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today we have a crazy entitled parent story of  a sibling taking presents that a person bought   for their nephews and telling their kids the  gifts came from Santa instead we'll get into   that in a bit but first my mom tells me I'm too  skinny and is making me take pills to gain weight   I'm 21 and I live with my mom recently I've been  wanting to get new black leggings cuz mine from a   few years ago got too big on me today I came home  and wore one of my other pairs I got recently and   my mom saw and told me how skinny I got that  I should stop working out and I need medical   help I'm only 139 lb by the way I'm at a healthy  weight I literally went to the doctor I feel so   insecure now because she wants to buy me pills  to gain weight but I don't want to I'm planning   on moving out soon cuz all the stuff she says gets  into my head I just need to save up a little more   money I'm scared to work out now or even eat no  wonder I've always felt insecure about my weight   I don't know if she's right or I'm right I'm just  sitting here crying cuz I feel like I'm never good   enough well I mean if you went to your doctor and  your your doctor said that you're fine and you're   healthy I think that's the start and end of it  and I would say for the safety of your health not   to look into any of those pills your mom's trying  to push definitely listen and Trust to the doctor   over anything else also hi I'm Stephen and if you  guys enjoy crazy stories of entitled parents why   not hit those like And subscribe buttons down  below that said our next story is Dad wants to   hide mom's body not my story but still one heck of  one my friend has this mess to deal with right now   and yeah yyes for starters I work in the funeral  industry let that set the stage for you my friend   let's call him Jim is currently tingled in a legal  battle with a father who wants to dig up disiner   his deceased wife and move her body to another  grave space to hide her from his daughter what   is his motive she won't bring him cigarettes  while he's in a nursing home dying of some   lung disease and we're having cigarettes near his  oxygen tank could explode the whole building now   usually no matter how Petty this kind of thing  is is we have to do it if the dad had paid for   the burial and the space the wife is located  in except he didn't the daughter he's trying   to hide the deceased mother from is the one who  paid for the space and the burial of the mother   he legally can't move her because he doesn't own  the grave or the right to move his wife so now   he has this poor woman and my friend Jim locked  in a legal battle to move his wife and hide her   oh and he paid his son the woman's brother who is  estranged from the family to break into her house   and try to steal the contract for the mother's  burial so he has more leverage so the brother is   in jail and the daughter has a restraining order  against them both I just can't imagine any actual   judge seeing this reviewing it and seeing it on  their docket and allowing it to even go anywhere   I mean I just feel like this thing would get  thrown out so quickly our next story is entitled   dad insists on two toddlers being present at a  nice restaurant past their bedtime this happened   a few years ago when my nephews were really  Young And since I'm still having issues with   this parent I remembered this Gem and thought  I'd share I 25-year-old female share a father   with my brother 30-year-old male but we have  different mothers our dad is an acquired taste   to say the least and he's relatively narcissistic  our grandfather and his wife not my grandmother   she had died years prior had decided to fly into  visit and this was the first time my brother had   met him so it was a pretty big occasion my mom  who is pretty close with my grandfather was the   one to plan a lot of the event and the three of  them had decided my nephews would be a hassle   for their parents to Wrangle at this restaurant  and would likely act out when they got tired as   we'd planned a dinner and they were still on  a really early bedtime schedule being toddlers   this was also not a family-friendly restaurant as  there was nowhere for kids to play this was also   going to be a large gathering with my boyfriend  meeting my grandfather as well and my younger   sister and stepdad joining us making it nine  people without the kids so we told my brother   that his kids weren't invited as they were h and  so the two of them could enjoy themselves without   having to chase their kids around him and his wife  agreed happily and we proceeded with planning well   my dad found out and threw a fit he insisted  that his grandchildren be there as they had   the right to meet their great-grandfather too  which while true we had never planned for them   to never see him we had planned for them to meet  our grandfather at another point during the trip   he pitched a fited my mom and demanded that they  go or he wouldn't my dad isn't and has never been   married to either of our mothers so it's not  like he's berading an ex or current wife here   we obliged begrudgingly and decided we'd let him  regret his choice fast forward to the day of and   as predicted the boys were behaved for an hour  Max and then they got bored my grandfather's wife   was very snotty about it and basically complained  the whole time and everyone sort of just looked at   dad every time she made a comment like oh these  kids are so hyper they should have stayed home   with a sitter my nephews are genuine sweethearts  they just have have ADHD and we tired my dad did   have to get up and Wrangle them occasionally but  it was mostly my brother chasing them around he   never apologized for the inconvenience it caused  and never acknowledged he was wrong but I could   tell he felt sheepish about it that's kind of a  trend with him though this just makes me wonder   were they not all that involved in the whole  you know raising kids aspect considering he's   narcissistic and op describes them as an acquired  taste I'd be willing to bet that they were kind of   a hands-off father and they just don't have the  concept or understanding of these kids are going   to be a handful and going to be a lot to deal with  especially after their bedtime our next story is   you don't have to see your boyfriend more than  once a month 6 years are nothing if you're not   married my mother a lovely quote to set the tone  how do I female 25 handle my mother's female 50   insane Behavior I have three siblings female 27  female 22 and female 8 but I'm the black sheep of   this family family I've been beaten and abused my  entire life I'm in my first semester dropped out   in 2020 due to battling depression of University  and pay for my own education I work part-time and   do tutoring my mother wants to control every  aspect of my life and loses her mind if crap   doesn't go her way she doesn't like my clothes  and expects me to buy new things that are more   her style I can't be in my room for too long  because it upsets her it's in the attic I can't   see my boyfriend of 6 years because shouldn't be  my priority I can't sleep past 9:00 a.m. because   that makes me a loser I have to run her errands  because she doesn't feel like doing them I have   to cancel my plans because she needs me to babysit  my 8-year-old sister I'm never allowed to say no   to her or she'll make my life heck this woman  will scream and insult me if I don't feel like   obeying her I have to explain myself whenever  I want to see my boyfriend or when I'm not at   University no explanation is good enough for her  I'm not allowed to be be sick either I'm losing   my mind here me and my boyfriend are planning to  move in together this summer and I have no idea   how to handle this woman's insane behavior until  then my siblings female 27 and female 22 have a   different relationship with her my mother doesn't  care much about what they're doing and they have   way more freedom whenever they mess up she'll  let her anger out on me and we'll have a calm and   normal conversation with them she supports them  financially too and enables their bad spending   habits my sisters have always taken advantage of  the favoritism no living with my boyfriend is not   an option his mother and older brother are against  it it's a small apartment so their space is very   limited I would just say for op to try to stick it  out as best as they can they said they're planning   to move in with their boyfriend this summer it's  not too far away they've managed to deal with it   for 25 years so far don't let that final stretch  ruin things before you can get out of there our   next story is father says he has a say in land  I own I 31-year-old male am the youngest of my   dad's four children and I'm the only child of My  Mother by the time I was born my siblings were   grown moved out and had their own lives my mother  has a disease that she has battled my entire life   and honestly is amazing that she's still living  as doctors never gave her this long neither of my   parents are wealthy heck they don't even have  a 401k but they played their cards right and   they're completely debt-free this fortunate move  has allowed them to live a comfortable lifestyle   even able to put back money for projects my father  wants to do on his land with that said when I was   21 they gave me 30 Acres of raw land of their 80  acres as an early inheritance when they did this   they told me it was because in the worst case  my mother's health gets even worse and requires   extensive care which they couldn't afford and the  hospital would have to in that case put a lean on   the farm and steal my inheritance my father said  this was very important to him given the fact that   when my sister still lived at home he had an  extreme well-paying corporate job and they got   anything and everything they wanted in contrast  when I came along he and my mother sold almost all   they had quit their jobs and built a house on some  land with the intent of living a more simple life   and off the land in doing such this meant that  most of my childhood my father was self-employed   and since he couldn't afford help I was the help  so I worked for free 90% of the time for my dad   as it was the responsibility of the family as a  whole since it was all I'd ever know it along with   many other things mostly religion Society Norms  Etc seemed normal I now know it is not not long   after being given the land I started building a  house on the land there was a lot of things that   happened between then and now but that's a whole  series of stories that I will not include here but   may do so on my profile if anyone is interested  fast forward to present day I am happily married   with our first child living in a house that my  wife had bought before we'd gotten together as   the house I'd started on 10 years ago is still  not complete as I said a lot of craziness in   the last decade when my wife and I had gotten  married almost 2 years ago I guess my parents   assumed we would finish that house and live on  that land in order to be next door so they could   enjoy their grandchild I know it's healthy for a  child to have her grandparents part of their life   I have some severe trust issues with them due  to not only the cult-like upbringing I had but   also the fact that they're friends with and make  excuses for a convicted Predator that R worded   his own daughters I've tried talking sense to my  parents on this matter but it always turns into   a screaming match with them saying they raised me  better than this and to forgive all who trespass   um yeah some things I'm not going to forgive or  look over recently I informed my parents that   my wife and I are currently house shopping and  are hoping to get a bigger house for our growing   family well as you can imagine this conversation  got interesting as my father said you have almost   a new house that's almost done on the land I gave  you you can finish it and live there when I told   him we decided that that was not what we wanted  to do he backhandedly suggested that my wife was   manipulating me so that she can get the house that  she wants he also said that they gave me that land   with the understanding that I was going to raise  my family on it in the same way they raised me   right down to religious matters I reminded him  that the reason he and my mother said they were   giving it to me was so a hospital wouldn't get it  looking back that seems like such BS he basically   called me a liar and that whatever my wife and I  decided to do with the land he should be included   in the conversation as it directly impacts him  while the land is next to his there is in no   way it can impact him as he has their own water  electric services and Road Frontage in Access on   top of that my parents also harass my wife daily  for picks and videos of our child and even request   that she send them pictures of the baby in certain  clothes as alluded to above there is way more to   the backstory but needless to say in Rec recent  years I have had the desire to move farther away   from that land but this level of entitlement from  my parents has just about solidified it for me so   should he and my mother have a say in what my wife  and I do with the land and unfinished house it's   all fully paid for and valued at over $350,000  plus or minus edit wow just wow I am absolutely   Blown Away by all the words or encouragement and  advice that I've been given here over the last   24 hours thank you so much one point of confusion  I noticed is the land ownership so please let me   clarify back when I was 21 my parents had hired  a surveyor to section off part of their Farm to   give to me as an early inheritance and it's in  my name and my name alone and it along with the   house is 100% paid for also the house is still  undone as life has not been simple in those 10   years two divorces three miscarriages with my  first wife and a stint in the military when I   got with the woman that is now my wife she wasn't  keen on moving into a construction site especially   when she'd already bought a house and I can't  blame her again thank you all for the input and   outward perspective I'll keep you all posted  when something new happens and since there's   been some interest I may post some things about my  weird best word I can think of for it upbringing   especially when it comes to religion sheesh I'll  need a few drinks for that post thank you all   again cheers realistically it's only a good thing  to have your grandparents in your life if they're   going to be a healthy part of your life I mean  just having your grandparents in your life just   for the sake of having your grandparents doesn't  automatically make things better especially if   they're not necessarily people you would consider  good people or people that are going to pass on   to your kid good mannerisms behaviors or really  kind of a sense of self our next story is entitled   mother asks for custody of my child over me being  trans so this is a somewhat long story but to   shorten it up I've been questioning for about six  nearly 7even years I told my mother when I started   questioning my gender identity which was when I  was 16 I got the whole it's just a phase speech   and one about my life but for the next 6 years  I continued questioning now I'm a mother of a   three-year old and nearly 23 years old I finally  figured it out and I decided I want to be male for   the past 2 months I've been carefully planning  out how I'm going to make this as smooth of a   transition as possible when I eventually decide  to medically transition I plan to get therapy for   myself and my daughter when she's old enough to  help her understand as well as have a talk with   her since this will affect her just as much if not  more than it'll affect me I understand this will   affect her I plan on doing weekly therapy for  a year if not two before doing the transition   now I decided though I shouldn't have to tell my  mother in hopes I'd get even a smidge of support   even if it was so much as a I love you no matter  what but no I didn't get that I get a if you're   going through with it sign your rights of your  child over to me I immediately tell her no like   heck she's getting my child after all the heck she  put me through she then began to give her whole   woe is me speech she tells me I chose not to date  because I put you guys first as if putting what   has been causing me constant mental stress first  isn't putting my daughter first now of course I'm   going to put my daughter first but my end goal  is to become my best self to improve my mental   health it's something that's been causing me to  be depressed and stressed because I feel more   like I'm keeping up appearances instead of being  myself I tell her this and she says you're not a   man you're not transgender this has nothing to do  with mental health she tells me to wait until my   daughter turns 18 which knowing how I was when I  became an adult and tried to go off on my own will   only cause my daughter more stress I want to work  through this before she turns into an adult that   way it's a normal thing for her before she becomes  an an adult overall I feel majorly disrespected   and ended up actually crying over this because  I've been overly stressed due to financial reasons   as of late I just wanted to rant you don't have  to take this seriously I just really needed to get   this off my chest before I end up having my third  panic attack this month due to stress my brain is   scrambled as well from stress so I'm sorry if the  story doesn't make much sense edit I'm honestly   very thankful for all the support I was scared  to post this as my mother tries to make me think   I'm crazy by manipulating me into thinking so as  for the comments about my financial situation I'm   moving in with a friend around Thanksgiving and  getting a second job which is not only going to   help me financially but my daughter gets to have  more time outside while I'm working realistically   this all should have started and ended right when  they said sign over your custodial rights I mean   it's just such a ridiculous thing for them to  say to op our next story is Dad just showed up   unannounced to ask for help my dad male 58 only  reaches out when he needs help with technology   or his phone usually he texts me and asks when  I'm off work I mail 32 mostly work from home and   I usually reply and provide a time then then he  comes over I'm okay with this as me providing a   response or time is a system we've done in the  past however on occasion I'd had a long day or   week at work and really needed my quiet time he  texted me early in the day asking when I'll be   off but I was busy and didn't have much time  to respond so he randomly shows up after to   refinish his work of course needing help with his  phone none of these things were life-threatening   or urgent installing an app and could have been  done on another day I was ticked he could have   easily called prior if I didn't respond by text  we don't have a close enough relationship for   him to just feel like it would be okay to just  show up just because he needs help I ended up   helping but I don't think I want to ever again  when it comes to these mundane tasks he didn't   even ask one thing about my week at this point  it feels as though he's using me just need need   advice on how to best navigate this in the future  is it just simply telling him not to do it again   anyone else have a similar situation I guess  my question is does it seem like he has much   else going on in his life or when he does come  over for this help and assistance does it seem   like he lingers around for a while the reason I  ask is maybe they're kind of just using it as an   excuse to get close to op maybe they're kind of  lonely and want to have an excuse to have that   connection with OP if it's just they're annoying  you and they're just trying to use you for the   most mundane things all the time I think it's  just you've got to put your foot down and set   those boundaries there's really no easier thing  than just doing it in accepting if they get upset   they get upset our next story is Karen's sister  rebranded gifts I bought for my nephews as being   from Santa this happened during Christmas last  year my older sister has always been a handful   one might say she would generally act entitled but  then when someone makes her back off she goes back   to acting normal for a while before starting  it all over she got married a decade ago and   has two young sons that are five and six and every  year she makes sure there's something extra under   the tree from Santa for them which we're all fine  with but Christmas of 2021 she did something that   blew my mind the Christmas Eve Gatherings with the  whole family are usually held at my grandparents   house that way the individual families have their  personal celebrations on Christmas day with their   own kids or with families of significant others or  spouses last year I was worried I might not make   to the Christmas Eve party as I was away on some  personal matters so I shipped the presents I got   for relatives pre-wrapped in a large box to my  grandparents house just in case but I did manage   to make it home the day before Christmas Eve by  driving through several States everything went   well and we had the big dinner with both turkey  and ham I'm a real sucker for the turkey then   came time for the gifts we draw straws for who  passes around the gifts among the younger members   of the family and my 15-year-old cousin pulled  the Short Straw wrong everything was good until   the presents I got from my nephews were passed  to them all the presents I sent in advance used   the same rapping paper so it was pretty obvious  after a while which ones were from me but when   the two boys got the ones I gave them my sister  pointed to new name labels on them that both were   clearly pasted over the ones I'd put on them and  exclaimed they were from Santa which made the two   boys eagerly open them and Shout with Glee I was  pretty angry and my sister saw it on my face she   pulled me aside to talk and I asked her what the  heck she thought she was doing she beat around the   bush for a moment and said that since she thought  I wasn't going to make it to Christmas that year   that it would have been better if the kids thought  the gifts were from Santa I was Furious and yelled   at her that caught the attention of my grandmother  who'd also known what happened she begged me to   keep quiet about the false Santa gifts but I  blew up over her wanting to rug sweep and that   attracted half the family into the kitchen to  ask what the yelling was about my sister tried   to to say something but I spoke over her that  she'd rebranded the gifts I got from my nephews   as being from Santa my grandfather looked at her  and said is this true my sister looked emotional   and then did what she usually did when called  out on something this bad she started sobbing   like a little kid and crouched down on the floor  to have a pity party between sobs she kept trying   to defend herself but the only one that was buying  into her act was my grandmother who only made more   excuses like what my sister said they thought I  wasn't going to be there it was for the sake of   the children etc etc my grandfather was unfazed  though and he along with several other members   of the family said that she needed to make it  up to me for this because that means the boys   technically got nothing from me that they know  of when I clearly gave them nice expensive gifts   that now they won't know ever came from me just  because of what my sister did my grandmother   finally backed off and briefly sided with the rest  of us before going out to the living room to watch   the kids I then had an idea and said that I'll  give each of my nephews $50 bills from my wallet   and I expect to be paid that money back and get  paid back for the gifts that were no longer from   me because my sister had commandeered them my  brother-in-law sighed and agreed then dragged   my sister to the garage to have words with her  I gave my nephews each a crisp $50 bill and told   them to buy whatever they like with it my sister  spent the rest of the evening almost silent No   More Tears or anything thing just silent she  may as well have been a mannequin on display   or something and before I left my brother-in-law  promised my sister will personally pay me back I   thought I was going to have to wait a good while  to get the money back but yesterday my sister and   brother-in-law came knocking at my door and my  sister meekly handed me an envelope with $200 in   it and apologized to me she started to make more  excuses for what she did when brother-in-law told   her to just stop because what she did was a crummy  thing and she knows there was no excuse for for it   so she just apologized one more time and walked  back to their car loudly sniffling on a tissue   my brother-in-law told me that $200 came from out  of my sister's account and that was basically her   fun money for this month and maybe having a leaner  month will teach her a lesson probably not though   edit sorry I forgot to include my gender in this  I'm a guy in my early 30s edit to I'm tired of   getting so many messages from people talking about  how I should have let the situation go and that in   their family branding gifts for the kids as being  from Santa is normal news flash for you people   your family is not mine my parents never did Santa  gifts hardly any of my relatives ever did either   the only ones who really do anymore are my sister  and brother-in-law and someone also pointed out a   great fact to get gifts from Santa on Christmas  eve Santa would have to be a day early I played   along just enough that nothing was ruined for  my nephews and some acted like what I did was   out of validation or competition it wasn't it was  to teach my sister a lesson I try to give to all   kids in my close family equally on Christmas Eve  and I never outshine their parents on any gifts   and because of my sister's narcissistic Logic the  two presents from me to my nephews were made to   be no longer from me so I gave each of the kids  $50 which was the value of the things I'd gotten   them RC cars if anyone was wondering also if  any of you actually knew my sister like I do   practically none of view aside from trolls would  stick up for what she did with the presents 30   plus years I've dealt with her Antics so here's  a taste of what she did to me she shaved part of   my head in my sleep when I was 16 had to have  the rest of my head shaved before going back   to school she physically attacked me for not  getting her way many times it wasn't until I   actually fought back hard enough that I almost  badly hurt her that she finally stopped laying   her hands on me after that she switched tactics  to emotional abuse and terrible pranks one of   the things she did was to sign up my name for  various adult magazines and I mean the really   gross creepy ones and they were not only sent to  where I lived but also to my parents and numerous   other relatives which made them question why they  were getting magazines for that crap with my name   on them in their mail I only found out it was my  sister that did that because one of her friends   came forward and told us and my sister reacted by  throwing a huge fit over how she'd ruined her best   prank and cut out said friend said friend is now  my friend and we even briefly dated my sister also   passed my number and picture around town telling  people I was gay which made my phone blow up with   calls and texts from people who were looking for  a good time I had to have my number changed like   five times to make it stop my sister also signed  my email up for crazy things too had to repeatedly   changeed my email because she kept somehow getting  it the only way I got that crap to finally stop   was by threatening to tell brother-in-law what  she was really like when they were dating she   was actually mad at me for ruining her fun then  she put on a complete nice girl act and married   brother-in-law whom we all managed to convince  to get a prenup before marrying her so my sister   switching the tags on the gifts for my nephews to  be from Santa was just the latest in a long line   of her crap crap that I won't stand for if I'd  let it slide she most certainly would have done   it again and kept doing so till someone made her  stop I had to stop it now otherwise it would have   kept going some have stated that I'm too angry  let's see you go through everything I just listed   and not be angry I've been to both therapy and  counseling they actually found my anger towards   my sister justifiable because they were appalled  when I unloaded on them all of the things my   sister did especially since I only let that anger  out when she does something bad to me anymore I   could be angry all the time or every time I see  her but I'm not just angry when she makes me   angry honestly I'm surprised people said eh you  should just let it go go don't even bring it up   just you know in the spirit of Christmas anybody  that's willing to overlook a personal slight like   that I think is too eager to roll over in any  situation and hey at least they actually paid   op back so there's some kind of responsibility  at least the brother-in-law keeps her in check   but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   absolutely crazy entitled parents story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 5,579
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: hXYNk2cRaYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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