Amazing old rubbish dump finds just lying there - far too much to carry home!!

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let's go search on a dump and one real cardio look at the handles on that look at the bubbles in that whoa so now for the moment of truth do we have enough to get this to a point where it would look good on display you're in the shed [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] now most people come to the skipton area because it's got one of the oldest medieval castles here in the united kingdom it's a glorious building with fascinating history and i may share a little of that with you as we go along but of course we're mud lockers so when we come to this area we're looking for rubbish and where do you find that on an old dump where bottled diggers have gone before and i think we're going to be doing okay today because we've just stepped onto this piece of ground and right behind me there's a hole and right at my feet this fines so let's find out what else there is here on the dump that tom has brought us to today oh first thing i've seen is look at that oh what a nuisance it's a really gorgeous kind of bottle first thing to see it's got a hole in it okay then what about that one is it the same color oh yeah same color smaller for my bag yeah very nice nothing written on it but it's so pretty it's quite a nice color as well oh you yes see the seam there and there are some bubbles in it too it's pretty down here because the sun is very bright up there and the haze there you go another nice find within the first minute now that's a pretty little pot there's nothing on it something in it but it's all mud but very nice very small tiny little jam pot you think cute it's a little snap top wow that's a tiny one no writing another smaller version of that beautiful color green with lots of look at the bubbles in that and this one still has a cork in the top and it's full of water well it's full of something i tried to think what somebody's been digging here and left something in let's have a look oh i thought it was whole just a minute is this from there oh no what a shame i thought it was oh what's this sure that would be so beautiful but it snapped now look at this beauty wow it's huge there are lots of bits i don't think it's all the bits look at that it was massive do you think all the bits are there that's nice it is a two ounce oxel again full of mud i'm sure that's gonna be the theme of this trip a lot of muddy bottles [Music] and then this bit will go somewhere so that i think it's all there i think most of it is yes there's a hole in the bottom but that doesn't matter ah there's a bit more inside so i'll just take that out actually [Music] there you go and actually you can pick them up on the way that'll be something that you could ascend on your shed indeed well here we are in the shed as promised here i have the rather large flagon that's the biggest flagon we've ever found but like a previous flagon that we found it's somewhat damaged but we have collected as you saw in the film there quite a number of the parts so now for the moment of truth do we have enough to get this to a point where it would look good on display you're in the shed i'm about to find out because as well as being in the shed with the pot i have the missing ingredient my trusty glue with the brush so let's get started and see what this is going to look like in a few minutes time right my first temptation was to put a big chunk in first but of course when i have a look if that big chunk finds its place there there's a rather narrow gap here which is going to be difficult to fill afterwards if i have the right piece and i seem to have the right piece in my hand so i'm going to attempt fitting that on its right location here then bringing this piece in later so let's see how that goes what you will find is finding the location for a smaller piece is a lot more difficult because you could put it in slightly the wrong place and then you're going to end up in real trouble bringing the bigger piece in but the advantage i have you and it's always worth looking a bit like a jigsaw puzzle can you see that there's a bit of staining on there brown staining and that matches up with just a tiny bit of stain in here so i can just slide down until that i get the perfect match and i can see that the joiner is good so that gives me the opportunity to know that even though it's only a small piece it'll be in the right place to receive the larger bit in a moment's time so the next thing to do is to just apply a little bit of glue along the edge here as i say you don't want masses of glue you want just a thin bit because this is a contact glue i'll put a little bit on the inside there as well and then hopefully that will be sufficient to do the trick if they bring this back into its position that we found for it there we have it there that's a perfect fit just need to hold that there now just for 30 seconds or so in the hope that we get that bond that we're looking for i'm not going to be able to fill these little holes and chips at least not with the pieces that came out they will have been lost i dare say but i do intend to fill them possibly but let the repair show i definitely want the repair to be visible and that shouldn't be too difficult it kind of happens naturally but there we are there is our first piece of the puzzle what we have to do now is find place for the rest of them now we've got a similar situation to this little piece here with a larger piece over here because this one is much easier to fit it's of a size where we can see where it goes but i think we need to get that in before we put the larger piece into the bottom here it's going to get tricky when we get to the top getting the pieces to go in but the important thing is to try and build it in a way that it'll assemble the the fullest so as you can see there's quite a good join down there so we're going to glue that join now and then go for the big piece in the center let's see how that goes [Music] do [Music] so [Music] there we have it [Music] all glued up find the right spot and here it goes there we go just press that on there and hold that for a couple of minutes and then we'll be ready to go for the next piece right i think that's held long enough so now we can bring it back around and now for the moment of truth having fitted those two pieces back because they fitted well enough to receive this i think we're pretty good that side and this side's not too bad doesn't need to go down a little oh yeah there we are without any glue at all this piece is now holding pretty well in place because it's being pressed into place by the other two pieces but i'm gonna put a bit of glue obviously now and then slot it back in there i don't know if we've got the piece for here i'm not sure they've got a bit here is that any good hmm you know that might be a match right that's a thought i'll try this piece on as well let's just take it back out and we'll have a look right what i've done is i've just put a little bit of glue on this i'm really getting a bit cheeky now i'm going to try making this piece slightly bigger by adding that and then hopefully that will locate in there and cover up part of this hole as well so that's what i'm hoping to achieve without this coming back off just put a little dab of glue on it extend that piece up but it shows if if this works it was definitely worth picking up the little bits that i found in the dirt just in case because that's going to close up another gap for me hopefully i'll get this glued up and then we'll put it into position all right just put a little bit of glue around the edges there as you can see i've put a little bit of glue around the edge on the pot now for the tricky bit when it could all fall apart on me as i try and get this to all join up a little bit of hair off the brush out of there i don't really want that in place there we go [Music] at the moment this is looking pretty good it's just a question of how well it'll bond how much pressure is coming on each of the pieces as you can see i've still got a hole there and a hole there but it's looking a lot better with that piece in and i think it's all going to work out quite well on the lower part of course we've got to get this section to build yet and see if we've got enough to make it look complete to the point of it's been repaid rather than it's a busted pot that's our hope that's our ambition that's what we're going for right this is where it gets really tricky because now obviously the joins are pretty good but they've given that a little bit of movement a little bit of expansion and now i have to get this piece which fits very nicely but i have to get it to go in at the top as well and that could be tricky so rather than force it in and then have to get it back out again what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna have faith in my success i'm gonna add the glue now it's not going to need a great deal of glue this is going to hold primarily just by the sheer pressure on the piece if i can get it in so i'm not looking to place a lot of glue on it even though i've managed to get some out of place for there so i'm going to have to clean that but i do hope to have this go into place and that is going to be a tricky piece to do but we're going to have a good hit and hopefully we'll have some success [Music] moment of truth guys let's have a go yeah right that's in there that's in there that's fine now can i get this piece to go in at the top [Music] [Music] yes oh that was a little bit scary i'll be honest that was a bit scary but gently tap tap tap in with the heel of my hand there it's gone in and as you can see we've closed the bottom no problem and there it is that i am very pleased with very pleased indeed now then the million dollar question will this piece go in as well as that one did and does it fill the gap i think it's looking pretty good oh there we are that we definitely put the right piece in first that one was when it broke the chamfer on this top ran the wrong way for repay so i took the chance on putting that in first while we had a bit of work a bit of room to maneuver around it this one as you can see the chamfer is run with us on two sides so by balancing the two other sides we can get that perfect fit all i have to do now is add the glue and hopefully hey presto the jug will be done let's finish up this glue here on this edge a little bit more on the side there already come down that side just touch it in make sure it's all nice and clear by getting nice bit of glue here it's going to give extra support to that crack across the top that's the hope just put a little bit onto here just a dab here in there just to give it that bond because as i say this is going to be again a nice neat tight fit so we don't need much glue at all it's just to give it that added security to hold it together but uh pressured is going to do a lot of the work here okay here we go folks let's pop that in [Music] there you go a little bit of plastic just to take the glue off the top very good clean up in a minute pop the lid back on the glue that's always important let some accidents happen let's have a look at this [Music] oh what do you make of that folks i would say we now have a jug worthy of display i'm gonna put a little bit of filler in there just to close up those three tiny holes well i've gotta be honest i'm impressed with the way this has turned out i really am and as i take a look at it now and just plan to put the filler in the holes here i've just had a thought with that slot in the bottom and with such a large jug what about a lamp what do you think maybe this is going to turn up in our coffee shop as a repurposed lamp and you'll all know the story behind it anyway for now let's get back over and see what else is on that brilliant victorian dump that tom has taken us to and i'll make a prediction right now because of course this shed allows me to time travel you will be back before this video is over and i will be doing more repairs on fines that we haven't found yet now i've done some work on fletcher's and we've picked up some fletcher's bottles right and i've spoken about their tiger sauce oh yes but this is stamped on it because this is obviously over 100 year old because it's a snap top bottle whereas what we usually find are the corked bottles what you found now right it's broke right but i'm sure this has to come with us and get cut down because look wright brothers is the anchor and which is the the nearest town to where we are that's nice skip them the home of the castle very nice yeah and to be honest i would love to visit the castle while we're here but you have to pre-book your visit speak through cover they've done it now afterwards you have to pre-book online etc so we're not going to do that we try and get some shots if we can but it's a phenomenal place it goes back well we were in hastings battle 1066. this castle built as a result of that but around 1090 it was a wooden structure at first then they started to add to it and improve it and build it up clifford family i think it was edward the second gave the land the castle and everything in the 1300s to the cliffords and funnily enough the last of the cliffords was a lady and boy she didn't half make some improvements because the castle was used in the civil war in order for the defense for the royalists very much a royalist family the cliffords and the royalists held out in that castle for three years against their ownets and of course it got somewhat damaged during the onslaught of the of the opposing armies but that lady she rebuilt it and planted a yew tree which was over 350 years ago and the yew tree is still growing in the garden pretty impressive in fact there's a few ladies in the history of that place because it was henry viii's niece who married the second earl and built the tudor extension to the castle so if you're in skipton and you're not into rubbish dumps i really recommend you check that castle out a lot of history now this is pretty maybe lump or something in it oh so assume there's a little bit of a chip there look at the shape on that oh that's a really cute one let's have a look what else we got i would say if you see something but there's so much to see you'd end up getting hoarse from all that shouting beautiful little sheer top there and the place is just littered ooh there's a jewel bowl and some teeth another enamel on the teapot now we got a potty or a bedpan or a gizzand because it goes under the bed well at night it goes under the bed i think they leave it under the bed all day too oh i can see a green poison bottle i wouldn't mind betting it's not gold oh no look i was right the top fit's gone they've got some lovely treasures oh i thought that was a pipe stand for a minute but it's a handle i'll start with oh that right that's a little bit broken it is a little just on the end you can't get too many of those oh very useful for replacements yes and i've got a job in mind for that which i'm going to be showing in the shed okay then i've got a couple of little are you you mentioned and you found a few little ones there that one that wanted to see your top so pretty that's no written on it it's a shame but look at that for the color look at the bubbles in it yep what is a mud lock without enriched pottery on this car on this occasion i suppose what is a dump search without ridge bar tree but wherever the johnsons are when you go with the johnsons you're gonna get some rich pottery and that's a nice pot look at that oh that's lovely look at the bubbles again oh that is so gorgeous another one not too special other than the fact it's such a pretty green color nice shape nice shape yep pickle i think this one most boring of all except on this side this still remains believable and that's an older oh it is isn't it oh on the crack on the bottom i'd love to figure out who it was it made that though oh there's a royalty there is it oh yes not much left of it but we've got somebody posh there all dolled up with refinery that's not from it so there we go we have the couple but nothing much else i'm gonna say that possibly said delicious uh probably and that is from an exhibition so it's probably award-winning that's all we've got there but there we go i did say if i took that home that label would disappear in no time probably but there's captured on camera whatever now there's a cute dog on this model the only problem is the owner's gonna ewall so we just got a dog what is he the cat oh i think he's caught in a trap too poor thing i know i'm getting a bit of a reputation for teapots almost as bad as bricks but i haven't seen one like that before oh that's nice japanese decoration with some pagodas there's not a lot left i know no they're not oh that's nice and it's got painted daisies on the side indeed in that beauty it is it's very nice not very usable but very nice by the time i finished in my shed that will have a use right i guess sure it'll be and it certainly won't be for drinking tea but that's going on oh i found the issue and i've been looking through what i can't find the beginning of the word better what a shame i think that's a bit of the bottom of it not enough to do anything with i just wanted the rest of the word what's this bottom of a bottle i think that's from a picture frame yeah i like that i think i'll keep that oh wow look is that i think it is move my bag out of the way oh come on oh look sorry i was thinking you were a bit off camera then better i've got the whole section oh i'd rather the whole thing obviously but the fact they've got the word butter it's brilliant and i got myself what's this mount which i'm sure i'll find something to do with because if you look carefully it's got flowers on it ah i found a person he looks armless enough to me i wonder why he was off i'm sure he's off an ornament he's like a dip there where he was sitting on something we'll take him home see if there's anything we can do let's keep looking because there's so many interesting things here it's too heavy for us to take home because we're finding so many interesting things aha that's a lovely piece of copper oh i like that uh-huh a cutthroat razor a pie dish oh wow is it glass slide i think i like that some gorgeous fine tune look at this bottle another fletcher look at the color on it i wonder what it says on this bottle melon food melons foods nice color again also pretty and not many clear bottles usually you find all clear bottles and very few patterned or colored ones the hue most of them are embossed and most of them are colored a few bottles there ah now that's one of those little jars he's still got his plastic cap on hmm so i'm thinking maybe they were spice jars could be and look at this this is linford or diddy foods magnesia what you got that's nice little boot that's nice a little glass bars no at the end of the scale look at that no isn't that genuinely awesome it's very interesting yeah i want to say awesome but interesting don't forget folks if you agree with me give me some support look at that now look at that that's just purely for how badly that was your top again now we collect paste spots but i've never seen one like that oh that's interesting look at that the top is so much bigger than the pot and it looks almost iridescent yep now if you want to see all these things cleaned up check out our live show at nine o'clock saturday night uk time every week where we show you our finds do a little bit of a quiz and have a lot of fun and everybody joins in in the chat see you there now we said about labels that is probably the grandest piece part i've ever seen and the label is still on it as well that's got to be victorian victorian press class so nice but i'll stop it from sculpting all right um couple of chests how can yeah i just love how green this is but this one look more of a label than any other something to do with something die somebody with hats could be hot day and that i just thought what an elegant shape it is lovely isn't it is that it oh yes dear that's so you haven't seen what i've seen no that's what i managed to carry in two hands i found a piece of pipes you know me and my after previous occasions traveling with tom i did take the liberty of bringing i can't get back and i think i'm going to start needing it now that looks like a metal spout of a teapot it is no it's not it's been finished with a silver color not much left of it but interesting the bottle diggers have left us some things to look at here got this little tiny bottle with some white in possibly some white paint and another bottle there there are so many of these bottles but you can see the bottle diggers haven't even bothered to take them with them in the bottom of a beer bottle do you think and another tablespoon bottle okay folks i've got the camera now so i'm sorry if i go over the same ground this caroline although she'll just edit it out so we'll be fine nothing on that one there's a few pieces i picked up just before carling pass me the hammer look at that that's a pretty full piece like street scene yeah with the pawn shop and put a pattern on the inside lovely bit of tile and a little lid or face cream i would imagine so nice things there but uh everybody we're going down and i'm going to try it very carefully not to fall this time i can see some right too this is a broken jar there but i can see some writing on this one that says oh look at that how disappointing right off at the top but just for the record let's have a look what's on you i think clean it off and thomas horsefall and that is from briarfield thomas horseville briarfield shame about the top and with so much to carry that's gonna have to stay for another day let's go on down the hall and see if there's anything else worth the while oh some brokey bits there we go that's an ox so now we we would only say in the other day tom picked up an oxo one on one of his trips and we said we never find oxo today we found two but of course this one's had a nasty ding so as again saying we don't have the space to carry so it's got to go oh look out caroline's back with a find this says what's that there table water table water oh gosh that's a heavy piece isn't it there's the crown there not lovely i think you could do something with that well i'll take it and see if i can forget folks we're going to do regular updates from the shed and a lot of these things will turn up there as well as on the live show and hopefully we'll transform them into something wonderful that we'll let that little character rest in peace lots of bits of portraiture in this smashed pots and pans i think the look for on the spoil is as caroline found over there and i didn't notice when i was setting up my things that's where the pipe stems can turn up and when we were over with docking bay 51 over in the manchester area it's on the stock on the piles that we actually found pipe bowls dodgy pipe balls it must be said because they were fraudulent irish pipeballs from a street in dublin that doesn't exist but still a wonderful part of history being victorian and probably made up on the borders or in scotland so uh you never know what you're going to come up with and everything you find it has a story to tell there's another hole there come on let's see if there's any better stuff in that one hmm here we go down there look around here folks send you in to have a look see anything nice fair through spiders right i've just pulled this one out of the ground just to the side here as you can see walking along and sadly another one with the top gone but uh something on it so i think it was cleaned off just to have a little look it might well be worth taking and seeing if i can just cut the top off because it's a john smith's limited and established 1758 the brewery tadcaster right in amongst these thistles here there's a very upside down bottle in the ground who knows unless we pull it out oh golly gosh there we go the typical disappointment constantly experienced by those who go searching for treasure but if you're not willing to take the disappointment you're never going to find the wonderful things and boy we finding some wonderful things far too many of them actually i'm gonna have my hands full today okay i'm walking along and i see a bit of glass says something outside the uh oh what's up oh no that one's hp sauce so that's not so rare and it does add his top off but just caught my this almost a milk bottle top to it but then squared but see the bubble there this is so crudely formed how lovely and naive this bottle is and to do it justice that needs to be cleaned up and shown properly so check out the live show that's coming back for a clean up oh shame that's so broken that that was vibrant in its time look at that oh do you think that's cool go on what do you think cool not cool i tell you what if this hole is coming on with me so ah look at that what a shame oh come on i can see when we're writing on you i think i heard somebody call out that they'd supported that so thank you very much for esquince sloan's liniment kills pain oh now that folks come on there's no question about it that goes in the bag what about this one then oh i'll let you have a look at it i've got a few in there but you know what i reckon three or four in a row would look lovely on the back of the desk and tom found a beautiful little plank for me and a good nice on the shelf oh go on there we go in the goal i'd love to find one these are the full label on the chances are so so rare because they're damp when they dry off they just fade away and that would have been very far see the colors in the label there oh well at least for this moment before they disappear forever we've caught it on camera and shared it with thousands of you and that's a joy in itself yet again the sad sad reality that is a decapitated cot bottle ah dmi artwork fred anderton that's the company there's the signature across the middle and where's that too skipton there we go what a shame how nice if i could find a real cool one of those today oh that'd be a grand thing to do what's that just down in the corner of the grass there i think that's yeah that's green isn't it i'm sure that's green glass taking out the snap total the green glass oh that's definitely going to go in just picking up that little green glass bottle can you see just in there the white just behind nearly felt that little pot i wonder if that is the right size for my half a lid i'm gonna pop it in the bag and then we can pop over to the shed and have a look see if we can match them up welcome back told you i'd see you again and i've got the bits and pieces here the caroline has been picking up and that i've been finding back there on the dump we've got our little royal bits and pieces which we're just about to put together and that lovely butter with caroline found which i'm about to glue together and did the lid fit the pot so here we have that little pot and i had hoped that this little piece of pot lid would have been a match for this particular pot but as you can see there it's not i just turn it that way round see the overrun on the lip and although it's just a piece of the lid there's no way it's covering the amount of that top that it should do if it was the original however the original lid was a very posh lid because the name of the company is on the bottom of your saunders and i checked it out and this would have had cold cream it was a rose cold cream and had a very fancy lid similar to this but different colors and here's a lid that we picked up on this strip that is very plain so obviously not the original from here but when i place it on it's a much neater fit there is a slight bit of movement there as you can see from side to side just a little so it's not the original but i'd say that's a good match when you look at the grays the craziness on it and the coloring i'd say that makes a nice little pot so i'm pleased with that there we go we put that back together with a matchlet which makes it useful again okay folks it's confession time me and the camera are just not working well together i've done something wrong all the camera's done something wrong whoever it was no time to argue footage has been lost and it's not the kind of footage i can simply repeat so my apologies for the fact that there is not continuity that there should be in this piece from the shed as i lost the footage of gluing these two back together yep which means you can see the finished item and the fact i've lost the footage and i'm not retaking the shot is testimony to what a good job i did with that glue because there's no way that you're gonna get this to come apart again believe me i just tried and even on this little piece of porcelain that is rock solid if i wanted to repair it again i'd have to smash it again and there's no guarantee it would break on the same line so my apologies for my shoddy camera work but i hope you're still enjoying the trip to the shed but before you leave let me show you something else while you were gone there we go there's the pot and just there one two three the repairs to the holes and i've used a little of the filler just on the crack because as i said i don't want to hide these cracks i want to highlight them and show them off in all their glory because this big lump of a flagon has a story to tell and what a story a story of survival a story of coming back when everyone has written you off well back over to the dump now because here's another premonition for you from the time travel shed when we get there i'm about to be rudely interrupted as i'm a finding a teapot that doesn't impress caroline one bit and i'm not at all surprised folks because what she's got in her hands it's gonna trump everything we have found so far today let's go over and have a look at what she's got over we go through the necklace across look at this here them i can see the hole in that one already oh this is a shame but still definitely worth showing remains of a label there but a nasty hole in the side so that won't go in today but i'm sure there's got to be something here that will in fact i can see another teapot over there ah don't worry about teeth off give me the camera i want to show you things warm then dear you go shopping phil had the camera i found some things i wanted to take you with me and show you them but i thought if i walk away i'm never going to find them again so i bought them all to show you look this tiny little shoe top with a coke still in got two bottle stoppers this one is scott skipton this one is byb look at this look at this i have got three pipes about the same size plain one that's a readed one and there's this one with something on also is it a man and a lady i think oh it was a football one they're playing football oh that's excellent i've got a clay marble look at that oh and this look at that for a pipe bowl it's almost like a trumpet i love it i've never seen anything in that shape i've never found anything like that and then so i got four papers i've got one marble i found two box stoppers one bottle with the caulking and a flower pot to carry it all in this is a lovely teapot lid look at that shame is broken it's a very regal looking top some sort of storage pot that's quite nice there's so many hazards and two you could be walking over a bottle diggers hole and disappear from sight you could always at the bottle diggers have left behind all discarded nothing that's going to make the grade for making lots of money most of them broken it's still so interesting to see we've got a little muscle in here above real jar i think that's a lovely bottle well this is nice the cranberry glass bars the bottom's gone the top's gone but it's very pretty oh is that a thimble ceramics in there no it's a little cup from a doll's tee set and the handle's off oh is that a bit of pipe stem oh yes look at that it's another piece of pipe stem do you know me in pipestones i just love them is this a bit of doll's arm yeah it's only a tiny bit it's the recipe no what a shame just a dinky bit of dolls on oh wow look at that a big ink bottle what's good it's not broken oh wow oh that is lovely either black lead or ink or something like that yeah you've got you you can't be real if you don't see that's killed if you've got a cat at home sorry this is somebody's face i think it could be that's not the whole face it's a you or an ear depending on how you pronounce it and it's the back of the head so we found a tiny bit of arm a little bit of head i don't think we're going to find enough to make a something i'll keep looking but i'm not too optimistic and no i do not want to use that as part of the [Applause] i thought that's job right it's got this teapot yeah but it's a teapot and i seen this one right another teapot yes i thought i really can't be carrying these two deepers but i thought they looked nice sort of bouncing on top they look just like two teapots one bouncing on the other yeah but look at this ah we saw that lid and didn't bring it but look at that it'll fit my teapot and what's more the other lid you didn't bring will fit my other teeth perfect not quite the bag is now filling up well done teapot length man not the first bag the second bag plus i've got that large huge gallon canister oh yeah clay thing as well so we're going to treat it back through all the streets everybody's going to think where have they been um we'll just say we was following top yes this is nice a sheet of ink lots of bubbles remember seven on the bottom i think i've been to this place before i just missed that it's amazing what you miss what's this oh beautiful little jig not a lot left though is that the biggest piece of pipes then i found in a long wire or is it a twig no it is the longest piece of pipes there i found in a long way look at that that's a nice piece oh and look it's not whole but it's a cold bottle sharp and cold kissy is there anything on this one no it's broken anyway oh there's something on it fred friend anderton oh look at this oh it's bringing it up there oh it's a shame it's broken registered patent charcoal salt cleansing water filter corporations manchester oh look you can see the inside where i assume you put the charcoal and then poured your water through the top it's absolutely gorgeous but it's absolutely broken had we been near at home and had we had the space i would possibly have carried that but i don't think so because i don't think there's a lot you can do with it definitely worth having a look at though very impressive does this cord bottle have the marble no oh it's a green one right brothers anker but no marble [Music] [Music] do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] two things to show you oh let's have a look somebody had a family where they enjoyed their bathroom that's a 16 hours i love that absolutely whatever else has to get thrown away we've got to take that with us and again just gorgeous class int burton on trent it is along the bottom name of the company and he says if i pop my glasses on i might be able to read that for you into in in the cold oh in the cold in the cold bc rant and co putin on trent very nice so there we go what a lovely pair here i am live in a hole and i thought i'd show you what's been left behind by the bottle diggers we've got a jar which in really good condition actually i don't think there's anything wrong with it and we've got part of a pie dish not much left lots and lots of little bits of broken shards of pottery i think a lot of these are kinds of these other bottle diggers and then this will work into the next part of the hole some glass beads this is a plate as opposed to pieces of eight which would be worth much more cute little bottle hp sauce we've all seen that one before well most of us anyway on somebody's video or whatever well got a hole in the sauce bottle lovely piece of cranberry glass but it's lost the rest of it so it's just a very lonely little piece of cranberry glass looks nice on there though i'm climbing out of the hole oh and forever go oh it's the bottom i thought it was a tiny green glass bottle it is not it's a broken white glass bottle not quite oops oh this one is above real i think yes that's above real yellow lighter glass which i think are older and moving along you may have seen this earlier when we were having a little sweep of the area it's a little ding there but other than that it's in lovely condition and thingy nettles [Applause] that i can see i hope you haven't been screaming look look there's a gold coin there's a whole pike i haven't showed you so i'll just leave it hope that i didn't miss you calling out and i haven't walked past something really special there's another one of those little pots no lid on it but we do know now that we come with a gray plastic lid because we found one i don't think there's anything on it there may have originally been a paper label but it's not there now and oh look part of an a pen which are beautiful things when they hold and a little red jack what do you think whole or broken it's cracked oh but other than that crack is fine cooperative wholesale society middleton junction oh look here did you put this here just came out of that all yeah all right just bring it over trying not to drop it focus focus don't drop the jar like a genuine keys man just a second i see how heavy this is eight ounces right right yes but look at that one which happens to be a twin brother to that one lovely and oh my god about your old job i didn't love my baby and as much as i keep telling myself well you found loads of these there's a lot of pebbles in that one yeah there's a nasty crack i just know they're still right you may win the day and stay behind just because of the cracks but um see this this is a bone this is a tool left behind by a cave man for cleaning the inside of a bottle that's full of dirt it should be called your barney rubber from now on people can call me what you like do as long as you don't call me late for dinner okay but this one you see i was writing on it oh what does it say uh biserrated magnesia something limited this bag limited business london london there you go you can tell neither of us are wearing our glasses we're useless yeah so i'm just gonna clean that out and then that will come on with us look and i found evidence that zorro once lived here it's half of his mask wow who would have thought that zorro lived in yorkshire at any time or even visited so there we go conclusive proof zoro was here tom burley is zorro aha now you're making an interesting link i wonder if he is it explains a lot two more finds i now stand in a hole that's why caroline look so tall the only thing that all of them feel is when he's in a hole i'm going to take that with me right nice nice honey pot and just for all of our friends in the usa a california setup san francisco limited very nice so i thought why not i'm sure i can squeeze one more little bottle into my second bag and then i'm gonna be rather heavy laden when i leave in fact i think i'm going to be carrying far too much i think yet again somebody's left some lids here for us we got one glass lid two glass lids a hole and is this hole yes it's a ceramic lid and we've got the top of a vase or vase oh and a broken cap with a stag and a very deep hole down there that i'm not going i'm gonna have a little look with that bottle it's just in case there's anything good on it okay i met the gentleman in this hall earlier yeah very nice chap gave me a couple of bottles he did indeed he said if you've come all the way to yorkshire you should have a couple of yorkshire bottles okay this is a nice one what's that that brown one that looks lovely oh it is nice what does that mean it's valentine's meat juice oh no i love that that put it into the bag dear and if you want to show everybody just how empty my bag is this feels bad we're not going to fix much more poor old maggie's feeling a bit squashed he is he's running good oh look at this oh we'll still have this when you put those down yes i was just going to show you that it's a little jug and it's intact that's a boot that's got to go as well it's got to go as well i can have a cup of tea in there no you couldn't it's broken there you go stag and phone look at that what a shame i'll tell you what i'll leave that but we'll take those put them in the bag as well i know i've said it before and i'll probably say it again i'm not going to pick up any more i can't carry no more my bags are full well i am won't you well i just filmed these two bits of pieces as i was walking back across the tip wow plinth and teapot man what have you got there i'm sure you know here we go i've got a teapot yes lovely we let him stay that's nice really pretty that is the promenade and clock tower in malcolm yeah how do i know because it says so yeah a little bit of ceramic that one that's nice it's very fine and dandy doesn't he it's a rather fine bottle isn't it very nice looks like a hot sauce bottle oh it's wool too and guess what another deep broth and that's now these are these are two that can't be coming with me right because they're too broken but uh disappointment that's a shame okay poisonous that'd have been a boat and this would have been fine other than the fact oh yes and i searched for about five minutes couldn't find that piece of base that's a shame i was going to put it back in and that would have been a boot but i think that one warrants popping in there see there's a spacer and you've got to use it and what is this another one of those another glass bottle stop a little thing yeah charlie didn't it so i thought i'd pick that up and there's a good reason why we're keeping this why is that do you remember i said about all the different things that shippums did and the things they potted up and they were really a posh company yeah that's one of their pots oh right ship them wow that's nice i thought maybe it was better or something and they is where it was made i believe chester possibly chesterfield or something like that i can't believe it's just that i can't let you know on the live show probably um but we can check and by knowing where it was made we may have an idea of the age but that was not potted pig okay i've definitely carried too much now yes i'll agree one backpack yep one improvised carrier bag and one real cardio what are the handles on that yes i think the handle on this will probably hold out better i think so but uh you got to admit we're not going home empty-handed no and we've had a great time big thank you to tom for bringing us along he's been great company and this has been a fantastic place if you've enjoyed it then why didn't you give us a thumbs up because i can't my hands are full and of course until the next time we're all together make sure you have fun bye [Music] you
Channel: Let's go with The Johnsons!
Views: 16,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finds from the past, happy videos that make you smile, manky panda, phil and caroline, something to watch when your bored, Amazing old rubbish dump finds just lying there, far too much to carry home!!, finding old bottles on the rubbish dump, finding old things on the rubbish dump, finds from the rubbish dump, looking for interesting things on the rubbish dump, searching old rubbish dump, mending broken things, phil in the shed, phil in the shed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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