Mudlarking looking for things in the mud - searching under old bridges

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hi everyone caroline and i are on a holiday we're taking an early anniversary break lovely gift from two of our grandchildren and our eldest child which we are thoroughly enjoying and i must admit for 36 hours we have done no mad lucky but they did put a river on the canal right outside our hotel so it would be rude not to have a look goodness [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] now this video may cover a couple of days because while we're not yet a medlock we're here to rest and enjoy it and we are we're going to pop over the river each day and just have a little look what's around and see what's right on our doorstep so let's start looking around the river [Applause] so here we are on a river beach i can see a few bits and pieces i'm not quite sure how much we're going to find today but i think phil's already found something found a brick oh let's have a look it is brick house and very nicely and clearly printed it is look at that now i remember big house from the bright house and drastic brass band now there's a blast from the past indeed it's probably still going now but i remember it on tv many moons ago one of many in this area i would imagine so there we are folks my first brick of our trip right i'll pop you down i've got my sandals on because we're not going in the water this evening don't forget shout if you see something [Applause] what's that oh that's interesting it's ceramic and it's off a square edge something and a bit of mixing bowl probably our proving bowl oh what's this here oh is that no it's not rich pottery um what about this some terracotta and there's a bit of tile i found some white tight here before so i'll assume this is white yes it seems to be coming from some sort of mill that they knock down you quite often find bits of white here and is that a piece of tile or piece of stone well i think it's the surface of a piece of tail oh and i was only going to popular down for a few minutes to have a look what we could see and now i'm finding lots of little interesting things more white a bit of broken glass is that the bottom of a pot no i think that's a stone nice have a look at some river glass it's still quite sharp not really suitable oh is that a diamond i don't think it is but we'll have a look no it's a bit of broken glass but it could have been a diamond i got a brick not another one already yeah and a wet foot ah did you fall in the water i too wore my sandals thinking we won't go in we may not even go down the river well we've come down the river and tomorrow when we come back we'll wear our wellies yes definitely but look i got a new brick because i'm pretty sure i haven't seen this one before new new hay oh no no never seen this new hay there you go i'm seeing that one so that's another new brick and very clearly printed again i find ah there's a little bit of blue white not a lot but it's the first pattern glass well not glass is it it's the first pattern ceramic we've seen this evening and let's have a look along the leaves are starting to drop off the trees now although it's the end of august they're getting ready for autumn and starting to shed some needs already well there's a screwdriver not a very good screwdriver but it is a screwdriver make a little pile there that we can come back for and let's keep looking there's lots of bits of broken glass here i think it's because of the amount of people who come down here in the evenings drinking and then the bottles get broken because we have seen people hanging around here tonight that's probably what it is lots of it's a brick and mortar building oh i found it i found it it's some ridge pottery what is a midlock or a johnson's video without some ridge pottery well we've not got far to go it feels about at the end of the beach so we'll make our way up there and see if you see anything on the way if i find anything i'll turn the camera back on and i didn't turn the camera off for long because i can see something round now it's probably the bottom of a jar do you think battery oh nice on the bottom of a candlestick or something i think well that's very nice but not very nice it's very interesting it's different to what we usually find put that there where i remember it hopefully let's keep looking because i didn't bring my bag i thought oh we won't find anything tonight just really coming out for the walk and then we found things what have you found chunk of river glass oh that's nice it's not terribly smooth but it's certainly not sharp any longer there's no edges or cutting around there it's quite thick as well now if i was to tell you what i'd like to find it will be my usual list pipe stems pipe bowls complete pipes gold doubloons but i'm also looking today for some flats between wool and glass because i want to use something to do now and curved is no good because it will make my vehicle too far so i have to find flat smooth glass and i don't think you've got to have any left because the old glasses either very rough or very bendy there's a big lump oh look at that what the what do you think of that phil the top of something or is that halfway up a candlestick or is it the beast or something oh sure it's just recessed there but see this uh i haven't seen anything that i think that could be off so very green isn't it yeah you can see the color through there we've got a little bit of sunlight through the trees this evening i've got to the end of the island this side as well without my wellies i can't really go any further but i know right down there a long time ago we did find a little concrete starting i wonder if it's still there tomorrow we'll be back with wellies and we'll go looking for the statue don't forget to set your alarms already we'll be going to check that out tomorrow [Applause] i found that oh it's the base of something it's the base it's ridged and it's madly disappointing i think the fact that no top on it is rather disappointing no what i was hoping for was that the underside would have had a lighthouse or maybe entry or perhaps heartlease etc you know but it's a plane it's a baldy bottom it's a plane ridged pot base and to break it you gently we've already found some ridge pottery your second bet my piece is bigger than yours yes i hope it is because i risk life and limb and wet tall in order to get that what's that it's heavy i think it's metal i don't know that's rubber on the bottom eye so i would say you know this rubber on the top as well so is that something off okay you know more about cars and me feel is that something like i don't know cv joint i guess crazy yes but rubber on it both sides some kind of possibly an engine mount right bolt would have gone through the center like yeah and you when you held engines and gearboxes you didn't want all them utterly rigid because when you started them and they shook snapped the boats right so it may well have been an engine mounted great so now we know that's the possibility and that would have been part of the chassis right but of course that's all kind of gone i got a few bits all right i i literally will you do anything else i can see still is it a marble oh yes you guys go look at that it's an orange one there yeah an orange marble have you seen one like that very very very much a similar color to your rod your phone right back it is that there's something here i don't think that's a marble oh it may be a clay marble it isn't it yes oh look oh two one there and one there was that near right but in this area you saw where they came from and look at that so close together a marble and a clay marble oh i didn't think we were going to find much anyway sorry what did you find i am listening really no it is interesting because just before caroline switched the camera on and we started searching here and we were talking to each other and saying that the the pathway here is extremely well worn now yeah and it's obvious that lots of people are coming down and we're seeing little piles of things so it's obvious that people are coming here and finding things which is lovely yes but the feeling was well will we find anything so i said to caroline well we can't get in the water so we can only work this island so what if we walk slowly up and down keep looking and see if we can see the things ordinarily at the pace we would go at we would miss and i've got to be honest i think those two marbles perfect example of the kind of things we'd miss but let's get back to what i found oh yes let's get back to that it's nothing as exciting as your two marbles you keep stealing my thunder i'm sorry but just as i i saw a little bit of pottery and i didn't get it it was that that i saw she's definitely got some color to it and a fair bit of age but then right next to it i found that right well bent over i found that a bit of this somewhere yeah and i also found that quite a lot of um fairly old teapot i think that's the chocolate tea party i think so quite a bit of um old pottery all in one spot yep so it shows that the stuff around you yes we keep looking we will indeed and can i just say a little tip i know i've said you should always carry a plank and nobody takes me seriously well i wasn't really serious then but i am serious and saying it's always worth folding up a carrier bag keeping it in your pocket yes then when the wife tells you we won't pick anything up you've got something to put in all the things that we pick up good idea there we go inspired by finding that marble i thought we'd have a closer look here it's getting a bit dark so i'm not sure how this will come out on the camera let's see what we've got in this area there's a bone like bones and i know that's a piece of terracotta that was glazed inside and there's like a gray white pattern outside oh that is very nice i haven't found anything like that oh that's definitely coming home with us let's have a look what else have we got here something with jagged is that a tough just a rock and a tiny bit of glass it's not smooth yet [Applause] i can't hear anybody shout didn't i'm missing something i'm looking for marbles that's what's on my mind i know this shirt swing in that little pedal is terracotta with a bit of yellow on but not as nice as my terracotta did some pattern on is that a bit of pipe oh we need to get phil to come and move this rock phil yes can you come and move this one please really firm oh let's have a look some letters on it but i have no idea what they are all right now you haven't got my glasses if you put them on screen we can have a look on the edit [Music] this big rock is on something they think could be a pipe stem oh well me and monkey better see where we can do it this one yep i just go wash my hands there is though with a side shoe a little bit of patterned stoneware what's that there's a little bit of stonewood again something i'm not going to get excited after the last time it feels like oh it's got a hole in it is it's a piece of pipes then oh brilliant i'm so pleased do you know me whenever i pipe them oh oh it's this is a bit more of it no that hasn't got a hole in it what's this no we may find a bit more of it you never know we keep looking no that isn't either oh still i'm happy we've got a bit of pipes then but it's been a funny time so far i've been really excited to find my buddha pipes then and my two marbles but then there are so many things pretending to be things they know which is quite disappointing it makes for an interest in my blocking it's not a extreme oh i'm going to stop talking now can you see it oh is that another piece of pipe stem oh it's really broken but still it's a piece of pipes then i'm happy i would have been happier it had been a bit more intact but still that's nice and i've forgotten what i would say you know oh well finish your sentence off yourself if you want to because i've forgotten what it was right keep looking [Applause] i have time oh phil's found something i have a fight your phone is it really good is it solid gold no it's not really good oh right okay now if you're thinking of solid gold anyway so what you got when we moved that big stone it shifted some of the ground around it and i found this now then that as it looks doesn't seem tremendously interesting but it could be because it has the maker's mark on it just there on the back oh yes of all the bits and it seems to say s-t-i-f yeah and on the bottom it says lambeth right l-a-m-b-e-t-h that's what it seems to say now i can take that piece look up that mark find that company and we could end up with a real good history story on the live show that all comes from that little piece who knows could be on the other hand i could just have a bit of old pot right so if you want to see the history of that piece and anything else every spot to be walking around don't forget the light show nine o'clock uk time every saturday night and we got to see you there join in the chat make new friends and have a good time see you there [Applause] oh there's part of a record you can't even try and see what's on that record because it doesn't even go around once look at that i wonder what it was is it 70s pop is it 80s rock is it 60s rock and roll we'll never know i've seen something big you know i think it's too big for the marble under this stone can you see how perfectly round that is so i'm going to say that is man-made it could be a rolled stone but there aren't many perfectly round stones here let's have a look and it's definitely perfectly right there's a hole in it [Applause] what is that do you think something's screwed in there and then it was a plumb line it sort of goes to a point but no match is this shocked from something it would be very big if it was absolutely not again metal i don't know when i haven't got a magnet on me to check pop it in the bag yep another one of the bag another one for the bag oh is that another marvel no a broken pebble i think oh well let's throw it into the river oh what's under that leaf i've been looking really hard and trying to focus and i think i'm not sure where but i think that that's a pipe stem should we see it at the moment it is a bit brown isn't it it's good it still could be if if that's over an inch long it'll be a twig it's over an inch long there we go there's probably a twig then let's have a look oh how dare you accuse my special prize pipestem of being a twig look at that it's a pipe stem do you know where the maddest thing is what's the maddest thing we have now walk this same island because it's only about 40 feet 40 yards already long four times yep which means we have probably stepped on that let alone or at least stepped over it yep three times at least but it was under a leaf and so it's only because i'm really focusing now on the smallest thing but they spotted it but you found your little one there so you didn't see it walking up but you saw it walking back because again that's something we say never just walk one direction and then think oh i've seen all adam walk over it cause you walk back you see something completely different yep like like a pipe that looked terribly twig like he did right now to jump over the stream of the real lay support it is it's very wide about 250 i totally know it's from there yeah oh so you can straddle it you show up you've got long legs should i carry you dear no i'll try jumping are you sure yep look getting ready for yourselves everywhere we're going to see if we can get across you i'll tell you off if you clean your arm out just a steady hang onto phil's arm everyone that it is you holding tight and over we go oh well done i think i think anyway i didn't hear any splashes no well done everyone you got over i didn't turn the camera on because i thought it was a bit of broken glass but what is this it's not the bottom of an egg cup or something for the glass because the only bit this chip is there i wonder if that if we turn you up to the light is some sort of reflector of an old car hmm that's what i think is what do you reckon like that you can see the perspective on it what do you think that is it's getting dark i don't know if you could tell because this camera seems to work really well in low light but it's definitely getting dark we don't want to stay out too much longer so we're walking down to this river and i found something now i thought i'd keep it and we'd look at it together do you think that's the pipes then look you reckon feels like a pipe stem oh yes it is it's another pipe stem oh wow and that is just on the path going down to the river now we went to the other side and couldn't get to the river so we came down this side and i found a pipeline let's keep looking so here we are down on the beach i don't know how long we're going to be able to spend you but let's have a quick look unlike the camera we don't function well in low light so i don't know our eyes are failing in daylight in low light let's have a look see what we can see last something or just a bit of rock that's a piece of something not terribly excited let's keep looking well i'm listening to you shouting i haven't heard anybody yet i'm sure i will sooner or later you'll spot something that i miss there's the top of [Music] all right [Applause] lots of little bits of pot if it's bits of pot you want this is a really good place to go what's that well that's the inside of a middle of a pram wheel i think these folks came out of that on your baby grams all right we're here the island is here and i've only got little legs what do you think philly people was coming over um it doesn't seem to be a lot here there is one significant point of address what's that the water there goes around the bend and through a tunnel now if we were to come back tomorrow when it's light yeah and with wellies we could attempt now i say attempt but i don't know how deep the water gets done then we could attempt a bit of a tunnel adventure something from that that's like ceramic no idea what it is no but um we pop it in next i'm sure richard will tell us what it is [Music] so [Music] we're back we said we would be and the sun is shining actually it was jolly warm as we walked up and i do appreciate that many of our friends particularly in the states and australia find it quite funny when we say it's warm here because obviously it's a nice pleasant cool day compared to what you're having now can we top two marbles and a bit of pipe stem i don't know but we're gonna have a look and see what we can do and the first thing is can we get under the tunnel well let's go find out near this side of the river we want to get to that side of the river do you think we can cross what do you reckon bill there's only one way to find out so go and have a look hold tight everyone because it's a bit bumpy and it's slippery if you get down onto this big lump of concrete he's a mastic out of somebody's window for him i didn't think it was five step though right there let's have a look but we need to get down one level anyway there we go let's think you can cross by spit it down okay though all right we found the little beach we were trying to get to feels already down very very clean i'm going to give you a hand down my dear everybody hung onto phil's hand and there we go [Applause] very rickety boy and we'll go down and the first thing i can see is a bit of china is there anything on it there's something oh there's two pieces so let's have a look that one's plain so what do you think about this one plane or patented plane it's a white tile it's just another piece of white tile in the scene it's always white tail yep it's white tiles lots of stones it's a broken brick [Applause] well can't hear anybody there's a marble there's a pipe bowl listen very carefully there's a lot of rubbish in this area but isn't any victorian rubbish because that's what we're after oh is that fossil or is it a bit of tile no i think that's a bit of tire what you found no i'm not equipped for taking bricks back today no not in the car carrier bag but there are two bricks here with right now we've got an astringent and we've got that one there oh yes much more worn possibly good deal older as i say don't think i'll put them in the carrier bag but it's nice to make a record of them because perhaps we'll find someone who's more convenient to take them with us [Applause] yeah before we get to the bridge down there which is really inviting but i've seen something too i don't think it's a legendary or something because it's quite small no it's a bit of copper yeah well you can't copper today and tommy's with us he does love finding his copper [Applause] almost neither oh it's wonky [Applause] i don't know that is metal but strange do you have any idea what that is you can see the iron in the middle so this seems to be some sort of collar joining the two levels possibly i'm guessing a nozzle end for a hosepipe what do you reckon no i noticed you just picked up a bit of metal and i heard you mentioned the word copper a second ago and there's an interesting fact there is a saiyan in these parts where there's much brass but that's a very common phrase from yorkshire for the 20th century early 20th century but strange enough if you go back into the 19th century a more popular phrase was where this matrix money and if you go back further than that there was a chap in 1678. i believe his name was john ray he was a person and he was a naturalist and an author and he used the term back in 1678 mutt and many go together so there we go a little bit of history to a yorkshire saying that so many of us will have heard and of course when they talk about mac and brass that's a common slang word in these parts for many or at least it was 50 years ago or more but also of course brass as well as being a slang word for many plays a significant part in the industry and history of this place not just the brass that was used in making the machinery that produced the wealth around you but a big thing in the industrial areas brass bands yes they're massive in fact in the yorkshire championships 58 i believe it was bands were taking part in their championships in 2019. that's a lot of bands and they have all sorts they've had bands for best part of 200 years everything from the miners right through to the police they've got police bands got military bands got salvation army bands all kinds of bands all enjoying themselves in this area but of course if you want to go for the oldest grass band civil bass band outside the military you'd have to go a little bit south of yorkshire because that's down in docking bay country in greater manchester and in 2019 the uk champions they were from wales yes brass bands is big stuff wherever there's been big industry so there we are although yorkshire has got a massive representation of brass bands they're not the only place no wherever there's been industry then bands have been a major part of what's going on and down there in wales we obviously did rather well in 2019 when we won the championship i believe it was the kobe band from wales but we'd better finish up with the history and the story of brass and get back to searching for gold doubloons for caroline in this river yes i can see something under the water there that looks man-made i'm sure what it is let's have a look it's metal oh it's a clock i wonder if that's off something industrial a little brass fits on the back there and still see the needle is on it the pointer that's interesting you clean that up and have a look don't forget live show saturday night 9 p.m every week you can see some finds and have a lot of fun if you miss the live show don't worry go over onto our coffee account and there you can watch the old live shows that are all put there for safekeeping absolutely free typica well i'm ill equipped to carry bricks because i don't have my backpack send me another one if i feel up to it i might carry it with me all right okay then okay folks we're in the river the tunnels are just down there the next question is how deep is the water there's only one way to find out and due to the fact i haven't got me stick with me today it's going to be by trial and error we'll still need the crossbot your wheel is on we're going in it's a little bit shallow enough for us but is welcome everyone oh look at this lovely little bit of wall it's like an arch top on it you see the cross section and i think that has come from right up here because there is a bit of walls in poor condition but this is quite nice next door mr bristol says 46 one while we run out of ireland feels venturing down there that was very deep there's lots of things in there but can we get across what about that plank behind you could you use that as an underwater it's a bit of thin metal oh right it's not gonna work so what i did i woke up to that breakfast and then this trip in here all right let's try it everywhere here we go now just get the feeling we're going to get wet what's that over oh i think it's a bit of plastic or something in the car all right you get that out of the river that shouldn't be injured just stopping midway across i just found this in the water oh piece of stoneway and let's feed the bridge in there see this quite quite old i think and quite a nice chunk so hopefully around there look at that gigantic piece of driftwood now that's a piece of different philly's not taking home with us no no even i have my limitations did you see the brick i did i saw it as i ran by oh over there it is noisy laurie we've already found a brick so it's not a complete [Music] because i'm bent over quite a way now there's no hype here at all really look what's on the entrance here see if there's anything caught on the stones it's a twig okay wrap it on my neck just a little metal something or whatever metal ring that's about as far as i can get okay folks i have the camera why do i have the camera because this could be a rat infested tunnel and therefore it falls to me to investigate and hope that we don't completely lose the light as we go in got a feeling there's probably treasures well underneath all this stuff but i don't know what's here on the top we'll have a look not a great deal of height on there and as i said apologize that we can ill equip for this non-medlock so we don't have torches or anything because actually we're not medlock in we're on holiday oh can you see that it's a lovely bit of rim there i'll tell you what anyone i have got my phone with me i'm going to do a torch on your window hang on i'll be back now all right so folks here we go there you have it torch on phone tells you that's cinder hill halifax and just there we have a little bit of river glass i believe a little bit of white tile probably more white time yep put it like the old white tail some more glass there that's the bottom of the the cornerstone club i think this could be some writing on there i'm gonna have to wait until i get out and get my glasses on to see what it says if anything oh and that is possibly the top of the very same pot a little bit of bottle top that's smoothed off beautifully there's a you see a fun oops see the fine ridges on that like the outside of the pot again no height over here i'm gonna have to crawl but i can see something in the distance is it worth the effort this is where we find out his name dressing little chunk of glass there looked like pottery from the other side but probably the base of a tank head there's a little bit of the glaze on the one side and there's another brick we'd have a look at let's see armin each since i won't be carrying that back out with me oh another over here hold on sorry for that box stumbling it there we go i'll have a good look at the film afterwards which looks like rush forth one what's that down there hmm let's go have a look all right this is what caught me at e i said i'm a large chunk or something and they got a feeling rather than that pudding basin which i thought it was from there it's possibly the foot of something more industrial that's from a water system right as you can see we've come right through to the far side caroline is just out there i can see you heard in a grabby thingy having a search and we are right by here but as is always the case on the far side of an island things get deposited so come on folks have a little look with me now as we search around here there's a bit of lovely smooth terracotta there that's nice look at that it's a nice piece or something there it's a lovely bit of glass there what else have we got you a river glass another nice bit of river glass wow another nice bit of river glass it's all over the glass yeah it's all swept to this side and been deposited on the blind side of the island which is so often the case but of course together this blind side of the island had a crawl all the way through and then i've got to crawl back through because there's no other way because the other tunnel the water is far far too deep okay so i get to stand up for a moment as you can see the water is very deep in that tunnel so i can't go back that way it has to be back the way i came that's the stone back here that's beak light some kind of switch i think there's a earth sign on there and that might be mk i can't it's mk neutral live earth so there we go it's a big light insert for the center of a switch hello dear i'm coming back now i'm gonna switch the camera off because i don't think people can handle another journey through it was a little bit bumpy okay folks switching you off a moment while i go back to be with my darling what are you doing mr johnson actually me and the folks have been through a bit of a crawl through the tunnel and i've been picking up things and trying to show them in the light of my torch right we managed to get a bit of daylight the other side and i've now struggled back and i thought i'd share with you what we found hoping they look as good in the light as they did in the dark so what we've got we've got a big piece of frosted river glass yeah and a piece of rim whatever in a bit of a bottleneck a bit of glass we were still quite sharp a piece of blue on my porch oh now that's pretty isn't it as far as a lovely vibrant green i can even see that in the dark very nice we've got more rivers yeah various types terracotta tile white tile we're finding a lot of that yes what i liked with that though was it was that way up and i thought that was gorgeous the back of the tile is the pattern and that one's the back of italian's got a b on it is that words i couldn't tell in there yes i think it is but i can't see what it is if i get my glasses now and see if i can read a few words the bottom of a stonewood jar not a ginger jar i'm talking rubbish and you might look like a little bowl like a ramek intake bowl and that looks like the top of the stormwater pot was it worth i think as long as everyone enjoyed the journey then it was worth it but if i'd known this was what was in there when i left i probably wouldn't have gone but that's the joy of this folks you don't know till you go there could have been a beautiful pipe that could have been anything a cardboard or anything you don't know you gotta go but i've got one other fine to show you i just pushed it down by you and you lost it and i've lost it it is now very modern i agree but as you can see a genuine river found because that is pretty pumpkin and if you want to know what i'm going to do with this well i can show you right now over at the shed right so here we are back at the shed with my hook and i'm about to go inside and fix it up but while i unlock the door let me just give you a quick round-up of some of the activities that have been going on in this shed since we were last year so you can see just how i'm getting along with my sort out well something has to be done about this desk and the thing to do is to get some shelves on the wall and of course i need to get that picture on the wall as well so let's get to it [Music] that's the picture [Music] now we need to get some showers [Music] and then as you can see there's only one hole available in this that's because there was a screw in here when i picked it up out of the river and i've taken the roll plug off the back but the screw was snapped off to a point now i could hammer that out but i've decided that with that pin stopping any twisting movement then this screw through here would be enough to do the job i want just to hold my coat on the back of the door and by leaving it like that this will be a constant reminder of where this hanger came from and the time we found it while on our holiday celebrating an early anniversary gift so let's get this on the door i'm going to use this cross member here and i've made a hole just there that should receive that pin in the back that bit of nail so if i just get that to go into there there we have it there we go nicely set on the back of the door all i have to do now is just pop a screw in that all there which i have my hand and we should be away to go [Music] there we go solid as a rock well there we have it folks one solid hook all i need to do now is pop off my jacket and hang it up on the hook where it belongs there we go [Music] look at that a fine bit of workmanship if i do say so myself well enough of me enough of hooks we'd better get back from this shed and back on the river and see what else is going on now i think i found a shovel i thought he was a stepping stone but look see the back edge for you i wonder what sugar that was he hasn't put his name on it so i can't return it i don't think he'd want it back yeah what is a mud luck without a shovel right we've crossed back over the river and now do you want to see what we found while you were underneath the tunnel what are i know it's normally the collective for you because you're always with the crowd but today it was me and the gang that went and needed to turn out all of my oldest if you're all in your own so what did you find while you were on your own the top of a flag and with a nice little pouring lift i thought that was nice and a piece of glass with some oops a piece of river glass with some iron in some chicken wire type stuff oh yes security glass i like that i don't know why i just do and just a standard piece of river glass a little itty-bitty piece of pipes then and two pieces of glass rod wow both in the same place so i'm wondering if maybe they were off the same piece of rod or they came from the same source and that's where they got there when they did but two little pieces of glass rod both clear that one was green but it's not and i thought there was something else nope that's it so there we go not a lot but some nice finds [Music] [Music] so here we are back down with the other part of the river and we're probably equipped with wellies this time which we weren't last time so we can go in the water now you can't go in the water in a lot of places don't you because it suddenly gets so deep you can only get access to the edges but occasionally you can go a bit further and i think if we carry on down there this where was it oscar the otter we found last time we were here we'll find out let's go check look at that i think that's a piece of pipe stem yes it is oh next also a piece of rich pottery now i'm taking the pipe stem but i'm not taking the rich pottery [Applause] hmm i'm not sure if this medlock is measuring it it's a measuring tape i don't think that belongs in the water somehow all right there is no bank in here so we're having to walk in the water all the way very pretty when the sun shines very orange it's not so sweet i think it's because there are so many trees there's not too much sunlight so there's not so much algae but there is some traffic going over the bridge as you can no doubt here oh there's a little beach i don't think you'll find anything on it but still oh you found something have you um a metal plate or a hubcap or something possibly a hubcap or the lid of a tin or something i'm not sure also lots of bits of rubbish around here tapes oh that's like some sort of space what's that that glass oh yes now that's interesting what on earth is it it's medium glass some sort of mad scientist vail what do you reckon that is phil it seems to have something for a spanner there look all right what do you think you saw some time machine type thing it's threaded inside maybe not what about an ear slip knob ah yes tell you what we'll take it home and clean it up and see if there's any numbers or anything on the top could be i can't see any stick knob makes sense actually that makes very good sense i forgot it's so long since we had a gear stick because we use column change automatically but yeah that would make sense we'll take that over clean it up but you see in there i was just about to wash this lid but can you see a shape in the bottom of the face pretty solid on the ground long bits there and all the way down there it's not a skeleton no i think it looks almost 10 o'clock okay well it's probably rusty iron i'm sorry monkey safe because i'd own him escaping into the water whole monkey when i try and lift this thing because this could be a two-hand job there you go any movement at all well what does it feel like metal or stone neckline oh well it's rust rusty mat and see he's going to be staying where it is then very big i wonder if it's a gate to something or something so you're going that way and it's going behind you quietly i think that's oh it could be a headboard part of the bed not sure there's a round disc here there's a little bit here down here another piece very big also by dessert that would be the the cog for the pedals and yeah i think that's what i'm going for is a bike there's a circle there circle yeah oh right and they are iron and another one here what part of a huge machine do you think a bit of excitement there a little bit now that's it this is getting bigger and bigger look at that motorbike i have no idea but i don't think it's going to be coming out not without tools no and if we did lift it there's no way we carrying it oh well should we go under the tunnel come on in bit more headaches on this one yes you can walk it under this one even if you're very tall you've got a gas still under there i think it's a gas cylinder um [Music] well that was very uneventful for everybody watching i can see you but the camera just isn't talking at all should we go on a little bit further [Music] not quite sure what that is and then class or glass was more likely to be glass and glass there's the top of a ginger beer bottle well well well it's another tape measure they're very clumsy with the tape measures around here is that another bit of pipe stem oh yes this is another piece again but we're not finding a lot too it is surprising last time we were at this place there was a lot more to find very little now but i think that's because there are so many medlockers wandering around the place looking for things that the supplies of meadowlark and items is getting less and less of a fewer and fewer fines along the riverbox but i'm always happy to find little bits of pipes in do you know me and my pipe stamps i don't know why i just love them okay this is getting beyond a joke now here's the third tape measure hmm i wonder if there's a world record for how many tape measures you find on the my block a one good winter we've just come through this beautiful tunnel there's the water and you think it'd be relaxing but on top of that fringe there is rather a lot of traffic which always amazes me but so much beauty and tranquility can be just below a very busy road and also below this very busy road it's a fill bill look what i have i have changes treasures treasures treasures this is the bits and pieces i've picked up within about two square meters and i'm i was looking for something specific right now that is a brit mag light switch that's not what i was looking for it says in the back british made right so that's not quite what i had in mind i was impressed with that oh well done you bought a bit of pipes then i did and i'd say that end is probably an unbroken end that's very dirty and then obviously this is me i just put over there okay so we have got some rather nice bits of terracotta well worn and there's another splitted well well worn on another piece of paper well worn because i'd like to want it for that that i liked because look at that color very pretty possibly it was on the top do you think it could be something we twisted on and if we're looking for color that was nice as well oh yes got a little blue flower on yeah this beautiful beautiful color in the turquoise this that it meant i would say that's the back of the doorway yes brasto under sat there that plate running is the war very nice now then when i lift this yeah you're gonna be over the move over the moon i have found what i was looking for oh well now this is quite interesting at first i thought it was the lid off one of them film cans i think it would have had a handle coming out to you and it was oh now see that's why that's why you were the brains of the operation i could see the silver in now yeah so that's nice but when i put this down yes to lay out my finds i found exactly what i'd hoped to find on this part of the beach all right let's have a look oh is that a marble wow look at that that's exactly what i spotted it i haven't even picked it up three dust i was looking for a marble i was looking for the cod marble i felt this is the sort of place you should find one and i searched and searched and i found one and a pipe stem as well so there we go well for a non-medlock we've done a fair bit of mud locking but at the end of the day the river was your we were it's a holiday but what better way to spend a holiday than messing about on a river caroline found a couple of marbles pipe stems and a few other bits and pieces of interest i saw quite a number of bricks got one or two to go back with me of course my marble i love my marble because i wanted to find a marble on that spot i searched for about 15 minutes and just at the end there it was lying at my feet that's what it's all about folks hope you enjoyed it too if you did give us a thumbs up and don't forget till the next time have fun bye [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Let's go with The Johnsons!
Views: 11,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finding old bricks, finding old stuff in the river, finding things in the mud, finding things in the river, happy videos that make you smile, looking for interesting things in the river, looking for old bottles in the river, looking for old things in river, looking for things in the river, manky panda, out and about on the river, phil and caroline, something to watch when your bored, exploring under old bridges, Mudlarking looking for things in the mud - searching under old bridges
Id: cYroe15bMpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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