r/LegalAdvice Mom & Daughter in Coma After Car Accident, GrandParents Don't Let Me See My Child!

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welcome back to our slash legal advice where people ask questions get advice and we get satisfaction if you are new around here please don't forget to subscribe to the channel to join our awesome community and without any further ado let's dive right into the stories and the first one is titled my tenant is demanding that i put in a very expensive stair lift am i required to do this i own a townhouse a few towns over i used to live there until we bought a house to expand our family it set for a few months on the market until i just decided to rent it a nice older guy came along he had ok credit and enough income he was recovering from a stroke and moving from a rehab facility he needed a walker to move freely most of the time but could walk without it i reminded him that it is a townhouse and has stairs to reach bedrooms or the shower and he insisted it was fine he requested a second handrail on the stairs as there was only one before i had my husband install it it was in a stud in four places and secure within a month he complained it was filmsy and loose i went over and used my full weight to try and shake it and it did not budge when i asked him to show me his issue with it he said he had to leave to go somewhere so i dropped it a week after that he says he was pulling the string to lower the blinds and it fell and attacked him i texted him back and told him all the blinds in the home were cordless and you just lift or pull down with your hand he didn't respond it is now quite a few weeks after the blind attack and he texted me and said i'm reminding you for the second time that the handrail is inadequate i will need a stair lift installed by the end of august i have attached a link that will fit the staircase i responded with i inspected both handrails and they both did not shake or seem insecure i can have a professional come inspect them you chose a property with necessary stairs i will look into the issue further and let you know i have 4 thousand dollars in a saving account should anything go wrong at the rental unit like ac route water heater anything we cannot fix this lift would wipe out the entire fund i am only renting to him for 750 dollars a month that is 5 months rent just into a lift he's been renting and living there for 3 months now am i required to install this and the user in the comments said you absolutely are not required to pay for a stair lift even when he brings up the disability card you do not have to pay for it under the fair housing act you may be required to allow him to have one installed at his expense however if this is all you own to rent out you may not be required to not a lawyer i am a property manager but not in your state and another person mentioned not a lawyer but this guy sounds like a rental nightmare maybe offer him out of the lease instead of installing a stair lift i would remind him in writing that you made him aware of the stairs and his assurance it would not be a problem or inconvenience for him before he agreed to the renting to the town home and guys i would love to know your take on this story what do you think about the guy who is renting the apartment do you also think he's a nightmare how would you deal with him let us know in the comments and the next one is an update to the tenant story as i suspected in the comments of my original post my tenant was a total misogynist as many of you suspected in the comments he did seem to be an experienced tenant looking to take advantage of the situation and my lack of experience i wrote him a lengthy email and telling him i was not required to pay for his stair lift and had made reasonable accommodations for him with the second handrail i informed him that there were two options he could be let out of his current lease with no penalty and get his deposit back assuming there wasn't any damage or he could pay additional deposit of 2 000 for the installation of the stairlift by the way i contacted an attorney on that one and he agreed it was within my rights to require an additional deposit for such a huge change to my property i texted him and let him know i had entailed him he did not respond then texted my husband a few days later and told him that the text was his 30-day notice my husband told him that he was not his landlord as i am the only property owner so he waited a few more days and texted me the same thing 30 days later i met him at the property for the inspection and for him to turn over the keys i charged him 150 dollars for cleaning because he did leave random bags of stuff behind and kitchen perishables he mumbled that i was a bridge but i brushed it off i gave him his deposit minus the 150 dollars and he gave me the keys my husband and i just cleaned the place yesterday and changed the locks a few people are lined up to see this weekend so fingers crossed gonna be more choosy this time thanks for all the advice guys and guys if you have watched until here and enjoy my legal advice content then i would be very glad if you could subscribe to my channel because i would love to reach 27 000 subscribers in addition if you want to support me it would be lovely if you could like the video and post some star emojis in the comments thank you so much in advance and now let's move on to the next story the next one is titled my daughter's mother was in a car accident and is in a coma her grandparents are not letting me see my daughter my daughter's mother was in an accident this week and i am unable to see or take my daughter and i am freaking out i called the police and they said i have no grounds or rights to see my daughter when she was born i had a blood test done and i am the father i immediately had my last name added to her birth certificate and i have a copy of the birth certificate which lists me as the father the police said they cannot do anything unless i have custody listed from the court but no one does her mother and i have never filed for custody and we've been sharing times with my daughter who is about 1 year old i told the police no one has court-filed custody including her grandparents and asked them if custody would then default to me since her mother is incapacitated but they said no what forms do i need to file with the court to be able to see my daughter and take her home she needs to be home at a time like this and i feel so powerless and the user in the comments said get a family law attorney something seems odd here where is the child currently where did she live before the accident have you acted as a parent to her before as in taking care of her in a home setting is the home that the child is in now the home she was in prior to the accident and another person said i believe that the police are incorrect about the law in this case sorry about that but it happens sometimes the police are incorrect about the law first i would try contacting someone else at the police department show up in person with a copy of the birth certificate and ask to speak to a supervisor explain that you believe that officer you spoke with earlier was incorrect and you would like to arrange a police escort to ensure that the process of picking up your daughter goes smoothly without incident if this does not solve the problem then you will need to get a court involved when police are wrong about the law that is how we correct it others have posted about the process for doing that but i would suggest you try escalating to others in the police department first with birth certificate in hand as evidence because if that works it will work faster and more cheaply than the legal approach and guys if you were in this unfortunate situation what would you suggest op to do to see his daughter as quickly as possible and an update to the my daughter's mother was in a car accident story one thing i can say before getting into the update is if you are separated and have children make sure there is an official filing in your state's family court that determines paternity that you are in fact the parent of your child and that you have some form of custody on file with the court as well even if it is a joint custody form with only a few hours of visitation it is a document that shows the police that you have some form of custody of your child the police outright refused to help me in my situation without showing proof of custody and paternity from the arizona family superior court update recently i was able to get an official ruling from the court and feel more comfortable posting an update publicly i was able to pick up my daughter from her grandparents home the next day with filing a motion for temporary order without notice the motion requires you to fill out quite a few other motions and schedule a joint custody trial as well as create a parenting plan before you can submit it for the judge's approval i had to explain in writing to a judge why there was an emergency factor involved with me needing to pick up my daughter immediately and the judge after reviewing my motion had to draw a temporary full custody order that i could show to the police and other parties involved to allow me to pick up my daughter i talked with a lawyer who was nice enough to tell me the names of the forms i needed to file and how slash where to file them without charging me a fee the down payment for starting a custody case was quoted to me at over two thousand dollars with the other lawyers i talked to before they would even look at the case and another lawyer offered to just charge a per court appearance fee but not help with any forms or paperwork as a cheaper option none of those options really worked for me so i took the first lawyer's advice with the forms i needed to file and did everything on my own i was lucky i had a few hundred dollars available to spend to file this order i was lucky it was a weekday and the courts were open do not count on being lucky file joint custody paperwork with your state immediately if you have children and haven't done so already don't put yourself in a position where someone can take your child and you are not able to do a thing about it after receiving temporary full custody things were pretty straightforward the document expired every 30 days so there were status conferences set with the court every 30 days until the other party could appear in court i am happy to say there is now a permanent custody agreement in place officially and if anything happens in the future it won't be such a nightmare i won't feel so helpless and in fear of my daughter's safety and i will be able to show proof that i am legally responsible for her hopefully i never need to use this document for this reason again but please don't end up in my situation and file official custody paperwork with the court in your state if you are unmarried and have children it may save you from a situation such as mine added because i didn't make it entirely clear for those of you concerned my ex has woken up and was able to attend court which is how there is now a permanent custody agreement in place and she seems to be making a recovery and the next one is titled i did not get the job i wanted because owners thought i was gay but they did offer me a different position is this legal relevant information before i get to my situation my five-year-old has cancer and has suffered major hair loss from the chemo treatment to help her cope with this eye 26 female have shaved my hair since day one of her treatment and will continue to keep shaving it until my daughter is able to grow her hair back now my situation i recently interviewed for a position as the front desk manager at a hotel it is owned and operated by a husband and wife i thought the interview went very well and they seemed to really like me and the fact that i had prior experience working the front desk they said they needed to talk it over as well as interview other candidates before making a decision i waited a couple days before calling to follow up i spoke with the husband who let me know that they really liked me and would have liked to hire me for the fdm position but they strongly felt that many hotel guests would not take well to an employee with my chosen lifestyle and thought it would affect business i asked him what he meant by that and he blatantly said we thought you liked women i was taken aback by this and clarified with him that i was straight i did not share the reason why i shaved my head the husband said he needed to talk this over with his wife and would call me shortly he did end up calling back and offering me the position of housekeeping supervisor as they had been looking to fill this role as well the pay is two dollars per hour less than what the fdm makes i told him this was not what i had applied for and was not sure if my skill set was a fit for the position he told me to give it a couple days though and call him back on monday tomorrow if i wanted the job i have a couple questions was there anything illegal done here while i did not get the fdm job because they thought i was gay they did offer me a different position i am not a sue happy person but at the same time i'm a little upset that they turned me down for the fdm role because they made assumptions about my sexual orientation based on the way i look what are my options if i choose not to take their housekeeping supervisor job thank you for taking the time to read any feedback slash insight is appreciated and the user in the comments said yeah it's definitely illegal discrimination it doesn't matter that they offered you a different job and it doesn't matter that you are not actually gay another person said since sexual orientation is a protected class you should send them a text email or even call them and record it as wisconsin is a one-party consent state asking clarifying about the reason you were not hired specifically about how they assumed you were gay and therefore they did not want to offer you the job basically you want them to admit their guilt so be on their side until you get what you need and i gotta admit guys that is both an incredibly outrageous and also sad story have you ever faced any sort of discrimination in regards to being hired for a job let us know in the comments update i did not get the job i wanted story i read you guys's comments about signing an email so i wrote to the owners that i was disappointed i didn't get the fdm position because they had assumed i liked women i inquired if the position was still open and ask them to reconsider me if it was i also mentioned that i could wear a wig if that was better for business the husband responded i'm so sorry but we have already hired someone for the front desk manager position apologies for the mix-up on our end the offer for the housekeeping supervisor position is still on the table please give me a call if you want this job this is my number i called the husband and spoke with him i explained that even though i wasn't gay they were still discriminating against a protected class he seemed shocked like he genuinely did not know that and he and his wife were discriminating he said they had no problems with gay people and we're merely looking at this from a business standpoint he apologized profusely and told me he felt really bad about the whole thing he said he wanted to talk things over with his wife because they both did like me but unfortunately the fdm position was no longer available then he called me back and asked if i would like to take the housekeeping supervisor position if they raised the hourly rate to what i would be making as the fdm this was acceptable to me i really do need the job and i don't think the owners were trying to be malicious big thank you for the input and advice and the last one is titled fhoa my hoa definitely plays favorites we moved into a townhouse condo in a neighborhood in northern florida we saw the rules and we said well this isn't bad it is pretty common rules like no mechanic work on cars and driveways which i do my own oil changes but do it elsewhere no super loud music after 10 basic lawn care and garbage day rules nothing that most of us don't already do anyways we have a single car driveway behind our house that can fit two cars most others only fit one car so we got lucky my husband goes to work early and i usually drop my kid at daycare couple hours later and then go to work so my husband's car needs to be the last one in he will get home earlier than me so he has rather to park out front of the house till i get home or pull out of the driveway for me when i get home the other day my hubby was exhausted he's a painter so his car was out front on the street and didn't feel like going to pull it around the block which is not a big deal there was not any hoa rules saying we cannot and no signs in the street saying we cannot park there come 3 am i get loud banging on my door from a neighbor warning me they are about to tow his car half asleep i go out and sure enough in hooked up to tow truck with a green slip on the window of his car on the slip it is marked other and you cannot park here written in next to it i paid the unhitched fee and moved his car around i was upset but i said i will deal with it tomorrow and went back to bed if we had broken the rules i would have understood however my hubby probably did that 2 times a week for the last 6 months without any warnings or notifications that hoa rules have been added slash changed in fact a bunch of people in that street park there every day there are people who even park in fire lanes and on streets with no parking signs but nothing ever happens to their cars there are rules in place that owners must clean their door crap up and yet everywhere i go there is mounts and i've had to tell it people to clean it up out of my lawn after so many times i report it to the hoa but does that stop it nope clearly our hoa plays favorites and for some reason targeted us for god knows what reason we are model owners and very clean quiet and follow the rules adamantly it only takes one a-hole to ruin an entire hoa this is why it needs to be done by the city slash county a good hoa can turn bad at a drop of a dime and we as law abiding citizens should not have to deal with this added stress this agitates me beyond belief so much so we put our house on the market and looking for a single home outside of an hoa's jurisdiction seriously fhoas and guys i gotta say that is actually an interesting point would you be interested in living in an hoa governed neighborhood if the hoa is managed by the city slash county let us know what you think in the comments over 30k has been transferred out of my wife's 401k and hr won't tell us where it is and when we will get it back in arizona hello again legal advice my so's 401k account was pilvered in its entirety in early september all of a sudden the 30 plus case she had in there was transferred out her former hr representative told her to hold tight and wait for news it is friday we called on sunday and the hr department is being coy and giving us the runaround again apparently the account was owned by first utah bank which has been recently hit with a suit because the owner has been stealing millions of dollars out of retirement accounts five withdrawals called exit transfers were processed on in september all on the same date for various amounts the largest being about 28k to two separate institutions named as american century one choice and eton vance worldwide health at this point we have no idea what the hell we are supposed to do who the hell are these people what the f is going on where's our money the question is should we lawyer up we know of an employment lawyer but she's not cheap our budget is really tight if we lawyer up is there any chance that the bank or her old company would be on the hook for the bill i don't want to sync hundreds of dollars we don't really have into a lawyer if we are going to get the money back anyway but it is totally worth it if it's the only way to get some freaking answers about where 30 plus k just disappeared to any help or advice is appreciated thanks and a user in the comments said if this happened to me i would get a lawyer as soon as possible and call the local fbi field office about it and guys i'm curious what would you do in this situation would you also straight away contact the fbi which by the way seems kind of weird to me let me know in the comments and someone else in the comments said american century and eton vance are both investment management firms my guess is that the company is changing 401k providers probably due to the issues you mentioned and the funds are being relocated accordingly before lawyering up i would suggest giving the company another week keep reaching out to hr also it might be worth talking to other employees she's in touch with to see if there are any other changes happening to the 401k program and then another person answered employers are mandated to provide employees and non-employee plan participants with a notice of transfer and blackout notice there are substantial fines for failing to do so and now the update to the 30k which has been transferred story hey legal advice thank you for your advice on the issue of my wife's 401k we called quite a lot of people threatened to bust heads not really but we did stress that it is thirsty effing thousand dollars we are talking about so don't give us the run around and received a bit more info about what is going on if any of this sounds sketchy let me know so we can follow up i would super appreciate it so we called one of the companies the balance was transferred out to named equity trust they said that the blackout period was going to be september to november which was shortened to september october but is now back to november because of the size of the account that her old company had they are apparently still in the process of reconciling transfers balances and all that crap between about six different directly and indirectly involved companies the bottom line they told us is that we will get the most current status of the situation and the exact balance the first week of november and probably not sooner well one piece of good news is that her funds were never converted into alternative investments which means real estate or trust funds they are all still mutual funds so the person at equity trust said that her funds should not be affected by the continuing criminal investigation into the guy who owned the firm who previously mismanaged and stole money from retirement accounts but because the funds were never converted they said that we would not have received an official notice of asset loss like a lot of you said we were required to receive when the funds first went into receivership months ago they went on about a bunch of financial bullcrap that went totally over my head i cannot even decipher half my notes about why we were not required to be sent notification i did not buy it but what else are we going to do you know we did communicate that legal or not we found it extremely poor customer service to certainly transfer 30 thousand dollars without any notification or explanation and would be strongly reconsidering our relationship with that institution when the matter is cleared up they ended the call by asking us to send screenshots of the most recent account transaction from the old firm so that they could compare the numbers once they and us have online access to the new account with the new managing entity the person we talked to had us take down her direct line so that we could call her back if we had more questions my wife and i have decided that that is satisfactory enough for us and guys obviously at least for me that was not the most satisfactory ending ever but sometimes we just have to take what we can get and the next one is titled looking at gross misconduct dismissal from work i am in england so i have a criminal record i have been working here for about a year and when i applied i did not disclose this as it is classed as a spent conviction and so it does not need to be disclosed however the conviction has since come to light it is for something quite serious and will probably end up with me being dismissed as gross misconduct would i be able to go into the meeting hand in my notice and ask for an immediate resignation so that it is not on my file as gross misconduct for references in the future and a user in the comments said i'm not a lawyer and i will be genuinely curious as to what the actual lawyers who know employment law have to say that being said i have multiple convictions some spent some unspent and it is my understanding that if a conviction is spent for the purposes of the rehabilitation of offenders act and none of the various exceptions apply then you are not obliged to disclose any convictions to an employer even if they specifically ask about prior convictions my suspicion and thinking would be that if an employer subsequently discovers you have previous discussions that you did not disclose because they were spent then that employer cannot take action against you for not disclosing the convictions my feeling is that taking action against you by firing you for not disclosing a conviction when you were not legally required to do so would constitute unfair or wrongful dismissal whether you would have an actionable case or not is another matter and then another person agreed and said i would agree i'm also not a lawyer but it looks like the rehabilitation of offenders act 1974 prohibits any employer using knowledge of a spent conviction as grounds for excluding prospective employees from employment or dismissing current employees unless an exception applies i'm pretty certain a fast food restaurant is not an exempt employer and the next one is an update to the conviction story first of all a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to my other threat you helped me going into the meeting today to be a little more prepared and to put my mind at ease so i had the investigation meeting today they seemed satisfied that i did not lie on my application form but they want some kind of evidence that my sentence was completed as i said which is understandable if slightly annoying i have applied for a basic dbs certificate which should hopefully put this to bed they have however now found out about the nature of my offense and they are looking at terminating me again under gross misconduct with the reasoning being conviction of an offense deemed by the company to be serious can they do this if the conviction is from a good 10 years before i started and is now spent as i said in my other post i've only been here a year do i actually have any real options if they do fire me i will be speaking to acas necro unlock and a local solicitor at the earliest opportunity i have spoken to acas not really able to help due to it relating to a specific law he said i did the right thing applying for my dbs basic certificate but that acas can only speak about contractual issues i have also spoken to necro much more positive phone call he said that what they are trying to do is explicitly illegal and they would be leaving themselves open to claims under both the rehabilitation of offenders act and under gdpr dpa as they have no rights to hold that information about me so that could be useful to know also i have spoken to a solicitor less positive he said that because i had not been there two years there would likely not be a lot i can do if they did fire me nothing more i can do now until 2nd january when places reopen after christmas and guys i'm curious about your opinion if you were a business owner would you hire someone with a former conviction let us know in the comments and the next one is the last update to the gross misconduct dismissal they are dropping everything my boss phoned me this morning and let me know that hr have said that as the conviction is spent the original charge is null and void and because of that the second charge is not actionable it is over i go back to work as normal on saturday following a period of sickness thank you so so much to everyone who took the time to help me you have no idea how much seeing all of your posts has helped me to keep things together over the last few days it is amazing how much things can take a change in such a short space of time merry christmas to all of you next one is titled my school is not allowing access to toilets as punishment the boys at my school around 500 of us currently only have access to four cubicles which are only open on lunch break all other toilets have been locked from the inside to prevent use they have done this as punishment for a small number of boys who have urinated all over the floor this affects all boys on the premises some boys have had to use disabled toilets in order to not soil themselves which if caught they will then be punished for doing so is this allowed to happen and can i do anything about it i understand the school will likely have much more power than me on my own and a user in the comments said the local education authority at the very least should be informed and i would argue the local press and if the local press are anything like my area they love a good story about schools often rather frustratingly regardless of if there is merit to the story but there is merit to this one in my opinion a few things that immediately jump out to me number of available toilets you state that there's only four toilets available regardless of the opening times this is clearly not right i'm not entirely sure if the hse requirements for the workplace are applicable here but there does appear to be a standard one toilet or urinal per 20 students of which at least a third need to be toilets for example for 500 pupils there need to be at least 25 and at least 7 actual toilets furthermore the school's premises regulations of 2012 from the department for education you state that the school is threatening to punish students who use disabled toilets the department of education sets out guidelines for the premises of a school and regulation 4 explicitly states that all pupils should be allowed access to disabled toilets furthermore there is the equality act you state that it is the male pupils at the school who are being denied access to the toilets i would expect this also falls under the equality act of 2010 as access to specific facilities for example toilets are being denied upon the basis of a protected characteristic sex and gender citizens advice this is also working on the assumption that the school is still providing reasonable adjustments to pupils that may require the toilet for medical reasons if those pupils were also subjected to this punishment then it would be very serious indeed and the next one is an update to the school story a couple weeks back my school locked all boys toilets to target a problem where kids were urinating on the floor only four cubicles were available at any one time to over 500 boys i took your advice told my parents and they took it up with the school at first the school defended the practice until my parents and apparently others too threatened further action thank you everyone the toilets are now reopened and the last one was posted by user cruel 1969 on our own subreddit and is titled mom embarrasses dutch banker four years later he springs his trap this post has nothing to do with us legal advice it is in fact a pro revenge story and please just consider this as a little bonus i posted this on pro revenge but thought maybe rype might like it as well rype has my permission to read this story on his youtube channel in the early 80s my mother had traced her ancestry to a small town in the netherlands she wrote to a woman in that town in the hope of getting help with research and this woman and my mother ended up becoming friends not long after this she and her husband were making a business trip near to where she lived in san francisco california and they arranged for a visit it is important to understand what sort of person her husband was imagine the stereotypical dutch banker very serious very straight at least publicly once we got to know him he dropped the sham and turned into quite a likable person but that was later my mother asked where they would be coming into the country it was in texas oh do you speak the language don't they speak english oh no they speak texan now the dutch banker was worried his wife tried to assure him that my mother was just joking they certainly spoke english in texas he said he did not think my mother was joking as they did not really know each other but just before arrival in texas his wife had him convinced they would indeed speak english by the way guys one thing just to quickly interrupt that i'm curious about which state in the united states has the deepest accent that might be hard to understand for foreigners or rather non-native speakers let me know in the comments they walked up to the customs officer who greeted them with big howdy all horrified he asked the guy very slowly do you speak english fast forward 4 years 1986 and our family travels to visit their family their kids were just a bit younger than my sister and i one day the dutch banker and my mother both had business at the bank my mother had gotten some real dutch wooden shoes they still used them there at least then they did which she wore to walk to the bank when they got to the bank several pairs of wooden shoes were lined up my mother started taking hers off but the banker said that was not needed they are the shoes of farmers see they are all muddy so mom kept the shoes on walking into the bank the bank had marble floors and a vaulted ceiling perfect for amplifying the sound of wooden shoes walking on the floor it did not take mum long to notice all activity had stopped as everyone stared at this creation who had the girl to walk into a bank with wooden shoes on the banker was smiling at her and said that was for texas rest in peace mom we miss you you filled our lives with laughter and guys unfortunately we have already reached the end of the video i hope you enjoyed today's stories and if you haven't already please also go to patreon.comripe youtube where i upload exclusive reddit videos starting at just three dollars a month this is a great way to support me in case you are interested and the chance for me to become independent from youtube revenue thank you so much for watching please don't forget to subscribe and like the video and i hope to see you again tomorrow
Channel: Ripe
Views: 30,911
Rating: 4.9342017 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, ripe, ripe reddit, idontworkherelady, ep, r/idontworkherelady, ripe idontworkherelady, i dont work here, idontworkhere, r/talesfromthefrontdesk, r/entitledhotelguests, entitled guest, hotel guest, karen hotel, justnomil, justnohoa, hoa, r/justnomil, r/justnohoa, homeowner association, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, justnoneighbors, reddit neighbor, reddit neighborstories, neighborstories, legaladvice, legal advice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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