Our TOUGHEST Rare Villager Hunt - 300 Nook Mile Tickets! | Animal Crossing New Horizons

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel this is Kang and today is the day we have a whole bunch of new cloud tickets and we are looking for Diana now I know we've seen Diana a few times but it was not her time to come to the island yet today is her day before we get into it though we have a couple of quick announcements we have merch you said you'd emerge on the screen there I hope but we have merch if you will likely get some you can check the links in the description to find out some more information I think the merchant is pretty cool so check it out and we also have YouTube memberships that's right if you want to support the channel and get some extra perks you can take a look at the YouTube members ship link in the description bye anyway like the video if you're new to the channel subscribe click the bill icon all that fun stuff let's get straight into it guys with number 1 is Savannah the Savannah it is hey Savannah's pretty cool I like her I like her a lot people like her but yeah she's not Diana though but Savannah is number one and she is pretty awesome number two is rondalee this is run too right yes Rhonda I'm still afraid of you run though because you're gonna get me fired from my job I'm pretty sure of it but number two is Rhonda number three is Rowan I've never seen this guy before actually he's pretty cool number three Rowan I like your shirt he's actually he reminds me of Tony the Tiger No yeah I like him number three is Rowan oh this number four is not slow it's my first time seeing this guy yes he looks pretty cool he's countering he kind of reminds me of sterling but in chicken form but number four is Knox he looks pretty cool I like him speaking of sterling we have his cousin Apollo what's going on dude oh man Apollo's awesome I like to follow after we find Ayane I think I'm gonna try to find maybe a pool of an eagle but number five I'm stuck number five of the follow oh this is a fin island guy this is fin Island Shark Island this is a special Island oh man who do we have here Oh Bianca Bianca well I'm finding I'm finding a lot of tigers today or the tiger types yucca is pretty cute too and we found fin island now I don't have time to actually do anything on here but that's pretty cool pretty cool anyway number six Bianca what is going on number seven is Claudia I'm finding all the Tigers and Claudia is adorable what the heck Wow but uh number seven is Claudia all right well you're not Diana but whoa look at you anyway we got to go on we gotta move on number seven Claudia Claudia number eight is dizzy I dizzy how are you I'm not really a fan of the elephants I mean he's cute Jesse cute but uh probably only elephant that I would take would be Pia but number eight he is a busy nice to meet you [Laughter] number nine we have slide slide he's on our YouTube Alan and I got him because I was desperate for a villager but number nine we have to lied number ten we have he's wearing the same shirt as me except purple but number 10 is gruff Oh number eleven is Aurora you've seen her before she is pretty cute but uh not Diana but number eleven what a cutie who is this wait a minute number twelve is Freya hi wow it's my first time seeing you pretty cool I like you what number 12 is Freya she's cute but no Diana but hey hey if you like here take it number 12 hey wow what was this guy I'm finding a lot of cool villagers this time around guys ash red number 13 is Astrid whoa hi what's up dude or dudette I don't really know but number 13 is Astrid probably one of the coolest kangaroos I've seen so far but uh hey I'm a 13 Astrid hey number 14 is ducktor oh man I've spent so long little bit lucky and here he is in the flesh on our twitch Island but not coming with us today but number 14 is a sucker nice to see you my dude you're so cool Oh number 15 number 15 is sly I'm not too big on the the alligators except the ones that look like dragons but number 15 is sly he's all camo doubt pretty cool 15 slide number 16 is Nana hi how are you like a banana Nana banana she is cute for a for a monkey he's cute actually one the cutest monkeys I've seen but number 16 Nana or Nana have you pronounce it bye-bye number 17 is bud how are you doing but I wish to lions I'm a Leo guys if you don't know I'm a Leo I thought what's the line or like way cooler than me but is pretty cool but I wish she was like fierce like Mufasa and I'm saying but number 17 is bud wait a minute number 18 I believe this is Erik right oh this is bow I got I got I got a mixed up number 18 is bow I know a lot of people like bow and a lot of you guys like bow right the bowl is not Diana so sorry vote we're gonna have to leave you here but uh but was pretty cool I was pretty cool like a nice got a note and then rate team bow number nineteen I think this is Apple right a is Apple Apple is a pretty cute hamster Apple is a pretty cute hamster don't you agree but a number 19 is Apple again not Diana but definitely I was saying a favorite number nineteen hey this is all the popular this is all the popular villagers right here number twenty is Coco whoa okay hi number twenty is Coco not Diana but Coco is pretty cool as well but we're on a mission for Diana buddy nice to see you 21 is plucky very interesting design their plucky like a chocolate chicken with something on top of her head well number 21 its plucky number 22 is a boomer I believe it's the Boone all right yep number 22 is a boomer number 23 is Joey I'm pretty sure I've seen joy before um if you wearing a diaper I don't know what's going alright but number 23 is Joey Joey Joey joy hey number 24 is Sheldon I showed it Sheldon's alright he's alright alright put them in 24 Sheldon hey number 25 is mate oh hey let me see your face maple maple turn around look cute but I gotta verify you gotta verify this run around maple maple maple Oh maple Oh maples maples pretty cute guys number 25 is maple everyone saying take her everyone is then take her see you not Diana Gotti's alright but she's pretty cute though so right now the twitch chat is really yelling at me for not taking maple I explained to them we have priorities Diana and then everybody else okay alright I'm sorry I'm sorry Oh money Rock Island number 26 on a money rock island is goose why is your name all white maybe that's the reason why but hey number 26 is use I believe this is number 27 we have Frigga fridja how do you pronounce this frigid frigid I'm gonna say you're frigid or frigate I don't know when number 27 frigate she's ran a picnic table number 28 is cold hi like Jay cold what's going on what's going on I got a little buck teeth in the front oh man oh man nice number 28 oh wait a minute number 29 is ham free him I've seen you before last time I saw you I said you look like a a mint peppermint like the green ones a spearmint peppermint alright nobody hit number 29 am free number 30 I believe this is a lease no I'm so wrong this is Surrey how are you doing it's at least even the monkey I don't remember but number 30 is sorry how are you doing not Diana number 30 31 woah what number 31 is coach this is my first time seeing this guy number 31 is coach you look like a coach alright number 31 number 32 is you Seguin hi goose hi goose bye goose lucky number 33 who is this I don't think I've ever seen him before she looks she looks fierce bro FINA and a bra FINA name is man these names what is going on number 33 is Rafina is bra bra FINA number 33 number 30 Forrest spike hi this is gonna sound really weird but it looks like his brain is showing on his head I know acid I know that's his hair way looks like his brain oh my goodness he also had a scar on on the other side of his face that I saw when I was walking up but anyway there it is there it is Wow okay well number 3034 is spiky oh hey hello hey number 35 is Pierce wow it's my first time seeing this guy - he looks pretty cool blue is one of my favorite colors I like the little blue your different shades of blue and the white yes nice to meet you number 35 is year number 36 is I don't know this guy's name daddy Hey number 36 aesthetic Oh Michael Michael design come on lightning bolt on his head nice he's pretty cool I like them all right 36 static all right 37 is Lopez what's going on Lopez how are you you are pretty cool Lopez I like you I like you not Diana but little fan to the it's not not too shabby guys nothing shabby all right number 37 Lopez number 38 is a loose Eloise Eloise these name I hate names words are so hard all right let's sew some love her number 38 this number 39 is Peck Wow Hey hello had his university shirt on all white eyes I've never seen Peck I'm seeing a lot of people I have not seen before today a lot of villagers I haven't seen before so number 39 is pink pretty cool moving on number 40 is KITT I've seen her before she has not slept since the last time we've seen her and those dark circles on her rides but that is number 40 kid number 41 is me old Leopold hi another lion but um yeah he said lion club okay well another line again I'm a Leo but does not resonate with me but number 41 Leopold number 42 with another chicken I haven't seen Becky hey Becky number 42 looks pretty cool buddy adorable eyes of chicken but uh 42 Becky not Diana but uh nice oh oh number 43 this blue bear oh no Cody he the blue bear but he's not Blue Bear he's Cody okay I've never seen Cody before hi Cody how are you I got jebaited that is number 43 yeah but he is pretty adorable but not a bear I've seen that before yeah hi number 43 island number 44 we have Naomi another one of the what I call them the demon characters so demon cow and I owe me ask you know what not only is not that bad I like her design she's a little scary but I do like her design so number 44 900 I'm like who is that what is I lose 40 45 out in 45 is marina Island 45 is marina gallerina is so adorable so adorbs I really love her style her look but she is not Diana unfortunately unfortunately but um marinas is a very doable number 45 marina we met you earlier Island number 4 Eustace is rah rah FINA again I Profeta Allen 46 number 46 number 47 what's her name again [Music] peewee bye peewee bye bye Island number 48 is this Rodney oh my goodness Oh Rodney oh my goodness Island number 48 is Rodney Rodney looks like that kid at the playground who would like digging their nose and then a wife their booger on you that's what Rodney reminds me up number 48 Rodney 49 is Tammy's Timmy's kind of cute Oh like her eyes she's like a lemur right with the tail am i right am i right or am i right anyway 49 is Tammy all right we are on island number 50 we're cranking along guys we have not found Diana but I'm hopeful I'm hopeful that we will lose this rubbing oh that is not Diana who are you Jacob I'm seeing so many people I have no idea but Jacob is pretty cool lock is his colors color palette he's pretty cool but number 50 is Jacob number 51 is Stella again someone I've never met Stella she's purple purple not too bad number 51 is Stella alright number 52 we have old this guy doc people like this guy like I stick him like all over Twitter allowed to really like this guy but yeah number 52 number 53 with this guy ship like a shepherd oh man very shaggy dog oh oh alright number 53 yeah he has no eyes all right lemon 53 okay number 54 is Murphy that's number four he's alright he's alright nothing - nothing stands out too much but is Murphy number 54 Murphy number 55 is Eugene the coolest cool koala the coolest koala with me number 55 Eugene's 56 we have kit yet again still out here not getting any sleep but 56 is kid number 57 is Phoebe i'ii be beat the phoenix guys her house is really cool if you haven't seen her house is really cool a bunch of lava a fire everywhere well number 57 Phoebe she's really cool I like her a lot but we gotta keep with Diana hey we're here yet again number 58 is uh no no no we didn't see her today we saw we saw someone that looked like her when this is the lease from ur 58 is a lease and by when I'm a 58 oh isn't this a punchy right a number 59 is punchy I hear a lot of people like punchy as well but uh number 59 Monty he's pretty cool he's pretty cool I mean he's not Bob but is pretty cool 59 punchy Oh was this number 60 is Ann Lee we do we see her earlier kind of I'm kind of mine my mind is mush at this point Ellie from the last of us members 60 she's uh she's pretty cute though I liked her sweater number 60 number 61 is Silvana oh I've never seen okay I've never seen her before either hey Silvana how are you doing still then a guy number 61 buuuut she's pretty cute what I'm trying to say oh my gosh happened it happened I went the whole village your hunt without being attacked by mosquito I let my guard down all right number 61 savanah hello oh you're very cute with this Pico did I you pronounce that you're very cute how are you how are you number 62 oh oh wow wait a minute hold on Wow she is adorable she's adorable but she's not Diana but she's gonna go at the top of the list for next time maybe but she is prettier adorable no no we're on a mission and we're on a mission nope nope nope bye number 63 is rod number 63 is rod he looks like he is a sailor maybe with that outfit on or possibly in a game I'm not sure but he's number 63 is broad number 64 is Ozzy okay I met you Abdi are these pretty adorable Ozzie looks like a really nice guy I've set that before them I'm repeating myself at this point but Ozzie looks like a really nice guy if that friendly neighbor that guy you want to know 64 oh hey who is this number 65 is a bay wow you're a cute little dog cute little puffer number 65 yards number 65 he cute let's go get away get away alright alright God number 65 number 66 is a chicken all we saw you earlier what's your name again what is your name again 66 its lucky we saw you earlier you still look pretty pretty cool I like your design but um number 66 its lucky number 67 we saw you earlier as well I think what's your name Nana hi hello again she's a cute monkey she's looking monkey but number 67 number 68 is tipper I thought that was tipper numbers to create is tipper oh it is Estelle's favorite ever find tipper yet number 68 is tipper she's pretty cute very classical cow with a nice jacket on or a nice sweater I should say but number 68 different oh this guy what's the name again I forget his name uranium oh yes Graham is a little cutie of a hamster I like them actually I like the RAM Thank You Ram looks pretty cool what number 69 is Graham all right Island number 70 we're into the 70s and here you have a sucker again hey sucker you are so cool but we already happy on the you can balance the sucker is awesome for anyway number 70 is sucker oh who is this number 71 is Portia hey Portia is pretty cool-looking looks very professional professional Portia all right look pretty cool a Dalmatian right maybe prop silly anyway number 71 Porsche number 72 is sandy hey how are you have I seen Stanley before I don't know but sandy is um Debbie is sandy number 7200 this guy I remember this guy number 73 just escaped from prison waltz number 73 vault 7 sucker again 74 guys sucker yet again number 75 is whoa hello how are you how are you this is blueberry okay 75 is blueberry we thought we found Blue Bear earlier but it was a knockoff Blue Bear but this is the actual Blue Bear hey how are you all right bear easy that she's really huge I like to be there but um we gotta move on 75 is Blue Bear number 76 is Pancho Pancho hey you another another Blue Bear does so many blueberries buzz punching my first time seeing him but uh he's a little blue cub nothing really kind of stands out but hey number 76 Pancho lucky number 77 a lot of people in the twitch chat are saying that this is where we find Diana number 77 guys what do you think what do you think watching the video are we gonna find it right now let's find out let's find out guys I'm nervous I am nervous number 77 is the complete opposite of Diana how did this happen number 77 Rodney oh hey hey hey hey hey Drake Oh what was that number 78 Drago what's going on man how are you this is probably if I were if I were to pick an alligator type Village area would be him or her I'm not sure but it'll be them but uh number 78 I saw that I saw that coming in the chat room why'd she get Rodney again number 79 is I I I believe this is low-budget yogi the beragon I number 79 number 80 is Kevin oh yes yes Kevin Bacon welcome back Kevin Bacon number 80 is Kevin 81 is O'Hare okay nice okay oh here's a cute little bunny a little chocolate bunny what number 81 O'Hare number 82 is Jay hi I'm Jay I'm ready to is Jake hey oh wait a minute 83 is frame I have never seen you before either Frank number 83 Wow looks like a Rastafarian eagle but number 83 is brain oh we found coach again number 84 his coach he still needs to shave someone get this guy or a razor number 84 coach 85 we have Oh 85 we have a goose again hello yes hello is your he stargazing look at them all right 85 we have use high number 86 oh we have this guy Vic actually like me he has a pretty cool design I like him I met him I met him before although it's waterfall is very loud but anyway big the Viking I met him before working at the cool design maybe one day big but number 87 number 87 okay you guys were just talking about her number 87 is fauna you guys need to talk about talk about dying anymore keep talking about Diana okay number 87 fauna you guys are gonna hate me but we gotta leave her we're on a mission guys your own admission we cannot deviate you cannot deviate alright fauna is really cute adorable but you gotta get Diana I am okay stick with me stick with me I know what I'm doing alright I know what I'm doing it number 87 fauna number 88 we have oh this guy again number 88 is the rough number 89 we have a boomer again number 89 is the bee man and boomer start of the 90s we're into the 90s Island number 90 who could it be I see them over there who was that that is that a monkey happiness a monkey yes it is it isn't again the third time the fourth time we've seen them oh my goodness number ninety number not anyone we have a pupper hi butch I think all the all the little puppy dogs are kind of cute you know in their own unique ways but number 91 butch number 92 number 92 all right number 92 we have a we have this guy again what's his name Frank yes number nine see we have Frank again how are you get by though Frank nice and again number 93 93 is who's got again static not to be a static again that is pretty cool I like that I know Diana but number 93 static all right so this is number 94 we made Orville blush before we came and we found another octopus sucker yet again hey Zucker for the fifth time today all right number 94 you guys are saying to pretend we're not looking for Diana and we'll find her okay so right now we are looking for Rodney we're looking for Rodney number five number 95 trying to find Rodney here we go oh and we found Astrid again hi hello number 95 actually after it is pretty cool actually if there's any kangaroo that I would like will be asked if anyway number 95 Astrid number 96 we had a whole discussion in my chat about maybe if I said that I wanted to find Rodney and say that I will find Diana and then soon as I said that we found Rodney so we're going back to saying we're looking for a Diana okay because obviously somebody's listening to me okay number 97 here we go number 97 uh-huh my name is Frank yet again hello Frank goodbye Frank number 98 number 98 we have Ally right oh no it's just like sorry slide number 98 is slide okay all right number 98 fly this is Island number 99 a lot of people and it's which chatter saying this is where we find Diana so let's let's see number 99 here we Barina though marina again all right hi marina you're still adorable you're not Diana but you know number 99 marina what was that what was that in the background now though is that number 100 is but number 101 number 101 is violet oh my goodness oh my even when she is supposed to be cute I'm still terrified I'm sorry violet number 101 violet oh who are you again Leone it's my first time seeing this guy actually I think well number 102 very sophisticated looking lion but um yeah all right I'm 102 103 is cherry I like sharing as well very pretty cool I like your shirt either style but 103 is cherry nice number 104 is I saw something oh it's darling I like sterling I was talking about sterling earlier guys starlings pretty cool I like whenever I go looking for a eagle I don't know man all the Eagles look really cool most of them look really cool and thrilling is this another cool looking one but 104 is sterling 105 106 we have with this 106 is oh my goodness [Music] when's the last time you slept oh my goodness 106 lucky number 107 a money rock island we're off to a good start lucky 107 walk through that start what's over here that is not anti Anna who is this Angus is Angus the yellow flame shirt on that is rude that is so rude Nintendo Wow 107 Angus 108 is Wade hi Wade I like your shirt Lee yes you are pretty adorable like your eyes 108 is played all right 109 we have Niomi again 109 demon cow Naomi Island 110 positive vibes that is that is a that is a beer that is a deer for sure for sure that is a deer okay which deer is it though that's a whole deer oh you should right I want to cry but that reactions not in my quick bar number 110 fuchsia but you know close close all right we are on 111 I told my chat to hold on to the deer vibes we found a deer on the last island we need to hold on to the deer vibes so we need straight deers for every ticket pier after nothing but deer is okay 111 here we go that is not a deer that is not deer at all that is not it here anchovy you naughty not only are you not a deer but you're not an anchovy either you're all kind of messed up somebody wasn't holding some yes is that somebody wasn't holding who wasn't holding guys 112 money Rock Island oh my goodness number one out of the 112 number 30 oh well number 113 Billy Billy the goat billy goat billy goat number 113 number 114 is come on what number 114 is mine number 115 Oh My lordy Antonio and 116 is Celia I like Celia a lot actually I like her a lot if I had to pick an eagle I know Eddie it would be a tough choice if I had to take an eagle but number 116 is Celia but not Diana whenever 116 number 117 is Ozzie again he's hiding his face but 117 mosquito 117 is Ozzie he's he's still a cool guy [Music] number 118 is biscuit oh I've never seen this kid before they may have a meme shirt on oh this is kind of kind of unique all right well 118 this github 119 we have oh my goodness Walt again we're seeing so many repeats Walt again all right oh my gosh hi again Island number 120 we have at least again how are you we getting so many repeats how are you at least 120 and 121 we have sterling again no Diana but I do like sterling but 121 paddy 122 is paddy her shirt hurt her dress looks like strips of steak 123 123 is sylia again I like you Celia but I'm starting to get very disappointed 124 is oh wait a minute who are you what oh my goodness is 124 is Kashmir okay oh my goodness look at that look at that guy's isn't it the most adorable thing you've ever seen look at that face look at that face guys thanks green face 124 day number 125 of looking for a Diana we have yet to find her I haven't eaten in three weeks hopefully we find her today what looks like today we get to eat number 125 is Maggie YUM number 126 oh my bad oh my goodness to another everything is going wrong we met you at the beginning of this hunt Claudia Oh Mike we've been doing this for so long our battery is dying number 126 Claudia 127 we have oh my good hello party in the front bald in the back oh okay 127 is opal do you guys like Oakland you guys like Oakland I don't know number once when you save an opal 128 is aadi whoa hi Artie once we need is Adi okay we have audio we have audio on the YouTube eyelid gap we have two islands we have audio on the other one so I'm not gonna take her but if I didn't have her already then she would be a possibility but nice seeing you Adi I see you 129 positive vibes we got a money rock island starting off good starting off strong 129 money Rock Island and who do we have over here we have okay that's okay 129 Allen 130 it's flow oh I like I can't light the way full looks tbh but um no Diana moving on number one 31 is Lyman alignment Klieman is I don't have much to say about language she behind this but number 131 liven 132 a lot of people have said this may be their lucky number 132 so let's find out if they are telling the truth I think I saw someone there and it did not look like a Diana that is a duck who are you number 132 is Mallory oh okay well no she's pretty cute actually you keep pretty adorable she's not Molly but you know she's pretty nice number 133 is Olaf oh my favorite my favorite I'm taking him home right now guys Olaf Olaf he's coming home with us guys we found it okay oops I pressed the wrong button oh oh [Music] press the wrong button whoa what's going on my controller oh my god 1:34 a sly again sly yet again 134 134 135 in the roll win again I Roland how are you it is very loud over here but 135 is rollin wow shops it is chops 136 is chops high chops by chops 137 is sandy again i sandy we saw earlier sandy sandy bye bye hello Big Top haven't seen Big Top and so long Wow guys if you watch my um my youtube videos I found big top like 500 nook mouth tickets ago Wow and he returns alright big top number 138 I think 138 139 is Agnes hi Agnes hello okay 139 okay alright well there she is Pinkie Pie Pinkie I think people like you I think people like you people he's pretty cute pink Panda alright well number one for T we have pinkie 141 is Elise again hi Elise hi Elise i faintest might this might have been the 12th time we've seen a lease but um maybe we'll see her again and we'll see her again for number 13 142 oh this is a rattle we met a rattle last time we did this and he's a pretty cool he's like a fraud doctor pretty cool character design they're ready to take on the pandemic he is our only hope rattle anyway 143 oh my this is whoa this guy has seen things whoa he's been through it was this rasher okay man this guy's been through the struggle guys been through it I kind of want to take him just to give him a good home just to give them a good home but we're not all right 140-something perfect rasher 145 oh who is this a by the way who's this again like I say all the Eagles are so cool Keaton yes yes Keaton I remember you now Keaton you're you're cool - oh my goodness if I had to pick an eagle I would literally I don't know it's too much it's too much the Eagles are all too cool anyway number 145 Keaton all right number 146 they already are right here's Tony the Tiger again 146 number 147 is Rudy all right 147 is ruining eighth number 148 is the sucker for the fifth time hi sucker sucker you're so cool but we have you on our other islands but 148 sucker 149 who do we have oh I got excited for it moment but his tear though oh no no no not see I'm sorry Margie Margie Tia is not the same via the teapot yeah margin all right Marge it looks pretty cool as well but not Diana gia is another one that I would possibly pick if we came down to desperation mode gia but yeah moving on alright guys here we have 150 150 officially halfway point 150 will this be it will this be it here we go here we go 150 150 that is not Diana that is not even close to Diana it's bruffey no 151 is oh who is this wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute is that what wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute okay now what I thought it was but it's Tammy is Tammy all right well yeah 151 is Tammy number 153 my chat is saying that this is Diana 153 guys does that look like Diana to you does that does that look like Diana - you got it eat your eyes fix 153 154 No 1:54 is served oh nice hi hi hi oh man if only if only I was down to 50 tickets I'm like I might take you but uh you know although I'll be desperate yet we're not desperate enough we're not desperate enough there's still a possibility but number 154 155 is Tammy okay hey Tammy nice to meet you alright 155 Tammy 156 is hollow that is that did I pronounce that right probably not a 156 is this guy hi 156 bye bye number 157 we have who are you hello sir t-bone oh that's what you guys were talking about earlier number 157 is t-bone okay hello hello bye-bye 158 is cherry hi cherry cherries pretty cool as I've said but 158 cherry number 159 is Amelia it's my first time seeing her I believe of a Amelia pretty cool really cool Wow why why are all the eagles so cool hello is someone there to Opie it eat nerfing Andi nerfing anyway 159 is Amelia number once meet him number one safety of t-bone again 161 who do we have where are they 161 is this Ozzie again 161 is it Zhou being in yes oh my goodness okay Ozzie that's oddly right no it's Lyman um everything was a blur everything is a blur number 161 is Lyman [Music] 162 money Rock Island who do we have a home nope who does this who is this field field Oh oh my gosh let's go check out of me [Laughter] someone needs to do that every time we find bra FINA okay anyway 162 is Bill my first time seeing him and hopefully the last time 163 here we go 163 who's that who is that who is that who is that we just see him in Jade again Jay again how are you doing 163 is j-money Rock Island exactly exactly oh it's Coco again 165 is Coco again oh man Coco was pretty cool as well Coco is if I was in desperation mode then Coco might be it but uh 1 6 5 Coco guns only and 166 gun oh hello bye-bye guns Oh 167 here we go another money Rock Island yet again 167 who was that over there are you you no no no no you are literally kidding me right now oh my goodness 168 I think 168 we have oh my goodness what is your name again Pangolin right no no not Pangolin is it no peggle a Pangolin is what you are in the bill NFL is what you is number 168 169 is Walt yet again escaped from prison 169 170 170 is this Mitch hi Mitch hi Mitch are you me just actually that'll leave our head hung up but 170 is Mitch wait a minute 171 is knocks hi knocks again hello knocks my friend 171 is knocks another Eagle that I haven't seen before what the heck is going on buzz 172 is buzz okay okay all right I can safely say buzz would be at the the bottom tier of my Eagle list I can say that but he still looks pretty cool this looks pretty cool but anyway 172 is in bugs 173 here we go 173 here we go 173 173 we have Dierdre close but no seed are close but no 173 hello his name croch oh man oh man I was not expecting that face when he turned around once factly 174 I who is that oh hello 175 is Lindy Lindy actually I think this is my first time actually meeting Whitney out in a while I met Arthur I've met all her cousins but we finally get to meet Wendy the og anyway see you later Wendy 175 it's Patti oh yeah hello patty you are patty right yeah 176 is patty yet again I have been told that that is an orange dress but I still think that it looks like steak so that's what I'm gonna go with she's wearing steak patty 177 oh wait a minute someone said someone said we were gonna find Diane at 177 okay so here it is 177 it's gonna be it it's gonna be it it is not it it is Coco again it is Coco again oh man they will see Coco we had the bottom fifty on to the next one 178 178 is Molly Molly Molly is who moved out what if you just took Molly back to them and what if we just took Molly back say forget this forget all this oh my goodness all right anyway 179 is Molly 180 here we go guys 180 that is not Diana that is far I've already forgotten his name but that is not 81 is Rhonda hi Rhonda hi I'm sorry I was late today please don't tell the boss okay I'm sorry anyway 181 is Rhonda 182 182 oh my goodness 182 is now me again okay bye-bye 118 let's go 183 here we go 183 is not Diana it's brain boy again what's the name spike number 183 is spike 184 here we go 184 is not Diana yet again who are you you are my rock you saw earlier alright 184 is not 185 here we go oh who is it hello what on earth 185 is Dora I remember you Doria go around but 185 is a Dora 186 stop mentioning Rodney has nothing to do with this process okay 186 is actually who are you Sidney 186 is Sidney 187 here we go guys 187 we call was this who is this 187 bubbles what any seven is bubbles okay all right no 187 188 hold that blue bear again that blue bear or that's a fake blue bear I bought all night at this point this is boo bear this is blueberry hey what's up over there all right 180 is Blue Bear 189 189 fly in my room get out of here oh my goodness it is yogi the bear again what is going on 189 is yogi 190 we have I don't even know who this is for you oh my goodness jitters I dunno okay jitters is piped off the caffeine which is what I should be right now because it's pretty late here but oh my goodness calm down you'd make me nervous just being around you jitters alright 190 is jitters 191 oh hello Lobo 191 is on Lobo I have no idea who you are it's my first time seeing you but number 191 is Lobo okay he's pretty cool I like him alright moving on 192 who do we have 192 oh my goodness who are you I've seen you before when I - is tank bye-bye - bye-bye 193 here we go 193 and we have so close yet so far and on her twice twice moving on 194 here we go 194 oh wait a minute for you it's my first time seeing you my feed Wow hello Muffy okay so many villagers I have yet to see and hear is my feed just to kind of reinforce that point but Muffy 194 195 here we go here we go was that 195 is oh my god well everyone knows who this is but hello Judy are you gonna send me Diana are you gonna use these Diana next huh All Right see you later Judy your precious your precious 196 who do we have this is I don't remember your name hi how are you okay 196 oh man 197 we found Judy a couple islands ago and I'm hoping Julia's gonna give us the good energy and good vibes we need to find Diana all right here we go guys 1 97 1 97 here we go No but we have feeding them Keeton's pretty cool but all right moving on 197 198 here we go 198 whoa wait a minute was it Oh another chicken I haven't met who are you Ava okay Ava interesting but 198 is Ava 190 oh wait wait guys I think I saw a deer oh my goodness okay I don't get too excited don't get too excited I think I saw a deer though oh my gosh I'm gonna say okay calm down calm down calm down okay calm down calm down okay all right one nut that's not a that's not even a deer that's not a deer why Leo that's a funny-looking beer number 199 is Cleo Cleo isn't too bad though probably one of the better-looking horses I've seen but all right here we go guys Island number 200 have a good feeling about this one I've said that about a lot of them but this one is different 200 he just feels right here we go guys Island number 200 it is who is that alright Island 200 is Hugh on to the next one okay Island number 201 here we go here we go Island 201 is oh we still we saw him earlier but is Draco what is going on hi again 201 alright go on to the next number 202 is Oh what's your name he won't - is beste - or - is best that they look I don't know I'm kind of scared I'm kind of I'm kind of uncomfortable for 202 is vesta alright number 203 here we go 203 203 succor yet again is number 6 sucker at number 6 203 cutter 204 and here we go Island number 204 here we go haha this is not Diana hopper alright hopper we will see you later our number 205 here we go number 205 who do we have do we have number 205 is oh wait who are you actually willow another person I haven't seen before a willow actually willow is kind of cute right number 205 is willow Wow okay Wow alright well number 205 is willow cute no Diana but we're gonna keep it moving 206 206 is candy look at those cheeks they're all the way up to her eyeballs they're they're overlapping her ah hey that's not healthy okay number 206 is candy 207 I don't see them number 207 is I see them now who is that I don't know she looks like um I was the guy from Friday the 13th game oh my goodness cheap okay all right we'll get by cheap - 207 Chad yeah cheese a Chad alright 208 here we go do we have to wait who do we have oh man 208 is Henry hello Henry - wait is Henry Island number 209 here we go it is not Diana but oh my goodness it is rodeo rodeo so apparently people really like a rodeo I was terrified by him I'm still I still kind of am but apparently people are like oh no rodeos so sweet I don't think so okay all right he was like a cult leader and I'm sticking by that way anyway he is pretty cool though I mean he does have a cool design so anyway 2:09 is a rodeo - 10 - 10 here we go oh my goodness boo this number - 10 is when why are you so sad when cuz you're not Diana I understand alright number two ten is Glenn arrives - 11 - eleven here we go guy do 211 is oh my guess oh my goodness oh my truffles number 211 truffles 212 Island 212 here we keep getting excited this is just a wall I saw the ears and I'm like oh [Music] 2:13 we have moose oh my goodness 2:13 we have moose - 14 - 14 sucker for the 86th time sucker all right I like you a lot slicker but not that much not that much bye-bye all right 2:15 here we go - wait wait wait wait guys guys wait wait a minute 2:15 wait a minute guys I can't go to sleep oh my goodness my name is Diana [Laughter] I've been looking for you for so long oh man okay oh I feel light-headed I feel like I'm gonna pass out all right okay we did it guys we did it we did it we did it Sarah thank you for the 200 bits I appreciate that oh my goodness all right guys after 215 Newark mile tickets we got Diana and it's also very fitting that my wife said that I would give her at 215 tickets she said I would get her at 215 - you think we did so yay to us I'm so happy this music is actually really chill you're right now by anyway guys if you made it to this part of the video give it a like cuz you probably saw the desperation on our face okay but we did it 215 get the video like if you're new to my channel drop a sub all that fun stuff look at that those are people in a chat room showing their appreciation for what occurred all right so anyway guys I will see you guys in the next video yeah it's about it I'll see you guys later love you take a piece out [Music] you
Channel: Kang
Views: 321,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rare villager Hunt, animal crossing villager hunting, rare villager hunting, villager hunting, 300 nook miles tickets, 300 Nook Mile Tickets, nook mile tickets hunting for a rare villager, Kang Gaming, rare villager hunting animal crossing, rare villagers animal crossing, rare villagers animal crossing new horizons, dream villager hunting animal crossing new horizons, new horizons animal crossing, nook miles ticket, nook mile tickets, dream villager hunting, dream villager
Id: Ju2DpDRq3lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 51sec (4551 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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