r/LegalAdvice - Husband Get's Held Hostage in California Hospital...

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g'day there guys it's realty hubby Maki back at it again with another oscillate video now if you love me as much as I love you than you know what to do I want you to mosey on over to that old like button and tackle it like Crocodile Dundee maybe even choke a koala down in the comments now with that said I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some bloody good legal advice now our first post today is by user C of bullcrap titled I think my landlord may be dead or hospitalized and I don't know what to do so I will have been in this rental property for 10 years this year in all that time I've never actually met my landlord he lives in another state he used to have properties both in my state and in his states but after the recession in 2008 he mostly pulled everything back to his states my original lease was for the first year here after that we never signed another lease but we've never had any issues at all about that I've always paid the rent by making a deposit directly to his account at his bank when anything goes wrong he's quick to hire repairmen we've had a good relationship for the last decade even if we don't know what the other looks like in person q coronavirus my significant other and myself both work in the hospitality industry and restaurant / bars have been shut down for a month now with no clear end insights unemployment hasn't kicked in yet and we haven't gotten any stimulus check rent is gieux but we wanted to talk to our landlord about postponing payments until we started working again the landlord's phone goes straight to voicemail the voicemail box is full every time we call he hasn't responded to texts or emails we've been trying to get a hold of him for two weeks now although I've never seen him he sounds like an older dude and I'm worried about him I'm also worried about my household what happens if he's not ok I can provide all the details if they might be helpful not a lawyer but try searching for your landlord's legal name plus state + obituary on Google that might answer some questions I tried I don't know his age middle name or marital status I'm not even sure he still live in Kentucky I only talked to the dude like every other year when the house has a problem search results were inconclusive tax documents search came back with no results also may have to do with my address this house was once a business and also once a duplex and we've had issues before because of its example we couldn't get residential power service when we moved in because the utility company still has my address zoned as commercial we have utility SVC under a fake apartment one address something else to consider since I went through something similar is if your landlord is passed as long as you have a rental agreement / contract you can't get evicted unless you violate that contract what I'm trying to say is if your landlord has passed and the keepers of his estate want to sell the house they can't force you to leave until your lease is over my landlord passed and his are tried to make us leave before our lease was over and I told him he was not able to do that we were only on a lease for the first year that we were here we never signed another lease contract so I assumed we were just unspoken month-to-month this is one of my concerns I'm worried that he might have passed and we're just going to get a surprise notice from some next of kin that says we need to be out ASAP if you know his address you can get a welfare check down on him I don't even know his city but I'm going to see if his bank might help me put a wellness check through since they already have his full address I know they won't give it to me directly you could go to your county's tax assessor websites and do a search for your rental property this should give you the owner's name and mailing address I did this it didn't turn up any results but I'm not surprised about that this house is over 100 years old and it has been at the one point in time or another a business a duplex and now a single-family home I've had a lot of issues around the county involving this address I was almost unable to vote because of its and I had a hard time getting utility service because the house was still listed at the utility company as a commercial business and they didn't want to set up residential power service for it as such there's like three variations of my address floating around the landlord's Bank and with the property tax office and not far from each other I think tomorrow I'm going to stop by the bank as many people have suggested and if the bank can't help me I'm going to pop across the street and see if the property tax office might be able to lend any kind of hand I'm hoping that even though this involves communication of sensitive information people will understand that this is an exhausting circumstance in a time of crisis I'm not trying to access his address I just want to know if he's okay if he is okay he'll get in touch with me when he can hopefully somebody will work with me on getting a wellness check wherever he's as there is 100% chance that your local government has the owner on hit the property records and said records of public info otherwise they would be unable to access property taxes and they would either have found him a long time ago or placed a lien on the house and you'd be out by now all I've been able to find is a peer bucks under his name in my home county all right and after all of that they've put some edits down in the post my state is Florida landlord lives in Kentucky at least I hope he still does headed to I found the property tax information and it only lists his middle initial and a Pierre box my state and county headed three thanks to a lot of help some info has been tracked down and I have an address that I'm pretty sure is my landlords actual house not just a Pierre box that might not be checked often I'm going to send a certified letter over that way explaining my situation and proposing a payment plan for deferred rent in the meantime I'm going to keep as much money put aside as possible until I get cash coming in again when payments will be resumed I'll let you guys know if I hear back thank you to everyone who provided advice final edits he's okay his cell phone got stolen and he's still waiting on a replacements probably the best outcome I think thanks again to everyone who reached out with resources and offers to help and our next post is by user kitsune nico de titled took husband ter for possible stroke and he got 5150 / what can I do this is a long story because a lot happened and is still happening we live in Seattle my father-in-law died suddenly and we flew down to Northern California to deal with it we decided to drive back on the way my husband started to say that he didn't feel Rights his heart was racing his face felt weird he was on little sleep dealing with his family and we hadn't been eating great because of everything going on so this man who was normally pretty chill got flat-out terrified that he was having a stroke we work for a pretty big and well-known nonprofit health care provider that pushes the whole kind of better safe than sorry thing when it comes to your health so I googled the closest er and we went to it we got there and by this time I'm pretty sure he's having a panic attack he's not violent or threatening or anything just really really scared that he's about to die like his father to the point that he's making sure I know that he doesn't want to be cremated I tell the check-in person that he thinks he's having a stroke and I think it's a panic attack but I'm more worried about his hearts they check him in he gets the code for the bathroom and goes to the bathroom in other words he's not threatening anyone he's not trying to kill himself he's not unable to take care of himself after he's available the nurse takes him for triage his blood pressure is 188 out of a hundred which is not normal for him I tell the nurse this and that I'm very scared about what that means she just shrugged it off she asked him for his height and weight and he answered then she started to ask him all these mental health questions when she would he would look at me because what the hell does that have to do with anything rights his blood pressure is not right so I answer these questions to the best of my ability while pointing out his physical symptoms were a big concern they take us back to what they called a er overflow it ends up being psych my husband keeps asking why he's there they take that as he's unaware of his surroundings he does as they asked and changes and such because it was pretty clear that they had no intention of letting us leave he's not put in a room just a cot with a curtain in a line of cots with curtains we look around and noticed things like their trash bin suggests Lowe's lawn and leaf bags and they keep patients charts and three-ring binders on a desk and they're accessible to anyone in the room where we work the standard is you secure everything in a computer and patient information is guarded like state secrets when dealing with patients our medical staff asks the multiple identifiers x' no matter how many conversations they've had with that person before new information or new new medical staff has to happen these people came up to my husband and just said his first name then started to talk to him like they'd been friends for years he refused he let them know we expect a certain level of patient safety and we're not getting it if they don't ask him his last name and birthday every time he is not talking to them they took that and wrote it down as paranoid I explained to them the medical world we come from they said it doesn't matter they do things differently so the fact that he can't fall in line is an issue they kept the paranoid eventually they got him a television with a psychiatrist but wouldn't tell us much about where the psychiatrist is based out of or anything when he pops onto the screen he just says his name and that's it it looks like he's in his living room again that this is not what we're used to the psychiatrist asks my husband his name and his date of birth my husband refuses to answer he didn't agree to any of this he doesn't feel medically safe he doesn't trust what's going on the psychiatrist spends all of five minutes not really trying and calls it a day at this point I'm not worried my husband is having a stroke but I am worried his heart is going to explode because of how they are treating him and how they're not even touching on his concern that he's having a stroke he started to beg me to not let them let him die then he started trying to go through at least the physical tests for sign of a stroke the staff looked at him like he was this super sad insane guy and decided he need a Deven because I was worried about his heart and I know the doctors I work with in my job prescribed it for some patients to feel okay with being in an MRI machine I talked him into taking it in that he would at least not care that he's so worried about having a stroke eventually we hear back that the psychiatrist on the TV who spent five minutes with my silent husband has decided he's bipolar is having an episode and needs a 24-hour hold and anti-psychotic medication once so they start planning for him to be there for 24 hours I try to fight them but they shut me down every step of the way meanwhile the ativan is making my husband loopy I look it up and all it can cause hallucinations spiffy this is gonna help our case the night wears on and they tried to get my husband to take zyprexa at this point the ativan is wearing off but he's okay he asks them if there's side effects with cyprox are they laugh and shrug all drugs have side effects according to the nurse he declines to take it's they tell him they can't trust him to be released if he can't follow medical staff direction he asks again if the medication is safe they assure him it is he reluctantly takes it a couple of months ago his PCP back home prescribed him Prozac Seattle gets funky around this time of year and with him being from California the change in seasons can be hard there is a lot of sad in the area from the California transplants his doctor wanted to be proactive this hospital knew he was on Prozac they declined to tell us that Prozac enzo pressure actually can interact and of course it did so now he's super out of it's talking nonsense suddenly becoming worried that he's peed himself they try to take blood from him and his blood is so jacked they barely get anything and everything just starts to go downhill from there eventually they feel like I'm asking too many questions and being disruptive and kick me out then they put him on a 5150 and he's been stuck there with no clear way out I talked to the mental health person who put the 5150 in motion and she would not budge she was adamant that my safety was in jeopardy I told her I'm not scared of my husband and that once they stopped giving him those men he won't have the symptoms he's having she stated that she cons because of his paranoia that his identity is going to be stolen I pointed to the open binders on the desk of patient information and said you're handing it out to people here he's completely justified but they do it differently and because he can't file in line with that it's a really big issue they had no intention of letting him go keep in mind too they would ask you have X Y Z insurance rights before deciding that what sorts of things are going to throw at him he has excellent insurance this is a small rundown of what I know has been done to my husband they have accidentally given him his prozac prescription twice a day when he just takes a dose once a day they keep giving him the zyprexa on top of it and he keeps having side effects I have seen no paperwork about anything happening to him no consent forms nothing when I asked for a copy of the 5150 first they couldn't find it then they said I need to ask the medical records it's the weekends this place is dead on the week outside of the ER not happening I got in contact with our medical team the doctor in charge of his care told our RN he's not talking to her and hung up our RN is now working on putting him through the wringer they refused to let me see him for an entire day I'm going to try to see him today but I'll probably get escorted out again I'm walking a fine line of not getting outright banned from the hospital there is no patient advocate and staff there Ombudsman no social worker all the lawyers in town take the weekend off sir I can't get a lawyer I talked to the my police team back home because they're good people and they suggested I call the police here to do a welfare check the police here would not do it I brought my husband in for a stroke and now they're giving him meds that he really didn't agree to take his reaction to those meds are giving them a medical excuse to not release him and no one here will help me what do I do how do I get him out you need a lawyer now only option is a writ of habeas corpus I would get this started in the case - they decided to extend his 72 hours longer the lawyer doesn't need to reside in that city but to the state contact a lawyer in the major city of that states continue to document everything good luck to you both I would like to chime in that the 5150 won't become a 5250 unless you were gravely disabled or danger to yourself or others the writ can be handled without a lawyer if you can't afford a lawyer that's actually not true in practice especially on weekends two years ago I got put on a 5150 on a Friday at 2:00 a.m. because the hold was supposed to expire on Monday at 2:00 a.m. they didn't have the regular doctors on staff on weekends they just put me on a 5250 I went in voluntarily and would not have left in the middle of the night anyway this was also in Northern California and a separate comment from that's all lawyers do not take the weekend off anywhere half the work that criminal lawyers get is on weekends you need to hit up every law firm around you regardless of what they specialize in go to one a City over if you have to but usually as local as possible is best for quick results okay I was wondering if a lawyer is a lawyer in some respects thank you that gives me something to work with I work for an answering service most of our attorney clients always have someone on call just call around and leave a message with everyone and someone else says hi I'm not a lawyer but I had something very similar happened to me so take this as a blueprints one get a lawyer as everyone has suggested they can spring your husband's the key thing here is going to be here that he is super lucid and coherence also he can refuse medicine and probably should in addition they can try make sure that you don't have to pay a dime for what happened with your insurance to make sure you write clear and copious notes of everything that is going on now nurses names times doctors names etc to give to the lawyer if you don't have this write it down ASAP that will make your case much much stronger also your request for his medical paperwork make sure you notify them in writing the biggest screwup in HCA did in my case was not releasing my information to my emergency medical contact when asked and that was looked at them hiding something make sure that is documented three on your own you can call your insurance and submit a claim against the services rendered in advance of the suit this is really useful because sometimes insurance knows of problem hospitals before lawyers do and can help guide you through the process the third one is super critical that's what happened in my case the hospital I went to was HCA owned and magically where they sent me for psych holding was HCA owned I wouldn't say it's a scam per se but they had enough complaints about the process that they already knew how to walk me through it and put a stop on all payments in the meantime Olin doll I was sprung in 24 hours and everything was resolved in under three months for me looking back at its it's kind of a funny story of that one time I got accidentally committed I guess so here is hoping it gets resolved quickly for you hi I'm a physician obviously I was not there and I'm only hearing one side of the story but maybe I can at least shed some insight as to what their thought processes may have been and where from my perspective your reactions are or are not justified so in regards to this point you can read it's your rights a BP that high isn't normal but unless he's a child or a pregnant woman it's not dangerously high especially if he is indeed having a panic attack mental health screening is a very important part of any er intake process just because it doesn't seem concerning to you doesn't mean that it isn't a potential concern for an ER physician who doesn't know the patient and in this one you said that you thought it was a panic attack and you were telling them you thought it was a panic attack your husband is on Prozac which he revealed much later on so he has a psych history psych rooms are designed to be as non-threatening and milquetoast as possible so as to not aggravate people who were genuinely medically agitated sacrum also have all the amenities that a regular room has why is this a problem what if a patient was genuinely having a psyche issue and they were in the wrong room for its that my friends is a very good points and the next one covers these two paragraphs okay so if everything is on a three-ring binder maybe they don't have electronic medical records there's really not much else one can do the binder is either safe in the patient's room or out on the floor which would you prefer having worked in many different hospitals in many parts of the country the only time we go through identifiers as physicians is when we meet the patients or more importantly are about to do a procedure Surgical timeouts what you're describing is excessive and not part of any Hospital protocol that I've seen my introduction to a patient in the ER is hi miss X I'm dr. huggleballs one of the obstetrician / Gynaecologists working today and that sits now these two paragraphs yeah that's pretty standard procedure for any interaction with the patients for whom you have psychiatric concerns as it's less threatening requiring that someone recount your personal information with every interaction isn't safe its obstructive and honestly concerning if I had a patient with a psychiatric history interact with me with such mistrust well that doesn't seem too far off from paranoid for me in all honesty and this one so what do you expect the psychiatrist to do with the patient who isn't cooperating he's saying he doesn't feel safe and doesn't trust anyone around him if I were the psych I would say okay I'm not gonna agitate you further we will talk later sounds like he did and this one sounds like he was having a psychotic episode and refusing the care of anyone who was trying to interact with him I would give a divan to and these paragraphs sounds like they did the safest thing to your husband from a medical legal standpoint ativan is benzodiazepine hallucinations are not one of the common adverse effects it is a sedative that works similarly to alcohol now all this stuff there's quite a lot of it he's responding to cyber exa is an anti-psychotic and a very safe one at that I'm a knob gain and it's one of the few antipsychotics the we feel comfortable enough to give in pregnant and breastfeeding women SSRIs like Prozac and antipsychotics like zyprexa do not interact to cause psychosis again sons like they made the right call because your husband based purely off your description sounds like he's having a pretty classic manic psychotic episode and is a potential danger to himself and others the binder is not an issue as long as it was in the patient's room honestly you can get a lawyer and to have every right to do so but patients are not committed involuntarily lightly because of the litigious society in which we live the practice of medicine has become very defensive everything that your Doc's did was likely because they want to avoid a lawsuit that means taking as little risk as possible there is a lot of holes in this story and unless there are a lot of other details we're missing I doubt a lawyer would be able to do much of course I don't know the full details of what's happened so I could be wrong in some of my assumptions as well good luck and I hope your husband gets better edit just saw this for someone who's so concerned about privacy why would you expect a physician to reveal patient and care information to a random RN he doesn't even know if there was any breach of patient privacy this is it has to be physician to physician the RN isn't putting anyone in the wringer unless she just graduated yesterday she knows this very well and now there are a lot of updates to this story updates I'm getting a lot of the same responses about certain things sir I would like to add we work in health care the place where we work requires at least two patient identifiers before we're even allowed to start talking to the patient's I get that it's probably not standard in most of the country but our high level of care that we receive from our company isn't either we calmly explained why we've booked they couldn't humor him the more zombie they make him the more his extensive training for his job makes him silence like we say if we haven't pissed you off making sure you're you then we haven't done our job my husband has signed that I can know his medical staff and make medical decisions on his half he thought he was having a stroke and no one was addressing those concerns so he was scared he might die from his stroke I work with Neurology patients his reaction was not inconsistent with my experience part of our situation is stemming from we are used to X level of care and professionalism and apparently that is an anomaly but no I'm not going to let him be penalized because he expects a certain standard that all people should expect when we spoke to our personal medical staff about the reasonableness of him keeping quiet because they don't do what we do they consistently say that they wouldn't talk either because that's not safe there are ways for staff to validate the staff from other medical facilities we are working on getting a lawyer I called them and they won't say anything past he's sleeping and that he's not allowed visitors update they have lost the forms he signed giving me clearance to speak on his behalf and cut off communication his mother contacted them and they told her that he has been really a 'td and his whole has been extended another 72 hours because they state because he is unresponsive and suicidal his first hold went into effect the 12th of the 7th 2018 at 12:22 p.m. today is not 72 hours there was no hearing that we know of his mother got them to let me call I called him he stated that he wants to live but he needs help I asked him with once he stated that he's too weak to feed himself and get himself water and they weren't helping with that and he feels like he's starving I did tell him to ask them so let's hope that happens and it's to Ed he has been getting up to wander around Looby and the guards rushed him and grabbed him to bring him back to his bed there is no warning he tenses from being startled then lets them lead him around like a puppets they call this aggressive behavior from him maybe that is aggressive in an ER in a normal world that's not and just because something has been a certain way for awhile doesn't mean it's right it might just mean no one has said anything I also do not think my husband isn't ill and I don't have the issue with him having a mental illness he's my husband and that's not going to change I just want him in a better care facility closer to home and they are not letting me do that since their beds is so full you'd think they'd jump at it further edits I was driving we had stopped for a moment and he stated he was worried can we go to a hospital for the first 36 hours I didn't say anything and let him handle it for the most parts while I did everything they asked without a complaints but when we got there it was shift change and he had about ten different people in and out his blood was not flowing well and his veins had shrunk it was jacked up the registered nurse trying to get through was just using the official lines as her job as patient transport and care tracking the hospital would not speak to her to set up care tracking and transfer his doctors prescribed him Prozac because he went to her and said he was feeling off with the season change she wasn't ready quite yet to diagnose SI D but prescribed the medication to see if that makes a difference the area he's in is technically just ER overflow and there isn't an actual psych ward area they just put a privacy screen up as a barricade in an area with extra cots I never said I was a provider or a nurse the whole point of that was that I told them he's requesting these wacky to them things out of them because we work for a health care company I asked them to humor him they said they don't do things that way he still jumped through their hoops just informed them he didn't think it was professional every time once he got to know the person he didn't do it it was just when it was someone new since he hasn't had the same team twice yet there's always someone near I apologize if my fear for my husband and his situation didn't make my writing clear and defended basically everyone I actually wrote all this out realized I had done that then tried to back out of its but got that's null everything so figured it was lost anyway I was surprised when I suddenly had a notification of response by then it was what it was and a few people groped my intent and gave me some good advice everyone else had a great time at Target practice we're getting a lawyer my contacts within my company are going to see what we can do now that it's Monday and now updates took husband to er for possible stroke and he got 5150 / what can I do so we got a lawyer who wasn't really able to start doing much until today last night however my husband was able to call me from his room in the ER overflow where he was being held at the local hospital he sounded tired but lucid they stopped medicating him earlier that morning and he stated that he felt like he was coming out of a huge fog he was looking forward to meeting with a lawyer the following day which was today this morning I get a call from the lawyer asking why I went to the ER overflow last night's and caused a huge scene that made them move him also did I know where they moved him to I had no idea what he was talking about as I had been in the hotel without Sun all nights after I spoke with my husband after a bit of foot work we discovered he got sent to a local inpatient facility where they started to medicate him again a few minutes ago I got a call that he's heading back to the hospital as a medical emergency as he's having an adverse reaction to the an event that they swore up and down couldn't affect him he is catatonic I'll update as I get more information thank you to everyone who has been supportive I have seen your messages and I apologize I don't have the bandwidth right now to answer them one by one I think this is a crampy situation because I get people's doubts because there are many times with a family member in denial about a loved one who needs to be involuntary ly committed but I also think it's fair to say the system is set up to favor sensitivity over specificity by design and for good reason but that means there are naturally going to be false positives swept into the system and it's not fair to act as if they don't exist even when everyone does everything right I think the hardest thing is that it's impossible to just sit down with someone and have them tell you exactly what is happening and exactly what is going to happen even with all proper release forms signed which only magnifies the family members panic making things worse especially considering Opie thinks her husband needs urgent medical care not even starting on the debt these incidents put people in overall Opie having a lawyer will make all the difference so know you've already made the best choice that you could have I hope your husband is okay and please keep us updated don't take the dismissals here too harshly I realize many medical professionals have to deal with getting attacked in these situations even though it isn't a mistake so many times it gets difficult to give people the benefit of the doubt also remember that even though it screwed you over the system set up to catch even questionable cases by design and it does save more lives than if the system wasn't set up that way some situations just suck and even if you acknowledge no one is doing anything technically wrong it's okay to acknowledge the situation really sucks my biggest issue has been I just want them to tell me why or my husband why they're making certain decisions and they're not if they want to go down one path over another graves but just say why that's happening I would think that if someone is sitting there going hey you're not giving this person medical assistance just psychiatric assistance why is that the answer needs to be more than just because we want to help him get better that feels like a cans dismissive response when they said the teller consult doctor wanted them to give him certain medications he wanted to know the basis for that and the response was again because we want to help you get better I mean ask me to leave the room if you don't want to say it in front of me and just say it to the patient that's fine if I come back and he says he's comfortable with the response great that is all I need to know keep in mind this hospital had to change its name a few years back because it was performing surgery on healthy people that didn't need it because money and the patient company is being investigated for medical fraud one nurse did say it's a for-profit place if they can find any way to make money they will considering they keep asking about his awesome insurance plan my confidence for their reason isn't very high and here's the conclusion this will probably be the last update I'm sorry that it took a bit I wanted to make sure all of our ducks were in a row as possible right now after two weeks we finally got my husband's back and returned home and we've been home about a month he had to go through some drug withdrawal which sucks but we got through it as soon as he could when we got home he saw our family doctor a psychiatrist and a therapist and all of them were agog about what happens the records show he did not have any suicidal or homicidal ideation of any sorts they did not actually have a reason for the 5150 at the starts the only issues really happens when they started to drug him and the drugs forced him to be gravely disabled because as our family doctor said he has reactions to lorazepam which they would know if they could figure out things like computers and a little thing called epic and another little thing called care everywhere our doctors here ceased giving him all medications and they're starting to create a file showing how wrong the folks in California were he had a panic attack yes but that was all he had we still don't know what the medical emergency was exactly because even the regular ER doesn't keep records well but he was given a CT scan to look for brain damage my husband has vague memories of being in constant state of seizure so it might have been related to that as well we suspect there's more records that they held back and we'll probably have to go through a lawyer to get those we are still in a fight to get the records from the inpatient facility all in all he's doing better and continuing to improve he's pissed about losing two weeks of his life but he's back and we're home and that's what matters most thank you to everyone who showed concern I'm glad to say that the number of decent people greatly outweighed the trolls the internet is a cesspool sure but a lot of you out there make it at least a pretty cesspool and that's a nice one that I want to end on today I'm glad you guys enjoyed this one and you stuck around to the end hopefully tell me what you thought about this there was a lot of information for me personally that's actual doctor in the comments that used that milquetoast word that really threw me off I didn't know whether to trust these medical professionals or whether to trust their advice that's why I wanted to read that big long one anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of everything in the comments below I really want to know what you guys think about this one and I'll see in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
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Keywords: LegalAdvice, r/legaladvice, r/legal advice, r/legal, legal advice, Markee legal, Markee, Markee Reddit, Markee Legaladvice, Reddit
Id: _SfdKPB--lo
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Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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