Mudlarking seaside rubbish dump at Lyme Regis - Fossils, sea glass and cookies!

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beach coleman and madlocken at lang regis put it this way if you get over you're going on your own i'm so happy with you the smell is absolutely gorgeous if you could be who is smelling these why we've been busy mud laughing i'm tired i need a rest so i'm going for a paddle you want to come with me come on then pop your wellies on let's go in [Music] do [Music] there goes the bin man just because it's a holiday destination doesn't mean that normal life doesn't go on so here we are on the beach people are in the sea it's a bit too cold we need to get in the sea but for me anyway but the sun is shining the sea is glistening we're going to go for a walk in that direction see if we can find any treasure back at one of our favorite places because this beach genuinely allows us to search not only the sands for the treasures that are washed in by the sea but also the mud as it erodes the bankings and brings out the debris from the past so fossils possibly sea glass probably and bits of junk of all sorts most definitely let's go have a look as we enjoy yourselves here on a sunny day on the south coast of england at the jurassic coast the end of the bottom of the steps where the bottom of the staircase under the water phil was wondering whether he could get across what do you reckon i'm just going to try the stepping stones in the water i've got to go between the waves because they are quite big let's see how the waves coming in all that i should point out this is a falling tide so this side's going out it's not coming in i would not be doing this if it was coming there put it this way if you get over you're going on your own i'm not happy with you look at that you swear that thank you so much the problem is nothing is getting over there and getting very wet you can't actually get to anything interesting for quite a while if i turn the camera around it's just strong that we want to see the beast i'll lead the way i don't feel very safe fortunately this time you're going out i would never be doing this i think i'm bonkers trying it anyway am i going to be okay you'll be fine here we made it that was not a fun experience but we are over the side of the beach but i want to stay right away from the cliffs up there because i've already seen little bits trickling down so it doesn't look terribly safe let's go see if we can find any treasure the city is looking lovely today but why haven't we come to lyons well yes we've come to the scenery we've come to the ca but we've also come to find some treasures i am particularly looking for metal treasure today phil is looking to sea glass but we also want to keep our eyes open for anything else fossils are always a lovely sign you can find fossils that can't be moved but generally the fossil hunters beat you to the good fossils so let's see what we can find for an hour online regis and see if you think it's worth it is this i think you will be pleasantly surprised there's the sea give us a rock and look in this rock here it's a huge ammonite fossil look at this stone here now it's not a bit of an ammonite fossil but it is part of a spine of a huge dinosaur i'm not quite sure it's definitely something for us right you got out of the way look at that can you imagine how exciting it is if that was a full-size dinosaur vertebra it could be down here when i was looking on my way a nice chunk but you see that what have you got mr johnson i've got some fines i want to show you right pick them up as i'm walking along but i've set down you to do it because look it's my biggest find oh it's gonna shine right away wow it's mobile but i don't think we'll be taking it away but one of the things i want to point out is because of these huge rocks with these beautiful fossils in if you come to this bay you're guaranteed to see prehistoric fossils yep you may have one tiny one to take home but you'll definitely see them because the history is all around us but here's some more modern stuff because glass is turning up melted in the fire yeah in a fire and then worn down so there's not a sharp edge on it and then this is the lovely chunk and use a bit of color now there it looks almost black but i think if you hold it up to the sand you will see oh it's amber glass my first piece of pottery and it's a boot and it provides a mystery for our friends to try and solve for us so i'm saying it's a plain old pattern but i assume this is button it's got a verse but i have no idea what it is because it's very carefully create the purest in obviously occasionally prepared possibly the purest something oh that's really nice there's a period to that found it under a rock as i was walking just on the edge of a rock so it's looking good right because this tide is falling now for the next three hours and we'll be back up here for another six but we'll be going for lunch before then when we're out mud locking sometimes we walk a long way or we're a long way from home or we've got a very long day ahead and so sometimes we like to take some snacks well most of the time we like to take some snacks i thought we might like to see one of the snacks that i like to make because it's so simple and it's ginger cookies or gingernut biscuits to make these is very simple we just need 100 grams of self-raising flour 40 grams of sugar 50 grams of butter the camera's at a really weird angle so i'm trying my best to show everything but i have to check the screen to make sure you can see things then we have two teaspoons whoops two teaspoons of ginger one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda which i think the americans call baking soda not sure on that one and we're going to need two tablespoons of syrup over in britain we tend to use lyle's golden syrup i'm not sure what other countries would use this is really nice i like this in sandwiches bread butter and put some golden syrup in mmm really tasty right to make these ginger snacks it is a certain order you have to do things in so i've measured everything out because you watching me weigh things could be a little bit boring so first of all we have to line a tin here's one i lined earlier now normally i would use some sort of baking parchment but phil bought a really weird foil which i'll show you i've never seen this non-stick kitchen foil no sticking no cleaning no worries so i thought oh i'll try using that so this is a bit of an experiment for me too all right i'm into my bowl which is my favorite set june rose on pyrex or jaj because it's uk right we need 100 grams of flour and we also mix in the bicarb and the ginger and now i bring it over here and we'll give it a little stir just mix it all in very therapeutic list if you've had a stressful day or you've had a stressful morning make yourself some cookies for lunch because it's just very tactile a lovely thing to do and so easy right so that's then now we add the sugar and give that smooth as well the only thing with measuring everything beforehand is look at all these dishes my water is going to pile up next thing we need is some melted butter so i've got my pan let's move that out of the way not that this is terribly exciting but i thought i'd show it to you anyway and i didn't put this in a bowl i chopped the end off the butter and where hey it was exactly the right weight give or take a few grams with cookies you haven't got to be 100 accurate pop that in there and we're going to melt that normally i would keep this to use to grease the tin but i don't have to because i've got my extra special non-stick foil on my tin i don't know if it's going to work we will find out if not we'll just have scrambled cookies [Music] well i thought i had my camera on when i actually got the two tablespoons of golden set about obviously not so this is what it looks like when you've added the golden syrup to the melted butter i'm trying to get the hang of this new camera and it's very awkward compared to the last one not very awkward it's just enough to make you get things wrong all the time right then we now get our dry mix make it well in the center and pour this in while stirring we're hoping to get a bit of a dough what's the plan i'm not going to put it all in just in case it's too runny but we want quite a sloppy dough the smell put my pan down the smell is absolutely gorgeous if you could be here smelling these oh that would be good i could put the kettle on we could all have some ginger snaps and coffee together hmm shall i put the rest in or not what the heck right so there we have what we're looking for a nice gooey gloopy doughnut the next bit is going to be messy which suits me fine so let's put this out of the way and bring in our tray i'm going to put a little bit of flour on my hands because this is a really sticky messy job and you just want to get yourself some walnut size lumps of dough and pop them on don't worry about flattening them but the only thing is make sure you have plenty of space between these lumps of dough because they will flatten themselves and they will run into each other that could happen today we'll find out when i first made these i ended up with just a solid massive ginger cookie ginger cookies is well any sort of cookie is quite a new phenomenon or name i suppose for most people in the uk i grew up knowing anything like that as a biscuit and so cookies is just something that always sounded very tasty and american like they were nicer than our biscuits but i do like the fact that cookies generally can be quite soft inside with biscuits are generally hard i did chew one somebody said the definition the difference between a cookie and cake or biscuits and cake biscuits when they go stale go soft and cake when it goes stale goes hard but if you've made soft dough cookies with soft center then i suppose they could go hard i know the second day after i bought fresh cookies they've been harder so does that mean a cookie is almost a cake so there we go they're all different sizes but that doesn't matter and i now have very greasy hands so the next thing to do is to turn the camera off preheat the oven i didn't preheat it while i was doing this because otherwise you'll have this terrible hem all the time i think you can still use the refrigerator anyway so i'll turn the camera off heat the oven and i'll be back [Music] i'm set for 190 degrees so let's pop our cookies into the oven in the off and we want to set timer for 12 to 14 minutes so i'll set it for 12. then we can check on them to see how they do in 12 minutes are they okay very difficult to see i've got one of these ovens with a double dough on the front and you can clean the front and back but you can't clean the bit between the glass well you could but you have to dismantle the door so it stays dusty right we'll be back time to check they're looking tasty time to take them out yes i think we'll say they're done right here we go take them off the baking tray and put them onto the cooling rack this fine is really impressive look at that [Music] they are completely loose on this tray so we've got lots of cookies because there are only the two of us tim doesn't eat cookies so they're all for us if you want to double up on the amounts or triple up depending on how many people are in your family or how many cookies you want to eat then it's simple enough to do one as you can see it's a really easy recipe so i'm going to let those cool make a cup of coffee and then we'll sample them and let you know what we think so here we are with one plate of ginger cookies and two cups of coffee so let's put these cookies to the taste test hello mr johnson hello would you like to try our cookies i have been waiting all morning to try a cookie right oh what's your verdict wait before you bite that did you water one with a bunty edge yes yes said he would didn't i oh there we go he doesn't love his boone biscuits i am so predictable you are when when i used to eat burgers caroline's burgers would be sort of this big and mine would be sort of this big because i'd leave mine in the pan for an extra 10 minutes yes i like my burnt food oh they sound crunchy now if you want to keep these as soft cookies i'd say probably just to cook them for 10 minutes so i'm going to pick the least cooked one and try that oh they're very mm-hmm now we just one softer doesn't make it such a crunch mmm soft inside just the way i like it it feels mine are just the way i like it yeah there we are we're like jack spratt wet no fat and his wife's wet no lean but between the both of them they licked the batter clean so we're going to have our coffee and cookies now and let you get back to the meadow cheers everyone one thing you find on these beaches is you get a little hollow like this and it catches a big thing so i've seen some things already in here look to falling over we've got this which i think is the bell of an alarm clock this is my shadow around you develop an alarm clock um another something electricalish that's a piece of tail i'd say let's have a look is there anything else you that's pretty glass it's fairly smooth and some green not a big chunk i need some glass that's a little metal one of those that's about it oh look there's another piece of ceramic a few things oh look it's a fossil on a little piece of stone isn't it amazing you find all these pretty stones you find metal bits ceramic bits bits of sea glass and fossils all in one small area it is amazing what you find here on lyrius do you want to see what i found oh yes please oh let me move my shadow there we go wow look at all that and as i was getting down to you notice that pottery that's pretty look at that i wonder what that was almost patented let's get some writing on the quality something i'll find the knees around the stone that i use and to display my stuff it's quite a nice few pieces of river glass or sea glass and it's very good i find in sea glass today because i i sent a game over to the states and they were so happy with it they've now asked if they'd have more bits of china of making jewelry i'm mostly in river glass so i'm hoping to get some lovely pieces today to put in that collection to post outs so hopefully i'll have some nice pieces to send to lisa and i hope she's as happy with these as she was with the game oh while you're talking i've been looking around i can't help it and i found some awesome glass let's turn around there's something this piece of metal oh there's a piece of blue pottery that's nice bit of teep off over there that's the bit i'm looking for look at that that's been in a fire it's sort of ripply but it's also quite smooth so that's nice these i like oh yes i put my little glass there it's that that's a similar effect to this where they've been melted but then rubbed into the water very nice oh we're doing well today yep this has got a really interesting shape to it is it concrete or is it a stone or is it a fossil i can't quite tell it's very rounded though i'm not sure where that is but while i was looking i found a broken glass pot in the distance about then up there are some intrepid fossil hunters were well ahead of us but we're not really looking for fossils as such we're looking for a bit of everything so this is our view it a beautiful sunny day i like looking at the view and appreciating it and then something catches my eyes so i've spotted something shining over here let's take you over for a look oh before we do is this glass of sort of light amber glass oh that's nice lots of bits of glass there but i want to see what this big lump vagina is oh that's possibly awesome are you looking at something like that oh i've seen something else you throw that away what's this oh now that's ceramic i'm some sort of nozzle that's what this is all i'm making on it look here's some pretty china oh i could spend hours on the beach here there's so many things to see just in the small area for that you go somewhere and you're looking for a while and you don't see things very often but here that's a pretty piece of burnt glass and oops small glass and here's another piece of china with a padlock there and whatever you look there's just something to see the bits of glass we're just gonna have to take the ones we really want home because it is so much here we just couldn't get it all back to the car put you down we'll let you have a little look see what you can see enjoy hunting online [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] what's up what are these what do you think that is i've got a door knob perhaps and another little bit of metal i'm not sure what that is frankly my foot was on this rock another fossil an ammonite very nice that's a pretty rock look at that it's black on the outside red on the inside anything else there's a nice big lump of green melted glass i think i need to put my gloves on right i'm all gloved up somehow i've ended up with my old gloves i've left my new ones at home never mind let's have a look here oh that's just a bit of oh look what it is it's ridge pottery what is it my laugh without rich buttery oh that looks like some sort of ribs or something bleached white oh what do you reckon i think oh it's not coming out i think that's like some sort of rubber tire off a pram or something however i can stay there and tease lots of other people that they found ribs or something or other definitely not lots of sea glass so look at this you can just pick it up all day long that was a bit sharp i found a break never that's not like you it's been a while it's hard i have not much luck with bricks lately let's have a look and i don't know i don't often find them on the seaside oh it's not cold but it is not today no westrick looks like western that's put nice up there everybody have a look is it west brick or west eric and then we'll check on google and find out when we get back do you want to see the rest of my face oh yes have a look okay let's put that over there i got some scrap all right obviously while you're laying those out there you put right by the side of your stick you see there if you move your sticker you've got a store with almond ice in the store [Music] look at that they're just everywhere they're so special so magical and yet just lying around the beach so what have you got there mr johnson i've got a little game of plane or patton but i've also got a few other things in my pocket all right let's see the things from your pocket then oh look at that can i say a few wow these are what i picked up as i strolled along the beach look at that i gotta be honest i love that one oh this is colored isn't it yeah that's called definitely that that looks nice in the sunlight and then i like that one that looks beautiful circle in the middle and i can't plan playing a pattern because you've seen it now i know we did it's fun it's a smoky nice selection of glass again yep very pretty but now let's play played or patterned right then what do you think that one patent oh it's plain no have a look it's in boss oh yes in boston to us that's right this one i'm going for patent this one i'm going for plain one to me very pretty partner it is yes lovely colors yeah yep this one i'm going for patterns yeah it's only a very boring pattern which patterns that's your set oh yes this one i'm going for oh i can see it's already embossed so it's a bit of a cheaty one really i don't know if that's a pattern or not so here's the pattern yeah i think so it could be scratches i thought go on then since you thought it's a pattern i'll have that one because there's a decide there's a draw do you win um patent and he's playing well then it's three apiece oh let's have a look again there's the sea and here's a little small area so you see what we can see and there's some copper if your tombow you would like that copper to melt down and there's some pretty glass like green a spark plug as you do and let's have a look whatever so it's a little tiny bit of blue glass if it's glass you're after wow today's the day there's loads of it a key oh no it's a door closure i think something like that and don't forget shout if you see something but not glass otherwise you'll be shouting to your horse there's a little bit of blue chain over here really really really with it yeah yeah oh yeah we left it behind thank you been a lot in the news lately about cliffs collapsing and you can see the collapse on these cliffs these pictures seem a lot safer because they're lower they've already been a bit of a slide there there's another slide there and another slide up there what i don't like is if we move across and there have been no slides so when that goes a lot of earth and rock is going to come down and this is my favorite of the beach because you're much more likely to find obscure metal things oh i can see an obscure metal thing already let's go have a look see what it is we've got some sort of radiator or something or a part of the car engine you can find anything on this beach oh dear anything that's attached to something heavy like an engine so it'll stay there but look at that like pipes i wonder what that is that's a shame i really like that never mind i'll settle down later and pick up the sea glass because there's just so much of it but we don't have a look at the interesting things on my favorite bitter beach get so many bits of metal but we will pick up that bit of blue sea glass in case we miss it on the way back there's my son there we go what have we here you think that went on a screw and sort of slid open to show the key or the keyhole copy and the big glimpse apart by it obscure piece of copper yes i love obscure pieces of copper oh i think that is a salt cellar it's got a hole in the top or am i barking completely up the wrong tree what are those what f ready one of those no idea what that is no it's baffled me guess what i thought a brick uh my hand and i can give one clue and everybody will choke the answer what is a mud lock rage pottery you bet there it is oh look at my hole in my gloves i really will have to get my new ones in the car i know we packed the wrong pair we're not really organized today it's my fault i'm not an organized person i see pink bed of gloves and like oh we got a pair in the car and turned out it's the okay there we go oh look welcome's talking i have spotted all that's the problem i spotted so many things there's green sea glass nicely rounded there's more sea glass nicely rounded there's a blue sea glass nicely rounded and also as you do the car engine sticking out to the sand it's amazing why we've been busy mud laughing i'm tired i need a rest so i'm going for a paddle you want to come with me come on then pop your wellies on let's go in one comes with oh it didn't quite reach us it's going to be back now if you haven't got wellies just pop your shoes off and come in with babies that's very refreshing oh here comes a bigger wave i hope this doesn't move without my belly oh no oh it's breaking right now this is really disoriented and i'm going to turn on this way and then when the wave comes in it's really weird coming from behind you like that doesn't feel normal at all and there it goes oh that wasn't that fun comes another one a wonderful way to spend an hour yep that's valuable to me as a interested mud locker things like big chunky river glass big like that it's next to this do you think this is what it came off no i think this is a stone that very pretty oh that's nice as well it's the prettiest bit of terracotta we've seen i think it may be it can't be the bottom of a flat spot because it's circular hue but if it's on a square piece hmm do you think that was just decorative let me know in the comments i'd love to know what you think a tiny bit of green and tile so many things before hours i could bring back is that a spoon no it was only the end i'd say that was possibly like an apostle spoon with the top missing right more fines another handful let's have a look at you guys look you've got a bit of copper i love it's a copper yeah not cute oh that's nice i like that lovely not sure what it was but i like it and this is nothing else you got me this is found interesting because i think it's just a plain tile but children the sunlight i don't think anyone else notices but i keep seeing patterns and faces and goodness knows what in the washed thing so caught my eye as just being interesting for that reason then again as i said i'm focusing on glass on this visit so i got some lovely bits again which i'll be able to box up and send off to the states yeah nicely rounded i've one last fine to show you it's either the sweetest little find or it's a silly little stone go on there put it in my hand it's a tiny little fossil of a shell oh very nice so so we may not be able to carry home a lot of the fossils we found today but that little boot that's my little treasure from this trip and all of the wonderful sea glass all of the other finds i hope you've enjoyed being here online regis bay as much as we have if you have then give us a thumbs up and don't forget if you know anybody would enjoy a day out with the johnsons share the video with them but most important of all until the next time have fun bye [Music] you
Channel: Let's go with The Johnsons!
Views: 5,586
Rating: 4.9664335 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking lyme regis rubish spill, mudlarking lyme regis rubish dump, mudlarking seaside rubish dump, beachcombing seaside rubish dump, Mudlarking seaside rubbish dump at Lyme Regis - Fossils, finding fossils at lyme regis, finding things in the mud, finds from the past, manky panda, phil and caroline, beachcombing at lyme regis, finding fossils at the jurassic coast, searching for fossils at the jurassic coast england, englands jurassic coast, englands jurassic coast fossil hunting
Id: mJfJ6MyMhoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 13sec (2773 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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