Amazing Blitz Beach finds - I never expected to find these!

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it's split speech folks you told us you need to go to blitz beach you said phil you will love blitz beach sawyers the chance to find out we've headed north on business and thought let's mix it with pleasure as we search blood speech here on the lancashire coast above liverpool and see what we can find yet can you see what i can see oh my that is absolutely stunning quick let's go see it oh look oh wow oh look at this we found this now i'm not quite sure what it is [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so well it's a gorgeous day we're having a heatwave here in great britain it's fantastic but there's a lovely breeze coming in off the sea possibly you're picking up a little bit of wind noise but we are glad of that nice cool sensation because it's been hot but we're gonna have a search now here on the beach this place is steeped in history i've been reading up on it and i understand that this rubble goes right underneath the lancashire golf course behind us and stretches for two miles along the coast so i'll tell you more about the history later but for the moment i want to get searching hopefully start finding come on now this is where we have to make decisions there are a lot of bricks up along the top edge there phil would love it up there i'm not sure how many bricks you'll find with names still on and then we've got a small edge along there that's had things washing up and then there's the sandy beach with a line of bits and pieces along there plus odds and ends in the middle so where do i go do i go to the top middle or bottom hmm oh i can't see a bit of glass if you wander along here lots of green gross bottle type glass but i've just seen some pretty glass that i know is not a gross bottle there it is oh that's nice little bit of aqua glass there and oh it looks like we could be finding a lot of sea glass look at this just in one area it bodes good for glass or does it bode well bodes well for glass i think that's how you say it isn't it i'm so excited i can't even think how to speak ah there's a residue of a jellyfish here he's not looking very well i wonder if you see any more jellyfish so let's work our way down to that bottom strip along there which is easily identifiable by all the bricks i'll see what we can find i've had a little look along the bottom strip i'm now going to have a little look along this top strip while i let you know what i thought i'd find today now i didn't know what to expect really so i thought well i know i'm going to find bricks maybe my biggest aim would be to find sea glass well now i'm here this is just a little handful of sea glass i found already then i know there's plenty of that here so i want to challenge so i'm going to challenge myself behind something that maybe is a household item that got plowed in with everything else something not a brick no glass from a house hmm i think i may have set the bar quite high a pipe then surely not is it no oh look at that only had a hole in through it it would be a patron but it's not oh how disappointing hello mr johnson hello i've been just picking up little bits and pieces of course i couldn't resist a little bit of tile with a few letters on it because it's still little it is i love that pattern now that's the back of a tile i didn't know what it was at first but i realized it's a tile we have airplanes present i think so too it's a bit noisy yeah right it's actually the reverse of a tile but the way it's actually smooths it away it looks a really interesting pattern it does there's another little bit of tile right that was weird but it's not stone does it no it feels almost i don't know if he's almost like rubber or something interesting it's very strange but it caught my eye on the beach of pipes oh wow you found some pipes there well yeah so that boards well doesn't it it does oh excellent we just found something we thought was pipe same and it wasn't and i quite like that one as well oh really cute because when you turn it over oh even cuter it's two-toned it's a bit like that earth sign doesn't it it does there we go so that's my finds just they mine i'll pop those there oh that's your fraudulent pipe stem yes and while i'm at it i have to go down here because i've just seen a really nice square piece of sea glass so we'll have that as well all right i had a quick look along there which is where we found the pretending pipe stem so i'm now on the top section if i do a little bit of a search through each section i'll know which piece i want to particularly be in the sun is in completely the wrong direction all you can see is my shadow hello let's have a look don't forget shout if you see something oh no it's not a sly glass i think it could be pretty sparkly in the sunshine but i'm not quite sure what i think it's slag glass what do you think let me know in the comments it'll be great ah we'll keep it obviously even though i said i'd like to find something household related i'm also always getting for the gold doubloon so if you see a gold doubloons out extra loud but i'm not really expecting you to shout i've seen in the blue the seated balloon hmm what's this this looks like one of those like dado rainy things from tiles if i turn that way let's have a look on the other side oh no that's pretty i don't know what that looked like before it landed in the sea and got washed to death just like blue and pink marble effect and that's really pretty very i can't even say that it reminds me of a particular time because the colors are quite modern blues and pinks so but it's been in the sea far too long to be a modern piece um i'm not sure what do you reckon how old do you think that little bit of tyler's who's doing all that banging what are you up to mr johnson i have found hmm look at the cast there yeah oh right just come and have a look a jellyfish yes we found a few of those too and i found a brick oh what's on your brick now i notice you said what's on your brick and i understand why because after all we have just walked through about two and a half thousand bricks to get to this point and i suddenly disclaimer i found a brick but it's because there is a word written on it so something yes latham lathan l-a-t-h-o-m do you think don't you think one of those people haven't had one of those before and look at that oh wow it is smooth it's very heavy extremely smooth yep so i'm impressed with this do you reckon that's worth a million two pounds no no and this is the jellyfish it does look very well in sunshine does he well there is no shortage of bricks they're everywhere this one's got some writing on it let's have a look this is ryan brick company the oven brick terracotta i've seen quite a lot of those and oh what's that yellow all of that it's not ridged pottery it's ridged glass it's like a yellow glass with a covering of white ridge glass on the outside oh look at the pattern on that one that's really interesting nothing on the back but it's very black now was that in the fire when all the houses were bombed or is it part of a chimney and that's where there's all this blackness on it and bricks and more bricks and more bricks as far as the eye you can see that's a nice chunk of sea glass let's have a look where's the sunshine there very nice it's got numbers and letters a 88 on the bottom of that we're not finding many big pieces like that but lots of little pieces here's another little piece there is that a bit of metal here a little bit of well i don't know if it's just melted or been washed in the sea and corroded definitely well rounded and here's a little piece of brick wall very neat and tidy we found enough bits of brick wall over the years to build a house [Music] this this is a strange stone there's a lot of this it feels like a sort of sand stone can you see a glistening i don't know if you catch that on camera this is a really pretty one nope there was a seagull i found six specks you found six bricks yes i think finding a brick is not the point today isn't it we are on blitz speech if you didn't find a brick i'd be worried well when you think that in one week during may of 1941 in one week 12 000 properties were destroyed in the blitz here in liverpool and brutal 20 000 people were made homeless they were almost 200 bombing raids on this area in one week in fact they reckon the vast majority of the blitz rubbish that's here was put you in one month during may 1941. absolutely incredible so there's going to be a fair few bricks yes there is it certainly is so these are my bricks right let's have a look what you've got there mr johnson this is my brick collection oh we're the wrong way round let's come up here and have a look so we've got launch wood possibly orange wood and monks newell is it monk's new or something can't quite come here terracotta co-limited and oh that's a pretty one it is because i think that's got a date right 1812. yeah it's now it could be a company registration number but i think it could go it's in 1812 could be a date i can't see what's written on it it's very nice definitely says brick company 1812 limited i'm not sure what that word is if you recognize that please let us know what brick it is because we can't tell look at this it's not exciting it's just a piece of concrete it was cast as a slab but somebody's put an old penny in there oh that's if i put my finger there for size wow that's a really interesting find i don't think we'll take it with us it's rather large rather heavy but look at that you see my penny phil yes i'm just wondering if i could get the penny out um i wouldn't thought so i think it's worth a try you carry on searching and i'll have a go well here's a bit of scrap iron nothing i would identify as household though so they're not actually covering what i was looking for but look that's a bit of a brick philton so terra cotta i would imagine that top circle was there and this one is 1912. it's a different date trying to get up here because here you can see the erosion going on there where i can't see over there but i lift that up right out there is more of all this rubble it's been lawned over in some places for the golf course and then it's spilling out on the edge issue there you go oh you've done it does it work going down to the side where i can take it home well that's very reasonably sized try and excavate the penny i'll leave it in i like it left in i think that on a plinth from blitz beach would be wonderful what do you reckon everyone do you think that sort of thing to keep and put on a plinth i'm with you there see if i can polish it up oh yes oh look here's some light you know well that is a piece of rubble and next door to it oh is this lino that looks very similar now i love collecting lino somebody has informed me be very careful because some of this lino does have asbestos in it but what i'm thinking of doing is laminating all mine so it's completely sealed but i can see another bit oh phil spotted it there we go and i should point out oh look that the london brick cramp knee four press is following us everywhere it is there's another one there but i'm interested in my lineup look at that two really nice pieces i'm happy with those whoa look at the size on that i wonder what that was off his glass is ridged still no rich pottery but that's the second piece of ridge glass let's have a look at the sunshine you're not seeing through that oh i wonder what that was do you have any ideas have you seen anything this thick this black let me know oh look look at the size of that bit of lino oops sorry well i wanted to find something other than sea glass or bricks and i think i've covered my end of that look at that another piece what's that there that was the bottom of a boat which i think a dog's bitten into we'll take that put it in the bin [Music] [Music] i have found an unusual brick oh and use your wood brick yes oh that's got two for 60 10 holes in right that's not what's unusual right it's yellow which makes it less usual but what's interesting is normally with these holes they go all the way through right they don't it's heads oh no on the other side have a company name and that i think makes this a very interesting brick it is that's a really nice find and i am stood on a really nice fine oh right which i shan't be taking home with me riveted what would it have been water tank perhaps it looks like it could be yeah sort of big tank you found in the attic that is huge isn't it you stand back on it again just for us to get another look at how big it is give you a proportion with my big feet there you go this big like the metal feels big feet on olympus i love the raw pop rivets there gorgeous oh look at the size of my piece of water water sea glass there [Music] that's nice i tell you what hmm looking at scrap metal unusual bricks beautiful sea glass but look at that oh let's turn around and have it oh isn't that lovely oh i know we've got quite a few rock clowns out there who really appreciate the storms absolutely stunning that one whoa look at that wonder what that was it's a beautiful stone i don't know if the camera's picking up the sparkles in that it's a sandstone beautiful isn't it which means it's easy to carve it's been carved here which means it's been designed to fit onto something i would have said that was a beautiful piece of carved stone when it got demolished or or even blitzed and ended up here and has been washed for 80 years but still leaving that telltale sign look so let's have a look perspective that's my hand there and then after the gap there's another one virtually two hands there so do you think you're going to carry that home i would love to have that there's a feature in my garden you know going to lawyer but i've already got some bricks so i don't think i can manage it look at that oops it's one of them edgings for the garden path in a victorian house exactly yes it looks like that i wonder we haven't found many of those here though funnily enough i wonder if people have come down and taken those for their gardens we're not finding a great deal of scrap but as i said the caroline if you think about it dude in the war they didn't just throw away scrap metal it was a precious commodity they couldn't import as much as they wanted although in fairness the reason why liverpool was the second most blitzed city next to london is because around 90 of all of our imports particularly from the usa were coming in through liverpool port so scrap would have been taken out of the rubble melted down and reused but there is quite a bit of cable around here metal cable and reinforced concrete possibly from the blitz but possibly from fort crosby which was here now fort crosby was the actual works began on it in 1906 it was commissioned for the first world war and guns were put in place but they were never fired in anger however in the second world war they really did make use of this part of the course to try and protect liverpool and the ships coming in because as well as the anti-tank guns which there are still i believe four concrete plinths in amongst the sand dunes that can be identified and the bunk as below even though the sand has now covered the vast majority of it in addition to those they added two six-inch guns and put some real heavy firepower here in order to defend this part of the coastline so of course where those buildings have been abandoned after the cold war and many of them have now been destroyed we're possibly finding rubbish from there as well as the stuff from the 1930s but an interesting place and a place full of history does anybody need a piece of firewood it just looks like a little piece of firewood until i put my foot on it look at that size on that we go to the end oh that's got to be 12 inches by 12 inches i wonder what that came off oh that will keep you in firewood for a couple of days wouldn't it look at this bit of wall now it just looks like a brick wall i don't know if you're picking up the contours yet but if i come down like this and across it's very dark i asked it is you smeared salvador dali designed that and it's not it's just been washed by the sea but oh it's lovely it goes that is lovely i really like to have that in my garden but if i put my hand there for perspective that's staying firmly in its place i think there's a little rusty oak there that was once stuck in firmly and i found another one of those rope tops a black one that's nice oh that's interesting very good oh what's over here on that tire oh i thought it was geese flying but it i don't think it is i think it's some sort of random pattern uh-huh i was looking for something household and i found this little doll spatula or a child spatula for the playset wow this is a really nice thing to find and i can also see some yellow plastic too i don't know what it is or how old it is right i don't know what that is but it's plastic so we'll take it and if it isn't anything i'll put it in the bin look at that what have you got all that because of where we are isn't that lovely yes why the back the back door lock of somebody's house do you think i would have thought so yep yeah and the partner on that lovely i love it it's amazing what you do find you i did think when we first got you no it's just going to be a lot of bricks and as you know bricks are filled subject not mine then i saw some glass and i thought oh there's a few bits of glass and now i've seen just how many bits of glass there are but we are finding really obscure bits and pieces too that we didn't expect to find that's quite nice it makes the trip a little bit more there even if it was just the same bricks and things like that i do love a little bit of variety oh look what i found i found a ball it's a bit of a squash ball but i found a ball what is a mud lock or a beach goal without finding a ball and he's not a glass bottle stopper no it's a plastic disc ah we'll take that home put it in the bin it's when mr tom burley heard that we were up here and he was hoping to come to blitz speech at some point he decided to make his way over from yorkshire so we're just going to go to the car park to meet him and have a look together and see what we can find hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] bye look at this handsome chop he's boring phil's hot and he weighs it very well doesn't he it's made of metal but no we don't go any lower than that putting my hat on and standing next to this guy shows you the perspective what's incredible is that we're on crosby beach we're just below blitz beach where we've been filming and there are a hundred of these things here granny comely made a hundred human forms our cast iron stuck them on one meter plinth which they rammed into the ground took him three weeks to set up the display but what i didn't realize until i visited today was this was never meant to be a permanent display that these had actually been already displayed in germany belgium and in norway before came here put on display in 2005 and then the following year they were on their way to new york i'm sorry to everyone in new york you lost out because the decision was taken that they belonged here that they saw fitted the landscape that they saw represented something majestic about this location in this area that they've never moved and 16 years on he's here they're all here spread out over two miles of beach which i think is an incredible art installation and worthy of admiration what do you think oh yes i think it's very good yes i am now youtube star too thank you very much you use this hat and show that there that is now known as a modesty hat because it is something behind a hat i'm not saying what it is i'll leave that to your imagination now we're wandering along the beach with that pair of legs which belong to tom we're having a look see what we can find later as expected even more bits of plain white pottery little bits of glass stones bricks look how much red is there oh that's a pretty piece of glass of some sort of sunday dish what's that i don't know oh that's nice another piece of fireplace i think but the glaze is a bit warm i have a brick already it's a masten brick yep and i've put my foot on a stone here which i think is absolutely beautiful i would say that possibly a gate horse sat there and this was the threshold to someone's garden or home it's definitely that's definitely served a good purpose in the past been used for quite a few years yeah and something has worn its way into there that's very nice there's a little pile of stuff there and then on the bottom there seems to be a brick is that no board sorry all right ah some mid-locker passes left this year or beachcomber what's that that's ceramic wheel caster off a table or chair i think and a piece of tape still on the wall oh that's interesting yes cool f call don't think you've had one of those have we no and a big blob of concrete stuff made of bricks what you got now mr johnson no i spotted this little bit of what i think is possibly domestic electricity from a while ago could well be something written on the side there and it's definitely bakelite i'm sure someone out there is going to tell me what it is but as i found it i then noticed something absolutely stunning absolutely stunning there is a beautiful piece of red stone look that's obviously part of the structure my shadow out of the way oh yes i wonder what that was off you can see all the marks here where the stone mason was chiseling away to get the ship there's a little bit of sparkle to it something would have fitted in here i wonder what that was off but it's amazing the things that once upon a time that was on a huge building yes and what's more that i thought was good but what is behind you i think is absolutely awesome what would you say look at that top of the doorway or something yes and actually look at the sparkle as well it's absolutely beautiful and that was i tell you what it looks a little bit like a font it comes up here and around there i wonder if it was a font it's absolutely gorgeous no we can't take that home what a shame it is here i just put my foot there just to give an idea that is the sort of size we're looking at and of course today although i have my popularity's t-shirt on it's 27 degrees you didn't pop you wear these on did you so i didn't pop my wellies on there in the car i have a brick oh let's have a look at your brick mr johnson now on a previous occasion we found a brick similar to this right remember oh yes yellow brick yeah different company all right bothers bowers mr bowers is it hey mark here's a big stone see my shadow hello and right in the middle of this big phone is this it's a little hole my shadow's in it and there's a little stone in there there you go look at that i wonder what that little hole was for i think he probably had a reason they just look very man-made it could be from when this stone was taken out of the quarry to be used right they would have drilled and then exploded and that could be the end of the drill hole oh it's exciting because i've seen marks like that in slabs of stone underground after we drilled and blew it up right you'd get a a sort of little round hole at the end where the drill went that's just a possibility it may also have been to hold something specific but that's a possibility from the quarry oh is this a little bit of a stoneware jar oh yes i think it is i don't think that's off an insulator on the other hand it is very shiny inside so it could be part of an insulator but these cliffs seem to be dropping little bits and pieces all the time but then again there are such a lot of people walking along here looking for things that have dropped out very unlikely to find many exciting things unless they came down this morning but that doesn't mean we won't find anything kitchen furniture oh look at that has a bit of chad is it looks like doesn't it it's definitely a leg of a chair yep on the table yeah not much left of it now he's not i wouldn't want to sit on that we just pulled this very grubby piece of fabric out of the ground i wonder what that was is i look doesn't seem to have pleats in it i can't find any buttonholes or anything that's fixed there but these are just me a bit of rest i think oh i think it was somebody's penny that's what i'm going to guess at oh i'm going to take that because i love vintage fabric do you think this is a bit of a chimney or a bit of like a sink that they built out of stones is it from the stables what do you think that is fair i'm not sure i thought chimney at a distance but it seems to be solid on concrete so that's coming up out of the floor oh i think maybe something feeding trough for horses would you reckon could be it's not fire brick so they can't be i have an interesting brick here oh what does he say i can't see well the reason it's interesting is because it says accrington clinton and the reason that's interesting is because i was asking comments on a previous video when we were at yorkshire with tom did you find an accrington brick and i made the mention of the fact i thought i had and lin bean said yes you did phil you found one when you were with us which i remembered was true because you told ev you told us on that day acronton always reminds you of clinton stanley because your dad used to play the pools and he used to watch it on a saturday and they'd give the results so there we are an acronym brick but car i have to tell you go on in behind you over there about can you see behind me over there oh gosh we got to go see that and take a closer look before i go can you see it can you see what i can see oh my that is absolutely stunning quick let's go see it look at that oh wow that is amazing look at the carving on that stone if i put my hand there you can just get some sort of perspective of size oh that's amazing just lying on the beach wow you can see the red sandstone behind and then there's this carb stone let's see if i can move my shadow right away oops it's falling over there oh look at that that's a really special find it won't be coming home with us it's far too heavy that's got to be a piece of a column okay just stood on top of each other see the shape yeah and then they didn't tell us oh yes wow so ah if you look up there now it's coming from the banking can you see there the piece with this slot in i think that's the masonic side yes it's the sign of the machine has made his sign you know who made it oh wow and there's lots of it here you can see the lines on it oh wow look there's so much history just hidden in this little area here this is absolutely unbelievable wow look here's another piece you see the carving on that that isn't so big but he's still too heavy to carry home with us but here's another huge piece of stone if i put my foot there and all those little squares that's been carved out obviously for the reason probably to match up things perhaps the pegs into my life yeah but then there's something over here you've got a one and a two and maybe that arrow is to say which way up it goes and then see the notch there to lock into another one oh look at that like a huge jigsaw yes more domestically look at this wow all those pretty colored tiles probably i would say from a victorian house when we had victorian house it was similar to this in the passageway what's a little bit of metal there no there's a one of those oh it's a chin opener useful if you want to open a tin of soup oh i tell you what mm-hmm i bet that end's still usable oh yes that would make a nice bottle opener wouldn't it oh i'm gonna try it why not i'm gonna try that what is this red furry thing that i see before me it's a ball it's a christmas ball what is a medlock or a beach cube or a johnson's video without finding a ball catch [Applause] i've been used to throwing what am i looking at sure how on earth did that end up in the concrete it's like the people took these tiles and used them for a concrete mix oh well i suppose they needed it the concrete and they didn't need it for anything else so needs must really though wish i could get that out not a chance i don't think look at this shoe what is this wow that's a huge champion it is no i was hoping that it had a dip in there and it was something like a water sink but i think it's possibly something to hold beams up in a church or a municipal building something like that i think it's marble and it's shaped there's only i can't see any more bits of it nope this was the only bit on this part there's another piece of red card stone you can see the lines there and then is this the issue with another hole where something went into there's a lighter one behind you see there yes i have a look way too just here oh yeah it seems to have an s carved in the side from where i'm standing the storm meeting that looks like the foot off a big pillar or a column oh i wonder what else we're going to find this is so interesting what have you found mr johnson i want to take this home what is it i think it made a good step for my shed oh look at that oh yes that's a very grand step isn't it be perfect for that it would be outside my new shed you're not going to get that in your bag it's got a sense of presence my shed deserves see i can go like this i've got my step [Applause] wow oh yeah that is pretty impressive and i would quite like that as a shared step but i really don't think people to get that home maybe tom will help me carry it i think he would cheat more than you and tom and me so i think we're all right right oh there we go so it's phil and tom are going to try carrying that home you imagine in the back of okay look at this chunk of wood it's got a hole in it oh what a shame isn't too deep to get out but duck that was made for something wasn't it possibly an old window framing something grave from the sea and then more bricks oh hang coat hang coat arterington but it's a shape to break away like that it's one of those ones we're going around the corner oh thank you tom pulled out that piece of wood for us he's useful to have around you know look at that that's really there's another bit of a hole there on this end oops has got like an end that's been made off to fit into something hmm any ideas what that is tom no no but there we go that's a short sweet answer that's part of a mortise and tenon joint yes so that would have gone into something else and possibly that would have picked up on the tops of things this may have gone on there could have been another one here but this could be a beam but we still don't know what is a beam off beam across the top with pieces coming down right there we go well it looks a bit like a filler cap off a tractor or something else so it could be off um a lorry or something of the 1930s that type of thing screw on cap look at this really weird thing here it seems to be made from concrete lots of different layers all joined together at first i thought it was a carved stone but it's not seems to be lumps of concrete glued together somehow very strange and also i've seen something else i wanted to look at sorry about the bumpy ride this is so uneven underfoot look at that holes all along i don't know it's not maybe held railings do you think i'm not quite sure oh they hit down this side as well and then a little trough i show you my foot on it you can see some sort of perspective what was that it's pretty impressive but what was it there's so many mystery items here today and again if i show you up the beach as far as yeah you can see our bricks bricks and more bricks i think i can see another piece of like a reading column not like a reader column i think it is a readed column oh look oh wow oh look at this oh look i found it's got a gargoyle on it let's get my shadow out the way oh look at that oh that is amazing oh let's see how big that is oh look come and see this phil i was heading for a column and i found this with a gargoyle oh wow that is pretty impressive i'm impressed that's gonna be fine of the day yep i'm gonna concede there that is find of the day i think it's probably far too heavy to take with us would you like to try picking it up i think what we'll do is if me and tom leave this step for me shed you and take that instead get a good idea let's see if i can clear a bit of space around and see what's there looks like some sort of pediment isn't it oh look it goes right down is that it's not an arch is it seems to the end and you still can't lift it looking here i'll carry on walking over to our column which is a lovely column but it just feels like a bit of an anti-climax after my gargoyle oh i don't think it is a column it's possibly a step or it could be part of a column is huge i would imagine that if it was a column it had another few pieces around it as well make it into a very big column and over there's an arch let's go have a look at this arch careful everyone it's a little bit precarious on the foot look at that it's a stone arch well half an arch isn't that wonderful oh wow i have never seen so much interest in falling down architecture in one piece in my life there's another lump down there of something i'm not going to go that far because it is getting difficult underfoot for me now but you can see and then what else is just scattered in all this it's just unbelievable i never thought that we find all this today we found this now i'm not quite sure what it is do you think that that is the end of the bomb doesn't seem to have a nose cone attached but that doesn't mean that that isn't a bomb does it nothing in it it's very rusted it could be just a metal bollard but it was hollow so could well have had explosives in and of course there would be an awful lot of um bits of bombs around after the blitz do you think there's a bit of bomb or just a bit of metal we've come this far at the beach and i think that we've probably seen i'm saying this now i'll regret saying this i think we've probably seen as much as we're going to see it'll be more of the same what's that down there oh i've got a good one for the next mile if i can show you sort of the i think it is it won't look anything like that when i put this on the big camera but sort of thing i've just got to go have a look and then we'll turn back honestly we will turn back then an update from caroline johnson intrepid explorer it was definitely worth carrying on to see this let's go further look at that is that amazing or is that amazing look if i put my hand there you can see the perspective look at it it's enormous let's go around this side oh wow that must have been at the top of a column let's go over here have a look around the back which would have been the top there there's a little bit of an archer but i don't think that's actually associated with that bit directly but look at it let's go have a closer look i don't know how close i can get with this camera without it going into focus hopefully you can see it look at that oh that's absolutely amazing and it's just lying that's close to the sea wow what a place to come where this certainly hasn't disappointed and there are still interesting bits everywhere but i think it's time for us to go no have you found anything exciting well i found something interesting i found something you've been looking for because you said that you'd like today possibly to find dude in our visits here something a bit domesticated oh yes so to go with your tin opener oh the scissors okay look at that i can slip away it not much it's a couple e-rested but yes it's the scissors correct look at this little bit you now i don't know what it is but it's interesting it's got like this iron banding on it which seems to be decorative and then ah there's a bottom on it there do you think it's an old gas bottle or something seems a little bit posh for a gas bottle doesn't it but it could be and it isn't that these are posh it's just that they've rotted away or is it some sort of tune or something else what do you reckon there are so many mystery objects on this beach today whoa look at all those words winnie hill plastic winnie brickcoal limited ah crington oh it's actually done again aquinton is everywhere today well not everywhere but it's on a lot of bricks we find now i did say we were turning back but oh it's just so tempting to carry on what should i do should i turn back or should i carry on hmm what do you think i can hear some of you saying oh you must be so tired caroline why don't you turn around and go home but i can hear the majority of you saying go on go on guard look for more look for more we'll go on a little bit further let's see how we do as the man with three bricks yes in his bag i'm still willing to go a little further inspired by that last architectural piece yep i just think we've gotta have a little look further down okey dokey i found something else we have to go see it now i'm going to take you for a walk with me you'll probably get a bit of motion sickness if you prone to it but i'm going to show you just how rough underfoot this is and i am walking very carefully everything is all lumpy and bumpy but you can see getting closer to it but it's definitely worth a look oh look at that wow look at the carving on there if i put my hand there you can see perspective it's huge oh that is beautiful and then if we look there there's another bit of i don't know if it's impediment off the top of something i think is actually upside down oh look over here hold tight here we go over here we've got probably the bottom of a column oh look here's another pediment type thing there oh this is just heaven for anybody who loves architecture and i'm not a big person for architecture i wasn't thinking i can't wait to go find some architecture but i'm slowly falling in love with it there you can see in the distance i think it's there can't tell because my screen is too small it's the last bit that we looked at looking resplendent in the sunshine what have you got mr johnson i gotta be honest i feel like out of my depth with all of the beautiful architectural pieces you'll find there why is that because they're beautiful and they're massive yes but at least i've got things i could take off right what have you got oh it's a piece of fireplace it is but it kind of looks as if it's the architecture all of its own it almost looks something from the 1930s it's got that fan look to it in there yes i think only possibly because it's snapped it's definitely because it's snapped but you know yeah beautiful to me that's good i'm glad you think it's worth catching in my bag as is this as we now know is one of them yellow bricks that i've already carried two big full ones back so you're going to take that broken boot as well yeah have a look at it see how smooth it is i thought the shape the form and everything else make a beautiful candle holder just put a single candle in the center there and i think that would look quite good right so you're taking that with you here i am i think that's a work of art two works of art folks come on back me up willow bonkers but i'm going to take everybody up here because i've seen something else here leave me with my groups of art you put your works of art in your bag we're going up here over the bumpy ground again so sorry again that's all i seem to do is apologize for how lumpy and bumpy this ground is but can you see what i can see and it's not a little tiny pipe stem it's not a little piece of glass this is another bit of floor look at that oh that is absolutely amazing you know people go on holidays to grease to see all these wonderful things and all you've got to do is come here wow if i go over and put my hand there to show you perspective this thing is enormous let's go around the back very carefully trying not to fall over you can see the depth on that that's pretty impressive oh it's just words cannot describe how much fun this is finding all these wonderful things when i came out today to blitz beach and thought phil is going to just love seeing all the bricks but they won't be much for me i never imagined this sort of architecture it's just unbelievable the only way to describe it really unbelievable look at this oh i wonder if that's supposed to be a crown oh i put my cup in it again for perspective look at that i wonder if you carved that they must take such great pride in carving that what an achievement [Music] do [Music] hello mr johnson with your very messy car it is rather this is full yeah if you press in there there's another three bricks in there there's two there i carried in my hand there's more bricks there from previous luck we've got loads of things but folks what we've got here is incompatible with what we've left over there because the big stuff was big but it was beautiful but now i think i deserve something cool so i've got a bottle of beck's blue and of course i didn't think i had a bottle over oh look at that but we found one on the beach no expense speed so all systems go if it'll work perhaps not ah there you go look at that if you've enjoyed this video please give us a thumbs up and of course if you know anybody else that would enjoy it share it with all your friends but most importantly till the next time have fun bye [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Let's go with The Johnsons!
Views: 10,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazing Blitz Beach finds - I never expected to find these!, amazing blitz beach finds, finding bricks on blitz beach, amazing architecture on blitz beach, amazing architecture on the beach, amazing architectural rubble, amazing architecture found, finding cool things on the beach, finding amazing things on the beach, amazing beach finds, finding old bricks, finds from the past, manky panda, phil and caroline, historic finds 2021, discovering amazing finds at the beach
Id: 8jqXmJ_YlZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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