a situation where you know Jeff is married and his wife is the area manager or another area manager and Kate is telling you how they blatantly cheat on Jeff's wife would you personally want to try and put it out there somewhere where Jeff's wife could hear about it and do something about it and just know what's going on do you think that's the right thing to do let me know in the comments down below our next story is by pyro Paladin funeral insurance company gets a visit from a client let me preface the story by saying that I saw this post on here recently about a woman who got revenge on a bank by maxing out a credit card and her deceased husband's name and not paying for it this reminded me of an incident that occurred around this time last year that while not on these same monetary scale delivered shock value far greater than money and became a nationwide story all names have been changed so this takes place in South Africa and there is an insurance and investment company that we will call Green grubber that is notorious for not paying out on funeral policies one such victim let's call her precious was being given the runaround by Green grubber her uncle Obed had been badly beaten at a legal bar and in his injured State managed to walk to the police station to report the incident at the police station he had a seizure and they thought he was a mental patient and did nothing later on in the day a farmer had pity on Obed and took him to the local government Hospital Obed waited outside in the pouring rain as no one was available to attend to his wounds finally he was admitted into the casualty ward whereby he succumbed to his injuries Obed had a funeral policy with green grubber for R 30 000 around 1852 USD paid for by his niece precious who was unemployed and relied on government grants the monthly premiums of R 232 around 14 USD were up to date and had never been in arrears however when it came time for her to claim on the policy she was given no end of uphill she had been to their offices numerous times only to be turned away with the the excuse that it was still under assessment and living on a rural Farmstead it's neither cheap nor easy to travel to the city 83 kilometers around 52 miles having to take a minimum of four Mini Bus taxis for a round trip in addition the morgue where the body was being kept wanted the body removed quickly and were charging storage per day and these costs were adding up being unable to afford a lawyer and not being Savvy on how to navigate the legal system on her own she took matters into her own hands and did something that has worked since time immemorial public shaming precious removed her uncle's corpse from the morgue who released it no questions asked glad to be finally rid of the body precious then hired a vehicle and had the body transported to the green grubber offices hauled the body out of the vehicle and left in the center of the building for all to see precious then started talking loudly explaining her variants with green grubber to everyone with an earshot the green grubber staff were naturally spooked and after 30 minutes the assessment that had been pending suddenly concluded and the claim was approved precious left the body at the green grubber offices and went to the bank to ensure the funds had been deposited before returning and collecting the body in addition green grubber was made to pay for Zulu traditional rituals required to remove the deceased Spirit from the premises and apologize for its extreme treatment before being laid to rest respect towards elders and ancestors are a Cornerstone in Zulu culture and rituals usually require Slaughter of cattle and other animals which can end up very expensive it's really sad that it had to come to all this Extreme Action just to get what they deserved because they had been paying months for it and not only that but it's sad to see how irresponsible and uncaring the people were for the uncle to begin with with and how they ended up dying because of it in the end I'm glad the family got what they deserved but it's unfortunate all through and through the entire story until the very end our next story is by garmadian make me look bad on the job well we'll see about that I worked at a clothing store in a mall for a year and a half it was not fun but I was thinking back to my time there recently and I forgot this golden gem of pro Revenge so a new girl had just been hired as many new people did in that job and right away you could tell she thought she was hot crap we're talking acting like a manager talking how many hours she had and worst of all she wouldn't shut up about all the dudes she was banging and how the money she got from them was the most important part to put it lightly she was a cold-hearted witch who made everyone feel bad about their insignificant lives as she put it here's where things go down in our store all the racks were milled steel bars and hooks so really hard to break and really expensive they could however be bent out of shape if enough heavy coats stay on them for long periods of time Miss hot crap here thought it would be a good idea to impress the management by putting all the coats on the same rack using the milled steel bars instead of a circular rack that wouldn't warp I protested of course as I'd been there longer but she said I get paid more than you so do what I say she got hired as a key holder of our gate so she made a dollar more than I did per hour I go along with it but the heavy winter coats up on the milled steel and go about my life well two weeks later the milled steel is of course warped and when management saw this they flipped Cheapo store any cost was bad to them anyways she blames it on me and I get written up for it now I refuse to sign so they gave me less hours which also cut my pay because she lied I was now making 50 less than before and had a formal written complaint against me to say I was ticked off wouldn't even start so I devised a plan to go get back at her you see the drywall on the center pillars had sustained water damage from an early melt earlier that year making them extremely soft however they provide some of the largest coverage of shell space in the entire store meaning basically a good 20 of shell space couldn't be used now the kicker is Miss hot crap didn't know about this as she came in a week after it had happened and to the naked eye you wouldn't think the pillar couldn't be used as there was banners on it to try and hide the yellowing I may have suggested what a waste not being able to have product on the pillars was and how if someone could come up with a nice display it would bring in a lot of customers due to how people could see it from the mall main floor we were just off the food court her eyes lit up now here is the thing I was taking a small break to a nice snowy Lake cabin the next day and the people she had working with her were the managers or the temps who were not allowed to handle marketing and Logistics I.E putting shelves rack up on the wall due to their cost and the incident that got me wrote up now I knew she wouldn't want the managers to see it because she wanted all the glory from it she wanted to show to our three stores in the mall that her store was the best while the managers weren't around so she being with a temp in them not being able to put up shelving put the heavy winter clothing on milled steel racks attached to the soft drywall pillars within a week the drywall on the pillars collapsed and ruined 500 worth of product now she tried to shift blame on me but I was away for the whole week so it could not have been me because obviously that can't happen if I'm in the forest hundreds of miles from civilization so no dice there and she promptly got charged with the repair demoted to sales associate and written up for what they finally realized was not just this but the one they wanted me to sign the repair was twenty five hundred dollars plus the five hundred dollar stock that got destroyed when 40 pounds of drywall came crushing down on it but I wasn't done yet you see our manager in our store specifically was pretty chill and she's a personal friend to me she had a group chat so we could talk off hours and keep up to date now as I mentioned before she wouldn't shut up about all the men she was playing and how the only thing that mattered was the money and boy oh boy did she use the group chat to say a lot of this sometimes one of these dudes would come around and take her for lunch let's just say when she was in the back for a little while finishing something up that I let them see the text Channel if they promised not to let her know I told them so often they'd go on their lunch date and after one or two days she'd be down a man finally this boiled over when one of them took her phone saw how many guys she had been banging for money and messaged all of them about how much of a lying cheat she was after two months her Fountain of man money dried up and now demoted to a sales associate she didn't have the money to spend on all her lavish nights out or designer clothing she eventually moved up to another store for more hours and stole money from the till causing her to get fired A fitting end to a backstabbing ice queen I think I eventually left that job after half a year later to pursue my current job yeah so I think op was pretty good on describing what kind of person this was just kind of a trashy train wrecker type person from top to bottom and our final story of the day is by philax Za dog does petty Revenge so having a busy schedule trying to get everything done while keeping the entire family happy has resulted in me and my wife not getting to the sexy part of our marriage we both agreed that Sunday mornings early will be our special time when our daughter is still asleep and none of us had to get ready for work or whatever we can just relax and have a good time with each other thing is we have two dogs who also sleep on the bed slash in the room and on Sundays they need to get out so that we can do our thing nothing is more creepy than your dogs watching you do the crazy monkey dance they really don't want to go out of the room and when I make them they leave tail between the legs me and wifey had a good few Sundays but lately we've been interrupted by my daughter waking up and coming to our room door is closed and we can hear her coming from her room so there is just enough time to cover up she always sleeps late but the past three Sundays she's been in our room just past six o'clock right in the heat of our sexy time I could not understand what was happening until this past Sunday when I finally asked her why she always sleeps so late but on Sundays she is awake early in the morning she had this angry look on her face and said that one of our dogs always comes and wakes her up on Sunday mornings by jumping on the bed licking her in her face and lying all over her wagging his tail like crazy he was trying to wake her up so this silly doggie of ours goes to a room as soon as we put him out to go wake her he knows that as soon as she is awake he can get back in the room that's a Sly dog dogs definitely pick up on habits so if they go and wake the daughter up one time that leads to the daughter going to the room and they can get back in they can very quickly formulate that oh if I wake them up I'm back in the room where I want to be and unfortunately for Opie and their wife no more crazy monkey dancing live in a rental for over a year without paying rent good luck in jail last summer I bought a house trailer and decided to rent it out it needed some work so I posted two months free rent for putting carpet down in the living room hooking up the hot water heater and putting in a toilet got a nice couple with a newborn willing to do it great no lease month to month no security deposit and the rent was 450 a month so they did the work so I didn't ask for rent for two months everything was fine side note there are a few little state laws that come into play if you don't pay rent for three consecutive months you are considered a squatter which means the landlord doesn't have to fix the property and can actually padlock it and deny you entry if you're on house arrest and get formally evicted you could be violated for it also you can be formally evicted even if you have already moved out so the landlord can get rent due also even though there are eviction bans if it happened before the ban then it can still go through plus a few other conditions that still allow someone to be evicted it's up to the judge really fast forward five months and still no rent money yes they had a new born and they were young and didn't have a lot of money but the husband can spend fifteen hundred dollars on a new engine for his project car they can afford to go out to eat and spend money on electronics but no rent so after the third month I did nothing the weather was turning cold I didn't put in the furnace like I promised and if they hadn't had a newborn I would have padlocked the house they were bragging about their tax refund I gave them a shot to catch up and they basically said they knew their rights and were in a wrench strike illegally I might add you will see later go that happened husband got laid off so I gave them a break when he went back to work I asked for back rent again and was told to freak off I finally had enough I told them they had 14 days to get out or I was doing a formal eviction and seeing he was on house arrest he knew what that meant I honestly was trying to keep him from having to go back to jail and keep an eviction off of their record I was trying to be nice and civil so they left and I cut my losses until I checked my property everything they put in they removed everything they got free rent for was gone I got pissed and filed for a formal eviction it didn't go as they hoped they said it didn't provide heat so they went on a rent strike only they didn't file that with the courts or hold the money aside they just thought they could stop paying rent what they put into the trailer was less than the rent the judge agreed with me that seeing they took everything I was do those two months rent and the biggest he started slamming my character so I said well you didn't tell me that you were going to be on house arrest when you rented the property before then the judge looked bored but he perked up he asked them if that was true they responded that it was and he was ready to make his ruling I received 15 months back rent at 450 a month and two thousand dollars in Damages because the way they were remove this stuff they damaged a lot of things as for him the judge said he had no choice but to turn the eviction over to his parole officer fast forward to this month his house arrest was violated and he was arrested they actually had the nerve to ask me to speak on his behalf I didn't ruling was his remaining six months are now spent in jail they have a bad eviction on the record and they owe me money know the law before you play the game so if you were renting a place and the first two months were free if they did these installations and they did but then the third month went by and they didn't pay you but you do know that it's getting cold they have a newborn and you didn't put in any of the extra stuff you promised because they didn't pay would you have been a little bit more pushy about getting that money or would you have done the same thing op did and eventually lead to this five six plus month ordeal let me know in the comments down below our next story is by Electro bonus I'm not gonna pay for your comfort this happened last month by some Universal coincidences me and my girlfriend ended up living with another couple in a rented house to split costs it was a big house so each couple would have their own bathroom bedroom and we shared the common places like the kitchen and the living room the house was originally rented by a co-worker who by the time of this story was no longer in the house anymore but all the furniture was his and he gifted it all to me when he left the other cup couple was really annoying they would leave their dirty dishes in the sink with rotten food and only wash them until the weekend or leaving their dog to poop all over the house one time the guy was cooking in a torn out shorts and his underwear was very visible this was really uncomfortable to my girl anytime I talked to them about all the issues that bothered us they used to change their habits for a few days and then it was all the same but the house was rented and they arrived first so I wasn't able to kick them out and if I tried I was afraid of the guy since he was a bad tempered a-hole the last straw was this summer it was really hot and these jerks like the AC at full blast day and night even when they weren't home and if I turned it off they would get mad and immediately turn it on after telling me how they could not sleep without the AC at Max okay I did my best to wear a hoodie and sleep with my winter clothes in the middle of the freaking summer inside the house just so they would be comfortable and for the sake of saving a few bucks in rent money and of course the inevitable happened the electric bill came in and it was four times higher than the usual and it was a lot so I talked to them about how their use of the electricity was out of control and why we should split the bill 25.75 since me and my girl are almost never home it turned into a huge fight and his only argument was that we all used the electricity so we should all pay the same he wouldn't listen to my arguments and there was nothing I could do I ended up paying the same amount after this jerk and his girlfriend made me pay for their comfort they started doing a lot of passive aggressive stuff like throwing out my unspoiled food while they would leave their rotten food on my fridge or using their TV at the highest volume while I tried to sleep I get up really early to exercise before work so I go to sleep really early and a lot of things like that in a very childish manner in addition of still leaving on every kind of electrical device in the house while they were out then I knew I had to get out of that house there was no money saving anymore due to the high costs of the bills so me and my girlfriend started to look for a place for only the two of us and our two rescue dogs we found an affordable and comfortable house with plenty of room for our dogs so we pulled the trigger we talked to the owner of the previous house about us leaving and he had no problem at all so it was all set we waited until the other couple were out of town for the weekend and took every last thing we owned out of that house and moved out I left them without any furniture I mean no stove no microwave not even a table to eat in I left my keys at the entrance of their bedroom door and a note that said we couldn't bear your attitudes anymore so we left with our belongings have a nice life wasting your own money op the owner of the house which became became a very good friend of mine later told me that they told him how I took out all of their belongings he knew that they were mine and told them I wish I was there to look at their faces have fun eating fast food on the floor a-holes these people kind of checked off all of the boxes on Bad Roommate material it's only fitting that at the very end they basically took everything out of there that they were allowing them to use and left them with basically nothing to wallow in their filth in their just bad ways I'm sure the couple didn't stay there very long after they had to shoulder that entire AC bill which is ridiculous our next story is by Max titanium sharing is caring and Karen ain't caring one day I was walking through City Market with my mom the quiet buzzing of the lights only slightly annoying all seemed well and I decided to get one of the sample cookies from the back seems perfectly normal right so I grab my cookie which happened to be the last non-burnt one as another family is coming into the back aisle I'm not a particularly social person so I started to walk away this family consisted of a mother and son the son being maybe five or six years old by my estimates wearing a vibrant and disgusting shade of yellow the mom had a typical Karen haircut and a bland red colored sweater on over a bright white shirt and brand new looking skinny jeans that didn't sound like a good time to me they realized that there aren't any more non-burned cookies which in my opinion shouldn't be a problem cookies are cookies especially free ones the child wails horrifically and notices that my cookie that I haven't yet taken a bite out of wasn't burned wonderful observation skills little Timmy the mom approaches me and asks in a sickly sweet tone one you can tell is obviously faked if I would mind giving my cookie to her kid did I wasn't sure if the tone was from her having a headache from dealing with her kid or if she wasn't a nice person but seeing as the kid was young I chose to be nice and broke my cookie in half offering one of the halves to the kid because I wasn't about to miss out on eating my cookie nor was I about to go grab another one as I felt it would just be rude to the next people the kid looks confused at this which immediately felt off the mom's face contorted from nice to confused to offended very quickly as if not offering the entire cookie had somehow forsaken her entire family and she stared at me like I was going to sacrifice a goat in order to curse them I naturally was confused and realizing what was happening a bit too late backed away and tried walking away the lady placed her hand on my shoulder preventing me from walking away I was maybe 12 at the time so I was small boy she held out her other hand as if expecting me to just hand my cookie away let me once again state that I had tried to share but Karen and her little hex spawn don't seem to understand the concept of sharing evident by the atrocious wailing the child was releasing from the depths of the underworld itself I hate the sounds of children crying I managed to pull away from the iron grasp from this lady and speed walked away the guttural re-re released from both her and her entitled child gave me the chills and she marched up to me and tried to take the cookie from me before she could a light bulb flickered on before bursting in my head from the excitement to see the next levels of rage and profanities my plan was about to induce I stuffed the entire cookie in my mouth now these cookies were fairly big bigger than the basic sugar cookies they usually give so my mouth was stuffed for a moment can Karen and her child are silent stunned at what they had just witnessed ten seconds later the gates of hack are ripped from their hinges Karen exploded at me screeching profanities at me many of which I surprisingly hadn't heard before I stood there the smuggest grin on my little face as I slowly chewed on the cookie continuing to rub salt in the wound until the profanities turned into indiscernible noises was it wrong of me to do so probably do I regret doing so absolutely not after maybe three minutes of random sounds ejecting from the deep dark Chasm this woman produced she stopped to take a breath I had swallowed the Cookie by now and was getting tired of listening to the White Noise this lady was projecting so I began to walk away I'm not done with you she yelled after me obviously I chose to ignore her at this point as I was just done with her as soon as I was out of the aisle I booked it back to my mom and continued on like nothing happened so op said in this story was it wrong of me to do so I don't think it's wrong of op at all to eat the cookie like that they got the cookie they were there first it was kind of them to even offer the half of it it was all entitlement from the other people and op learned something today some new curse words and our final story of the day is by Reckless Raven 3 who has the stuffed shells a few years ago I received wyc checks for my children not sure if it varies by state but in my state each check is one transaction so essentially you can have five or six transactions while using them so I go to ShopRite it's evening and very busy I wait in a line of four people finally my turn comes and it was taking a while I had four or five checks can't remember so some rude lady starts berating me she's two people behind me she goes on and on saying how it's rude that I didn't tell her that I had all different transactions loudly mind you also please keep in mind that every line was long so I tell her to mind her business and wait her turn like an adult she keeps going so badly her husband walks outside so here's for the Revenge I worked at a local pizza restaurant at the time one evening shortly after this incident that a lady comes in with a large group that happens to be one of my regulars I wasn't waiting on them but I know she recognized me I saw her whispering to my regular and looking at me I know she was telling her about the ShopRite line situation so I told the server she had to let me know when the food was coming out and asked the server what she ordered and I told the server the whole story and she agreed to let me serve her food now please note I did not mess with her food but the look on her face as I walked to the table with the food was priceless even better as I said who had the stuffed shells and I placed that dish in front of her and she looked horrified I didn't mess with her food but all she thought I did she barely ate her meal you gotta love it when it's shocked up to them only being able to speculate what might have happened and they can't call you out on it because it's ridiculous to assume that they would mess with your food I mean they can but it will cause a whole scene and it will lead to nowhere because obviously op didn't it was all intimidation and it worked out beautifully that's not your car lady so this happened around 2008. my buddy Brock had gotten out of the military after 10 years he'd started in the Marines but transitioned into the army for the last four years before buying a house in Texas when he got out he did a variety of jobs before landing a gig with a repo service he worked there for a year and had a lot of wild stories but this one sticks out the most as he helped a fellow Soldier get revenge on an evil ax Brock was at the office speaking with his manager whom I'll refer to as Karen now this particular Karen had a lot of karen-like qualities but was a Force for good if you can believe that while they were talking they see a young man enter the office they immediately noticed he had two black eyes and an arm was in a sling the young man whose name I unfortunately never learned but I'll call Ben asked how hard it would be for them to help repossess his car Karen called her daughter in Karen Jr and had her poor been a cup of coffee Karen then asked Ben to tell her a story Ben began with telling her that he had just returned from a deployment he had been dating a local girl that lived outside of the famous Fort Hood not a great idea by the way before the deployment thanks to a previous deployment he had managed to get himself a used black Dodge Charger which was his baby he further explained that shortly after buying the car he had met the local girl who for the sake of the story I'll call Morgan Morgan was always asking to drive his car but he would always decline when he was getting ready for his deployment Morgan repeatedly asked if she could borrow the car but but he kept saying no after much needling he relented but on the condition that she take care of his apartment until he comes back from rest and relaxation leave she agreed Ben left for his deployment while Morgan took care of his place when Ben came back for leave he found his apartment Immaculate he pulled his car from Storage drove to Morgan's he spent a few days with her before handing her the keys and heading to his home state to visit family before returning to his deployment he returned again from his deployment and found nothing but trouble when he walked into his apartment he found a layer of dust on just about every surface it was almost like no one had been there in months when he checked his bedroom he'd found his room had been torn apart all of his drawers had been searched and upturned he tried to call Morgan but never received an answer he located his safe which was hidden and found it hadn't been touched he then grabbed his spare key from the safe called A buddy of his and they they went to Morgans as they pulled up to Morgans he saw a car there that he initially didn't recognize but as they got closer he realized it was his baby Morgan had the car painted hot pink and put 24-inch Spinners on it he tried the key just to make sure and the lights flickered as it unlocked while his buddy laughed then went to the front door and Morgan answered he asked what happened to his car and she responded it's my car now Ben walked away and hopped in his hot pink mess as he started it four large dudes came out of Morgan's house one with a baseball bat and yanked Ben out of his car they proceeded to beat the crap out of him in the driveway before his friend intervene pulling his conceal and carry pistol on the group he then took Ben to the hospital I'm honestly not sure if the cops were called on this I'd assume yes but even then Ben said his friend drove by Morgan sauce a handful of times while he was in the hospital at random times and the car was never there Karen stared at Ben for a bit before asking for the paperwork Ben handed it to her and Kieran had a smile form on her face she then asked Ben for Morgan's phone number Ben gave it but wasn't aware of what was about to happen Karen handed the phone to Karen Jr who then dialed the number Carmen Jr then began speaking to Morgan telling her that they'd met at one of the local clubs and wanted to know if she was down to party that night apparently Morgan agreed and the plan was set Brock parked this tow truck at the club and waited sure enough Morgan showed up with the pink monster parked it and went inside with some girlfriends Brock gave them five minutes before he stealthily drove up to the car and hooked it up as he was pulling out with the pink monster Morgan walked out of the club she saw her car in the tow truck and began trying to flag Brock down but he was already out of there the next day it was business as usual at the office when Morgan called she was Furious that her car was stolen by them and wanted it back Karen using her best customer service voice told her if she had the registration she could come pick it up Morgan began screaming louder that she was gonna call the cops at which point Karen sarcastically told her please do then hung up on her as this phone call was going on Brock happened to look out the window and saw Morgan standing next to a car in a vacant lot throwing what appeared to be a temper tantrum after Karen hung up Brock watched her get in the car on the passenger side Karen then looked out the window and had Brock verify it was her she then began to smirk Karen then proceeded to call the owner of the property Morgan and her friend were occupying she told the owner about the car and asked if he wanted it towed the owner okayed it Brock then drove his truck over to the ladies in the car and introduced himself they tried to explain that they were waiting for Morgan's boyfriend but Brock insisted that they weren't allowed to park there they argued and called him every name in the book brog then hooked up their car and lifted it partially off the ground forcing the two to exit the vehicle they tore into him until he showed them the tow order while this back and forth was going on Ben arrived at the office and Morgan saw him walk in she ran to the office door and Brock proceeded to lower the car when Brock went back to the office all heck had broken loose Morgan apparently tried to snag the keys back from Ben but he pocketed them she began to hit him in his hurt arm and warned Ben that she'd call their friends to finish the job if she didn't get her keys back Karen Jr had already called the cops at this point and Brock got in between Ben and Morgan even telling Morgan to try hitting him to find out what would happen Morgan then tried to play the pity card and said she only wanted the keys to get her laptop out for school Karen asked Ben to hand the keys over to Brock so he could grab the laptop Brock retrieved the laptop from the car and as he was handing it over she rushed to aggressively grab it but knocked it from Brock's hands completely furious at this point Morgan accused Brock of dropping the computer on purpose and threatened to sue the cops then arrived and Morgan began her sob story again telling the police that they stole her car the police questioned Karen and Karen gave her casual smirk while asking if they wanted to see the security videos the police watched and listened as Morgan punched Ben several times and heard the threats she made about sending her friends after him the police then turned to Morgan who had turned ghost white at this point she tried to back her way to the door but the police stopped her they proceeded to ask about the car Ben's injuries and who she planned on sending after him she initially denied everything but they already had the evidence on her beating him up she was arrested and Ben got his car back after the cops left Ben admitted he didn't want to be seen in a car that looked like it was advertising Pepto-Bismol and planned on trading it in for a GTO we later heard through the grapevine that the four guys who beat up Ben were arrested Morgan Had ratted them out Brock had a few more stories but none of them were nearly as good as this one so in your guys's honest opinions after hearing that story how long do you think this Morgan lady should be locked up for because that was a lot of pure unadulterated BS let me know in the comments down below our next story is by I am a lunatic older brother called me dumb we're in the same class now when I 14 year old female was younger my older brother told me that I was stupid and dumb because I was a grade lower than him he's 13 months older and just told me he was smarter just the average thing a sibling can say to annoy another sibling bling and it annoyed me so much to the point where I spent an entire year studying and just studying and getting good grades eventually at the end of the school year I was told my grades were amazing and that I would be moved up so first day of school we are in the same class and I walked up to him and went who's dumb now a-hole and he just laughed and high-fived me now he gets annoyed when I bring it up and I am so proud of myself now I'm in year 11 and the youngest one of my year and we're graduating at the same time whether he likes it or not I will never regret being this Petty you know when I hear these kinds of stories it's usually about how a sibling plays a game so incredibly hard so that they can beat their older siblings score it's not every day that you hear a younger sibling was so bothered by a comment that they worked so hard in school they got to skip a grade just to be on the same level as their older sibling that is next level this next story is by lost soul underground I will take a picture and send it to you this happened this week on mobile so sorry in advance I am an aircraft engine mechanic and this week we were attaching several engines to a wing I had never done this aircraft before so I was to assist my lead told me to get into the instructions and read up on what we needed to do after looking for it for several minutes I sent him a text and asked what Publications it was in this is where the condescending comments started coming in the final one including a picture of the section heading to give me a hint so I can figure it out the comments did not get better once I meet back up with him and the other lead my lead was especially proud of his comment with the picture because he kept bringing it up and bragging about it finally the petty Revenge several minutes later we realized that our parts kid was missing items so the two leads and myself started searching for the part numbers in the Publications as the time passed they became increasingly more frustrated finally I ended up finding the parts first and told them that I had found it both of them said finally and went to look at my screen where I promptly turned the screen away and said no I will take a picture and send it to you that way you can learn to fight it on your own the look on their faces was priceless the cherry on top was when my lead said loudly well I told you what section it was in then I got to explain to everyone that he had the wrong section and I found it in an entirely different one in the end we both laughed about it but dang did it feel good I think if you want to stoop to such Petty levels with people it's not too surprising when you receive the petty attitude in return I'm just glad that in the end there were good spirits about it our next story is by Dirty pig796 don't yell at employees then litter my husband and I were at Starbucks our usual Starbucks getting our usual it was busy as it's brunch time and we waited for a bit no problem this wild Karen appears claiming there are too many people in the store and she wants her food now this Starbucks also has a drive-through she's screaming at these teenagers about how they aren't in compliance and she's going to call the city about it I screamed at her you could always go through the drive-through but she didn't hear me we left the store and ate in the car 30 seconds later Karen gets in her SUV and starts to take her gloves off and throws them on the ground of the parking lot I see this and think absolutely not I got out of my car picked up the gloves and put them under her wiper blade as she's trying to back out take your crap with you Karen honestly I'm all for these kinds of actions unfortunately you'll probably get pretty hostile reactions out of it but if people are tossing their trash down on the ground there's nothing more satisfying than seeing somebody pick that up and tossing it right back into their window take your trash with you it's basic human decency and our final story of the day is by Hollis Ray won't fix potholes after raising rent fine my dad told me this story yesterday and figured y'all would get a kick out of it this story takes place in the late 70s when my dad 22 was living in an apartment complex the complex had massive potholes one that could swallow a car after many many complaints from the tenants to get the potholes fixed the apartment complex decided to do something about it they notified everyone saying that rent would be raised so that they could cover the costs of fixing all the buttholes that's already frustrating but my dad was fine with it as long as they fixed the roads well they never fixed the potholes also the parking spot that was closest to my dad's and a fellow tenant's Apartments was occupied by an abandoned truck it was obviously abandoned and several people including my dad complained to the complex to get it towed well they never did anything about the truck so my dad and some fellow angry tenants decided to take matters into their own hands they found the biggest pothole in the complex broke into the truck moved it to the pothole then flipped it upside down into said pothole the cab was in the pothole and the bed was hanging out to finish it off they made a sign that red beware of potholes and placed it on top of the upturned truck well while I personally don't agree that this is the best way to deal with it it must have been pretty effective to have the owners of the apartment complex show up and see a truck overturned in a giant pothole and that said that must have been a big pothole if you can fit the bed of a truck into it I don't think it counts as a pothole I think it counts as an actual hole hopefully they started taking people seriously and actually fixing the potholes after that or maybe they just spent all the raised rent money on getting the truck out of there after all that you picked on the wrong Underdog guy someone just linked me to the sub and oh boy do I have a story for you guys I'm still proud of this to this day a few years ago I was working in a job I really enjoyed with a team I really gelled well with there were about five of us working on the same portfolio of projects and different roles and every single team member was just cream of the crop incredibly good at what they do I can't over emphasize how satisfying it was to work with such such an incredibly competent likable group of people in this job instead of getting the Sunday night Blues I would get excited thinking about the work I would be doing the next day and planning how we would solve the complex problems together it was like a series of logic puzzles yes I realize I'm a huge nerd I promise I also had a life outside of work the one downside there's always a downside to this job was Steve Steve was not in the supervisory line for me or any of my team members but he was about three levels above us and very senior he'd been there for years and was tied with a senior leadership Steve was also a mega creep he said extremely inappropriate thanks to young women in the office and he apparently wasn't adverse to being handsy though as far as anyone knew that was as bad as it had gotten the women in the office all knew to steer clear of him my first week on the job The Whisper Network made sure I I knew never be alone with Steve sexual harassment is difficult to document and no one wanted to risk their career and put a Target on their back going after a big guy like Steve so he just got away with it for years so for a couple of years I followed this advice there were a few instances of Steve saying incredibly uncomfortable things to me in passing but for the most part I managed to avoid him then I found out that my teammate Rob had gotten on Steve's radar for context Rob is non-neurotypical and has some minor tick-ish behavior he's also shy and easily spirals into social anxiety when put in uncomfortable situations so one evening at our team's informal weekly happy hour after work Rob lets it slip that Steve's been giving him a hard time the rest of us are like whoa wait what because Steve never interacts with the staff at our level except to creep on women and we basically make Rob tell us everything basically for the last few weeks Steve has been bullying Rob making fun of his ticks and mimicking his way of speaking back to him he's also been asking Rob how he can possibly be competent to do his job and implying he's a Pity hire her once he called them the r word it's clear Steve is seeking out Rob for this because again there's really no reason for him to interact with our team Rob has been having horrible anxiety over the situation and has had bad insomnia and stomach issues since Steve started targeting him and not that it Bears repeating but just to reiterate Rob is a freaking beast at his job and a genuinely good guy at this point I'm seeing red we all were we tell Rob to go to HR that is neurological issues put him in a protected Ada class that he could get Steve in big trouble Rob panics and says he can't do that begs us not to tell anyone at work and says he wishes he hadn't said anything we assure him we won't say anything if that's what he wants but we're all very distressed I leave the bar fuming just thinking okay that's it freak you Steve you're going down I can't tell anyone about what's happening to Rob because I promised him as much so I start my own paper trail I started baiting Steve and I don't mean I behave in any suggestive manner or lead him on I just stop avoiding him and I even initiate contact myself I IM him through the company's IM system very professionally and politely asking if a big clad will be staying on through the next project cycle and the floodgates open he starts sending me outrageously sexual IMs I mostly don't respond but I occasionally keep him going by sending extremely literal responses to his innuendo Laden questions or pretending not to understand something suggestive he's saying sometimes when he clarifies I'll outright say this isn't appropriate or this is making me uncomfortable or please don't say things like that Steve but he steamrolls right over me during this time I've also been seeing him more in person around the office and he often says gross stuff to me in person as well a lot of it not just inappropriate but bizarre and nonsensical is it legal to have a bud like that in that skirt well what every time this happens I immediately go back to my desk and write down what he said the date and time and the names of any Witnesses after about a month in change of this I compile my creep journal with printouts of the I am conversations and take them to my HR rep I asked to file a sexual harassment complaint against Steve as soon as the words sexual harassment leave my mouth my rep instantly gets the head of HR and two other reps and they go through my evidence with me and ask me a ton of questions the head of HR assures me they'll take my complaints very seriously and asks if I know of any women around the office who have had similar issues with Steve I'm able to give them several names they send me on my way and two weeks later my rep formally reaches out to me and lets me know Steve has been let go much Jubilation is had around the office it took a couple of months for me to piece together the whole story but basically after my complaint HR started following up with the names I gave them both the witnesses to my in-person encounters with Steve and the other women he'd arrest they corroborated what I told HR and then through them word started spreading around the office that HR was conducting a sexual harassment investigation against Steve this emboldened at least 15 different women who had been biting their tongues about Steve for ages to come forward until their own Steve Stories the worst story was from a junior staff member who Steve had sexually assaulted at a company party the year prior during all of this it had been asked to go through Steve's emails and IMS and this had not only been used to validate made my printouts as legitimate but it had found a ton of additional incriminating stuff in Steve's correspondences somewhat frustrating Steve received an extremely generous severance package as part of his termination but on the bright side word got around the industry quickly and Steve was poisoned at that point no company would touch him with a 10-foot pole the last time I thought to Snoop on his public social media Pages he was listing himself as an independent consultant in our industry which I seriously doubt he's actually doing and based on his public Facebook page he's doing a couple of mlms so that should kill off whatever savings he has in short order I don't work with Rob anymore but I did recently attend his wedding he's extremely happy with his new wife who is a sweet and lovely woman and he's doing really well in his career so to me hearing this and how big it was Severance and letting Steve go way too easy for Steve to get off do you agree with me that Steve should have some kind of legal action properly done against them let me know in the comments down below our next story is by Oregon lost beat a Craigslist scammer at his own game so I was hunting for a rental house for the Valentine's Day weekend and wasn't finding much so I popped into the local Craigslist page and found a place at a decent but very believable price no contact info or website so I emailed through the Craigslist relay everything sounds legit up until he asks me to pay using Zell or bank transfer immediately knew it was a scam but I played a long acting confused because I'd never used Zell he sends me the Zell info to send the payment at this point I reverse image search the cabin and find the actual property owner info and call them he confirmed that he has had this scam happen before and angry people show up expecting a rental that is already legitimate reserved and demanding a refund I give him the links and info to the fake Craigslist posting so he can report it so now I have confirmed that this is 100 a scam so I decide to have a go at this guy and see how far I can get after a few more confused sounding emails regarding how to get the money to him over Zell I send him the request but instead of paying him I sent it as a request for payment I sent a few more messages saying it is not going through and then I get a notification saying a payment has been received sure enough he approved my payment request and sent me the money he was trying to get me to send him so I had over 400 sitting in my zel account from a guy in Nigeria who was trying to scam me out of my romantic weekend I definitely wouldn't want to get too involved personally trying to steal whoever Nigerian person's money is but I definitely think it's good that Opie did their part to shut down this scam this next story is by Psychopaths insult my friend and he gets you and your bosses fired I heard the story 12 or so years ago from a classmate in college this story happened in the late 90s he worked at a corner store with a sandwich shop in it it was a corporate-owned chain and not a franchise type deal he worked in the Delhi on the third shift the store would close from 12 pm till 4 AM and there would only be two people there from 11 pm to 5 a.m he was only there for about six weeks but had worked in food service for years he knew all the rules regulations and laws relating to food prep and storage when when he started he noticed that they didn't follow them all that well and were not receptive to any mention of changing that things came to a head after he went to his shift manager about how the food was way too old to be safe to eat his manager fed up with him at this point told him to freak off and that if he didn't like how they did things he should quit and he said it sprinkled with personal insults he decided to finish out the shift as normal and return the next day with a small disposable camera and document everything he then quit at the end of that shift and went home and got the pictures developed he then made two phone calls while they were being developed first he called the state regulatory agency that was in charge of food safety in restaurants and the second was to the corporation's HR hotline he knew that if he just called the company they might write him off as a disgruntled employee and not do anything but knowing that photographic evidence was being sent to the state would get a response fonts and boy did it get a response the state took three weeks to get around to checking the place out but within three hours of calling the company the area manager showed up and within five an inspector from corporate showed up it resulted in the store temporarily closing all the management staff being fired and some of the longer term employees being fired as well food safety is the number one thing when working in any kind of restaurant obviously I have nothing but respect for the people that put the safety of customers first and Report places that do these kinds of shady things nobody wants to get sick or God forbid seriously ill because they ate something that's way too old or safe to be being served and our final story of the day is by Lulu loopy she ruined a surprise party on purpose this happened when I was a kid I was just reminded of it I was about 11 and my grandmother was about to turn 70 5. our family is pretty scattered around but we made a trip every year to see her in the summer while she was alive and have a family reunion now this particular Year my mom who is Granny's daughter suggested we all return the month after the family reunion for her birthday and a family dinner my mom's brother and her niece not that brother's daughter but daughter to her dead brother immediately jumped all over the plans they invited half the town and it turned into a massive surprise party excluding my mom from the plans my mom said nothing in the plans continued we went for the usual scheduled trip and the family reunion we returned next month in time for the party it was much bigger than intended and I kept noticing my mom had this cat that ate the canary smirk on her face the entire time we stayed in town about a week to spend time with her and when we were all leaving one of my aunts remarked that we really surprised granny it was then my mom started cackling like the Wicked Witch of the West it turns out that when we were there previously my grandmother was sad that we were leaving she told my mom that she didn't want everyone to leave until my mom took the opportunity to tell her don't be sad we're coming back in a few weeks for your birthday don't tell anybody it's supposed to be a surprise but they're throwing you a massive party she told her the location all the details and everyone who was going to be there including my uncle whom she didn't see often after telling us all the story and telling us to shut up after we complained my aunt asked why'd she to ruin the surprise on purpose she just grinned and said because her brother and her niece had no business ruining my plans I definitely can't be too upset about that because the granny was sad everybody was leaving they wanted to spend more time with everybody so the mom being able to give reassurance and say that everybody is going to be back and we're going to have a big old party must have really helped to bring the Granny's spirits up and that's important right I think the more everybody thinks about it for a little bit the more they'll realize that it was an okay thing to do let alone that it ruined their big old massive surprise party Farm folk vs City crew hello all my nieces and nephews have decided I as the cool Auntie must Master this thing called Reddit with stories of my youth I hope you all enjoy seeing the story written out as much as they've enjoyed hearing it over the years to start the story I need to explain a bit about where it happened my grandfather owned a 150 acre plus Forest Campground property with over a dozen buildings on the property these buildings ranged from the common rooms ceremony Hall Barn 18 different cabins and a few other buildings one might find on a beautiful Campground this was used as a venue for all sorts of company Retreats wedding events camps or getaways anytime a camp was run that was using horses my grandpa Enlisted the help of the grandkids he had gotten his fill of screaming and shouting kids or excitedly shrieking women or men who thought they knew best when it came to Horses by the time I came along one event happened when I was about 11 years old I was helping out with the Girl Scouts guided tour on one of the trail rides when I noticed the smell was wrong in the air I had us all turned back while the den mother tried to harp on about how I was cutting their Trail short I lied and said one of the horses had a bad limp and we needed to turn back right away all of the girls were worried about the horse in question and the writer offered to walk next to her horse all the way back I said he'd be okay but we needed to turn back now well when we made it out of the thick forest trail where the trees weren't blocking Us in we could see what made me and the horses so uneasy smoke loads of smoke was coming up the mountain the worst place for a fire to be is under you on the mountain I knew the property I had grown up riding and climbing all over it I ordered everyone to give their horse their head and let them bolt back to the barn the barn had a large open area that was just plain dirt it would last until we could get them down to the fire station I let everyone Ride Hard past me these girls were barely clinging to their horses and I was worried that someone might fall off if I was completely honest well we made it back to the arena without any real issues a lot of the girls were crying one of my older their brothers assured us that everything was all right and told the girls that they would be earning a few extra badges today they'd sign off on them and everything which got the girls to brighten up a lot now the fire hadn't spread too far onto Grandpa's property just yet I knew of the large water tanks had to join in cleaning them before but I never understood how exceptional the water tanks really were that day I got to see my grandpa's water storage almost choke an entire forest fire the five small tanks thirty thousand gallons were accessed at Key spots with the fire department the three medium tanks 65 000 gallons were put onto a sprinkler system that absolutely soaked everything on the property turning it to a thick mud even the gravel and cement Pathways were covered in mud however the two large tanks 120 000 gallons were being used for the fire fighting helicopters to a child it felt like you were were in the middle of a war zone I was scared as I tried to keep the Girl Scouts and the horses calm when the fire copters flew overhead to refill that the main large one by the end of it the fire was out the Girl Scouts got five badges ranging from fire safety to leadership and everyone was safe the cleanup for the fire took two weeks a lot of pressure washing and a lot of back-breaking labor now on to the main reason I'm here to tell the story of pro revenge on Grandpa's property there were beautiful Trails a gorgeous Vista that had almost no light pollution and plenty of reasons to hike explore and book us for events Grandpa was protective of these venue spots because if he allowed people to walk freely people wouldn't pay for the use of them so he made sure to follow the letter of the law marking it as private property and would chase people down if they violated it one person in town hounded Grandpa for use of the property for free because Grandma attended the church she and did Grandpa give them free use of the property for every book study every little event however she wanted to charge an admission that would go right back into the church that her husband was one of the pastors to to say grandpa did not enjoy this money-grubbing woman was an understatement he wasn't a church-goer but to keep the peace with his wife's church he would host free events once a year or so for this Church's youth a free event to come up be fed for a three-day weekend interact with the horses go on trail rides and go fishing in the river or in the big pond on the property he would host three a year for the children in the valley depending on their age he would also enlist his kids and grandkids to help out with the events to save on costs of running them well after doing this for five years it came out when I went to the church that she had been charging families almost three hundred dollars for the sake of going to the church I had gone with my oldest brother who they assumed was my dad and tried to sell him on the event my brother's face went red and he asked for further confirmation on the dates and the event itself he agreed to think about it and the woman went on to Badger another family they offered sponsorships that allowed the kids to go up for a discount too she was squeezing every last penny out of her fellow church-goers my brother and I had been there to talk to the Head Pastor not This Woman's husband about him visiting our grandmother since she was bedridden due to her old age mid-sermon though my brother stood up after whispering to another woman to ask if the one host the service was the husband to that woman or not when she had confirmed that he was my brother stood up this was not our church no one here knew us my brother had a voice that could fill up a space while talking at a normal tone so when I heard him suddenly speaking after standing I was surprised myself you can imagine the look on over 200 people's faces as a stranger stood up and interrupted a sermon my brother said I'm surprised you're able to stand up on that stage and speak of honesty to these people you and your wife are Crooks and thieves you've been stealing from them for who knows how many events I'm curious how far down the rabbit hole your theft goes the Pastor said excuse me sir what are you talking about my grandfather runs the horse camp all the kids are attending this coming weekend he's never charged any of the kids or their families a scent for using it he knows how hard it is to attend fancy camps he had to pay for all of his kids he hated having to come up with so much money all the the time he hosts a free event for the kids his grandkids help him to run the event I should know I'm the stable Master during the event you could have heard a pin drop the pastor's face turned a few shades of red and then a woman stood up a few rows back from us the woman said what do you mean he doesn't charge the woman looked ready to breathe fire and I noticed this woman had five children with her she looked ready to start a riot as my brother nodded my brother said my granddad knew firsthand how hard it was to come up with funds and how much going to different places affected his kids and helped them grow he pays for their food he lets them use the horses has his family teach them about horses and hey Daniel remember me one of the older kids had been staring at my brother from this woman as he confirmed that my brother worked at the event everything broke out into screaming and shouting at that point and it took us hours to sort everything out the pastor's wife had gone missing during this screaming match it came to light the pastor thought his wife who headed the organization would give all the funds off to my grandpa she never put them into the church even things got a little crazy as everyone realized she was gone and the weight of the scam she'd pulled off on them each event hosted around 20 to 25 children people would donate money to help get the kids of families with less funds there too so we're not sure how much under the table money was given for that goal but we do have an estimate on how much she got away with 105 thousand dollars was the estimate she got away with before Vanishing into the night to say it was confusing was an understatement for me I just wanted to go back home and keep an eye on the horses my oldest brother's Fury was nothing compared to anger my grandpa felt he was so angry about all of it and only allowed the head Pastor to come up and visit his wife no one else he was bitter but at his wife's request he wouldn't let his bitterness affect the kids we hosted the events as planned and Grandpa's bitterness grew as we went from having 25 as our Max to almost 50 per session every bed was filled in the camp beds every bunk stuffed and all of our hearts felt raw I was a kid and I felt cheated but I refused to let that show trying to follow Grandpa's example I failed miserably a few times I'm sure of that but I did try well now we're on to the Revenge part of the story all of the above happened in the lovely era of Internet is a thing how new grandpa had his venue listed in the Yellow Pages if that dates us at all I had turned 20 and Grandma's Health which had been in steady decline over the past few years had really crashed hard her end was getting close grandpa asked me to help with her and the events going on because he was in no way ready to visit with people at all so I high balance taking care of her needs and Grandpa's needs with running the venue through the booked events on the website we had I removed all the information and wrote a message that stated due to current conditions only previously booked events are on the schedule thank you we'll be up and running after the events conclude it was the nicest way I could think to put my grandparents aren't able to handle people at the moment please leave us all alone well while then with the pastor in town after tending to things for almost five months my truck broke down unfortunately for me the auto shop needed apart from another city and it would take a few days to get there I asked a family member if he could tow me to the shop over there and he offered to have his wife drop off their car so I could get back to work with Grandma and he'd take care of my truck I politely refused I desperately needed a break even just a ride to another town 30 minutes away would get me away from the suffocating feeling with them they agreed and took me over to get my truck fixed now the shop owner said it would be about three hours to fix it and I could wander around town I told my family member I was good he could head out and I'd call if I needed more help he gave me a hug and told the auto shop he'd pay for the repair I needed a break and I appreciated that family helps family is our family Creed so I got to wander around a town I never really got to trying to find a good place to get some food for lunch when I made it to a restaurant I noticed a very well made flyer in a window it talked about an upcoming meteor shower and how beautiful it was going to be it reminded one about how the next town over's light pollution was going to eclipse the beauty of God's sparkling show it talked about an event being held up on the mountain where parking would be twenty dollars for a breathtaking view of the sky weather permitting I smiled a little as I read the flyer and then did a double take the flyer was boasting about a certain Vista a Vista only available on Grand Grandpa's land I wrote down all the info on the flyer and told myself I would call as soon as possible I went into the shop to get food and wondered if I'd messed up and completely forgotten an event or not well turned out I hadn't when I got home and double checked everything we had a parking for maybe 40 cars maxed so I was curious where the cars would be parked I decided to call with an out of state cell phone thanks to a knuckle and Aunt who were visiting Grandma when I got back with my truck the host says hi how can I help you I say hi I found your flyer oh my gosh it sounds like so much fun I mean the stars in town are like one thousand percent better than anything in my area are they really so pretty up on the mountain oh yes it's one of the best places to watch the stars in our area it's going to be absolutely beautiful but like I'm worried about how many people are going to be going um like parking us my car is not going to like I don't know end up with with dirt on it is it oh no worries about that we have premium parking for forty dollars but the twenty dollar is parking in a pasture the entrance fee is by car do we need like another type of fee oh yes a five dollar fee per person will also be needed make sure to bring cash for parking and your entrance fees will have food carts too I was shaking at this point in Anger at this woman I had checked the schedule and I knew no event was going to be happening the campground had been abandoned a bit all of the horses moved to my cousin's place at the base of the mountain and I was taking care of grandma and grandpa at their cabin on another property on the same Mountain closer to the hospital and all alright I'll be there thanks so much I hung up after the goodbyes and started to Shake in anger I knew the property was closed down and we'd had issues with someone breaking into the property I had been trying my best to manage the events the venue and Grandma and Grandpa I had she she had mentioned that a pastor would be parking for everyone and I wondered which one it would be then I realized it was time for the soil to be tilled and smoothed for the horses I also realized something that I could do that would be wonderfully evil I asked my visiting family if they wouldn't mind keeping an eye on Grandma and Grandpa and I sped off to visit a family member this particular man had married one of Grandma and Grandpa's daughters and adored the family and worked as a part of the fire department for our area I came in with all the information I had and told them my plan I signed the documents and he put the information away at the back of a drawer and gave me the okay to go with my plan I tilled the pastures all of them I turned up the dirt and then smoothed it out making it look like such an inviting slab of land apart gone I then left all of the gates wide open I didn't want anyone breaking locks and I knew that this was going to happen one way or another now if you've ever tilled the soil you know the ground is soft that's what plants need in order to grow hard soil will kill your plants almost as fast as over watering or crows the day before the event I was in the main parlor getting some water when I noticed a car coming up they sped up and who stepped out but the pastor's wife I'd seen all those years ago and another woman from the same church it dawned on me that this was a con they were using and I wondered how many times they'd used the campgrounds before I saw red I hid and watched as they knocked on doors checked all over the place for any signs of life and then started to talk excitedly as they sped off I made sure my grandparents were well looked after as I kept lurking in the campgrounds and waiting they came back the next day the day of the event and brought a line of Porter pots a hand washing station and a few food vendors that got set up they turned on the Footlights to the wedding Vista and I felt my blood just about boil I could have called the cops then for trespass but I had a much bigger plan in my mind for these nasty women I waited I waited until I saw cars lining the pastures three pastures worth of cars the driveway crammed so tight with cars that I was amazed at how many fit the gravel drive was even being used and so was the cement area by the Barn I hadn't realized how big this event was really going to be and instantly started to worry about my plan there were so many people but I had followed the letter of the law with help from my family I had posted the private property and the closed for maintenance signs up all over the place I was so nervous as I saw so many people going up The Path but resolved that my plan was foolproof when the food vendors turned off their lights I knew it was time everyone was blocked in and up at the vista I started with the pastures that lovely soil plus the sprinkler system quickly became a muddy sinkholed that stuck all the cars up to the tires or doors I went all out I turned on every fire sprinkler on the property I knew the Vista was getting a proper soaking too everything was I had started with the pastures first and with sprinklers that could douse a fire it did everything I remembered as a child it flooded the pastures it made the driveways impassable it washed out part of the road for anything other than off-roading trucks or vehicles with over 100 cars in the pastures I was gleeful as I heard people coming down the path I shut off the sprinklers after 10 minutes while everyone tried to figure out what was going on people were calling the police emergency services screaming and confusion everywhere the two women's car I had taken great Delight in letting the air out of the tires of and adding extra water under the car was sunk pretty deep well my work was done I hiked out and down a hill and left to go back into town the police made it up by the time I'd already gotten back to Grandma and Grandpa's place I was found there and family vouch that I had been up there the entire night when the police showed up I explained to the police I wouldn't be caught up on the campground tonight especially not with a fire safety test going on we were to test the water Tank's pressure by running them on an automatic timer for 10 minutes and then measuring the water missing from the tanks in a few days when things settled in were passable they wanted to know about the event and we said we weren't hosting any events at all why would we when we told the police department almost a month prior the campground was closed until further notice the two women who had hosted the event were caught and charged with trespass and a whole mess of other things including reckless endangerment the firemen produced the permit too to test the fire tanks after all they were Paramount to the running of the fire department they had two helicopters that would fill at those stations after all and they needed to make sure that each pump could push out 100 gallons per minute after all the women had to pay for tow services damage the towing cost to the property hotels and Inns for the people who were stranded and didn't have someone else to come pick them up and a ton of legal fees the woman women from the church had been wanted for her previous crimes and had been living at This Woman's House helping her to run similar scams all over the country by using out of seasoned abandoned properties for their scams I don't have too much information on the end of it all because unfortunately at the time it was wrapping up Grandma passed away I do know that all profits from the scams had been sunk into fixing the damages and repaying for the crimes it cost a lot to dig out the cars that got stuck in the mud so considering how much they stole from Grandpa and their family how long do you think these women should be locked up for years decades longer let me know in the comments down below personally I think it would be a very long time company a screwed me so I helped the federal government to screw them back 10 million plus times worse this was back in 2015. I had recently been let go from my previous gig my dad had just been diagnosed with cancer and due to my less than killer performance and channel partner sales they needed me to start working weekends of course this was a non-starter with my dad being sick so we shook hands and went our separate ways no hard feelings but now I'm out of work crap a month or two later I was offered a great job with a large company that was a sizable bump in pay and a much better title so of course I accepted but I had to move across the country to take this job but it was worth it and Dad seemed to be on the mend and the cancer seemed to be in remission in so I felt okay with moving away at the time I lived about 30 minutes away from my parents the new company was a massive short-term lending company with over 1 000 locations across the U.S and was the leader in Payday Loans title loans Etc I didn't love the idea of working for one of these types of companies but I figured people make poor financial decisions all the time and no one is forcing them to take the loan and they likely understand what they are getting into important note my job at company a was basically to line up Partnerships to help Drive referrals to us from people looking for loans but didn't qualify for a real bank loan Etc I quickly ramped up the monthly Revenue to 1 mil plus a month in just a few months being there everyone was nice seemed like a good gig except for One X army a-hole who I'll call Sergeant a-hole who would make snarky comments about everyone watch the clock and report you to HR if you came in at 905 am instead of 9 00 am leaving at 4 45 PM not 5 p.m Etc you get the picture part of my job was to audit the third party applications to verify the loans that occurred and the loan balance slash amount to calculate the referral commission for the affiliates basic due diligence but I had to look at the contract for the loan they signed and the accompanying terms and conditions and that's when I started seeing red flags left and right people on welfare or Social Security taking loans against their car title with payment terms they would never be able to pay back old lady is taking out a person alone against her social security payments to help pay for their grandkids school books Etc just heartbreaking scenarios having a background in business finance and business law from college I knew they were royally screwed the moment they signed that contract and would eventually lose their only car through repossession be forced to sign over Social Security checks to make doing the loan as they unfortunately agreed to that in the contract just awful things I started bringing this up to any exec or leader that would listen they all said okay but no change happened I think we all felt super crappy as a group about this company deep down but it's our livelihood around this point my gut kept telling me to document this and keep it for some reason I didn't know what I would do with it at the time I just felt this urge to do so so I did I stayed and started collecting every bit of info I could find on them coercing people even illiterate people into signing the loan I saw this in person multiple times doing store audits basically using sleazy used car salesman tactics to close the loan company a intentionally not explaining that the 28 interest is monthly not annual and you have to basically close the loan every month it's not paid in full and sign a new one every month with new interest carry over from the previous balance plus new fees several hundred per new loan basically every month and overall just taking full advantage of desperate financially illiterate people fully knowing they couldn't ever pay off the loan and they would milk them for every dollar then repo their car and sell it at auction or threaten to make the past loan payments known to their employer and threatened to garnish wages just horribly crappy mean-spirited business practices I hated it and hated company a and everyone in leadership that knew this was happening and basically said this is our business practices it's legal I knew full well it was not legal or ethical I followed my gut instinct and had one of those mini handheld scanners and would print off every cfpb Federal violation I came across I'd scan it and save it or compile it at home on an SD card fast forward a few months my birthday is coming up and I had planned to take a week off to celebrate with my family back home with my dad very sick at this point I knew this was likely my last birthday with him we had a blast definitely top 5 family memories of all time we lived it up and did everything we could think of together the time comes to go back to work in the other state and I didn't want to leave but told my mom I will come back in a heartbeat when you need me to I get back from PTO the next day Monday mom calls that is in very bad shape I run it by awesome boss he says don't talk go home come back when you're ready awesome amazing guy with a huge heart he will always have a special place in my heart for that response he understood work was not important right now for context Sergeant ahole was passed over for awesome boss's job and it was given to awesome boss instead so from day one Sergeant a-hole headed out for all of us and he wanted that gig and was determined to get it by any means necessary Day 2 Tuesday back home awesome boss calls me tells me he's been fired apparently Sergeant a hole complained to the CEO and CEO about his lack's approach to his team letting me just leave without approval Etc and now Sergeant a-hole is my boss and awesome boss lets me know that Sergeant a-hole will probably fire me too once I get back so wanted to give me a heads up with everything else I was dealing with he just didn't want me to be blindsided a number one guy I stay through the funeral then fly back to face the music 10 minutes in Sergeant ahole calls me into his office tells me I violated company policy by taking unapproved time off and that we needed to talk to HR I explained what happened Dad passed funeral Mama's distraught Etc he says I'm sorry that happened but company policy doesn't excuse that the HR lady felt so bad that I had to be fired by the CEO nonetheless I tell her I've only been here four months and I spend all my savings relocating down here for the job this really puts me in a difficult financial situation she says she'll work hard to get me some Severance as I don't qualify for unemployment yet being there for just a few months Sergeant ahold chimes in well you wouldn't qualify anyways you're being fired for non-compliance and excessive absences okay what the freak dude HR calls me on the phone the next day saying Sergeant a-hole contacted the CEO to make sure I didn't get any Severance so now I'm broke five months into a 12-month lease with no money and no job I'm up crap creek without a paddle and without my go-to guy my dad in this situation I had to sell most of my stuff pack up and move home to live with my mom now comes the righteous Revenge I tried to be civil but the new boss and the exact team played dirty the time of Reckoning is now I remembered my database of incriminating practices that violated cfpb guidelines call up awesome boss to get his feedback and advice and he wants to help now we have a team we spent the next several weeks building a massive file to submit to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for unfair and predatory lending practices by company a which we were somewhat complicit in but both voiced our concerns but we needed to make this right we knew we had been part of this monster and it's the least we should do to correct it I gave everything I had to my awesome boss now teammate and we provided the cfpb everything I had seen in the brick and mortar locations all the incriminating docs I had and gave two detailed written statements of our concerns about company a to the cfpb for their investigation under the edition of anonymity we never heard back and assumed nothing would come of it but we did our best to right this wrong we had participated in unknown to us there were thousands of complaints against company a by consumers and awesome boss let me know he heard from them and what we provided helped them build their case against company a awesome boss calls me about five months later now early 2016 to let me know the cfpb called him and something is about to happen this led to a fairly large consumer protection investigation into company a unknown to me and awesome boss at the time but another several months passed didn't hear or see anything so I figured that they hired some top shelf lawyers and made it go away that is until June of 2016. while drinking coffee and applying for new jobs at my mom's house on morning I was watching CNBC and a here company A's name come up I turn to watch and see that they are getting hit with huge fines legal fees and their business has to basically stop all business until the case is resolved they ended up being levied almost 10 million in fines over 20 million in illegal fees and lost out on about 50 million in Revenue while the government pressed pause on their operation all thanks to Sergeant a-hole which I later found out from a previous co-worker that Sergeant ahold was fired and thrown under the bus for not reporting employee complaints to the exact team but they knew full well I told the CEO multiple times what we were doing is probably illegal but they made Sergeant ahole the sacrificial lamb in this case to this day there are still tons of pending class action lawsuits and a regional government actions against them but it worked out well for me personally mom was so glad I was back home she was having such a hard time without dad around they were married for 35 years I took my down time to learn a new career that pays much better and I love my new career and Post company a life and it felt good to watch that Cesspool of a company get their comeuppance on behalf of everyone they lied to stole from and screwed over as grandma always said some turds stink and some float to the top in the end they all get flushed I was very happy to see this floating turd get flushed eph 511 have nothing to do with the fruitless Deeds of Darkness but rather expose them an expose I did so this is a really big question for you guys if you were in op situation and you had all this proof again since this large 1000 chain lending company would you be brave enough to go forward with it to the proper channels and hope that the anonymity promised will stay true let me know if you would be able to face this company head on with just you and a co-worker I'd really like to hear your responses in the comments down below and our final story of the day is by it's butter I help a local Screen Printing Shop earn their reputation it deserves story happened a few years ago in 2015. never really thought of posting this here until now but I suppose it fits the setup I was a screen printer I accepted a new job at a different shop for 13 an hour slightly better wage than my old job and the place was much nicer let's just call it Waldron SportsCenter slash apparel they operate out of a large space in a local mall featuring a sport joke apparel shop multi-purpose gym and a single automatic press in the back where they printed their stuff two brothers let's call them Jay and Jared own the company Jake does most of the on-site management as Jared's more busy with other careers they're running a squeaky clean m r Diamondback press and the shop super well organized its very climate controlled whereas my previous place was just a plain Warehouse with no heat slash AC whatsoever that would often surpass 100 degrees Fahrenheit schedule is perfect and paychecks are direct deposited every Friday too another huge plus obviously I'm excited first two weeks go fantastic that second Friday I get my first check it seems short but I started mid pay period on sporadic hours so whatever one week later and my next check is significantly larger but it's off I go to Jake and ask him about seeing my pay stubs he tells me that all of that is handled through an outside company but Jared should have gotten my login info by then he'll be back on Monday I ask the other printer there if that was normal with the pay stubs and he said not really but vouched for the two saying they probably just forgot first thing Monday I go to Jared and ask about the pay stops who tells me that's actually Jake's responsibility to make sure I get the info I need okay what the freak so I go back to him and ask him about it and he says that he'll call the company and get my login info ASAP suspicious but not having much other option as I was already almost a month removed from my old job I go to work a little while later he comes in and gives me the login info we finished the job and take a quick break I log in and check my pay stubs and it turns out these guys are paying me eight dollars and ten cents an hour instead of the thirteen dollars I was promised oh man I'm livid obviously I gotta confront Jake about this never been through this before but I'm pretty sure I know what's going on here I quickly Google conversation recording law see Ohio is a one-party consent State meaning if I'm part of a conversation I record it is both legal and admissible in court so I set my phone to do just that put it in my pocket and go confront the dude hey so I checked my pay stubs and you're only paying me eight ten an hour would you like to tell me what's going on here he looks kind of dumbfounded shakes his head it's supposed to be 13 an hour well you've been paying me 810 and you owe me over 400 well that's not supposed to happen I'll call him and see what's up so I go back to the shop stop the recording and start setting up the next job to pass the time I'm holding out hope that this is all just a misunderstanding but I'm pretty sure it's not regardless I gotta at least play ball while I follow through Jake comes in and says we'll have your money fixed on your next paycheck I say with back pay yes it'll be on the check so I begrudgingly wait for the next week I wake up Friday morning and check my bank account and much to my not surprise at this point another minimum wage check and another few hundred dollars they owe me so I decided to stay home that day I get a text 15 minutes after the time I'm supposed to be there hey this is Drake what's going on you just sent me another minimum wage check you owe me seven hundred dollars I'm not coming in until you pay me the money that you owe me well I was gonna write a check for the difference but I accept your no call no show thanks that's not how this works dude you still owe me seven hundred dollars and now I have this text from you admitting it no more responses so I do as any Millennial would and leave a negative review on their page and start commenting on every single post they have which gets deleted immediately I get a text from Jake you'll be hearing from my lawyer is your mother's address still correct I never told them any personal details about family or a living situation and this mother wants to assume while literally stealing what would be rent money I say cool call them they better have my check ready the Revenge I had the dude cold I basically have a concrete admission of guilt from text and audio evidence now I just gotta figure out what to do I send a message to a troubleshooter reporter who made his career exposing these exact kinds of scams and he tells me that without signing an employment contract I'm pretty well screwed and that maybe I can try small claims court but that probably won't work out and apologized for being unable to help I look both Jared and Jake Walden up in the local Court of clerk websites just out of curiosity turns out Jake's been sued multiple times for this exact thing and I lost twice and then it hits me I'm in a band and have paid Facebook to promote posts advertising my concerts before 4. it's cheap and it generally gets some results at the time at least I created a Craigslist post detailing this exact story and I included links to his in the company's chord records as a centerpiece I make a page on Facebook called former employee and make one single post avoid Waldron Sports Center and apparel dishonest employer I then sponsored the post I put in 15 over the course of 10 days for ads and I targeted them directly to people who like their page any of our local sports teams screen printing or the mall itself who lived specifically within a few miles of their shop within a couple days the post had been shared over 2 000 times I got a message from him four days later begging me to take it down and a check for every missing penny two days later I went to the bank to cash it and told the two cashiers at the counter the story we sure to laugh because both of them had seen the post that morning I sent him a message saying I got the money next time don't try to scam somebody who's much smarter than you that felt good I continued to share my story anytime it was relevant to a public post I guess he saw one a few months later messaged me again and said we already gave you the money please stop I told them I gave you so many opportunities to do the right thing and you still went out of your way to be a piece of crap you shouldn't have done that go freak yourself that felt even better I could definitely see this kind of strategy working very well for a sort of small community or a very well-contained Community if that Facebook advertising hits directly at that Target demo I'm sure a lot of eyes are going to see this very blatant calling out of this company and if it seemed very legitimate to me it probably would negatively affect my reception about this company so it worked well for op it was a good strategy hippity hoppity this is no longer your property to manage after graduating college my girlfriend and I moved to a new state where she was accepted into an engineering program we found a lovely Garden Apartment style complex that advertised 100 megabytes per second internet speed included in the price among a few other amenities when we met the property manager he seemed strict but well-mannered nothing out of the ordinary until we signed the lease the first problem suddenly walking into his office was not allowed without an appointment I had to come by to ask a question saw him browsing social media and figured he was as available as he made himself to us when we first came by unannounced to view a model apartment nope he refused to answer my question and asked me to make an appointment via email the second problem the terms of our lease included an attachment to complete within 48 Hours of accepting the keys that details all discrepancies within the unit we submitted the attachment via email around the 40th hour the property manager responded that the terms recently changed from 48 to 24 hours and since we had passed 24 hours we would be held liable for all found damages when citing our copy of the lease which explicitly stayed dated 48 Hours he informs us that we signed an outdated copy and would need to make an appointment to come by the office and sign a new lease the third problem the internet speed was not 100 megabytes per second as advertised it was less than 15 megabytes off peak and about 5 megabytes per second on Peak we again contacted the property manager to complain but were referred to make an appointment the fourth problem we made an appointment to address the previous three problems during this meeting and after I finished voicing our issues the property manager leans forward and says there are other communities in this neighborhood that may be more accepting of people like you and your girlfriend you're welcome to break the lease and leave people like you and your girlfriend I had thought he was referencing our no-nonsense response to his nonsense daily communication scheduling multiple meetings to address these issues ETC but my girlfriend believed he was speaking towards our skin colors her a black woman and myself a white man my girlfriend jokingly told me to check my privilege before getting serious and explaining to me that we were experiencing discrimination at the very least the solution I did some research and discovered the property manager worked for a larger organization that owned several complexes throughout the country I found their director of human resources on LinkedIn and made a connection I then emailed her copies of all email correspondents screenshots of the lease pictures of the internet speed Flags advertised by the road and more screenshots of online speed tests we further noted his comment and the implications behind it the Human Resources Director replied within a few hours and promised us she would look into the issue about two days later the property manager called and asked us to come by his office at our convenience we showed up near the end of the day and sat down across from him he then proceeded to ask us if we would be willing to write a letter stating we accepted his apology despite not yet offering said apology and in return he would credit us a month's rent except our damages attachment and promised to have the ISP on site within a week to assess the internet issues we declined he got personal with us and revealed his job may be at stake and asked us to reconsider my girlfriend leaned forward and said there are other communities in this neighborhood that may be more accepting of people like you you're welcome to leave the property manager was replaced in a week with a super sweet older woman who not only gave us all the things the original property manager had promised the one month credit accepting the damages attachment and then further scheduling maintenance to fix said damages having the ISP assess and upgrade the internet to promised speeds but she also made it clear her office was always open for anything we may need I looked up the old property manager about a few months later on LinkedIn still unemployed let me ask you guys something here if tenants like this complain to the higher up HR for the company that this property manager was actually being discriminatory against them do you think if those claims could be verified the HR should have just let this guy go to begin with rather than trying to allow him to even put an apology out let me know in the comments down below our next story is by Fleek and little give my hours to a new hire I'll leave you with a store to close yourself misfiled paperwork and get you fired this happened a couple months ago at an old employer I worked at a supermarket in my state throughout high school and while in college in the United States making nine dollars to start and only 10.50 at the end the store had one store manager two assistant store managers one manager and assistant manager per Department which there were nine departments for five years I worked every position there because who knew what hiring was right understaffing was a regular here so the department needed closing and I worked I had to close it from stalking to register to managers duties everything was game my biggest acknowledgments were being a bookkeeper out terms of the person who keeps track of all the money monitor glorified cashier basically Wrangle the regular cashiers and divvy of cash drawers to each register service desk cigarettes Lottery customers BS and store opener and closer there were five people who knew bookkeeping two other people besides me and the two managers who ran the front end of the store there were about five monitors who all needed to be trained on service desk as well every Monitor and bookkeeper needed to know how to open the store and close it for being a supermarket in a town with about 20 000 people we were severely understaffed I worked 12 to 16 hour shifts at least once a week because people would call off all the time keep all this in mind for later on backstory I started working here at 16 in high school originally as a stock person 25 hour weeks eventually moved up to 35 Plus hour weeks moved up to register then monitor then service desk and finally bookkeeping when I turned 18 now 21. the hours were always good never had a week drop below 35 hours at least but it all changed because of some Richard head at the start of covid-19 I was working while in college so all these guidelines had to be followed everyone needed their toilet paper paper and hand sanitizer to keep covet away no biggie on top of the guidelines we also had been hiring a copious amount of people this store had a history of training new hires with other people who have been working for maybe a month or so so as you could guess training was a disaster but since covid-19 had the store busy all the time we needed more people I wanted to train the people right away because I got sick of doing other people's jobs in March we had gotten four new hires to train from my position now these new hires needed training on the service desk easy let them run it while I watched and helped out the best I could easiest way to get people to learn most of them needed training on here because there were three of us total at the time who could run it after training everyone one per shift at a time over four weeks there were now seven people now ready to freak up the world but everyone who knew how to run the service desk needed training on monitor 2. guess who had to train everyone for another position after another four weeks of BS everyone got trained around this time was the end of May this is where the juice Begins the Jews starting in June we had been starting to lay off the hours since covid-19 started to slow down hours started to get cut from all the register people from about 20 to 30 hours a week to 10 hours max we got overstaffed and people started quitting left and right not a big deal because those positions were easy to fill but that's when my hours started getting cut at the time the one new hire who started in March who we'll call Helen had been getting really good hours I'm talking about my hours we had the same problem College money car money the works and all but then I got scheduled for 16 hours one week and they got scheduled for over 35 hours so I decided to confront the assistant manager who was in charge of scheduling we'll call him Frank I said hey Frank I noticed my hours got cut what's happening I know everyone's hours are getting cut I have to make room for everyone you know I couldn't help but notice that Helen is getting quite the amount of hours so you made room for her and no one else I was unaware of that I'll get you some more hours next week the reset of the week was kind of boring since I was a workaholic no one called me to cover shifts or anything the following week I asked around to see who covered any shifts last week and it turns out that all the new hires got called first that kind of pissed me off but hey can't do anything about it now later that day I checked my schedule and what do you know the same 16 hour week I was livid at this point I should have been honored for my seniority there not getting freaked over in hours I went back to Frank and confronted him I said hey what the heck is this I thought you'd be finding me hours this week I can't live off of this well it turns out that I couldn't find you hours I tried calling BS you tried calling me not a single person called me instead all the new hires got called what the heck man there's nothing I can do you might just have to find another job this pissed me off beyond belief I was ready to pop but this is when my Bright Idea came into play for a couple days I searched around for other supermarkets in my area offering jobs after about a day of searching I found a job paying double what I made now for the same qualifications I gave them a ring and got an interview for the following week the following day I went into work for what I didn't know was my last shift and told Frank what was happening hey Frank I just wanted to let you know I took your advice advice do you mean finding another job you're a freaking right I hope you have fun I will never forget the look on his face complete completely baffled he didn't expect me to actually find another job so quickly this is where my revenge began Revenge after I walked out of Richard head Frank's office I went around doing my usual work during every shift a metric freaked ton of paperwork needed to be processed in the computer in order to close the store correctly and set up bookkeeping for the next day fun fact that day in particular was snap day for those who don't know what that is it's the day that government-funded food stamps arrive on everyone's EBT card monthly that day I decided to say freak paperwork and just don't do crap I was quitting that day because my anger got the better of me the store closes at about 12 a.m and I walked out of that crap hole as free as can be the next day I woke up to find some really obnoxious and angry texts from co-workers I completely disregarded them unknowingly that they said I worked that morning I went down to the supermarket to grab some things from my house and as soon as I walked in the door every ex-coworker of mine looked at me as if I had just passed on the floor one of them pulled me aside let's call them George and this happened what the freak bro I had to cover your shift this morning and you have the balls to walk in here after that I said I don't work here anymore freak off I continued to get my groceries and talk to one of my closer ex co-workers there about what had happened as it turned out Frank had no idea that the previous day was my last and that the entire front end of the store had gotten brutally freaked over since the store closed at 12 am and no paperwork was filed our corporate called the assistant manager also in charge of making sure all departments are closed correctly and asked where all the paperwork was no idea that I had not filed it Frank had to go into the store over an hour away from him to file all the paperwork himself not only that tons of violations were given to him because since none none of the paperwork got done by the person closing no one had a record of anything done at the store from the previous day on top of everything the amount of paperwork needed done was practically doubled since that day was snap as soon as the store manager heard about this she was livid after about a month I was working my new job and heard some information about Frank apparently he had to go into a meeting with our corporate bosses and the store manager he had gotten fired from his position due to all of this and had not been able to get a letter of recommendation from that employer also sucks to suck huh it just goes to show that if you're in a position of management and you choose favoritism over seniority and qualifications it can really come back to bite you when those people give up on you and our final story of the day is by Amber Katie may still my medication I make you seriously regret it so when I was 15 I was diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia now despite what TV shows and movies portray not all schizophrenia are serial killers if you can keep your medication in Balance you can live a perfect normal life from the age of 15 to 20 was rather hard as we tried to form the right balance and medication for me but it's been 11 years since I was first diagnosed and has been six years since I had any really bad symptoms there had been a few minor issues when my meds would go out of balance but nothing too extreme anyways this happened three years ago I had just moved into a new apartment with two new roommates we'll call them Zach and Rachel yes those are their real names cause freak them anyways due to my illness I take multiple medications and antipsychotic antidepressants and an anti-anxiety medication to name a few these are all rather strong medications so when I moved in and got settled I started noticing some of my meds start going missing I have my pills counted out and ready so I know exactly how many I have I am immediately suspect my roommates as they were the only ones with access to my room I also knew for a fact they took other medications to get high and they were pretty open about it but I had no proof and didn't want to risk pissing them off as I had to live with them so I looked past it hoping it was a one-time thing but it wasn't after a few days of this I lost it and confronted them they denied it and of course I had no proof I even got a lock for my room but somehow they still managed to get in so here's where the Revenge starts so due to all my medication I get constipated a lot so I have a very strong laxative I take when this happens they are tiny pinkish pills if you don't know about medication you could easily mistake these for something else one morning before heading to work I took my antipsychotic pill bottles and switched out the pills for my laxatives and then I left when I came home that evening both my roommates were in the washrooms I asked Rachel what was wrong she made up some BS food poisoning excuse they spent the whole night in and out of the bathrooms my medication stopped disappearing after that night I know it might not be realistic considering the situation but if I realized that they were stealing my pills I don't even know if I would want to confront them I would just want to start trying to get out of there if at all possible although considering the laxative strategy did work I would have kept leaving those laxatives out anywhere and just completely locked up the other pills wherever possible bridezilla Karen ends up looking like a popper at her own wedding I female 48 have known Pat female 48 for decades as far as I can remember she was fixated on having five children in a picket fence dream life I slowly cut ties with her in college because she was an opportunist and I didn't trust her she is both manipulative and forceful her idea of cute rubs me the wrong way Pat likes to walk like a penguin when she wants to elicit pity and she usually does this when she wants to evoke the underdog narrative I've never seen someone act so despicable and ridiculous at the same time I moved on with my life happily got rid of her for years Pat eventually found me on Facebook I accepted her friend request out of politeness Pat has become the epitome of a permissive mother her five kids do as they please and she never calls them out she tried to force a relationship between me and her daughters and made them call me Auntie Pat tried to drop them at my house Uninvited her phone calls were insistent she tried to monopolize my time and she began to show up at my job I created some boundaries so she tried to find the loopholes it was a nightmare my husband and I hosted a party for the community center not the real name new members the community center is actually a very informal and initiative and my husband and I mainly serve the homeless population we prefer to help strangers instead of catering to potentially narcissistic acquaintances we don't mind lending a hand but we have encountered truly dishonest choosing Beggars there are other services like one of the members who helps women get their wedding and prom dresses for free the community center location headquarters is actually a farm owned by an elderly couple there is a barn a venue and a very nice green field with an artificial Lake and some fowl they charge for the use of their facilities weddings Etc but not for community-oriented Stuff Pat had always been salty at her husband for demanding that she go back to work after baby number three in the meantime he worked three jobs she demanded he get her pregnant to fulfill her dream of having five kids he didn't agree because he was already nearly 45 and felt like he might never be able to retire she got away with bringing new babies into this world anyway her fascination with being pregnant comes from all the attention she gets she had at least one miscarriage in between each kid Pat latched onto our group she never missed any of our activities I hated having her in my house but it was an open invitation that included virtually everyone and she was very active as an event organizer I didn't like the way her kids behaved we have a designated area for parties and entertainment but her kids ended up inside my bedroom we ended up having to keep watch of them and enjoyed zero of our own party I called her days later to get my point across regarding their overall Behavior but she completely cut me off and began talking about herself and said her kids wanted to come visit again and use our pool I never answered that I didn't want to say no I will not have your brats over she also called me as summer was approached specifically to let me know her middle daughter was bored and wanted to spend a week at our home I politely declined citing that me and my husband have to work and cannot entertain guests Pat paid no heed her kid called me on the weekend calling me auntie and attempted to coax me by saying mom says you invited me to spend summer with you I quickly clarified and offered an explanation to avoid hurting a kid's self-esteem never mind her daughter just hung up on me Pat's Facebook also showed some red flags some cryptic rants here and there were visible along with friends comments and complaints on how she asked a particular person to watch her kids only for a couple of hours and ended up leaving them all day another of her friends criticized her girls night out because patty just asked them to be patient and wait until she could pay back some money that she owed them yet she had the money to spend on Friday night outings I thought those very public comments on private matters were more like a cry of lost patience unpleasant things began to happen like the time she volunteered to wrap the Xmas presence for underproof privileged kids we all wanted to create a mix of less costly gifts with really nice ones surprisingly some nice and eye-catching toys and games went missing but turned up under her Christmas tree courtesy of her mother-in-law's Facebook posts no one could prove anything but it was hate inducing or the time my daughter called me in tears to pick her up after she attended Pat's daughter's birthday Casey my daughter had been ignored all night because she didn't gift her the expensive gaming stuff Casey practically demanded my daughter did ask but I said no we would buy her a very nice and thoughtful present according to her taste so when I went to pick her up my daughter was sitting alone in the living room while Casey and her friends stayed outside stories about Pat and her family multiplied the owners at the farm community center decided to keep their Gates locked unless they had guests or events because Pat got in the habit of driving in whenever she pleased and it was either her kids screaming and disturbing ongoing wedding things throwing rocks at the koi in the lake or harassing geese in the yard or how she stiffed another soccer mom with a lunch bill and then pulled the struggling financially card or how other parents hated her because she created unnecessary hostile competition when my daughter turned 13 I allowed her to wear my grandma's ring it's not an expensive piece of jewelry but it's vintage and girls nowadays want to look boho my granny gave it to me when I became a teenager so I passed it on to my kids so she could wear it on her birth week it was weird that she became quiet and distracted after that she also didn't want to go to school and my husband and I became suspicious she never opened up and my other kids had no clue we went to her school but her teachers assured us nothing had changed in her environment my husband and I suspected she was being bullied but our kid gave us no tools to support her my kid is very sunny and very compassionate she has never had any problems with other kids I called her best friend's mom Natalie my kid's BFF told us what was going on Casey Pat's eldest and my daughter had become close I knew this and wasn't too thrilled I found the age Casey was 17 Gap not exactly inappropriate but I'd rather see my daughter spend time with friends in the same age range Casey is very beautiful and a gifted student she is also very conceited to make this story short she asked my daughter if she could try on the ring and refused to give it back she later claimed that she lost it but would look for it so my daughter was distraught my daughter kept asking for her ring and as a result Casey shunned her and spread the word that my kid was trying to steal her ring some kids at school took Casey's side so now Casey just wore my kids jewelry to school like nothing happened if that doesn't qualify as taunting I don't know what does my guilt comes from not being able to get my daughter to open up and feel safe telling me the truth I talked to her and she burst into tears I was both pained as a mother and Furious that some Teenage Witch was doing this under our noses I went straight to Pat's car after school I asked to talk as Casey was about to go in so I grabbed Casey's hand and asked to see her jewelry Casey froze and she tried to make a fist so I became Relentless Casey yelled mom and Pat struggled to get out of the car I slid the ring off Casey has tiny hands and wore the ring on her index finger first Patty yelled at me after I confronted her with the engraving on the band my grandma's maiden name she argued it was loan to her daughter by my kid then she said she bought it I paid no heed I did warn them that I knew Casey had become an abusive friend to my daughter Pat called me to tell me off she said she was trying to raise an assertive young woman and I had just messed that up by being overbearing she never apologized for her thief of a child Pat's husband Hank is what can be described as a doormat Pat wore him down to a knob he had no choice but to obey her to keep the peace she was a bully who actively withdrew affection when he didn't follow her wishes even in public so she got kids number four and five after a Relentless campaign that included leaving him for two months her pregnancies were a nuisance because she expected to be treated like the only lady who has ever been pregnant she strolled around in a wheelchair almost immediately after getting pregnant and she would get very sick on weekends so her kids were often sent to friends and family so that she could rest Pat systematically bullied Hank she would leave town and take the kids with her poor Hank would look distraught drinking on his porch or just looking really lonely this is how she got off the hook and was able to leave her job Hank had virtually no voice so he struggled to keep the marriage together everyone liked him but hated her equally Hank loved to talk to other people but seemed concerned that Pat would be upset over time according to my husband Hank began to show signs of depression and mental distress our friend Lena runs the wedding in prom dress initiative it's not complicated dresses are sourced from donations eBay trunk shows Etc unusually beautiful dresses are retained so that more than one bride gets to wear them in some cases a bride will pay 50 bucks but most of the time the dresses are donated to the bride Pat was involved in this Lena kept her in because they never had any issues and her task was limited to just shipping the dresses out Pat decided to renew her vows and her bridezilla karenzilla attitude became the icing on the cake for starters she bullied another couple into giving up their wedding date at the farm because she needed her renewal to match her exact wedding date they were not impressed with her harassment so they booked another venue as a result the farm owners were pissed because Pat was already costing the money after she had successfully negotiated a cut in their rate because she couldn't afford it but will repay by doing maintenance work around the venue she never made good on her word Pat became attached to a particular dress that was already assigned to another bride Lena made it clear that she would need to pay for her own dress so Pat played it cool and shipped the wrong gown instead she was adamant that it was the right dress despite all the notes on Lena's agenda the other bride was truly gracious about it she was obviously disappointed pointed but never made a scene what bothered me most is that I picked that dress and bought it for 40 bucks at a garage sale lean is money it was a vintage dress ankle length white with lots of lace and a huge bargain again when confronted Pat did a Casey and used the this is mine strategy we felt so bad for the other bride that we did our best to get her something nice to wear the other bride was a true fighter she had pulled out of welfare earned her high school diploma and was working to get on her feet by trying to earn a certificate as an acrylic nail technician so her reward was to have some Karen steal her dress Pat never admitted to messing up but just by the fact that she claimed it was her dress we knew Lena never allowed her in the warehouse again their last phone fight ended with pad bringing up the other bride's past like it mattered and this conversation is over it's my dress and you are mistaken that it was weeks before the other bride's wedding pad went all out on her wedding decor she spent way too much she hired a caterer for some food mainly mimosas and appetizers but the wedding invitation included a request for specific dishes for her Sunday brunch wedding either she ran out of banquet money or was on a complete moocher mode I picture the penguin walking upon practically asking everyone to supply her wedding reception and Grub and I cringe there is nothing wrong with potluck weddings in fact they can be a nice addition to a very cozy and family-oriented wedding reception but don't you need to at least be close to your guests in order to ask for such a thing even I got an invitation I told everyone I wasn't going because I was very uncomfortable being told what to bring and was probably expected to give them a cash gift on top of that some of the older ladies in our group agreed some said they would not decline in advance because she is a bully and they didn't want a confrontation Lena called me the night before Pat's re-wetting Lena was there to close the Saturday night Bingo and Pat was awfully friendly but that's what she does whenever things are going her way Lena peeked into the garment bag and saw the exact same dress while Pat was caught up supervising the wedding decoration the thing with Karen's is that they expect everyone to suck it up or make their dreams come true or they simply underestimate everyone and think we are all fools Lena is a very straightforward person with a sosumi attitude she told me she would just ruin the dress after all it was hers so she could do whatever she wanted if Pat wanted to take legal action and should things get ugly she needed to prove ownership however the dress was the same the marks inside the Hem and the tags were the same even the tag numbers that were punched to identify each dress for the Logistics purposes matched Pat had the dress altered with some extra beating and died to a deep cream color but it was obviously the same garment Lena and I snuck in before the venue was closed for the night all brides are allowed to stay in a small bedroom for a small charge so that they don't need to drive in on their wedding day honestly the makeshift Chapel was gorgeous I don't know how she paid for it but it was full of flowers and presumptuous details I naively brought in some ink to spill in the dress but Lena said she wanted something more awful like a nasty surprise ink would be too obvious and if she saw it ahead she may be able to snag another gown from somewhere no the ideal thing was to have her trust the dress was fine so Lena locked herself in a bathroom stall and completely cut out the back panel she patiently put it back on its hanger and zipped the bag we left through the emergency door with the back of the dress stuffed inside Lena's purse I completely hate people who Target and steal from anyone they Pat and her kid calculate to be in a weaker position the wedding was scheduled at 9 00 am Pat called me at 7am but I ignored her calls I picked up by 8 AM both curious and wondering if she suspected anything Pat was frantic she was crying that her dress was missing by half I purposely made her explain being annoyingly dense and continually interrupting like she does and stalling the conversation she asked me if I could lend her my wedding dress I said no sorry she then asked me if I would help her get a dress I was satisfied to remind her that the town's bridal shops were closed on Sunday and the others that would open were almost an hour away the farm is already almost one hour away from our town if Pat could get a shop to rent a dress she would need to try the dress press on and get it steamed even if the dress was ready to wear it would easily take more than two hours round trip she tried to ask me to go pick a dress who would pay for this even if a shop were open and bought her a dress it would add to the cost also these shops open at 10 or 9 30 at the earliest by the time they got to her it would be time to wrap up the wedding because she needed to clear the venue by 12 for the next event she broke down and mumbled some stupid stuff I didn't understand so Pat hung up on me and called Lena instead she asked Lena to bring her anything she had available Lena and I ended up delivering the most outdated Moss smelling oversized dress Pat's disappointment was a mix between angry and emotional she also tried to wear her knee-length Silk Bridal slip as a wedding dress but it was too obvious and it looked really cheap she tried to get her daughter to give her her own dress to wear with an open back zipper due to Fitting Issues but Casey refused asking if she was supposed to attend the wedding naked she's got a point plus Casey is petite the dress needed a petticoat to plump up the skirt which wasn't available so it dragged all over the floor and Pat had to keep pulling it up pad walked down the aisle with one hand on her bouquet and another one grabbing her dress the dress looked limp and weird with the arrangements of pins they didn't show that caused the sleeves and neckline to pucker into messy rims she spent the ceremony looking uncomfortable and out of place very few people attended but that was not part of any Revenge that was just how people reacted to her entitled attitude the dress looked awful the reception portion of the wedding had all this princely decoration a very nice cake and a bridezilla with a dress from heck I didn't stay but I was told she was so disappointed she spent her wedding Sulkin King there was no dance no actual speech she had to change into a shirt and leggings because the dress was too uncomfortable everyone talked about how Pat put on her flip-flops and walked around aimlessly until she ordered the ushers to start folding up the chairs within one hour of the reception so she practically kicked everyone out and the cake was never cut Pat wasn't the same after this she was not as loud and avoided everyone I think she was disappointed that nobody ran to her rescue not even her family who came from out of town her husband finally cracked under all the pressure and sought some help he was slaving away and coming home to clean the house while Pat used her kids as an excuse to spend like crazy Hank also had to do kid homework because Pat never had time or never had patience she also refused to get a part-time job so her kids could attend an after-school and get help with their school stuff therapy seemed to help Hank because the last time pat left with her kids he didn't seem distraught he would be riding his bicycle and could be seen more relaxed while mowing his lawn Hank told my husband that he had contemplated ending it all after their third kid when Pat returned he maintained the routine but was interested in going out by himself and doing things for himself we began to see Pat alone all the time Hank was seen less and less in the same car and eventually moved in with his parents he filed for divorce on the grounds of emotional cruelty and I don't think he won instead I'm not sure of this because this is what I was told there was some sort of a settlement or agreement that she would not get close or interact with him unless it has to do with the kids I also don't know if Pat even actually suspected who slash what happened to her dress she slowly pulled away from the community center and became less active in Social Gatherings Pat also removed me from her Facebook as well as mostly everyone else from school and the center so my question for you guys is considering everything that Karen Zilla here did do you think Pat deserved to have the wedding completely ruined like they did do you think it was a fair thing to do to Pat in Revenge for all the stuff Pat had done let me know in the comments down below but with that being said that's all the time we have for today but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing and turn notifications on if you haven't so you'll never miss an upcoming video any little thing that you do helps the channel grow so much more whether it's commenting subscribing or just watching the video thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time Channel I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time right here
Channel: Storytime
Views: 33,892
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Id: i9kfe9p-tyc
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Length: 288min 55sec (17335 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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