Hunting ALL of July's Most Popular Villagers! | Best Hunt Ever! | Animal Crossing New Horizons

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so last month we had the idea to hunt for all of june's most popular villagers and it went relatively well we gotta end this all right so who's it gonna be let's go see oh my goodness i'm getting delirious i'm getting delirious who's it gonna be guys who's it gonna be dude wait a minute oh so now we are nearing the end of july and i thought let's do it again so if you look above we have our list of the most popular villagers in emma crossing as of today the list hasn't changed very much since last month but a couple of villagers changed places we have a couple of new additions so it should be pretty interesting now i'm on my twitch island uh and this is the island that i started the game off with so i did not know anything about villagers or which ones were popular or cool so i only have one of the most popular villagers of this month and that is anka so we have a lot of work to do in order to not go crazy like we did last time i'm gonna limit myself so this time we're only going to use 200 built mile tickets so the challenge is within 200 of my tickets see how many of these villagers we can find in the last one that we find that's the one we're gonna take home so we have some work to do we might as well go ahead and get started but before we do that guys if you're new to my channel make sure you subscribe uh like the video if likes really do help out a lot and also click that bell icon to turn on notifications because we are nearing our next nintendo switch giveaway i gave you guys a challenge to get us to ten percent of everyone with their notifications turned on and a quick update we are at eight percent eight point one or eight point two percent something like that it'll be on the screen but we started at 6.8 and we're making some good progress so thank you guys so much um the winner of our last nintendo switch shoot actually be receiving their switch today the day i'm recording this video so that's pretty cool but anyway guys enough talking for me hope you guys enjoyed the video let's get straight into number one is boom this is number one is boom hi boom a lot of people like boom as a gorilla um yeah but he's not on the list though by the way guys i forgot to mention we also have a discord if you guys want to join our discord that would be that would be very nice you know we are we're very lovely people very lovely bunch in there so join our discord anyway number one is boom baboon bye boom bye boom number two is uh who is this i don't know number two is freckles i don't think i've ever seen uh of them before number two is freckles now on the list but pretty cute freckles number two number three oh hey number three is knocks i actually like knocks we have knocks on our youtube album not should be more popular but number three is nox i like them a lot oh is that is that grizzly oh my goodness number four i think this is grizzly let me verify ike ike maybe yes it is ike number four is i anonymous yeah camo bear number four ike number five who do we oh number five is a boomer definitely definitely not on the list how many people like boomer um yeah number five is boomer number six oh what is that oh it's just yes number six is octavian one of the three octopi uh but now on our list today though unfortunately we're looking for marina and zucker sorry octavian but number six is octavian lucky number seven here we go who do we have oh wait a minute i don't know who that is who is that i forget her name hello uh melba number seven is melba she's a what's the cutie now melissa though now i'm a list but nevertheless cute number seven melba number eight oh a money rock island number eight is hey wait a minute what's your name again number eight is fuchsia oh yes yes number eight fuchsia not on the list but definitely a very beautiful deer very beautiful but number eight fuchsia number nine who do we have oh this is um um sparks shock static number nine is static he's a pretty cool pretty cool little squirrely guy but number nine is static now on the list but nice guy all right we are on number 10 rocking and rolling i see them in the background who is this is this uh is this leopold with this guy rory you know it's leo's season right now i am a leo and i'm still disappointed in the lions but number 10 is rory all right number 11 number 11 another money rock island oh who is oh it's julian oh i love julian and his house is amazing why are people sleeping on julian he should be on this list but number 11 is julian nominalist but nevertheless the coolest horse in the game or technically he's a unicorn but you know what i'm saying number 11 julian all right number 12 oh who's this uh bertha this birthday yes number 12 is bertha definitely not on the list big old bertha number 12. [Music] no lucky number 13. here we go don't mind the chicken on the screen you ignore it oh hey this is a cherry right this is cherry why did i change my tool number 13 is cherry oh it kind of fits guys 13. she's like all like scary looking with the shirt not scary but like halloween you know but uh awesome anyway number 13 is cherry all right number 14. is this marina is this oh it's not marina i just saw pete and got excited oh no but who is this i forget their name this is peaches peaches all right well number 14 is peaches number 15 is who do we have hey wait a minute um oh i forget your name number 15 is mo now on the list but number 15 is mo number 16 and we have yet to find anyone on the list who is that that's a squirrel not marshall though but who is it um i don't know let's talk to them number 16 is hazel halesa with the uh unibrow in a caring haircut whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah exactly hazel all right i'll see you later number 16. number 17 oh oh hey we finally found someone on the list hey number 17 is bo all right our first one only in 17 tickets all right get started run on a roll i feel i feel like we're gonna find them all like back to back after this one anyway number 17 is bo number 18 going off our good luck from both number 18 is not on the list this is tipper right number 18 is tipper but after this after this raymond watch number 19 who do we have who do we have that is oh i think that's uh is that is that oh yes heck number 19 is okay number 20 oh is this uh is it gunzo or ozzy one of them one of those guys gonzo hi number 20 is gunzo number 21 we have a money rock island again oh uh i don't know their name al donkey kong louie it is the gun number 21 is louis number 22 he is oh number 22 is octavian again octavian why can't you be zucker or marina i like i tell you though but nominees number 22 octavian number 23 number 20 uh this is violet right number 23 is violet definitely not on the list 23. number 24 oh why aren't they on the list aren't they adorable all right well we already found a bow so we don't need any more deers well we actually we do need fauna we do need finals so stand corrected anyway number 24 is bam number 25 we're 1 8 of the way done oh number 125 is tony the tiger what's his real name rowan number 25 is rowan number 26 oh oh who is this again what is their name number 26 oh candy oh candy her cheeks really scare me but she's cute though she's cute number 26 is candy number 27. number 27 is is that gunzo again that's the sodium right number 27 is ozzy yes 27 number 28 oh is that antonio number 28 is antonio number 29 number 29 money rock island um hello number 29 is renee all right number 29 is renee number 30. who do we have oh oh wait a minute timbre have i met timber before she looks so sad oh anyway number 30 is timbre number 31 we have oh oh oh isn't that cereal right hey number 31 is sheree she's on my youtube violin she's like she she's very cute she's often time outside doing yoga a lot but number 31. number 32 we have oh oh i got excited i thought it was marina number 32 is velma number 33 oh wait a minute who's this oh have i seen them before kitty oh kitty whoa that's my sister-in-law's name i wonder if she knows that this villager is in the game i gotta tell eliza number 33 is kitty number 34 is oh hello what is your name again i forget uh okay sherry number 34 is sherry hi sherry bye sherry number 35. here we go number 35. do i need a ladder or i don't even know oh nope they're right there number 35 is renee renee down the list but number 35 is renee number 36 we have oh wait a minute oh that's a penguin i forget their name though number 36 we have wade wade oh okay all right well number 36 is wade down the list but a cute kingdom number 37 oh yes number 37 is fun another one on the list we're rocking it rolling guys we're rocking and rolling number 37 is fauna one of the cutest deers in the game all right awesome let's keep it moving number 38 here we go number 38 is oh wait who is this number 38 is poppy i was gonna say poppy poppy popped up in my brain and i was like poppy question mark but it is poppy all right number 38 is poppy number 39 is flurry we're just talking about somebody was talking about mcdonald's sprite in the chat room and now we have mcflurry number 39 mcflurry number 40 money rock island yet again oh wait what's your name again nana nana yes number 40 noun list number 40 nana number 41 oh this is uh what is his name spike hello biff oh number 41 is this hey my guy bye bye guy 41 number 42 oh this is um forget their name though kit number 42 is kits 42 number 43 number 43 oh my goodness number 43 is coach definitely now on the list uh but number 43 is coach number 44. oh wait a minute oh no hey now on the list though but it's carmen how are you doing carmen how are you number 44 is carmen number 45 we have what kind of island is this fancy island trash island something where's the villager number 45 is hello oh who's this [Music] oh hey number oh wait a minute number 45 is max hi all right number 45 is mac number 46 oh it's judy a number 46 is judy we are rocking in a row we're doing so much better than last time guys so much better than last time number 46 judy let's get some judy emotes in the chat number 46 judy number 47 we have hey hey wait a minute number 47 now on the list but pretty cool number 47. all right number 48 oh number 48 is sandy hey sandy now on the list but number 48 is sandy number 49. we oh hey wait a minute did you see them earlier or someone different someone different number 49 is uh mail all these names oh my god yeah mayo number 49 all right number 50. we are officially one fourth of the way through all the nook mountain tickets number 50. we've had some decent luck so far actually let's see if we just left going number 50. here we go that is boomer number 50 is boomer now on the list i i hear a lot of people like boomer though so hey you like them i love them number 50. number 51. here we go number 51 oh oh what's this guy's name again oh no olaf hi number 51 is olaf 52 number one oh i wish it was 152 number 52 [Music] oh another gorilla uh who are you again caesar whoa number 52 number 53 oh hey is it miss wendy hi i haven't seen you in a while i haven't seen you in ages how have you been when he was on my youtube album uh but hi wendy yeah take care number 53 number 54. oh this is um oh this uh no this is flipped oh my goodness look at those teeth oh my goodness all right number 54 is flip number 55 oh oh wait a minute what's their name they're they're a ninja what is their name snake oh yes snake number 55 is snake the ninja bunny watch out 55. number 56 is bitty okay all right well number 56 bitty cute hippo anomalous number 57 is hey it's a mouse it's a mouse number 57 is three fifty seven three number 58 here we go oh is that anybody is that anyone number fifty oh hey sterling number 58 is sterling sterling is a cool eagle in my opinion i like scoring a lot but number 58 is sterling number 59 what do we have here oh oh wait a minute who is that i actually don't know who that is in the background there hello tex number 59 is tex i don't think i've ever seen them before either they look cool cool penguin little penguin but number 59 is tex my wife would like text she wants all the penguins anyway number 59 number 60 let's go number 60 is is that oh my goodness number 60 is coco [Music] nice all right man we are doing so good number 60 is coco guys coco uh has a vibe coco has a vibe but a lot of people like her but number 60 is coco we're doing really good number 61 guys we're doing so good who is that that is not on the list or they are not on the list i didn't mean to call them a batch that's rude but uh eloise number 61 [Music] number 61. number 62 oh wait a minute is that a is that a hot dog free teller number 62 is friday they are very colorful oh my goodness i i strangely like them though i strangely like them though number 62 is frida number 64. here we go we have who do we have kid so close so close but so not available 65 oh hey hey hey they are not on the list but a lot of people like them right yeah chevra nice but number 65 very adorable very adorable number 66 here we go oh whoa whoa whoa who is this have i seen them before almost almost jumped on their head 2-2 okay i have seen tutu before just to not remember but number 66 is two two big old bear big old white fluffy bear number 66. number 67 rockin and rollin who do we have hey i forget their name is that lobo is this lobo wolf gang all right wolfgang how are you sorry sorry i messed up your name it's wolf gang but number 67 is wolfgang number 68 i see someone uh pink in the background that is that who's that all that oh didn't we see them earlier is that bitty yes number 68 is a bitty again number 69 who do we have judy again are you kidding we have judy again number 69 oh the chat is quaking number 69 judy number 70 number 70. oh it's another uh eagle is this celia i think it's cecilia right yes number 70 is celia i like her a lot actually i do like her a lot number 70 celia number 71 here we go oh uh this is grizzly right we found ike earlier notice ike again like again number 71 is ike number 72 we have tipper again number 72 is tipper number 73 oh wait a minute this is apple isn't it number 73 is apple how many people like apple apple is pretty cute the number 73 is apple number 74 we're almost at 77 lucky number 77 here we go who do we have who do we have oh what is their name again oh my goodness pee number wee is pee wee number 75 we have oh who is that oh who is that actually blair number 75 is blair i've never seen them before new to me 75 is blair number 76 oh wait a minute um oh what's your name again forget soleil yes oh yes she looks really cool doesn't she guys i like her i like her she's a little nice little hamster beautiful beautiful hamster number 76 lucky number 77 let's see who we find here guys we've been doing really well this hunt lucky number 77 let's go who is it gonna be who is it oh my goodness marina marina lucky 77 hey man this son is going fan this is the best hunt ever ever that's what this video should be called best hunt ever number 77 marina number 78 let's see who we find number 78 where are you where are you come to me oh it's a mouse bree again like the cheese light the cheese it's free all right anyway number 78 brie number 79 who do we have number 79 is oh this is a phoebe number 79 is phoebe phoebe has a really awesome house if you have ever seen it it's really awesome number 79 all right number 80 number 80. oh wait a minute i don't i don't know their name who is this number 80 is snooty oh snooty snooty number 80 is everyone's favorite right snooty number eight we took a little break but we are back on number 81 so let's see who we have here number 81 who do we have oh is that um oh i forget in the avery avery right yes avery is really awesome i like april but obviously he's not on the list but number 81 is avery number 82 who do we have here that lion got a lion it is it is rex hey rex is my birthday twin by the way guys rex is my birthday twin but number 82 is rex nominalist but birthday twin number 83 oh wait a minute is this maple oh yes i believe so hey what's up maple how are you number 83 is maple she is very cute she's not on the list for some reason guys sleeping on maple anyway number 83 maple number 84. here we go what is the bottle there i wonder will i take it number 84 hey this is cube right yes 84 is cubed nominalist but number 84 is cubed number 85 here we go number 85 is who is it is this brufina i don't remember is this roofina i think so no it's ava ava oh it was kind of kind of cute i like ava i like ava ava number 85 take her take her number 86 number 86 where are they hello oh uh number 86 is anna-lysa number 86 is anna-lysa not on the list gonna keep it moving number 87 oh octavian yet again how many times is this three four number 87 octavian number 88 double eight uh who is that i know them i know you i don't know your name number 88 is pinky number eight pinky now on the list number 89 that's a fossil there we have someone said it was gonna be zucker but it is not zucker this is uh sicilia again though right yeah number 89 is celia 89 is celia number 90 we're getting up there guys we're getting up there number 90. who is this wait whoa that's a blue bunny it's a blue bunny oh doc that's kind of cool i like them but yeah number 90 is dog nominalist number 91 here we go number 91 oh it's knox again we saw knox earlier hey knox number 91 is knox number 92. oh hey buddy lopez right no bruce bruce that's just some love for bruce he's a nice guy right he's a nice guy number 92 bruce number 93 who do we have oh we got zucker hey progress we are doing it we finally got like a nice all right number 93 zuckerman we are sailing we are sailing 93 zucker number 94 number 94 who do we have oh hello this is megan right hey yes number 94 is megan 95. who do we have is this wolfgang again maybe possibly lobo this is low ball there we go who got a little this time number 95 is lobo number 96 oh wait a minute who is that oh i thought i was rodney for a second hamlet number 96 is hamlet nice number 97 number 97 uh tank yes 97 is tank number 98 oh who is that number 98 is sprinkle hey sprinkle sprinkle looks pretty nice i like her but nonetheless unfortunately 98 sprinkle number 99 oh hello hello um alice hayes alice alex is pretty nice i like her number 99 is alice number 100 oh dang it it's a cat but not the ones we're looking for what's your name pearl oh pearl is kind of unique i like them but number 100 is pearl number 101 here we go oh have we seen them earlier i don't know i don't remember renee again yes number 101 is renee number 102 oh my goodness this is harry right this is harry number 102 yes number 102 harry number 103 do we have for me number 103 is nana again right yes the 103 is nana number 104 why are we getting why are we getting all these uh all these monkeys hi uh this is flip again isn't it yes flip number 104 is flip number 105. here we go moneyrock island that is a hippo that is a hippo oh who is this bubbles okay 105 is bubbles 105. number 106. oh um isn't this uh pashmina that right yes number 106 pashmina number 107 maybe this would be lucky for us let's see who it is number 107 is this is rafina right number 107 is no plucky i keep getting all the chickens mixed up number 107 is plucky number 108 here we go oh this is isn't this um i don't know who this is actually whitney bang i was gonna say dang it all right number one away this thing number 109 number 109 here we go was that who's that number 109 is oh hello opal number 109 is opal 110 guys we only have 90 tickets left 90 tickets we need to find i believe eight villagers let's see if we can do a 90 tickets here we go and we find i don't even know who this is hello who are you bones hello bones number 110 is bones number 111 who do we have oh that is a duck is this um oh what's her name uh malory yes number 111 is malory number 112. here we go who do we have i see them back there who is that oh it's a rabbit no not a rabbit it's a frog oh it's henry number 112 is henry nice number 113 who is it would be um uh number 113 is jack number 114 we have oh number 114 we have avery again i like avery number 114 is avery number 115 who's that oh uh i forget their name hello and 115 is leonardo leonardo 115 leonardo number 116 here we go money rock give me some good luck money right here we go that is not good luck money rock what are you doing to me number 116 number one seventeen one seventeen number one eighteen oh this is a uh fin island right number one eighteen he's pretty cool i like his little sweater there dragon 118 number 119 oh hey hey look at this guy this guy ed oh yeah and the horse hit the horse number 119 120 120 here we go who do we have oh they're right here who's again leonardo 120 is leonardo they snuck up on me number 121 here we go here we go 121 is i don't know so we're getting a lot of lions now number 121 is rex my birthday buddy again 121 rex number 122 here we go oh he's right here elvis there it is you're watching this video just got a maintenance alert for the update coming out tonight here we go but number 122 elvis 123 here we go oh this is um joey right number 123 joey with joey with the with diaper tail hanging out not sure how effective that is 123 joey 124 here we go we have oh oh what's this guy's name again angus that is so rude angus 124 with a fire shirt on 124 angus number 125 here we go here we go is that knox again yes i don't even got to go over there guys number 125 is knox number 126 oh i see him already i see him already this is kyle hi kyle number 126 kyle number 127 back up a second kyle i just realized kyle is who everyone has been trying to tell me to find for my youtube island because he is a musician i didn't even like i was like hey kyle blackout but anyway yeah kyle you're pretty cool anyway number 127 here we go oh that's another line we finding so many lines this is bud but it's very laid back 127 bud number 128 here we go oh oh oh i thought it was i keep thinking this is rodney 128. what is your name again hamlet number 128 is hamlet number 129 who do we have hey it's fuchsia again number 129 is fuchsia number 130 here we go number 130 is holy again number 130 is oh cyrano i've only seen him maybe one or other time number 130 number 131 um number 131 is admiral yes i've seen ammo before number 132 um another penguin who is this guys number one 32 is oh fridger hi hi how are you cute penguin my wife would like her but number 132 number 133 number 133 we're getting down to the bottom here guys oh hey hey we found our buddy again we found our buddy again bo how's it going my guy how's it going number 133 is bo again number 134 who do we have hey this is uh frank keaton i always mix them up who is frank number 134 is keaton number 135 here we go 135 i think i see them over here no no i i don't know what i saw it wasn't them though i'm stuck where are we going number 135 i think it's a frog oh no wait a minute it is a squirrel hey nibbles oh yes we've seen nibbles before 135 is nipples number 136 oh 136 we have maple again maple maple is very adorable but yeah not on the list 136 maple number 137 number 137 he is i see you i see you're trying to hide here oh wait a minute hey bluebear number 137 is blue bear i like blueberry like blueberry 137 blueberry number 138 here we go oh i see them that is uh what's her name again renee number 138 is renee again hi renee how are you doing today tonight you ready for the update renee number 139 who do we have oh it's apollo it is apollo why isn't apollo way more popular it's apollo come on come on put some respect on his name apollo anyway 139 is apollo number 140 who can it be that's another line we're getting so many lions uh oh hello rory again okay yeah rory number 140 is glory this waterfall is so loud rory number 141 we have hey isn't this a ship right yes 141 is ship hi guy what's going on hopefully you're having a great time out here 141 is shipped number 142 who's that that's our boy sterling again number 142 is sterling again hi sterling hi sterling i would like to have sterling too you charlie would be cool now sterling apollo would be cooler i think though apollo there's something about hollow anyway 142 is sterling number 143 who do we have oh that is oh is that bitty again yes 143 is a bitty again third fourth time hi hi bitty bye bitty number 144 who do we have 144 oh oh got excited for a second whoa [Music] ricky number 144 is ricky he looks very angry at me i'm sorry ricky my bad my oh i'm leaving jeez number 145 who do we have oh this is uh pashmina again number 145 is cash i mean a lot of people like patch me know apparently she should be on the top list number 145. number 146 we have oh it's the horse oh the horses always confuse me for being a uh a deer with the ears oh you have a star on your head winnie number 146 is windy number 147 147 lucky number seven who do we have this is not this is plucky again number 147 is plucky if you can see her behind all the emotes 147 plucky number 148 here we go that is not bob same color palette snooty again oh lord number one fortnite is snooty number 149 here we go number 149 who do we have oh my goodness who is this anchovy 149 is anchovy hi 149. all right guys we're at 150 which means when we have 50 more islands to go we have a lot of villages we have not found yet do you think we're gonna find any more if i get to like 180 i have to take pretty much take whoever i find next that's on the list because we may not find another one but we'll see we may get to 200 and have to take like rafinha or somebody anyway number 150 here we go flora this is four right number one 50 is flora 150 151 here we go who do we have oh hey hello hi oh sylvana yeah we've seen her before she's a cutie number 151 not the score we're looking for but still a cutie 151 number 152 here we go number 132 oh hello uh uh this is um um i forget their name oh my goodness annabelle hello 152 is annabelle nice number 153 here we go number 153 is oh hello [Music] number 153 is everyone's favorite right 153. number 154 here we go number 154. number 154e is oh what is her name again i forget rockets number 154 is a rocket rocket bye bye all right 155 here we go oh wait a minute that tank again um yep tank hello tank all right 155 is tank number 156 we're getting down to the wire here in 156 oh goodness we have static again you are not the right squirrel static where is your friend marshall i need him number 156 static number 157 here we go number 157 oh who is that i see someone oh this is tucker tucker tucker is pretty unique character mammoth but number 157 tucker number 158 here we go oh who is this again uh forget their name hello [Music] number 158 is jay hi jay 158 is jay number 159 here we go oh we find a lot of birds we're finding a lot of birds and lions today who are you robin number 159 is robin lovely number 160 we haven't we haven't seen one of these popular villagers in a while actually we haven't seen one of them in a while but 160 here we go oh that is not who we're looking for what is your name oh ham for you pamphley number 160 handfree number 161 here we go oh we have um forget their name hello billy actually i didn't know their name do they have eyes their eyes won't open at all oh number 161 is billy number 162. who do we have oh hello this is a tammy isn't it i believe this is tammy 162 is indeed tammy hi debbie how are you how are you 162. tammy number 163 here we go here we go 163 163 is hey it's our first alligator we've seen the entire night isn't it how fun though you usually see a whole bunch of these guys anyway number 163 alfonzo number 164 here we go who could it be 164 is oh wait a minute this is eric isn't it 164 is eric he's not on the top why isn't eric on the top 164 is eric number 165 i think i already see them it's a blue pig oh hugh hi hugh he was looking she was kind of cute no right 165 is hugh number 166 oh we found maureen hey oh oh hey nice oh nice okay she is adorable but hey guys we're on 166 should we take her do you think we're gonna find someone else on the list within the next 34 tickets should we keep going no no i think everyone's saying no everyone's mostly mostly everyone is saying no mostly everyone is saying no so we're going to keep going we're going to keep going bubba rings oh number 166 bye-bye all right we didn't take meringue but here we go 167 we're nearing the bottom here here we go oh this is not anybody this is hippo hey hippo how are you number 167 is hippo number 168 number 168 we have who is this j is that who this is yes number 168 is j number 169 who do we have 169 another squirrel we met them earlier didn't we blair yes 169 is blair blair where is marshall can you bring marshall out for me please 169 blair number 170 we have 30 tickets remaining 30 tickets remaining guys so we need to try to find someone quick 170 who could it be who could it be where are ye oh what penelope i think this is the first time i've seen penelope oh my goodness that's a big old okay hi well never number 170 is penelope number 171 i see someone in the background here who do we have who do we have what's going on [Music] number 171 is oh hey hey how are you this is um what is your name what is your name margie [Music] number 171 margie number 172 who do we have hey that's this is um is this bruce again bam oh my goodness keep messing up their names 172 is bam nice number 173 scorpion island i think and we have hi elvis again hello elvis number 173 is elvis number 174 here we go oh is that another squirrel is that another squirrel yes yes um what's what other names forget tasha number 174 is tasha thanks number 174 tasha number 175 only 25 tickets left i'm getting kind of nervous i'm getting kind of nervous here we go money rock island and we have yet another lion type character oh my goodness 175 raw number 176 and by the way rolf tiger i said lion my bad tiger i meant number 176 who do we have oh um it's ham free again yes again number 176 number 177 no 77 that's lucky right number 177 raymond let's see raymond here we go here we go guys 177. we have not raymond okay all right we have bill oh wait a minute oh we were we were on a nintend talk show they were talking about bill we found bill but we're not taking bill number 177 number 178 here we go it's angus again number 178 is angus 178 179 here we go oh hey this is agent s is it not what we keep finding squirrels but not marshall how many of your squirrel friends have we found ajness marshall's next then right number 179 agent s we are on island 180 we have 20 tickets left so that means at this point the next villager we find on that list is the one we're gonna take at this point now if we don't find any villager on that list and we make it to 200 then we're gonna take whatever villager is 200. wish me luck number 180 let's see who is it are you kidding me [Laughter] marshall could not plan this better could not plan this better oh my goodness marshall we just said that too we were like next i just said next is gonna be marshall did i not did i not marshall oh my goodness we're taking them guys we're taking them yeah we got them we got them we got it all right very nice very cool that is a big old kawinki dinky nice nice nice marshall here we go guys 180 tickets later we have marshall and it's kind of fitting he is smack dab in the middle of my resident area that is pretty cool but our challenge today we found one two three four five six seven eight nine nine of the most popular villagers of july so i think we did pretty good anyway guys if you liked the video make sure you smack that like button subscribe if you're new and click the bell icon to turn on your notifications because we are getting dangerously close to another nintendo switch light giveaway once we hit 10 percent of everyone with notifications turned on nintendo switch light giveaway engaged anyway love you guys thank you so much for watching the video and i will see you in the next one take care peace out bye
Channel: Kang
Views: 139,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kang Gaming, July's Most Popular Villagers, June's Most Popular Villagers, villager hunting, animal crossing villager hunting, Rare villager Hunt, rare villager hunting, Most Popular Villagers, rare villager hunting animal crossing, Hunting for Rare Villagers, nook mile tickets hunting for a rare villager, rare villagers animal crossing new horizons, rare villagers animal crossing, top ten animal crossing, 200 Nook Mile Tickets, Hunting for villagers
Id: v5CfWhHMjT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 23sec (3443 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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