Finding old things in the river - With added Craft Caravanners!

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let's go mud locking we found one of these a while ago when we were here but as i stepped over the brick yeah i saw a body by the side of my foot a body [Laughter] but some of you may remember off the live show that we had this church warden pipe [Music] so [Music] do [Music] today we're beginning our mud lock here on the sarawi at the mill because it has a titanic connection and also a link to a subject close to the heart of our friends and guests who've joined us yes today again we have our friends pete and caz who are the crafty caravaners if you haven't seen their channel where have you been go check it out not now wait till you finish watching this but straight after and while chatting with pete we realized he has an interest in radioactive that's right i'm a licensed radio amateur user wow so i knew that this place would be of interest to at least one of the two i knew cass would like the location but i knew pete would like the history because it was here that a gentleman a son of the mill owner working at the mill picked up the signal from the titanic expressing their urgent need for assistance i understand that he ran all the way to the local police station reported what he'd heard and they laughed they said it was rubbish it was nonsense the titanic couldn't be sinking until two days later that's when the official news reached these shows so i think the history is quite impressive and pete understands how impressive at that point in time 100 not years ago why was he so impressive then pete he was able to receive a signal without the use of things like we take for granted things like semiconductors you know radio theory was very rudimentary crew transmitters in operation but yet he received a signal from i think it was three or four thousand miles away on something that resembled probably a piece of wet string [Laughter] so it was a can on either end yes yes yes it wasn't far off but no yeah and of course he went on is although no one believed him on the day yeah it certainly gave him notoriety because uh you were saying that he eventually ended up working on your side of the wall you ended up working for uh the marconi factory in avonmouth there we go yeah you know amazing stuff and great history but of course we're also here to do a little bit of river walking and mud locking so we're gonna have a little look around this point just to show them the sights and i'm sure they'll share those with you and then we're going down river to see what treasures we can discover so here we are down on the river what a wonderful place to be the clouds have come over so it's not quite so bright and sparkly but you can still see the light dancing on the water you can still see the odd mad larker or too hello and of course when the sun does come out we've got shade and tons of it with under a canopy of leaves here which is absolutely gorgeous i'm quite feeling the right temperature at the moment yes feet in the water should we go in what do you think okay hope you're early on we're going in we've been down on this river beach a few minutes and look what i found it's enriched barbary where would the johnson mclaughly without rich pottery and there's more there's another piece there and also there's a gorgeous piece of river glass there very nice i'll pop you down you can see what you can see don't forget shout if you see something what's that a lump of non-descript metal um another piece of china but that's white oh look there's a huge piece of ridged coffee this is the sort of place you don't find many whole things but you do find lots of little bits and pieces of this part of a poison bottle shame that wasn't whole hmm and one interesting piece of glass whoops there's not much left on the bottle but it says locked so bit on the midlock and there's the wood knock i like that it's a bit sharp but i think you keep that now on one of our medlock he found part of zoro's mask but that slippery there was up in yorkshire but now we've got the remnants of the zorro fossil you can see where the heat of his sword was so hot it first all these rocks into one big zed wow the mark i'm sorry there's an interesting little tin i don't think it's very old but i'm not going to open it because i haven't got my glasses on so i can't see what's in there we'll take it back to phil and he can check with his glasses see what's in there see if it's okay to open i think it probably is but i draw the check let's go find phil so what do you reckon that these glasses man no sure it's definitely it was a paper label wasn't it yes but i don't know in case it's something not safe to open anyway yes go on then because i don't care i'm just gonna put this slot down because we've been challenged right we've been challenged to a game i play no pattern by the crafty caravanners so i'm collecting the pieces right so i'll just put those down the second i'll show you my little bit of river glass you have a look at that yeah oh it's a cute piece of river glass oops very nice i i don't mean to put it down is there anything special about it or is it just a piece of paper no it's just piece of refrigerator right okay i just if there was a little mark on it it was simple but no no it's just this is cross threaded all right i'm going to try pressing it back on there it doesn't mean a len do though come on you can do this maybe you can't surely oh you don't get it anyway i don't think i can i'll tell you what leave it with me right and i'll let you know if i have any success okay as much as one of the reasons i come medlocking is for the scenery and the relaxation of the river i also come with something in mind usually [Music] it's just a matter of covering more ground we need to go right around that corner there and to do that we've got to go up on the path along and down again hmm i found the brick oh feels kind of break that's a surprise what have you got on your break this time but it's not the brick that has attracted my attention the most right what is it there's a lovely brick looks in julian's new port right so that's a nice brick yes uh my little new ports and juliennes yep put my glasses on just to read it but as i stepped over the brick yeah i saw a body by the side of my foot a body i believe so oh a real living body a dead body a little skin color a body pale skin colored let's have a look oh look it is it's a body it is a body oh wow no joking it's a body not much of a little oh oh look he's a cute little baby he's stuck in their finger that's a big dinner it is stranger this double layer it's very very weird oh that's nice that's the first major piece of a baby doll thing we found isn't it yeah let's look at the back again do you think that was made to clip the back on too do they get clipped together that's really good that's what i'm thinking to give it what's the word something to grab onto yeah right oh yes could well be your horseshoe we gotta find the back i wonder who played with that as a child i wonder if they lost it or whether it got thrown away when they grew up well you never know perhaps you'll come back in at 12 months time and find you that that'd be good because it wouldn't be the first time that we have found two bits of something separated by quite a considerable space of time this river this is the place where on two visits for a year apart we found two pieces of pottery that actually joined together they are pretty amazing there he is now i've got another two pieces of poetry that i wish to join from another medlock also i'd like to show you this in pryda place down at the shed so having heard that the weather is even brighter back home than it is here shall we pop over there have a quick cuppa have a look at this see a little bit of how the works progressing and i tell you what i'll even show you my new fire come on let's go over to the shed well here we are at the shed i've got a nice cup of coffee i've got to be honest perhaps a cold glass of lemonade would be better today because the sun is beaming through these windows and the glassware is looking beautiful as the light picks up on it but i still have so much more to do here so i better get this coffee drunk and then a little more work because there's lots of things to be put onto shelves there's lots of shelves to go up but of course it's not going to stay summer for much longer we are having gorgeous weather late in the year but the winter's coming and i want this to be a place i can come to all year round so join me now as you watch the installation of not only more shelves not only displaying more fines but i'm going to put my fire in as well [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well folks i'm pretty pleased with the look up here but i've got one gap left and before we go back over to enjoy the rest of the lock i'm just gonna put something together for up on the shelf come join me over on the desk well here we have it that beautiful piece of pottery that i found two bits off when i did my tarzan impression while following after mr tom burley up a steep bank in climbing a tree so i'm just going to put this together now and give it pride of place up there on the shelf okay here we go dab a glue on here you know the routine by now and the dab of glue on here and then it's just a case of hold it in place and see that it sticks let's have a look what we can do here we go just pop that back in the pot prevent any further accidents because as you all know i have had a few in the past and then i just find this location there give it a squeeze down hold on to it for a few seconds and see how we do and there we have it no it's not as good as new but it is perfect to go on the shelf another magical memory of a wonderful day and now it's going up on the shelf to sit amongst the other bits and pieces that have been brought back to life through our midlocking trips and there we have it folks our latest addition to the collection you're in the shed and hope you've enjoyed seeing the shed coming together there's lots more work to do and i'll be sharing it all with you over the weeks and then when it's all kitted out we'll get to work on restoring some of these pieces and creating things with them amongst all of our treasures that we have in the shed but before i send you back and join you over on our adventure let's just see the fire in all its glory [Music] i have just discovered something that makes that brick more interesting oh yes what's that it's the first time that they've had a brick that tells you where it's from on both sides oh very posh now that's what i call a horse brick mind you saint julian's is a posh bit of newport [Laughter] right i've seen a brick i'm not going to pick it up i'm not going to dig it out right there's only a third of it showing but just for all of our regulars out there little test of your knowledge i'm going to ask caroline now to show you the brick as it is and you can put in the comments where's it from it's just behind you well idea behind my welling oh it's a mystery where is this brick from do you know me oh there's some cob nets or peggy nuts depending on what you call them so i would assume if we look up we'll find a nut tree there we go one not tree what have you got i have a handle not another handle i have a handle i have nothing to attach my handle to but i have a handle um lovely [Music] [Music] well that's a strange bird i haven't seen one like that before you're gonna look closer but in a bit i think maybe it's an insect [Music] i often say that as madakas we give the strangest of gifts we do and today i actually did clear it with cars before making presentation of this are you sure is this true i did yes whether i'll regret it or not because not everybody breaks no but i did find a very nice brick all right i decided to give my very nice brick to my very nice friend here so there is a brick from st julian's in newport oh thank you very much the reason that it's a very nice break because i've never found one before if you turn it over they took the treble to print it on both sides oh wow that they don't usually do so i thought that made it special and as i did make the comment earlier on there are other fortunes and julian so that's probably so hopefully you can find the door that will need a doorstop we certainly we certainly will i know exactly the door actually oh there you go and what have you got lakers well it might be a bit of rich buttery look at this for the big chunky handle whoa that was off a flag and i don't know if we'll find the whole flag but we will keep looking there's some more ridge pottery no surprise there and half of a bottle i did wonder if it was green but it's not it's algae on clear glass a lot of things that are inside there but the knotweed has taken over the banking and he's hiding all the treasures this is a place to come back to in the winter okay folks uh there's a brick and there's a chunk of what i would think is a pudding piece i would imagine are you showing people a brick again no no no one i spotted initially when i asked caroline for the camera was this here which i thought initially i thought it was a penny but it's not but as i picked it up see so a brick and a piece of china attracted me to a coin that was a stone and beyond the stone there was i can't see where cutting was on there is it or you it's a you is it but a ball stopper so there we go i went on a little treasure trail and came up with a bottle stopper that'll do me our caroline does like making a splash okay is that uh something up like a video to really take oh yes it's still some wheel to real tape on it i think oh yes i think it's a real of a reel to real tape [Music] i wonder if there are any goodies up there i know there are goodies behind all are not wheat we just can't get to them oh that is so frustrating uh-huh look what i found it's not a whole one it's just the front of the shopping trolley what is a johnson my blog without finding a shopping trolley or a bit of one with the wheel off poor thing talk about wheels look at this whoa that's a big something very smelly not oh i wonder what part of now that could be of one of the drums from the local coal mine i certainly couldn't be sure but it could be is there anything else metallic a mining related not even exciting here it's amazing what you do find you can come out with your preconceived ideas what i want to find this this and this but you still find interesting things you never expected to find [Applause] have you seen anything yet have i missed anything a few videos ago hardly i won't pass the coin and everybody was shouting but i couldn't observe and i carried on walking and stopped left behind so if you do see something today can you shove extra loud i must be going a bit dead here's one of those whatever one of those is more metal no idea it's a big question mark isn't it oh there's a tomato plant and somebody must have these sandwiches down here and a tomato seed when the plant has fallen or from the tomato the fallen into the soil and grow now there are some interesting things here and i know cars is looking for something like this we have a quick look but then we let you come and have your pick of which one she wants look at these they're so pretty look these a gravy bowl with a little pattern on you've got tablespoon jars marmalade jars i think they're going to have a wheel of time here oh look there's a bottle of stuff at a glass bottle stopper right you'll have to check out her video and see how many things she finds and she may find things that i've missed come on walk up the cube and let them have a look see what goodies they can come up with here they come there may be one or two things over here that will catch your eye do i look like the grim reaper yes with a hat that's right you've got people back they're mine keep away from my marmalade puffs you wear them without a ball cars doesn't care because she's off keep your bottle casters i'm getting in here i thought you might enjoy it it's like sealed [Laughter] for a medlock of course i have a tiny thing i think oh that's key it's a scooter but i took it down and washed it and it has beechums written on every single corner oh yeah it's a four corner of beecham's if i just leave that name up but we shall now forever end spot we refer to those as four corner beaches i only ever knew of beecham's powders but obviously they had something that went in a bottle jar here some sort of nasty looking paste in there maybe i should wash this out on the river before i see a cup of tea guys have you got any of this stuff so i don't want to know what you're going to carry on carry on it's your business we can always come back when they've been digging again possibly beyond repair [Applause] oh i don't think so you'll be pessimistic don't take a bit i'll put it in the key pile over here i do understand that it's a little bit um demise yeah you don't see them at all that's a sheer top isn't it but it's been shared lovely color yeah very nice nice oh don't cut your finger what have you got i thought i had a tiny little pot oh but i don't it's the neck of a bottle but it still has a cork in the top oh yes thank you very sweet amazing do you want to keep that um probably not a look is it a cork or is it i don't know it may not be cool might be a vulcanized i'm curious now because i thought i was a pushing cork but it's actually a screw in and possibly something that predates the vulcanized check that out we'll have a look if you want to find out what it is then check back nine o'clock every saturday night live show where we clean up our finds have a quiz and generally have a good old matter see you there let's have a look here oh it's a pot a pot a finger pot paint pot no it's a marmalade pot white yucky horrible stuff inside no no maker's name in the bottom it's something but i can't see what it is the bottom of something big some glass and what else have you got let's have a look many bits of chai you know there's some good coffee no surprise there and we have found a pocket watch case on this river once so you never know what's going to turn up and look at this that is pretty much the same color as our face fill oh yeah i don't think it's off the same thing no no i don't think so but obviously a color of that time possibly what we see here it seems to say something doesn't it something yeah l oh is this what i think it is is this what i think it is oh yes look it's a pipe stem oh oh i'm really excited i'm really excited first bit of pipe stand we found on this mud lock so there may be more keep your eyes peeled don't forget shout if you see a bit for your collection my dear i have you i believe a paste pot hopefully as well just there in the mud see if you can see it or is it home oh it's shipping oh any shipping as well there we go that one oh look at that one shipping space which is for those people who perhaps don't watch us regularly it's a meat paste pot not a wallpaper paste pot it's a bit like poor man's party hit a pot and you put it in your sandwiches well all my efforts have failed on this little pot because i don't have the tools to open it but this sounds like there could be something in there so tell you what me and the folks are going to pop over to the shed level right we'll be back in a minute i'm just going to go and open this while you and pete and caz carry on searching the review see you when you get back okay welcome back to the shed two visits today thanks to this little pot now obviously the problem down at the river is how do you get a grip on something this small which has got a lovely grip line around the top but nothing to hold the bottom the answer is you head to the shed and you grab the right tool for the job here i have a very small mole grips i used to use these underground and had much bigger ones than these but this is a nice neat set i've just wound it back to its full extent and i'm hoping that it will grip the base so that i can try and turn the top that's the idea so let's get it down on the workbench and see what we can do just clear a bit of space here and put the more grips in place i'm just using it as a small vise so i'm just going to make sure it doesn't grip the lid because otherwise i'll be fighting against myself and i'm just going to apply a little bit of pressure not too much don't want to damage the tin and then see what we can do here that's pretty tough oh hang on something's moving right so the lid is off and we are about to find out was it worth all the effort oh it's obviously quite wet but yep i know what that is yes folks after working 11 years underground i actually spent 12 years in the calls industry but of course the great minus strike of 83.84 meant i wasn't in work for one year but i was there for 11 years spent most of that underground much of it on the call faces working as a mechanic and the aroma that comes out of this tin i'm quite used to wafting down through the coal face as the boys on the coal face in order to keep their nostrils clear but also as a substitute for cigarettes as taking a cigarette underground was punishable by imprisonment they would take snuff yeah two regular habits for miners was chewing back on which was twist and snuff now in my day i've chewed some twists but i never got on with snuff tried it once and it nearly blew my head off so there we have it folks that is one full tin of snuff i suppose we should ask ourselves the question how did it come to be where it was well i'm not certain because of the lacquering of the tin there's every possibility that this is older than it appears there's every possibility that on the bottom there would have been the flavor of the snuff as it was marked up and tinned by the tabagonist this isn't a product that is common today by a long way so maybe this was belonging to a collier maybe it got dropped came up the pit ended up in the river washed through with the coal and then picked up by caroline all these years later and i say years later because we don't have any mines left in south wales these days they've all shut but an interesting find an historical find and i hope you've enjoyed just taking a look with me and i'm sure caroline will be thrilled when she gets to see in the edit what we have seen in the shed while we're over here i thought i'd take a couple of minutes before i pop back down to the river with the rest of them and share another little project with you based on our video today because of course this little fella was with me down on the river i showed it to you because this is part of our history with that particular stretch of the saraway river as we found these two bits on separate days but i just wondered if perhaps it would be time to put this chap on a plinth [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] okay i've had a good rummage around and i've came up with the decision i've decided to go with a gift now this gift was from estelle this is something that is brand new in as much as it's never been sold and used yet it's not the sort of thing you'd pick up around the place today because estelle rescued this from a museum that was closing down and items that were being discarded but it wasn't on its own because that as you could tell is far too long as church warden pipes were as you can see here it was uh a much longer affair and wouldn't really fit on our plinth that is over twice the length of the plinth but with it in the gift nicely wrapped was this one now that needs to be displayed that needs to be seen by people so let's see if i'm right as we put it all together [Music] do [Music] [Music] well i hope you've enjoyed that as much as i have bringing all those memories together creating a piece of art as far as i'm concerned bringing together all of the emotions and the pieces and making something which i think really looks wonderful if you agree then let me know in the comments but before we go back over now to the river i'll just give you one glimpse of that little work of art in its pride of place sitting on top of my fire here in the shed it's a body oh wow it's got no head it's got no feet but it's a body a red body i wonder why it's a red body oh i like that oh that's exciting that's the sort of thing that is a surprise i never expect to find anything like this and now here it is oh let's look if you can see the head we spot it because it will be red can you see a red head oh what a shame i won't use the head snapped off and rolled down let's have a look if he does it may have gone into all these rooms no i can't see the head but then i'm happy with the body what a lovely find i think that's probably have i lost it it's gone i've lost it oh no i can't believe i lost it i think it may have been a brass handle or a ball's head or something it would be worthwhile and i've lost it oh that is very annoying well i didn't find the bit i lost but i found this now i think that that is a pocket watch which i think is better probably than the thing i lost we found one of these a while ago when we were here and there seemed to be where the hands were there's the winder on the top there's a lump of rock that's welded itself to the stopwatch and you can just about see the watch workings in there so we have found has another pocket watch what a wonderful find i never thought we'd find one and now that definitely wins at the best finder of the medlock could it be the in ed's for the case i found it could be now that would be interesting wouldn't it if that fits inside the case i've just got to find the case amongst all those thousands of things i've got it could be oh wow oh i'm really pleased to find out i'm almost glad i just lost the other handle because if you hadn't been searching i would have found that no it's one of those tales again of you never know what you're going to turn up when you're looking for something else that's right so i'm pleased oh and there we have it it's a ball what is a johnson's midlock without a ball you go on ahead so we don't walk around some lonesome well i'm not i'm glad you're with me take me complimentary unidentified metal lots of leaves the leaves now starting to hide all the pines you can see a big bowl over there can you see it we'll have a look see if we can get that far uh-huh i was right it's a ball i don't know if i can reach it give it a try here he comes it's a strawberry ball i wonder if that was ever red oh i think so because that is quite pink so i think it's just bleached in the sun that's a rather cool large looking it is isn't it i could see that from the distance i've got to check and see what it is oh there we go very useful i've always wanted one yes what is a mud lock without one of them yeah i've got a couple of bits i'll just put that down there in a second and they they broken bits but pretty oh yes last night that was pretty elegant in his time wasn't it lovely as was the teapot to go with it yep nice patterning on there and i may take this with me because if i can cut it and keep crumbling on gives me another green glass candle holder interest very nice i thought that would be nice because crumbling is quite close to home and has a lot of history and of course crumbling is where we found our best ever pipe fight yep so that's got its own personal touch oh wow now this is a real rarity this tree it's a very special tree you see these once in a lifetime if i show you the leaves on this tree they look very much like a sycamore leaf but they're not and the thing that's unusual about this tree isn't even the way they tend to get coated in moss it's the fruit that they produce now if you see one of these they really are worth taking a photograph or a video of you need to document it because this is the lesser spotted medlock tree and it actually grows little trowels look at that i have never seen one before and once in a lifetime i will never see one again oh this is absolutely amazing i'm going to contact you gardens asking if they'd like to see if they can take some seeds from this tree and propagate it what a wonderful find once in a lifetime wow we are going to do a game of play-doh patterned crafty caravanners versus the johnsons okay we've been challenged to a planar pattern challenge and the cameramen are ready you ready pete i'm ready beach ready i'm ready and i'm ready and i think caz is ready and caroline's ready so let's play play-doh patterns [Music] we have two piles of shards that are 12 in each pile the pile on my left was selected by the johnsons the pile on my right was selected by the crafty caramanas so it's a simple case of one by one trying to identify the pile created by the opposing team and we'll begin with the visitors so we will allow cars to choose first take your first piece and decide if it's plain old patent i'm to go for plane oh caroline's turn right i'm going for this one and i'm going for oh patent oh it's yes patent got a oh this is play carolyn you're ahead three now playing playing and it's playing oh there we go back over to this side yeah we're more drink come on okay um patterned he's got embossing on well under the rules of our game today does the boss encompass patton folks you picked it up what do you consider that to be played no i was playing this next that's a plane yeah right that's fine we're okay with that okay for plane no way yes [Music] [Music] i'm gonna go for plane oh well done i hope you're doing well if you play along at home yes you've got 24 chances if you're playing at home patent [Music] right i'm going for i'm gonna go crazy patterned oh yes that'll be it patterned oh that's pretty it is in there buttons oh it's plain plain [Music] it's yes one for you eleven a piece oh the final two anything gonna happen it could be a draw it could be a win it could be anything we've got two pieces to go this is such a cliffhanger round four lane now i don't know if carla gets it wrong it's the draw oh yeah so is we're sorry don't do the last time we've always a difficult one just because of the tension this is the last piece when you're recording over play-doh patterned everybody shout at home i got you you loved it i loved it sorry well they patterned oh that's the last time i listened to you well there we go both teams are as good as one another that's right well we've had a fantastic day and i hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have in fact if you've only enjoyed it half as much as this you'll have had a great time and you'll certainly want to give us a thumbs up so go ahead and do it and of course if you think your friends would like it press the share button and that would be great too but the most important thing from us and the crafty caravanners until the next time you're watching either of us have fun bye [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Let's go with The Johnsons!
Views: 5,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finding bottles in old rubbish dump in the river, finding old bricks, finding old stuff in the river, finding things in the mud, finding things in the river, looking for interesting things in the river, looking for old bottles in the river, looking for old things in river, looking for things in the river, manky panda, out and about on the river, phil and caroline, searching old rubbish dump, Finding old things in the river - With added Craft Caravanners!
Id: 121pVwrKa1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 23sec (3023 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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