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and entitled Karen makes my life a living nightmare when I was the it manager of a company I used to work for so I decided to get revenge Years Later by hacking into her email and essentially sabotaging her job resulting in her getting fired and I've honestly never felt better about getting revenge in my life here's what happened so I was the it manager at a small television network I worked there for about 5 years until I became disabled for totally unrelated reasons I worked at the corporate office and it was a pretty good job and I liked it of course but there were a bunch of jerks there let's just say that me and the local station manager didn't get along she would blame all of her problems and why she hadn't got her work done on the computers if she hadn't done something that her boss told her by email she would blame me because she didn't get the email when I upset her because I wouldn't let her do something like when I banned eBay network-wide she would have her kid load down the receptionist computer with all kinds of spam malware and viruses I had complained about it to the upper management but she still argued that it was really my fault me and my employees could fix every computer at 23 stations but we could never fix that receptionist computer after I had to quit for health reasons I never mess with a company because it was a great job that is until a couple of years ago one day I was at the grocery store in the produce section and I had seen some heads of lettuce and then I thought about the word lettuce and I remembered that's the station manager's password now I don't know why I remembered that but you know what it was time for some fun after I got home from the store I took my time made something to eat I got a beer and I comfortably sat down in my computer we always used our initials in our emails at the company so it wasn't hard to remember her email because her initials were of all things FMB so I went to the web interface for their email server I typed in FMB and lettuce and I logged in she had not changed her password in over 2 years and it was such an easy password to remember I don't know why I hadn't thought about it before maybe I just wanted to forget about her but that's honestly too bad for her so I thought to myself now what and honestly I had to think about this for a while should I hack into her files on the network servers no that's a lot of work so instead I looked through her emails there were some that looked like important documents some conversations with other employees and some of them were spam I thought I would delete all of her emails but I decided against it it could look like there was a problem with her email account and then they might just delete it and create it again resulting in her probably picking out a new password so I just deleted did one email that looked really important and then I logged out so I sat back and I thought about it and it took me over 2 weeks to figure out what I wanted to do and trust me it was a very enjoyable two weeks I might add now I am very patient when it comes to messing with other people I got that for my seriously hry father so I can just delete an important email here and there but not all of them just do it once in a while to start arguments over her email I can take my time and enjoy this so this will be something fun to do every so often so every other week on a random weekday I logged in and deleted an important looking email sometimes I would even delete two of them this was to establish a consistent pattern of her blaming it for her garbage which I am sure didn't stop when I quit I just wanted to make a more regular pattern and I did that for about 5 months after that I stepped it up I started doing it every week especially every other Thursday night just so it would look like she was lazy on Fridays although not every Thursday the weeks in between were a random day so wasn't so obvious and I did that for about 3 more months well one week after enjoying messing with her for the better part of the year I said screw it and I deleted an important looking email every single day that week well the following Monday I couldn't log in and the email address wasn't there any longer so I thought to myself why did her email just get deleted well my suspicions were confirmed when I talked to a friend of mine that still worked for the station manager she got fired for blaming not getting her work done on it and my friend volunteered that information because she knew that I would love to hear it even though I didn't tell my friend that I'm the reason she got fired but as a bonus my friend the assistant station manager got promoted to the station manager position so it was great that she got fired but still I kind of miss messing with her every single week wow that is an awesome form of like Petty Revenge because seriously this came along like what 2 years later you seriously sat around and said okay we're going to do this and you plotted out exactly how you were going to do this with like this Slow Burn technique like that is hilarious to me and I love everything about that but it's also really funny to see that all these years later she's still blaming it for all of her problems like everything that she can't do she's always looking to it and being like wait no it's their fault but in reality it's her own fault she literally just can't do her job so honestly good for you for getting back at her for treating you so poorly when you work there her behavior and attitude is completely unacceptable and I think it's really funny that you took her down in such a roundabout way if you like am I the the jerk you're probably going to love am I the genius check it out link Down Below in the description also go to am I Thee jerk.com SLS submit if you would like to submit your own stories I kicked out my best friend from my house after she treated me like garbage by invading my personal space going through my personal banking account and mistreating my dog and now I feel awful because I've lost a really good friend and at this point I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened so as the title says last week I kicked what I thought was a good friend out of my house because I can no longer take her Antics and honestly I just wanted to get this out of my system my friend Kendall and I met in University in 2016 Kendall is not her real name we studied different Majors but we were from the same department so we share many classes together and bonded over our passion for gaming and memes upon graduation Kendall moved back to her hometown due to co and found a job there and we kept in touch online through Instagram about 3 years later Kendall told me she found a better paying job in the city so she's planning to move out of her parents' place when I asked her about her plans on her accommodations she replied by saying well that's the thing I was going to ask if you have an extra bedroom that I could move into for context I've inherited an apartment from my late grandfather which is a nice three-bedroom two bath near the city center last January and I currently live there since it is closer to my workplace and it has all the convenience of public transport after some thinking I thought that there's no harm in living with Kendall since I considered us as closest friends we discussed the terms of the rent and a week later Kendall moved into my apartment and you know what it was great at first my home felt more lively than usual and the thought of going home to a close friend warmed my heart and it gave me a sense of security things were okay for a while but then everything goes downhill super quickly Kendall started complaining about many things at home about her work her savings and how she feels homesick at first I was very accommodating thinking maybe she just needs time to get used to the city life I offered as much help as I can even to the point of if she's low on money that I don't mind voiding A month's rent if that meant I could help her Achieve Financial stability I taught her how I save money how I would live off of my then low salary with several commitments like my car my dog and a student loan I grew up where my parents expect me to be independent so I told her things that I would do when I was low on cash how to get freelance jobs as well as several other things but she always seemed to have excuses for every suggestion that I have finding a freelance job is too hard or how she couldn't let go of her premium junk food that she isn't willing to cook or meal prep and I eventually decided to just leave it as it is after 2 months of living together I realized Kendall started treating me as some kind of competition she would constantly ask me things like how much money I would make a month while also asking how much job hoppings that took anything that she thinks she's better than me at she'll definitely pop that question to try try and figure it out she boast about how loyal she is to her awful paying company and how I would never be able to move up the corporate ladder as she called me an industry frog she once snooped my savings balance and asked me how in the world I had so much money saved up especially considering all my commitments now mind you she didn't have a lot of commitments since her parents paid off her student loans and fully paid off her brand new car for her she then said that maybe I should stop collecting rent from her and that's when I got mad I told told her if she isn't happy living with me then maybe she should just move out and when I said that that's when the crocodile tears started to shed she said that it was a joke and I didn't have to take her so seriously she then begged for forgiveness and promised to never Snoop on my personal items and details ever again well I let it go once but she kept bringing things up she would say stuff like well you have the cash and a credit card and she would say this every time I told her i' rather stay home because I no longer have a budget to go out and have fun comments like the became more frequent when I got a new job 6 months ago on top of that she doesn't clean up after herself she tried to flirt with my boyfriend and at times parked in my parking space when our initial agreement was that she would find her own parking space if she moves in with her own car all because my apartment has only one parking lot per unit the straw that broke the camel's back though was when I caught her kicking my dog in his abdomen when I got home from work I yelled at her and I rushed to check my dog luckily he was fine but I rushed him to to the vet for safety measures I got home and she sneered that it was just a dog and as a friend I shouldn't treat her like that I asked her why she kicked my dog but she just didn't even answer me she Shrugged her shoulders and tried to escape into her room now at this point it was already about a year since Kendall moved in with me but I finally lost my cool and I told her off bringing up her problems and how I tried to be nice and accommodating then I told her I'm giving her a week to move out and that from then on I would rather we keep our relationship casual or or we don't ever talk at all Kendall cried and begged me not to kick her out but soon it turned into her screaming back at me calling me a bad friend because apparently in her words I didn't tell her off on how badly she was behaving there was a lot of back and forth which I don't remember what I said but I remember eventually calling her an entitled brat she cried again saying it was uncalled for and then she stormed off to her room the next day I was bombarded with text messages from other university friends some of them calling me selfish and others sympathizing with my situation apparently Kendall posted our argument on Facebook and Instagram painting me to be the bad guy I was upset at first but I decided that after Kendall moved out we would no longer be friends as well as those who took her side of the story and condemn me well last week Kendall left and I have changed the locks on my apartment I curled up in bed and cried myself out probably from the sadness of losing a friend or maybe I'm finally letting out all of the frustrations I am definitely still G grieving about the loss of a friend as I've had many good times with Kendall for now I want to focus on myself and hopefully I will eventually get over this yeah this Kendall person sounds like an awful individual it doesn't sound like a good friend and it seems like as soon as they moved in with you their true colors definitely came out it's one thing to have a friend and be on good terms with them for the most part but it really is an entirely different experience to live with them because you learn very quickly if they're a good roommate or not and honestly from the looks of it Kendall is definitely not a good room roommate I really think you did the right thing by kicking her out of the house and if I'm being completely honest the fact that she kicked your dog is like more than enough reason to kick her out of the house like her weird comments and even snooping through my personal items I could get past all of that eventually but the second you hurt my dog is the second the gloves are off like at that point there's no mercy and you've just got to go so truly good for you for putting your foot down and deciding that she has got to get out of your house because Kendall did not sound like a good person and I totally understand that you lost lost a friend but I think the peace you're gaining in exchange for this awful person will totally be worth all the trouble of getting her out of the house in the first place I refused to invite my steps sister to my wedding as she was such an awful bully growing up as teenagers but now as a result my father is saying that he's not going to be going either unless I involve my steps sister in my wedding and right now I'm not sure if I'm the jerk or not and at this point I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened my father remarried when I was 14 years old his wife Mary and his step-daughter Kayla were nightmares in my life Kayla and Mary are not their real names my father is wealthy so we used to go to a fancy School Kao was very mean to me and I had a hard time to the point that I had to move to another school because I simply couldn't take it anymore one time she convinced my father and Mary that I was pregnant and it was so embarrassing because I hadn't done that yet if you know what I mean and yet still she and Mary convinced my father that I should do a pregnancy test well after it came back back negative she told some of her friends at school who are one year ahead of me that I got rid of the baby if you know what I mean and you know what this bullying was non-stop she would do anything to make my life miserable once she paid one guy at school to start a rumor that I did nefarious things on a certain guy during class and when I was already going to another school she told everybody at my old school that I left because I was caught stealing at the mall and that now I was in a youth detention center my parents had split custody so I used to spend one week with my father and one with my mom after 2 years of this nightmare I told my dad that I wouldn't want to stay at his place anymore and that our relationship was reduced to two weekends a month my relationship to my father was non-existent during college days he would send me money and call me once every month and that was maybe about it I went to his house one or two times during my 5 years in college I then started dating my fiance for years ago and I only introduced him to my father after more than 2 years of the relationship I'm now getting married this spring and we going to marry at the beach in another country in Europe both of our families are wealthy and we decided to offer the stay at the hotel for our guests and that they'll pay for their own tickets because of that we decided to settle on a small number of people to attend maybe around 80 people and of course Kayla is not one of them the wedding plan started 3 months ago and my father knew I wasn't going to invite Kayla however he flipped out now and said that I need to invite her but I said I'm not going to invite a person that I don't have a single good memory with to such a big day in my life and you know what we've been fighting about it ever since then this last week he told me that I shouldn't count on his money if Kayla isn't invited with my mom basically saying that she'll pay for everything after that he said he's not coming to the wedding without Kayla and I replied by saying fine stay home then my grandmother and my aunt are trying to convince me to invite Kayla simply for the sake of our family but to be completely honest I'm not even sure if we are a family so honestly I need to know should I invite Kayla even knowing that this is one of the biggest days of my life and she still makes me angry to this day am I the jerk if I refuse to invite her what should I do I don't think you're the jerk at all and honestly if I was in your shoes there is no way I would ever invite Kayla to this wedding she made your childhood and your life a living nightmare she spread false rumors about you through your entire High School career and honestly she sounds like an absolutely awful individual always try to like find some kind of angle to put you down and treat you like garbage and it really sounds like your dad and your stepmom didn't do anything to make it better like here you are suffering and dealing with this garbage all the time and nobody's stepping in to try and make things right like that in my opinion is so tragic and it shows pretty blatantly that your dad clearly favors Kayla over you and obviously his reaction to Kayla not going to the wedding is so blown out of proportion it's not even funny he literally only wants Kayla to be at the wedding just so he can try and save face and he also just doesn't like the fact that you're putting up boundaries about what you do and don't want at your wedding because I really think you have the right idea here Kayla 100% would try to ruin your wedding if she had the chance because if she's willing to do that in high school then I can guarantee you she would try to do that again I'm also not totally convinced that Kayla has matured at all like sure maybe she's grown up in some kind of way and she's seen the eror of her ways and she's like grown as an individual but until she goes to you to apologize and seek your forgiveness or quite literally show that hey I'm a better person now look I'm changing or something along those lines some kind of effort to show that she's different now that in my opinion I agree with you for not wanting her in your life because as far as I'm concerned that is not someone I would consider family and if I was in your shoes there's no way she would ever be at my wedding am I the jerk for not allowing my friends to drink alcohol in my house because right now they are freaking out on me claiming that I'm a bad person for not allowing them to get drunk at my house here's what happened okay so I'm a 37-year-old female and I do do not permit alcohol in my house and I haven't allowed it for at least 15 years now there is a lot of alcoholism in my family and in my late teens and early 20s I was a problem Drinker fortunately I realized before things became too bad and have not drunk A single alcoholic drink ever since I don't object to others around me drinking I just won't do it myself and I don't want it in my house all of my family and friends are aware of this and the reasons why so anyways a group of my friends and I enjoy playing board in card games we have decided to have game nights once a month taking turns to host in our homes the first two were fantastic and we really enjoyed ourselves some people were drinking alcohol and others weren't my time is coming up and in making the preparation I reminded people that I don't allow alcohol in my house but if they wanted to bring non-alcoholic beer or wine then that's okay and I could make up a few different cocktails that are non-alcoholic I thought that would be a reasonable compromise and that people would be fine with not drinking for a 3-hour event but unfortunately that was not the case two people from the group were extremely unhappy with that they said that whilst they were aware of my house rule they just thought that I meant I don't want alcohol in my house and that I wouldn't object to others bringing some I don't know where they got that idea because all events in my house they have come to were alcohol-free they also said that not permitting them to bring alcohol was inappropriate and showed that I was a bad host and a bad friend we did end up getting into a Pretty Petty argument where they said I was being a hypocrite for not letting them drink because I was practically an alcoholic at one point and if I can't still be around alcohol after all these years then I'm the one that needed help I responded and said that if they can't go 3 hours without drinking then it was them that actually needed the help we tried not to get the others involved in the argument because we didn't want them to feel like they needed to take sides but the argument ended up going from an in-person one to an argument on our friends group chat this has of course led to people taking sides even those friends who are in the group chat but don't attend the game nights now at this point I'm thinking of withdrawing from game nights mostly because of all the fighting I still don't want alcohol in my house but other people have been saying that I'm in the wrong for not complying with our country's social Norm of drinking alcohol at events and parties others have said that there is nothing wrong with me having boundaries and that people shouldn't automatically expect to be allowed to drink alcohol at every event I don't really know what to think about it because they are right that we live in a very huge drinking culture and it is pretty normal to drink at events instead of not drinking so honestly am I the jerk in this situation what should I do no you are definitely not the jerk for starters this is your house that means that your rules are the ones that people have to follow and it doesn't matter if anybody has any objections to them they literally have no say in the matter they can either listen to your house rules or they can leave and personally I'm a big believer in that so the fact that they would say oh you're a bad person for not letting us get drunk at your house house as well as all these other terrible things all of that in my opinion is so uncalled for and it is completely unjustifiable like literally they shouldn't be acting like that and they shouldn't be ostracizing you all because you're trying to change and stay sober and you know what you've got it right if they can't spend 3 hours without getting drunk or having a drink then they're the ones with a problem you on the other hand have had sobriety for about 15 years and you don't even want the temptation of falling backwards and losing all that progress so in my opinion I think your friends are massive jerks for acting this way and I don't blame you for wanting to pull back from their game nights when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications to finish listening to all the stories check out the playlist at the top of the description and if you want some chill music to put on in the background check out easy mode.com if you like am I the jerk subscribe to am I the genius everything will be linked Down Below in the description
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 27,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: 2152UFXeL38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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