Looking for old bottles on the rubbish dump - Mudlarking walk with added Welsh cakes!

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we are back out medlocking [Music] so [Music] so [Music] the weather has improved and we've come out for our walk and we've headed down as you can see close to a river not far from our home and there's a dump here that we're going to investigate because in our absence things have been turning up and i am stood in a mini treasure trove of trash let's have a look have a look was by phil's feet it's just so much straight away we've got this little bit of teacup with some blue on and england written on the bottom but that's not all i'm sure you can see some things already tonight for brick yes we spotted the half a brick right even calm yourself calm yourself so we've got this really pretty little jar are these fiddles brick let's pull it out white heart come brown it's not hold up let's have a look what else we've got around this little area um there's lots of bits of broken glass and some coal that's a cute little bottle screw top nothing on it definitely 40s or 50s or because that's the age of this dump and yeah what's this it's wiggly no no idea what that is let's have a little look what else we've got oh look there's a paste pot oh that's been in a fire you can see it's got a little dent not much of one but a little one start a jar pile there and choose another one that's a nice little shipping space spot a little cute one put it in our pile let's see what else we can see it's lovely when you come to a dump like this you haven't got to walk far because everything's so close together made in england ceramic it's got a thread inside i wonder if that's of an insulator what do you think it's the same color as insulators so i'm assuming it is put that there and let's have a look a bit of plate is that plain or patterned and oh it's a neck of a bottle with rubber off a bottle stop but no bottle stop oh but look who's behind my hand there's a bottle stopper with the rubber half in the neck of a bottle i've got my nice posh new gloves so i'm going to try taking the glass off the bottle oh they work who's left the rubber band oh hmm is it going to come out and stack is it oh it's coming out slowly oh yes look at that a cardinals on the top cws is it cooperative i believe oh that's nice look there let's have a look what else is you hmm lots of little bits and pieces there's a problem here where oh brown one i'm not sure you see hall what's the next question and is it brown i think it may not be no it's clear oops it comes there it goes up oh that's a nice shape i'll tell you what that looks a bit like phil's eso bottle he found i don't think it is otherwise it would say esso on it and it's just like the eso bottle's baby brother very much like the chrysler building or the empire state building or something in design or is that just my imagination oh here's a bit of tile i've got quite a collection of these thicker tiles ah is there anything on it no it's a bit boring really isn't it it's like a brown motley effect not the prettiest bit in the world all right lots of broken things in here let's wander on a little bit and have a look just behind you all right wait till just there for the 80s oh look it's another piece pot that's a cute little one very nice and no it's just a bit of a white broken plate right over here was in the ground oh do you think that's whole seems like it could be oh yes look it's really cute i think possibly a varnish bottle wait for that i on a pile there and i think i've seen a bottle stopper oh no it's not it's part of a light bulb or something looked a bit like a bottle stopper but it's not and we've got a brown screw top oh hole oh no it's not oh look at that got a big chunk this in there and wash this under here i can see a curve no that's a bit of insulator ah probably joined on to a bit of insulator at some point and then what a little bit of insulator uh let's keep looking oh i can see more brown is that hole yes i think it is yep that's the thing with this tip it's more modern so they are mainly screw top bottles but they're still pretty even though they screw top and they may not have the historic olive but they're really pretty now for those of you who know me you know i really don't like teeth or skeletons and they is a bit of both so i certainly will be taking that hole with me i wonder if that's off it's rather large isn't it do you think a horse a cow something like that put my hand there for perspective like that it's quite the size isn't it it's probably another bit of it that's ceramic but it's a wood effect look at that i haven't seen that would wood effect piece of ceramic tile or edging that's really nice oops i just realized my camera's been at an awkward angle sorry about that that's nice and right next door to some willow pattern pottery and some really pretty glass let's have a look hello mr johnson guess what i found a brick no bottle yes in the interest of weight because we have to walk back from here it's taking us 30 minutes to walk down and when the bag full it'll take us more than 30 minutes to walk back and it's all up hill because we live on the top of a hill and the river's at the bottom but i have found this little bottle which i thought was nice i know it's a screw top but it's called writing on sloan's liniment oh that's a nice bottle i love writing on them and the word linament nobody buys liniment nowadays so it really dates it but i like that and this time with this bottle i don't think there's any writing but when it comes to small and cute oh look at that that is so pretty see the little green top as well i thought it was quite cute oh i love that so i think they're definitely coming on with us that is absolutely cute there's another bit of joy in there another huge one i wonder where these came from perhaps it was an arbitrary nearby possibly or a farm maybe it's just people would put their dead horses into tips and dumps i don't know let's have a look what else is here lots of broken things and oh a little tiny pot i thought it was vicks but it's brown so no something else put that there let's have a look oh more frosty glass very sharp but very pretty oh green oh no that's nice it's i don't know like a fuse is it but i love the fact it's green and more of that brown mortally slate or tile it's asleep does it what's this round there oh it's too small for a ring oh popper of some sort i think somebody's throws us what was the button i think i can't quite tell everything's falling is this hole ah it's very wobbly so if it is whole it's very small nope it's broken look down here oh it's a little tiny bottle isn't that sweet look right next to it is a very pretty piece of china and what's this circle blue nice little needle or something or a net i think a net and let's have a look what else we can see oh blue glass blue glass ah this whole look that's very light ooh that's pretty oops i dropped it again that's still alive but what have you got well i thought i should redeem myself from cute pretty small little things yes to let's come around tube those are lights behind you oh yes it'd be good it's a paving slab yep quite possibly from the demolition of the local calorie right because they were used on the floors in the baths in such places right so that's possibly a and of course as well as a kind of brick we've got a lump of rusty metal oh what would it be like if you went home without oh baby that's a nice lump of rusty metal i would say it's like a finial isn't it like a well i can tell you more now because i noticed as i picked it up one chunk of rust fell off the one side if i do this then i think yeah we might be able to open it up a bit more see to see what's there it's hollow because you can see it's breaking away there where it's eaten into it yeah i think that was a finial off something oh that's really nice and he snapped on the end there but it would have been a like half moon or a new moon that's really nice here we go that's one of your better pieces of rusty metal one of my better bits of trash there's another jewel boom with a tooth or tooth still in it oh there's a look at that size on that top well if i put my finger there like that that's quite a big one they wouldn't want to fill in in that oh that's pretty very lovely color and we've got this broken sunday dish what's this no oh there is a tiny bit of pattern over on there probably the maker's mark on the bottom and another pretty patterned piece of china what have you found another lump oh yes another one of those i know you said you thought you'd found a top for an insulator if you look behind that there do you think that's the the other thread oh yeah the bottom of your insulator yep maybe we'll try it we'll check that out all right here's our pile i found this as well we found a broken one of these i'm sure it's bakelite no idea what it is but will that screw on to you and we were about 20 meters away so if you're wonderful find it it does oh yes look at that very clever there you have it there's a nice little piece very pretty don't know if it came from this exactly no the colors are slightly different so maybe it was a standard size and maybe because it was made differently slightly faded but there it is and also while the bricks are a bit heavy to take home a little bit of architectural salvage that's not oh i've seen those on fireplaces just a little bit of what looked like it the og style um skirting board but then they carried over onto the fireplaces made of stone or marble yeah there we go oh it's a paver is it or is it a stone it looks like a paver doesn't it dress stone isn't it it's not because it is a brick sw wonder what that stands for south wales yes it could be south wales could be it could be because we're in south wales it looks like a spanner doesn't it yeah like a dog bone spanner works who knows oh look what a pretty piece of plate oh you can see the ground is really hard but it's so cold and frosty this morning that's really pretty and the bottle do you think that's whole it's wiggling a bit of tension on it which is positive oh that's a big one screw top again nothing written on it but a big chunk of bottle that do you think that's plain or patterned plain as usual in wales quite a lot of plain china because people just didn't have the money for patents it was a very poor area and a little metal lid wonder what that is i'm gonna guess it's heinz baby food what do you think am i right i found something oh what have you found i found something very small all right this come down and to me i i can't recall seeing something like this before right you identified that oh it's a little babies bottle but it's a small one for a doll so a little girl would have that and pretend to feed her little baby doll with feeding bottles yep a glass child's toy yep that's amazing you like that yeah i am i'm impressed with that so i just put saw the end poking out and thought it was a tiny little bottle and i pulled it out and it was that yep it's a baby's feeding bottle but a small one for the dolly well i'm pleased with that one oh here's a big messy puddle what do you think that is yeah do you want a stick yeah i haven't brought my grabby thing i know we haven't been mad like it's so long you forgot you grabbed it no it's just the bottom end of a piece pot there's a bottle new that's very grotty it's just got some dots i don't think it's very old that one just very green let's have a look oh i turned around to come out from the pedal and look that's a pretty one it's clear i think the green is algae let's hold it up to the sun yep it's like a little apothecary jar you can imagine that with a glass stopper in very nice right we're to have a look along here i'll move that side see if there's less shadow don't forget shout if you see something the bottom of a little bottle or a piece pot the right size for a piece pot too thin i'd say a bottle and what's this over here no i thought it was a mixing bowl because of the color but mixing bowls would be brown on the outside and certainly not that shape oh that's pretty shame is only the one part and there's a screw top as well but let's look at the blue on that oh and over here we've got some sr tough piece i think it was is it no it's a glue sr sk this is sk heating glue so if you want would you use that to heat up and then use hmm interesting never heard of that it did look like tusby stuff oh there's a little jar oh look it's another one of those miniature ecosystems you look oh no you can't see in there but there you can see all the little ferns oh it's like a little green house to settle in there and oh we've got top of a bottle and oh hob nail shoe soul well part of a hobnail shoe so just the toe not very wide so probably a ladies i would assume or a child and what's this is this a shipment space pot oh no it's a little inkwell but ink pot it's not i don't think these are calling well as if they got lids in them they are just ink bottles again with a little eco system growing in there right put that back there so the sun can shine in and what are these whatever one of those is did somebody shout where oh look how small that is it's a little perfume bottle nothing written on him it's tiny look at that got little ridges on the side oh that's really sweet and somebody's clothing that looks like the leg of a pair of trousers crimping or something like that [Music] do [Music] so [Music] well since it's a david's day i've got my snack for today which is welsh cakes and while i'm checking into these and having a little break from the mud logging we'll go over to caroline in the kitchen showing how she made these before we set off today see you in a minute well this week is saint david's day now this is the patron state of wales and it's our special day and quite often we'll have something welsh on that day so i decided that we'd make some welsh cakes you may want to follow on and see how i do it so i thought i'd film it for you and i'll tell you the recipe we have eight ounces of self-raising flour to which we're going to add four ounces it's a big cut now of welsh butter now when we were in school learning cookery we had to chop the butter up into little tiny bits and then rub it in by hand i really really bother with that anymore i'll plug it in save these for later and then i've got this really nifty tool it's instead of rubbing in because i have a bit of trouble with my hands especially my thumbs and this just makes it so easy it's much quicker you can see it just there we go it's chopped everything up once now you just keep pushing it down picking it up until eventually you've got like breadcrumbs takes a couple of minutes it's so easy on the hand be careful when you do this because these are sharp and you could cut yourself i use this for baking pastry too i love it all right just give it a little check that everything's okay because sometimes you can miss a big lump of butter no i think we're all fine there let's try and keep you in shot very difficult working with the gopro with this angle you know now i put my mixed spice out to show you because some people like mixed spice in them but i don't so i'm not going to put any in phil doesn't mind either way so we'll half hours without now we put in two ounces of sugar just give that a quick mix in make sure you get it right to the bottom of the mixture as well and then we add some sultanas one or two handfuls depending on how many sultanas you like in your welsh cake i put a very large one handful in and have a look mix it through now you can see roughly the proportion of sultana's two welsh cake mix i think that'll be fine for us right now we need some eggs and my usual trick when i'm doing eggs is to crack the eggs split them in half and separate out the yolk from the white and there's absolutely no need to do this other than it's good practice for separating your eggs probably did same with the other one as you see i'm quite good at this now because i've been doing it for years and it's quite fun as well just plop the yolk from half shelled half shell until it's like that and then pop it in whip them into a frenzy with your fork and then get your mixture back make a little weld in the middle and start adding the egg if it isn't going to be runny enough to make a nice like shortcuts pastry type texture then you could add a bit more milk but i'm going to try it with this because it's so easy to over wet it and then you put too much flour in and then they don't taste good i added a bit at a time one so you don't put too much in but i don't think i'm at risk of that and two is just easier to mix don't squash it and flatten it out at this point you haven't got to worry too much about keeping the air in like a sponge but it is nice to have a bit of air in there and our last bit now give it a quick knead not too strenuously you just need to get it all hang together now the recipes all call for caster sugar when you read them in recipe books or online the reason i don't use caster sugar is we grew up in a relatively poor area where nobody could afford caster sugar you had granulated sugar and that was it so i just always cooked with normal sugar so i carry on cooking with normal sugar and i don't really think it affects my cooking i've never had anybody say oh i don't like that well not yet anyway or perhaps all my friends are just far too polite right when it's navy coming together they say they'll likely put flower on your board when you read these books again but i always like to really well flower my board on my work surface because you can never quite get these bits in the bottom in so my method which is not the mary berry method or anybody else is to then put the dry bit in and knead it on the surface there we go that's nice through little bits pop them on there now we're going to cut these out now with a cutter i don't want to cut this on my work surface so i'm going to get my chopping board all right so we have my chopping board and look how restrained i've been with that flour it's not half inch thick i'm trying to look like a professional cook for you make sure you're in shot i like to do half the mixture at a time where i'm using a chopping board otherwise you end up with far too much no a bit of flour on my rolling pin now the ideal thickness is about quarter of an inch i confess i like them thicker sometimes because they're a little bit softer inside but for the purpose of this we'll make them as close to the traditional size as possible yep that's about quarter of an inch thick could have done with a bit more knead in there but it doesn't matter now you can cut out with straight or fluted cutters but traditionally my grandparents always use the fluted edges so i'm going to use those again size is up to you if you like a big welsh cake you can go for this size if you're doing party nibbles you can go for the smaller size i'm going to go for the middle size then just cut them out it doesn't matter if they a little bit sticky out just squash them in when people are chewing them they won't even notice as you can see this is a really easy recipe if you fancy trying something like this then give it a go because i'm pretty sure you'll have a success with it right when you've got your bits don't worry about that we'll use those again later now we'll get our other half of mixture you see it's a little bit dry there's still bits that didn't mix in but i'd rather it like that than too sloppy i better cook some chefs everywhere going no no you don't do it like that but i don't care it's the way i've always done them because this sort of thing baking can be very therapeutic it's also fun to eat the products of your livers but on the other hand if you try to lose weight don't make too many when our children were younger i used to make tons and tons of these because with four children under phil it didn't last long now we get all the other spear bits roll them up be conscientious this time put a little bit more flour down as you can see i'm not a perfectionist when it comes to cooking i'm very slapped and you don't have to be you don't have to be a fabulous cook to make some really nice recipes it's all down to how easy a recipe you get and just because something's easy doesn't mean that it's not delicious what you can't see is where the legs of the tripod are standing i've got a very dark brown piece on my work surface now you may think oh she hasn't washed a work surface it's not that when phil first started cooking from his recipe book he put the tea towel down when he was cooking too close to the gas flame and set fire to the tea towel and we wondered why the smoke alarm was going off we ran in and there was a tea towel on fire on the work surface so we now have although these are heat resistant they can't resist fire so we now have a big brown mark on our work surface right next door to the cooker but we won't tell anybody we don't want to embarrass him do we and again when you've got your bits left don't worry squash them all up don't throw them away i'm a little need and roll them out again now i'm probably only going to get one there but then what i do with this last little bit i think we can get another one yet let's give it a try yes we get another one and then last of all you've got a little bit in your hands and this is my test welsh kick because phil will come in and say oh what you cook in so i'll give him that one all right so there we go now we've got to get on to my big storm so i'm going to turn the camera around and get started on that now this is what they call a big stone this one was actually bought in a shop well i bought it in a charity shop they are quite expensive to buy they're just a lump of steel my original one phil made me in work which was brilliant because you need a thick base but the base was about this thick you see i'm getting grubby hands already from all the cooking and it was just too heavy for me to lift so i got this one one trick with a big stone sounds awful but you'll never catches anything nasty off it is to never wash your big stone because otherwise they go a little bit rough and then everything sticks to them so before you start give them a wipe over turn your heat on now they do take quite a while to warm up because it's quite thick but then the idea is put that more center over my burner that's everything cooks nice and slow and so that you don't burn the outside of your welsh case although that is possible if you've got the heat turned up too high now those bits of butter wrapper that we kept you can use to rub some butter onto the bake stove [Music] not cover all the pieces that you're going to cook on don't worry about going too close to the edge and what you will find unless you've got a very big ring on very low is that you'll cook faster where the ring is than on the outside anyway so they don't all cook at a uniform speed unless you're one of these fancy dancy cookers with the big big stone thing on it right that's starting to bubble so i'm going to turn it down a bit getting the right temperature on this can be hit a miss i don't usually use this ring so it's going to be very hit or miss for me but we'll work on it and see how we get on and then just pop your welsh cakes on they will expand a little bit but not much so you haven't got to leave too big a gap but you need to leave a big enough gap that you can't pick them up but they should rise upwards that's the plan so when they cooked it this level of brownness is what we like it's personal some people like them with a bit of a burnt edge on some midway for some but we like them quite pale now give them another couple of minutes again all depending on how strong your flame is underneath if you've got one of those big augers or ray boons then you can actually use the whole of the top plate as a big stone which i used to do when we had one and you can cook like 30 or 40 of these all at the same time that's really useful especially if you have a lot to make there we go that one's done they don't take so long on the second side so don't wander off and do something because they're already heated through there we go these are done including my little test worst cake which i bet phil will pinch told you sprinkle a little bit of sugar on the last of them i like to do this while it's still warm for some reason it seems to stick better than if you put it on when they're cold so there we have some wedge cakes which are brilliant for taking out for the snack when you've got a long walk ahead of you when you go with my locking i hope you've enjoyed this little baking section now let's get back to a bit of medlocking well i hope you enjoyed seeing caroline's cooking lesson and i hope some of you will have a go at making your own welsh cakes they are tasty and i like them and if you do have a go you can always let us know on the live show nine o'clock saturday night but for now my last mouthful and then let's get back to the medlock oh there's a bottle over here with a lid on what you think was in there do you think that lid will give us any clue nope no idea what was in there smooth bottle what do you think size wise tomato sauce tomato ketchup oh i can see writing you can see right in aha oh that's lovely legally something went empty same will be others must this warning oh that sounds very serious isn't it i wonder what that said originally oh what's this shoe you know just a piece of milk glass that glass has been in a fire these are lovely little bins and twists and curls i love that oh what's up oh that's the lid off a little pepper pot i see i'm still alive it's very rusty possibly one of those ones that once upon a time was silver plated not anymore oh now that would have been so pretty if you've been whole let's have a look at that up to the sun no isn't that lovely anybody's hear a mess this should sort you out right type of see i'd say that's like 70s 80s it could be yeah it could be 40s or 50s it's not hobnail or anything it's definitely a more modern design and more modern fabrics the soul's gone inside or not the soul the inner soul so we can't tell where that came from we're finding lots of broken glass but this although it looks like a bit it's actually the whole thing it's a lens out of i tell you a child's pair of glasses let's have a look if it's still magnifying or if it's too mucky oh yes i think you can just about see through it i'll take that home and wash it if you want to see what it looks like after it's been cleaned up then check out our live show nine o'clock uk time on a saturday on youtube where we show some of our finds all cleaned up that's the place to be to see what this looks like and if it works and what's this oh another piece of like a brown flagging oh look at that is that what i think it is it's a little scrubbing board for a doll's house or a toy possibly it does say something on there i can't see because i haven't got my glasses on i'll probably be really embarrassed now and find out something completely different but it doesn't look like a doll scrubbing board hello hello mr johnson while you've been busy searching for treasures i've been setting up a game of clean or packed oh good the bits and pieces that i found along here let's play plano buttons [Music] i've been busy we've got quite a few pieces some are in my hand because i decided not to put them in reason will become obvious in a moment right but if you start your end and we'll quickly whip through and you can say plain old patent and if you get it wrong pass it to me right ooh chunky plain oh i'm stuck now because i would have gone for patent on this did phil put two patent ones together yes patent that's mine this i'm going for who's the bottom of a teacup what do you think what should i go for plane no there's a pattern on it again i think phil's gonna win this time all right this plane or pattern i'm going for plane yes um this little bit here i'm going to cheat a little bit because i think it's possibly patterned otherwise phil wouldn't have put it in because it's so small oh he did his plane now the reason i put it in was because you say that every time so i looked for a small piece of plane to put it on purpose very clever right this i'm going for plane all those paths four two four this one plane yes we got one it's not wait oh no it's got a very faded pattern on it another one to phil i think he's going to win and like this they all seem to be patent i'm going for patent oh can you believe it it's plain well if it's plain how do you get it oh yes i cheat the resort is a cheetah so is this plain old patent oh oh oh ain't one for patent yes it's got a stripe this one is thick and old i'm going for patterned oh yes oh that goes with your bit it's a matching piece for that and the reason i didn't put the other pieces in oh they'd all the same because it would have been a bit of a clue when you've got the one yes it might take those women to come together right so popcorn's there but you know he counts as one one of those is mine oh right she's gonna try to try this one i'm going for plain oh it's that little tiny pattern again another one for phil this one i'm going for patent yes oh a little bit of like fan shaped pattern on the edge this one i'm going to say plain yes this one i'm going to say clean oh it's got the texture on it right so we give that a fill and i don't think i can win now whoops i don't think you can plain old patterned i'm going for plate i was patterned again well we didn't do very well there how did you do it back at home did you win i didn't one two three four five six seven eight nine one two three four five six seven eight nine ah but that's because you've got three bonuses eight nine six and i win oh well done well done monkey team monkey wins oh look there's a pace pot oh oh no i thought it was cracked this not it's a shield oh look at this state on that that's definitely cracked oh i've just seen something else it's a bottle stopper it's got a big dip in the middle where they used to do that during the war to save on materials oh just lying there next door to a broken piece pot i've got the lid of a jar it doesn't go the rest of the jar with it what is that cross and blackwell 10 o'clock tested family foods i wonder what that was oh and use a little plastic thingy with some writing on which you can't read what have you found oh that's pretty there's a little tiny head i noticed that it's cracked on the top there no it's a sheet and it's full of water an old aftershave bottle i think possibly because of the little holes you splash it on rather than pour it out very nice shoe is broken well we're finding some nice things today and we're gonna carry on looking but while we search for a few more treasures to share with you we're going to send you over now to our latest viewers video introducing mo from northern ireland with her friend and some of her precious fans hello everybody it's mo here from belfast just checking in to say hello with my box of fines that i found a few things to show you and this was a little ball that i found in bangor and kind de dine uh complete with its little top not too sure what it was used for but i just thought it was really nice um and of course no muddle arc is complete without ridge pottery and this was one of my favorite vines found at the base of carrick fergus castle it's a big old rounded bottle it has some writing on the side and of course i've put it to some good use um i just wanted to thank you all for your friendship over the past year and especially to caroline and phil for bringing us all together like this on a friday and saturday night and just to say goodbye there's someone that wants to say goodbye to his cousin over in wales bye monkey well thank you mo for that little video it was fantastic and thank you to your little friend manky was so chef to see another one of his relatives in a happy home well while we were over there with mo and you were having a look at her finds i just found this it's a bottle it's a bottle and i've got to be honest it's not the rarest of all because we do find square bottles down here quite a bit but that one's been bent yeah in the fire and it's got a name on it hazel hazelwoods and co products limited and for those two reasons wonky and worded it's going in the bag love your phone mr johnson well it's not so much a new find but this is an old find revisited because you remember this this insulator yes which we showed on another video when we were walking this river because we've come along a bit now and on that occasion somebody suggested this may unscrew so i've had a look but it seems to be that it's bolted there it's a very rusty boat it is indeed and i don't see that this is going to actually move much and i've got an incredibly good grip because of these lovely gloves but uh no i think you'll be trying to lift that whole post up if you try to lift that nothing's moving nope so we'll continue to search and see what else we can find oh look at this poor bottle melt it away if you had the top on it would be really interesting wouldn't it but poor thing good for nothing now oh look at the color honor oh it's not pretty i think he's off some sort of serving dish or plate very pretty i wonder if there's any more let's put that there and have a look there's a bit of something no there's a bottom of a teacup that's the bottom of a cap or something no what a shame that was a lovely head love to glue all the bits of that back together and loads of broken glass oh that's biggie whoa look at the size on that you see the thickness of the glass on the base that was a big jar in this time the bone and some broken glass and a lump of coal and what's this over here oh it's a teacup with nothing on it not even a handle oh that's a cute jar nothing on it they're very cute small jars just i don't know something about them i don't know what something now use an item of interest not a value no because it's a broken bottle it is definitely a broken bottle but this takes me back in part to our trip to germany when we had a mystery object that later we realized was something that was fairly widely used and now of course amongst our prized possessions and bottles that decorate our home we have a bottle with a top like this that we had from tennessee from tommy it's going oh look there was some sort of painting on there possibly look at that i don't know if the mechanism is going to work i don't think so it's very rusty it is indeed but i'm going to give it a go all right go on it i'll tell you what i may have to prize it with me screwdriver all right here we go [Applause] yeah oh oh whoa look at that it's come off oh snap does it it's come from it's unclipped from its clips they will see there there's a hole either side and it clips in there but um it removed itself right i could put it back in though i think me and monkey commend it there we go and that shows it open there you are fixed not quite but good enough for your illustration look what i found i love finding these they're very useful for my art and my painting a little paste pot but not a paste spot as we usually find we don't find these as often come off you got a little reminder of just how popular the cooperative was at one time in this area we found the bottle stopper earlier on and here we have cws pasteurized milk in the days when the milkman put glass bottles with little foil tops on our doorstep every morning yep i don't the birds used to peck at the top and drink the cream and just in case people think we had free milk in wales we didn't we had to pay him on a saturday for all the milk he delivered yes i found a brick you haven't found a brick of you no it's a new brick you found several bricks in fact it's an old brick but it's new to me i haven't got this brick but there are seven of them cemented together right so i may have to return with a hammer and chisel if i want to include this brick in my project if you'd like to take a closer look i don't think i've seen it before gregory abbasakin yes indeed so not to take in home day today for this one no but possibly a return visit with some spanners and armor and see if i can get this oh look what are you talking there's a peace pot well would have thought we'd find a pest but i know oh look guess what it is it's a piece of ridged pottery what is a murloc without ridged pottery oh is that what i think it is the surely not such a big size let's have a look oh it is look it's a piece of pipe stem and it's two inches long wow and it just rolled down and sat there waiting for me to come and pick it up saying come get me come get me and i wonder if anybody else walked past and they hid knowing that the destiny was that it belonged to me oh what a lovely find you know me i get very excited when i find a piece of pipe stem is that a bit of a cat oh yes it's plastic it's got a circle in the bottom so i think that was once a cat money box oh that's really nice even though the rest of it isn't there it's still an exciting thing to find oh look it's a little glass oh i thought it was one of those penny lick glasses i'm not sure if it is or not could well be though either that or one of these little liquor glasses yeah it's a thinner glass oh well i don't think it's a penny lick then but it had promised until i picked it up how much you got there i was just checking for any words but it's just a plain bottle now i've got three bits of glass to finish up with today oh that went oh that's nice i think that's an advertising panel yep i think so and then this now i know it doesn't look match if you're only tight it cute little stopper again little cork has survived all this time in the dump very nice so i thought that was worth collecting right and of course finally another reminder that cws is a big part of this world there it is cooperative stores and i think that bottle rather than a little milk bottle it's probably fruit juice could be yes because of the pattern yeah i'd say so but the co-op big in these parts as it was in so many parts of the uk well i hope you've had as much fun as we have it's been great to be back out mad larkin again if you have enjoyed it give us a thumbs up don't forget if you subscribe and ding that bell they'll tell you every time we put out a video and they'll notify you of our live show every saturday night at nine o'clock uk time and of course there's lots more happening over on kofi if you want to come and have a look over there too but until the next time don't forget as monkey says have fun bye
Channel: Let's go with The Johnsons!
Views: 5,699
Rating: 4.9675326 out of 5
Keywords: Looking for old bottles on the rubbish dump - Mudlarking walk with added Welsh cakes!, looking for old bottles on the rubbish dump, welsh cake recipe, how to bake welsh cakes easy, finding bottles in old rubbish dump in the river, finding old bricks, finding old stuff in the river, finding things in the mud, finding things in the river, finds from the past, phil and caroline, Manky Panda, see our finds from the dump, vintage stuff found
Id: xlgb1syBqXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 46sec (3286 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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